Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 21, 1908, Image 3

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SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. ? Greenville. February 19: Dr. Edwin M. Poteat. president of Furman university. has announced that he will not accept the call to the pastorate of Broadway Baptist church of Louisville, Ky., which was extended him a few weeks ago. Coupled with the announcement of Dr. Poteat is the announcement that Andrew Carnegie has agreed to give $25,000 to the university provided the friends of the college raise $'>0,000. This offer will he accepted and $25,000 of the necessary amount is already pledged by the general education hoard of New York. ? Winnsboro special to News and Courier: The February term of court -.anrone,] Monttnv I'M rail lirni vvuiiv V".. ? * v* . morning Ht 10 o'clock. His honor. Judge Watts of Cheraw. is presiding:. Solicitor J. K. Henry of Chester, and Stenographer McCaw of Yorkville, are at their respective posts. Judge Watts made a short, but very forcible charge to the grand jury. A number of indictments were given to the grand jury, who returned true bills in a greater part of them, and the work of disposing of the heavy docket was commenced a t once. ? In joint assembly of the two houses yesterday afternoon judges for the new eleventh and twelfth judicial circuits just created by the legislature were chosen in the persons of Representatives James W. Dovore, of Wedgefleld. for the eleventh and Rep- 1 resentative S. W. G. Shipp, of Flor- J ence, for the twelfth. Mr. Pevore's \ opponent was Supreme Court Report- ' er C. M. Kfird, of Lexington, Dovore receiving eighty-nine votes and Eflrd seventy. Mr. Shipp was opposed by ' Mr. J. W. Montgomery, a banker and J attorney of Marion, who received sixty-nine votes against ninety-two for 1 Mr. Shipp. ? tx'hv. tv>n a^ntVi of Senator Latimer .' comes the announcement that former < Governor D. C. Hey ward will be a candidate for the United States Senate In the Democratic primary next summer. Heretofore ex-Governor Heyward has steadfastly declined to become a candidate. His announcement today has created great Interest In political circles. The other candidates announced for the long term are: Joseph A. McCullough. of Greenville; John J. Dargan. Statesburg; ex-Governor John Gary Evans, Spartanburg; D. S. Henderson, Aiken; O. B. Martin, Greenville. The names of Congressman Lever and ex-Congressman George Johnstone have also been suggested. ] AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. Rev. I. G. Murray, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.15 o'clock. | Contributions for State Missions. ] FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at < 10 a. m. Morning sendee at 11 o'clock, i No evening service. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP- I HERD. Rev. J. O. Babin, Rector. Sunday Services?Morning service at < 11 o'clock. Sunday school at .1.30 p. m. } Afternoon service at 4.80. I TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. Henry J. Cauthen, Pastor. Snndav Services?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3.30 p. in. Evening service at 7.15. ' \SS0CIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. .Rev. W. C. Ewart, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30. Special Notices. ~=jj* ~ ^ No Services at Beersheba. Because of the illness of Rev. H. J. Mills, pastor, there will be no services at Beersheba next Sunday, February 23. OBITUARY. Diei>?Of cancer, at her home at Indian Trail. N. C., on February 17. Miss M. E. BOYD, aged 54 years and 4 months. Formerly of York county. $he Cotton iftarhet. Yorkville. Feb. 21.?Cotton lljc. New York. Feb. 2ft.?Spot closed quiet; middling uplands 11.40: niddling gulf 11.65: sales 1.031. Futures opened steady and closed very steady as follows: Feb. 10.50; March 10.55; April lft.65; May 10.70; June 10.63: July 10.56; Aug. 10.43; Oct. 10.05; Dec. 10.05. FOR SALE. T7* ORTY-HORSE Boiler and Thirty- i Horse Engine; also Saw Mill outfit i with 48-inch saw. All in good condi- i tion and cheap. Address Yorkville No. ( 3. CLEVELAND DUNLAP. 15 f.t 3t* , APPLICATION FOR I FINAL DISCHARGE. HAVING made a final settlement with the Probate Court for York ( county as administrator of the estate of T. B. BRAKEFIELD. deceased, this is to notify all concerned that on MONDAY. MARCH 23. 1908. at 11 o'clock a. m., I will make application to Hon. L. R. W'ilianis. judge of said court, for a discharge from all further liability in connection with said estate. W. S. W1LKERSON. Admr. 15 f 5t ( STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. In the Conrt of Common Plea*. Sarah M. Johnson. Mary Jane Boyd and Martha Kate Thomasson. Plaintiffs, against Springs & Burweli. and K. R. Springs. Surviving Partner of the Finn of Springs & Burwell: Mrs. B. K. Starnes. Edward Stames, Joseph Starnes. Margaret Starnes. Beulah Starnes. Thomas Dewey Starnes, Widow and Children of B. K. Starnes. Deceased: all Children and Heirs-atbw of Klizabeth Starnes Stokes. Deceased; a Daughter of B. K. Starnes. Deceased, (name unknown), and all other Children. Grandchildren and > Heirs-at-Law of B. B. Ctarnes. Deceased. (names unknown), and all Children and Heirs-at-Law of Thomas Humphreys, the Husband of Cynthia Alice Starnes Humphreys, (names unknown), and all Children and Heirs-at-Law of Cynthia Alice Starnes Humphreys. (names unknown). Defendants.?Summons for for Relief.?(Complaint not Served.) To the Defendants above named: \r or are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint In this action, which has this day been filed in thi office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for York county. South Carolina, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on tiie subscribers at their office. Wilson Building. Yorkvllle. S. ('.. within twenty days after the service hereof upon you. exclusive of the day of such service. and if you fail to answer the complaint in the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. FIX LEY & JEXXINGS. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Yorkvllle. S. ('.. February 19. 190R. NOTICE. To the absent defendants (all of the parties defendant in the above entitled action): Take notice that the Complaint in this action has this day been filed In the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for York county. South Carolina, and you are required to answer the same within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fall to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief * demanded in the Complaint. FIN LEY & JENNINGS. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. 15-25 f 6t MILK COW FOR SALE. A FRESH Milk Cow. Apply to me x\. on Yorkville No. ti. I. P. BOYD. 15 f It LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN. BLACK Hound Dog, white brenst three white feet, keen head, black stripe on nose, slight slit on each ear. Disappeared on February 13th. Any information appreciated. E. T. MONTGOMERY. R. F. D. No. 7, or phone C. C. Hughes. It PLEASE PAY UP. ALL subscribers to THE ENQHIRER on my club are earnestly requested to pay up at once. Payment may be made to me, my brother, Mr. R. E. McFarland or at The Enquirer Office. Where- checks or money orders are sent direct to The Enquirer oftiee, the senders will please make same payable to L. M. Grist's Sons. Prompt attention to this request will be greatly appreciated by me. Respectfully, A. W. McFARLAND. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County or yotk. IN PROBATE COURT. By L. II. Williams, Esq., Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS W. C. FAR IS has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of JESSIE I. PARIS, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden tt York Court House on the 7TH DAY OF MARCH. 1908, to shew cause, if any, why the said Admlnstratlon should not be granted. 3iven under my Hand and Seal, this 20th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, and in the 132nd year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS, Probate Judge of York County. 15 f 2t NTo. 6931. Report of-the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Yorkville. in tho State of South Carolina, at the close of business, February 14, 1908. Resources: Loans and Discounts $143,636 35 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 19,103 40 II. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. 500 00 Banking- house, furhiture, and fixtures 2,600 00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 20,090 64 Due from State Banks and Bankers 72 16 Due from approved reserve agents 7,630 43 Checks and other cash items 695 01 2xchanges for clearing house 36 00 Notes of other National Banks 455 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 367 15 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz.: Specie $7,625 95 ^egal-tender notes 9,940 00 17,563 95 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5% of circulation) 1,250 00 Total $239,002 09 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00 Surplus fund 12,500 00 lTnd!vided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 4,566 96 National Bank notes outstanding 23,550 00 Due to State Banks and Bankers 503 20 Dividends unpaid 48 00 individual deposits subject to check.$ 100,821 79 Deposit Savings Department 2,097 81 Fime certificates of deposit 34,695 79 Cashier's checks outstanding .... 156 65 137,772 04 Notes and bills rediscounted 10,000 00 Reserved for taxes 61 89 Total $239,002 09 State of South Carolina, County of York. s.s. i Vf c at.t.ktn Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to 'he best of my knowledge and belief. R. C. ALLEIN. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of February, litfts. J no. R. hart. Notary Public. Correct?Attest: W. I. Witherspoon, W. R. Carroll, 0. E. Wilkins, Directors. Begin Early When you have that aching, tired. *orry feeling that indicates an approaching attack of grip?just get t>usy?tight it off?get a box of Bowen's Cold and Grip Cure and take it persist?ntly and in a few days you will have won the tight, because this remedy never fails when taken promptly and Persistently. They sell for 25 Cents a Box. Keep a supply on hand. If your children have that nerveraCking, distressing, choking, sleep-destroying cough at night, give them Cough-Ease?it stops the trouble?25 :ents a Bottle at THE YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. Bowen, Proprietor. 0f Don't forget that Dr. Hess' Poultry Pan-a-ce-a is a guarar.eed Egg Producer. FUNDS DEPOSITED tin MM En ^ With us are Protected bv lUAWnANPQP STF P I TRIPPLE MOVEMENT TIME LOCK AND BANK BURGLARY INSURANCE. BANK OF CLOVER CLOVEK. S. C. THOS. H. HARDIN LAND SURVEYOR,? LOWRYYILLE - - S. C. r.-2f? f 3m* TIME TO PAY. Vl.L persons who have given their subscription to THE ENQUIRER, either to Mr. J. K. ALLISON or myself on my club, will please make settlement either with Mr. Allison, myself or the publishers at once, as the time by which I have to settle is growing short. Prompt attention to this notice will greatly oblige. JEFF 1>. WHITESIDES. IS YOUR CLOCK RUNNING? up HAT old Clock that' has been X standing for years, and which you would like to have keeping time again; but which you think cannot be fixed at a reasonable price. Bring it to me. I do reliable, honest work on Watches. H. ID. MARLEY I "Oppor * % X Tradition has il ? knocks at least 01 T door, f Place yourself in X vantage of opportui ? a jrood BANK ACC * ? 1 I THE FIRST NA + YORKVII I. L. Williams. Mason McConnell. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. The Sun May Fail To Shine, But? J. L. WILLIAMS & CO.'S STORE still shines in YORKVILLE, with the best stock of Dry Goods, Clothlrtg, Shoes, Etc., for the Price, that has ever been shown here. Our spring1 stock is arriving every day. We will be pleased to show you through it, and quote you very low prices. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. Sell For Less. S^" Men's Black, Tan and Red Half Hose at 50 Cts. the dozen?the 10 Cts. kind. KEEP IN MIND MY SPECIAL IT'S JUST LIKE PICKING UP MONEY. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND. For particulars read Ad. In Tuesday's paper. .J. W. 0013S0TV SW The place where the DOLLAR DOES FULL DUTY. j UNDERWEAR 2 WE HAVE A SMALL LI.N'l J WEAK?GOOD QUALITIES?SP1 A MUST CLOSE OUT QUICK?W1 1 DON'T WANT TO CARRY THI V AT THE PRICES THAT WILL B A Wright's Fleeced Underwear, ? both Shirts and Drawers, an unns .Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts, ? Men's Heavy Fleeced Drawers P Men's Medium Fleeced Shirts We have a JOB LOT OF Ml 2 lot are many splendid values, and tractive prices that will interest y< * and so on through the lot. See tl 2 Hood Sheeting going at J J. Q. WRAY, 1 2 3*" Remember WRAY when you GET THESE AT? Johnson's FOR BREAKFAST Dr. Price's Wheat Flake Celery Food, Cream of Wheat, Quaker Rice, GrapeNuts, Oat Meal, Shredded Wheat, Sar-i OU:-.a n r CUftAn'e W Aalf W P-nffp# CllULjCt VS I I I pa, a V<r..wV, Postum. SOME OTHER THINGS Seed Irish Potatoes, Seed Corn? white and yellow. Flour, Meal, Grits. Hams, Breakfast Strips. Shoulders, Lard, Snowdrift. REMEMBER Coffees and Teas are specialties with I. W. JOHNSON. milk ri isMTiiii' en. FURNITURE, STOVES, Undertaking' Supplies PAINTS, OILS, Etc. HARRISON'S "TOWN AND COUNTRY" PAINTS. HARRISON'S "Town and Country" Paint has been made and sold over 100 vcars. It Is made of pure Lead and Zinc. Xo Paint on the market will cover more surface, or wear longer than Harrison's "Town and Country" Paint. Put on your building by a good workI *%> >? ?*/-? it.! 11 4Ka Knot t?n _ . umu iiiiu "ii ** 111 uunuir uic uwi irsuits that can be obtained. Get our prices before buying JAP-ALAC?all colors. For Enamels, Varnishes, Oils, Dryers, Turpentine and Paint Brushes, call at the YORK FFRNITFRE CO. ALABASTINE, the best finish for walls?all colors'. Headquarters for Furniture and House Furnishings. Easy Payments. YORK FURNITURE CO. Baber The Barber Shandon Hotel?Up Stairs. COMFORTABLE room, careful and experienced attention, clean tools and appliances. Ilrst-class work generally. Shave 10 cents; haircut, 2T> cents. Your custom appreciated. LUTHER BABER. Proprietor. BEEF CATTLE WANTED. I want to buy at all times fat BEEF CATTLE, and will pay the highest market price in CASH for choice animals. If vou have Beef Cattle to sell, see me at the ROSE'S MARKET. WALTER ROSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. Why not have your Pictures made now. when you can't do much out of doors? They will be just as fine as if made in clear weather. Watch The Display Case at street entrance. Picttures all are made in this Studio and changed in the Case everv day. ROSA J. LINDSAY. tunity" | t that opportunity x ice at every man's ? f position to take ad- j? lities by building up ? OUNT. jf * TIONAL BANK J jLE, S. C. I Hardening* The season for Gardening is near at hand and I am ready for you with a full stock of the well known LAND- (' RKTH'S SEEDS. We have sold Landreth's seeds for years and they have s always, without a single exception, given perfect satlsfacton. See us for your seeds. Peas. Reans, Onion Sets, Etc. y STAR DRUG STORE | D. L. Shleder, Proprietor. COAL GRATES ' li We have a small lot of Coal Grates on hand and will be pleased to have ( you call and see them if you need one or more. Our prices are right. ' FURNITURE Before yofl buy FURNITURE for your home come and see our line and let us quote you prices. Our stock is complete, our qualities are good, our varieties large, our prices are pleasing. TERMS TO SUIT THE BUYER. CARROLL FURNITURE CO. Offered at Very ' Low Prices! a R of MEN'S winter under- j lex did values?<that we * .] need their room?we J :m over?you xeed them x _ uy them. be quick: I , the $1.00 and $1.25 Qualities, J I ual bargain at this price? 75 CENTS THE GARMENT. y at 38 CTS. EACH. J I i, at 38 CTS. EACH. { and Drawers, good value at A t? CENTS GARMENT. Z 1 EN'S HATS AND CAPS. In the J we are offering them at most at- X j >u. $1.00 Hats Going at 75 CTS., *" 5 b 5 cents a yard. x ^ rHE LEADER. 5 I want GROCERIES. ^ RAZORS ! r If there is one thing a man who shaves himself takes especial pride in, it is the possession of a first-class Razor. We have a big lot of Razors in stock and can furnish you with FirstClass kind. We especially recommend either the SHUMATE or BOKER and believe we can sell you a Razor that will satisfy you in every way. Prices from 50c to $5.00 Each. Call and see us* about Razors, Straps, etc. a Yorkville Hardware Co. W When it is HARDWARE you need, it is to your interest to see us first. GLENN & ALLISON. ANOTHER CAR J OUR MR. ALLISON is again in the West to purchase another carload of I HORSES and MULES, and will arrive in Yorkvllle with his selections either next MONDAY or TUESDAY. If you haven't yet bought such farm animals as you will need this spring, come and see us TUESDAY and make your selection. Our terms and prices will please you. Everything we sell Is Guaranteed to be as represented. V GLENN & ALLISON. 1 ON WHICH SIDE OF THE MARKET ARE YOU? 1 Advertise Your Stocks And Bonds Or Real Estate. It Pays! Iiids wanted on following Storks: Tavora Cotton Mill. York Cotton Mill Lockmore Cotton Mill. Victor Oil Mill. Loan and Savings Bank. WANTED?Clover M'f'g Co. Stock. Dr. M. W..WHITE. Sherrer's Barber Shop. The Place Where You Receive Prompt and Artistic Attention. Shave, 10 cents; haircut, 25 cents; massage, 15 cents; shampoo. 15 cents. Plenty of force; comfortable room. Right on the street. Opposite PostofHee. SHERRERS BARBERSHOP. 14 f.t 4t* W Woodmen of the World receipt books for monthly dues, at The Enquirer office, 30c. if White Goods We are making' some advance showngs of WHITE GOODS for Shirt A _ _ A. _ -J I -I "nun:*, fit'., ill iuc a yara ana upw<iia.| g Percales A full line of PERCALS. in stripes. ll( lots and figures, suitable for dresses, Si hirt-waists and shirts, at 121-2c a lh Di ard and upward. r0 U ac Ginghams g in N, We have picked up a Job lot of GING- ^ 1AMS?good, fresh patterns, while it m in . asts, going at 5c a yard. See Us \ IK h< A< For Hickory Shirtings, 1 Curtain Scrim?nice patterns. tn $1 10-4 Sheeting?good quality. pi to Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases. ?' bi P< H ar fa $1 Strauss-Smith Co. * ct In gc tu te Pi se ro gc ac VEW SPRING 2 MILLINERY : || Three hundred Sailors and Street " lats just in today. See them, they are eauties. Latest styles from New 'ork. ! Plain and Trimmed Sailors and x 'rimmed Walking Hats?very stylish or early spring wear. Y< G POBSON BROS/ CASH STORE. jS( Mrs. T. M. Dobson. Prop. C1 A Laundry Basket leaves every Tues- hs ay at f? o'clock. Delivered on Saturay. Pay for it when delivered. jr I'd VI mm I J: While this Dank adopts every desirbit* method of modern banking1, it nev- 1 r loses sight of that Essential Quality. Absolute Sofety 15 LOAN' AND SAVINOS BANK ? ' YORKVILLE. S. C. 1 STARTS IBM ACCOUNT F 5 . WITH US NOW th VE WILL DO EVERYTHING POS- T' IDLE TO SERVE YOU AND FURTIFR YOUR INTERESTS. I BANK OF so HICKORY GROVE. ? I ' ' ^ i OLIVER AdlllDr / Here is what YOU NEED MOS I Hl'STER?plow up all your cotton ) much plowing: (lone and at the sum ) the way. The OLIVER is the BE! t always get Repairs for Oliver Plows | OLIVER MIDDLE BUSTER OR Tl CARROLL B ? TOMORt WILL BK Till] LAST DAY OF Ol PAY OUR STORKS A VISIT Til SALE. SATURDAY'S I1AROAIXS STORES. The Thomsor j. o. wii-bozfust FOR SALE 143 Acres 7 miles Sharon, 7 miles cConnellsville; old mill site; adjoins nds of J. L. Rainey, Galloway Bros.. ;ar home of Lester Good: Price nu 1.50 ijcr acre. Terms to Suit. Quick jyj lie. House. Burn, etc., near incorporate wl le of Yorkville; late residence of pa avid Russell. Price $1,125.00. Sam Youngblooti Place?a new 7- Jui mm residence; ?ood tenant houses; f( !5 acres in woodland; lies level; 202 ***' :res; 4 J miles Yorkvllle; Name price. ge Lee Roy Adams* Home Place?in . ethel; 3 miles Bowling Green, 3 miles ml lover; 7 room dwelling; good tenant on >use; 6 acres fine bottom; 75 acres cultivation, lies level; 137 acres. , ame price. J 153 Acres?li miles Bethel church; ;s level; Arthur Qulnn place; Of- ? rs in order. 195 Acres, W. H. Sparrow Place?2 lies Bethel church; 2 good dwellgs; 65 acres fine bottom; 4 horse rm. Look at this. ? Patrick Place of Samuel Miller, ullock's Creek; adjoins Kelly Inman; a 8-room elegant dwelling, barns, etc. ^ rice for whole (425 acres) $8.00 per anJ ere. Also Sain'l Miller's Williams Place, 15 acres; 1 new 5-room house, all ? icessary outbuildings. 5 good tenant >uses, all occupied.' Price $10 per ere. J 78 Acres, adjoining lands of J. R. ? aires, Jrio. Smith; 2 horse farm open, ? mile New Zion church, Ramah; 4 ? lies Bethany; For whole Tract, 1 1.200. 123 Acres?Bone Campbell home ? 1 -?onVtAAl 9 1Y1 |]pQ M act1; 1 II11IC Ul (jimu OVIIVUI, ? ^ Bethel church; adjoins W. T. Xichs; 1 7-room dwelling; necessary outilldlngs; 2 tenant houses. Price $23 >r Acre. 834 Acres, Bullock's Creek, J mile oodtown; 1 3-room dwelling; 2 tenit houses; 6 acres woods; 2 horse rm open?J. H. Eankhead. Pile** [5 per Acre. 333 Acres, 3 miles west McConnellslle; 1 4-room dwelling; good orlard; barn; all necessary outbulldgs; 3 horse farm open; 46 acres >od bottom land: 100 acres in pa?re; 50 acres In another pasture; 3 nant houses; A Great Bargain? rice $1,000. G. W. Foster place? e him. One House and Lot In Filbert, 3 om dwelling; good young orchard; ?od garden; Price $175. 151 Acres, 2 horse farm open; 75 res In heavy timber; adjoins James jemster; 1 good dwelling; 1 good nant house; 4 miles south of Yorklie?Miller Place. I have sold Two Places this month. WANTED?Three small farms near orkvillc. J. O. WILBOKX, Heal Estate. MM I MINI EVERYTHING! i\s, we carry. almost everything in ^ rocerlcs, Confectioneries, Hardware. __ See us for Plowstocks, Plows, Clev- " es, Backhands, Chains, Plowlines. See us for Musical Instruments?inudlng Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, ccordeons, Harps, etc. One Autoirp left. See us for Bagging and Ties. See us for Shoemakers' Burnishing ik and other supplies. See us for Dried Fruits. ^ " *? n 1? 1 ? /I '? TMf?V? AO At /V nee us lur tin miiu.i ui i/miiw, .See us for Meal Sacks. en See us for "Never-Fail" Oil Cans. See us for Choice Lemons and Bald- bu in Apples. g-j See us for Acid Phosphate for your i impost. ow HERXDOX & GORDON. be qu str is. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. pr President Sec. and Treas. Gli ORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. 1BE US FOR PLODR /V] Have you bought your FLOUR for J e spring and summer of 1908. If you y0 ive not bought, it will pay you to see es( i before buying. c'et 'HE PLANET JR. I adi We want you to call and see THE L.ANET JR. CULTIVATOR. The . st on the market. York Supply Company. ? i'o< AT THE BRATTON FARM. VE have a number of Guernsey ~ Cows and Heifers that we will mm II. Pure cream at 25 cents a quart, at e farm at all times, or delivered on tesdays and Fridaye. Pigs for Sale?$2.50 and $5 each. J. MEEK BURNS, Manager. Jan. 25 f.t it CLOTHES CLEANING. AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes arid ladies' skirts in a thorighly satisfactory manner, at readable prices. Work may be sent diet to my home or left at W. E. Fertson's store Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. OLIVER I )LE BUSTER ? iT?Oct an OLIVER MIDDLE- * stalks and you will have that e time will Ret the silks out of J iT Middle Buster and you can n Come in and see us alauit an ? RX PLOW. A BOTHERS SATURDAY "It BIG REDUCTION' SALE. E LAST DAY OP THIS BIG WILL PAY YOU AT OUR i Company. REPAIR WORK! If there are any repairs to be ide about your premises or any odd js that you want done before the nter sets in, let us know about them rly, as our carpenters are all busy st now and It may be several days ter your order is In before we can t to your wo/k. But, then, you ght save time by letting us know at ce. r. J. KELLER & CO. v We are Wholesale and Retail rents for the Limestone Spring Lime orks. See us for your needs. FOR RENT. L SMALL farm ? the Templeton place. See me quick for terms d possession. 4 XT /~1 A T)TTTtOT/,*TJT ^V. X. ?YI\lUni. n?T*T*T*T4T*T*Y*Y*Ti*Y*Y*VZ O. P. HEATH, Pt. W. S. NEIL YORKVILLE B. < INCORPO lA*A*AI?.A*A*A?tftA?A*A*AAieAfte I We Are I | Headquart< | GROCERI | HARDWJ I FERTILI2 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS CERIES AND FARM IMPLEME] \ WE FULLY APPRECIATE "5 I AND HOPE YOU WILL FAVOR ? OF YOUR TRADE DURING TH] WE ARE READY TO MAK \ ERS AND WILL GIVE YOU TH \ CALL AND SEE US BEFOR | ANOTHER YEAR. } WE HANDLE CORN, OATS J GIVE BEST PRICES TO OUR C I YORKVILLE BANKING i r*T*Y*T*Y*Y+T*T*T*V*T*T*'fZ Silverware t make a specialty of choice Sterling Iverwear and you can always depend getting dependable goods when you y from the SPECK JEWELRY ORE. When you want Silverware for your n use or for gifts for friends I will pleased to show you my line and the alities and prices will please you. Sut Glass is another specialty of this >re and in Qualities, Designs and ices I can please all comers. Cut ass is always correct as a gift. T. \V. SPECK. The Jeweler. PPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. HAVE this day made a final settlement with the Probate Court for rk county, as administrator of the ate of THOMAS N. JACKSON, deised, and I hereby give notice that on >nday, February 24, I will make apcation to Hon. L. R. Williams, judge said court, for a final discharge from ther liability in connection with said ministration. S. M. JACKSON, Admr. i'orkville, S. C., January 22, 1908. f 5t? f Pink, Gray, Yellow. IJuiT and no Blotting Paper at 5c Sheet, 3 for \ Size 19x24 Inches. The Enquirer OITIce. Absolute nnmiiniwwiwnnwrwwiyw THE SAVINGS BANK Not so had as the cigrarei thinkery and wallet as the THE SAVINGS BANK II GOOD DIGESTION, COC INDEPENDENCE. The most healthful thing: BANK BOOK?there are your peace of mind. It h to the young: man. A Gi the old man. ACQUIRE THE HABIT. ACQUIRE IT N O W AMI The NATIONAL (ABSOLUTEI ROCK HILL, S. AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common PleaN. Andrew H. Jackson, Indv., and as Admr. of the Estate of Jas. A. Jackson, Deceased, et al., Plaintiff, against R. Clinton Jackson, et al., Defendants. BY virtue of a supplemental decree In the above stated cause, I will expose to sale In Front of the COURT HOUSE DOORS In Yorkvllle, on the FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH, (Salesday), 1908, between 11 a. m and 2. p. m., the real estate described as follows: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, lying, being and situate In the county and state aforesaid, near Tlrzah Station, known as the JAS. A. JACKSON, deceased lands, which Is the tract here below described less eighty-one and 3-10 acres sold by Jas. A. Jackson to R. Clinton Jackson during his life time, the tract Intended to be sold containing ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO AND TWO-TENTHS ACRES, more or less, the entire original tract being described as follows: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, beginning at a rock on the northern edge of the Yorkvllle road, R. R. Allison's corner, running thence with said R. R. Allison line, N 13. E 11.60 to rock; thence N 30 E 25.20 to O. stump; thence N 45.45 W 17.60 to rock (W. O. Down) Andy Woods Corner, thence S 89 W 25.85 to rock; thence S 1.30 W 37.65 to rock; J. R. Wallace corner; thence S 15.30 E 29.70 with J, R. Wallace and H. Money line to rock H. Massey comer; thence N 55.30 E 20.21 ' to rock; thence S 67 E 4.13 to the beginning, containing two hundred three and one-half (203J) acres, more or' less." TERMS?One-Third Cash, and the ' V .. balance payable in two equal annual Installments with Interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, payable annually, the credit portion to be secured by the bond of the purchaser, and a mortgage upon the premises sold; purchaser to pay for all papers, and to comply with his bid within one hour after the sale, or the lands to be resold upon the same day, upon the same terms, at the risk of the defaulting purchaser. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. 13 f .. 3t , V. Pt. R. E. HEATH. 3?c.-Tr. 1 M. COMPANY, I RATED. ? * <A*AA*A*A*A**A?A*A*A?A*A*A* J ers for I "ITiCi JCiO, * lRE, I :ers I FOR ALL KINDS OF GRO- 5 NTS. & rOUR TRAL>E FOR PAST YEAR Z US WITH A LARGE PORTION ? [S YEAR. M E CONTRACTS ON FERTILIZ E BEST PRICES OBTAINABLE, g E MAKING ANY TRADES FOR Z AND HAY BY THE CAR AND M USTOMERS. AND MERCANTILE CO. Z ? As Usual 1 have a full supply of all kinds of FANCY GROCERIES, but will mention a few: PRUNES?large and small?15c a lb., 2 lbs. for 25c.; 10c a lb., 3 lbs. for 25c. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR?both plain and self-raising. PORTO RICO MOLASSES?the best ?rade?at 60c a galon. Finest Open Kettle New Orleans. 60c a gallon. SNIDERS' SALAD DRESSING. Quart bottles of Highest Grade Olive Oil. CELERY SALT. New bbl. MACKEREL?10c, 3 for 25c. MINCE MEAT?2 lbs. for 25c.. MUBI A in i i nmu juu inujt can fi. LOUIS ROTH. WHY SHOULD YOU INSURE WITH THE FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY? 1st. Because It cost less than any >ther Company. 2nd. It keeps all the money at home. 3rd. It pays Its claims promptly. Proofs of the death of Mr. J. Ed Leech came in on Friday, January the 31st. and a check for $1,000 was mailed to Mrs. T.?eech the same day. D. E. BONET, Manager. ly Safei in in ui in m m m in in w w HABIT? ttc habit?nor so costly to your s drink habit. ABIT MEANS SOUND SLEEP, >L JUDGMENT AND MANLY in all the world is the SAVINGS 110 microbes In it to steal away 5 a Guarantee of Good Behavior inrantee of Care and Comfort to > OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH UNION BANK jY SAFE) Duth Carolina.