prison and a fine of $4,044.79... .Mount Etna, the Sicilian volcano, has been quite active during: the past few days and the people in Its vicinity are fleeing to safety Farm renters of Pike and Davis counties, Ind., have started a reign of terror In an effort to bring down rents on farm lands. Many farms have been burned Che Mahr, a midget, 22 inches high, 61 years old, was married at Knox, Ind.. last week to Miss Nora T. Cleveland, 41 years old and 5 feet, 6 Inches tall, ....J. Blerman, white, was tarred and feathered and was about to be hanged at Linton, N. D., Friday, when rescued by the sheriff. Blerman had attempted an assault on a young girl In order to prevent Wm. O'Brien, chief witness against Bennle Abelson, a murderer, testifying at the latter's trial, O'Brien was assassinated early Saturday morning Millet's famous picture, "Dawn of Day," was sold at auction In New York last week and brought $50,000. The picture Is 211 inches high and 18 lncnes wiae "The Mecklenburg," a famous hotel at Chase City, Va., was destroyed by fire Friday During the year 1908, the total sales of leaf tobacco in North Carolina, amounted to 139,500,000 pounds... .Miss Flora Wilson, daughter of Secretary Wilson, of the department of agriculture, made her deput in New York on Friday evening as a concert singer Fifteen carloads of lettuce were shipped from the vicinity of Wilmington, N. C., Saturday, to the northern markets. The lettuce will return to the growers 3600 to 3800 a car. C. A. Black's livery and sale stables at Charlotte, were destroyed by -? mnrninir Tho loSS WaS nre miuiubj ?. about $25,000, Including several horses. SOUTH CAROLINA NEW3. ? Columbia State, April 20: The state pension board holds Its final meeting today to arrange for the distribution of the $250,000 appropriated by the general assembly. As soon as all of the applications have been formally approved, the lists having already been prepared by Miss Kate Maher, the efficient clerk, the money will be sent at once to the clerks of court. ? Spartanburg, April 17: Harvey Bradford, colored, charged with burglary, entering the room of Miss Julia Reed, a student of Converse college, tonight two weeks ago, was convicted today, the Jury returning a verdict late this afternoon. The trial of Bradford l attracted a great deal of Interest, the court room being crowded all day long with young college girls and ladies of the city. The principal witness was Miss Reed, the heroine of the night In question. In a most dramatic manner she described the midnight intruder and told of the fierce struggle she had with him and the bite she gave him, causing him to flee. In his flight he dropped his hat, which, with the bite she gave him. served as a clue that led to his arrest Harvey is a rough looking negro, who lives in the outskirts of the city. Under the verdict he will be given a life sentence. ? A Washington special of Friday | says: Senator Tillman, according to letters recently received here, is exDected to reach Washington Monday morning when the senate meets to take up the tariff bill for debate. It is uni deratood that Senator Tillman is spec^ tally anxious to be here at that time, because he has been requested to take an active part in preventing M. W. Floyd from being confirmed as postmaster at Spartanburg. A long petition was received here today from certain citizens of Spartanburg protestr ing against this appointment and asking that everything possible be done to prevent the nomination from being confirmed. Senator Smith, who went home yosterday on account of sickness in his family, will also return in time to take part in the proceedings of the senate Monday. From all indications Mr Finvri will Drobably be confirmed, though It will necessarily take a considerable length of time to do so, because of the fight that Is expected to be made. ? According to the Orangeburg News there are certain people in Orangeburg who are willing to pay the price for bank stock when they want to get control of a bank. The News says that two factions have been trying to get control of the People's Bank there. The stock has a par value of $190 and a market value of $160 the share. Last _ Saturday it was discovered that there ^ were seven shares not held by either faction, and of course the purchase of this small block would give the purchaser control. Up to that time $200 the share had been paid for the stock. (The owner of the seven shares was a shrewd man. H-s knew what was up and would not fix a price. He wanted both factions to make sealed bids. This was done. The one who got the stock bid $12,025 for the seven shares. The other side bid only $2,000. The winner certainly paid dear for the con% trol, but he got it. And the man who held the seven shares is over $10,000 better off than he ever dreamed he would be. ? There is more trouble brewing at Clemson college, with the indications _ that President Mell might soon retire " from the head of the institution. Captain Minus, the third commandant of the institution to resign in recent years, is out in a statement to the press vigorously attacking the president and the board of trustees for failure and refusal to uphold him in his repeated attempts to establish and maintain discipline at the institution. Those best acquainted with the true conditions at Clemson say that Dr. Mell has never been more than nominally president as it has always been possible to go behind the president to the board of trustees. and that similar conditions have surrounded Captain Minus, the cadets appealing to the president over his shoulders. It was hoped that after the . "April Fool" prank of nearly a hun* dred cadets in the spring of last year, followed by the dismissal of all cadets engaged in it, although these cadets were taken back the following session that things would quiet down a bit, but this new explosion changes the face t of the situation materially. 9 ?Columbia special of Monday, to the Charlotte Observer: Adjutant General Boyd is out of the state on account of illness and his assistant. Colonel Brock, is in the upper section of the| state on his spring Inspection tour, anu for this reason no official statement could be obtained today, but It seems practically certain now that there will be no summer encampments this year of any of the three national guard regiments of the state, on account of requirements which the war department is understood to have laid down with reference to the Second regiment, which was scheduled to go to Charleston to take part in the coast defense ^ exercises, and which requirements the Second will be unable to meet. The Federal government was to pay the cost of the Second's encampment, and as there is not enough money to spare to have encampments for all three regiments, all of the encampments will probably be called off and the money used for equipment necessary to place the national guard of the state in such condition as to meet the Federal government's requirements next spring for continuing the appropriations from Washington. ?Columbia, April 19: A preliminary conference between Attorney General ? Lyon and the members of the dispensary commission and its attorneys will be held next Friday to discuss the further work of the commission in regard to winding up the affairs of the defunct institution. It is expected that in the meantime Gov. Ansel will prob ably name the two members of the commission to succeed Messrs. B. F. Arthur and C. K. Henderson, who resigned to take the receivership ordered by Judge Pritchard. The meeting Friday will be very Important and there will probably be several others during the coming week. The attorney general does not think that any action as to the distribution of claims will be taken, however, until the official mandate of the court Is received from Washington. In the meantime it is rumored that the whisky houses will move for a rehearing before the supreme court and thus attempt to delay matters further. This can be done any time within 30 days after the decision has been rendered, but such a course is not considered likely In view of the sweeping opinion of the United States supreme court, and even if it should it would be necessary for a majority ?a ravaraa Ituplf nn its for U1 111C V-VUll w >v.v.>v mer decision. ? Columbia special of April 16, to the Charlotte Observer: The funeral of Gen. M. C. Butler, who died Wednesday night in this city, was held this morning in St. Peter's Catholic church at 10 o'clock. The church was filled with the friends and relatives of General Butler and his family. The requiem mass was said by Rev. B. W. Fleming. Bishop Northrop, who came up from Charleston for the funeral, read the prayer for the dead, assisted by Rev. T. J. Hegarty and Rev. Mr. Hughes. The funeral sermon was preached by Father Fleming, who had been with General Butler frequently during his last illness and who was with him at the time of his death. He paid an eloquent tribute to General Butler's services as a soldier and statesman, and spoke in affectionate terms of him as a man. In his funeral sermon over General Butler, the Rev. Father Fleming gave this explanation of how General Butler came to cnange his faith: "When I went to Instruct him In the teachings of the Catholic church, I told him we began everything with the Sign of the Cross, and asked him to repeat after me, 'In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.' He did'so with all the unction of his great soul and body. I asked him one day what had prompted him to change his fiaith, and I say that with all kindness, intending no hurt to your feelings, my dear friends. He answered: 'The Little Sisters of the Poor first drew my attention to the Catholle church. Their humble, holy lives, leaving home and hearth to minister to the outcast, the homeless, the aged, the forgotten of the world.'" After the services the body lay in state in the church, the * " * ? casket Demg coverea wnu ucauuiui spring flowers. The burial will take place at Edgefield tomorrow morning in the Butler family graveyard. The Interment services will be conducted by Father Fleming. A squad from Camp Hampton and the pall-bearers will assemble at the church tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock to accompany the body to the train. The funeral procession this morning from the home of Dr. Knowlton to the church was lead by a military escort from the Richland Volunteers under command of Capt Joseph R. Allen, and a squad from this company will go to Edgefield for the burial, which will be with military honors. ? Washington, April 17: The presence of a negro on the Llberlan commission, which the government will send to Investigate conditions in. the black republic, may create a race issue to be threshed out by the state and naval department. The commission is to sail on the scout cruisers Chester, Salem and Birmingham, but complications have arisen which have upset ail arrangements. The negro member of the commission is Emmett J. Scott, private secretary to Booker Washington. W. M. Shuster, chairman of the commission, has already resigned. Now comes unofficial news that Scott will be assigned to the Birmingham for the cruise. The officers of the Birmingham are all southern men and they are very much incensed that a negro is to be forced on them. One of them said today that if the negro was assigned to his ship he would eat below with the men and let the negro have the officers mess room all to himself. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. There will be prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8 p. m. Will begin the study of the book of Ezra. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Service tomorrow evening (Wednesday) at 8 o'clock. METHODIST. There will be prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7.45 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. There will be prayer-meeting on Wednesday at 8 p. m. Special gotiiiw. At Neely's Creek. Rev. A. S. Rogers will preach at Neely's Creek on Sabbath afternoon, April 25. at 3.30 o'clock. W. H. Stevenson, Pastor. The U. D. C. Winnie Davis chapter, U. D. C., will meet with Mrs. M. C. Willis. Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. W. G. White, Pres. A twenty-five cent can of Campbell's Stain will restore the finish on four ordinary chairs. Any lady can use It. When applied it flows out under the brush, and dries without showing laps. A seventy-five cent can of Campbell's Moor Finish will do an ordinary floor one coat. Ask York Furniture Co., for color Card. Card of Thanks. Editor Yorkville Enquirer: I desire to express my sincere thanks through the columns of your paper to our friends and neighbors, for the many acts of kindness shown me during the illness and death of my beloved husband, J. S. Grier. Mrs. J. S. Grier. Sharon, April 20, 1909. ! Tissue ? It's New and Makes a Beau J line of Colors in White, Blacl ? Blue. Price 15 CENTS the V NEW SUMM * You can get them at Th t showing a big line of styles al J Yard. * 3*"* NEW SHIRTI ? Big line of colors in I y White, and Tan and White5 ?Full 36 inches wide?121 ( 3^ NEW SHIRT] X The kind that's Fast Colors? and Small Figures for Shirts ? wide?At 121 CTS. the Yar 1 m Mr* inn m I ?ur> Fant ^ Just Opened Up?We Have t Quality of Panama?Let Us J * Alpine and Telescope Shapes | THE THO Social Itotices. Communion at Tirzah. There will be communion services at Tirzah on the fourth Sabbath in April, preaching commencing on the Friday previous, by Rev. W. H. Stevenson, pastor of Neely's Creek. 31 2t W. J. Miller. ihe (Jotton JRarfeet. Yorkville, April 20.?Cotton 10 cents. New York, April 19?Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points lower: middling uplands 10.65; middling gulf 10.90; sales 72 bales. Futures opened steady and closed as follows: April 10.27; May 10.28; June 10.30; July 10.30; Aug. 10.20; Sept. 10.14; Oct. 10.13; Nov. 10.11; Dec. 10.11; Jan. 10.05; March 10.04. run SAiiXi TWO Milk Cows with first and second young Calves. Address me, Box 13. No. 5, Yorkvllle, It* M. B. LOVE. ESTRAT HOUND. Disappeared Tuesday, April 13. White, with black and yellow ' spots; two white eyes. She answers to Delia. Will pay for trouble of return to me on Sharon No. 2. It J. E. BRANDON. SALESMEN WANTED. MALE or Female, for the AMERICAN TYPEWRITER. High Grade, Low Price. Nice money for the ' right party. Exclusive. AMERICAN BRANCH, 816 Bleckley St., Anderson, S. C. 32 tf 3t* TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS] ALL persons Indebted to the estate of WALLACE RAMSETY, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned at once. Persons 1 having claims againsi saia esiuic, should present them duly authenticat- 1 ed within the time prescribed by law. ELIAS RAMSEY. Admr. Yorkvllle, S. C., April 20, 1909. 32 t 3t J. L. Williams. Mason MeConnsll. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. _ i It YOU rays Mr. Mail To buy where you can buy THE CHEAPEST. Of course, we mean exactly the tame goeda. You can best do that by looking around?take a friend along with you. Take a pe^p at our All Pure Worsted Suits at $12.50. We sell for CASH only, and that is why we can afford to make such close Prices. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. York's Cheapest Dry Goods Store. COMING! A. K. HAWKE8, THE FAMOUS OPTICIAN, t Will be with the Clover Drug Co., for one day only?APRIL 21 ST. Don't miss this great opportunity of having your eyes tested and Glasses fitted. Remember the date. The Clover Drug Co. FANCY irucTC y JC1 o Warm weather and the desire to be well dressed, demands that every gen- . tleman should have a supply of Fancy Vests. A short time ago we picked up a Bargain Lot of Fancy Vests that would be considered extra values at $1.25 to $1.50. Our price, while they last is 75 CENTS EACH. You couldn't match the price and quality at a pawnshop. Call and see 1 them. A Few Specials 1,000 yards good Ginghams at 5 CTS. A YARD. 14 Quart extra Heavy Tin Buckets for 25 CENTS. Garden Seeds?Just as good as are sold by anybody?fresh seed 1 CENT A PAPER. Big lot of Ladies' Sailors In White, Black. Burnt and Blue?48 CTS. EACH. Burgain lot in Black Only?25 CTS. EACH. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. We save others money on Groceries?we will save it to you if you'll let us. I VJ1 cpv/ 5 tiful Dress. We have a full ^ c, Green, Heliotrope, Tan and y Yard. Ask to See It. " [ER LAWNS -W J omson Company's. We are A t 10 CTS. and 121 CTS. the J NG PERCALES ^ Hack and White, Blue and J I ?for blurts and blurt waists s CENTS THE YARD. } NG MADRAS jj -Big line of Colors in Stripes x and Sliirt Waists?30 inches X d. ama HA TS j he Correct Styles and a Good A show You What We Have In X at $0.00. J MSON CO. ^ r> 00 00 < | FOR Best B( Clot FC SEE YORKVILLE I Be Sure To See U Satisfactory And Profitable With those who Intrust their Banking ivith us. We spare no effort to give the best satisfaction. Whether you have a large or a small amount to deposit, do not hesitate to place same here for we treat all alike. Every one gets our best service, rHE LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK i I a HAVE UU HAVE YO HAVE 1 OR ANY OTHER AMOUN ing to Use For Sometime, or Good Opportunity for Investr and Where You Can Get It W Then we advise you to Bank?Place it on a "Certifii ?4.U- ? 1 If 111,. - muuuia vi luug^i 11 jruu imw, c Cent Interest. This does not 1 haps, BUT?IT' S SAFE Long years of toil, wo more than a mere living. Yoi ?"A NEST EGG" as it were, of this Bank is at your ser the 4 Per Cent Interest We F a Year, Counts in the L?O? THE FIRST NAr YORKVILLE Jas. M. Starr, J. P. McElwee, President. Sec. and Treaa. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. XT. S_ Tick Emulsion Made In accordance with the Formula of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Every cattle owner in the south, should be Interested In the eradication of the Cattle Fever Tick. We have Cotton Planters, Cotton and Corn Planters, Cole Guano Plows, Disc and Drag Harrows, Cotton and Corn Cultivators. We have Amber, Orange and Red j op uane oeeu, umy tinu ^uucc rcu.^. York Supply Company. G. H. O'LEARV Mattings, Rugs, Etc. We would be pleased to have every lady In Yorkvllle and In York county come and see our Spring display of MATTINGS, ART SQUARES and RUGS. Our new stock of these lines includes many very desirable patterns in JAPANESE MATTINGS, and in our RUG line are many rich patterns that will appeal to the discriminating buyer of floor coverings. Rugs are here in all sizes and in all qualities. at Drlces that will Dlease you. ART SQUARES are the popular coverings for floors now, and our display of Art Squares Is rich enough to satisfy almost any buyer of this class of floor coverings. At least come and see what we have to show you In Floor Coverings. FURNITURE We continue to carry In stock and continue to sell that High Grade of Furniture that our customers demand. If you want High Grade Furniture at Right Prices we shall be pleased to serve you. G. H. O'LEARY. New Arrivals Just whet your appetite and let mo know what vou would like to eat. I have a lot of new goods that have arrived within the past day or two, and it is likely that your appetite can be properly touched here. Look this list over and see: DEVILED CRABS, DRY SHRIMPS, VA. HERRING ROE, SNIDER'S SOUPS, TOBASCO KETCHUP, WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, OLIVE OIL, CREAM OF WHEAT, EVAPORATED MILK, PRUNES, EVAPORATED APPLES AND EVAPORATED PEACHES, HAMS?CHOICE. BREAKFAST BACON, FRESH CABBAGE. If you want it and it is to eat?You Can (Jet It Here. \V. E. FERGUSON. CLOTHES CLEANING. 1AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladles' skirts in a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. THE I ' irgains hinG >R i I~:D BOITS j THE 3. & Ml. CO. I S Before You Buy | PLAY BALL! The season Is here for the game? the sun Is about warm enough and the , newspapers are full of Baseball the f country over. Tou can And all kinds of Baseball supplies at this store?all from the famous house of A. J. Reach? 1 his name guarantees the quality?our J prices are right. Baseballs?5 Cts. to $1.25. Gloves?25 Cts. to $2.00. Mitts?25 Cts. to $2.50. Bat??6 Cts. to 50 Cts. Masks?25 Cts. to $1.50. Also have, 1909 Baseball Guides. Yorkville Hardware Co. \ I S50. >U $100. rou $1,000. < i T That You Are Not Need- J that You Want to Hold for a i nent, Where It Will Be Safe Tien You Want It? j bring it and place it in this < cate of Deposit", for Three ind we will pay you Four Per j r?r?tr as crnnH as 8 npr cent ner "v" "" 6" w I"? I | ! i rking early and late, deserve i want to set aside something and the Savings Department vice?there is no better?and ay, Compounded Four Times j N?G R?U?N?! riONAL BANK - - - s. c. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY The Fancy Grocers KELLOGG'S Toasted Corn Flakes We still have some Kellogg's Toasted I Corn Flakes that are nice. Just received a nice assortment af ! candles. We keep In stock nice Bananas, Oranges, Lemons and Apples. We also have Golden Crest Ginger Ale, Pepslcola and all kinds of soft drinks. Nice Cucumber Pickles. All kinds of Post Cards. A good stock of Cigars aand Tobacco as you will find In town. * nnfAW nniffDA w o. IT*. r>AiniT Wiwrrtii x? Real Estate Is HUMMING AND FOR BUSINESS WE ARE DRUMMING We reach BUYERS and SELLERS 1 from one side of the country to the 1 other?thus you see our territory is \ unlimited. Then why not give us YOUR business, as we are equipped to handle it to the Best Possible Advantage. POAG'S REAL ESTATE I l MONTHLY 1 ( Will tell you what we are doing. I J. ELKiAK FUAU, BROKER, ROCK HILL. S. C. "Cuts the Earth to Suit Your Taste." Dishes Free ; FREE?One Hundred Nice Dishes, ] worth from 10 Cts. to 50 Cts. Each, j to be given away this week. With < every pound package of Coffee you ] buy we will give you ONE DISH ? FREE. ] SPECIALS FOK CASH. This week we will sell for Cash: Fresh Quaker Oats at 10 Cts. Pkg. 10c Bottle Olives at 8 Cts.; 2 for 15c. 25c Shlnola Brushes at 15c. If something for dinner should run out I have Cabbage, Turnips, Potatoes and Kraut; Also Apples, Peaches and Blackberries canned, To make pies for the little man. Come to Sherer's to get your Fruits, 1 It's the cheapest place in town; If Oranges, Apples and Bananas you like, Be sure and call around. Old George can fix a Beef Steak up r rp" aaaI/ Doro nr Rrnwn. IU C111IC1 LUUU AVUI V wa ara ? .. ..v And can trim a Roast for company As can no one else in town. OLD GEORGE, The Uutclier. ? { MONEY TO LEND. < ON Improved farms in York County. * Repayable in five easy annual installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. i 99 f.t 6m ( Iron Beds I If you will notice, it is a fact that ivery time an established home adds J o its sleeping accommodations, it A s an Iron Bed that is added. This is rue, because the Iron Bed is stronger, leaner, catches less dust and less op>ortunity for the hiving of vermin. If rou are in need of additional Beds for 'our home, see our line of Iron Beds, attractive prices, |2?0 to $15.00. Springs and IVT a ff rpccpc With the Bed you will need a Bed Spring and a Mattress, we can meet rour wishes in any quality at the lowat prices. Rocking Chairs You never have too many?one more s always acceptable. See our line and rou will certainly add one or more of >ur Rockers to your supply. Also have rood line of Porch Chairs and 8ettees. fou'll want them the coming hot lights. See our lines of ART 8quaree, Matings and Matting Art Squares .and 3ugs?Just the thing for the dining 'oom and cheap too. Terms to suit you?Cash or Credit? md a SQUARE DEAL. YORK FURNITURE CO. 'nternational Stock Pood Preparations Everybody posted on a matter of his kind WILL ADMIT that the INrERNATIONAL stands at the head >f the list of goods of this class. Their Ouarantee of what they claim 'or It will go with every package, or Honey Will Be Refunded. NOW being the best time for a gen>ral use I bring them to your notice. Beside the regular Stock Food for lorses, Cattle, Hogs, eto., I also hanlle a few extra preparations put up )y them and sometimes needed, such is uan rnicn w nue uumnenv Silver Pine Healing Oil Lice Killer Gall Cure for Cuts, etc. _ International Harness Soap, also International Cholera Cure, a preventive and cure for chicken chol;ra, etc. f International Distemper Core. X In a few days I expect to have the International Worm Powder for stock. LOUIS ROTH. ? n There Is A Reason ' P During the first three months V af 1909 more new business was writ- * ten by Mutual Benefit Agents In South ? Carolina than during any similar pe- ? rlod of the fifteen years since this grand old company has been doing 11 business in the state, and more than n twlrv* bm much as durlnff January. w February and March of 1908, and ? this In the face of the fact that It is ilaimed that financial conditions are s! not so good as previous to October, 1907, and also that more life companies are seeking business In the state than ever before. My personal business during the three months just ended was more than four times as s great as in 1908. There must be substantlal reasons for the Increase, don't * you reckon? Well, there are. Tou will be able to fully understand and appreciate them if you will call and let me tell you something of the com- pany's record covering a period of 64 years and explain the policy contracts It Is offering. Look Before YOU Leap. SAM M. GRIST. Special Agent. r ?-=* ll Rawls Plumbing Co. * b SEE DS NOW WE have an adequate force of Competent Workmen to do PLUMBING or other work In our _ line. We can give you ali the infor- mation that can be desired about SANITARY PLUMBING, and show 1 you styles and prices of the LATEST, | BEST and MOST APPROVED FIX- 1 TURES. S tl COME FOR US or SEND FOR US. F a RAWLS PLUMBING COMPANY. J! r ~" tl PAINTS { IMRifiTINK PLASTICO p JAP-A-LAC. ETC. ; b NOW Is a good time to start that Spring painting and cleaning of walls w and furniture that you have been counting on for this Spring. See us for the PAINTS (Inside or Outside), PLASTICO, ALABASTINF tnd \iP- _ A-LAC that you will want for the woodwork, floors, furniture, walls, or > porch and lawn chairs. You will And I everything needed here, and you will 4 find that our prices are Just about the figures you think they ought to be. We also have the Brushes, Putty, Gilass, etc., that you'll need to complete the Job. THE YORK DRUG STORE, h h 81 Herndon & Gordon. * ? - E C A good line of fresh Groceries, con- n fisting in part of Bacon, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Meal, best Coffees?loose, roast- 8 id, ground and in packages, Swift's s Hams, Tea, Hominy, Pickles In keg; r Molasses, pure Georgia Ribbon Cane Syrup?to wallow your hot pancakes h n; Soaps, Gold Dust, Starch, Rice, 3pice, Pepper?grain and ground; T Dried Fruit. In Hardware?Plows, Backbands, Heelscrews, Plow Stocks. Just revived a lot of Hoes. We especially wish to show you the John Relley rr Patented Hoe. Pocket Knives. 1 Did you Know inai Droom torn is jut'of sight. We got a big lot of Brooms?all sizes. Oil Cans, Lamps ? ind fixtures, Smoothing Irons and Irons, Skillets, Lids and Pots. Shoe- 1 nakers supplies, Buggy and Wagon * Whips, Shovels. Now listen: The prettiest and best / ot of Dishes In town! * Shoebrushes and the best Leather. ^ Everything In Confectioneries. T HERNDON & GORDON. X rruman D. Turner Hugh G. Brown TURNER & BROWN. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES Yorkvllle - - - S. C. We are here to give the public First ?lass Service, and will be glad to show ^ nil apyictiauun ui a. njr ^auunagt hat may be tendered us. TURNER & BROWN. 22 t 3m. W~ Fancy Blotting Paper for fancy ivork at The Enquirer office. Large sheets?four colors. DoYou If You Are a Customer of a ; Furnish You All the You To. j Every person should 1 they are in active business c most every person's life wh profitable deal they need a have. They should be as ca Bank they are to do businesj ing a horse or plantation. MT i st. They should KN FECTLY SAFE WtT and. That the Men co charge of it are in whom YOU < DENCE. mr 3rd. They SHOULD BE ABLE to fu accommodations be Ever So Will ABLE TO DO ' I ANY GOOD. The NATIONAL UNION the above requirements and : YOU on the above basis. I We Pay 4 PER CEN I posits and Compound the Ii : not now doing business with or Call In to See Us in regar< do, OPEN AN ACCOUNT i ONCE. THE - NATIONAI 1 W ABSOLUT ! W. J. RODDEY, President. ROCK HILL - - V Serious Mistake Don't you know you are making a arlous mistake, to allow yourself or imlly to get sick, when possibly it ' *-*-* 1? K?- iiolntf o trond ligni ue yicvciucu ud??b ? inic and blood purtfler. At this seaDn of the year, most of us need a >nlc or bloodpurifler. We are preared to furnish you these In Sarsaarillas, Sarsaparllla with Iodides, SarEtparllla with Celery, Hot Springs tlood Remedy, 3 B., 3 S., Cod Liver ill preparations, Hypophosphites, Emulsions and such other preparaions as you need. One Dollar Bottle lay save you a spell of,sickness, and re will be glad to furnish you with the dollar Bottle. Come in and get it, before you are Ick. THE STAR DRUG STORE. * I. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. f A RRrtTT, BROS VXt.AVJLW\/AiJU u v S3T.SO We are still selling the Roderick r not, for there is a time in alien in order to put through a little more money than they reful, however, in selecting the 5 with as they would be in buyOW that the Bank is PERnnected with the Bank and in flTT/l/tTJOeBTTT T? i II OU^^CiOOr UJU 0UDU1CM Aiivny an place IMPLICIT CONFIKNOW that the Bank WILL rnish them with the necessary they are entitled to. They may ling, but unless THEY ARE THIS it wiU NOT pO YOU BANK Meets With ALL of I Wants to Do Business With T INTEREST on Savings DeltereSt Quarterly. If YOU are Us YOU should be. Write Us d to details; but whatever YOU WITH US AND DO IT AT , - UNION - BANK 'ELY SAFEU IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier. - SOUTH CAROLINA The ? Fountain Pen A CONVENIENCE a mtr cooitv Every man and woman who writes at all, should have a first-class, dependable Fountain Pen, as a constant companion. Dosens of times a pen Is needed when a pencil will not answer the purpose at alL Addressing letters with a pencil doesn't look well and then, too, the pencil marks grow dim and rub off and your paper or letter may be lost. Up-to-date people all use Fountain Pen?It la as much a necessity as the watch, the pocket knife or the check book. Come and let me show you the most elaborate line of Fountain Pens?Waterman's and Parker's Luoky Curve?that you've, seen. Sizes and points to fit all hands?Prices to fit all pooketa T. W. SPECK. Hm Jeweler. LUMBER We make a specialty of LUMBER, LUMBER PRODUCTS and BUILD INQ SUPPLIES. We study the* because they are the around work and the roof of our business. We know what aood lumber is, where to get it, what it is worth, etc. When we make a price to a customer It is with the one idea in view of giving that customer absolute satisfaction in quality and in price. We want to do business with him again. We sell Rough Lumber of all kinds. Dressed Lumber, including- Flooring, Celling, Weatherboardlng, Framing, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mantels, and everything else in Lumber that goes into a house. We also sell Lime, Cement, Brick, Hair, Laths, Shingles, Nails and all kinds of Builders' Hardware. When you are in the market for anything we sell, Let Us Blake You a Price. Our experience may save you money. J. J. KELLER & CO. W Bring Your Logs to Our Saw Mill?Prompt Service?Fair Prices. Purina Horse Feed This Is a new feed for horses and mules and it is one of the best feeds for work animals that can possibly be used. Purina Horse and Mule Feed Is made of Corn, Oats and Alfalfa Hay ground together In proper proportions to make an ideal feed. Try a small quantity?your animals will like it and grow fat on the diet. Purina Chicken Feed We also have Purina Chicken Feed for both Grown Chickens and the little "Biddies." Hens fed on Purina feed will lay more and keep In better conauion. Liime coicu ianv* vu ui? Purina Feed made especially for them. Try a sack. See us for the COW PEAS you will need during the summer. SEE US NOW. The supply will be higher and scarcer later on. Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. LODGE EMBLEM CARDS THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT OF THE ENQUIRER OFFICE IS PREPARED TO FURNISH ON SHORT NOTICE EMBIiEM ADDRESS CARDS FOR ALL LODGES AND SOCIETIES. The Cards are of good quality of stock and the design or emblem of the order Is embossed In appropriate colors and gold. The Price for 100 Cards, Including: Printing of Name and Names and Numbers of Lodges, is $1.50. Mall Orders will receive prompt attention. We can furnish Emblem Cards for the following Fraternal Orders: Blue Lodge, F. and A. M. Royal Arch Masons. F. & A. M. and R. A. M. combined. Knights Templar. Shrine and Shrine combinations. K. T? R. A. M., and F. A A. M. Woodmen of the World. I. O. O. F. Order Railway Conductors. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Firemen and Trainmen. Jr. O. U. A. M. If "you are a member of a Secret Order you snouia nave i^aru> (ivm? your name and the lodges to which you belong. Cards are especially desirable when traveling, and make good souvenirs of good times. Address L. M. GRIST'S SONS JOB PRINTING DEPT. YORKVILLE ? ? ? 8. 0/