j ..THE NATIONA * A] ; The FIRST TRUST j DOUBL < k J THE NATIONAL-UNION E < CAPITAL jj SURPLUS } THE FIRST TRUST & S/ * CAPITAL * SURPLUS J 5 TOTAL CAPITAL AND St jj STOCKHOLDERS' LIABI] J TOTAL PROTECTION TO 2 TOTAL DEPOSITS 1 TOTAL ASSETS i =? ^ Our business is increasing ^ Every day brings us new cust < The Largest Number of Dep< * ? . . jj Almost aany some new tusiui Mr. , who is a cus ^ ^ us so highly that he wants to t * V Our Depositors and Customer * to Speak a Good Word for Us i During last year when the de % large number of customers v ? like taking on new customer* ^ capital, however, we are now JJ nent Customers. ^ ^A Oa Rncinpcc W VUlliC anu i/v ?? J an old customer and give yoi >_ * sistent with- good, sound Ban! j TOMERS and are able to t; ^ their business in the best poss t The FIRST TRUST < ^ A1S | The NATIONAL } (ABSOLUT J ROCK HILL - - - - t ? A Few Chains ^ We have just received a few Chains B and if you need anything in Chains U let us show you. We have: TRACE CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, LOG CHAINS, STAY CHAINS, IX)CK CHAINS, HALTER CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, , WELL CHAINS, COW CHAINS, And In fact just almost any kind of a CHAIN you may call for. We handle the ELECTRIC WELDED CHAIN? Every Chain is Guaranteed?if they K*?ool/ vnn crckf onnthor r?n I r ut van / vw ?vk Mitvvitvt !#?** See us for Chains and other Hardware. Yorkville Hardware Company. iW Fancy Blotting Paper for fancy work at The Enquirer office. Large sheets?four colors. CABBACE PLANTS Make your selections and place i your orders now for CABBAGE PLANTS. Let me know at your earliest convenience the quantity and kind that you want to set out, so that I can get them for you and have what you ?want when you want them. Your early attention will oblige. I sold thousands of plants last year and the plants sold by me gave good satisfaction as to results. My plants | are grown in the open air, and much hardier than those grown in hot i houses. vw r tMP's pork ivn nr\\c If you are fond of Pork and Beans, and want to eat the best Beans put up in cans, try a can or two of Van Camp's Pork and Beans. They are far superior to any canned beans ever sold on this market. Phone us your order. W. E. FERGUSON. W. I. YVitherspoon Co. AWOUiXCEJI KXT WE wish to announce the addition of GROCERIES and FARM SUPPLIES to our regular line of goods. i Our object In this is to supply the time and lien trade. However, we win De giau 10 get ana win appreciate all business that may be entrusted to us. We will give especial attention to GROCERIES, HARDWARE. WAGONS. BUGGIES. HARNESS. FARM IMPLEMENTS and TOOLS. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation of the business of those who have favored us with same. To those who have not had such dealings with us we extend a cordial invitation to come and see us. We will occupy the J. W. DOBSON STORE ROOM on the corner. W. I. WITIIERSPOON CO. GET L-ONION BANK..} ?> : & SAVINGS BANK l J7 THEIR ; Cr CAPITAL t ? ? * 5ANK: 2 5 1 $200,000 00 M 50,000 OO ? IVINGS BANK: j * $ 50,000 00 ^ 6,500 00 5 * JRPLUS $306,500 00 % j LITY 250,000 00 ? DEPOSITORS__$556,5oo 00 {[ - $896,302 79 * $1,400,648 00 ? Z l in a most wonderful way. m omers. We have at this time ositors We Have Ever Had. ner comes in and tells us that jj stomer of ours, recommended lo business with us. We treat j* c w#?11 that thev Never Fail : * ;mands on us from our already J rere so great we did not feel ^ ?; with our greatly increased ? out looking for Good, Perma- ? X ith Us. We will treat you as {J i Every Accommodation con- Jl ring. We want GOOD CUS- * ike care of them and handle x ible way. ^ & SAVINGS BANK I I , UNION BANK < ELY SAFE) J SOUTH CAROLINA gl I BUILDING MATERIAL We always carry in stock, ready for delivery and at the lowest prices all grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber, including Flooring, Ceiling,. Moulding, Studding, Rafters, Sheeting, Shingles, Laths, Framing, Frames, etc., and will make Doors, and Sash, and Frames, Mantels, etc., promptly on your order. See us for all kinds of Building Hardware, including Nails, Hinges, Screws, Locks, etc. See us for Lime, Cement and Brick. L J. KELLER CO. i SW Be sure to see us before buying any kind of Lumber. M. L. Carroll. C. W- Carroll CARROLL BROS. 100,000 We h?ve on the road ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND FIRST-CLASS SAP SHINGLES?Sound and Dry? They will arrive in a few days. If you are needing any Shingles, come and let us "figure" with you. It is worth your while. CARROLL BROS. Hauls Plumbing: Co. SEE US NOW WE have an adequate force of Competent Workmen to do PLUMBING or other work in our line. We can give you all the information that can be desired about SANITARY PLUMBING. and show you styles and prices of the LATEST, BEST and MOST APPROVED FIXTURES. COME FOR US or SEX1) FOR US. R.WVLS PLUMBING COMPANY. AT KENNEDY'S Right now is a good time to make your Christmas fruit cakes, so as to give them plenty of time to season? they are better for the seasoning. I have the CITRON, RAISINS. CURRANTS, and other essentials for the molrl?wr ,?f fruit pfilfhy thA ft'flV th?V FOR SALE. ONE lot, 78x374 feet, on East Jefferson street, near Graded school. HATTIE LOWRY. 6 t.f. 3t Let Us Suggest A Resolution for the Year 1909. RESOLVE TO BUY SOME OF THE BARGAINS THAT ARE OFFERED BY US FROM TIME TO TIME. This will be a resolution you will never regret, for as the years roll by and the property enhances, you will be liable to say. "I should have bought more than I did." Don't worry over the fortune you could have made, and stood by while your neighbor got It. but invest in some of the bargains we oner in unvi anu iei u sru? nunc you sleep, for we must look forward and not in the past for results. We can sell you property that pays big interest in rents and enhances in value at the same time. No Safer Investment can he found than Real Estate; then why not own more land, for values are bound to Increase with the growth of the population. It takes land to hold people, whether they are alive or in the cemetery. - FORTUNES Are not made by the sweat of the brow alone, but by trading with good judgment without a proper degree of luck, for if you lose on one deal you are liable to make on the next one, which will pay you handsomely on both transactions. RESOLVED: THAT I WILL BUY Some of the bargains offered from time to time in Poag's Real Estate Monthly, and subscribe for same, so I may receive it regularly and not miss any of the money-making propositions that are offered by J. EDGAR POAG, BROKER, "Cuts the Earth to Suit Your Taste." ROCK HILL, S. C. Some Wives Object To their husbands insuring their lives. Their objections are, no doubt, based on sentiment, and some husbands are evidently pleased with the position' that the wife takes, as it gives them what they consider a plausible excuse to fail to do what their conscience and better judgment tells them is a solemn duty, and one that millions of men equally as intelligent as they, have performed, and thousands are doing every day. These men are content to allow their wives, children and creditors to CARRY THE RISK, Instead of paying a comparaHt-aitr email anm snv frnm 10 cents to $1.00 per day, according to age and amount of protection carried, to the MUTUAL BENEFIT to relieve them of the burden. It is not my purpose to try to convince the wives who may read this, and who object to their husbands insuring their lives, that their best interests not only demand that they withdraw all objections? because they cannot be sustained by ligical reasoning?but that they should insist on their husbands insuring in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO.?the Best Policy Holder's Company In the World?without delay, if they can pass the required medical examination; but will say that of the untold millions of dollars that the life Insurance companies have paid on ho llvo? of ?lpponspd nnliev holders no WIDOW has yet refused to accept the check of a company made payable to her order. SAM M. GRIST, Special A^ent. You Always Get The BEST At JOHNSON'S Snowdrift (Hogless) Lard Pure Leaf Lard Hams and Breakfast Strips Corn Meal and Flour Royal, Rum ford and Good Luck Baking Powders. Laundry Soaps. Starch, Bluing COFFEES and TEAS are Our Specialty?Get Yours Here. I. W. JOHNSON. Dr. Hess' Preparations We have just received a fresh supply of the well known Dr. Hess* Stock and Poultry Preparations, and can supply those who have been wanting them. We have been selling the Dr. Hess* Stock Preparations for several years and they have given universal satisfaction to all who have used them. A free use of these remedies now will put your horses, mules, cattle, hogs and sheep in healthy condition. t-locc* Pnnlfr-j Pan-a-rea is esnpciallv recommended for chickens?It will keep them healthy and will make laying hens lay more. Ask for Dr. Hess' Stock Preparations at THE YORK DRUG STORE, Farrand Pianos Farrand Organs Haven't you often envied the performer who draws forth from the Piano keyboard the most beautiful musical passages? Mayhap your youthful days were preoccupied to an extent forbidding a musical education. Perhaps you have, later, nursed an ambition to master the intricacies of piano playing, only to relinquish the well meant hope, because your fingers would not respond. Don't deprive your daughter or son of this future pleasure. Get a FARRAND today. Come, look them over at our show room. R. B. DAVIDSON CO. THE CITY MEAT MARKET. Sherer & Ferguson. The T Muslin Ui the Muslii | i I Ladies' Muslin Corset Covers at 10c. 24c. / ' 39c, 49c and 74c the Garment. Wednesday from at TEN CENTS EACH, LADIES' DRAWERS?Well m 19 CEN1 LADIES' MUSLIN SKIRTS?l 39 CENTS 59 CEN1 LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS?v 48 CENTS, 59 < One Lot COLORED GINGHAJ ' APRONS. 12 CTS One lot 25 Ct?. WHITE APRONS, 19 CTS One Lot 35 Cts. WHITE APRONS. 29 CTS One Lot EMBROIDERY, 8J C One Lot Good EMBROIDERY 5 CTS. th I One Ix>t Good VAL LACE, 5 CTS. th One Lot Good Value VAL LACES, 8 CTS. th COLORED BANDS for Trlmm and 12 J Cts. Valu CALICOES AT 5 CENTS TH1 ONE LOT OF OUTINGS AT 4 GOOD APRON GINGHAMS i GOOD. YARD-WIDE SHEET! Good TALCUM POWDER at 4 Ten Cents Bottle Vasellntv?5 < LYON'S TOOTH POWDER?1 LADIES' CLOAKS?I LADIES' SI GENT'S FURNISHINGS?20 1 NO MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS?1 Men's SOX?? CtsM 12 Ct We can supply you with Men' Visit This Whi Your Dollars f< every penny of Hour prices pay fop just so much -VALUE 11 ? J. C. WILBORN REAL ESTATE LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO SELL? I have more than 100 Farms of various sizes and conditions on my list, and can meet the requirements of almost any buyer. Come and let me know your wants. If not convenient to come, write me your wants. I will do my best to supply you. ? FOR SALE ? Terrlll Smith's?115 acres; one 7room dwelling; barn with 6 stalls and shed; 2 horse farm open; } mile of railroad station. Price. $1,250.00. 171 Acres?Rolling land, some level; 40 acres bottom land; good corn land; on Clark's Fork. One 2-story * " -a 1 O (-room nouse; new z-siury nam, xstalls; good cotton house, 2-storles; 2 good frame tenant houses; has a good corn and wheat mill, building 2stories; also 60 saw gin and Eoss press; new 20 horse power turbine wheel. The buildings are easily worth ?",500.00 alone. Iwo miles from Smyrna R. R. station; one mile of school. Home of John Starr?150 acres; 2 story 7-room house, in good condition; a large 2-story barn: large 2-story gin house; three good tenant houses. It is 7 miles from Rock Hill, in Bethesda township. On Easy Terms. 138 Acres?In Bethesda township, 7 miles from Rock Hill; three good tenant houses; 2 barns; situated on Fishing Creek. 90 acres in cultivation. Land comparatively level. On Easy Terms. Property of James M. Starr?196 acres; this land is level and will be divided into two tracts; good settlements on either tract; has two barns, 1 5room dwelling; three good tenant houses: ia 7 miles from Rock Hill. Tcpms to Suit. The Elliot-Wilson Place?641 acres, 2 nice dwelling houses; 15 tenant houses; large barn; 250 acres In wire pasture; land lies mostly level; ijmile of school; 400 acres in cultivation; value of the buildings alone, $4,500; five miles of Rock Hill. 105 Acres?1 dwelling; 65 acres of fine timber; Clay Hill section, joining lands of Len Woods. Price, $10 per Acre. Property of M. 1$. Massey?110 acres; a 3-room dwelling; 1J miles of Concord church; 65 acres in cultivation. Terms to suit. Price $1,000. J. C. WILBORN. FOR MEALS OR'LUNCHES O to the City Restaurant, in tne T Rose Building. Regular Meals at 25 cents. Lunches at varying prices, according to orders. Quick and satisfactory service. Your patronage is solicited. D. M. HAWKINS, 3 f 3m Proprietor. Enqu rer Job Printing pleases Particular people. THE BEST THERE IS Do not forget that we are headquarters for all that is BEST In Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, Etc., and that we keep on hands a supply of Eggs and Butter. We are in the market ior uuw BEEF CATTLE. We give Prompt, Efficient and Satisfactory Service. Let us know your wants. SHEKEIt & FERGUSON. ought to be. See me for the best: N. C. Buckwheat Flour Quaker Oats?none better Cocoanuts. Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Prunes, Grape Fruit, Seeded Raisins Frazil and Mixed Xuts. If you are hard to please in your Clothes come and let me show you the sample line of LAMM & CO.?Best on Kurth Tailors?we can please you in quality, in style, in price and the Fit we Guarantee. Ordered now you will have it before Christmas. W. M. KENNEDY. Agent. $1,000,000 Could you spend this amount of money in a year? Yourself some GOOD BUCKWHEAT, along with WILKERSON'S HOMEMADE MOLASSES, and enjoy your breakfast. I have both of them in stock. Also have PREPARED SELF RISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR at 10 CTS. and 15 CTS. a Package. PREMIER OATFLAKES at 15 Cts. a Package?2 for 25 Cts. MACKEREL by the kit or loose? latter ones at 10 CTS?-3 for 25 CTS. LOUIS ROTH. ^ THE LADIES HOMSOr uderwear Counter! n Underwear Bar? ? SPECIAL W 10.00 to 12.00 O'clock, We will only iour Tops to each Customer nde from good Muslin? rs, 24 CENTS AND 49 CENTS. ,veU made from good Muslin rs, 79 CENTS AND 98 CENTS. ,ell made from good Muslin CENTS, 79 CENTS AND $1.19. Booh. WHITE FLAXON CLOTH for Shirt Wal Each. Biff Lot 15c WHITE VVAISTIN Dig Lot 20c WHITE WAISTINC Good Lot 25c WHITE WAIST1 I. Each. Best Yard-Wide BLEACHING? !Tgi yd Good? So". Yard-Wide BLEACI LONSDALE CAMBRIC?12 CE 40 Inch WHITE LAWN?Soft c Yard. 9 c>] INDIA LINEN LAWNS?9 CTS One Lot $1.50 EMBROIDEREI ie Yard. One Lot $2.00 EMBROIDEREI ie Yard. One Lot SIDE BAND SUITING ing Wash Suits?10 Cts. es?AT 8 CENTS THE YARD. E YARD. rrvrc Tin? vipn V/JLUX1XC7 X 1AU Xi&A?JL/i VT 4 J CENTS THE YARD. ING?5 CENTS THE YARD. \ CTSm 9 CTS., and 15 CTS. CENTS THE BOTTLE. 19 CENTS THE BOX. HALF PRICE! IALF PRICE. 3 KIRTS?HALF PRICE. ... ?ER CENT OFF. TIONS?20 PER CENT OFF. I Cts., 8 Cts., 12 Cts., 10 Cts. s., nncl 19 Cts. the Pair. s, Ladies1 and Children's Rubbers. ite Goods and Muslin Under Dr you. I T"?I T1! ine inoi YORKV/L Special Notice We are NOW as ALWAYS, in a position to stop all that coughing that this cold spell has brought on, for we have all the COUGH MEDICINES on the market, but especially recommend ? WHITE PINE AND TAR ? Which we have sold for a number of years and can guarantee to cure the most obstinate cases of coughs and colds. THE STAR DRUG STORE. D. L. SHIEDER, Proprietor. "Remember. We Are In Business for Your Health." JIMIVIUIV X, l]llllllll\ nijii.nnM wj uuiii/uii Don't You Know i THAT YOUR GUANO NOTES HAVE BEEN OVERDUE SINCE OCTOBER 1ST, 1908? We are anxious to close our books, and to those who owe us for goods: "We Need the Money." See us for everything In our lineGroceries, Confectionery, Hardware, and especially for Tobaccos, Dishes. Lanterns, Lamps, Andirons, Meal c""''d T/>nihor Shoe Maker's Outfits, Buggy Whips, Pocket Cutlery. Musical Instruments of all kinds. HEltXDOX & GORDON. MONEY TO LEND. ON improved farms in York County. Repayable in five easy annual installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER. 4 ? I n 99 f.t 6m CLOTHES CLEANING. 1AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladles' skirts In a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. ?W Enquirer Job Printing pleases Particular people. THRONGED ^ j nnmp ^1 \J V/1TXA 5 Saturday and M< fains That Are N EDNESDAY ? I sell Two Hundred Pillow Tops .?10c Each Wednesday. | | CHILDREN'S CAMBRIC FER] LADIES' CORSET COVERS? 10 CTS., 24 CTS.. MISSES' MUSLIN DRAWERS? 19 CENTS AND goods A. F. C. Ists, 15 CTS., 19 CTS., 25 CTS. G?10 CTS. THE YARD. i?15 CENTS THE YARD. COLOR1 NG?19 CENTS THE YARD. -9 CENTS THE YARD. GALATI IING?8 CENTS THE YARD. Qne Jj0t NTS THE YARD. and Sheer? HAN rs. and 12 CTS. THE YARD. ] 12 CTS., 19 CTS. THE YD. ) WAIST pboxts?li.ii earw. indies' ] > WAIST FRONTS?$1.49 EACH, children I?25 Cts. Value?19 CTS YD. Bottle RUBIFOAM?19 CENTS Box Good SOAP?10 CENTS T1 TOILET SOAP?3 CENTS TID Good PEARL BUTTONS?2 CI BEST PEARL BUTTONS?8 CI One Lot Good HUCK TOWELS One Lot TOWELS?7 CENTS E One lot 25 Cts. MERCERIZED HALF PRICE! HEN'S CLOTHING?AT HALF PRICE. MEN'S OVERCOATS? Yon can always find SHOE BA1 ?We have the Shoes for tli Ladles' Dollar CORSETS?89 C Ladles' 50 Cts. CORSETS? Ladles' $1.50 CORSET! Wide RUCHING In White and I Ladies' Dollar KID GLOVE I wear Sale Before it Closes. nson Co. 1 LE, S. C. BE A MAN- ] Now, in the year 1909, I am one ( year older and THREE YEARS poor- | er, on account of DEAD BEATS. If YOU OWE ME and will own up that i *'/MT .% nr rr/^A T \ iv HP/"* tirm 1uu 1uv/ JJ.i/i *. ivy jl uu 1/ YOUR FAMILY I will receipt the Bill. Either own up or PAY UP and BE A MAN. I have a nice line of FRESH TOILET SOAPS. Some of it is guaranteed 1 to take the wrinkles out of old maids and make 'em look like sweet sixteen again. I am selling CATTLE POWDERS at 15 Cents?Fresh stock. JELL-0 at 7 Cents and other things cheap to get money to pay bills. Come and see me. I am still selling the BEST FRESH ' MEATS in town; but I don't want you to forget I AM TIRED GIVING IT AWAY i A young lady asked a man in town, Why he didn't marry, and settle down. J The only objection to marriage, said he, Is Sherer's Quit Giving Meat Away. I OLD GEORGE, The Butcher. GLENN & ALLISON. It Will Cost You Money ( To buy a MULE. HORSE. BUGGY. WAGON or SET OF HARNESS without seeing us. We Sell Them at the Right Prices. McCORMICK MOWERS. We have a full line of McCormlck Mowers and Rakes. It Is useless to tell you that they are The Best. Don't fall to see us If you need a Gasoline or Steam Engine. KEVEKSIBLE DISC PLOWS. We have on hands a full carload of f Two and Three-Horse Hcversihle Disc . Plows. See us about ono. You need ' a Disc Plow on your farm. GLENN & ALLISON. ; i AT THE BRATTON FARM. U n?'A nffovino- thnrmitrhhroH c ?vi <7 O * " " Guernsey Heifers at from $10 up < and we have also a number of Berk- ( shire. Gilts with thoroughbred Pigs s that we will sell. Will deliver pure. ^ clean milk at 10 cents a quart. Cream, ] butter and fresh eggs on orders. i J. MEEK BURNS. Manager. 1 ? i FOR RENT. i Dickson house, King's Moun- 1 tain street, next Garrison. c. e. spencer. 35 f.t . tf I ANY'S : 3nday for I ow Here. ; a mm?m-imm- e r ! ; Children's 1 o and Misses' $ Muslin I Drawers at 9c, 19c and 24c the s Garment. 8 bJ.Vl'S UUZibA. >?10 CENTS EACH. J ACH. L TOWELS?19 CENTS Each. ? 1< K e a t 0 t] E AT HALF PRICE. b d RGAINS at onr Shoe Counters ^ te whole family. 2 IENTS. b 43 CENTS Each. 0 s?$1.29 Each. tl jlght Blue?50 CTS. the Yard. ? B?89 CENTS the Pair. ? We Can Save p ... 3 t: i a tr/Min r\Ai t 4 no Si , worth 25c 50c and 75c, J? b d RIS WAISTS?23 CTS. Each. ? C f 39 CTS., AND 49 CTS. EACH. * v Ii 24 CENTS THE GARMENT. n Ii FAST COLOR GINGHAMS s 15 CTS. the Yard. n GINGHAMS c The Yard, 9 CTS. p LINEEN for Serine I \ Suits?Yard, 15 CT8. n SA CLOTH, 15 CTS. the Yard. p Ladies' HEMSTITCHED J DKERCHIEFS, 2 CTS. Each. J HANDKERCHIEFS P 8 CTS., 12 CTS., 19 CTS. HOSE, 9 CTS., 12 CTS., and 19 CTS, the Pair. *8 HOSE. 10 CTS., e 12 CTS., and 19 CTS. Pair. THE BOTTLE. 1 FIE BOX. S CAKE. 2NTS DOZEN. IUUK UULLARa p VILL LAST LONGEST " e AT c THOMSON'S-Make It i 0 Something < Worth While ? c 1 0 IVHEN YOU ARE READY TO PUR- J CHASE SUCH GOODS AS ARE e CARRIED IN A FIRST-CLASS E FURNITURE STORE, MAKE IT 0 A POINT TO VISIT US AS WE n ( l OOT'D T71 VAfT AI? T3I? will give me pleasure to show you?it { will please you to see. q T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. E ? T W~ Good Printing? 8oe The Enquirer. remises sold, said mortgage to provide hat In the event It becomes necessary o collect the balance of the purchase loney, or any part thereof, through an ttorney-at-Jaw, then In that event the urchaser will pay a sum not less than 0 per cent upon the moneys so collectd as attorney's fees. The purchaser, owever, being privileged to pay his ntlre bid In cash. The purchaser to ay for all papers. J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. 4 t 3t CLERK'S SALE. tate of 8outh Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common Pleas. lary A. Brian, Plaintiff, against Elwood F. Bell and others (heirs of Mrs. Martha J. Bell and of James Brian, deceased), Defendants. 1 > x virtue of a decree of sale in the 13 above stated case, 1 will expose to tue in front ot the Court House Door i Yorkvlile, S. C., on the FIRST MON>AY IN FEBRUARY, 1909, (Salesday,) etween 10 a. m and 12 m.. tne two iin, v. v* 1 ai to, iiii?. n , a. uaiiuuauu thers." Terms?One-third Cash, and the alance In two equal installments of ne and two years, with Interest from ate of sale, at the rate of 7 per cent er annum, payable annually, the credt portion to be secured by purchaser's ond and mortgage on the premises old, said mortgage to provide that In ase It becomes necessary to collect alance of purchase price through an ttorney at law, then the purchaser hall be liable for 10 per cent additional s attorney's fee. Purchaser to pay for 11 papers, and to take possession upon elivery of deed. Purchaser to have he privilege of paying all cash. J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. 4 t 3t CLERK'S SALE. tate of South Carolina?County of York. arah M. Johnson, et al., PlalntlfTs, against Springs & Burwell, and E. B. Springs, Surviving Partner, etc.. et al., Defendants. Y virtue of a decree in the above 13 stated case. I will expose to public ale In Front of the Court House Door, a Yorkville, S. C., on the FIRST MON>AY IN FEBRUARY, 1909, (Salesday) etween 11 a. m., and 2 p. m., the lands escribed as follows: "All that certain piece, parcel or tract f land lying, being and situate in tethel township, York county, South :arollna, bounded by lands now, or ormerly of L. T. Wood, Washington lason, Dempsey Cook and others, on ,aters of Beaver Dam Creek, contatnng TWO HUNDRED (200) ACRES, aore or less." Terms?One-third Cash, the balance a two equal installments of one and wo years, with interest from date of ale at the rate of 7 per cent per anum, payable annually, until paid, the redlt portion to be secured by the purhaser's bond and a mortgage on the AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE. itate of South Carolina?County of York. rV. C. Farls, et al., against Samuel J. Farls, et al. I) Y virtue of a decree of partition. 13 In the above stated case, 1 wld ex?ose to public sale, in Front of the ,'ourt House Door, in Yorkville, S. C., n the FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY. 1909, (Salesday) between 11 a. m., nd 2 p. m., the lands belonging to the state of JESSIE I. FARIS, deceased, [escribed as follows: "All that certain piece, parcel or tract f land, in Ebenezer township, county nd state aforesaid, containing TWO iUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN (218) iCRES. more or less, and bounded iow, or formerly, by lands of S. D. 'arls, S. S. Farls, W. B. Wilson, Jr., f t'o r" /1 Co i*la \f ru Tl* A Un renn n ml 3is in Yorkville (to be sold as one) nown as the Bell lots, situated on the ast side of South Congress (or Main) treet, bounded on the north by the i. H. Beard lot, on the east by lot now r formerly of Glenn & Allison, and on he south by the lot formerly owned by 1. T. Wheeler and known as the Wheeler Factory" lot. (The lots to e sold are further described in the eed from T. D. Fulton, ex'or, to James Irian, recorded in the office of the R. I. C. for York county in book "P", page <5, and the deed from Reese M. Roark 0 James Brian, recorded in the same fflce in book "Q", page 41.) Terms of Sale?One half cash and he balance on a credit of 12 months, ?ith interest from the day of sale at ight (8) per cent per annum, the cred1 portion to be secured by the bond of tie purchaser and a mortgage of the remises, with leave to the purchaser to ay all cash. Purchaser to pay for all apers. No bid of less than one thouand dollars will be received. Cash porlon of the bid must be paid within half n hour after the sale, or the lots be esold on the same day. at the same lace, for cash, at purchaser's risk, lortgage for the credit portion of bid lust contain a provision that, in the vent of foreclosure, the mortgage seures an attorney's fee for 'oreclosure - a..a 11 Uie OUXIl UL OCVCIKJ-I1VC u Ultaio. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. Geo. W. S. Hart, Plaintiff's Attorney. 2 t - 4t NOTICE OF SALE, tate of South Carolina?County of York. A S the only heirs at law of R. M. jl Carroll, deceased, we will expose 9 sale in front of the Court louse Door, In Yorkvllle, South Carlina, Immediately after the Clerk's ales, on FEBRUARY 1ST, 1909, the allowing described tract of land: "All that certain piece, parcel or ract of land, situated In York couny, South Carolina, on the waters of urkey Creek, near Sharon A. R. P. hurch, and known as the "Porter" 'lace, bounded by lands now r formerly, belonging to J as. Hope, . L. Ralney, D. H. Carroll and othrs, containing ONE HUNDRED AND IIGHTY-FOUR (184) ACRES, more r less." Terms of Sale: One-Half CASH, nd remainder on a credit of one year ith interest on unpaid portion at 8 ???? noi> onnnm nauahlp fl nri II C1 VCUb pvi lly, and Attorney's fees, In case of ollection by suit, the unpaid portion ) be secured by the bond and mortage of the purchaser. Purchaser to ay for drawing the mortgage. If the bid is not complied with with1 one hour from the time of sale, the ind will be resold at the risk of the urchaser. A plat of this property may be seen 1 the office of Jno. R. Hart, Esq. Mrs. CORA INMAN, Mrs. MARIE C. GLENN, / [eirs at Law of R. M. Carroll, Deceased. orkville, S. C., Jan. 9th, 1909. no. R. Hart, Attorney, Yorkville, S. C. 4 t 3t 'ORKVILLE BUllOVCO 5TEEL D (?4 aKS U1UCUII u TURN PLOWS After three years of use, the ALL TEEL BLUE BIRD TURNPLOW Is onceded by all users to be the best Lirnplow ever sold in this town. We ave them and the price is right. We have for sale a full-blooded Jerey Milk Cow with young Calf. - ? * / 1 IforKviiie 10. FOR SALE ORN MILL. Gin and Press, Saw .J Mill, Engine and Boiler, Seed 'rusher, Thresher and 200 feet of felting. Address, No. 3, Yorkvllle. erms to suit purchaser. T. CLEVELAND DUNLAP.