Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, September 08, 1908, Image 3

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MERE-MENTION. Mistaking her for a night-rider. John F. Dalton of Calloway county. Ky., shot his bride of a month to death. Dalton heard a noise outside his house and went to investigate, telling his wife to stay in her room. She attempted to follow and they met in the dark with the above result Wm. O. Sossom, 16 years old. was shot to death at Mobile. Ala.. Thursday night, while acting as a peacemaker in a mock duel. He was killed with an "unloaded" gun A Xligata, Japan, dispatch tells of the destruction by fire there on Thursday last of 4,000 houses The American battleship fleet lefl Melbourne Saturday morning for Albany, Australia and will sail for Manila from the latter city on September 17 Mrs. Walter Allen, wife of the proprietor of the St. Charles hotel of Dallas, Tex., on Thursday night shot and killed Lillie Wheatly, who was in a carriage with Allen at the time of the shooting Chairman Tom M. Blodgett of the State Republican league of Georgia, has deserted the G. O. P. and has come out in favor of Mr. Bryan for the presidency.... Frank P. Sargent, United States commissioner of immigration, died in Washington on Friday, aged 54 years.... The people of Germany have contributed the sum of $750,000 to Count Zeppelin, to be used in further experiments with dirigible balloons The Spanish ship Luiza from Brazillian ports, was wrecked on the coast of Spain Friday and her crew of fiftytwo is reported drowned It is rumored in Pittsburg that Andrew Carnegie is to give $10,000,000 for the further development of the Carnegie Technical School at Pittsburg. Samuel Buah, a well known and respected resident of Dover, Del., is to vote in the November elections for the first time in twenty-nine years. Buah was convicted of a petty crime when a youth and has just been granted a full pardon Hezekiah Monk died in the Herkimer' county, N. Y., almhouse last week after being an inmate of the institution since his birth, 85 years ago A steamship for Italian ports left Philadelphia Thursday, having on board 1,800 Italians returning to their native land Mrs. Marshall Field, Jr., widow of the Chicago merchant, was married in London Thursday to Maldwln Drummond. Col. Henry M. Nevius of Red Bank. N. J., was last week elected commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. In session at Toledo, O. The next encampment will be held at Salt Lake City, Utah The grand jury investigating the recent riots against negroes at Springfield, 111., has returned 117 indictments after a session of fourteen days. One woman and two men were indicted for murder. The woman committed suicide. Dr. J. H. Watson shot Carel Home, a business man, to death, seriously wounded Miss Ethel Edsall, and committed suicide at Dallas, Tex., Friday morning while In a jealous rage....The County Physicians' society of Sussex county, Del., is making a determined fight on flies to prevent the spread of typhoid fever germs Prof. James King, a veteran aeronaut of Philadelphia, pro *u " A 1 o ? J n Annon In poses IO cross II1C rtiiaiuiv ... ~ mammoth balloon.... John R. Early, the North Carolina leper, has been granted a pension of $72 a month by the United States pension department Trolley car workers, to the number of 32,000 throughout the New England states, have declared in favor of a strike at an early date Jas. Kerr, Democratic committeeman for Pennsylvania, has been found to be too small for the job, and efforts are being made by Chairman Norman Mack to induce Colonel Guffey, who was opposed by Mr. Bryan at Denver, to take charge of the job Governor Hughes of New York, continues to be a thorn in the flesh of the Republican bosses of that state. The bosses don't want to nominate him for another term as governor, but are afraid to do otherwise, for fear that the state will be lost to Taft in the November elections. Mr. Hughes is bigger than the Republican bosses Chester S. Jordan is under arrest in Boston on a charge of murdering his wife on Monday night of last week and disposing of her body by placing it in a trunk. Jordan made a confession to the police. His defense will be insanity. Jordan is a brother-inlaw of Jesse L Livermore. the New York cotton operator. .. .There was a panic among 400 women workers in a millinery establishment in New York Friday, because of a fire in the building in which they were employed. All of them escaped without Mica T,*>nnn Ron nell has been arrested at Omaha. Neb., is connection with the murder of Dr. Fred Rustin in that city last Tuesday morning as he was entering his home. Rustin and the Ronnell woman were on very intimate terms. The total excavation on the Panama canal for August was 3.252,506 cubic yards, an increase of 1,963,814 cubic yards over August of a year ago....The system of subways has cost the city of Xew York the sum of $54,S02.944 . . . .Dr. A. Rosett is held in Savannah, Ga., on a charge of murder, in that he caused the death of May E. Trask by a criminal operation. and J. Prickett. a young man of that city, is held as accessory John Towns, a negro was hanged at Damascus. Ga.. Saturday morning by a mob. for attempting a criminal assault on Mrs. Joe Wheeler a few days previously, near that place. SENATOR CHRISTENSEN. One of the refreshing things of the recent primary was the action of the Beaufort county Democrats in returning to the senate Mr. Niels Christensen, Jr. He has the courage of his convictions and he is always to be found on the right side of every great moral question. We rejoice at his reelection because he is a senator indeed and nothing he will ever do will bring discredit upon him or his state. ?Oaffney Ledger. Upon no result of last week's primary can the state of South Carolina be more heartily congratulated than the re-election of Beaufort's brave, patriotic and useful young senator, the Hon. Niels Christensen?a man who has done our state splendid, eminent service. With JJ. Frazer Lyon and Niels Christensen at a certain helm again?at any helm in fact where sense and nerve and honesty are reovrtont t r\ hc.ur gnmp. 11 U i I ru C 111 LK J V- .-V I' VVI. tv ??VW thing drop?thieves, grafters and disgorged gold.?Edgefield Chronicle. ? Chicago, September 6: The campaign text book of the Democratic party, prepared with the approval of the national committee, will be distributed tomorrow morning to party workers and others interested in arguments why the Democratic nominees should be elected. It contains 300 pages in a bright red cover and is replete with comment and argument on the various issues of the campaign. The platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties, arranged in parallel columns, occupy much space in the manual, which also contains crisp utterances of both Democratic and Republican leaders. Some of the chapter headings of the volume are: "Pointers on the Republican National Platform," "Figures of Thistles," ",\ Discredited Slogan." "Th** Struggle With Monopoly." and "Lest We For get." W. J. Bryan's speech of acceptance, his tariff speech and his speech on guaranteed deposits occupy a prominent place in the book, which closes with a detailed index of contents. Special Notices. Back at My Office. I will be in my office again on am: after Wednesday, September 9. A. Y. Cartwright, D. I"). S. Colored Masons. The Davis Chapter Royal Arch (colored) Masons, has elected and installed officers for ioox and 1909 as follows: High priest. J no. H. Herndon: king Oliver L. Brown: scribe. Benjamin T Spratt; treasurer. Samuel M. Worthy: secretary. George W. Bvers; Prin. Soj Samuel W. Watts; ('apt of host, A. P Watson: royal A. captain. George Armstrong. Master 3d V., J. J. Bvers; master 2d V., J. I>. Sims; master 1st V. J. A. Murray, guard, Jacob B ?vd. Jas. S. Standback, Grand High Priest. Free and Accepted Royal Arch Masons, S. C. FOR SALE TWO good Milch Cows. Address me at McConnellsville, S. C. J. T. CRAWFORD. 72 t.f 2t WANTED PORTABLE S-horse Tozer Engine in good condition. , W. M. GARRISON, Pinevllle. N. C. 72 t.f 3t* AT $1 A BALE. WE are ginning Cotton at $1 a bale. VICTOR COTTON OIL CO. 72 t.f 3t. OVERCOAT LOST BETWEEN Clover and Yorkvllle last night?Monday. Reward of $2..r>0 for return to the YORK DRUG STORE. It DON'T FORGET THE PALACE THEATRE TONIGHT "THE SLEEPING BEAUTY" Hand colored and a fine subject. We will close our doors tonight until September 17th. Misses MAMIE & CONNIE BEARD, Proprietors. Seasonable Groceries If it is something to eat and seasonable. you can be sure of finding what you want at W. E. FERGUSON'S, and then too, you can be sure that if it comes from this store, that the quality of the goods will be just what it ought to be, and then again it will be fresh. Come and see what we have?if you can't come just phone us your wants. You'll get what you want and you'll get it promptly. Thank you, W. E. FERGUSON. Best Full Cream Cheese?Try 'em. ALWAYS You will always find us ready to promptly supply you with such Drugs an.i 1V7crUr?ir>A? us vnu anrl vnnr familv may need. You will always find that our service is the best that it is possible to get. You will always find that our Prescription work is as nearly perfect as it is possible to make it. You will always find that you will receive prompt and courteous attention when you visit the York Drug Store. You will always find that we appreciate your patronage. You will always find that our prices are fair to you. You will always find our service and goods dependable. THE YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. Bowen, Proprietor. New Arrivals? NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING ON EVERY TRAIN AND WE ARE RAPIDLY GETTING IN SHAPE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR WANTS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC. WHEN SHOPPING BE SURE TO CALL AND SEE OUR NEW FALL GOODS IN ALL LINES. OUR VA I RIETIES AND PRICES WILL PROVE ATTRACTIVE TO YOU. COME. SHOES! It is at WRAY'S that you will get the best value for your Shoe money. This has been the experience of a great many people who are in the habit of buying their Shoes at WRAY'S. Suppose you try it. You will find that our laim is true and that by buying your Shoes here, you will save money. BILTRITE Shoes for men are easily the very best Shoe value that you can possibly iind at the price?$3.50 a Pair. Biltrite Shoes are here in all leathers, in all sizes and all styles. Try a pair. WORK SHOES for men are a specialty with us. We have them in all qualities at prices ranging from $1.00 to $3.50 a Pair. See us for your wants in heavy Shoes. I5F" We want every man who is particular about his headgear to call and see our line of famous Howard $3 Hats. There is no Hat made at any price that has more style and wearing quality in it than the Howard Hat at $3.00. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader J* t>ee rre tor your groceries, my prices will surprise you and save you money. The Use of "Gray Matter" Is the thing1 that enables you to shape your life, so that you will be able to get ahead in this world. Hard work alone is never sufficient to acquire wealth, as it is a right use of brains that makes the successfull man or woman. Mix industry with brains and you will have the combination which opens the door to success. Two heads are also better than one?always use printer's ink to Help you in trading. FOR SALE Three-room house, One five-room house. Two fine residence lots. One nice six-room cottage. A fair bargain of 100 acres. One splendid seven-room house. Several lots near Graded School. ; A farm of 1S6 acres 2 miles of town. Dr. M W. WHITE J. Ij. WILLIAMS?fc CO. BigShoe Sale ODD LOTS Ladies' Shoes?$1.50, $2 and $3 grades ?To close out at $l.uu a Kair. Children's Shoes?$1 and $1.25 grades ?To close at 50c and 60c a Pair. Odds Lots in all lines at Almost Giving Away Prices. Come to Yorkville's Cheapest Dry I Goods Store?You will receive prompt and polite attention. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. Sell For Less. -7W 12 Pairs Men's Half Hose?50 Cts. I SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT. VLL Y<?rk county competitors for the prizes offi red by tlie School Improvt merit association of South Car ulina. will please make their reports to me <ui or before October 10. T. K. McMACKIN. Supt. Ed. York County. 70 t 3t ipF" Send the Enquirer your orders for 1 Commercial Printing if you want the best work. T * -l- T T 4 -I- -f* T + * -i J WE I VERY I Opening, Markii ing New 1 4* Our big stock of 1 Goods is coming with ^ busy as the proverbial b <$* ting ready for the big Fi f - ^ that we are sure is coir ^ sure of the big business ^ the Goods, the Qiialiti Right Prices. See us for Bed Bla f See us for Shoes fo I children. See us for Hats and f See us for best Dre* ^ See us for Prices and ej# Our Fall stock will Include tl , Prints, such as Dress, Quilt, Furnl Hod niul White Wool Flannel a yard and upward, A full line of Bleached and 6 1-4 Cents a yard and upward. DKESS GOODS?In this dep cially strong and attractive, and wool Dress Goods, as well as all I pi* will please you. Our line of Dre> . especially worthy of notice. Cotto and upward, with Dress Goods of efe Full line or uieaen ana uicv prices. A full line of Jeans and Kers? LOW SHOES AT COST?For ,4^ Low Cut Shoes for Men and Wom " Shoes are the only summer goods busy quick. eh JOB LOT MEN'S SHOES?T! " Low Price?Men's Hi^h Shoes?$: Another lot of $1.75, $2.00 am Come and see us about a Wi ? can secure a bargain. WATCH OUH ADVERTISE\ *2? will keep you posted on prices ant ^ On Your Purchases. + The STRAUSf 4* 4s *t* *f* *1* *1? I Pay For Ashes. It is a fact that I pay for ashes, but in ull cases where they are paid for, the individual who owned the property that has been reduced to ashes must have made the contract with one of the time tried and fire tested companies that I represent before the reducing process commenced. You cannot make such a contract afterward. I am prepared to insure any kind of property, either in town or country, including country stores and old fashioned gins, and at as low rates as any agent who represents reputable companies. If you have no insurance and want some, I will be pleased to serve you, or If you have insurance and desire to renew it with me when it expires, just give me the date of the expiration of your policy and advise as to amount desired. It will sure be appreciated and properly cared for. SAM M. GRIST. - INTEREST Is the incentive towards Saving monev. When you find your money is earning something, you feel more like saving. Interest, like a much advertised remedy, "works while you sleep." We pay interest on savings deposits and certificates for 3 to 12 months' time. Absolute safety, liberality, and courtesy our watchword. LOAN AND SAVINGS HANK YOltKVILLE. S. C. A Hole In The Ground Many people find themselves in a financial hole, simply because they will not patronize their home friends. If it's Music you want, come let us compare Prices; Compare Terms; Yes, we'll Compare Quality?there's where we WIN. Because in the FARRAND Separable Case Organ, there are features contained in no other. They'll interest you. A new supply of Edison Phonograph Records each week, at the r. b. davidson co. yorkville buggy co. nttt mnr a mnnci uuiiii v Aiurio Now is the time to look out for Corn and Cotton CULTIVATORS. We have all kinds, both Riding and Walking Cultivators, that will save you lots of laboi in the proper cultivation of your crops. Call and see them. Yorkvilie Bug'gy C o. WANTED fp O act as your Executor, Trustee 1_ or Guardian. If you need to be bonded see us before doing anything. We have Wills drawn up at our expense when we are made Executor. THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS RANK. Rock Hill, S. C. bj f.t. tf FOR RENT. nICKSON HOUSE, King's Mountain street, next Garrison. C. E. SPENCER. 35 f.t . tf 5? *8? ?* ^ ^ *?? ^ ^ ARE i BUSY? *5fig and Display- t M Goods. t 4s New Fall and Winter 4s a rush and we are as ^ ees in a tar bucket, get- ^ all and Winter business 4* , ting our way. We are 4* because we will have T 4s C4.*r1/\o n r* /4 "#"1-* n <u cS, uic Oleics aiiu uic g?>j nkets and Comforts. i t r men, women and the - 1 J Caps for men and boys. ^ 5s Goods styles. J ; [ we'll save you money. ??> tie usual full lines of Cnlieoes or #$ ? j ture and Solid Oil Color Calicoes. 1 s for underskirts at 12 1-2 Cents j ] Unbleached Canton Flannels at artment our stock will be espe- ^ will include everything in staple he latest novelties, at prices that ^ <s Goods at $1.00 a Yard will be ' n Dress Goods at 10 Cents a yard ? 1 all qualities up to $1.00 a yard. *5r lot Drills and Sheetings at right ?57 >ys for Pants for winter wear. a short time we will continue all V ien at Manufacturers' Cost. Low s that we have in quantity. Get his is a special job at a Special ^ L.25 and $1.50 values at $1 Pair. ^ 1 $2.25 Shoe values at $1.50 Pair. liter Suit?If we can fit you you *!? IEXTS?Close attention to them , 1 styles and will Save You Money *5* <y 5-SMITH CO. * ^ ^ f8 "f3 *? ^ BUQQIES I Watertown, Columbus, Guilford, Anchor, Lion, Phoenix and Parry. WAGONS Mandt, Milburn, White Hickory and Hackney. We handle the Johnston Harrows, Mowers and Rakes, not for the reason that they are not In the trust; but because we believe these to be the best made. Agents for the Acme Harrow. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. HAMS and BREAKFAST BACON I DO NOT HANDLE ANYTHING BUT THE VERY BEST IN THIS T TVD AD T\C? K V FV TTJI7V ft \ XT ur UUVUO BE BOUGHT OF ME AT THE PRICE THAT PACKERS CHARGE FOR THEM NOW. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO STATE WHY I AM ABLE TO DO SO. LOUIS ROTH. D *JVT BEAT Till: BUTCHER When you want the Best Beef in town, phone Sherrer's Market. We deliver the meats free, but some of you seem to think the Beef is free also, from the way you let your bills stand. Some folks in town are satisfied if you feed their families free, but there are others that keep boarders and want me to furnish stuff free to feed them on. Ain't that the limit Drink Cracker Jack Coffee, it keeps down all domestic troubles and makes you want to pay your debts. Sold by Old George at the Market. How do you expect me to get grub To feed a dozen three times a day, If nobody works, but Old George And he not get any pay? Yours to serve, OLI) GEORGE, The Butcher. nr -ri c : mr*w uuwu n ninny i goo i no tnquiror* WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY.' I AM at your service in the repair of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. 1 I know my business and never fail to attend to it promptly. Except I give 'you absolute satisfaction, I don't want your money. I have a window in the >=tore of the York Supply Co. ZEU. ID. MARLEY I THE SAYINGS I IS NOT SO BAD AS THE I NOT SO COSTLY AS THE The Savings Bank Habit, do<?s upset your digestion. I We can tell you what it will di will lead you to independence and you can gain no other way. I "TO SAVE"?That is the que! We can help you and at the s terest. THE FIRSTNA' YORKVI] It Is Time That you wore about your fall plowing and of course you will want to use the best turnplow for your work? one that runs light and goes the deepest with the least expenditure of mule power. Then vou should buy and use a LYNCHBURG. Thoy last LongestRun Lightest. Ask your neighbor who has one, what he thinks of the Lvnchburg. We will rest our case on his decision. See us for Steel Middle Breakers, Points for Lynchburgs, Olivers and Steel Middle Splitters. We have them. Yorkville Hardware Co. iiiiiwTiil ir iI / ou iseea Bagging and Ties?We can supply you with both. Leather?A new supply just In. Irish and Sweet Potatoes. Fruit Jars and Cans, Rubbers and Strings. Cheese?The best you ever saw. Groceries?FVesh and arriving dally. Confectioneries?We're headquarters. SPECIALS Buggy Whips, Brooms, Oil Cans? 'Never Leak," Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Lantern Globes, Lamps and Chimneys, Jelly Tumblers, Stone Jars, Wash Bowls and Pitchers. Dishes, Musical Instruments, etc. HERNDON & GORDON. SCHOOL BOOKS We have the Books for use in the Graded School. Many of them are of the State's adoption. We have no authority to sell these Books except for CASH. Pupils will please bring the lists of Books needed and the money to pay for them. All kinds of School Supplies. We have New Crop Rye, Barley, Red and Crimson Clover Seeds. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. GLENN & ALLISON. Bill IB Mil We have one second-hand Wheat and Oat Binder for sale cheap. It is in good repair. We are headquarters for Mowing Machines Rakes and Binder Twine. BIIU&WM, ISTC. Our line of Buggies, Wagons and Harness is complete, and we will take pleasure in quoting you prices on any of the above articles. GLENN & ALLISON. Do It NOW If there arc any small jobs of Carpenter work to do about your house, such as hanging doors or blinds, mending floors, putting in stairs or shelves, putting en a new rooi, etc., iei us nu\e your order now, while the weather is warm. We will attend to your job promptly. Remember, that we sell Paints, Lead, Putty, Oils, etc., and are wholesale and retail dealers in Lime and Cement. If you are going to Build?see us. J. J. KELLER & CO. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. Remember the Dead Every grave in York county should be appropriately marked with a Tombstone or Monument. To do this is not only a mark of respect and esteem to one's departed relatives, but it is desirable and proper to place an enduring record in stone over all graves. If you have loved ones who have passed to the great beyond and are considering the idea of a suitable marker for their graves, we will appreciate a call from you that we may have an opportunity of showing you designs of Head Stones and Monuments and quoting you prices. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. W. B. Wylie, Sec. and Treas. CLEANING. 1AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladies' skirts in a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to rny home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. 34. t 6t W Wanted.?Your orders for all kinds of printed matter. Rest work at fairest prices. TV A ITir IT A ntT BAINK HAB11 m DRINK HABIT, I TOBACCO HABIT not disturb your slumberings, nor H a for you, if you persist in it. It Mc will give you opportunities, that ame time pay you 4 oer cent in- H TIONAL BANK | cjxjs, 8. c. I Large Sea ? "yov C Save all ' V $5,000 a year is not too much 1 * Is a man selling our goods, who C? let him look for some other busines ? you cannot save $2,000. Accumula! P world, so that you can live better, d V ....I? - o nnmfnrfoh Q ijuue a tuni|;cn;m.c >ui a, vu>?w. ? So said the general manager < ? recently in talking to one of his sa It is not only the wage earner < A come to whom the idea of savin( f In most cases the larger the incon j || and the greater need to make adeq ? If you have not already adoptee I* such as setting aside a certain an II and saving everything above that, A posit your' savings in THE NATI X interest at .the rate of 4 per cent p V Ask today for more information at f and putting it to work profitably. j( The National L (ABSOLUTE ROCK HILL, S V J. C. WILBORN" FOR SALE Description of the C. S. Whitaker niaro?Contains 105 acres; 4i miies irom 1'orKviile, on the King's Mountain I road; adjoining the lands of D. M. | Hall, J. M. btroup and others. One z-story. 6-room house. Neatly painted. Good barn and crib; one tenant house; 3-4 mile of Filbert. About 80 acres under cultivation, 15 acres in timber, 8 acres in bottom land, not subject to overiiow. Mr. T. E. Whitesides?175 acres, 1J miles N. W. Smyrna, adjoining Lonuon siding, has one dwelling, 3-rooms, new, ceiled overhead, and petition. Two tenant houses, 1 shedded; 50 acres in timber, 20,000 feet of saw timber. Land lies comparatively level. Has branches, small orchard. Near New Enon, i mile of Canaan M. E. church. Has 1,000 cords of wood. Within i mile of A. R. P. church. Within i nine of London Siding. Has well, springs near each tenant house, new barn. Price per acre, $22.50. The A. C. Hogue Tract?50 acres, more or less, 6 miles N. E. of Yorkville, adjoins Lee R. Williams, Miss Mary Thomnsson, Wm. Harrison, Jas. Connolly, and others. One dwelling, 5-rooms?new 2 years old. Good barn, well, good water; 6 acres of good wire pasture, running stream; wood scarce, 1J miles from Beth-Shlloh, 2 miles from Tirzah station, near Gettys and Hogue school house; land lies level, high state of cultivation; fine orchard, 2 acres. Price $25 per acre. Wm. Ross home place, 156 acres, li miles of Sharon; a beautiful residence; Price $2,500. The residence is worth at least $1,500. A. E. Burns place?One tract, 119j acres, 7 miles west of Yorkvlller near Adair's Ferry road, joining lands of R. N. McElwee, J. F. Smith, 1 dwelling, 5roorris, log and weatherboard house, 2 story, one chimney. Large barn, all necessary outbuildings; well; one tenant house, 3-rooms, weatherboarded and frame, with barn. 25 acres In pasture, 10 to 20 in bottom, branch through place; 30 acres in original forest, pine, oak, hickory, 15 acres in old field pine; 40 acres in cultivation; li mile of school and Beersheba Presbyterian church; near New Zion and Enon Baptist churches. Price, $25 per acre. R. K. Lowry Tract?One tract of land, 212 acres, 4 miles east of Yorkville, adjoining the land of Jim Moss, D. Benfleld, J. B. Scott; one dwelling 18 by 20 with shed rooms, (3-rooms) good barn shedded; double cribs; has six .>/- nuno nlLtwathoH wlfVi thrpn rnnma ill/UJCO UilU5ClUtl, IT lilt Wll* VV twwtitw, they are new. and have good well water. Six-horse farm open, 150 acres In cultivation, about 20 acres in branch bottom, not subject to overflow, land lies level, red and dark, blackjack, (mulatto land), good pasture, 50 acres? 11 miles Delphos school?graded school. *.10.00 per Acre,. 274 acres, 6 miles south of Yorkville, joins the land of Robert Moore, T. A. Gwyn and others. One new 2-room house, one good 3-room house with barn and all necessary outbuildings; 15 or 20 acres bottom, 10 acres tine pasture, 75 acres or more in timber, 75 acres in cultivation; land lies level and rolling. Will divide this place to suit the purchaser. $2,700 will buy it, and it Is a great bargain. At a great reduction, I will sell a new 10-horse power Gasoline Engine, a new 50-saw Gin, new Power Press, Shafting and Belting complete. 51 acres of land?the J. W. Sherrer tract, 2J miles of court house; two good houses, four rooms each, thirty acres in cultivation, 8 acres In fine bottom corn. This is a bargain, and a profit yielder. 79 acres. 5-room cottage, painted white, with green blinds. A beautiful 2 acre grove, (as pretty as the court house yard); a 4-room tenant house and barn. Has new all necessary outbuildings?everything in good repair. Land lies level; in high state of cultivation. The best small farm in the county. 35 acres in original timber; 7 miles Rock Hill, 1 mile Newport and Tirzah, 1-2 mile of A. R. P. church. The Joe Rose house and lot near Graded school on East Jefferson street 75 acres?Fort Mill township, 3| miles of Pineville, 20 acres of creek and branch bottom; plenty of wood?$1,600. W. H. Alexander?91J acres, 3 miles from Yorkville. S. L. Brown?1 3-room house and lot, Filbert. 108 acres?J. E Castles land. 450 acres?Home of S. P. Blankenshlp, Flint Hill; also 210 acres, land S. P. Blankenship. 102 acres?$11.50?Butler Black. 60 acres?R. W. Bailes, Bell land. One 4-room dwelling, 1 acre lot; also 2 large lots on West Madison St.?Mrs. W. S. Peters. The Shubert place; 32 acres; joins the corporate limits?$850. The Maria Cowen place; joins David Clark?$200. 99? acres; J. R. Ferguson place? Filbert. 78 acres. J mfle New Zlon?$1,200. 6 acres, a nice home; E. B. Mendenhall, McConnellsville; 7 rooms?$1,200. 127 acres; lower Steel Creek township. N. C.; $15 per acre. 151 acres; Dr. White, Miller Place; 4 miles of Yorkville. 235 acres; 5 miles of Rock Hill; rents for 9 bales of cotton?$4,700. 202 acres; Sam Youngblood place; $50 per acre. 517 acres; 50 acres of fine bottom land: 250 acres in woods; 2 story, 8room dwelling: 9-horse farm In cultivation; 6 good tenant houses; close to railroad. This is a grand bargain? $16 per acre. W. M. Whitesides place. 220 acres, one mile of Piedmont r /Iwnll'no" 7 HHA nnrrla I-IUUIII unvii.uoi .,ww vw.MV of wood; 10 acres ^f fine bottoms? $20 per acre. A. C. White place. David Russell place; 12J acres near corporate limits. 125 Acres?a beautiful 5-room cottage; pood new barn?8 stalls; double crib. Everything in good shape; 4 tenant houses; land lies well; plenty of wood: Bethel township, 6 miles of Clover. At a bargain?J. M. Barnett. I wish my friends to know that I can sell their land or buy land for them better than they can. I am prepared to handle any proposition. I call special attention to the 79 acres near Tirzah. It Is the best bargain In the county. Must sell at once. Now is the time to make your trades. You trade now, and make your payments in the fall or the first of the year. ,T. C. WILBORN. Real Estate. I le Saving! j rr money. | } you can. i j tor some of you to save. If there innot save at least $2,000 a year, ^ s. If you live up to $5,000 a year, J :e something and get ahead in the 9 0 more for your children, and ac- A le old age or the 'rainy day.'" I )f a large manufacturing concern ? lesmen. A ir the man with the moderate in- J 1 money regularly should appeal. ? le the larger the living expenses, Jv uate preparation for the future. 1 some plan for systematic saving, lount for your monthly expenses y why not begin today? Then de- J ONAL UNION BANK and draw J ier annum, compounded quarterly. y out this method of saving money Union Bank $ LY SAFE) | iouth Carolina. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. rue A DCOT to 1 AND ?BEST? We have on hand some Rubber Roofing that we will sell at a very low price. It is cheaper than iron roofing and better. It is in first-class shape. Call and see us about it. We are ready to supply you with Bagging and Ties and Cotton Baskets. See us for what you need. CARROLL BROS. We handle the following makes of goods A Coffee SPECIAL? I have a limited supply of an unusually good quality of Coffee put up in 50 lbs. Bags, which I am selling at 10 Cents and 121-2 Cents a Pound in Bag lots. TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. If you are a Tea drinker, you want to remember that Teas are a specially at this store. I sell teas from the Pinehurst Tea Garden, at Summerville, S. C., and also sell such well known Teas as Tetley's, Lipton's, Heno and others. For the best in Coffees and Teas see I. W. JOHNSON. IT IS A FACT My line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Bric-a-Brac, Sterling Silver, Plated Ware, Glassware, etc., is as large and as complete as Is to be found anywhere in this section and I am sure ! thof \/An t a/ i 11 wi u im*ir aa iiicf ao Iaia/ kiiui /ww wy iii iimu 111/ pi iwva aa iv?? r*s you find anywhere. Come and see what I can show you. T. W. SPECK, THE JEWELER. W Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing a specialty. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee President Sec. and Treas YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. j PUT IT IN m Bale your oat straw, peavlnes, etc. It saves storage room, time and money. Buy the Wire from us. We have a few Cotton Baskets for sale, and also have Cotton Sheets. See us for Pure Appier Seed Oats, and Red Rust Proof Seed Oats. See us for Mill Feed and Wheat Bran. See us for Shingles and Iron Roofing. York Supply Company. ...BLUE ROCK... Mineral Springs (Calcic, Sodic, and Lithic Bicarbonated Saline Water.) A recent analysis of the water of this Mineral Spring by Dr. Boyden Nlms, F'h. G. of Columbia. S. C., shows li to be equal to the best Mineral Water used by the American people today. This water has been given away for more than sixty days since the present owners came into possession and has been thoroughly tested by the public, and pronounced superior to any in the State. Now on sale at the STAR DRUG STORE. To any one not yet having tried this water, we will furnish the same free upon application, until a thorough test nas Deen given 11. BLUE ROCK MINERAL SPRINGS CO., D. L. Shieder, R. E. Heath and Marion B. Jennings, Proprietors. STWe will show the analysis of this water to any one. any wnere, at any time. No secret about It. We are not afraid to show It. Due West Female College With the best modern equipment and conveniences, and high standard of teaching and living, this is an Ideal place for preparation for the great responsibility of womanhood. Terms moderate. For attractive catalog, write Rev. JAMES BOYCE, Due West, S. C. 52 t lit NEW LOT Amoskeag Outing Just received fifty pieces of genuine Amoskeaa Outina?a.11 srood colors, and nice patterns, on sale at 10c the yard. ..Khaki Cloth.. You'll want it again this season for Coat Suits. Its stylish, everybody wears It, and you'll want to be In the push. We are showing two qualities? 15c and 20c the yard. We are showing solid color Linen In Green and Navy Blue at 20c the yard. 36 Inch Cannon Cloth?the yard, 121-2 Cents. Lonsdale Cambric, best quality? 12 1-2c the yard. Apron Gingham?5c the yard. Heavy, yard wide Sheeting, best quality?7c the yard. Heavy Canton Flannel at 10, 121-2 and 15 cents the yard. Good Talcum Powder at 5 and 10 cents the box. 10c size Vaseline?5c the bottle. The Thomson Co. Mosquito Bars Mosquito Nets Hammocks See us for either of the above. We have only a few left and ofTer them at most attractive prices to close out. BEFORE YOU BUY An Organ, Sewing Machine, Cooking Stove or Range, it will pay you to see our lines of these goods. We can and win lane pleasure in snowing1 you tne best there Is in these goods and will quote you prices that will convince you that we are giving you a Square Deal. FREE Please remember that when your purchases amount to $15 Cash, we give you Free, a seven-piece China Set FURNITURE If you are going to make any additions to your household furnishings, come and see what we have to show you. Our qualities, styles and prices will appeal to your sense of good values. We will give you a Square Deal. Terms to Suit YOU. YORK FURNITURE CO. W* See us for Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. : i! I IT HAS BEEN PROVEN There la no better time to have your Painting done than during the months of September and October, before the extremely cold weather comes on, and the extremely hot has passed. Now it has been proven in numerous cases that Peninsular Semi-Paste Paint will stand better, look better and cost less than a liquid paint. If it will cost you fifty dollars to paint your house with any liquid paint you can buy in this town, you- can paint the same house with $35 to $37.50 with my paint. Is $10 to $12.50 worth going after on a $50.00 deal. Every Gallon Guaranteed. STAR DRUG STORE I). L. Shleder, Proprietor. Conversation ?On? REAL ESTATE We wish to say to our readers that business was better at this office during the month of August than It has bien for many months before. The Inquiry is good, especially for farm lands. We have letters from many states making inquiries, some answering ads., others say Mr. M. V. Richards. Land and Industrial Agent of Washington, D. C., referred them to us, while some say they saw our ad. in Com. E. J. Watson's list or other mediums that we advertise In. Thus you see how printer's ink carries Real Estate messages. It Is an apt way of talking direct to the* public. We want the country at large to help us do the whole push good. Transactions show real values and they enable A, B, C & D to cancel their obligations with E. F. G & H, therefore the entire country Is benefited. If the people all over the country would get selfish ideas out of their heads and try to be public benefactors, this would be a great country to live in. But so long as there is nothing doing unless self is directly In it, the wheels of progress are often blocked. WE BUY AND SELL LAND FOR CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS And must have both property and propositions. If you want to do business, don't fail to list your wants and offerings with this office correctly described, and name the price you are willing to give or take. If there is any chance whatever, we will deliver the goods, saving customers time, trouble and money. We sell numbers of pieces of property without seeing the property, buyer or seller. All done by advertising and correspondence. Therefore property and statements should be strictly as represented. J. EDGAR POAG, ROCK IIILL, S. C. "Cuts the Earth to Suit Your Taste." G. H. O'LEARI. "Delighted" That's what they all say, who are using the NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. For cool summer cooking and preserving fruits there Is nothing Better, Cleaner or More Satisfactory than one of the Oil Stoves that I am selling. I have both kinds?WICK and WICKLESS?and make you this offer: Put it in your house and if it does not do what we say it will do, just return it. That's fair, isn't it? Also remember that my place is full of Good Goods at Fair Prices and that it is to your interest to call and see them and be convinced that this is so. G. H. O'LEAItY. AC" The Enquirer office is especially well equipped for bundling Briefs and Xrgumcnts. Send us your next one.