Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 11, 1908, Image 3

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W OBITUARY. Diki>?Near Rock Hill, December 4, ^ MABEL, infant of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Robinson, aged 2 months and 5 days. FOR RENT. STORE room. Two horse farm. Livery stable for sale or rent. J. \V. DOBSOX. FOR SALE - 'Vf UMBER of Shoats and Pigs? _i3( good Stock. Prices right. Address Xo. 1, Yorkville. It* D. M. HALL. W.lL REPAIR MOST ANYTHING F UT I give special attention to AJ Guns and Bicycles. See me at Montgomery's Shop, Yorkville. R. D. ALEXANDER. 99 f It" MUlMtiY l'U OX improved farms In York County. Repayable in live easy annual installments. Interest eight per cent. N'n broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER. Attorney at Law. t99 f.t 6m NOTICE "C* RI ENDS, I have waited for you J? to come and pay me. But you have not come, so don't be surprised at MY coming to see YOU. Don't think hard of me for asking YOU for MY money at first sight. I must . have money at once. R. E. MONTGOMERY. 98 t.f. 2t PLEASE PAY UP. W E have arranged for an import ant change In our business on January 1, and all persons indebted to us are respectfully requested to settle ? their accounts at their earliest conven ience before that date. WILLIAMSON BROS. 96. t.f 5t* BRIDGE CONTRACT TO LEl ^ Office of County Board of Commissioners of York County. Yorkvllle, S. C., December 9, 1908. ON December 17, at 11 o'clock, a. m., at the site mentioned, 1 will let to the lowest responsible bidder a contract for the building of a bridge over Guion Moore creek, on the B.acksburg and Hickory Grove road, near the resp idence of Mr. W. C. Whitesides. Plans and specifications may be seen at the 9' bridge site on the day of the letting. . The right to reject all bids is reserved. K The successful bidder will be required to give bond in double the amount of his bid. . THOS. W. BOYD, J ' Supervisor. Attest: Hazel Grist. Clerk. 99 f.t 2t NOTICE. THE Annual Meeting of the County Commissioners of York Countv will be held in their office in Yorkviile, S. C.. on TUESDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1908. All persons holding claims against the County will present them to the A undersigned or to the Supervisor on or before said day. All claims against the County must be itemized and contain an affidavit to the effect that the account is just and true, due and owing, and no part thereof has been paid by discount or ? otherwise and that the supplies were actually furnished or the labor and services actually rendered. Claims not presented the year they are contracted or the subsequent year tare forever barred. All persons authorized to administer oaths are required to probate claims against the County free of charge. Pv order of the Board. HAZEL GRIST. ' Clerk of Board. 98 t 4t I OFFER Fruit Cake in 1 and 5 pound sizes at 35 cents and $1.65, respectively. All kinds of Fruit. If you prefer to make your own cake. A good Mince Meat at 15 cents a ^ pound; 3 pound crock of same at 43 cents. Buckwheat Khun Plain and self rising'. All kinds of Nuts, Cranberries, also ( ran berry Sauce. Most anything else you may want. LOUIS ROTH. XMAS PRESENTS - It is time you were thinking of the ^ Xmas presents that you are going to ' give to your friends, and to think of the place where you can get the most suitable gift at the most satisfactory h prices. TRY THIS STORE before & buying?we can please you. For instance, we can show you? Carving Sets from 50c to $8.50: Knives and Forks from 50c to $1 a set. in horn and wood handled goods, and from $5 to $10 in silver goods; also have Silver Tea and Tablespoons; a Lisk Turkey Roaster or a Universal Coffee Percolator would be nice for mother or wife, as would also a pair of first-class Scissors or Shears. A good Pocket Knife would be good for the boys, we have them at 5c to $2; for father, husband or brother, a Gillette or Keen Kutter Safety Razor, or , one of the Ordinary style, which we ( have in Shumate, Keen Kutter and * Boker makes. Call and see us and you will find other things as well. Yorkville Hardware Co. > das. M. Starr, J. F. McEhvee, President. Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. BUILDING MATERIAL a When you think of building a house, \ at the same time think of us. We sell f Shingles?N<?s. 1. X and 2. Iron Roof^ Ing?Painted and Galvanized; Corrugated and V-Crimped?all lengths; \r Hard and Soft Brick. Dressed Ceiling, V' Flooring, Weather Boarding, Moulding. Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc. See us for Red R. P. Seed Cats. A very full and complete stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries. ** * ? i _ r* 1 otk auppiy company. Will a man insure his barn and not insure his stock? If your barn should burn, nine chances out of ten, your ^ horses and mules will burn too; and that is not all?your stock can be kill <1 by lightning outside of your barn. We insure stock against loss or damage caused by Fire. Wind or Lightning. MUTUAL LIVE-STOCK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, D. E. BONEY, Yorkville, S. C. AT THE BRATTON FARM. Separated Cream. Sweet Milk, ButT termllk. Cream. Butter. Vegetables and ^ Fruits, delivered in Yorkville on Tuesdays and Fridays or at the farm at all times. Postal card mailed In the afternoon will receive attention next A morning. 1 ^ J. MEEK BURNS. Manager. Jan. 25 f t tf CJ J. N. McELWEE, Gro< 11 RAILROAE i n an h v X \\ c wish to inform all Y< of the Surrounding Country have an opportunity of selec ?? DAY GOODS from the Larj A j we make the following prop Every Customer Buying the Aipount of Five ($5.00) E ?$ RAILROAD FARE ONE V ner FREE. You can reach 1 M at 5 p. m. We Will Look fo 8 J. N. Mc 111 ROCK HILL - - - i r Statement of the Condition of the BANK OF CLOVER Located at Clover, S. C., at the close of business. November 27. 1908. Resources: Loans and Discounts $70,623 11 Demand Loans 12,552 91 Overdrafts 1,494 3S Furniture and Fixtures .... 1,525 00 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 18,336 581 Currency 3,073 00 Gold 10 00 Silver and other Coin 442 57 Checks and Cash Items 98 83 Total $108,156 38 Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid in $12,500 00 Surplus Fund 2,500 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1.228 79 Individual Deposits subject to Check 28.087 77 Demand Certificates of Deposit 38.450 10 Cashier's Checks 651 59 Notes and Bills Rediscounted 13.939 95 Bills Payable, including Certificates for Money Borrowed 10,000 00 79S 18 Total $108,156 38 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j County of York. Before me came JAS. A. PAGE, [ Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above land foregoing statement is a true con[dition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. JAS. A. PAGE, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of December, 1908. F. E. CLINTON, Notary Public, South Carolina. Correct Attest: Z. M. Niell. S. A. Sifford. M. L. Smith, Directors. CLOTHES CLEANING. 1AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladies' skirts in a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. .Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. 4 4* 4* 4 4* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ At * Make It i To Visit The YORK At Our display of CHINA ai A* in a class by itself?is large < | enable the careful shopper to * supply the individual need, ai vent discriminating selection r. that if you are looking for di either in individual pieces or *3* just the piece or set on our At There are Chocolate Sets, Tc Bowls, Plates, Cups and Sauc * in sets to match and there ar ? ' i i- . - t i. "7* ana ricn enougn to appeal u ^ Cut Glass you will find here tl ' designs in pieces of all sizes, r ' Prices will make You Glad?] <*S* When You Find That Our Pi for LESS Than You Expecte Thought You Could Afford t< Come and see our display friends?Our Latch String 1 Open the Door for YOU if Y< t YORK DRI J. B. BOWE * * i- * * * '? * 4- 4 Christmas Is Almost Here When you do your Christmas shopping don't forget that the best thing on the list is one of OUR SAVINGS BANKS for every little fellow In the family. It will last all the year and if the boys and girls are encouraged to SAVE, it wi?l teach them a lesson that will last a life time. THE LOAN AND SAVINGS HANK YOIEKVIIjI.E. S. C. SEE OUR LINES OF ART SQUARES RUGS?-Large and Small WATER SETS TOILET SETS for Bedrooms. All nice for Xmas presents. rADDAII CITDMITITDC CO I UAaiWUL r vlxlu A V1\I> VJV7. i&~ It pays to use the Best Quality of Stationery the other fellow judges you by the quality of your printed matter. :er, ROCK HILL, S. C. U ^ ) FARE \ H D DINNER J If u Drkville Customers and Those ^ that in order that they may ting their TOYS and HOLI- it gest Stock in Upper Carolina, osition: XX Toys and Christmas Goods to >ollars, We Will PAY THEIR /AY, and Furnish Them Din- Cw lerc at 10.40 a. ni.. and return * v r YOU. XX :ELWEE, ff SOUTH CAROLINA. (?(? EVERYBODY CAN HAVE A HAND IN IT. We have done OUR part to make this the Piggest and Pest Christmas EVER and the finest sight in town is our Beautiful Stock of Christmas j Gifts, containing all that is Pright, Fresh, New and Novel in Holiday Goods. WHERE YOU COME IX Is in simply getting busy and making your Christmas selections from our wonderfully complete assortment of REALLY DESIRABLE GIFTS at the fairest and most reasonable prices. YOU GET NEW IDEAS As you look through our holiday stock. It is a practical demonstration of POSSIBILITIES in gathering under one roof nearly everything to make people happy at Christmas time. PLENTY OF THE BEST Is here waiting for your inspection. To find a suitable selection is a pasttime, to price it is a pleasure, to possess it is a privilege. A visit to our store is a GUARANTEE of popular presents at Popular Prices. WE CAN MEET YOUR WANTS Whatever your needs, come and let us show you a variety of beautiful presents that will at once appeal to you as "Just the Thing". We have genuine New Attractions for Christmas and we want you to know it. COME AND SEE THE LATEST Tt is a privilege to show our beautiful holiday goods and you will oblige us by considering this a personal invitation to call and inspect our extensive and up-to-date line of Christmas Novelties. MERIT. QUALITY AVI* lUIB PIMrve Are waiting for you here In connection with a great variety of the Pest Holiday selections of the year, and our word of seasonable greeting to buyers of gifts is "A SQUARK DEAL" VXD A MERRY CHRISTI MAS TO ALL. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS Clover Drug Company CLOVER, H. <\ u 4* 4 4 4 4 4 4* 4 4 4 4 4 a Point-:* 4 DRUG STORE Early 4 4 id CUT GLASS is distinctly 4 enough and varied enough to find something that will just id yet not so large as to pre- ^ But you can rest assured Mr* ainty things in Chinaware? ^ elaborate sets, you will find 1 tables that will please you. a Sets, Fruit Bowls, Bonbon 4 ers, Trays, Pitchers, etc., etc., ^ e single pieces dainty enough , > the most careful buyer. In ic very latest and handsomest 4 ind you may be sure that Our leased with us and yourself? ) ices Will Enable You to Buy 4 A TUT nro TVmn Vau <5 U I\J i ay , VI mvi V xuuu x vu ^ 3 Buy. of "gifty" tilings?bring your . Hangs Outward, and We'll du'11 but give us a chance. LJG STORE J .. _ N, Proprietor ^ M-M -F -f -i -i < -i -i -i r BUGGIES We handle the following makes of goods Watertown, Columbus, Guilford, Anchor, Lion, Phoenix and Parry. WAGONS Mandt, Milburn, White Hickory and Hackney. We handle the Johnston Harrows, Mowers and Rakes, not for the reason that they are not in the trust; but because we believe these to be the best made. Agents for the Acme Harrow. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. BUILDING illATDItlAL We always carry in stock, ready for delivery and at the lowest prices all grades of Rough and Dressea Lumber, including Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Studding, Rafters, Sheeting, Shingles, I -lU. will i udiidf ricirnijiy, r i amw^i cwvm ???? make Doors, and Sash, and Frames, Mantels, etc., promptly on your order. See us for all kinds of Building Hardware, including Nails, Hinges, Screws, Locks, etc. See us for Lime, Cement and Brick. J. J. KELLER & CO. SW Be sure to see us before buying any kind of Lumber. FOR SALE ONE good MILCH COW and young Calf. Address, No. 1, Yorkville. A. L. BLACK, t.f. 2t J. L. Williams. Mason McConnell, J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. WE MOVE JAN. 1ST. To the STRAUSS-SMITH CO. STORE ROOM, on the Corner. In the meantime we will make some DEEP CUTS IX PRICES on Our EX TIRE STOCK FOR CASH ONLY. This will be a season of Rich, Ripe Bargains for quick buyers. A visit will pay you. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO., York's Cheapest Dry Roods Store. Headquarters for Christmas Buyers Just like it has been in past years, SPECK'S JEWELRY STORE is the Real Headquarters for Christmas Buyers. Our stock was never larger, our varieties never better, and our Prices will please the closest buyers of Holiday Goods in Our Lines. A visit to Speck's and a comparison of Qualities, Varieties and Prices will convince you that it is at Speck's that ^ on money will do the MOST for YOU?Try It, please. We are showing big lines of TOYS, ROOKS, CUT GLASS. PRESSED GLASS, NICKEL-WARE, JEWELRY in Gold and Silver, CHIXAWARE, SILVER NOVELTIES. FOUNTAIN PENS. Etc. Make Speck's an Early Visit. T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. A BIG LANDSLIDE Until the First Day of January, 1909. I offer for Sale a Lot, 00 by 325 feet, located in a desirable part cf town, for $375.00. Said Lot being offered at a Discount of 25 Per Cent from previous price. It is a red-hot bargain not to fce Ignored. See me for Bonds, Stocks, etc. FOR SALE Three-room house. One five-room house. Two fine residence lots. A fair bargain of 192 acres. One splendid seven-room house. Several lots near Graded School. A farm of 186 acres 2 miles of town. SW Sec me at once to buy or sell. Dr. M. W. WHITE. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY Tito Fancy Grocers CANDIES You will find a choice line of all kinds of CANDIES at this store. Our stock is large, our varieties good and the prices are just right. Come and see what we have. You can be pleased here. FIREWORKS Boys, when you are ready for your FIREWORKS you will find them here?a big lot of them?Rockets, Roman Candles, Fire Crackers and other Noise Makers. Just remember this when you are ready for the fun. All kinds of choice Fruits are here. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. FARRAND PIANOSSAY. don't you need an ORGAN in your church? Well, let us place it for you so that you may hear and see the Grand Pipe Toned Farrand Special?the grandest and most powerful church organ made. Come and see it for yourself. FAR I IAN I) PIANOS SATISFY Everyone. Hear the EDISON and VICTOR at our Store. New stock of RECORDS for both machines. Come now and make your selection. Violin and Guitar Strings at It. B. DAVIDSON COMPANY. i? & HH Everything in fresh Groceries. Everything in fresh Confectioneries. Nice line of Lamps and Fixtures. Musical instruments?iruni a a ccm? Harp up to the best Harps. Violins from $2.50 to $7.50. Banjos, Guitars, Mccoraions. Also Musical Fixtures. Come and see our line of Dishes, and we think you'll agree with us that they are very pretty and very cheap. Closing out our line of Hardware very cheap. We are headquarters for Leather. Come and let us show you what we've got. HERXDOX & GORDON. iW Don't forget your Fertilizer Notes and Accounts. They are drawing interest every day. Blankets Comforts Bed Springs They all go together and you would naturally expect to find a good supply of these necessary articles in a firstclass Furniture Store such as we try to make the York Furniture Co. If you need Blankets, Comforts or Bed Springs and want the very best values for your money, eome and see us about them. We are sure to give you Quality that will please; Variety that will satisfy; Prices that will appeal to your sense of good values. Glass and Putty We carry a very large stock of Glass in all standard sizes, and will cut any odd size desired. If your windows need Glass in them, come and see us foi the needed sizes and the Putty. A SQUARE DEAL to every customer is our motto. YORK FURNITURE CO. iW CASH or CREDIT. As you like. ?=? Money tc HAVE YOU ANY WOULD LIKE T I If so, we are pleased to call ; CERTIFICATE I issued by this Bank. We will Per Annum on any amount y I when left Three, Six or Tweh lar placed in this Bank is the CAPITAL- - - STOCKHOLDERS' I SURPLUS and PROF TOTAL - - And Assets of near on to a C ALL THIS, along wi is for YOUR PROTECTIOF The First Ns Yorkvil B ? UVA=SOL The new blood preparation, an absolutely reliable cure of Diabetes, Dropsy. Bright's Disease, Weak Back, etc. NOW To introduce this to the general public, with every dollar bottle you buy, we give you back, free, fifty cents in trade or forty cents cash. DFMFMRFP V ?? 1 T * * ? A X This offer is only to those who have not used it before. THE STAR DRUG STORE. D. L. Shletler, Proprietor. W "We are in business for your health." HOT BAR iiwmmwiwiw iwm in imw mm For CC ..... ? ? ? YOUR DOLLARS ?OUR SCORES OF PEOPLE, HUNTINC THEIR MONEY, HAVE BEEN I THE PAST MONTH AND COM BRINGING THEIR FRIENDS? THEIR MONEY WILL DO Till HAVEN'T BEEN TO W R A1 WIf.F, PAY YOU TO COME?IT REDUCED PRICES ON ALL G< FURTHER NOTICE. ASK FOl BUY HERE WHEN WE TELL 1 GROCERY NINE POUNDS FIRST-CLASS P SALT CURED SHOULDERS. 8 an :J. Q. WRAY WE ARE IN BUSINESS To serve you to the best of our ability, buying, selling or exchanging. Write us your desires. 87 Acres, Per Acre $40?3-4 m. Old Point, 2 m. north Rock Hill, 1 m. Winthrop college, church and school, 52 cultivated, 35 firewood, mulatto soil, comparatively level, 6-room dwelling, barn and shop, branch and spring. Cash or satisfactory paper. 985 208 Acres?Two Swan tracts, 2 miles east of Guthrlesville, 4 settlements, 30 acres good bottoms, good pasture, near Bethesda church and school, rents for 4,500 pounds of lint cotton. This has also been cut Into small tracts with a view of selling them separately or as a whole. Easy terms. 227 J. EDGAR POAG, BROKER, "Cuts the Earth to Suit Your Taste." ROCK HILL. S. C. "for rentDICKSON HOUSE, King's Mountain street, next Garrison. C. E. SPENCER. 35 ft tf flf Good Printing? 8ee The Enquirer. i iihhi iwumi hi iiwiwfwrwwfwr 3 DON'T ] THE THO : ?o J J? UlV VJUUU3, V ? 2 and M u ' 2 X We Have Decided to Cont J SYNDICATE SALE for A] jj buy Dry Goods, Clothing, Shi J Week at MILL FACTORY 2 HOLIDAY GOO ! * I $ Our HOLIDAY GOODS J hibition?Everything to Pleas 2 and look through our HOLL j The THOMSO - "'"'in r * ?=% ) ;t MONEY THAT YOU O INVEST? I your attention to the S OF DEPOSIT I Pay You 4 Per Cent Interest rou place with this institution, W /e Months. Behind every dol: Bank's $50,000 00 LABILITY 50,000 00 ITS - - - 20,000 00 $120,000.00 Quarter of a Million. tli conservative management, 1. itional Bank lie, S. C. J ... _ J. I SELL BECKER'S BUCKWHEAT MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT DURKEE'S SALAD DRESSING WHOLE PINEAPPLE IIEINZ'S BEANS HEIXZ'S PICKLING VINEGAR SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCO and CIGARS TEAS and COFFEES. I. W. JOHNSON. GAINS iwwnw in w m m in >LD CASH I >i 11 HI mii HI >? 11 mmnymiiam > WHISPER PRICES YELL! 1 FOR TIIE BEST VALUES FOR HJYING GOODS HERE DURING ING BACK FOR MORE, AND -THEY'VE LEARNED WHERE 1 2 MOST FOR THEM. IF YOU ( f'S BARGAIN COUNTERS IT PAYS OTHERS. OUR SPECIAL 1 OODS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL 1 EI WHAT YOU WANT?YOU'LL k'OU THE PRICES. SPECIALS IOASTED COFFEE FOR $1.00 ' id 10 lb. average, POUND, 10 CTS. j r, The Leader :\ THE CITY MEAT MARKET. 1 Slierer & Ferguson. 1 i I 'Phone Us i When you want the nicest MEATS 1 handled in Yorkville?We deliver all ' orders PROMPTLY. We also have BUTTER, EGGS, POTATOES and CABBAGE. OYSTERS on WEDNESDAYS and J SATURDAYS. We cannot say that we are poets, But we have the best Meats and most 1 of your know it. { SIIEKEB A FERGUSON. , CHRISTMAS WORK. , Do not delay any longer having your J Christmas work done. Make your en- i gagements NOW and come at ONCE? 1 if not you will always regret it. Remember you can get all grades of i beautiful work finished at the LIND- i SAY STUDIO. ' ROSA J. LINDSAY. I wfwwiiwwn m hi iwiw hi iii ut m i | FORGET *! MSON CO. (! iN I I Nothing, Shoes jji illinery I' i inue OUR MILL FACTORY ^ < MOTHER WEEK?You can 2 ? I es and Millinery, for Another 1 COST. Come and See. ? j DS, TOYS, ETC. f I & 1 and TOYS are Now on Ex- * < ;e the Children. Pay us a visit j| j DAY GOODS and TOYS. ?. < n J ?N COMPANY * | 5 1 ? ?" ' THIS IS T TO SAVI ALL GOODS AT We still have about $3,00* ing, Notions, Shoes, etc., on h; January 1, 1909, as J. L. Wil store at that time. While 011 You Handsomely to come am left, as from now on Our St Prices for Cash, and you car bargains bycoming to this st find that our prices are from You Will Find Elsewhere for early visit is to your best int Coats' Spool Cotton?48 C Spool. We will sell Spool Cottoi less than Manufacturer's Cos them fall dating. Store Fixtures at HALF 1 The STRAUSS-S5 ; Your Furni CAN BK SI i nun hum We carry the Largei niture in Oak, Mahogs Eye Maple to be seer olina. Call and see We can Save you R We Sell Piano W. G. RE M. L. Carroll. C. W Carroll. CARROLL BROS. ANTONIO We have Just received a barrel of 1 ANTONIO Molasses, which Is considered to be the best Molasses made. W#? will Guarantee ANTONIO MoJ lasses to please you. Send and get a gallon or two for a trial?We know you'll come for more. CARROLL BROS. J. C. WILBORI ? FOR RENT ? For Rent?A two-horse farm?2 houses?21 miles Yorkville. For Rent?Three-horse farm, 5 miles Df Rock Hill. These at bargains. 70 Acres?5-room beautiful painted house, 21 miles of Yorkville; also one new tenant house, on Pinckney Ferry road; 45 acres In cultivation. ? FOR SALE ? One Beautiful Residence?On King's Mountain street?Charlie Smith's?for a luick sale. New bath tub and seweri,?e connections. 7 Acrts?Good land, a new cottage; Tear Tirzah. $-150.00. I especially call attention to W. H. Stewart's place, near Winthrop college; and also 235 acres four miles 3f Winthrop. 110 Acres?Ebenezer township; 60 icres In cultivation; very nne iana. Rents for 2,200 lbs. cotton. .$1,650.00. I wish especially to call attention to my man and family wanting near YVinthrop college, to 430 acres within two miies of Rock Hill at a very low price?$25.00 per acre. This is the best Bargain in the county. Spend a day looking at this. I will cut this in 3maller tracts. Must sell before January ist. See it, 5 minutes walk of Ebenezer, 20 minutes drive to college grounds. 165 Acres?In Clay Hill, one dwelling; 65 acres fine timber; 4J miles Newport?$10 per Acre. 38 Acres?Adjoins lands Wm. Barnes, 13 acres timber, 3 acres fine bottoms. \ great Bargain?$350, terms to suit. residence?One 6-room house of S. F. Black; 35 acres in cultivation; joins lames Bigger?King's Mountain town>nip. Residence?The beautiful 8-room resdence of Miss Ida deLoach on Wright ivenue. The Bighani Place?Two miles lorth of bharon; 6 miles west of Yorkt'llle; 113 acres of land; 65 acres unler cultivation; rents for 1,650 lbs. very Cheap. Land of W. A. Darby?339J acres, 5J niles east of Chester, at Orr Station, tfas 8 good tenant houses; good 2-sto,*y barn; 1 dwelling, 8-rooms; six lorse farm, open. The home of T. C. Alexander?62jJ teres, 3 miles of Smyrna Station, one nile of New Zion church and school; 15 acres in cultivation, 4 acres good jranch bottom; one 5-room cottage; lew barn; all necessary outbuildings, deal little home?CHEAP. 171 Acres?40 acres good bottom and; beautiful 2-story dwelling; new iarn, 2 stories and 12 stalls; 2 good enant houses- has a corn and wheat nill; 60 saw gin and Boss press; 20lorse water power. New turbine wheel, rhe property of J. J. Scoggins?very ;heap. Terms to suit. 117 Acres?Adjoins the land of D. M. rial!, Lee Pursley and others; 12 acres ine corn bottom land; one 5-room louse; all necessary outbuildings; 60 teres in cultivation, some saw timber. . >20 per acre. Property of J. L. Temileton. 341-2 Acres?20 acres in cultivation; rood 3-room house; new barn, 1 mile of Mew Zion. Price $350. Land of V. J. Erwin?100 acres on L'orkville road: south side, Steel Creek nivnshln Mpnklenhnrer enuntv. N. C.I LO acres cleared, balance In pine and >ak timber. Price $15 per acre. 100 Acres?2J miles north of Piednont Springs; 3J miles northeast of King's Creek station; 91 acres in tim)er. 1051-2 Acres?Land of J. P. Barnes; I miles southwest of Yorkville; 12 icres of wired pasture: will divide this dace and let line run on northwest corler with the branch; has 1 dwelling, ! tenant houses. 44 Acres?Some of the land perfecty level, other parts rolling: one small iwelling: one mile from Zion church ind school; 20 acres cleared: good, drong land; 10,000 feet of fine saw imber: plenty of wood. It Is the home if G. N. Wilson; Joins the land of George McCarter. Andy Biggers and >thers. Price, $1,000. 95 Acres?Absolutely level land; will nake a bale to the acre on any of It; L dwelling. 5 rooms: 3 tenant houses; > acres in pasture; 80 acres in cultiva HE PLACE I MONEY FORCED PRICES 3 worth of Dry Goods, Clothands that Must Be Closed Out liams & Co. will occupy our ** cfn^L' ic Krai/on T* \A/,*11 Pa \r 1 in Ul Viw.il) XV f ? AAA A i look over the goods we have :ock is Going at Forced Sale 1 certainly pick up some rich ore when shopping. You will 10 to 50 Per Cent Less than Goods of Equal Quality. An erest. >ents per Dozen, or 4 Cents a 1 in "Lots" at 10 to 25 cents t, and to merchants will give PRICE. dlTH COMPANY I ture Wants PPL1KD AT MB ST* : it Stock of Fine Furiny, Walnut and Bird's 1 in Upper South Carus before you buy. loney. : : : : j ? I s and Organs. ID & SON, Rock Hill, S. C. "liliiltl IJTTH BIT ADDED TO WHAT YOU HAVE, MAKES JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE." And this adding process is a very good thing. Did you ever try it? No? Well, suppose you do. Try to save something. It will come handy some day. It is not only a good habit, hut it Pays, and PAYS BIG. Save 10c a day?just ten pennies? and in a year you will have $36.50; 25c a day will give you $91.26 in a year. It will come easy?once you make a start?beginning is the important tiling. Ilit your savings in mis nameit will be SAFE here and you can get it hack just any time. BANK OF CLOVER CLOVER. 8. C. "J?REAL ESTATE. tion, any of which will produce a bale to thfe acre; joins the lands of J. B. Scott; J mile Delphos church and high school. Land of H. R. Merrltt 60 Acres?Land of Walter McClain; i mile of Filbert R. R. station and school; 1 mile of church; land lies comparatively level; 4-room dwelling; new barn with shed. Price, $1,800. Property of H. C. Strauss?1> tenant houses, located on an acre and 1-4 of ground, near the old C. & N.-W. depot ?4 houses are new, 12 per cent Income. A. C. White Place?22U acres, i miles from mug s Creea, 1 nine ot piedmont /springs. Crawford Springs in the middie or it. une new i-room dwelling, one tenant house; good barn, on botn places, and ah necessary outbuildings, oo acres in cultivation, 16 acres in mil pasture, saw timber enougn to do the place. Eignt or ten thousand cords of wood on public road; 10 acres or nne bottom land, not subject to overflow, tt-lne spring, known as the Crawford spring.) J. w. & M. A. McFarland. Part of Paul Bratton tract, 116 acres, 1-2 mile south of limits of Yorkviile; 2 new houses, 4-rooms to each. Barn and other buildings; 2-horse farm, about 75 acres In timber, 30 acres in original timber?oak, poplar, pine. 456 Acres in Bullocks Creek township. Land of E. M. and Jas. E. Bankhead. Prom 250 to 3U0 acres in open land; nearly 200 acres of bottoms?tine corn land. Plenty of wood. J. H. Neely Home?73 acres inside of the incorporation of Clover; 6-room house; barn shedded on 3 sides, stables; 2 branches, one tenant house; 50 acres in cultivation. At a bargain?for quick sale. 38 Acres?Good 3-room dwelling; good barn and cotton house; one mile of the incorporate limits of Yorkvllle. Adjoins C. M. Inman; land level and in high state of cultivation; a beautiful little home. $35 per Acre. 100 Acres v of Land?Six miles of Yorkvllle; bodndad by the YorkvilleRock Hill road; on another side by the Chester and Armstrong Ford road; land lies level; $ mile from high school academy; joining lands of C. Al. Hughes; for quick sale; $2,500. One tract 146 acres, 2 miles west of Bethany High school and church. Joins lands of Mrs. Pursley, J. Lee McGlll. 70 acres In open land, balance in woods. 2 3treams, 2 houses?good; 4 stalls and oarn; One orchard. Robert Caldwell residence; most beautiful street in Yorkvllle. Twostory, 8-room, newly painted; 15 acres of land. On King's Mountain street. At a bargain. For Sale?One small Coal Stove; 3 good Wood Heaters?At bargain. See ine at once. Property of H. C. Strauss?183 acres inside of the incorporate limits of Yorkvllle; 3j acres in timber. Good spring. 15 acres in high state of cultivation. Price $35 per acre. Adjoins the L. W. Louthlan place and others. J. F. Youngblood?New residence, 6 rooms, electric lights, water, sewerage; Lincoln street, Yorkvllle, S. C. Miss Belle Crepes?Residence; 6rooms; 225 feet front, adjoins C. H. rfandlfer and W. C. Latimer. For a quick sale. Land of J. Q. Howe?116$ acres; 7 miles of Rock Hill, $ mile of Newport; 1 dwelling, 5-rooms, 2 stories; one new tenant house; 50 acres In cultivation; 10 acres fine botton land in cultivation, not subject to overflew. About 35 acres in wood. W. H. Stewart land?430 acres; one 5-room cottage, a large barn?two stories, 50 by 30; also a large cow barn; 4 tenant houses; 50 acres ijo pasture; 200 acres In cultivation, at tsoenezer, * mile from church. A nice place for a home, and fine community, about 2i miles from Winthrop. Price $25 per Acre. 51 acres of land?the J. W. Sherrer tract, 21 miles of court house; two good houses, four rooms each, thirty acres in cultivation, 8 acres in fine bottom corn. This is a bargain, and a profit yielder. Now is the time to make your trades. You trade now, and make your payments in the fall or the first of the year. J. C. WILBORN.