ROCK HILL HAPPENINQ8. School Board Hopoloaaly Tiod Up? Narrow Escape from Drowning? w Personal and Other Note*. Corr**pond?nc? The Yorkvllle Knqulrer Rock Hill, August 20.?As was expected, the local school, board failed to agree on the proposition from Wlnthrop to rent the High school building. At a meeting of the board held Tues4f day afternoon the communication from Governor Ansel offering to rent the property, was read and a resolution was offered and seconded that the board rent the property to Wlnthrop for one year at *120 per month, Wlnthrop to make necessary repairs; but when a vote was called for, the result * a ntvo intlt thp tnree iur ciiiq uu cc proposition. The result was the same when & motion was made that the board go into an election for a successor to the late Captain Roddey. There appears to be no longer any doubt of the feet that the board is hopelessly tied up on any matter relating to Wlnthrop college and Just what the final outcome of the matter will be is hard to say. There seems to be a pretty strong feeling among the people, however, that the entire board should resign and that the legislature be petitioned to pass an act authorising the people of the school district to elect their own trustees instead of having a self-perpetuating ~ board, as is now the case, and it is understood that a petition asking for this action on the part of the board will shortly be circulated for signatures. i Dave and Ike Bigger, sons of Dr. I. A. Bigger, and Tom Sandlfer, son of Mr. Bishop Sandifer, narrowly escaped meeting a tragic death by drowning in Catawba river last Tuesday afternoon. They were members of a party of twenty-five or thirty who went out to spend the day on the river at the Carhartt farm. They, with several other boys, left the party and went further up the river to go in bathing. They swam across the river and while returning became exhausted and were carried down st-eam by the swift current Their cries for help attracted the attention of those ashore but they were powerless to help the three young" men, now annuel einauuied, but still struggling for life in the swift current of the river. But one of the Bigger boys Anally drifted on to a large rock and his brother landed ,j? on the Ash traps and they managed to remain in this perilous position -until rescued by means of a boat, which had to be brought from quite a distance. Young Sandifer braved the swift current better than his two companions, and with the assistance of his young # friend, York Wilson, who went to his rescue, managed to swim ashore. It was indeed a narrow escape for the young men and an experience which they are not likely to forget soon. Quite a number of people, including a large number of children, were poisoned by eating ice cream at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Barron on Oakland avenue. Monday afternoon. Mrs. Barron had invited some of her friends to luncheon, at which ice cream was served and shortly afterward nearly all of those present were taken very sick. A physician was summoned and administered antidotes, and thev all soon began to improve, but some of - the party did not fully recover from the effects of the poison for several # hours. The cream was made In the Barron home and It is not known What caused it to poison those who ate It. News was received In the city on Wednesday afternoon that Judge Memminger had died an opinion in the clerk's office at Yorkvllle ordering that the minority school trustees of this city, file a bond of 13.000, within ten days, otherwise the temporary Injunction which they have sued out against the sale of the High school property to Winthrop will be dissolvel It will be remembered that the # majority members asked that the bond be increased from $500 to 35,000. Cards were issued yesterday to the marriage of Miss VUoi Wood, daughter of Mr. Foster Wood of this city, to Mr. John H. Watson of Greenville, which event will take place on the evening of Wednesday, September 1, ^ at the home of the bride's father, on West Main street For some time Miss Wood has been stenographer for Colonel Aull, editor of the Newberry Herald, but she recently resigned this position and returned home. At the picnic at Oakland church on Wednesday, a match game of ball was - played between the Ogden and Har* mony teams, which resulted in a victory for Ogden by a score of 6 to 4. The Ogden boys will cross bats with Bethesda today at the Ogden picnic, and they will play McConnellsville on Saturday on the latter's grounds . . . Dr. J. Porter Hollis and H. M. Dun 9^ lap, Esq., will deliver addresses at tne closing of the Ogden school today. Quite a number from this city wili attend the exercises. Mr. S. F. Roddey is very ill with pellagra, at his home in this city. Mrs. J. J. Collins is also very low with the same disease and is not expected to live. Dr. W. W. Pennell returned to the city Wednesday night from Rochester, Minn., where he spent a week or ten days with the celebrated surgeons, the Drs. Mayo, talking a special course in surgery. ? fjtcial Jotices. Dr. S. H. Griffith Of Gaflfney, will be at the Shandon hotel next Wednesday and Thursday, 25th and 26th, prepared to fit glasses * for all* who want them. It Services at Clover. For special reasons the appointment for services at the A. R. P. church of ^ Clover on the fifth Sabbath, has been cnanged to next Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., and in the absence of the pastor, will be filled by Rev. W. H. Stevenson. R. M. Stevenson, Pastor. Picnic at ivit. varnon ^nuren. There will be a basket picnic at Mt. Vernon church. Hickory Grove, on Friday, August 27th. The public is invited to attend. Everybody come and bring well-fllled baskets. Let us enjoy the day socially and let good will and the cheerful words go round. There will be good music and singing and other things for entertainment on the programme. R. L. A. Smith, For the Committee. 66 t 2t Church Home Orphanage Acknowledgments. The Superintendent of the Orphanage acknowledges with grateful thanks, k many useful donations from the fol lowing friends: Mr. Brown Neil (patent well top), Mesdaines Wilson, Bratton, Radcliffe. Herndon. Wilkins. Wylie, Jones, Moore, Wilson, McNeel, Hart. T. P. Moore, Allein, Williams. Caldwell, Misses Barron, Moore, Jones, Lindsay, Johnson, Drs. Barron and w Bratton, Col. Coward. Messrs. Wallace. Grist, Rose, Mason Bratton, Williams, Walker, Dunlap, Bratton, Lindsay, McCaw, Moore, Jennings, Allein, Keller & Co., (two benches); Mrs. McDow (l dozen embroidered sheets for memorial room; and four hours sewing, cutting and mending each week, given by the ladies of Yorkville. It * York Baptist Association. The forty-first annual session of the York Baptist association will convene with Flint Hill church on Tuesday, September 7. 1909, at 11 a. m. It is earnestly desired that each church V shall be represented by a full delegation and that each delegate will go determined to remain until the final adjournment. It is the desire of the Flint Hill congregation that all who can conveniently do so will come by private conveyance, but it will do its best to take care of all delegates and visitors who may come by rail, provided they will notify Jas. F. Boyd or Rev. Edw. S. Reaves, Fort Mill. Pinevilie, N. C., is the nearest station. Edw. S. Reaves, Moderator. - Sam M. Grist, Clerk. 66 tf OBITUARY. PlKP?At Avery, Texas, on August 12, 1909. Master R()Y. 6-year-old son # of Mr. E. J. Devlnney, formerly of York county. M. B. JENNINGS, Board of Corporators. Yorkville, S. C., Aug. 20. 1909. It money to lend ON Improved farms In York County, Repayable In Ave easy, annunl Installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. 63 f.t 6m. por sale. THE Hurt house, Lincoln St. Newly built, painted, 8 rooms, 2-story, large lot, barn, cow shed, on city water line. Price reasonable and will make liberal terms to suit purchaser, one to fifteen years. Will rent for 112.60 month. See me. W. R. CARROLL. 61 f tf. the best to be had. " I MAKE It a paint to all times keep for my customers only the VERY BEST Fresh Meats, Vegetables, etc., that the market affords. Give me your orders and I will give you Good Meats and Good Service. Green Hides wanted at all times. WALTER ROSE. warning! WEI, the undersigned Freeholders of Bethel Township, hereby warn all persons against Hunting Foxes, Birds, or other Game, or otherwise trespassing on our lands. Any person disregarding this notice may expect to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. L. T. Wcod, M. B. Massev, I John R. Lono. Walter Garrison, T. B. Goforth" John Phillips, L. H. Simril, Dave Armstrong, W. H. Baird, W. 8. Hogue, T. W. Jackson, Jsane Miller, D. F. Jackson. B. C. Warren, C. T. Brandon, W. O. Youngblood, Perry Ferguson A. 8. Barron, J. W. Mullis, J. F. Wallace, Julius Phillips, 65 f It PROMPT SETTLEMENT THE FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE IN8URANCE CO. has paid $1,000 each for four claims, cajsed by the deaths of members who lived in and n?ar Yorkville, all of which occurred within the last few months. We Pay Claims as Quick as the Proofs of Death are in, even if it is the next day after death occurs. Herndon & Gordon. See us for the Best, Home-Made Hame Strings?They're strong. See us for STONE CHURNS?they are lots better than wood?going, too. One lady has bought more than $3 worth of "FINO" Coffee?She got an excellent grade of Coflfee, and besides she got many nice dishes. See them. We sell the Best Flour, Meal, Meat, Hams, Lard, Molasses, Salt, Irish Potatoes, Hominy, the Best Teas and Coffees, Sugar, Rice, etc. We sell Candles and everything in Confectionery. Smoke our "CINCO" Cigars?good. .See us for Musical Instruments. We carry a fair line of Hardware. Don't forget our ice box has the best of Ice Cold beverages. Our Mr. Herndon has not returned. During his absence those who owe us will please make immediate payment to the Junior member of the firm. Those who nave claims against the firm will please see Mr. H. HERNDON & GORDON. THE CROSSETT w r? SHUL LET US INSIST THAT YOU COME AND SEE OUR CROSSETT LINE OF SHOES FOR MEN. The goodness of CROSSETT Shoes doesn't just happen?it is built into every CROSSETT Shoe from the raw material to the finished Shoe that we offer you over our counters. Every particle of leather is carefully selected and picked for its quality and fitness for the shoe of which it is to form a part?in a word. Crossett Shoes are Built fir the Man Who Wants the Most Shoe Value for the Price He Pays. Come and ask to see the Crossett line of Shoes for men. "Crossett's Make Life's Walk Easy." The Thomson Co. YOU SHURE WILL Come and trade at SHEREE'S. I need all the trade I can get and will thank you for It. Store open from 5 a. m. to 8 p. m. In Vegetables this week I have Cabbage, Sweet and Irish Potatoes. When you can't get EGGS and BUTTER at SHERER'S, little boy you can go back home and tell your Ma there are none in town. i r wont tho, RPST RRRP in town, cut in the latest styles, come to OLD GEORGE'S MARKET, and you sure will get it. If you want to get trade in Yorkville, You must run a Credit Store, And at the End of every year You likely will be Poorer. OLD GEORGE, THE BUTCHER. ihe (fotton Warhft. Yorkvllle, August 20.?Good middling, 12Jc. New York, August 19.?Cotton, spot closed quiet: middling uplands 12.80; middling gulf 13.05; sales none. Futures opened steady and closed steady as follows; Aug. 12.29; Sept. 12.22; Oct. 12.25; Nov. 12.25; Dec. 12.24; Jan. 12.23; Feb. 12.22; March 12.26; April 12.24; May 12.27. FOR SERVICE FULL Registered Poland China Boar. Fee, 82 or a pig. My home is near Bethany. It' H. E. WATTS. FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. HAVING made a final return to the Probate Court of York county, as administrator of the estate of J. N. Smith, deceased, I hereby give notice that on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1909, I will make application to said for a discharge from further liability In connection with said estate. A. W. SMITH, 67 f 5t Administrator. OPENING OF BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION. NOTICE is hereby given that the Books of Subscription to the Capital Stock of the SHIEDER DRUG COMPANY will be opened at the office of Flnley & Jennings in Yorkville, on SATURDAY. AUGUST 21. at 10 a.m. T> T OHTPnRB J. M. BRIAN COMPANY The Fancy Grocer** DISHE5 Call and Bee our lines of DISHES ?Plain and Decorated. We have KARO and "PERFECTION" Brand Molasses and Corn Syrup?Good, too. Mason's FRUIT JARS and RUBBERS?You'll need a few more. Dr. Petty's POULTRY and STOCK POWDERS?Good time to use it. See us for Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco and Snuff. See us for CARBON for your Smoothing Irons. See us for the best Barrel Pickles. See us for COFFEES, TEAS and POSTUM. Just In?a Fresh line of Choice Candies. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. Capital $ 50,000.00 Surplus 33,000.00 Deposits Over 200,000.00 Resources Ov?r .. 300,000.00 The High Character Of service rendered by this Bank, combined with its extensive Resources, I commends it to the Most Conservative! Depositors. We Solicit Your Business, and would appreciate all or a part of your account Guaranteeing to You the Best Possible Protection. THB 1.0AN ANl) SAVINUS BANK YORKVILLE, S. C. J. L. WILLIAMS <& CO. SHOE NEWS We sold last season 300 Pairs of J. E. Tilt $350 and $4.00 Shoes for Msn. We have from these sales at least 298 Satisfied Customers. The Tilt line has the snap and style to them that wearers of good shoes want. Every pair Is made with White Oak Inner and Outer . Soles. If you want $&00 Shoes for $4.00 a Pair, Look at Our TILT LINE. We certainly believe It Is the best $4.00 Shoe in the world today. We will be pleased to have an op ? u.. TTT.T llna pununuy iu ouun juu vnc ? of Shoes whether you wish to buy or not. Come, Look and Compare TILT Shoes with any $3.50 and $4 Shoe you have ever seen. We will be glad for you to make comparisons. We are Headquarter* for 8hoe* for All Members of the Family. J. L. WILLIAMS ft CO. ITWE DO NO CREDIT BU8INE88. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee, President. Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. TAKE NO7 We Ar? Making Very Attractive Price* C i FLOUR, MEAL, 8HORT8, 8UQAR, . FRUIT JAR8, CORN. Com* and 8** U*. Iron Roofing?Painted and Galvanized, V-Crimped and Corrugated. Two carloads of 8hingles. Paint for Iron Roofing. Tick Emulsion kills Ticks on cattle, lice on cattle, horses and hogs. York Supply Company. TO THE FARMER Whose name appears on our books, with a balance to bis or her credit, who presents the first check given for a bale or more of new crop cotton sold on the Clover market, we will give FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD The Bank of Clover, CIiOVBR, 0. O. HAVE YOU! Examined the P?nn Mutual'? Low Cost Policy? It meets the requirements of all classes. The already low premium is reduced every year by a substantial dividend. Supported by its sixty-odd years' exDerlence. the Penn Mutual issues a Clean, Clear Contract and GUARANTEES larger benefits than are required by the laws of any state. Investigation solicited, no obligations imposed. I). T. WOODS, Local Agent. Bethany High School Thorough instruction. Healthful location. i*it; luncsi taico. Fall session opens September 7th. For Information, write the Principal, NEAL A. RANSON, Clover, S. C. 59 f 8t RIDDLE'S CHAMPION ROLLER MILL WE have recently Installed a granulating machine that increases the yield and quality of flour, and we are giving the most satisfactory results that have ever been obtained in this country'. Try us, R. F. D. No. 2, Clover. R. B. RIDDLE. S. H. GRIFFITH, M. D. Gaffney, S. C. SPECIALIST. PRACTICE limited to treatment of Eye, Ear, Note and Throat diseases, and the Fitting of Glasses. Office hours?9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. 45 f 3m. A GOOD BANK Th? IHHIBI FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 "SAVIN* u 1 It Is said of \f meat packers, that they lose noi % and it Is reputed to the "Standa: A from the crude petroleum, but v that there is absolutely nothing r It Is the little things that wc 2 if saved, make an independent fi You should not wait until k think is a sufficient sum, before < 0 gin with what you have. A SIN 3 an account in the Savings Do pa 7 add to it as much and as often 1 Sure Way to build. m Look not at the Dollar NOW V you will have a snug account, if I The 90 per cent of old peo] one to care for them in their d importance of providing this "Ok We invite your account and with this GROWING Bank. THE FIRST NA YORK VII O. E. WILKINS, Pres. A Doctor's Prescription 13 A VERY IMPORTANT ME88AGE TO THE DRUGGI8T. It Instructs him to compound certain drugs to be used In relieving the sick. We fully realize the Importance of using the very best and purest drugs in compounding the prescriptions that come to our store, and exercise the greatest care in mixing the medicines so as to give the doctor's patient the greatest possible good to be gotten as a result of his knowledge of what Is needed. Bring your Prescriptions to Us and Fool ours they will be proper* ly filled. THE STAR DRUG STORE. VXW HTH TUT HTH TUT HYH TH1 1 - Builders' I( 5 WHEN YOU i 4 BUILD, SEE US I Jr WARE. We not o ^ In this line that y< v will Make You M 2 On What You Nee< * We carry a ful ^ Hardware, includli 5 Saab Locke and L Pulleys, Blind Hin U cut; Galvanized, P 3 sition Roofing an * else needed by thi j T If IT is Hard' < HERE. 8ee Us fi jj Yorkville H AHA HAH AHA HAH AHA HAH AHA New ! Piirnitiirnm - ^UtVVl XV IO IIVV ? V\|U>> VV? "J IIIV VV?I1 pany that I Inspect the stock, but It is required that I know the owner. It Is not my purpose to canvass the territory assigned me for business, but I shall always take pleasure In giving any Information desired by those wishing to Insure their stock, if they will call at my office. SAM M. GRIST, Insurance. BRIDGE CONTRACT TO LET. NOTICE is hereby given that on AUGUST 31ST, Instant, at 11 o'clock a. m., a contract will be let for the building of a bridge over Susybowl Creek, near New Bethel church. County will furnish lumber only. Plans and specifications may be seen at the letting. Successful bidder required to give bond in double amount of bid for faithful performance. Right to reject any and all bids reserved. CLEM F. GORDON, Supervisor. Attest: Hazel Grist, Clerk. Yorkvllle, S. C., August 13, 1909. 65 f 3t W" Fancy Blotting Paper for fancy work at The Enquirer office. Large sheets?four colors. . A GOOD BANK HHH1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK n n s\ S [j OUIYIL | "Armour & Co.," America's largest J thing of the hog but the "squeal," T rd Oil Co.," that they lose nothing 3 the disagreeable odor. They see X lost that is worth "Saving." > do not consider worth while, that 9 nture. J you have accumulated, what you I iepositing it in the Bank. But be- y OLE DOLLAR will start you with rtment of this Bank and you can h as you will, and This is the only * , but look a few years hence, when % you will "Keep At It" [>le that are dependent upon some --i eclinlng years, well illustrates the j I Age" fund NOW. i I want YOU to come and GROW I TIONAL BANK j LLE, S. C. I R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. J Fruit Jars When you are ready to begin the summer campaign for canning and pickling, such a* require SLABS FRUIT JARS, RUBBERS and TOPS, come and fee us for prices. We will sell you If you will. PURINA FEED?For Horses there is nothing quite so good as Pnrina Horse Feed?It furnishes every necessary article of diet for work animals In the most convenient form. Try a sack and you will use it continuously. Pnrina Chicken Feed?Assures healthy, rapid growing chicks, and egg producing hens. The most successful poultry growers feed Pnrina. OATMEAL?In sealed tin cans?It Is cleanly, sanitary, free from bugs and is always sweet and fresh. Let us send you Oatmeal in Cans. Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. r *ro tot *ro tot *ro tot *to Hardware- 5 ? ARE READY TO FOR THE HARD- g nly keep everything % >u will need, but we oney Saving Pricaa . 11 line of Builders' m iff Locks, Hinges, ^ ifts, 8ash Cord and X gas, Nails, wire and ^ airrted and Compod almost anything ? s House Builder. ?are, You'll Find IT ?r TOOL8. * ardware Co. | kak aha hah aha hah aha hah Fashionable Hats For Men? a man's HaT Is as Important to his beinff well dressed as is his clothlnff. The Hat ffives the finishing: touch to the rest of his we&rinff apparel, and every man should be sure to wear the Hat that is becomlnff to his style. Wa want you to come and see our NEW FALL HATS?They are here in the latest shapes and shades, and in the right qualities at prices that are satisfying?48 CENT8 to $5.00 Each. Man's and Boys' Caps?the latest in stylos?25 CT8. to $1.00 Each. Good Domestic Values QINQHAM8, in small checks, and CHAMBRAY8 in good patterns, Going at 5 CENTS the Yand. 36-inch WHITE SHEETING at 5 CENT8 a Yard. WHITE DRE88 GOODS in all the newest weaves?10 CT8. to 50 CT8 a Yard. The BEST In SHOES When you are ready to buy 8HOES and want 8hoes that Will Satisfy, I will be pleased to have you come and let us show you what we have. We have the QUALITIES, the STYLES, the LEATHER8, and we know that Our PRICES can't da oeat ror lik= Quatitie?. Every Shoe we sell is Guaranteed to Be ALL Leather?If Not You Get Another Pair. There are quite a lot of Ext^a Good Bargains on Our ODD8 AND ENDS 8HOE COUNTER?Especially in L?".v Shoes. Better 8ee Them. Come and See Our Goods?It Gives Us Pleasure to Show Them. J. Q. Wray, The Leader Birth Month SPOONS SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. Yes, they are here?the newest things In Souvenir Spoons?Sterling Silver, too?heavy weight?one for each month of the year?with the Sign of the Zodiac and the Flower of each month?come and see them?they are pretty?out of the ordinary?Sterling Silver, remember?90 Cta. Each? Birth Month Spoons. The Next Wedding YOU are invited to remember that you can find just the thing you want to send the bride at SPECK'S? all kinds of suitable goods?low priced, medium pnceu u.uu tu mgu o? you want to pay?you will find something: to suit you here. T. \V. SPECK, Hie Jeweler. SEED IRISH POTATOES THOSE WAN'l'inu ULU genu IRI8H P0TAT0E8 FOR FALL PLANTING, CAN FIND THEM AT MY PLACE. THEY ARE FINE STOCK. LOUIS ROTH. Hammocks WE HAVE JUST A FEW FIRSTCLASS HAMMOCKS THAT WE WANT TO CLOSE OUT QUICK. WE WANT THEIR ROOM AND WE DON'T WANT TO CARRY THEM OVER. TO MAKE IT WORTH YOUR WHILE TO BUY NOW. WE HAVE CUT THE PRICES DOWN VERY SHARPLY?QUITE ENOUGH TO INTEREST YOU IF YOU WANT A HAMMOCK?AND THESE HAMMOCKS ARE THE KIND THAT WILL LAST SEVERAL SUMMERS. IT IS TO YOUR INTEREST TO SEE THEM NOW AND GET OUR PRICES. Lawn Settees? JUST A FEW OF THEM LEFT? BUT THEY GO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST. THEY ARE WONDERFULLY COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT FOR LAWN OR PORCH. COME AND LET US TELL YOU THE PRICES ON HAMMOCKS AND LAWN SETTEES. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY KIND OF FURNITURE 8EE OUR 8TOCK AND GET OUR PRICE8?WE CAN 8ATISFY YOU IN QUALITY AND IN THE PRICE8. YORK FURNITURE CO. Get a Free Copy of WIRELESS for JULY. MWir*l?Mw Is a publlcatlon^for ae nous people; people wuu nuu w uo well Informed on the subject of the Wireless Telegraph and Telephone and to know what Wireless is doing; the extent it is being used; what it is accomplishing and the favorable opportunities in Wireless Just now for investors. Worthless Wireless stocks are being offered by brokers. "Wireless" tells the exact value of the different kinds of Wireless stocks. It will pay you to get posted. Tou can have this valuable information for the n^klnf as a copy of July "Wireless' *dl oe sent you free upon receipt of your request. PARTIAL LI8T OF C0NTENT8. Will the financial record of the Telephone be surpassed? Wireless Control of ships of the Navy. Newspapers using Wireless. Record of Recent Saving of Lives and Vessels. Wireless Progress. Another Wireless Triumph. Wireless Telegraph and Shipwrecks. Wireless' Operation Compared with Wire Systems. What the Wireless Has Done. How Wireless Works. Recent Court Decisions in Wireless stock Transactions. 1... <_ Vrtm . nt TTirVIVM AO A1VA ? ^UVi*v??UVU w* Interest to children or young people. A free sample copy may be obtained by any adult sending: his address to Wireless, P. 0. Box 506, Charleston. 8. C. THE CITY MEAT MARKET^ Sherer & Ferguson. Just Phone "74" For The Best Meats.... If you want something nice and fresh to satisfy your appetite, just call up No. 74, and let your wants be known. To get the best, order the day before you want It For Saturday, we will have our regular line of Ham, Beef, Pork and Sausage. Also nice Veal and Mutton. Wanted small fat Hogs and Eggs. SHERER A FERGUSON. M. L. Carroll^ u. w. uarron. CARROLL BROS. Old English Floor Wax Will add greatly to the appearance of your floor*; make them easier to clean and easier to keep clean. It also gives a beautiful finish to Furniture and Interior Woodwork. Call and let us tell you more about it. We sell 0L0 ENGLISH FLOOR WAX. CARROLL BROS. Crutches Yes, we try to take care of the crippled as well as the sick, and have a full line of CRUTCHES of various ? lengths, and can fit almost any one | who is so unfortunate as to need one ' or a pair of CRUTCHES. If you 1 should need CRUTCHES, come and let us supply you. SOW TURNIPS NOW. The weather is Just about right for sowing Turnip Seed for an early fall crop. We have a large variety on hand from the best growers and will be pleased to supply your wants. Don't forget to see us for CHILL remedies. We especially recommend our CHILL PILLS?They cure. THE YORK DRUG STORE. i AM SELLING Snow Drift?Hogloes Lard. Hoinz 8woet Picklea?in barrels. Heinz Pickling Vinegar. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. I am headquarters for all grades of TEA and COFFEE. I. w. juruNdujw. FOR RElfT. DICKSON HOUSE, King's Mountain street, next Garrison. ! C. E. SPENCER. ( 36 f.t . tf I 2e?2ee2?e!Le2*?!Le2ee2e?2e *2* ?2c >2 TTTTTTTTTTT T5 J WE . 4? ? i Headqi 4? FC ^ FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, OA 4* AND SHOULDERS 4* YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A a dt p nnnrmrpe t t nm err I REED'S ANTI EVERT PIECE OP REEI egft GUARANTEED NOT TO RUST, ju WE CARRY A FULL LINE WARE, DISHES, ETC. BAGGING * WE ARE PREPARED TO 1 T NEW BAGGING AND TDS8, AN] GING AND SECOND-HAND TIES $EE US WHEN YOU ARE ] T* ON, TURN PLOWS, MOWERS WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS. - WE WANT YOU TO SEE U f INTEND TO DO ANY FENCING. 4* EN WIRE FENCING ON THE A ^ COME AND SEE US BEFORE 1 * The YORRVILLE A * i* *? ? Isn't This Proof Enough ? Out of the 46 members present at a recent meeting: of the Musicians' Union of Duluth, 26 were owners of Tali lng Machines, and out of the 26 machines, 22 of these were Edison. That in our estimation, is quite sufficient to prove to the public that Edison goods are the best July and August Records now on sale. See our stock of Sheet Music, lest you forget We sell PIAN08. R. B. DAVIDSON CO. ?THE MUSIC STORE ? rk i m ss n ttawis rinmning t;o. SEE DS NOW WE have an adequate force of Competent Workmen to do PLUMBING or other work In our line. We can five you all the Information that can be desired about SANITARY PLUMBING, and show you styles and prices of the LATEST, BEST and MOST APPROVED FIXTURES. COME FOR US or SEND FOR US. RAWL8 PLUMBING COMPANY. W. Brown Wylie, John E. Carroll, President 8ec. A Tress. TORKMLE MONUMENT WORKS YORKVILLE, 8. C. Anything In Marble or Granite LET US HAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR ANY KIND OF WORK IN MARBLE OR GRANITE. WE CAN PROBABLY FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS FROM OUR LARGE STOCK OF DESIGNS. IF NOT WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OTHER DESIGNS THAT WE CAN FURNISH OR WILL MAKE WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR DESIGN. A Letter or Postal Card will bring you information by the first mail. A better way is for you to visit our yard and let us show you what we have. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. WW Anything in Marble or Granite. WW Woodmen of the World Monthly Receipt Books at The Enquirer Office. A GAL I [ IN DEI ?! THE DEPOSITS OF 9D . UNION BANK AND V j & SAVINGS BANK A 0 OF THEIR DEPOSIT h When you take into consid j thing used* in the way of suj v was at this time last year, r 0 money to live now than then $ posits have made such a larg< P] The treatment that we giv< A iner our Bank, and it continues Come and be a customer oi treated right. THE NATIONAL W ABSOLUTE ROCK HILL - - S< W. J. RODDEY, President. ARE * - * * uarters t IHHWHI? WWII + >R * ?f? 1 JL'W 4? ITS, MEAT, LARD, HAMS 4> FRESH SUPPLY OF SEASON- 4* )RE. ^ RUST WARE J >'8 ANTI-RUST TINWARE IS TRY IT. ^ I OF TIN WARE, ENAMELED AND TIES J rf? HAKE THE BEST PRICES ON J D ALSO ON REWOVEN RAO- 4* L 4* [N NEED OF A BUGGY, WAG- J AND RAKES. OUR PRICES 4* 4? S ABOUT THE WIRE IF YOU . WE HAVE THE BEST WOV- 4* MERICAN MARKET TODAY. rou BUY. ^ ANK. & MER. CO. + rvvvvevvwvvv J. C. WILBORN RBAIj aiSTATll LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO SELL? ? FOR SALE ? 8. W. MoKnight Horn*?Ml icrw; 6 miles Yorkvllle; a beautiful residence of 7 rooms; new, large barn; good land. I want a quick offer. The Store Room and Residence of Geo. W. Sherer, Yorkvllle. The resldanoe of Mrs. DrakeCord. 100 Acres?Property of R. E. Melton, near C. C. Hughes; a level farm. 113 Acres?M. 8. Carroll home, near Beersheba; good dwelling; land In high state of cultivation. Cheap. loo Acres?C. Y. Mllles land, 1 mile Yorkvllle limits; 1 story dwelling. Land lies well on Pinokncar Ferry road. Fine wood land. Priee $6,300. 139 Aoree?Property of Mrs. 8. J. Barry; S good dwellings; 4$ aoree of fresh land; 100 acres In cultivation?? miles Yorkvllle. 125 Aoree?At Newport, on South era, R. R., near Roek H1IL nice rssldenoe?good land?at depot, school etc. A nioe location and good Cum. 740 aoree J. B. Lowry plantation: 8 mile* Rock Hill; I of Yorkrllle. Land Ilea level?very fine farm. 187 aeree?Adjoin landa ot&L Miller. Price $10 per acre. 200 Aeree?Marshall Campbell place In Bethel; a beautiful home and farm. Price $6,600.00. The beautiful cottage and l| acres of land; property of W. H. Whlsonant In Hickory Grove. 68ft Aeree Beautiful, level land, in Clay Hill section. 446 Acres?Nearly $00 acres In line bottoms. In Bullock's Creek township: very cheap. Property of B. M. and Jaa B. Bankhead. W. B. Keller Place?Two miles of Yorkvllle on King's Mountain road. $01| Acres. It la a beautiful home and a fine farm. Look at it and make me an offer. Walter McElwee Lot?Near Graded School. YOrkvllle, lOOxSSI feet A fine lot 270 acres, $1,700. SSS acres, $6,000, 6 miles from Rook Hill. Il| acres, W. J. Ingle property. 176 acres near C. C. Hughes. 144 acres, near C. C. Hughes. 100 acres, J. M. Seagle place. I will sell 620 acres, In town of Tlrzah. 171 acres, J. J. Scogglns place. COMB AND TELL ME TOUR WANTS?IT WILL PAT TOU. I HAVE BARGAINS FOR ALL. J. C. WILBORN. REPAIR WORK When you are ready to repair your buildings, come and see us for the Rough or Dressed Dumber that you will need. If the roof needs patching, see us for Pine or Cypres* Shingles, Painted and Galvanized Tin Shinglee or Composition Roofing; also nee us for Laths, Lime, Fibre Plaster and all kinds of Building Material and Builders' Hardware, as well as Paints, Oils, Varnish**, etc. If you s&y so, we will send a carpenter along to do the work. Phone us youd wants. J. J. KELLER & CO. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING TO THE ENQUIRER? BEST WORK AND THE FAIREST PRICES. V OF V .000 III * u >OSITS \ THE NATIONAL ^ THE FIRST TRUST ~ $ RE $130,000 AHEAD jj S ONE YEAR AGO. 2 leration that practically every F >plies is much higher than it ^ lecessarily taking much more , it is surprising that our de- I ; increase. (> e our customers is populariz- If to grow larger and larger. w t our Bank, and YOU will be UNION BANK ;ly safe OUTH CAROLINA IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier.