some time, though the mill men have postponed action, hoping that the situation would improve. One mill president said today that there has been no improvement and to his mind he believed that the situation would become worse. It is understood that the majority of the mills in this section are opposed to closing down, fa- ] vorlng instead shorter hours. The . mill presidents realize that if the < mills shut down thousands and thous- i ands of operatives will be thrown out of work during the summer months < and will soon become scattered and I when operations are resumed in the ] fall the mills will experience great difficulty in reorganizing their help. 1 Another conference will be held next s week when definite action on the I question will be taken. At the meet- I ing today there were present J. R. | Cleveland, Dr. J. F. Cleveland, A. H. ' Twichell. R. Z. Cates and others. ] ? Sumter. April 22The state 1 council. Junior Order American Me- 1 chanics of South Carolina, completed < its session this afternoon at 6 o'clock. Many of the delegates left on the 1 evening trains, but most of them re- 1 . mained over to attend the smoker to 1 * ttki* nAimpJ I f oc given IU1115111 ouiiikvi wui.v.. No. 7. A great deal of business was dis- ' posed of in the short time the council 1 was in session. The reports of the officers show that the condition of the * order in this state is fine, with in- ' creasing membership and new local ^ councils installed annually. The fi- s nancial condition of the state council 1 treasury Is splendid. Abbeville was ' selected as the next place of meeting. The council went on record as favor- 1 ing the enactment by the legislature of a compulsory education law. Some * changes in state council laws were made. The sessions of the state coun- 1 cil were pleasant, harmonious and profitable. The membership of this I body consists of as intelligent, public spirited and patriotic body of South Carolinians as ever assembled In Sumter. There are some brilliant orators In the council. Sumter feels proud of > having been the host of such a mag- e niflcent body of typical Carolinians > and patriotic Americans. The following state council officers were elected 1 for the ensuing year and duly Install- I ed by Past State Councilor and Depu- s ty National Councilor R. A. Smith of I Charleston: Rev. W. G. Winn of Iancaster, state councilor: J. E. Ream- T guard of York, state vice councilor: I James S. Wilson of Lancaster, state s secretary: S. W. Plyler of Rock Hill, a state council conductor: R. H. Hamel f * of Kershaw, state council warden: I. c R. Lewis of Charleston, inside senti- I nel; C. E. Beaumont of Sumter, outside sentinel: Rev. B. L. Hoke of 1 Blacksburg, chaplain: H. Terry of e Laurens, representative to national r council at Detroit. 0 _ c NO CONSTITUTIONAL BAR. a F Government Can Acquire Lands For ? Protection of Streams. t That it is constitutional for the na- t --- 1 -3 n tlonal government to acquire muu m v the states for forest reserves when it can be shown that such acquisition is c an aid to navigation was on Wednes- v day declared by the house committee v on judiciary. The adoption of a resolu* tion to this effect followed a vote hold- J lng unconstitutional the bill providing t for the creation of the White Mountain T and Appalachian reservation in the absence of the required information con- J coming the effect of the proposed res' solvation on the navigability of the streams which are fed by the waters * within its boundaries. Following is the resolution which was unanimously adopted by the com- ( mittee for the guidance of the house: g "Resolved. That the committee is of the opinion that the Federal gov- s ernment has no power to acquire lands j within a state, solely for forest re- r serves; but under its constitutional ' power over navigation the Federal c government may appropriate money for >s the purchase of lands and forest re- j serves in a state, provided it is made f clearly to appear that such lands and j forest reserves have a direct and sub- ^ stantial connection with the conserva- j tion and Improvement of the navigabil- f ity of a river actually navigable in t whole or In part: and provided that any t appropriation made therefor is limited ^ to that purpose. "Resolved. That the bills referred to j . In the resolutions of the house are not ( confined to such last mentioned pur- j poses and are therefore unconstitution- ) al." 1 This action of the judiciary commit- r tee opens the way for the friends of the j Appalachian project to frame a new bill within the constitutional limita- ( tions outlined. If such a bill were in- j troduced. it would likely be referred to t the committee on rivers and harbors t for determination of the physical ques- j | tion or whether forest lands and forest r reserves are or can become conservers of stream supply and flow?in other s words whether the acquisition of such \ lands can be -held to be in aid of navi- i ga hi I ity. j ? \ HOG AND HOMINY. * Editor Yorkville Enquirer. Please put me down for $f>.0C on the corn prize fund. Mills cutting time A and shutting down are helping to re- 1 (luce cotton acreage. I see lots of I ground on jny route, ridged for cotton a now being planted every* other row in f corn. I hope to see every farmer in t York county cut off cotton and come up ; with more hog and hominy. P R. T. Castles. Smyrna. R. F. D. Xo. 1, April 24. AT THE CHURCHES. I BAPTIST. Rev. I. G. Murray, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at . 10 a.^m. Preaching service at 11 a.m. ( rVVrillllK pr? ? icr ui CHURCH OF THE OOOD SHEPHERD. r ^ Rev. J. O. Babin. Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 1 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock, j Afternoon service at 4.30. Annual Easter election immediately after morning service. 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m.. Preaching at 11 a. m.. by , Rev. D. Clay Billy. Praise meeting by Ladies Foreign Missionary society and address by Rev. D. Clay Lilly at s p. m. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. Henry J. Cauthen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3.30 p. m. Evening service at 7.45. i ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. W. C. Ewart, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. No other services. I . ' Special gotices. } At Beersheba Sunday. There will be preaching at Beershe- . ba next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. ! H. J. Mills. Conference at Union. i There will be a conference at Union 1 I church next Sunday afternoon at 3.30 k to call a pastor. All members are reW ciuested to be present. Sunday school jit 3 o'clock. J. D. Smith. Communion at Allison Creek. ? Rev. J. K. Hull will conduct communion services at Allison Creek on the first. Sunday in May, preaching i commencing the Friday previous at j 11 o'clock a. m. Ceo. L. Suggs. School Entertainment. The Hickory Grove High school will give an entertainment, consisting of dialogues, plays, humorous addresses, music, etc., on Wednesday evening. ' April 29th. at 8.20 o'clock. The enter| tainment will be in the hull of the 1 \ school building. Much time has been given to preparation, and it is the earnest aim of the management to make the occasion one of pleasure and ' enjoyment for all those who attend. A 1 ^ small admission fee will be charged. ? the proceeds of which will be used * for the benefit of the school. I>. M. Kllen, Principal. 32 t.f 2t ?perial Notices. Letter to Sheriff Brown. Yorkvilie, S C. Dear Sir: A certain paint manufat turer advertised " Waldorf-Astori painted throughout with my paint, \ part of the basement was so painl ?d; not satisfactory: painted Devo rtext time. There's a certain paint, a big cor pern, very proud and ambitious, tht hated to see so big a job of anotht paint: so it went for that business. That former paint was about-tw thirds not paint, but this proud an ambitious paint was only about-on? third not paint. It succeeded in get ting a trial: 25 gallons. 5 kits of gallons each. When the painter had used one ki he called the manager: not satisfac tory: 4 of the kits returned. A pain me-third not paint, is not good ?nough to displace Devoe. This was several years ago. Tha proud and ambitious paint is bette (low; it is nearer honest: it isn't shor Treasure at all and only 15 per ceri idulterated. It's pretty-good pain iow; 13 or 14 gallons of it goes as fa is 10 of Devoe. Judge I D Fairchild owns tw rouses alike in Lufkin, Texas. J J rorrence painted both houses, one De roe. and the other with that prou< md ambitious adulterated?15 per cem t took 151 gallons Devoe and 25 gal i ns of the proud and ambitious paihi It takes a pretty-good paint to (lis urb Devoe. Yours truly II F W DEVOE & C( P. S.?J. J. KELLER & CO.. sell ou HINT. ?ow Rate Mileage Tickets on Sale B; Southern Railway. 500 Mile State Family Tickets $11.2 -good over the Southern Railway ii ?outh Carolina for the head or depend nt members of a family. Limited on ear from date of sale. 1.000 Mile Interchangeable Individua Pickets $20.00?good over the Southen lailway and thirty other roads in th outheast aggregating .20.000 inilej amited one year from date of sale. 2.000 Mile Interchangeable Flrn Picket $40.00 ?good over tfle Southen lailway and thirty other roads in th' outheast aggregating 30,000 miles fo t manager, the "head of a firm or em doye. Limited to five, but good fo inly one of such persons at one time limited one year from date of sale. 1.000 Mile Interchangeable Individ lal Ticket $25.00?good over the South irn Railway and seventy-five othe oads in the southeast aggregating 41, 00 miles. Limited one year from dat if sale. On and after April 1st, 1908, all mile ge tickets will not be honored fo assage on trains nor in checking bag :age, except from non-agency station nd stations not open for the sale o lckets, DUl musi oe preserueu a icket offices and there exchanged fo ontinuous ticket. Money saved in passage fare by pur basing tickets from Southern Rail ray agents. Fares paid on train kill be at a higher rate. Call on Southern Railway Ticke Vgents for mileage tickets, passage ickets and detailed information, t. W. Hunt, Assistant General Pas senger Agtnit, Atlanta. Ga. C. Husk, Division Passenger Agenl Charleston, S. C. excursion Rates Via Southern Rail way For Special Occasions. Baltimore, Md., and return, accoun leneml Conference M. K. Church, Ma; th-30th, 1908. Very low round tri| ates open to the public. Tickets to b old May 3rd-4th-5th, good to leavi Baltimore returning not later thai nidnight. May 30th, 1908. Washington, D. C., and return, ac ount Biennial Session, National As ociation of Colonial Dames, May 6th ith. 1908. Very low round trip rate >pen to the public. Tickets to be soli day 3rd-5th, good to reiurn leavini Washington not later than midnight day 12th, 1908. Further extension.* inal limit to leave Washington not la er than May 25th, 1908, can be ha< ipon payment of fee of 50 cents an< leposit of ticket. Richmond. Va.. and return, accoun National Conference of Charities an< Correction, May 6th-13th, 1908. Ver; ow round trip rates open to the pub ic. Tickets to be sold May lst-4th 908, good to return leaving Richmoni lot later than midnight, May 15th 908. Norfolk. Va., and return, accoun ienerai l'onierence a. ai. r,. v^nurcn day 4th-30. 1908. Very low roun< rip rates open to the public. Ticket: o be sold May 2nd-3rd, good to retun eaving Norfolk not later than mid light. May 31st. 1903. For detailed information, rates chedules. etc., apply to Southern Rail ray Ticket Agents or address R. W Funt. Assistant General Passenge Vgent. Atlanta. Ga.. or J. C. Lusk, Di ision Passenger Agent. Charleston J. C. Ihe Cotton tftarhet. Yorkvllle. April 24.?Cotton, ver; ittle selling. No established price Brings anywhere from 6 to 11 cent tccording to the needs of the buyer am irmness of the seller. Tendency o he contract market still downward. LOST. IN court house water closet Frida morning. 17th instant, a Smith i A'esson 32-calibre pistol. Finder wil >lease return to Sheriff's Office. 33 f.t. 2 WANTED, AT ONCE &OOD fresh milch cows and bee cattle. C. FRANK SHERREF forkville, S. C. It PICNIC AT EAST VIEW. rHERE is to be a picnic at East view school house on FRIDA1 VIAY 1, and the pubic is invited t >articipate with well filled baskets. R. M. ANDERSON, for Com. DON'T FAIL TO SEE rHE LITTLE MERCHAN' 0 F CHALK-TOWN TONIGHT AT THE PALACE THEATRE CU."\INU?; f State Executive Committee and t'ounty Chairman and for such otlio tnd further business as may be nee ssary. Precinct elections for delegates t this convention will be held on Sat Drday afternoon, April 2.r>th instan between 2 and 0 o'clock. J. S. RRICE. County Chairman. J. C. WILBORN FOR SALE 108 acres?l mile from Smyrna sta tion; beautiful 7-room cottage, an ill necessary outbuildings; 2 room ten ant house; 2-horse farm open:?plent wood: 30 acres good bottom land. , E. Castles. 450 acres?2 miles from Pineville I nines* ji**i ill I'liii .miii; I owciiiiik i 1'iiiinis. sin fli-Kani home; g*>*>d barn 4 tenant houses; l.">7 acres in high stat cultivation, balance in forest tiinherit great deal of saw timber; 40 acrf good bottom land: ISO acres elegar pasture land; lies well; good 4-stcre oi chard. Near Flint Mill church. Also 210 acres?S-rooin dwelling, wit all necessary outbuildings; 25 acre good bottom; splendid pastures; 1 mil frmn Flint Hill church. Both of abov being projierty of S. P. Blankenshii Verv reasonable. J C. WILBORN. .?. V. WILBORN. Ileal Estate. vjo ^ 1 IT IS A D I T ? A> " J HOW PR( It *5* fF i THIS HAVING TO PAY d ^ <*4k This does not happen when vou P t- *> 5 <4# a Cheek: because the Canceled V< t. -V Your Account?be it ten d t, receives the same careful attentio * J THE FIRST NA' 5 ^ YOHKVIL it i f l- i- i/ t- i- i- 1: . for the best varieties of pure seeds, s We have a good variety of good seeds ri and will be pleased to supply your f needs. THE YORK DRUG STORE, jj J. B. Bowen, Proprietor. t ~ 9^~ Feed Dr. Hess' Stock Food to your horses and cattle. It makes them i well. t. M. L. Carroll. C. W- Carroll. CAItKOLL BROS. ; PURINA CHICK : FEED We have just received a large shipment of PURINA FEED for chickens. If you are a raiser of chickens and o don't use Purina Feed you ought to n get acquainted with it?it is the best of all feeds for young chicks and for laying hens. Can we send you a sack? - CARROLL BROS. -t RURAL DELIVERY LISTS. 3. ATROXS of the Rural Delivery o MT Routes out of Yorkvllle are rer quested to furnish carriers with com1 * ..f ..ii ti.i. r>n,,i,in who iret ? pteie lir?ir> i 'i on mv , ? 'i' mail at their respective boxes. The - present lists have been outgrown, and revision is neeessarv to facilitate deo livery. M. M. MOORE, Postmaster. t, SAYS IT IS GOOD. Mr. T. J. Nichols was one of my first _ customers for Kss-Tee-Pee. He has given it a good trial. Says he has tried various remedies, and Ess-TeeDee is the only one that has done what it claims to do. Trial bottle 50 - cents. d Hair cut?125 cents. [. Shave?10 cents, v LUTHER 13A HER. FINAL SETTLEMENT. ALL concerned will please take notice that I have this day made a ' full settlement with the Probate Court e for York county as administrator of ~ the estate of Miss R. C. MOSS, de's ceased, and that on May 16, at 11 a.m., 11 I will apply to Hon. L. R. Williams, '* judge of sit id court, for a discharge from further liability on account of said administration. 's JAS. W. SMARR, Admr. I(* .31 f 5t e _ W" Pink, Gray, Yellow. HufT and liliie Hlotting Paper at 5c Sheet, 3 for 10c. size 19x24 inches. The Enquirer Oflice. k ^ V T T T ^ EAD LOSS f ro - I EVOKING { AX ACCOUNT TWICE , V ay Your Accounts and Bills With uiclior (or Check) tells the story. ollars or ten thousand dollars? f-Z-k 11 at this Bank. ^ riONAL BANK J iXJE, S. C. ^ *? WE are located at the Kimball stand, rear of J. Q. Wray's and respectfully request the people of the town of Yorkville and country sur rounding to give us an opportunity to make a reputation for prompt, efficient and reliable service. Good horses and good vehicles. LASSITER & HUNTLEY. AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE have a number of Guernsey Cows and Heifers that we will sell. Pure cream at 25 cents a quart, at the farm at all times, or delivered on Tuesdays and Frldayo. Pigs for Sale?$2.50 and $5 each. J. MEEK BURNS, Manager. Jan. 25 f.t tf VISIT OUR BAR< o Shoes g1 Beginning Saturday, A augurate a Special Ban and Oxfords for Men, and the Sooner You G< cause the Big Bargains Table Will Be Quickly FASHIONABI - A' REASONAE (f\\ m 'Imps*# uS^r 1 mm trains ("OPTBiO^r ^ 11 leol by ir ?TRouae jhm \v| A RRn.?i T* ml&. 4LT'M0*| THIS SEASON WE ARE SH( BLE LINE OF MEN'S, YOUTHS' WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. IN T WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE THE QUALITY AND STYLE THA' OUR CLOTHING BEFORE BUY] YOU A GOOD IDEA OF WHAT G SHIRTS AND SUl To every man buying a Suit of Free. With every Youth's Suit a $1.4 With every Boy's Suit a r>4) Cei With every Pair of Pants a pal This offer is good to MAY 1ST OUR MILLINERY Is ready to receive your orders wear. We want the ladies to rem< this season includes the very Crei styles and what is more our Trimi Style, Quality and Cost. We will Millinery Department. Yorkville B. & TO YE Olde Time Fiddlers Come Ye In Convention at Yorkville On May 8. Everybody is coming to hear ye in ye Court House at Yorkville beginning at 8.30 in ye evening and remaining until ye can fiddle no more. Prizes for ve three best fiddlers, $5, $3.50 and $2.00. Prize of $3 for ye best banjo picker. Prize of $2 for ye best dancer. Music by ye Yorkville Cornet band in between times. Ye public to be admitted, 50 cents for ye grown people and 25 cents for all ve younger ones. H. G. BROWN. R. H. DOBSON. MEEK DICKSON. Committee. iW All ye fiddlers, banjolsts and dancers, who can be at ye convention, will please tell ye committee at once. Live and Learn About the first of July, 1901, I wrote the application of a prominent citizen of Yorkville for $1,000 Insurance in the Mutual Benefit. The policy was delivered about July 15, 1901. Shortly afterward he applied for and secured two policies of $2,000 each in two well known companies. The longer he has the Mutual Benefit policy the more pleased he is with it and the company, and the less pleased with the others. During the past 30 days I have delivered him his second Mutual Benefit policy, this time for $2,000. He is now carrying about $20,000 life insurance in eight different companies, and says that he regrets that all of it is not in the Mutual Benefit. The insurer who heeds experience, buys his Policies of the Mutual Benefit. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. Pratt's Stock Medicines Cow Tonic. Worm Powders, Kgg Producer, Lice Killer. Heave and Cough Cure. Colic Cure. Horse and Man Liniment. Houp Cure. Cuttle Powders, Healing Ointment for Harness (falls. Sore Shoulders, etc. Barker's Cattle Powders. Sloan's Liniment. Cutieura Soap. Gilt Kdge Shoe Polish, Mennen's Talcum Powders, Colgate's Talcum Powder, It. and (i. Violet Soap. Colgate's C. 11 L'"" - - Clitimnn'c'Al* >. V MHIVM Kit OUUHIOU o ....V. Kegulator. Sal Heputica. Oralis and Amber Cane Seed. Clay and Whippoorwill Peas. Pun- CuliM'pper Cotton S*eed. Everything yon need in Groceries and Farm Supplies. York Supply Company. Pianos AINI) Orgai If you need a PIANO OK O one, NOW IS THIS TIME to get ? We are pushing our Piano ai good stock of both of these insi $200 to $450, which we will sell f ly Payments. We have Organs for $45.00 1 $10.00 Cash and $5.00 Monthly I Write us for cuts and prices. W . G. RE HOCK III ILtls, GAIN COUNTER F Oxfords pril 18th, We Will In*ain Counter of Shoes Women and Children, et Here the Better, Beto Be Found on This Snapped Up. ,E CLOTHES T ILE PRICES w The Mark of Quality, of Style and of Fair Prices. 3WING THE MOST FASHIONAAND BOYS' CLOTHING THAT WO AND THREE-PIECE SUITS YOU A PERFECT FIT AND IN T YOU WANT. COME AND SEE [NG?YOUR VISIT WILL GIVE OOD CLOTHES REALLY ARE. SPENDERS FREE Clothes, we will give a $1.00 Shirt JO Shirt Free, nts Shirt Free. Ir of 50 Cents Suspenders Free. , 1908, ONLY. DEPARTMENT ! for Hats and Bonnets for Easter ?mber that our Millinery showing [im of Dame Fashion's approved ner can thoroughly please you In be pleased to have you visit our M. Company. Chewing T obaccos Whatever your taste may be in Chewing Tobacco, I think I can just fit your requirements. Come and see me anyway. I have 1? Brown's Mule, Nellie Ogburn, Maple Sugar, Rich and Waxy, Schnapps, Natural Leaf, Drummer, Monarch, Apple Sun Cure, Hancock's Maritana and others. I. W. JOHNSON. JW See me fur Teas and Coffees if you want the best. Building Materials If you intend to do any building or repairing, we will be pleased to have you remember us for all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, including Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboarding, Framing. Siding, Shingles, Laths, etc., and also for Lime, Cement and Brick, as well as the Paints, Oils and Varnishes that you will need?we sell the celebrated Devoe Paint?lasts longer and goes further. We also carry a full line of Building Hardware, including everything needful in Hardware. FLY SCREENS Now is a good time to place your orders with us for made-to-measure Fly Screens for windows and doors? they fit. Let us make a Lawn Swing for your lawn. If you have any small jobs of repairing, just phone us. We'll do the rest. J. J. KELLER & CO. It Pays To trade at "the store of the stretched dollar" every day in the week, and every week in tne year. My ever increasing list of satisfied customers is sufficient evidence of the truthrumess of this statement. I Invite All who have no personal knowledge of the fact to visit my place of business and prove it to their own satisfaction for 4,the proof of the pudding is in the eating"?a trite saying as true its it is old. .1. \V. DOHSON IW The place where the DOLLAR DOES FULL DUTY. W Good Printing? See The Enquirer. KG AN', or ever thought of buying [>ne on EASY TERMS, ml Organ Department and have a truments. We have Pianos from or $25.00 Cash and $10.00 Monthup to $100. and will sell them for Payments. II) \ SO IV Twenty-one Points of Superiority Contained in THE WILL C. FREE , SEWING MACHINE 1. Ball Bearing Rotosclllo Movement. r?i 2. Automatic Thread Controller. *-? 2,. Rotary Bearings. 1. Positive Self-Setting NreiJlr (cannot he set wrong) 'jij Positive four motion feed (without springs) fi. Short Needle. 7. Rigid feed (bearing being directly Tl under feed points) 8. Entire Absence of Vibration. 9. Automatic Tension Release. rpj 10. Shuttle Ejector. 11. Revolving Spool Holder. 12. Self-acting latch for holding head to stand. Tl IS. Case-hardened Parts. 14. Self-Threading Shuttle. 15. Capped Needle and Presser Bar. 16. Large and Roomy Head. 17. By test the lightest running sewing 1 machine in the world. 18. Beautiful Woodwork. Tl 19. Automatic Lift. 20. The Most Powerful Sewing Machine Made for Family Purposes. 21. Simple. Durable and Quiet. * For Sale By Lj YORK FURNITURE CO. FOR ff that Tin mm Don't forget that THE STAR DRUG STORE has the medicine for that tired I feeling that is so common at this sea son of the year. Many have tried it I and will be glad to testify. If you will only try one box of this Medicine, you too will fall in line. Get your liver to doing its work by using STAR LIVER REGULATOR 2 or 3 times a week, and the tired feeling, biliious attack, dizziness, constipation, indigestion, loss of appetite and sick head- th aches will soon disappear. STAR LIVER REGULATOR never fails to do M its work. Large box for only 25 cents. STAR DRUG STORE "h su D. L. Sliieder, Proprietor. ^ International STOCK FOOD v ft There Is no better time than spring " to improve your stock, so as to keep them in perfect condition. B1 The International Stock Food stands at the head of the list of all preparations in their line, and anybody that has tried International will not use dj any other. I have all the sizes on Dl hand?25c., 50c., and 25 lbs., pails at $3.50. Also for poultry. a(; Besides these, I handle? International Gall Cure, International Distemper Cure, 0j International Harness Soap, I nternational Cholera Cure. For sale exclusively In Yorkville by gc LOUIS ROTH. in yc In J. Ij. Williams. Mason McConnell. ^ J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. w - ti< K Panama Hats s We have an extra nice line of Men's ? Panama Hats in Crush and Telescope Shapes. Price $5.00 Each. Nainsook Underwear 100 Suits Men's Nainsook Underwear, Shirts are short sleeved; Drawers are knee length. These garments are sold everywhere at $1.00 suit. Our "1 Price, while it lasts is 64 Cents a Suit. I No Suits will be broken at this price. Suits 64 Cents Each. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. B in Sell For Less. aI LIFE IS UNCERTAIN Ci Mr. W. S. Wood of Gaffney, died on March 6. On March 26 (the day the proofs of death were sent in) we paid the claim of $1,000.00. THE FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY furnishes ? protection at a lower cost tharl any other Company and is the BEST Home Insurance Company in the State. ! be D. E. BONEY, Manager, til Yorkville, S. C. 4* -4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4" 4* 4* -.GENT SHIR1 nr- _i : i ii. we are siiuwmg a ueautuui m for men in Negligees, Plaite Soft White Bosoms in all sizes SI.00 Shirt, and the best madi We are also showing a n for men and boys at 50c each. Genuine Pure Linen Colli all styles and sizes. Also a cc See our lines of Neckwi Hosiery for men. Our Gentle - Blacks, Tans and desirable please you if you are particula If you want a Hat or Cap let us show you newest arriva the quality, the style and price ..The STRAUSS T T T T T T T T T ' BIG VALUES IIOMSOX CO.'S 5c pmbroidery Counter IIOMSOX CO.'S 9c Embroidery Counter UOMSOX CO.'S 19c Embroidery Counter IIOMSOX CO.'S 40 inch Lawn, 9c Yard IIOMSOX CO.'S 40 inch Linen Lawn, 19c Yard IIOMSOX CO.'S Good Apron Gingham, 6c Yd UOMSOX CO.'S cru Val Laces. 6 l-4c and 10c Yard MOM SOX CO.'S White Belts, 10c and 15c KOMSOX CO.'S lastic Belts in Navy, Brown, White and Black, 50c Each IIOMSOX CO.'S Embroidered Collars, 10c, 25c IIOMSOX CO.'S Merry Widow Bows, 25c IIOMSOX CO.'S Colored Collars, 25c Each IIOMSOX CO.'S Windsor Ties, 25c Each IIOMSOX CO.'S Colgate's Talcum Powder, 19c IIOMSOX CO.'S Toilet Soap, 3 Cakes for 10c IIOMSOX CO.'S adies' Home Journal Patternsall 10c and 15c Each. HE THOMSON CO. 4AMM0CKS / Enjoy the warm days of summer In e open air. See our line of HAMOCKS?all qualities and all prices. A good HAMMOCK swung In a lady spot will add much to your immer comfort. They are good to st In and good to sleep In. See us about a HAMMOCK. CARROLL FURNITURE CO., VHENIN THE 1ARKET For a Buggy or Surrey and not too CJSY to save money on these, call id allow us to show you our line. For limited time, In order to help build ) this branch of our business, we are vlding our legitimate profit with the irchaser. We consider our customers our best Ivcrtlsement, but they are too busy id have something else to do besides is, so we take this additional means reaching the buyer. Have bought largely in anticipation A good year's business, and if prices id terms are any inducement, we are ling to move them. If you will allow us to show you our le and name prices and terms and ?u wisely conclude you can get better ducement8, we will guarantee you a irgain. We sell nothing but what is the guarantee of the makers as ell as our own. Agents for the Keystone Riding Cul/ator. If you want the best see the eystone. As usual we are offering: Planters, Istrlbutors and other Farm Impleents very cheap, W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. SEE SPECK for batches and Clocks ? Finger Rings, Scarf Pins, Bracelets, roocnes, Hat Pins, and other things Jewelry In Solid. Gold, Gold Filled id Sterling Silver Sterling and Plated Silverware. Gut Glass and Pressed Glass. Fine China and Porcelain. Lamps and all kinds of Brlc-a-Brac. Waterman and Parker "Lucky urve" Fountain Pens. T. W. SPECK. , BEST BEEF. 3 HONB your orders to the ROSE MARKET when you want the st MEATS. Good Beef Cattle wanted at all mes?Will pay top of the market. WALTER ROSE. i- 4s + 4 4 - i- 4r 4* 4* 4* 4j LEMEN WHO BUY /l/wwrcL, rs BUY THE BEST le of VMONARCH" Shirts d Bosoms, Laundered and The "MONARCH" is a e. Wear the best. ice line of Negligee Shirts, See them. irs, 15c each, two for 25c; implete line of 10c Collars. ear, Belts, Suspenders and men's Hosiery line includes Fancy patterns. We can r about quality. > for yourself or your boy, Is. VWe can please you in . Obt Hats please. i-SMITH CO.. * + + * + +