Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, May 04, 1909, Image 3

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FARMERS' UNION RESOLUTIONS. What th* County Presidents Decided Upon In Columbia. Following Is the full text of the resolutions passed at the meeting of the county presidents of the Farmers' Unions of South Carolina during their deliberations in that city on Friday: "Whereas, we realize and appreciate the great benefits derived from the efforts and able work of Prof. J. M. Harper, director experimental station, Clemson college; Commissioner E. J. Watson of the state department of agriculture and Hon. A. F. Lever of the house of representatives for their good work in getting the tariff on imported commercial fertilizers removed from the Payne tariff bill which was before thd house of representatives, "Kesoivea, xnat we me mcmucis m the State Farmers' Union of the state of South Carolina extend to them our thanks and appreciation of their good work in our interest "Resolved, further, That we send a copy of these resolutions ta each of k the above mentioned gentlemen. "Whereas, we realized the great good that has been wrought in the realm of plant industry in South Carolina by the introduction in the state of the farm demonstration work by the United States department of agriculture, and "Whereas, one of the greatest needs of the state at this time is a proper! development of the live stock industry, and "Whereas, we believe such development as is sought will be more speedily obtained by the conduct of such work on live stock lines as is being conducted in the matter of plant life, therefore be it "Resolved, That the Farmers' Union of South Carolina hereby indorses the request of the state department of agriculture of the secretary of agriculture of the United States and of the United States bureau of animal industry to detail one or more held experts from the bureau to be stationed in the state for the purpose of advising, directing and assisting those engaged in or about to engage in live siock raiding, particularly In the raising of beef cattle. "Resolved, further, That the secretary of agriculture of the United States be specially requested to give this matter his earliest and most careful atten? tion." "Whereas, the cotton producers of the south are in need of specific information from the viewpoint of the producer of essential facts as to the length of staple, gradings, etc., that are required by the consuming manufacturers of foreign nations, facts that would be of material value in the development of the cotton growing Industry of the United States, an industry representing millions of dollars in the annual agricultural exports of the United States, and "Whereas, heretoiore an spwun ww sions directed to securing information abroad in relation to cotton have been rather in the interest of tne manufacturers than the producers, and "Whereas, efforts are now being made by the producers to better the crude system of marketing cotton, and "Whereas, the class of information needed can only be secured by a man from the cotton belt skilled in the growing of cotton and thoroughly familiar with all of the details of the present local system of grading and buying crude cotton, therefore be it "Resolved, That the commissioner of agriculture of South Carolina, accompanying a committee fro.n this organization, be requested to voice to the president of the United States the request of the State Farmers' Union of South Carolina that this matter be given prompt attention and that the Federal government, through the department of agriculture or the department of commerce and labor, arrange for n sneclal representative, selected from the cotton belt territory, to be sent to various foreign countries to collect the data needed, and that his reports be published and furnished to the producers." "Whereas, the summer school Idea, designed to give instruction on both practical and scientific lines to young farmers at their homes, has proved of such value in other agriculture producing states, and "Whereas, we understand the authorities of Clemson college are preparing to operate one or more such schools in this state this summer, therefore be it "Resolved, That we heartily approve the inauguration of this system in South Carolina and trust that the initial school will lead to a rapid extension of the work." "We, the state executive committee and county presidents and delegates in attendance upon consultation meeting have examined the L. A. Greene cotton grader, and seeing the workings of the same demonstrated, we hereby indorse this as an educator of the Far mers' Union and feel that tnis invention will revolutionize the selling and grading of cotton, thereby saving to the farmer the differences in all grades of cotton as arranged by the New York exchange, and recommend the Farmers' Union to adopt the sale of cotton by this standard grader." ? Anderson Daily Mail: The Orangeburg Sun of Friday, April 30, prints the following: "A story has been go ing the rounds here for several days that the trouble at C'lemson college would result more seriously than many thought. The point of the rumor is to the eifect that the fertilizer tax, which has been going to Clemson, has been used for purposes not stated in the law; i that this tax amounts to thousands of dollars, and that an effort will be made ? bring suit against the trustees of Olemson for the return of this money u#o*a CimK o Quit an tho utorv lu iiic ovaiv? tjuvu u ?uih| ?v ??*v goes, would bring about bankruptcy tor the college and result ultimately in the sale of the college property to satisfy judgment, which the state would secure in the event the suit would be successful. Then the king move would be made?the state would buy in the property and own it absolutely. This would end the life trusteeships and do away with much of the cause for trouble at the institution. The fertilizer tax is given to Clemson for investigations, etc., and it is claimed that the money has been used to erect college buildings and pay the salaries of professors?uses not intended by the law. This story is given for what it is worth and to show the real seriousness of the Clemson trouble." AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. There will be prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8 p. m. BAPTIST. There will be prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. , Service tomorrow evening (Wednesday) at 8.30 o'clock. METHODIST. The Second Quarterly Conference of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church will be held at the Parsonage on Fri day evening at 8 o'clock. All officials requested to be present. 1 Special polices. Preaching at Canaan and New Zion. I will till my regular appointments at Canaan and New Zion next Sunday. May 9. At Canaan at 11 a. m? and at New Zion at 3.30 p. m. It S. D. Bailey. Pastor. Preaching at Woodlawn. There will be preaching at Wood ihwii rresoyirnaii viiurcn, .^iiarun, next Sunday, May 9, at 11 o'clock a. m.. by Rev. R. P. Morrison of North Carolina. t. It Every housekeeper who has used Campbell's Varnish Stain is delight? ed with the results obtained. Noth^ Ing else like it they say. So easy to apply, and so durable. The York Furniture Company carries a full line of this popular stain. It ' Send the Enquirer your orders for * Commercial Printing if you want the best work. jtyfrialUotiilw. Request. The directors of the Yorkville Cemetery Association have named the cemetery in their charge "Rose Hill." Have you a lot there? or loved ones there sleeping? Memorial Day is close at hand; you are requested to do what you can to make the cemetery one of which we may all be proud. It Geo. W. S. Hart, President. Crosses of Honor. On Memorial Day, May 10, Crosses of Honor will be bestowed by the Winnie Davis Chapter U. D. C., to York county Confederate veterans as follows: Jerry Walker, J. E. Plaxico, T. H. Neely, Elijah McSwain. J. T. Howell, W. B. Whltaker, Wrn. Lee Moore. Other veterans who have applied too late for Crosses to be provided by May 10, will be awarded Crosses on June 3. Mrs. W. Q. White, 2t President. OBITUARY. Died?At her home, near Bethel, on April 20, 1909, Mrs. MARTHA J. ROBINSON, widow of the late J. M. Robinson, aged 76 years and 7 months. She Is survived by five children as follows: Mrs. J. D. B. Currence, J. J. Robinson, D. A. Robinson, Mrs. Nannie Horton, Miss Mary Robinson. $he Cotton JpHarhet. Yorkville, May 4.?Cotton 10 cents. New York, May 3?Spot closed quiet; middling uplands 10.85; middling gulf 11.10; sales 400 bales. Futures opened and closed steady as follows: May 10.58; June 10.46; July 10.43; Aug. 10.36; Sept. 10.36; Oct. 10.24: Nov. 10.23; Dec. 10.23; Jan. 10.16; March 10.15. orsHino or jbuu&s OF SUBSCRIPTION. NOTICE Is hereby given that Books of subscription to the capital stock of the CLOVER COTTON OIL AND GINNING COMPANY will be opened in the Bank of Clover. Clover, S. C., at 9 o'clock, a. m., on the 5TH DAY OP MAY, 1909, W. B. STROUP, LUTHER G. THOMPSON, D. A. MATTHEWS, M. L. SMITH, Board of Corporators. Clover, S. C? May 4th, 1909. 35 t.f 2t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, V/Ounty ot Torn. IN THE PROBATC COURT. By L. R. Williams, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS JOHN A. and ELLA J. NEELY, have applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of H. A. D. Neely, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 20TH DAY OF MAY, 1909, to shew cause. If any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 4th day of May, 1909, in' the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine and In the 133rd year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. 35 t 2t Statement of the Condition of the &oan and J&unngs Sank Located at Yorkville, S. C., at the close of business, April 28th, 1909. Resources: Loans and Discounts 3178,839 51 Overdrafts 4,228 37 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank t... 11,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures .... 1,200 00 Other Real Estate 7,000 00 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 115,055 92 Currency 8,200 00 Gold 3,057 50 Silver and other Coin 3,259 60 Checks and Cash Items .... 1,161 53 Total 1333,002 43 Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid In $ 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 29,000 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 4,798 31 Due to Banks and Trust Companies 9,424 06 Individual Deposits subject to Check 179,246 19 Savings Deposits 5.009 30 Demand Certificates of DeDosit none Time Certificates of Deposit 51,482 17 Certified Checks none Cashier's Checks 102 87 Notes and Bills Rediscounted none Bills Payable, including Certificates for Money Borrowed none Reserved for Int., Taxes, etc. 3,939 53 Total $333,002 43 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Couxty of Youk. Before me came S. M. McNEEL, President of the above name bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. S. M. MCNEEL. President. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of May, 1909. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Notary Public, South Carolina. Correct Attest: W. W. Lewis, J. S. Brice, B. N. Moore, Directors. YOU CAN BUY YOUR CHOICE IP YOU WILL MAKE US AN OFFER WITHIN TIIE BOUNDS OF REASON On any piece of property that you are interested in, if it is for sale, even if it is not on our list. We are in business to Sell the Property when we can get people to say what it is worth to them, provided their bid is liberal enough to meet the seller's views. J. EDGAR POAG, BROKER, ROCK HILL. S. C. "Cuts the Earth to Suit Your Taste." ii?m m m m m mmmmmmmmm ktlAM FOR MEN'S ,f bir WORK PANTS- CL I'ri (Vi BLACK PANAMA SKIRTS > 4 . SHIRT WAISTS; ?1 THE THOMSG ANNOUNCEMENT. IBEG to announce to the public that I have opened up a line of GROCERIES and GENERAL MERCHANDISE at My Home on the Chester road between Guthrles and Mr. J. B. Bratton's place, and I will appreciate any trade that you may give me and will make you very CLOSE PRICES 'and give you a Square Deal. Yours for business, lt? MASON LATHAM. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. THIS Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of J. ED LEECH, deceased, to file the same with the undersigned, duly authenticated, and all persons indebted to the said estate to come forward and make settlement with the undersigned on or before the 10TH DAY OF JUNE, A. D., 1909. By order of Court. , J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. In The Good Old Summer Time Von will want a HAM MOCK for your lawn or your porch In which to rest your weary bones of an evening. Just come and see what we can show you. We have HAMMOCKS In all Qualities, Colors, and Styles and at the Most Pleasing Prices. Just ask to see our HAMMOCKS. Perfection Oil Stoves For summer use for light cooking there is nothing that will take the place of a Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove. It makes a big fire, a hot fire, a concentrated fire and puts the fire just where it will do the most work. Perfection Stoves are not high priced and the expense of using is very small. Come and see a PERFECTION. Ride The Babies Give them plenty of outdoor air. We have a most pleasing line of GOCARTS of the better kind at prices that are just as right as they can be. We have variety enough to give you a wide range of choice. Come and let us show you the latest in Folding. Go-Carts. Remember, that we sell for CASH or CREDIT, and always give you a Square Deal. YORK FURNITURE CO. * T a w FT i n? r* VALUABLE, PAPERS ARE IN DANGER Of loss at all times if kept in drawers, trunks and similar places. A Safe Deposit Box in our fire and burglar Safe, insures absolute protection. Rental $2 to $3 a year. THE LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK V We give prompt attention to all business intrusted to our care. I EVERY DAY . You need more or less Soap. Soap Is a dally necessity to the home where cleanliness counts. And wheri buying Soaps it Is just as well to buy the best and at the same time get your money's worth. We are showing an immense " ~ M "**- - I-1 ^ ? ? ? ? trortr Knot line oi I unci ouapa Hum hie icij uvb. makers for all kinds of purposes. For the bath, the hair, the hands, the complexion, for shaving, etc. Just suppose you come in and let us show you the many kinds of Soaps that we have. If you haven't time to come in, then take a peep at our Show Window. It will partly tell the story. THE YORK DRUG STORE, WW Use Hess' Stock Remedies for best results. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee, President. Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. LABOR SAVING TOOLS See us for Drag Harrows, and also for Cotton and Corn Cultivators. These machines take a "row at a time"?one man and one muie will do the work of two men and two mule-s and do it better?Cuts the cost of cultivating in two. See the Planet Jr., Walking and Riding Cultivators?We especially want you to examine them. They will pay their cost in Time and Labor Saved. York Supply Company. i v^iay Furnaces We have a few CLAY FURNACES (90 Cls. to $1.50) that are especially desirable for summer use for ironing. One of these Furnaces will keep several irons hot and at the same time it will not heat up the house and make everybody uncomfortable. We have sold a great many of these Clay Furnaces and every user is much pleased therewith. We also have Charcoal for use in Clay Furnaces. Yorkville Hardware Co. W See us for Fly Screens for your windows and doors. Right prices. CLOTH you want a Lasting Pair of Pants, i Three Yards of our KHAKI \ (>TH. It wears like leather, ire tlie Yard, 15 Cents and 20 [its. w lot of Ijadics* Itlaek Panama lets. Good values at $5.00 and 50 Knoh. [lies Shirt Waists?nicely trimmed | it $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50 Kaeli. IN COMPANY. nmmiwmmmmmniimniii i Confider Is One of the Few Th You may control a man's at his services with money; Bi Confidence. We realize the importanc In Order to Get Your Busint opened for business we have only to gain but retain the the public. That we have been tried a attested bv our Stroner Posit I If you appreciate a "Squ Bank worthy of your confidei Deposit your idle money i for You every day, "rain or : At a Liberal Rate of Interest Not so old; but Safe for E Bring your money along ; when you have all to gain an THE FIRST NA' YORKVILLE 0. E. W1LKINS, President. J. L. William*. Mason MoConnall. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. NEW ARRIVALS 300 yards Colored Lawns. Hundreds of yards of Val and Torchon Laces and Insertions. Ladles' Collars and Bows. Ladles' Belts and Beltings. Ladles' Gauze Hosiery. Ladies' Gauze Vests. Lots of other goods arriving dally. Meet your friends at York's Cheapest Cash Store. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. York's Cheapest Dry Goods Store. International Stock Food Preparations Everybody posted on a matter of this kind WILL ADMIT that the INTERNATIONAL stands at the head of the list of goods of this class. Their Guarantee of what they claim for it will go with every package, or Money Will Be Refunded. NOW being the best time for a general use I bring them to your notice. Beside the regular Stock Food for Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc., I also handle a few extra preparations put up by them and sometimes needed, such as Dan Patch White Liniment Silver Pine Healing Oil Lice Killer Gall Cure for Cuts, etc. International Harness Soap, also International Cholera Cure, a preventive and cure for chicken cholera, etc. International Distemper Cure. In a few days I expect to have the International Worm Powder for stock. LOUIS ROTH. GLENN & ALLISON. Ulules and Horses We now have the best assortment of MULES AND HORSES that we have had at any time during this season. We Invite you to make an inspection if you are In the market for first-class animals. BUGGIES AND HARNESS Our lines of BUGGIES and HARNESS are complete In every detail and should you be In need of anything in this line it Is to your interest to see us Wo want to sell and If you want to buy we can get together to our mutual benefit. We have a complete line of COLE'S CORN and COTTON PLANTERS and CHATTANOOGA MIDDLE BREAKERS?Every farmer should have at least one each of these Implements. They pay their way. GLENN & ALLISON. Herndon & Gordon. Specials Seed Sweet Potatoes?Get them while you can. Country Ground Meal?Makes the best muffins. White Fish and Mackerel?Nice for I breakfast. Snowflake Crackers?Fresh and crisp. Canadian Turnips?You wanj them. ICE COLD DRINKS. Explore our Ice box when you want a refreshing, ice cold drink. There la no limit to the variety. Iced drinks J from now until frost. HERNDON & GORDON, rv t _ r* uisnes rree FREE?One Hundred Nice Dishes, worth from 10 Cts. to 50 Cts. Each, to be given away chis week. With every pound package of Coffee you buy we will give you ONE DISH FREE. SPECIALS FOR CASH. This week we will sell for Cash: Fresh Quaker Oats at 10 Cts. Pkg. 10c Bottle Olives at 8 Cts.; 2 for 15c. 25c Shinola Brushes at 15c. If something for dinner should run out I have Cabbage, Turnips, Potatoes and Kraut; Also Apples, Peaches and Blackberries canned, To make pies for the little man. Come to Sherer's to get your Fruits, It's the cheapest place in town; If Oranges, Apples and Bananas you like, Be sure and call around. Old George can fix a Beef Steak up io euner cook nare ur diuwii, And can trim a Roast for company As can no one else in town. OLD GEORGE, The Butcher. AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE are offering thoroughbred Guernsey Heifers at from $10 up and we have also a number of Berkshire Gilts with thoroughbred Pigs that we will sell. Will deliver pure, clean milk at 10 cents a quart. Cream, butter and fresh eggs on orders. Pure Berkshire Pigs at from $3 to $5 each. Pure Buff Orpington eggs at $1 a setting of 15. J. MEEK BURNS. Manager. FOR RENT. DICKSON HOUSE, King's Mountain street, next Garrison. C. E. SPENCER. 35 f.t . tf ice ings That Cannot Be Bought. rtions by fear. You can buy ] it You Cannot Purchase His ' i 1 e of having Your Confidence tss. From the day this Bank 1 endeavored to gain, and not confidence of its patrons and md not found wanting, is best ion and Continued Growth. are Deal" you will find this nee. n this Bank and it will Work t shine," and Sundays included, Ivery Dollar You Have, and do it NOW. Why wait, d nothing to lose? flONAL BANK - - - s. c. R. C. ALLBIN, Cashier. BRIDGE CONTRACT TO LET. Offlra e\4 r.ininti/ Rnard e\4 C.nmmil<iAn- 1 _ , ? ! er? of tork County. < Yorkvllle, S. C., April 27, 1909. I AT the proposed site, on THURS- 1 Day, MAY 13. 1909, at 11 o'clock a. m., a contract will be let to the lowest responsible bidder for the building * of a bridge over Crowder's Creek at Hand's Mill. The county will furnish all materials. Plans and specifications may be seen at the letting. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. The successful bidder will be require to ' enter Into bond in double the amount of his bid for faithful performanrce. CLEM F. GORDON. Supervisor. Attest: Hazel Grist, Clerk of Bdard 34 t 3t j LADIES' ! TRIMMED HATS We are now showing a very swell | line of Ladies' Trimmed Hate?every- \ one of them an extra good value?well trimmed?well made?stylish?Prices $1.25 and Upward. We would like for . our lady friends to see these Hats? they are pleasing and attractive. Ladies' Oxfords Our lines of OXFORD8 for ladies' J are easily the equal of anything shown : on this market, and our prices and qualities will anneal to your good Judg- i ment. ' We have Oxfords in all the | popular lasts in Tans, Blacks and Wine i Colored Leathers at $1.75 to $3.50 a j P*ir- ?, I i Another Barrel , i We have Just received another barrel of New Orleans Molasses?same as we , had earlier In the season?the pure, old fashioned, open-kettle kind. Try a gallon. 1 When you are buying Groceries, it is to your interest to come and see me. I will certainly save you money on Groceries. Try me. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. CEMENT BLOCKS We are now taking orders for making Cement Blocks in any size and shape for Building Purposes, Fencing, Curbing, Cemetery Lots, etc. See us < for prices. I STOVE WOOD , We are prepared to fill orders for ' Stove Wood, cut from slabs to stove lengths In oak and pine, at $1.00 per Load. Phone us for Stove Wood. J. J. KELLER & CO. W See us for Lime, Cement, Lumber ' ?Rough or Dressed. { Purina Horse Feed ( This is a new feed for horses and mnloa on/1 If la Ann nf tho hoat fapHfl for work animals that can possibly be used. Purina Horse and Mule Feed < Is made of Corn, Oats and Alfalfa < Hay ground together in proper pro- I portions to make an ideal feed. Try < a small quantity?your animals will like It and grow fat on the diet. I Purina Chicken Feed , We also have Purina Chicken Feed ! for both Grown Chickens and the little "Biddies." Hens fed on Purina feed will lay more and keep In better condition. Little Chicks thrive on the , Purina Feed made especially for them. Try a sack. See us for the COW PEAS you will , need during the summer. SEE US NOW. The supply will be higher and scarcer later on. , Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, 1 J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. ? i . YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. IMPROVED FARM TOOLS j i The proper preparation of the soil is the Foundation of Good Crops. we nave an Kinas or i.?rnu? FARM TOOIjS and the PRICES ARE RIGHT. We have buggies, WAGONS, HARNESS, LAP ROBES, WHIPS And everything in tnis nne. Call and See Us and We Will I>o 1 You Good. A Good, Plug MULE for Sale. See him. Yorkville Buggy Co. | - ;? i W Colored Card Board and Blotting Paper in large aheeta can be had at The Enquirer office. Pianosand Organs EDISON PHONOGRAPH8 and VICTOR TALKING MACHINES. What more do you want? See us a.nd we'll get It for you. Come In and hear an EDI80N or a VICTOR, then go hear anything else you please. Make i decision and let us know. We are in business to sell the best, and expect to do it. See our side line of Hammocks just arrived, at your own price. Rugs ar.d Art Squares. Try the latest Music, which is being sung by the Oreat Travelers company low In New York city. Remember our stock of RECORDS. R. B. DAVIDSON CO. Refrigerators It Is time you were seeing about a First-Class REFRIGERATOR for pour home this summer. A Refrigeritor Is almost a necessity?every Family should have a good one. I lave a sample Refrigerator at my store and would be pleased to have rou call and see It. Can furnish Famly Refrigerators in Porcelain Lined, Enamel Lined and Zinc Lined, and the prices range from $15 upward. Look at the styles now, make selection and let me get you a Refrigerator at once. We will please you in Quality and in Price. See me for CANE SEED and also GERMAN MILLET SEED. LAMM A CO.'8 CLOTHING If you haven't yet ordered that suit of Spring Clothing come and see the line of samples I am showing. I will Guarantee the Fit, the Quality, the Style and Workmanship, and you will be pleased with the Price. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. The ? Fountain Pen A CONVENIENCE A NECES8ITY. Every man and woman who writes it all, should have a first-class, dependable Fountain Pen, as a constant companion. Dozens of times a pen is needed when a pencil will not answer the purpose at all. Addressing letters with a pencil aoesn i won wen auu then, too, the pencil marks grow dim and rub off and your paper or letter may be lost. Up-to-date people all use Fountain Pen?it is as much a necessity as the watch, the pocket knife or the check book. Come and let me show you the most elaborate line of Fountain Pens?Waterman's and Parker's Lucky Curve?that you've seen. Sizes and points to fit all hands?Prices to fit ail pockets. T. W. SPECK, Hie Jeweler. 4 n e 1 f _ a A serious Mistake Don't you know you are making a serious mistake, to allow yourself or family to get sick, when possibly it might be prevented by using a good tonic and blood purifier. At this season of the year, most of us need a tonic or bloodpurifler. We are prepared to furnish you these In Sarsar illas, Sarsaparilla with Iodides, Sars^parilla with Celery, Hot Springs Blood Remedy, 3 B., 3 S., Cod Liver Oil preparations, Hypophosphltes, Emulsions and such other preparations as you need. One Dollar Bottle may save you a spell of sickness, and we will be glad to furnish you with the Dollar Bottle. Come In and get It, before you are sick. THE STAR DRUG STORE. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY Tlie Fancy Grocers KELLOGG'S Toasted Corn Flakes We still have some Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes that are nice. Just received a nice assortment af candies. We keep in stock nice Bananas, Oranges, Lemons and Apples. We also have Golden Crest Ginger A.le, Pepslcola and all kinds of soft drinks. Nice Cucumber Pickles. All kinds of Post Cards. A good stock of Cigars aand Tobacco as you will find In town. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. G. H. O'LEARI COOKS' LINOLEUM Now is the time to put a new covering on your dining room floor and a covering of Linoleum will give you thorough satisfaction. Come and see >ur patterns and get prices. BLUE GRASS FIBRE MATTING Is something new on this market, ind we ure showing it in most desirable patterns. Also have nice line of Matting Rugs, including a line of the famous Oshkosh Grass Matting Rugs In various sizes and patterns. Are Squares in Tapestry, Axminster, Velvet and Wilton Velvet?handsome jeslgns. PERFECTION OIL STOVES Are here and you will be more than pleased if you will use one for your mmmer cooking. G. H. O'LEARY. New Arrivals Just whet your appetite and let Tie know what you would like to eat. [ have a lot of new goods that have lrriveo wunin me past uay or iwo, ind it is likely that your appetite can je properly touched here. Look this 1st over and see: DEVILED CRABS, DRY SHRIMPS, VA. HERRING ROE, SNIDER'S SOUPS. TOBASCO KETCHUP, WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, OLIVE OIL, CREAM OF WHEAT, EVAPORATED MILK, PRUNES, EVAPORATED APPLES AND EVAPORATED PEACHES, HAMS?CHOICE, BREAKFAST BACON, FRESH CABBAGE. If you want it and it is to eat?You [?an Get It Here. W. E. FERGUSON. MONEY TO LEND. ON Improved farms in York County. Repayable in five easy annual installments. Interest eight per jnt. Mo broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. 99 f.t 6m HA HAH AHA HA?t AHA HAH AHA H -SPEC FOR THIR Best Prices to Be 6Jc Colored Lawns?Now 5 C< i2$c 40-inch White Lawns, 15c 40-inch White Lawi 16 2-3C 40-inch White I I2$c Hill Bleaching?Now 10 < i2^c White Linonette?Now 1 15c White Linonette?M I2^c A. F. C. Ginghams?Now Best Lancaster Apron Gingha 3 i2ic White Figured Madras?I * ?a- ? _ -Q * Dotted and Embroidered Swiss ^ 44-inch French Lawns?Now 44-inch French Lawns? * 25c 40-inch White Nainsooks2 20c Striped Scrim for Curtains} Best A. C. A. Ticking?Now i 4 All Linen Hemstitched Toweli ? Just received an elegant n X Ties and Ruchings. 3 All Embroideries at Cost f< 4 See our Long Corsets for I i Black and White Silk Glov 2 $1.25 Gloves Now $1.00. 1 TAKE N < WW WE WILL ALLOW TE 5 OFF ON ALL SPRING Ah ^ FOR CASH. < $20.00 Suits NOW $18.00. j $15.00 Suits NOW $13.50. 2 $12.00 Suits NOW $10.2 C.nf. MOW <1 9IV/.W V/UiVO W f? ?| 5 $8.00 Suits NOW 2 $5.00 Suits N( J $4.00 Suits $2.00 2 $1. U STETSON SHOES ? $5 50 Shoes or Oxfords NOW j $5-oo She 4 IT When in Our Store Do ? Shoe Bargain Box. a YORKVILLE E * \lT* T*T *T* TUT *T* TUT *T* M. L. Carroll. C. W- Carroll. CARROLL BROS. . S3T.50 : We are still selling the Roderick ' Lean Cultivator at $37.50. We sold more than fifty of these J last season and are still having calls ' for them. They are undoubtedly the J most perfect plow on the market, and you are maicing a misuma uy nui buying one?Come in and see us. We also have in stock? Walking Cultivators, Drag Harrows, Oliver Chilled Plows, Weedera, Harrows with tongues, and without tongues, ' Side Harrows, Side Cultivators, Guano Distributers, Combination Corn and Cotton Planters and Gnano Distributers. In fact almost everything in the Implement line. CARROLL BROS. j There Is A Reason j During the first three months j of 1909 more new business was writ- , ten by Mutual Benefit Agents In South Carolina tnan during any similar period of the fifteen years since this grand old company has been doing business In the state, and more than twice as much as during January, February and March of 1908, and , this in the face of the fact that it is claimed that financial conditions are ' not so good as previous to October, j 1907, and also that more life com- } panies are seeking business in the ' state than ever before. My personal : business during the three months just j ended was more tlian four times as great as In 1008. There must be substantial reasons for the increase, don't you reckon? Well, there are. You * will be able to fully understand and : appreciate them if you will call and 1 let me tell you something of the com- , pany's record covering a period of 64 ' years and explain the policy contracts It lo nfferlnir "" **' i Look Before YOU Leap. t SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. r ??? Rawls Plumbing Co.< J e SEE US NOW ! \ c ? WE have an adequate force of Competent Workmen to do c PLUMBING or other work In our line. We can give you all the lnfor- a ?*Un* ??? Ka A aalrarl ohnilt 11 liiaiiuii mat vau w ?iv?? SANITARY PLUMBING, and show I you styles and prices of the LATEST, a BEST and MOST APPROVED FIX- a TURES. t 2 v COME FOR US or SEND FOR US. " ? RAWLS PLUMBING COMPANY. 8 ii I II 003VCH5 ; TO "TV/I IT1.1,0111 $ n Old Virginia Breakfast Herring Roe. o Hawaiian Pineapple. a a Wesson's Cooking Oil, E Heinz's Pickling and Apple Vinegar, p Swift's Hams and Breakfast Bacon. 0 And remember, that this is the house J that sells the Best Teas and Coffees. n s I. W. JOHNSON. li b I , CLOTHES CLEANING. o 1AM prepared to clean gentlemen's !< clothei and ladles' skirts In a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at rea- a sonable prices. Work may be sent dl- 1 rect to my home or left at W. E. Fer- I guson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. Alt AHA HAH AHA HAH AHA HAH I A L S ? ! TY DAYS g Had for CASH. I ? snts a Yard * Now 10 Cents a Yard is?Now ia$ Cents a Yard. * -awns?Now 15 Cents a Yd. ? Cents a Yard. * o Cents a Yard. J low ia$ Cents a Yard. . 10 Cents a Yard. ? ms?Now 7$ Cents a Yard. p sow 10 Cents a Yard ? es for Dresses, 25 Cents Yd. ? 35 Cents Yard. * Now 50 Cents a Yard. -Now 20 Cents a Yard. * ?Now 15 Cents a Yard. { [5 Cents a Yard. * 3, 35 Cents Each. & ew line of Ladies' Collars, * dt Cash. ^ -adies. _ es?$1.50 Gloves Now $1.25; Jf rnTirir. H i vy x iv>ijui _ N PER CENT DISCOUNT * [D WINTER CLOTHING ? f I i9-oo. ? r $7.ao. % 5W $4.50. >, NOW $3.60. I Suits NOW $1.80. * 50 Suits NOW Ji.oo. ? AND OXFORDS. g $5.00 a Pair. > >es or Oxfords, NOW $4.50. * n't Fail to Ask to See Our * I I.&MER.CO. | s? wn* wt ws is? unt ts? TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Office of the Superintendent of Education of York County. Yorkville, S. C., AprU 27, 1969. Vf OTICE la hereby given that the 13( regular Spring Examination of ippllcanta to teach In the public jchools of York county will be held in the Court House at Yorkville on FRIDAY, MAY 14, commencing at 9 :>'clock a. m. Applicants will be rejulred to furnish their own stationery, rhere will be no summer school this rear except at Wofford college, and teachers who may have In mind the mmmer school examinations with a riew to securing the renewal of expiring certificates will take notice accordngly. T. E. McMACKIN, Superintendent 34. t It J, C. WILBORN HSAIi IUTATI LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH MB IF YOU WANT TO SELL? I have more than 100 Farms of various sixes and conditions on my list, ind can meet the requirements of almost any buyer. Come and let me know your wants. If not convenient to come, write me your wants. I will lo my best to supply you. ? FOR SALE ? inn Anraa?Jam? ftoanln sAoS^AatfiA. including the Dr. Hough residence and store. This is a fine location for a country store and has two nice resiiences painted; the land is level and n high state of cultivation. Two tenint houses; all necessary outbuildings. Dne mile of Tlrsah and Newport; i nile Tlrzah church. This cannot be excelled in York county. The McGurkin residence?6 room, lew cottage, 641 acres land; good farm, iplendld land and location; in Bulock's Creek township. The Pratt lands are still en the marist. 132 Acres?1 tenant house, In Bethsi township, adjoins Perry Ferguson; 16 acres in cultivation; balance in tlm>er; a quantity of saw timber. 144 Acres?One house, 2-story. ooms; 2 tenant houses; land lies levsi, in high state of cultivation; 10 icres of bottom land; joins the land ?f C. C. Hughes. 1101 Acres?Adjoining the lands of r. W. Jackson, S. J. Clinton and oth !rs; 50 acres in cuiuvauon; tne D&iince in good timber. The late residence of 8. G. GarroU? k. beautiful 4-room cottage and all lecessary outbuildings. HO Acrea?One 4-room house, 4 nlles of Hickory Qrove; f-mlle of Vilkerson High school; SO acres In ultlvatlon. Price, $900. Part of Gill Landa?279 acres, near iharon. I have a drawing card for a merhant at a Station on the Railroad . W. J. Engle Home?I call especial ittentlon to this, as being one of the inesi small larms in me i-uuiiiy, ,?. iroduces a bale of cotton to the acre, nd has done so for four years; 61} teres In the place; level land; a beauiful, new 6-room cottage; fine new -story barn; good water; plenty of yood; everything In good shape; four nlles from Torkville, Charlotte road. One 15-horso power AJax Mounted Snglne; also a No. 1 deLoach Saw ?111; fine condition. J. J. Wallace Land?38 acres, joining lands of J. E. Plexico and J. P. llalr. Price, $400. A. E. Love Property?60 acres, 3 nlles Sharon; 6 acres in cultivation; 4 acres In erlglnal forest and saw Imber. Price, $10.00 per Acre. M R. Love PrODerty?80 acres: 3 ntles of Sharon; all in'original forest *rice, $1,000.00. M. B. Love Property?96 acres; S nlles of Sharon; 16 acres In culUvaion; 60 acres In original forest; 20 cres second growin umoer. rnoe, 1,000. J. P. Barnes Land?1051 acres; 4 niles southwest of Yorkvllle; 12 acres f wired pasture. John T Feemster Property?86 cres; 75 acres In timber; about 10 cres of cleared land. Price, $030.00. Jasy terms. 235 Acres?5 miles from Rock Hill; ilenty of wood; rents for 6,500 lbs. otton. Price, $5,000.00. Dennis Whlsonant?Residence, at lickory Grove, S. C. Painted; 2tories. A One residence; 1 acre lot. The Blgham Place?Two miles orth of Sharon, 6 miles west of porkvllle; 113 acres of land; 65 acres nder cultivation. Rents for 1,650 Ds. cotton. Very Cheap. Land of E. M. and Jas. E. Bank* >ead?In Bullock's Creek township; 55 acres; from 250 to 300 aores In pen land; nearly 200 acres of bottom ind?fine for corn; plenty of wood. 110 Acres?Ebenezer township; 60 cres in cultivation, very fine land, tils rents for 2,200 lba of cotton, 'rice, $1,650.00. J. C. WILBORN.