Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, January 28, 1908, Image 3

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R. F. D. AND GOOD ROADS. ^ Editor of The Yorkville Enquirer. Having read the very sensible article of Dr. T. A. Crawford on the road question In the last Issue of The Enquirer. 1 shall thank you for space in which to express my hearty endorsement of all that the doctor has said. As a rural free delivery carrier, I to am in a good place to realize and appreciate the situation; but I am writing this not so much in the capacity of a rural delivery carrier as a citizen. It is almost Impossible to calculate the benetit that this rural free delivery system that the government has estab^ lished is to the people of the country districts, and when we consider that the only thing that is asked in return is that the people keep the roads in fairly good condition it seems very strange that we should have such a situation as now exists everywhere. While few have ever attempted to make an accurate calculation along that line, I think that every farmer in the country who gets the benefit of rural delivery must have some idea of the tremendous effect that rural delivery has had in making his lot more pleas 4 ant and satisfactory and in enhancing the value of his property. There might be one in a hundred now who would say that he would be willing to give up rural delivery, but I do not think that the proportion is larger than that. ^ It is not worth while for me to repeat that the present system of working the roads is a farce. On the twenty-four miles of m>; route there are twelve sections, which means twelve overseers. Five of these sections have received more or less attention and most of the others have not had a fair working in three years. This. I take it. is a fair average of conditions all over the county. Brown neglects his duty jq because Jones won't work, and others hold back for the same reason. As much as rural delivery has improved the conditions under which the country people live, good roads would be worth still more, and while I am sure that the whole country realizes the fact, I cannot understand why some thing is not done. In tfjls last connection. I want to give expression to a warning, and it is not ? *fH..r~ Thlo tt'hnlo un V nauiuie otuvi. . rural delivery system is to be re-organized soon, and the understanding Is that when the re-organlzatlon takes place, those who have not shown their appreciation by trying to do something ^ for the improvement of the roads, will ? be left out of the benefits as far as possible. Respectfully, D. G. Clark. Yorkvllle, S. C., January 27, 1908. ^ NO RAILROAD LEGISLATION. Looks Like the State Will Accept Finley's Proposition In Good Faith. The probability is that there will be? no railroad legislation in this staii at this time. Senator Toole of Aiken, has been pushing the rate bill for several years; but it now seems that he will be headed off by a special message that Vwas transmitted by Governor Ansel last Saturday. Governor Ansel's message is as follows: To the honorable senate and house of representatives: On the third day of January inst., after a consultation held between the railroad commission of the state, the ^ attorney general and myself and Pre" sldent Finley and other representatives of the Southern Railway company. I renoivwH fmm Mr. Finlev a letter convey ing to me information in regard to the passenger rates which the Southern Railway company propose to put in operation on or before the first of April 1908, a copy of which letter I herewith transmit for your information. 4 On Monday the 13th day of January 1908, Mr. Alexander Hamilton, Vice President of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway company, also had a conference with the above named officers of this state, and stated that the Atlantic Coast Line company would voluntar^ ily place in operation in this state the same passenger rates that were fixed in the state of North Carolina by them, either voluntary or by compulsion and that it was hoped to have these rates in operation on or before the 1st of April, 1908. I find that under section 2092, 2093 and 2163 of the code of laws 1902. the railroad commission of this state have the power to fix rates, the same not ^ to exceed three cents per mile. This * gives them the power to fix the rate on all railroads in the state. The railroad commission having the , power to fix rates, it might be well to leave the matter of fixing the passenger rates with them, without legisla- ' tlon at this time. They could fix a ? three cent a mile rate for the short independent lines that could not make expenses on a smaller rate and could fix the fare for the larger roads at the rates set out in President Finley's let- 1 ter above referred to. It is by reason of the conservative course that this state has pursued in the past that these corporations have voluntarily consented to give up the rates above referred to, and I submit for your wise consideration, the question as to whether any legislation should be had on this W subject at this session of the general assembly. Respectfully. M. r. .rtllSVI, uuyciiiui. ? It is believed that if Judge Pritchard appoints receivers for the state dis^ pensary funds, Governor Ansel will assert the rights of the state in the matter and make things interesting. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. ^ Prayer meeting on Wednesday events ing at 7 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL There will be no prayer meeting Wednesday. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. Special Notices. Card of Thanks. I wish to publicly express my gratefulness to the many kind friends who worked so heroically to save my property and for the kind attention shown my family in our misfortune on the morning of January 24th. To one and ^ all. white and colored. I am profoundly thankful. M. L. Smith. <&he Cotton iftarhet. 9 Yorkvllle. January 28.?Cotton 11J. New York, January 28.?Futures closed as follows: Jan. 10.97; Feb. 10.97: March 11.07; April 11.11; May - " T <1 no. T.. I _ . At . V , , tr ll.l.t; June 11.uo. ,iin\ 11."". 10.82: Hot. 10.35. ATTENTION YORK COUNTY COTTON GROWERS! A CONVENTION and also the Executive Committee of the York " County Southern Cotton association are hereby called to meet at York Court House SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1ST. 1908, at 11 a. m.: purpose, to elect officers for 1908, and delegates to the State Convention at Columbia. Wednesday morning. February 5th. V 1908. Each Township association must meet Thursday afternoon, January 30th. 1908. at 3 o'clock and select three delegates to attend the County convention. C. E. SPENCER. 1t Prest. York County S. C. A. FARMERS, HULL VOIR OWN SEED 4 CHEAPEST AND BEST. MEATS enough left in hulls to make nourishing feed for cattle. Kernels mixed with acid and kainit make a fine fertilizer. A first-class PERRYMAN HURLER will be operated at my Ginnery every FRIDAY. Price 3 cents per * bushel, or one-tenth as toll. R. M. BRATTON, t 6 lit Guthriesville. S. C. STRAY CATTLE. I HAVE taken up three head of Cattle. which owner can have by applying to me at Sharon and paying expenses. GEORGE PI.EXICO. 8 . t It W Send The Enquirer your orders for all kinds of Commercial Printing. Ih'st work at Fair Prices. 10,000 CABBAGE PLANTS I will have 10.000 Early Cabl>age Plants on SATURDAY NEXT, for early planting and will be pleased to receive your orders at once to insure delivery of what you want. Put in your order TODAY. I also have a big lot of choice Onion Sets, and a full selection of Garden Seeds. See me for what you mav need. W. E. FERGUSOX. Dr. Hess' Stock Preparations Again we want to insist that NOW is the time to put your horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry in good physical condition. To do this at little expense and do it thoroughly you should use Dr. Hess's Stock Food, Dr. Hess' Poultry Panacea and Dr. Hess' Louse Killer. These preparations are all sold under a Positive Guarantee to do all that the manufacturers claim they will do. Again let us insist that you use the preparations of DR. HESS if you are an owner of horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep or poultry. It will pay you. For sale only by THE YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. Bowen, Proprietor. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treas. """ ^ w' > -w- -w* -WT /\ I VOKK surrLK uu. Incorporated. Received Today, Monday One carload of Xo. 1 and Xo. X Shingles. One carload Xo. 1 Timothy Hay. One carload Corn and Oats. Two carloads Fertilizers. Iron Roofing. 6. 8 and 10 foot lengths. Galvanized Roofing. We have a complete stock of FAMILY and FAXCY GROCERIES and all the PLAXTATIOX and HEAVY SUPPLIES,you are looking for. Plow Tools. Gears, Collars, Bridles, and everything you need to farm with. See us before you buy your FERTILIZERS. We will save you money. York Supply Company. GLENN & ALLISON. Mr. Allison Has returned and our new carload of carefuly selected MULES and HORSES will arrive tills (Tuesday) Afternoon, and we will be pleased to have any one who is in the market for FIRST-CLASS Work Animals to come and see this shipment of animals. We are sure that we can please anybody who wants First-Class' stock at the Right Price. Don't put off coming. COME TOMORROW. GLENN & ALLISON. HAD Kill THIIl'liHT Why is it that the Star Drug Store sells SO MUCH MOKE Candy than any one else? It is this: Because we handle the Best (Xunnally's) and we have it on hand Fresh Every Week. Come, as the others do, and get something that you and your friends can enjoy. Nothing nicer than a box of Nunnally's Fresh Candy. STAR DRUG STORE I). L. Shieder, Proprietor. I ENDS SATUI THE STRAUSS-SN BIG CLEAR, t OUR BIO CLEARANCE SALE J SATURDAY NIGHT. AND Y j BUYING WINTER GOODS II OUR PRICES ARE MONEY $ ERS. COME BEFORE THE V Wni. Simpson's and American 5 CENTS A YARD. G A 4-4 Brown Sheeting, 3 yds. to X A YARD?BUT YOU Ml V 4-4 Fruit of the Loom Bleachi A YARD?LIKE FINDE A 4-1 Lonsdale Bleaching, SALE ?DON'T MISS A GOOD 4-4 12 1-2 Cts. Bleaching, Goo 0 CENTS A YARD?WON 10 Cts. and 12 1-2 Cts. Outings V down) SALE PRICE, 8 f URGE YOU TO BUY T 1 BE FORCED TO TAKE 30 Cts. Pants Jean SALE P L EVERYBOI Y SHOULD f 23 Cts. Pants Jeans. SALE PR WILL GO QUICK AT Til 13 Cents Pants Jeans?SALE 1 ? Amoskcag Apron Ginghams, S. X A YARD?(JRASP IT Q V 15 Cts. Heavy Cotton Flannel, A YARD?Warm Goods A 20 PER CENT OFF Dress Goo X 33 PER CENT OFF Men's. Yoi coats, Raincoats and Pa 35 PKK CENT OFF Men's am A Coats and Leggins. 5 25 TO 33 1-3 PER CENT OF! Underwear. 25 PER CENT OFF Men's and A 10 TO 25 PER CENT OFF on X 35 PER CENT OFF on Furs. (J 20 PER CENT OFF Blankets n ? 25 TO 33 1-3 PER CENT OFF ( loves. L 20 PER CEN T OFF 1 .M BR EI f 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT OF Eyes. Ilalr Pins, Needl Ilose Supporters, Cull' I ? tlottery. Purses, Pocket! Z Siis|?enders. Belts, Scott's t 99- THE ABOVE PRICES A { The STRAUS: OO ' THE NATIONAL THE FIRST TRUST 1 COMBINED CAPITA $19Q,Q DEPARTI BANKING: We accept I SAVINGS: LOANS: We e:nt' TRUST: w'-:r, nronciTr What W WI I % STATE OF SOUTH C COUNTY C C ANDOVER THREETHOUS The NATIONAL (ABSOLUTE! ROCK HILL, S< People? Are learning that it pays to trade with ME. They have begun to appreciate the fact that I can save them money. This was evidenced by the great number of people that thronged my store last Saturday and took advantage of my special prices on staple goods. I I Want YOUR Business. That is why I try to make it advantageous for you to buy your goods here. A SQUARE DEAL is assured to every one who trades here. j .J. W. DOBSON W The place where the DOLLAR DOES FULL DUTY. Bear In Mind That we cary a full assortment of the BOOKS used in the Public Schools of South Carolina and we sell them at the Contract Prices. We also have a full line of School Supplies, including' Pen and Pencil Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Pen Holders, Crayons. Exercise Books, etc. See us for your school needs. CLOTHING You are going to want a Tailormade Suit of Clothes for the spring . and summer. Come in and let us show you the newest of Spring styles ' from the Home of Good Tailoring? * LAMM & CO.?Makers of "Best on 1 Earth Clothing." The productions of this house are the best obtainable. They are thoroughly well made, only * the best fabrics are used, and the Pit 1 is Absolutely Guaranteed. Don't you J want your clothing that way? Let us show you what we have. W. M. KENNEDY. Agent. \ > irinjuu WINGS Money loaned to relatives and friends often takes wings and flies away. As a general rule, it is Safer and 1 I Better to place your money in the Bank even at a lower rate of interest. It is Absolutely Safe HERE. f 1 LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK, j YORKVILTiE, S. C. CROPPER WANTED. FOR good two-horse farm, seven miles northeast of Yorkville. Call, or address me Yorkville No. 6. H. E. JOHNSON. 7 f.t 2t? fW Send The Enquirer your orders for all kinds of Commercial Printing. *DAY NIGHT J 1ITH. UUMhAlNY 5 f 4NCE SALE j : COMES TO AN END NEXT ^ OU CAN SAVE MONEY BY ERE BEFORE THAT TIME. iAVERS TO CAREFUL BUY- 2 SALE CLOSES. J Prints, SALE PRICE ONLY ET BUSY. A lb., SALE PRICE. B 2-3 CTS. 1ST HURRY TO GET IT. V ng, SALE PRICE, IB 1-2 CTS. KG MONEY. h PRICE. 10 1-2 CENTS YARD THING. J (1 Quality, SALE PRICE, 10 * T LAST LONG. K i (Amoskeag 1921 and Teazle 1-8 CTS. YARD?WE WON T 1 MIS?YOU WON'T NEED TO I IT AT THE PRICE. 7 RICE. 22 CENTS A YARD? J WEAR NEW PANTS. ^ ICE, 18 CENTS A YARD?IT V IIS PRICE. 7 'RICE, 12 CENTS A YARD. 3 \LE PRICE ONLY 8 1-2 CTS. Z uick. y SALE PRICE 12 1-2 CENTS at a Hot Price. A (Is. Trimmings, Findings, etc. X lths' and Boys' Clothing, Over- y ?%# ^ 1 Boys' Covert Coats, Hunting T F Men's and Boys' Shirts and 4 Boys' Hats and Caps. Shoes and Rubbers. J ind Comforts. V ' Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, and jLAS. 2 F Corsets. Buttons. Hooks and y es, Safety Pins. Shoe Laces, folders, Combs, Brushes, Sta- A books. Handbags, Neckwear, * ? Mufflers, Collars, Cuffs, etc. y lRE for spot cash -W S-SMITH CO. 5 V DWIOW BANK 1 urn BAM L AND SURPLUS 00.00 MENTS ? deposits subject to check;' I >r cent interest compounded y- * :ommercial loans at 6 per I as executor, administrator, i and bondsman. c >RY FOR AROLINA >F YORK y ;iTY OF ROCK HILL 5 AND OTHER ACCOUNTS v c UNION BANK * c .Y SAFE) 1: [>uth Carolina. i< ii _ S a GO TO Johnson's ; n FOR ' J Swift's and Kingan's Pure Leaf Lard. Snowdrift. Swifts' Hams, Shoulders and Break- " fast Strips. . Rice of best quality. Molasses of best grade. Octagon and other Soaps. t Royal, Rumford and Good Luck Bak- ing Powders. The Best Teas arid Coffees. Blue Ribbon Extracts. Salad Dressings. Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, etc. Heinz Pickles in bottles and barrels. I. W. JOHNSON. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. T1 (MM 1111! Has been a busy one with us. We lave had almost as much work as we :ould do and we apreclate the patronage given us and wish for all mankind i New Year of happiness and prosperty. During the New Year we will make rreater efforts to serve our patrons vith the highest grade of Monumental vork in Granite and Marble, and solclt your inquiries in regard to such t( vork when you are ready to mark the ' naves of departed relatives and loved rnes. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. W. B. Wylie, Sec. and Treas. 1 btbv ft /I rv n V IV /\ T J HUM it MINE i . . 0 P Acid Phosphate Make your compost now. See us for :he Acid Phosphate that you will need T n the making. "We have the best grade if Acid Phosphate for the purpose. t GROCERIES ar No matter what you need in Family ^ ind Fancy Groceries, you can find it here of the right quality and at the _ right price. See us for Confectioneries, Dried Fruit, Molasses, Flour, Coffees, ^ Tobacco, Basins and Pitchers, Glass- " ware, Dishes, Never-Fail Oil Cars and " Lanterns. HERXDOX & GOltDON. G. H. Q'LEARY. THANKING CUSTOMERS AND ^ FRIENDS FOR PATRONAGE GIVEN ME DURING THE YEAR 1907, 1 EXTEND THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON AND WISH FOR ALL MANKIND A YEAR OF UNPRECEDENTED HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY. G. II. O'LEARY. The Only Chance Why not trade at the poor man's store? It is the only one in town run to serve the working man? open from 4 a. m., until 8 p. m., and | run by a man that will accommodate I and thank you for your trade. While | I don't keep everything, I keep a very nice line of stuff all the time, and thank every one for their trade as every little helps. It is no use to tell you about my Market, as every one knows I keep the BEST MEATS the country affords. There ain't a man, woman or child in town but what likes to trade with Old George?He treats 'em right. Say, if you want to be happy in this world, marry an old maid, buy Beef at Sherer's Market, and drink Cracker-Jack Coffee?that's all. I work so hard, but never have a cent, Takes all I get to pay the niggers and the rent; Say, if I can't get a start in a year or two, I will get a job as clerk, that's what I'll do. Yours to serve, OLD GEORGE, The Butcher. FOR RENT. A SMALL farm ? the Templeton | place. See me quick for terms I and possession. I A. Y. CART WRIGHT. . 7 ft tf ( ii'Hiuwfnwwiwffiwuw'tu'wrwr f THE TREASURE I THE UN ? Estimates that there is in the pocke I ton farmers of the South, the corn f and the laboring people of the coun Million Dollars in Cash. Think of t could do if placed in the banks of tl THE FIRST NAT YORKVIL3 I ntniT Mftmiimrinn I mi FIMIUKH IU. FURNITURE, STOVES, Jndertaking Supplies "> PAINTS, OILS, Etc. SEWING MACHINES; ir NOW is a good time to prepare for j< our spring sewing, and you might be- b In with buying a new, light running, lodern Sewing Machine?One that a rill meet every requirement?give you si erfect satisfaction. We have the ma- IS hlne that will please you. It is the WILL C. FREE d t surpasses any machine on the mar- o et. It is light running, sews faster b nd does Its work easier than any ma- ei hlne on the market. It is handsome- si V finished, fitted to elegant cabinets, nd equipped with a full set of the itest attachments. Let us put one a your house for a trial, and you will ot let us take It out. We also sell the NEW HOME and 1 evera] other makes. Get our terms J nd prices before you buy. We sell .eather Belts for Machines. Oil Tor Machines. Needles for all Sewing Machines. We also furnish all kinds of Re- 0 ialrs and Attachments for Sewing j lachines. p We are also headquarters for every- r hing in Furniture and House Fur- f( Il3fllll?3, ailU 11 13 LU ^UUI unci COL lu j ee us before buying anything in our ine. j YORK FURNITURE CO. v Terms to Suit Every One. j, s a f. L. Williams. Mason McConnell. q r. L. WILLIAMS & CO. r THE present , |**| I Just received new spring styles of NUFANGL" Trousers?medium and nil Peg. Price, $3.50 to $6.00. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. Sell For Lees. ?0 DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. \ LL persons indebted to the estate .JL of W. JASPER THOMASSOX, eceased, are hereby notified and reuired to make payment to me at r nee. Persons having claims against c he estate of the said deceased should r iresent them, duly authenticated, q /ithln the time prescribed by law. j. M. L. THOMASSOX, Admr. r 6 t 3t s IS YOUR CLOCK RUNNING? J rHAT old Clock that has been I standing for years, and which you ii vould like to have keeping time again; 1 iut which you think cannot be fixed n t a reasonable price. Bring it to ii ne. I do reliable, honest work on Vatches. H. ID. IMI.A.IRX.EY Wanted.?Your orders for all tinds of printed matter, fiest work fa it fairest prices. q [broken! i brokef Scores of people have take I bargain offerings made at this sto I lucky buyers? If not, it is time yc goods are going and the best values We are offering values that cannot that you will not see duplicated agj them?COME TODAY FOR YOUR All Men's Clothing and .boys t All Ladies' Winter Dress Good Good Ginghams?short lengths Good 3-4 Sheeting?5 CENTS All Outings?8 1-3 CENTS A } 1000 Yards White Dress Goods a yard?NOW 10 CENTS Wool Blankets?A THIRD O (Children's Cloaks?A THIRD Ladies' Furs?Everything?AT Children's Fur Sets?NEW YC Men's $3.50 Shoes AT $2.98 A PAIR; $2 Shoes AT $1.75 more Ties, $1.25 A PAIR. Children's Heavy Shoes?$1 kii and likewise all the way th (Women's Heavy Shoes?$1.25 1 Women's Fine Shoes?$1.25 ki quality AT $1.15 PAIR; $i $2 Shoes AT $1.75; $2.50 Shoes AT $2.25?and so or White Quilts?$1 grade AT 8c CENTS; $1.50 quality at $ Men's Underwear?Wright's F *-r ?Put tn Rn C, Itpi V_j UIC1 n V-jr WMV vw v Fleeced Vests and Drawer: Ladies' Underwear?Heavy fle AT 42 CENTS Each; ligh 20 CENTS each. Men's Dollar Shirts at 89 CTS; I The above prices are mom Test our offerings and you'll down to economy's foundation, The above prices are for CJ Charged?No Goods on Appro^ | J. Q. WRAY, T nrnruirmn m mm mm1 wiiim ? R OF $ ! ITED STATES | j ts and hidden away by the cot- J ind wheat farmers of the West, & j try One Billion, Three Hundred t t his enormous sum, and what it 2 J le country'. ? * IONAL BANK 1 \ JE, S. C. | [ J. C. WILBORN J FOR SALE e A beautiful 7-room painted residence Jj ith beautiful grove, together with six c cres of land, excellent well, two-story j arn, shedded. School?nine months in le year. Inside limits of McConnellslile. W. Shubert Home Place?on Plnckey road; adjoins corporate limits of orkville, W. Brown Wylie and oth- ' rs; 3-roora Dwelling, outbuildings; 1 II in cultivation. Price $875. One Acre of Land?5-room dwell)g, outbuildings, on public road; ad- ? >ins David Clark, in Cotton Belt; I ullding worth price of place. $250. 127 Acres?House, barn and orchrd; half wood land, near church and :hool; Lower Steele Creek township, i. C. $15 per Acre. 163 Acres?9 miles Gastonla; one welling, 4-room; barn, all recessary utbufldings; 75 acres in cultivation, alance In timber, 20 acres In fine forst; 2 pastures; adjoins Craig & Wllon. A Bargain. J. C. WILBORN, Real Estate. Repair Work I am well prepared to do all kinds f WATCH. CLOCK and JEWELRY tEPAIRING, and you can always deend on getting only first-class and eliable work when you let me do It or you. When your Watch, Clock or ewelry Is broken let me repair it. WHEN YOU WANT ewelry. Watches. Clocks, Sterling Slier. Cut Glass, Chlnaware. Crockery, trlc-a-Brac, or anything in my line, t will always be to your Interest to ee me before making purchases, as I m always ready to meet prices on like luallties. See my stock when you are shopilng. There are many things to inerest you here. T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. Wisdom of Worth ' r A % 4 a JO to \ U-4IUIC DU) OIUC Ujj-iu-uaiv./ .ittle Boy Blue, come blow your horn, 'He lambs of Wall Street all are shorn, s that the way they "get rich quick"? Maying to those who know each trick? .ittle Boy Blue, for shame, for shame, low foolish is this Wall street game! leware of them all, of "Bull and Bear," ,nd of mischief done?oh dear, oh dear! can see them now, the Bull and Bear, ilike both lambs and sheep they shear; j hear them laugh?I've been there too, . "o think what a fool they make of youl th, little Boy Blue, this warning take, j rivest at home if money you would * make; 1 luy real estate and the stocks you see J idvertised for sale, each week by me! { Wanted?Clover M'fg Co. Stock. Dr. M. W. WHITE. ' i Disk Harrows 4T COST We are going to quit handling AgIcultural Implements, and we want to lose out our stock of DISK HARROW'S at once. In order to do this uick we are offering them at JUST 3XACTLY COST. If you need a Harow for the coming season come and ee us before you buy, as we think we an offer you Disc Harrows that will e satisfactory in Size, Quality and in 'rice. At least our offering is worth nvestigation if you need a Harrow. Come and see us before you buy nything in Hardware. It is to your nterest to do this?It will Pay You. Yorkville Hardware Co. W Woodmen of the World receipt looks for monthly dues, at The Entuirer office, 30c. *OTS ,TH J PRICES I! n advantage of the wonderful H re. Have you been one of the I >u were moving this way, as the i are being rapidly carried away, be duplicated anywhere?values H iln In years. Take advantage of SHARE. Dvercoats at HALF PRICE, s at A THIRD OFF. J ?5 CENTS A YARD. A YARD. fARD. Take'em quick. >?an extra value at 15 cents I A YARD. FF. OFF. ' NEW YORK COST. }RK COST. PAIR; $5 Shoes AT $3.98 A PAIR; Men's Heavy Creed- I id AT 75 CENTS A PAIR;. I rough. W and $1.35 quality?$1 PAIR. A !nd AT 98 CENTS; $1.50 quality AT $1.48 PAIR; | Shoes AT $2 PAIR; $2.75 ) CTS.; $1.25 Quilts AT 98 1.15; $2 Quilts at $1.75. w leeced Vests and Drawers? A ENTS a garment; Cotton I 5, 50c value?NOW 44 CTS. I eced Undervests, 50c value, it weight Vests, 25c value? 50 values at 42 CTS. 0 ;y savers for money earners, save the dollars?prices arc It is up to you. \.SH only?No Goods will be I ral. Come quick. Q HE LEADER. Too Good? A day or so ago we asked a promilent business man the following ques;ion: "What do you think of a Twenty j Pay Life contract at age 35, premium 136.22, per $1,000 insurance, which absolutely guarantees the insured that in *ase he does not, for any reason, pay ] he second premium, the company will Ither refund him $12 of the money >aid on each $1,000 Insurance, or carry he whole policy, whether it be for 11,000 or $50,000, one year and 134 days ifter the expiration of the first year, t ind pay It in full without deducting a < ent in case of death of insured, or is- < lue a paid up policy for $28 on each i 1,000, payable at death whenever 1 hut event occurs?" The reply was: "I hink such a contract too good." c Vhether It is too good or not, the Mu- e ual Benefit since January 1, has been f ssulng such contracts and every man t n the continent who knows anything I f the company's record covering 63 i ears, knows it can and will carry out I very contract It makes. The features 1 nentioned are only a few of the new J nes incorporated in 1908 policies. You f annot alTord to ignore the Mutual I lenefit. f SAM M. GHlbi, Special Agent. * e . c W9* Pink, Gray, Yellow. BniT and line Blotting Paper at 5c Sheet, S for * Oo. Size 19x24 inches. The Enquirer Office. New Ging Madras, Embroide and Laces At Thomson THE BEST ADVERTISEMEI HAM" IS THE GINGHAM ITSEIJ of nice patterns in BATES DRESS LAUNDER"?PRICE, 15 CENTS ' Many new patterns in A. F. < children's dresses. PRICE, 12 1-2 Big values in yard wide Madi good for shirts and shirt waists?wl 12 1-2 CENTS THE YARD. Many good values in White * waist suits. PRICES, 12 l-2c, 15c, Good Persian Lawn, 30 inches Nice Sheer Persian Lawn, 30 i One lot Brown Linen?while H One lot of Swiss and Nainsooi tions?narrow, dainty patterns. F One lot of Swiss and Xainsool Inches to 6 inches wide, good patt THE YARD. One lot of Val Lace Edgings < terns. PRICE 15c and 19c THE 1 W When you think of your Sprit HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS?t worry. For sale by THE THOMSt THE THOMSC a O. P. HEATH, Pt. W. a. NEIL, | YORKVILLE B. < | . INCORPG jWe Are J) s Headquart* 1GROCER! | HARDWi f FERTILIZ ^ WE ARE HEADQUARTERS 3 CERIES AND FARM EMPLEME? 2 WE FULLY APPRECIATE Y <4 AND HOPE YOU WILL FAVOR K OF YOUR TRADE DURING THI ^ WE ARE READY TO MAK 5 ERS AND WILL GIVE YOU THI 3 CALL AND SEE US BEFOR] 2 ANOTHER YEAR. K WE HANDLE CORN, OATS j GIVE BEST PRICES TO OUR CI J YORKVILLE BANKING . < *T*TkT*T*T*Y*Y*T'*Y*T*T*T*'fZ: CHRISTMAS IS OVER The time is now here to go to work so start with. SOWING OATS. I have the Red Rust Proof Seed Oats AT 85 CENTS. LOUIS ROTH. THE BEST" PIVOT GANG, PIVOT WHEELS, SPR With ordinary sized man in seat the ma is up to where it should be when machlr take out in adjusting Fenders. We hi Machines in less than 60 days. Come c see CARROLL I AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common Pleas. M. A. Moore, Plaintiff, vs. W. T. Moore, Admr., of the Estate of J. Starr Moore, Deceased, Solomon R. Moore, and Others, Defendants. BY virtue of a decree of sale In the above stated case, I will expose to sale in front of YORK COURT HOUSE DN FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY, [Salesday), 1908, between 11 a. m. and I p. m., the real estate described aa 'ollows: "All that certain piece, parcel or tract >f land, situated In above named county ind state, about one mile southwest rom the town of Sharon, and bound >y lands of Rev. B. H. Grler, Jno. L. lainey, lands now or formerly belongng to Jno. A. Byers, lands of Ellas lamsey, containing ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX and THREE-FOURTH ICRES, being formed of the tract of Ifty-three acres, purchased from Dr. J. I. Saye, and eighty-three and threeOurth acres, purchased from Jno. A. 3yers, said tract being a part of the state lands of J. STARR MOORE, deeased." TERMS: CASH?Purchaser to pay or papers. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. Jan. 14th. 1908. 4 t 3t ham, ries % > Company's T OF "BATES' DRESS G1NGP. We are showing a vast range GINGHAM?"the kind that win THE YARD. C. Gingham?especially gdod for CENTS THE YARD. as?Black and White patterns? 111 stand the laundry tub. PRICE Goods for shirt waists and shirt , 19c and 25c THE YARD, wide, AT 10 CENTS THE YARD, nches wide, 15c AND 25c YARD, t lasts AT 10 CENTS YARD. Ic Embroidery Edging and InserRICE 10c and 12 l-2c the Yard, c Edgings and Insertions from 2i ems. PRICES, 15c, 19c and 25c ind Insertions to match, nice patl'ARD. ig Sewing think of THE LADIES' hey will help you save time and 3N CO. )N COMPANY. V. Pt. R. E. HEATH. Sec.-Tr. 2 i m. company, \ (RATED. A*AA*A*A*A**A*AIU?A*AltAIU* I ;rs for I es, | .re, ! ;ers FOR ALL KINDS OF GRO- g ITS. C OUR TRADE FOR PAST YEAR C US WITH A LARGE PORTION ? S YEAR * E CONTRACTS ON FERTILIZ 3 BEST PRICES OBTAINABLE. J E MAKING ANY TRADES FOR J AND HAY BY THE CAR AND M PSTOMERS. > AND MERCANTILE CO. t ?mv>n>n>mmTtiyiiviiTiiniTiiy REPAIR WORK! If there are any repairs to be made about your premises or any odd Jobs that you want done before the winter sets in, let us know about them early, as our carpenters are all busy just now and it may be several days after your order is in before we can get to your work. But, then, you might save time by letting us know at once. J. J. KELLER & CO. tsr We are Wholesale and Retail Agents for the Limestone Spring Lime Works. See us for your needs. CULTIVATOR ING TRIP AND BALANCE FRAME, chine la on a balance when the tongue le la In operation. Alao has no bolts to tve taken 42 Signed Orders for these ind let us show you this Machine. BROTHERS tanMunmnanMHUMin