they are suffering from it. This is a stumbling block that will have to be overcome with tact and patience, a few good striking cures aiding most of all. The mill management is con^ fldent it will have no more trouble along this line after the work is well started, and it is shown that undoubtkAnaflt la hoin CP rlnno tKo nonnlo CU WAJVsafc vttv/ )/?vy?vi One partlc alarly pathetic, but none the less Interesting patient who was \l8ited with the physician was a girl. A She was gaunt, sallow, almost blind, and moved about the room indolently. Her talk Indicated that the disease had so long sapped her vitality that it had not only rendered her undersized by at least three years, but had affected her mentally. She spoke, gratefully, however, as did her parents of the great Improvement she had been making in two weeks, and the doctor told them he would have her entirely free from the disease in another two weeks. After that it would be a matter of building up tha system. Another interesting case was that of a woman who was in a delicate condition, out wause family physician, for a time resisted ? the idea that she was affected with ^ hook worm. The disease causes much trouble in a case of this kind. The woman was submitting to treatment, and was showing improvement Thymol, alternated with salts, is the stuff they use now to make war on the worm eggs and worms themf selves. So far the children and others, being examined and treated are those who voluntarily meet the doctor at his oiflce in the mill. In about thirty days he has found 8 per cent of those examined affected. There are three distinct stages of the disease, but he has found none so far as the third stage. "There is little danger of the disease spreading in the cotton mill villages of this state or North Carolina or Georgia," said the physician, "for the reason that almost invariably there are good enough sanitary arrangements for disposing of excretions. It is on the small farms, where these excretions are spread by the animals and fowls, and where men, women and children go barefooted mnoh nf the vear. that the disease Sept. 11.86; Oct. 11.80; Nov. 11.80; Dec. 11.85; Jan. 11.84; Feb. 11.84; March 11.85; April 11.85; May 11.88. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons indebted to the estate of J. B. STEPHENSON, deceased, are hereby notified to make pay'# ment to me at once. Persons having claims against said estate should present them to me, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. MARY S. STEPHENSON, Admrx. August 6, 1909. 64 t 3t t B?~ Standard and White Sewing Machines. S&e the York Furniture Co. PICNIC AT CLOVER THERE will be a Picnic at "Clover on Wednesday, August 18, under the auspices of the Clover and Bethel Conclaves of Heptasophs. The public Is cordially Invited and a pleasant time is promised. There will be one and . probably two ball games. R L. WYLIE. For Committee. 63.. f.t 2t -NOTICEOur customers and friends will please take notice of the following changes in our CLOSING HOURS: From June to October the Banks Will CLOSE at 4 O'clock P. M., SATURDAYS Excepted. SATURDAYS, Banks Will Close at 5 , P. M. Not Open Saturday Nights. t October to June Will Close at 4 P. M. Open SATURDAY Evenings 7 to 9 O'clock. FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK W Schulz Pianos and Organs. See The York Furniture Co. about them. J. C. WILBORN \ RBATi ESTATE LIST YOUK PROPERTY WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO SELL? ? FOR SALE ? ^ ,S. W. McKnight Home?93J acrea; r 0 nines iuiivviiir, a uetLUiiJLiii i coidence of 7 rooms: new, large barn; good land. I want a quick offer. The Store Room and Residence of Geo. W. Sherer, Yorkville. The residence of Mrs. Drakeford. J. C. WILBORN. APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. A IX concerned will please take notice that I have tnade a full set0 tlement with the Probate Court of Vork county as Executor of the estate of G. L. McNEEL, deceased, and that on September 3. 1909, at 11 a. m., I will apply to the Hon. L. R. Williams. Probate Judge of said court for a final discharge from further liability on ac^ count of said estate. S. M. McNEEL, Executor. 63 t 5t spreads, the eggs flndln- their wayl up through the soles of the feet and Into the Intestines. The work to be done at the cotton mills to wipe out the disease there is to And the cases and treat them. The disease could soon be entirely stamped out with ^ systematic work. Perhaps the most W serious aspect of the situation Is that the disease, rendering the patient weak, subjects him to tuberculosis infection. It Is expected that other mill presidents will follow Mr. Parker's example in the Immediate future. * AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. There will be prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. METHODIST. There will be prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8.30 o'clock. f ; Special Grand Excursion to Charleston and Isle of Palms via Southern Railh way. A special train with high-class day coaches will leave Gaffney 7.30 a. m., Anenst 20th. via Blacksburg and Rock Hill for Charleston. " Tickets will be sold for special train going, and good to return on any regular train up to and including Monday morning trains, August 23rd, 1909. Schedule of special train and low round trip rates to Charleston as follows: Schedule. Rat-;?. Galfney 7.30am. 33.26 r Blacksburg 8.00am. 3.25 Smyrna 8.28am. 3.26 Hickory Grove 8.38am. 3.00 Sharon 8.63am. 3.00 Yorkville 9.15am. 2.75 Tirxah 9.25am. 2.75 V Rock Hill 10.00am. 2.75 I X Catawba Junction 10.25am. 2.75 Lancaster 11.00am. 2.75 Heath Springs 11.25am. 2.26 1 Kershaw 11.35am. 2.25 " Westvllle 11.48am. 2.25 The train reaches Charleston at 5.15 p. m. For tickets and further information, - apply to Southern Railway ticket M agents, or J. L Meek, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga, or J. C. Lusk, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston. S. C. I $ht Cfotton JRarkft. Yorkville, August 10.?Cotton, 12Jc. New York, August 9.?Spot closed quiet, 20 points lower; middling uplands 12.40; middling gulf 12.65; sales 4,100 bales. Futures opened easy and ataaAv as follows! Autr. 11.88: CHESTERFIELD $1.00 SHIRTS THE NEWEST FALL PATTERNS. DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER?SWELLEST LINE OF DOLLAR SHIRTS YOU EVER SAW. ALWAYS GLAD TO SHOW OUF GOODS. COME. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. WW WE DO NO CREDIT BUSINESS WW Schulz Piano* and Organ*. S?? The York Furnitura Co. about tham SEED IRISH POTATOES THOSE WANTING OLD SEEC IRISH POTATOES FOR FALL PLANTING, CAN FIND THEM AT MY PLACE. THEY ARE FINE STOCK. LOUIS ROTH. Crutches Yes, we try to take care of the crippled as well as the sick, and have a full line of CRUTCHES of various lengths, and can fit almost any one who is so unfortunate as to need one or a pair of CRUTCHES. If you shduld need CRUTCHES, come and let us supply you. SOW TURNIPS NOW. The weather is Just about right for sowing Turnip Seed for an early fall crop. We have a large variety on hand from the best growers and will be pleased to supply your wants. Don't forget to see us for CHILL remedies. We especially recommend our CHILL PILLS?They cure. THE YORK DRUG STORE. W Standard and White Sewing Machines. See the York Furniture Co. MATTINGS RUGS AND ART SQUARES Yes, we will be pleased to have all the ladies of Yorkville and the surrounding country come in and see the big lines of MATTINGS RUGS AND ART SQUARES That we have received within the past few days. It is a distinctly exclusive line from the best makers of these goods and if you will make our store a visit and ask to see the New Mattings, Art Squares and Rugs we are sure that we can show you many rich patterns that will appeal to your sense of the beautiful. Make it a point to call at our store when you are out shopping or walk mg. we nave our siock arranged so we can show it quickly, and you will not lose a great deal of your time in the inspection. We don't ask you to buy unless you And something that strikes you as a real good value. But anyway, we will be pleased to show you the latest in Mattings, Rugs and Art Squares. Cash or Credit?As Suits You. YORK FURNITURE CO 9V Schulz Pianos and Organs. See The York Furniture Co. about them. I "DID NOT I TO i MAI t Once there was an Old Maid v She had a Parrot that sw J A Monkey that chewed tot 4 And a Cat that went out n 9 We can tell you what the Ol X Bank and YOU need one. I TRY THIS RF A ? ?? ? M AftM ALWAYS PROGRESSIY) CONDUCTED ALOXCi LIU X ERX EQUIPMENT AM) # You can't make a mistake t A Don't keep your idle Money hid ? to us and let us place it in our y get a Liberal Interest, if left thre 0 of Deposit or in the Savings l)epa A Be Progressive. GROW. (' V Bank. 1 THE FIRST NA i YORKVIl ^ O. E. WILKINS, Pres. KNOCKERS! Blv r Ml [' "Boost and the World Boosts with " You?Knock and You Knock Alone.' This doesn't apply to the Knockei who uses KEEN KUTTER Hammers j to do their knocking with. Users of Keen Kutter Hammers have company in all parts of the world, and as good as these Hammers are they are no better than are all the other kinds of KEEN KUTTER TOOLS that we sell. See us for Carpenter Tools and you will have the best to be had. ? Yorkville Hardware Company. i. (COPY). Blacksburg, S. C., Aug. 6, 1909. Mr. D. E. Boney, Manager, Fanners' Mutual Life Insurance Co. Yorkville, South Carolina. Dear Sir:?. Allow me to thank you for the Drompt settlement of the claim caused by the death of my husband, I. u. Wells, who held a policy with you. Tou were notified of his death on August 4th, and I received your check for $1,000.00 the next day. (Signed Mrs. E. J. Wells. Mr. Wells had been Insured for seven and one-half years and had paid to the Company about $90.00. [ W Schulz Pianos and Organs. Sse - The York Furniture Co. about them. ' Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee, President. Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. ; Save Your Hay Call and let us show you a MOWER. We want to sell you a MOWER arJ a RAKE, so you can cut grass, cane, peavlnes, etc. We sell WIRE for baling hay. MILL FEED for hogs. Received this week, a carload of No. 1 and X SHINGLES. Carload of DRESSED LUMBER, DOORS, SASH. BLINDS?in fact everything you need to build a house. > Frosh SEED RYE. CRIMSON CLOVER SEED. Now is the time to sow It. York Supply Company. [ G. H OLEAKV WANTED Everybody to know that I have the best line of MATTINGS that I have ever shown. Not an unsightly pattern in the lot?Three New Patterns Just In? all of that good kind usually found at my place. Call and Inspect them before buying?It will pay you. Window Shades (no seconds) 25 1 Cts. to $1.00 Each, and a good assort1 ment of colors. Cottage Rods?Oak, Cherry and White?4 foot lengths. White In 6 foot lengths for larger windows. Globe-Wernlcke Sectional Book Cases furnish a home for your books on the installment plan?A Section or two at a time. See the Perfection OH Stove for your summer cooking. G. H. O'LEARY. THERE NEVER WAS A BETTER TIME THAN NOW To buy a Suit of Clothes if you need or ever expect to need a Suit of Summer Clothing. In order to make a clean-up of our Summer stock, we are offering them at prices that are almost too low to quote in print; but then we want to move the Clothing, we want the room they occupy and we want the money they represent Hence the prices are cut to make them go. If you can use them at the prices guoted below it is up to you. We know you can't find better values elsewhere. Suits that were >12.60 are now going at ONLY $6.50 a 8UIT; Suits that were >10 are now going at ONLY $5.00 A SUIT, and there are others at like reductions. Do YOU think YOU can afford to pass these by at the prices quoted? SPECIAL SHOE SAVING BARGAINS Be sure to see my Special Shoe Counters. There are many extraordinary bargains to be found on these tables, and the Shoes are there that will make your feet glad. Other Bargains Throughout the entire store?in all hinds of goods?you will find bargains ?money-savers?that will interest you immensely if you will take the trouble to see them. Make this store a visit TODAY. J. Q. Wray, The Leader 3C Standard and White Sewing Machines. See the York Furniture Co. NEED f IRY" I iho said she did not need to marry. J ore? C mcco? Z ights. y Id Maid did need, and that was a ? LIABLE BANK K YET CONSERVATIVE. :Elt.-\L LINES, WITH MOD- C MODERN METHODS. * >y placing your Banking here. 7 away to rust and mould, bring it L strong vaults and where you can ? e months or longer on a Certificate 7 rtnicnt. . onic and (innv w itli this Crowing k TIONAL BANK \ LLE, S. C. ! R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. J Heriidon & Gordon. KINGAN'S HAMS. Choice CONFECTIONERY. A fair line of HARDWARE. Big line of TINWARE of all kinds. SPECIALS: Washing Powders ? Gold Dust and Xaptha; Soaps?Octa gon. Ivory, Polo, Grandpa's, Scouring Etc.: Concentrated Lye. See us forGelatlne. Black Peppe: in boxes; Snow King and Farm Bel Soda. Glucose, Mustard, Tobaccos Clnco Cigars, Smoking Tolwccos, etc .Tost mir DISHRS Tt'll (to VOl , good. See us for Musical Instruments Lamps, Lanterns and Globes, and al grades of Leather. Buy your wife a Stone Churn. See us for Cloves, Spices, Ginge and Nutmegs. All kinds of Ice Cold Drinks. HERNDON & GORDON. W Standard and White Sewing Ma chinea. See the York Furniture Cc J. L. WILLIAMS & CO New Arrivals ftktv nn7.P\ OF THF FAMOUS American Live Stock Insurance Co. OP INDIANAPOLIS. IND. I beg to advise owners of Horses, Mules and Cattle that I have accepted the agency of the above company, and will be pleased to have the applications of those desiring to Insure their stock against loss on account of death from Disease, Accident, Fire or Lightning. No animal will be insured for more than two-thirds of Its actual Cash value. No unhealthy ' stock will knowingly be insured. The ' cost for insuring one horse or one i mule for one year for 9100 will be $6.00. It is not lequired by the company that I inspect the stock, but It i is required that I know the owner. It is not my purpose to canvass the i territory assigned me for business, but I shall always take pleasure in giving any information desired by those wishing to insure their stock, If they will call at my office. SAM M. GRIST, Insurance. MONET TO LEND ON improve 1 farms In York County, Repayable In Ave easy, annual installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. 63 f.t 6m. TO Oi the handling Price, Clean Sale Means possible to g ON I We I ALL I Out I SEL I Fac I FIRST I Ladies' $10. Ladies' 5. Ladies 8. Ladies' 12. Ladies' 6. Ladies' 1. White $1.50 Qualit 1.25 Qualit a Co\ V VVI AT COS AT COS We Will $4.n cos All Cut w< It) 10 SPECIAL TAX ELECTION To Bi Held at Concord 8chool House, en Wednesday, August 18, 1909. NOTICE is hereby given to the qualified voters of School District No. 27, (Concord), that an election will be held in said district on WEDNESDAY, AUQUST 18, 1909, at which election the qualified voters of the said school district will vote for or against a special levy of three mills for the support of the schools of the said district. The polls will be opened at 8 a. m., and closed at p. m. Eligibility to vote is limited to those who pay other than poll taxes and who must exhibit registration certificates and tax receipts. T. M. MARTIN, C. C. BLALOCK, Trustees. 63 t 2t WS~ Standard and Whita Sewing Ma* chines. See the York Furniture Co. AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE are offering thoroughbred Guernsey Heifers at from $10 up and we have also a number of Berkshire Gilts with thoroughbred Pigs that we will sell. Will deliver pure, . clean milk at 10 cents a quart. Cream. ' butter and fresh eggs on orders. Pure Berkshire Pigs at from to |6 each. Pure Buff Orpington eggs at |1 a setting of 16. J. MEEK BURNS. Manager. JR CUSTOMERS < WE-THE YORKVILLE BAN of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, C i Sweep Sale of EVERYTHING I Big Savings to QUICK BUYERS. Wp will PAntiniip tn hanHIp ( [ive our Customers and Friends. AUGUSl Will Begin Our Clean-S Prices Cut i Prices wiU not be Mill I THE GOODS-Regai tones are Offering or S /*Aiir rrnrr or LI ML, rJ? ALL MUST BE SOI t HERE'S T Ladies' Skirts 00 Voile Skirts, NOW 00 VoUe Skirts, NOW 00 Voile Skirts, NOW 00 Voile Skirts, NOW 00 Voile Skirts, NOW 00 White Linonette Skirts, NOW and Black Long Silk G y, SALE PRICE 98 y, SALE PRICE 79 OURCALIC fits Had?N' T AND BELOW A T AND BELOW A Make the Prices on A1 ) All Stetson SHC t r *1^*7 iV T AND BELOW A Prices Are for CA 2 Cannot Quote A1 ,Vi11 Put Monev Ir I7\ Isn't This Proof Enough ? Out of the 46 members present at i recent meeting of the Musicians' Un,on of Duluth, 26 were owners of Tab ing Machines, and out of the 26 mashines, 22 of these were Edison. That in our estimation, is quite sufficient to jrov? to the public that Edison goods iro the beat. July and August Rec>rds now on sale. See our stock of Sheet Music, lest fou forget We sell PIAN08. R. B. DAVIDSON CO. ? THE MUSIC STORE ? AND FRIENDS: KING AND MERCANTILE C( LOTHING, SHOES, Etc., Etc., N THE DRY GOODS DEPAR' Read what We say Below. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Eti The YORKVIL r 2ND--1 weep Sale of Dry Got to COST ant I or Factory Prices?B rdless of the Prices i lelling Their Goods. 'RVED?First Her jD Before the 1st Da; HE WAY T Ladies' $7.79 ?i ca n^ti. 1 10 uiaaiu If 25c White V J'*1 50c B. Purse \'l 50c W. C. H , $1.00 w. c. 79 cts- 25c Fancy Pi loves Cts. Pair Cts. Pair All $1.25 Ri lOES Are THE B m r> a ml ot Mill Ends?in kLL DRESS GOODS LL OUR CLOTHING LL SHIRTS and ALL )ES And OXFOP >0 OXFORDS N< II JEWELRY Will Gc cu in d on?iv rti cent 1 the Money-Savi 1 Your Pocket If rkville I VSES | GS.... I SUIT Cl | And BA HOW ABOUT YOUR VACATIOf If GOING TO THE SEASHORE OR MOl P TION, YOU WILL NEED A NICE, NEW 1 TAKE ON YOUR TRIP. YOU WILL FIN X WANT AT THOMSON'S BAGGAGE DEI W Big line of SUIT CASES at 98 CEN" ? Best values in SOLID LEATHER ! 1 Trimmings, at from $5.00 to $12.50. | Ladies' Wicker I Z One that is light and convenient fox y trip. Prices, $2.50 and $3.00 Each. Big line of BAGS to select from?A A one to the BEST SOLID LEATHER. Pi , One?Only One?STEAMER TRUNK y customer gets it for $10.00. | THE THOMSON < )MPANY?have decided to DISGONT and beg to announce a Broad Gaugi rMENT WITHOUT RESERVE. Thi It means MONEY SAVING TO YO and promise the Best Service thai LE BANKING & MERCANTILE CO FIRST MONDA ids, Clothing, Shoes, With J RFIfiWm< UT PRICES THAT . WILL it Which the Mills and e Gets the I y of January, 1910. HEY GO: Belts, Hand Bags, E j Belts ARE GOING AT 7S Cashable Belts ARE GOING AT IS s ARE GOING AT 2* and Bags ARE GOING AT 28 Hand Bags ARE GOING AT 79 illow Tops ARE GOING AT 18 Floor Rugs jgs ARE NOW GOING AT 79 EST To Be r /* le Yard W AT COST AND BEL AT COST AND BEL HATS to SUIT YOUR PU> LDS?At Cost? CM )w y^* i AT COST AND BEL WILL BE ADDED TO CUT PRICES IF CHARC ng Prices Here, But You'll Investigate. Compan I TRIP? IF YOU ARB JT 1NTAIN8 FOR A VACA- J SUIT CASE OR BAO TO 4 fD JUST THE KIND YOU V PARTMENT. rs Each. b SUIT CASES, with Brass Z kit Cases j every lady to have on a jp J1 Grades?from a cheap ? does from SO CTS. to 910. T Z?and a rood one?First J COMPANY. j . ;. >>r, ' fi INUE o . !, Cut isBig I Cts. Gts. Cts. Gts. Gts. its ow ow USE " OW I JED y I ._J