Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, August 27, 1909, Image 3

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$ptrial Uoticfs. Ice Cream Supper. 9 The M. W. W. Society of Olivet church, will give an Ice Cream supper at the residence of Mr. J. Frank Ashe, McCtonnellsville, beginning at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, August 31. 8ervice? at Ramah. j# There will be services at Ramah w church on the 1st Sunday of September kt 11 o'clock a. m., conducted by Mr. D. M. Clark. T. A. Brown, Clerk of Session. Congregational Meeting. Rev. A. S. Rogers of Rock Hill will < conduct services In the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church of Yorkville next Wednesday evening at 5.30 - - - .... . ? ?Q11 tn O'ClOCK. ana Will moaeniie a, W ? made by a congregational meeting to be held Immediately afterward. Haag's Show. (Helena News.) Haag's Animal Show has come and ftk gone, and It must be confessed that ~ everybody went away pleased with it. The whole program was good, some exceptionally fine. 'A noticeable feature with the show, was there were no fakes along. The Mighty Haag Railroad Shows will ? exhibit at Yorkville on Saturday, Sep? tember 4. York Baptist Association. The forty-first annual session of the York .Baptist association will convene with Flint Hill church on Tuesday, September 7, 1909, at 11 a. m. It is earnestly desired that each church shall be represented by a full delegation and that each delegate will go determined to remain until the final adjournment. It Is the desire of the Flint Hill congregation that all who can conveniently do so will come by private conveyance, but it will do its best to take care of all delegates and visitors who may come by rail, provided they will notify Jas. F. Boyd or Rev. Edw. S. Reaves, Fort Mill. Pinevilie, N. C., is the nearest station. Edw. S. Reaves, Moderator. Sam M. Grist, Clerk. 66 tf The Parade. Tc"> much cannot be said of The Mighty Haag Railroad Shows' parade ~ which takes place dally on the public streets free for everybody and is one mile in length and Introducing features never attempted by any other show for their street pageant. No paraae is complete without a callope and Mr. Haag has spared no pains or expense in this everlasting feature of the pa0 rade. Not only have the Haag shows one of the finest caliopes in the world, but have been fortunate enough to secure the service of Signor Lamont, who is considered the premier of callope players and will not only gladden the hearts of the children, but everybody as well with his up-to-date selections. H 9hf (Jotton Jflarhet. Yorkvllle, August 27.?Cotton 121. New York Cotton. New York, August 26.?Spot cotton t closed quiet; middling uplands 12.85; middling gulf 13.10; sales today 700 bales. Futures opened steady and closed barely steady as follows: Aug. 12.33; Sept. 12.22; Oct. 12.29; Nov. 12.29; Dec. 12.30; Jan. 12.27: Feb. 12.27; March 12.28; April 12.28; May 12.30. New York, Aug. 26.?Early advances In the cotton market today were followed by reactions, the close being at practically the lowest and barely steady at a net decline of 6 to 13 points. The opening was steady at an advance of 2 to 3 points and after a lit ^ tie irregularity, tne maraer suia up iu "* a net gain of 4 to 5 points with December contracts touching 12.42, the highest level they have reached since that position sold at 12.04 last Saturday. This Improvement reflected the steadiness of the Liverpool market, encouraging reports regarding foreign * trade, claims that new crop cotton for forward shipment from the south was only obtainable above New* York contract parity, and further private reports claiming recent deterioration in the eastern belt. Liverpool was a moderate buyer here; there was some demand from the south, covering by local shorts, and a little demand from 9 commission houses on the advance. Preliminary crop reports on Georgia and Alabama by a prominent local authority, Indicated that conditions had been maintained during the month, but while this disappointed local bulls, it was offset by the private reports of W more recent damage during early trading, and the break after midday was due to weakness in Wall street, reports of hedge selling against the prospective movement, the larger estimate for tomorrow's receipts at Galveston, and reports that the gulf storm might bring rains where needed in the southern part of the belt. Early buyers seemed to be liquidating on the decline and while the southern spot market officially reported early were *m/?V?nnwn^ 1 - hi^hor thoro wn u 11CV U11V. iiangvu x uv Ii*0itv?i ki?v*v MV evidently continued uneasiness regarding the ability of the market to absorb the early movement above the 12-cent level. Receipts at the ports today 7,133 * bales against 3,346 bales last week and 10,011 bales last year. For the week 30,000 bales against 14,397 last week and 71,498 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 75 bales against 10 last week and 518 last year. At Houston 4,583 against 1,833 last week and 6,211 ^ last year. WARNING. WE, the undersigned Freeholders of Bethel and King's Mountain ^ Townships, hereby warn all persons ^ against Hunting Foxes, Birds, or other Game, or otherwise trespassing on our lands. Any person disregarding this notice may expect to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. J. B. Robinson, Mrs. M. V. Davis, S. A. Robinson, J. J. Henry, ^ A. M. Wallace, Wm. S. Henry, W. D. Leslie, J. L. Carroll, T. F. Jackson, W. M. Barber, J. T. Bradford. J. M. Ford. C. T. Thomas, R. T. Smith, J. A. C. Love, D. M. Ford, J. L. Stacy, R. A. Jackson, J. F. Pursley, J. B. H. Jackson. E. B. Price, PIANOSlOR SALE We want YOU to see our PIANOS. Seeing means that YOU are Interested. ^ Hearing means Believing. Your Examination and Our Prices mean that we will have a satisfied customer. We are In the business to sell Pianos and our customers must be satisfied. # NEW RECORDS. Come and hear the New September Records?Now on Sale. You don't have to own a machine to hear these Records?they are Free? at least the music Is free, If you'll visIt our store. i ii..? e u ... Mi,.;. it OCC UUl IUII^ IIS I U1 IVIM?>W ??. It Includes everything that is good. , R. B. DAVIDSON CO. ? THE MUSIC STORE ? I Want Your > Business I take this opportunity of reminding every individual owning property that can and may be destroyed by fire, that I am prepared to insure them against loss in case said property is burned. I represent about a dozen tire insurance companies and among them are several of the oldest and strongest in existence. I want your business and am prepared to protect your interests as thoroughly and at as low cost as any agent representing reputable companies with ample assets. 1 also represent a strong and liberal accident insurance company as well a.a live stock insurance Co. SAM M. GRIST. NO USE ENUMERATING I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE?AND WHAT IS MORE I DO HAVE IT. LOUIS ROTH. THE CITY MEAT MARKET. Sherer & Ferguson. We Have Moved [PHONE NO. 74.] We have moved our place of business just across the street from our old stand, and are still moving every day from early to late In order to keep our Market supplied with the best meats In season, and the prices reasonable, and that we are doing this to some extent, is very evident from our ever increasing trade and comments of satisfied customers. If you are not already one of our customers, give us an order and be with the majority. Beef, Veal and Mutton today. SHF.RER & FERGUSON. fas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee, President. Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. "COTTOLENE" Shortens your food; lengthens your life. Use one third less than any other cooking fat. Nature's gift from the Sunny South. Contains no hog fat. It is pure and wholesome. Food cooked with It, Is easily digested. Shingles, Iron Roofing and all kinds of Building Material. Let us sell you a Mowing Machine and Rake to save your hay. York Supply Company. J.L. WILLIAMS & CO. School Days ARE HERE AGAIN. Mothers, here you will find just the kind of Goods for the Girls' Dresses, in Linens, Ginghams, Light Weight Wool Goods, and at the Lowest Pric?s. FOR THE BOYS. We have the famous Mrs. Jane Hopkins' Suits, at $2.00 to $7.00_Each. Our line or Girls ana Boys tonoes Is complete. Let us show you over our entire line. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. WTVJE DO NO CREDIT BUSINESS. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BKOS. ZENITH We have just received a car of Zenith Flour?Nice, Fresh and at Right Price. There is no excuse now for not having good bread?because Zenith Flour will give you entire satisfaction. Get the Best?don't make the mistake of trying "something just as good"?but get the Best and you will be sure that you are right. West End Coffee is Guaranteed as to quality. Cotton Baskets?We have about 400 on hand. CARROLL BROS. THE BEST TO BE HAD. I MAKE it a point to all times keep for my customers only the VERY BEST Fresh Meats, Vegetables, etc., that the market affords. Give me your orders and I will give you Good Meats and Good Service. Green Hides wanted at all times. WALTER ROSE. MONEY TO LEND ON improved farms in York County, Repayable in five easy, annual installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. 63 f.t 6m. A CHANCE FOR . OUR CUt TO C LINC0L1 I It was our original Lincoln pennies to giv tomers a penny. The} get and we have or hand. We know th; would like to have one they last we will give mers as they call for t If you want one, todaj THE NATION A. V ABSOLUT ROCK HILL - - ! W. T. RODDEY, President. I ?SS?0S?^? I UNITED 1 TEL The Price of U Preferred, Par YES. IT IS TOO BAD THJ $30 A SHARE. YOU CAN SEE IT IS $40 OR $45. AS FROM PR PECT. THE RAPID DEVELOPM1 PREMACY AND SUPERIORIT /^?/\TTfT\Tn A MT BM'Aiviiji unumnu L/uiunm | RANT RAPID ADVANCES, A PER SHARE. WHILE THE COMPANY I! THAT THE EARNING P0SSI1 TEN TIMES THE PRESENT j THAT THE STOCK WILL SO' I BUY NOW AT $36 PER SH AND THE HIGHER IT GOES ' THE RECEIPTS FROM "W THE WEEK ENDING JULY 1< WEEK; FOR THE WEEK EN CEDING WEEK. THE BUS ARE ABLE TO GIVE IS FOR OF 77 PER CENT OVER THE ! ALONE BIDS FAIR TO EAR I* COMPANY'S TOTAL CAPITA! IF IN THE PAST YOU HA PRICES, DO NOT LET SLIP 1 VANCE IS ANNOUNCED. 8T< A. H. A INVE, I r _! D L (k,ommzTLiui mju.hk NOW IS 1 High-Class Sales Agem September "Wii FARMERS' BUSINESS We give particular attention to the business of farmers. A checking account is a convenience no farmer should be without. Make your deposits by R. F. D. Mail and draw checks. You will always be able to . make the right change, no need to stop work to come to town for the cash. THE LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK YORKVILLE, 8. C. REED ROCKERS I We are now showing a very handsome line of Reed Rockers in various sizes, for Children, Misses and Grown Folks. Call and see them. You'll like them. TRUNKS AND VALISES. Don't forget that we carry a good line of Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases, land sell thein at right prices. See us if you want First-Class Furniture of any kind?we can please you. Yes, we have Stearns & Foster Mattresses?$7.50 to $15 Each. I Carroll Furniture Co. FOR SALE. THE Hurt house, Lincoln St. Newly built, painted, 8 rooms, 2-story, large lot, barn, cow shed, on city water line. Price reasonable and will make liberal terms to suit purchaser, one to fifteen years. Will rent for $12.50 month. See me. W. R. CARROLL. 51 f tf. CLOTHES CLEANING. 1AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladles' skirts In a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs R. R MeCLAIN B0- The Enquirer office Is especially well equipped for handling Briefs and Arguments. Send us your next one. A MAJORITY OF |j STOMERS IET A If PENNY intention to get enough e each one of our cusr hnirn 1\npn /liffipillt tn ily a limited suj)ply on j at all of our customers of them and as long as them out to our custohem. ' is the time to ask for it. L UNION BANK I ELY SAFE || SOUTH CAROLINA IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier. WIRELESS ECRAPH CI 'nited Wireless Telegraf ticipating Stock Is Now VT YOU DIDN'T BUY WHEN IT WAS : WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE MADE ESENT INDICATIONS THIS WILL 1 SNT OF THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS Y OF THE UNITED COMPANY AND 5 FOR "UNITED" APPARATUS FRO iND WE LOOK FOR THIS STOCK TC S CAPITALIZED AT *20,000,000, IT C 3ILITIES ARE SUFFICIENT TO WAR] oat?t>t?at r?t> tona aah nnn> rTiwSFlQTI V^nn l /\u, V_/JLv f0wtvvv,vvv, ON, SELL AT $100 A SHARR ARE, DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS $50 THE MORE ANXIOUS YOU WILL BE IRELESS" MESSAGES FROM SHIPS ) SHOW AN INCREASE OF 30 PER C DING JULY 17 AN INCREASE OF 20 JINESS HAS GAINED CONSTANTLY, THE WEEK ENDING AUGUST 7. W] PRECEDING WEEK. THE BUSINEJ I SUFFICIENT PROFIT TO PAY DIVI LIZATION. VE NEGLECTED OPPORTUNITIES 1 THIS OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN ST 3CK $35 PER SHA 4cLEAN STMENT SECUR1 Building HE TIME T ts Wanted?Write or Call f eless", Which Tells You Wonderful Invention. Herndon & Gordon. JUST ARRIVED? Nov lot of Tinware and a New Lot of Jelly Tumblers. fee us for the Best, Home-Made H&me Strings?They're strong. See us for STONE CHURNS?they are lots better than wood?going, too. One lady has bought more than $3 worth of "FINO" Coffee?She got an excellent grade of Coffee, and besides she got many nice dishes. See them. We sell the Best Flour, Meal, Meat, Hams, Lard, Molasses, Salt, Irish Potatoes, Hominy, the Best Teas and Coffees, Sugar, Rice, etc. We sell Candles and everything in Confectionery. Smoke our "C1NCO" Cigars?good. HERNDON dL GORDON. HIDES. - - . - - Prices fair; not quite so high as two weeks ago. I pay up as they go up, and pay down as they go down. W. H. HERNDON. EVERY7WM In MILLINERY New Establishment at Dobson ... Old Stand ... It gives me pleasure to announce to my friends of Yorkvllle and vicinity, that I have yielded to the expressed desire of many of them and to my own preference and inclination, in a determination to establish a Millinery business in Yorkville. I will occupy the store room formerly occupied by Mrs. T. M. Dobson, and will be ready with a select stock of Pattern Hats and a complete assortment of Millinery goods not later, I hope, than the second week in September; but as much earlier as possible. MAMIE D. SHAFFER. Middletown, Md., August 20, 1909. TOILET SOAPS We are now showing our customers the nicest line of 10 Cents' Toilet Soaps that It has ever been our pleasure to carry in stock. This line is a special production of the famous perfumery house of Alfred Wright, and we can say with full assurance that this line of 10 Cents' Soaps is the acme of perAsk to see our Toilet Soaps and fection in Toilet Soaps at this price. It Is put up three cakes to the box? 10 Cts. a Cake. It is delicately per IUIIICU?? 1UUI UUUi o ua lunuiio, Madcap Violet, Lilac of India, Rose of India, Carnation Pink. Ask to see our Toilet Soaps and preparations. THE YORK DRUG STORE. PROMPT SETTLEMENT THE FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. has paid $1,000 each for four claims, caused by the deaths of membors who lived in and near Yorkville, all of which occurred within the last few months. We Pay Claims as Quick as the Proofs of Death are in, even if it is the next day after death occurs. S. H. GRIFFITH, M. D. Gaffney, S. C. SPECIALIST. PRACTICE limited to treatment of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat diseases, and the Fitting of Glasses. Office hours?9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 p. m. 45 f 3m. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. During the summer months and until further notice, the office hours of The Lindsay Studio Willi be from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. Studio will be open every day during these hours. Phone 132. DMPANY I )h 7 Per Cent I 1 $35 a Share I ! SELLING AT $25 OR EVEN || TODAY. DON'T WAIT UNTIL g| BE SOONER THAN YOU EX- || !, THE ACKNOWLEDGED SU- |1 ITS SYSTEM, AND THE CON- W M ALL QUARTERS. WAR- l| ) SOON SELL AT $40 TO $45 || AM HP rT.WATH.V SHOWN RANT A CAPITALIZATION OF ENTLY OUR JUDGMENT IS i, BECAUSE YOU WILL BUY TO OWN IT. ON THE GREAT LAKES FOR :ENT OVER THE PREVIOUS i PER CENT OVER THE PREAND THE LAST REPORT WE EHCH SHOWS AN INCREASE 3S ON THE GREAT LAKES DENDS ON THE UNITED 'O PURCHASE AT FORMER OCK BEFORE ANOTHER ADRE & CO., TIES Charleston, S. C. 0 INVEST or a Copy of AugustAll About This 1^* Woodmen of the World Monthly Receipt Books at The Enquirer Office. | >2t WE . * - ? 4? t Headqi * FO ^ FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, OA 4*.. AND SHOULDERS YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A ^ ABLE GROCERIES AT OUR STC * REED'S ANTI EVERY PIECE OF REEI GUARANTEED NOT TO RUST. A, WE CARRY A FULL LINE ^ WARE, DISHES, ETC. $ BAGGING ?$? WE ARE PREPARED TO 1 3* NEW BAGGING AND TIES, AN] GING AND SECOND-HAND TIES SEE US WHEN YOU ARE 3 ON, TURN PLOWS, MOWERS ^ WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS. . . WE WANT YOU TO SEE U TVTFND TO DO ANY FENCING. eg* EN WIRE FENCING ON THE A ^ COME AND SEE US BEFORE I * The YORKVILLE A m" We Pay YOU to SAVE. THE SECRET in accumulating a fortune is in knowing how to save the small amounts earned, and gathering them_ into shape. Deposit One Dollar in our Savings Department and place the little amounts with It each week or month and you will find an object worth pursuing:. BANK OF HICKORY GROVE FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. HAVING made a final return to the Probate Court of York county, as administrator of the estate of J. N. Smith, deceased, I hereby give notice that on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1909, I will make application to said court for a discharge from further liability in connection with said estate. A. W, SMITH, 67 f 5t Administrator. WW Fancy Blotting Paper for fancy work at The Enquirer office. Large sheets?four colors. MY* YMT MYM TMT MY* YMY I - Builders' ar J WHEN YOU ? 4 BUILD, SEE US I J WARE. We not or M in thla line that yoi v will Make You Mc 5 On What You Need We carry a full ^ Hardware, includini u Sash Locks and Li' ^ Pulleys, Blind Hing X cut; Galvanized, Pi Jsition Roofing and else needed By the J If IT is Hardw < HERE. See Us fo \ Yorkville H: MA MAM A MA MAM A MA MAM AMA I Fashionable Hats For Men? A man's HAT is as important to his being well dressed as is his clothing. The Hat gives the finishing touch to the rest of his wearing apparel, and every man should be sure to wear the Hat that is becoming to his style. We want you to come and see our NEW FALL HATS?They are here in the latest shapes and shades, and In the right qualities at prices that are satisfying?48 CENTS to $5.00 Each. Men's and Boys' Caps?the latest in styles?25 CTS. to $1.00 Each. Good Domestic Values GINGHAMS, in small checks, and CHAMBRAYS in good patterns, Going at 5 CENTS the Yard. 36-inch WHITE 8HEETING at 5 CENT8 a Yard. WHITE DRESS GOODS in all the newest weaves?10 CTS. to 50 CTS a Yard. The BEST In SHOES When you are ready to buy SHOES and want Shoes that Will Satisfy, I will be pleased to have you come and let us show you what we have. We have the QUALITIES, the STYLES, the LEATHER8, and we know that Our PRICE8 can't be beat for Like Qualities. Every Shoe we sell is Guaranteed to Be ALL Leather?If Not You Get Another Pair. There are quite a lot of Extra Good Bargains on Our ODDS AND END8 SHOE COUNTER?Especially in Low Shoes. Better See Them. Come and 8ee Our Goods?It Gives Us Pleasure to 8how Them. J. Q. Wray, The Leader HAVE YOU! Examined the Penn Mutual's Low Cost Policy? It meets the requirements of all classes. The already low premium Is reduced every year by a substantial dividend. QnnnortaH hv it* fllxtV-Odd yOBSt? experience, the Penn Mutual issues a Clean, Clear Contract and GUARANTEE8 larger benefits than are required by the laws of amy state. Investigation solicited, no obligations Imposed. D. T. WOODS, Local Agent. ARE * 4? carters i * ll.liill.iilllWW.ll.ll.fi * R . * TS, MEAT, LARD, HAMS 4? FRESH SUPPLY OF SEASON- 4* >RE. ^ -RUST WARE * )'S ANTI-RUST TINWARE IS 4? TRY IT. ^ I OF TINWARE, ENAMELED . 4? AND TIES t vIAKE THE BEST PRICES ON ^ D ALSO ON REWOVEN BAG- 4* CN NEED OF A BUGGY, WAG- ^ AND RAKES. OUR PRICES 4? 4? S ABOUT THE WIRE IF YOU WE HAVE THE BEST WOV- 4? MERICAN MARKET 'lODAY. 'OU BUY. m. & MER. CO. * $ 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* J* J* 4? 4? 4? 4? Birth Month SPOONS SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. Yes, they are here?the newest things in Souvenir Spoons?Sterling Silver, too?heavy weight?one for each month of the year?with the Sign of the Zodiac and the Flower of each month?come and see them?they are pretty?out of the ordinary?Sterling Silver, remember?90 Cts. Each? 131 nil IVIUIILII ispuuiia. The Next Wedding YOU are Invited to remember that you can find Just the thing1 you want to send the bride at SPECK'S? all kinds of suitable goods?low priced, medium priced and as high as you want to pay?you will find something to suit you here. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. RIDDLE'S CHAMPION ROLLER MILL WE have recently installed a granulating machine that increases the yield and quality of flour, and we are giving the most satisfactory results that have ever been obtained in this country. Try us, R. F. D. No. 2, Clover. R. B. RIDDLE. FOR RENT. DICKSON HOUSE, King's Mountain street, next Garrison. C. E. SPENCER. SR ft . tf DTK Y*Y TRY *Y* Y*Y *Y? Hardware- ? M iRE READY TO -OR THE HARD- g ily keep everything 1 will need, but we iney Saving Prices i line of Builders' # m ? Locks, Hinges, ? fts, Sash Cord and X ies, Nails, wire and ^ tinted and CompoI almost anything ? House Builder. rare, You'll Find IT r TOOLS. ardware Co. t n UK A*A Ititt A*A *A? - ? ? ?* trami hi n innima m He Thinks Po Bernard Shaw, a picturesque ] self, has written greater plays thi tracted considerable attention by garding money and poverty. Instead of taking the Scripturt | the root of all evil, Mr. Shaw say is the one hopeful fact in our civlll social conscience. "Money," he strength, honor, generosity and b? } niably as the want of it represer j meanness and ugliness. Not the stroys base people as certainly as i l pie. It Is only when it is cheapen made impossibly dear to others tl j .ng need of the nation is not for b ' perance, liberty, culture And the evil to be attacked is nol kingcraft, demagogy, monopoly, 1 liui ajiy umci ui mo ocojjcbuuio n ply poverty. The greatest of evils erty, and our first duty?a duty tc should be sacrificed?is not to be ] If It be once conceded that pov to be tolerated, how Is its abolish: the only certain way is by industi of the bank habit; and, generally i son of poverty is In every man's h choose. While the acquirement and posi any patent of nobility, it is lndispv hance one's self-respect This Is one man's idea. Whi the Saving habit to be good and V sired in a good bank and welcome with This Growing Bank. THE FIRST NAr YORKVIL O. E. WILKINS, Pres. PIANOS and - ORGANS Every home where there are children should have either a Piano or an Organ and as only one of these instruments is bought in a life-time, it <a wall Knv fha Pasi Vaiii* Mfinau 10 ? VI* WV MUJ ?WWW% Will Buy. We sell the SCHUL2 Pianos and Organs and are quite sure that at the prices at which we offer the different styles of Schulz Instruments there are none to be had that are their equal in Tone Quality, Lasting Quality, Finish, Durability and Reel Value. Come and let us show you these instruments. Don't buy until you have our prices. The quality of our Pianos and Organs and the Prices we Quote, will be a guide to you as to what you ought to expect for your money. You can pay less and get less; you may pay more and not get so much as you would if you bought a Schulz Piano or Organ. Let us show you. Sewing Machines Search the whole list of Sewing Machines through and you will And none that are equal In Light Running, Perfect Sewing and Lasting Qualities, such as you will And In the White and Standard 8?wing Machines. We sell both of these?either will give you entire satisfaction. See us about Sewing Machines. CASH OR CREDIT?8uit yourself. YORK FURNITURE CO. REPAIR WORK When you are ready to repair your buildings, come and see us for the Rough or Dressed Lumber that you will need. If the roof needs patching, see us for Pine or Cypress Shingles, Painted and Galvanized Tin Shingles or Composition Roofing; also see us for Laths, Lime, Fibre Plaster and all kinds of Building Material and Builders' Hardware, as well as Paints, Oils, Varnishes, vte. If you say so, we will send a carpenter along to do the work. Phone us youd wants. J. J. KELLER & CO. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY The Fancy Grocers DISHES Call and see our lines of DISHES ?Plain and Decorated. We have KARO and "PERFECTION" Brand Molasses and Corn Syrup?Good, too. Mason's FRUIT JARS and RUBBERS?You'll need a few more. Dr. Betty's POULTRY and STOCK POWDERS?Good time to use It See us for Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco and Snuff. See us for CARBON for your Smoothing Irons. See us for the best Barrel Pickles. See us for COFFEES, TEAS and POSTUM. jusi in?a rresn line 01 unoice Candies. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. I LAST WEEK THE THOMSO HAPS THE LARGEST SINGLE CASES AND HANG BAGS EVER The shipment includes all qui and BAGS from the cheapest to t ones because we know there is a Cases and Bags. We bought the that there are many of our custon Only the BEST?So no matter wl Find What You Want at THOMSC We can't describe them, but you to come and see for yourself. TRUNKS?All Sizes and Price Our $10.00 Trunk, for Instant and width, swing tray, Iron bound ed edges, heavy wooden stays, let and lock?a most elegant and sut lady?Splendid Value at the Price* Our $18.00 Trunk?Is 36 inch width, two trays, linen lined, reir ends, brass trimmings and locks, tial Trunk and splendid value at tl Trunks, Suit I SUIT CASES From 98 Cts. to Our 98 Cts. Suit Case Is the c a little higher price, and then thrc $15.00 Quality, which is the limit solid cowhide leather throughout, i lows style on one side, 24 inch st mings, leather binding straps. Ar Wicker and Matting Suit Cast leather bound corners, strong an $2.50 and $3.00 Each. HAND BAGS?All qualities, f There are lots of good ones, out of the ordinary and rich enou is solid leather, soft and flexible, 1< frame, fasteners and locks?in she price for the quality. See it?$10 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL BOO! light and roomy, convenient for cai etc; clasp fasteners. Only 25 CTS SEE OUR TRUNKS, SUIT ARE GREAT. THE THOMSG verty a . Crime [rishman, who according to hlma,n Shakespeare, has recently atf some new pronouncements reil view that the love of money Is s the universal regard for money Izatlon. the one sound spot in our i declares, "represents health, sauty as conspicuously and undelts illness, weakness, disgrace, least of Its virtues Is that it det fortifies and dignifies noble peoed to worthlessness for some and lat it becomes a curse. The cryetter morals, cheaper bread, tembut simply for enough money. ; sin, suffering, greed, priestcraft, gnorance, drink, war, pestilence, hlch reformers sacrifice, but slmi and the worst of crimes is pov? which every other consideration poor. erty Is something that ought not ment to be secured? Manifestly, y, self-denial and the cultivation speaking, the antidote to the Poland, to be used or not as he may session of property do not confer itable that, as a rule, they do enit do you think of it? We know i'e offer yon every thing to be de? your account. Come and Grow riONAL BANK LE, S. C. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier.| 11 I AM SELLING 8now Drift?Hogleas Lard. Heinz 8wMt Picklee?in barrels. Heinz Pickling Vinegar. Smoking and Chawing Tobacco. I am headquarters for all grades of TIT A and COFFEE. I W. JOHNSON. A Doctor's Prescription 18 A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO THE DRUGGIST. It instructs bim to compound certain drugs to be used In relieving the sick. We fully realise the Importance of using the very beet and purest drugs In compounding the prescriptions that come to our store, and exercise the greatest care in mixing the medicines so as to give the doctor's patient the greatest possible good to be gotten as a result of his knowledge of what Is needed. Bring your Prescriptions to Us and F**' ours they will be proper- vifiL ly filled. THE STAR DRUG STORE. Fruit Jars When you are ready to begin the summer campaign for canning and pickling, such as require GLASS FRUIT JARS, RUBBERS and TOPS, come and iee us for prices. We will sell you If you will. PURINA FEED?For Horses there Is nnthlne nuite so food as Purina H'JMO Feed?It furnishes every necessary article of diet for work animals In the most convenient form. Try a sack and you will use it continuously. Porlna Chicken Feed?Assures healthy, rapid arrowing chicks, and egg producing hens. The most successful poultry growers feed Purina. OATMEAL/?In sealed tin cans?It is cleanly, sanitary, free from bugs and is always sweet and fresh. Let us send you Oatmeal hi Cans. Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. BRIDGE CONTRACT TO LET. NOTICE Is hereby given that on AUGUST 31ST, Instant, at 11 o'clock a. m., a contract will be let for the building of a bridge over Susybowl Creek, near New Bethel church. I County will furnish lumber only. Plans and specifications may be seen at the letting. Successful bidder required to give bond In double amount of bid for faithful performance. Right to reject any and all bids reserved. CLEM F. GORDON, Supervisor. Attest: Hazel Grist. Clerk. Yorkvllle, S. C? August 13, 1309. 65 f . St N COMPANY RECEIVED PER- I SHIPMENT OF TRUNKS, SUIT H nnnnmrn TV VOmrVTT.T.E | I\DV^?JX T JUiy XAI A . alities of TRUNKS, SUIT CASES he best. We bought the cheaper demand for cheap Trunks, Suit better grades because we believe tiers who Demand and Will Have lat you want In quality, you will ?N'S?IT IS HERE, will give you an Idea and Invite s from $1.25 to $18.00 Each. :e, is 36 Inches long, good depth on all corners, and iron reinforcither binding straps, brass snaps istantlal Trunk for gentleman or ?$10.00. es long, proportionate depth and iforced metal corners, edges and leather straps. A most substanhe price?$18.00. Coses, Bags m $15 Each. irdinary canvas case that sells at iugh the various grades up to the In Suit Case construction. It is specially tanned and flexible, beleele frame, brass lock and trimi extra Case at the price?$15.00. :s?For Ladies' use,. 24 Inch size; d well made, extremely light? ram 50 Cts. to $10.00 Each, but our $10.00 Bag Is something gh to travel In any company. It rather lined, pockets inside, brass jrt a swell bag at a very modest .00 Each. K. CASES?Hand Bag shape, yet rrylng books, pencils, pens, lunch, I. Each. Only a few of these. kSES AND HANG BAGS?TIIEY N COMPANY