Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, January 24, 1908, Image 3

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M I' iMi/n x 9 j w *. x A.X A TILLMAN FOR IMMIGRATION. _ Says This Is Necessary to Head Off Power of Negro. Columbia. January 23: Senator B. R. Tillman addressed the general assembly here tonight, taking for his subject, the "Race Problem and Its Relation to Immigration." He discussed the race problem in Its various phases, advocating the repeal of the fifteenth amendment and the encouragement of Immigration to this state as a safeguard against negro domination. He pointed out that with the aid the southern states are now giving toward educating the negro coupled with the assistance of northern philanthropists, the negro will soon be able to * - *- 4*? ? " i?..*t/,?nl oAnulro. comply witn int? t'lMiMuunuuai i?4u?*v ments of this and other states In the matter of suffrage. He said that unless the fifteenth amendment is repealed that within a few years the states of South Carolina. Mississippi and others, in which the negro now predominates, the blacks may come into power and govern the whites. In order to head off such a contingency he favored bringing to South Carolina as many desirable aliens as this state could get. 4 He stated that his experience and * personal contact with the people of the north and west demonstrated that the negro was hardly in as good favor in these sections as he is in the south, that they were just beginnning to learn something about the negro. He be% lieved that the voters of the north would Join in with the voters of the south in an effort to repeal the fifteenth amendment, giving as a reason the hand primaries he had taken in every state of the union.?Spartanburg Herald. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. " T O Vnrrov Pnstor. ncv. i. u. - ? * Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. V Rev. J. O. Babin, Rector. ^ Sunday Services?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3.30 p. m. Afternoon service at 4.30 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. . Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. Henry J. Cauthen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3.30 p. \ in. Evening service at 7 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. W. C. Ewart, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. No other service. Serial glotices. ^ A Card of Thanks. Sickness and sorrow and death in the home are hard to bear under any circumstances, but the pains of sickness are made more bearable and the weight of sorrow and death is a little lighter when kind friends and kin^ dred stand by our side. In the long W affliction of my husband, Mr. J. Ed Leech, the kindness and attention of those about us was one of the bright places in the darkness that much pain brought; and now that he is no more with me, the many words and acts of sympathy are as soothing balm to my soul. My wish is thus publicly to express my heartfelt thanks to all who have In any way shown kindness. a Mrs. Nancy C. Leech. m Hickory Grove, S. C., Jan. 23, 1908. hvmenealT Married?At the home of the bride, 9 near Bowling Green, by Rev. W. A. Hafner, Mr. ANDREW BARRETT and Miss EMMA CARROLL,, both of York county..^. ... ' . . .. 9hf Cotton Market. Yorkvllle, Jan. 24.?Cotton, 11J to lli New York, January 23.?Spot closed M quiet, 20 points lower; middling uplands 11.90; middling gulf 12.15; sales 1.200 bales. Futures opened firm and closed steady as follows: Jan. 11.09; Feb. 11.08; March 11.20; April 11.23; May 11.29; June 11.25; July 11.15; Aug. 10.88; Oct. 10.30. * CROPPER WANTED. OOR good two-horse farm, seven miles northeast of Yorkvllle. Call. mo Vni-bvllln Vn fi U1 auui vr-3 * IIV. A VI n* %. *.?. - H. E. JOHNSON. 7 ' f.t 2t* FOR RENT. A SMALL. farm ? the Templeton place. See me quick for terms and possession, m A. Y. CART WRIGHT. * 7 ft tf APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. 1HAVE this day made a final settlement with the Probate Court for York county, as administrator of the fc estate of THOMAS N. JACKSON, deceased, and I hereby give notice that on Monday, February 24, I will make application to Hon. L. R. Williams, judge of said court, for a final discharge from further liability in connection with said administration. S. M. JACKSON. Admr. Yorkville, S. C.. January 22, 1908. 7 f 5t* ^ GLENN & ALLISON. More Mules * and Horses Our Mr. Allison is now in the west selecting another carload of first-class AlUies and nurses iui uur vusu'iiun and expects to be in Yorkvllle Monday next with his purchase. Pall and see us for what you need. GLENN & ALLISON. BEFORE YOl HI V A C'OOKI \< HEATING STOVE. COME VXD SEE ASSORTMENT OF THE REST GOOD # JTY. IN SIZE AND IN PRICES. SEK THE CARROT.I. CABBAGE PLANTS. \\T E will have a shipment of early select Cabbage Plants tomorrow ?Saturday. Let us have your order at once. See us for choice fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters. WALTER ROSE. J. L. W illiams. Mason McOonnell. J.-L. WILLIAMS & CO. THE present ^ |" Just received new spring styles of "NUFANGL" Trousers?medium and full Peg. Price. $3.50 to $6.00. J. L.. WILLIAMS & CO. Sell For Lees. Disk Harrows AT COST We are going to quit handling Agricultural Implements, and we want to close out our stock of DISK HARROWS at once. In order to do this quick we are offering them at JUST EXACTLY COST. If you need a Harrow for the coming season come and see us before you Duy, as we imna we can offer you Disc Harrows that will be satisfactory in Size, Quality and in Price. At least our offering is worth investigation if you need a Harrow. Come and see us before you buy anything in Hardware. It is to your interest to do this?It will Pay You. I Yorkville Hardware Co. NEW SPRING MILLINERY Three hundred Sailors and Street Hats Just in today. See them, they are beauties. Latest styles from' New York. Plain and Trimmed Sailors and Trimmed Walking Hats?very stylish for early spring wear. DOBSOX BROS.' CASH STORE. Mrs. T. M. Dobson. Prop. Laundry Basket leaves every Tuesday at 5 o'clock. Delivered on Saturday. Pay for it when delivered. Dr. Hess' Stock D?-orvo roftntlC x i atiuiio Klght now is a good time to begin putting your horses and mules in good physical condition for spring work. Such animals need to be toned up just as the human body does. To put your animals in first-clas^ physical condition you should use Dr. Hess' Stock Foods?a guaranteed remedy for all horses, mules, cattle, sheep and hogs. For your chickens, if you want fine and healthy Hens and strong, healthy chicks use Dr. Hess' Poultry Pan-acea. It Is a guaranteed egg producer. To prevent the ravages of lice, fleas, mites and other vermin on all kinds of animals, use Dr. Iless' Instantaneous Louse Killer?It does Its work promptly. See us for the above preparations. THE YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. Bowen, Proprietor. REMEMBER When you think of purchasing Groceries. Crockery, Glassware. Tin and Enamelware, Remember I can, and will save you money on these goods. What about the prices named below? Can you duplicate them elsewhere? SATURDAY OFFERINGS: 7 Cakes Octagon Soap 25c. 1 Packages Success Soda 10c. 25 Pounds Sugar $1.30. .1. W. DOBSON 39* The place where the DOLLAR DOES FULL DUTY. WHITE HOLLAND TURKEYS. AT $4.50 per pair. Gentle and easy to raise. My Mock Is too large. Address me at Sharon. JAS. E. BANKHRAD. 6 t.f 3t ;; RANGE. A COOKING STOVK OR A I S ABOUT IT. WE HAVE THE BEST ?S AND CAN SATISFY YOU IN QUAL: US BEFORE YOU BUY. FURNITURE CO. GO TO Johnson's FOR Swift's and Ktngan's Pure Leaf Lard. Snowdrift. Swifts' Hams, Shoulders and Breakfast Strips. Rice of best quality. Molasses of best grade. Octaeon and other Soaps. | Royal. Rumford and Good Luck Baking Powders. The Best Teas and Coffees. Blue Ribbon Extracts. Salad Dressings. Canned Corn. Peas. Tomatoes, etc. Heinz Pickles in bottles and barrels. I. W. JOHNSON. W Woodmen of the World receipt bopks for monthly dues, at The Enquirer office, 30c. r25 X OFF Men's, Boys', Children's fT.nTinwn il V U U 1 11 i 11 u 10 PER CE 25 PER < MEN'S CLOTHIN( $20.00 Suits now $15.00. $18.00 Suits now $13.50. $16.00 Suits now $12.' $15.00 Suits now ! $12.00 Suits n< $10.00 Suits $8.00 J $6.< 25 PER < YOUTHS' AND BOYS' $6.00 Suits now $4.50. $5.00 Suits now $3.75. $4.00 Suits now $3 $3.00 Suits no^ $2.00 Suits 20 PER LADIES', MISSES' Af $4.50 Shoes now $3.60. $4.00 Shoes now $3.20. $3.50 Shoes now $2 $3.00 Shoes no $2.00 Shoe $1.50 S $1.1 20 PER ' MEN'S AND $5.50 Shoes now $4.40. $5.00 Shoes now $4.0 $4.00 Shoes now $ $3.50 Shoes no $3.00 Shoe $2.50 $5 I York I TODAY'S PRUDENCE I TOMO ? YOUR SAVINGS OF TODAY ADI | 5 MORROW. ? Our little "Road to Wealth'' E ? hand to remind you. Drop in its sl< ? morrow and keep continually at it. A prised and glad at how your Savlnj I THE FIRST NAT | YORKVIIi: Hiitvniiv ki;iiiiiin\j IIIJIlll IM7 if vv Acid Phosphate Make your compost now. See us for the Acid Phosphate that you will need in the making-. We have the best grade of Acid Phosphate for the purpose. GROCERIES No matter what you need in Family and Fancy Groceries, you can find it here of the right quality and at the right price. See us for Confectioneries, Dried Fruit, Molasses, Flour, Coffees, Tobacco, Basins and Pitchers, Glassware, Dishes, Never-Fail Oil Cans and Lanterns. HERXDOX& GORDON. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Hp HE firm of MOORHEAD BROS., .. . J j:?r.^ 1.,?,1 Vw mutual JL nas ims uay uimuivcu consent. C. S. MOORHEAD assumes all liabilities of the firm. Parties owing notes and accounts belonging to the firm of Morehead Bros., are requested to make settlement at once. W. J. MOORHEAD. C. S. MOORHEAD. Hickory Grove, S. C., Jan. 15, 1908. 5 f 3t PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. Do not forget the Exhibit of Fine Photographs to be shown by the LINDSAY STUDIO the First Week in February. Such an exhibit of fine work has never been on display in this part of the country and the public is cordially invited to see it. ROSA J. LINDSAY. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Have you ever considered the importance of carrying Insurance on your Life. Building and Live Stock? This is a serious matter. D. E. BONEY will be glad to talk the matter over with you. 'Phone No. 3, Yorkville, C. IS YOUR CLOCK RUNNING? THAT old Clock that has been standing for years, and which you would like to have keeping-time again; but which you think cannot be fixed at a reasonable price. Bring it to me. I do reliable, honest work on Watches. h. id. c""'1 T,"> Pnnnirpp vour orders 0C1IU A IIV uu?|?a>. for all kinds of Commercial Printing. | Ifeb. i 'I Our Special C positively close lie: I Feb. 1st. If there I our Dry Goods De I need it will pay y I the next seven da I Are Undoubtedly i bly as LOW as can f I where for Like Qu; ;NT OFF ON rnrnvTHP AUU urjii x vi j. j AND OVERCOATS, oo. 511.25. )W $9.00. now $7-50Suits now $6.00. oo Suits now $4.50. CENT OFF CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, l.oo. v $2.75. > now $1.50. CENT OFF *D CHILDREN'S SHOES .80. w $2.40. s now $1.60. - a hoes now $1.20. 00 Shoes now 80 Cents. CENT OFF > BOYS' SHOES 0. 3.20. w $2.80. :s now $2.40. Shoes now $2.00. {.00 Shoes now $1.60. $1.50 Shoes now $1.20. ville B. & imnmniimniiwn ui nu mw? IS | RROW'S PLEASURE I > TO YOUR RESOURCES TO- $ Rink is a good thing to have at ? it a Dime today and a Dollar to- ? and by and by you will be sur- ? ?s Grow. IT'S SAFE! $ ?IONAL BANK 1 DE, 8. C. | FORK ITIIMIiHi: CO. FURNITURE, STOVES, Undertaking* Supplies PAINTS, OILS, Etc. SEWING MACHINES NOW is a good time to prepare for your spring sewing, and you might begin with buying a new, light running, ^C?? ?rr \fei/iVt{nn Omi thnl muut'I 11 ocniiih iunvuiiiN Vfiiv will meet every requirement?give you perfect satisfaction. We have the machine that will please you. It is the WILL C. FREE It surpasses any machine on the market. It is light running, sews faster and does its work easier than any machine on the market. It is handsomely finished, fitted to elegant cabinets, and equipped with a full set of the latest attachments. Let us put one in your house for a trial, and you will not let us take it out. We also sell the NEW HOME and several other makes. Get our terms and prices before you buy. We sell leather Beits for Machines. Oil for Machines. Needles for all Sewing Machines. We also furnish all kinds of Repairs and Attachments for Sewing Machines. We are also headquarters for everything in Furniture and House Furnishings, and it is to your Interest to j see us before buying anything in our J line. YORK FURNITURE CO. Terms to Suit Every One. PP Wanted.?Your orders for all kinds of printed matter. Best work at fairest prices. Wisdom of Worth J 1 (Little Boy Blue up-to-date.) Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, The lambs of Wall Street all are shorn. = Is that the way they "get rich quick"? Playing to those who know each trick? Little Boy Blue, for name, for shame, How foolish is this Wall street game! Beware of them all, of "Bull and Bear," S And of mischief done?oh dear, oh dear! ti 01 I can see them now, the Bull and Bear, Alike both lambs and sheep they shear; 6 I hear them laugh?I've been there too, To think what a fool they make of you! jc Ah, little Boy Blue, this warning take, Invest at home if monev vou would ,1 make; ' Buy real estate and the stocks you see q Advertised for sale, each week by me! f( Wanted?Clover MTg C'o. Stock. g| Dr. M. W. WHITE. W Pink, Gray, Yellow. BulT and ? Blue Blotting Paper at 5c Sheet, 3 for I 10c. Size 19x24 inches. ft The Enquirer Office. B ST, '08.1 ut Price Sale will xt Saturday night, are any goods in partment that you A ou to buy during ura ac Hiii' Prinps IJ Vlll M. M. and Unquestionabe Obtained Any- a alities. U NOTIONS, Ht 10 Per Cent Off r $1.50 per yard, now $1.35. $1.25 per yard, now $1.13. $1.00 per yard, now 90 C 85c. per yard, now 76 75c Per yard, noi 50c. per yar 10 Per Ca ALL UNDER1 $1.00 Shirt or Drawers, now 90c c ' 50c. Shirt or Drawers, now 45 ti'r'.. <% Cut Prices MEN'S DRESS OR * $1.25 Shirt, now two for $2.25. $1.00 Shirt, now two for $ 50c. Shirt, now two ... . 45c. Shirt, noi 25 Per C< ON ALL LADIES', MISSES', $20.00 Coats now $15.00. $18.00 Coats now $13.50. . $16.00 Coats now $12.00. $15.00 Coats now $11.2; $12.00 Coats, now $c $10.00 Coats, no\ $8.00 Coats $6.00 Co $5.00 $4 MILLINE 25,15 AND 10 PEi EVERYTHING IN ]E\ VERY LOWES' <3^ ABOVE PRICES ARE F : n. Comp [brokeni IUl lwiikn Scores of people have takei bargain offerings made at this stoi I lucky buyers? If not, It Is time yo goods are going and the best values We are offering values that cannot 1 that you will not see duplicated aga them?COME TODAY FOR YOUR All Men's Clothing and Boys' C >A11 Ladies' Winter Dress Goods Good Ginghams?short lengthsGood 3-4 Sheeting?5 CENTS All Outings?8 1-3 CENTS A Y 1000 Yards White Dress Goods a yard?NOW 10 CENTS Wool Blankets?A THIRD 01 (Children's Cloaks?A THIRD < Ladies' Furs?Everything?AT Children's Fur Sets?NEW YC Men's $3.50 Shoes AT $2.98 A I PAIR; $2 Shoes AT $1.75 ] more Ties, $1.25 A PAIR. Children's Heavy Shoes?$1 kin and likewise all the way tni (Women's Heavy Shoes?$1.25 a Women's Fine Shoes?$1.25 kii quality AT $1.15 PAIR; $1 $2 Shoes AT $1.75; $2.50 Shoes AT $2.25?and so on White Quilts?$1 grade AT 89 CENTS; $1.50 quality at $] > Men's Underwear?Wright's F1 $1 quality?Cut to 89 CI Fleeced Vests and Drawers Ladies' Underwear?Heavy fle< AT 42 CENTS Each; ligh 20 CENTS each. Men's Dollar Shirts at 89 CTS; I The above prices arc mono Test our offerings and you'll j down to economy's foundation. The above prices are for CA Charged?No Goods on Approv | J. Q. WRAY, T mm mmmmmm mmmm as. M. Starr, J. Fi. McElwse President 3ec. and Treas ifORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. SEED OATS We have very fine Red Rust Proof eed Oats, and Oats and Guano Drills j put the oats In with, also Guano foi ats. We have Chicken Wire 2, 4, 5 and feet. Have received carload of Flour, car>ad of Corn and Oats, carload of No. Timothy Hay. The best Two-Horse Turn Plo\v on le market is the VULCAN. Also have liddle "Buster," Boy Dixie and Little lant one-horse Turn Plows. Points >r same. Be sure to see us for Guano, as we re prepared to give close Prices. York Supply Company. Send The Enquirer your orders >r all kinds of Commercial Printing, est work at Fair Prices. 25X1 OFF L11 Men's and Boys' VERCOATS VTS, ETC. Dress Goods lents. i Cents. >v 68 Cents, d, now 45 Cents. ;nt Off WEAR >r 2 for $1.75. i or 2 for 85 Cents. On All TOP SHIRTS. i.75. for 85 Cents. tv two for 75 Cents. ?nt Off CHILDREN'S COATS. 5. ).00. V 5>7-5?now $6.00 ats now $4.50. Coats now $3.70. .00 Coats now $3.00. $3.00 Coats now $2.75. RY R CENT OFF WELRY AT THE r PRICES rOR SPOT CASH **S any. ( n?H I PRICES I n advantage of the wonderful H e. Have you been one of the H u were moving this way, as the are being rapidly carried away, be duplicated anywhere?values H in in years. Take advantage of SHARE. I Ivercoats at HALF PRICE, i at A THIRD OFF. J -5 CENTS A YARD. A YARD. ARD. Take 'em quick. ?an extra value at 15 cents A YARD. ?F. DFF. NEW YORK COST. IRK COST. 3AIR; $5 Shoes AT $3.98 A I PAIR; Men's Heavy Creed id AT 75 CENTS A PAIR; rough. w ind $1.35 quality?$1 PAIR, ft id AT 98 CENTS; $1.50 I .75 quality AT $1.48 PAIR; I Shoes AT $2 PAIR; $2.75 I CTS.; $1.25 Quilts AT 98 :.is; $2 Quilts at $1.75. V eeced Vests and Drawers? A 2NTS a garment; Cotton I , 50c value?NOW 44 CTS. iced Undervests, 50c value, t weight Vests, 25c value? 50 values at 42 CTS. v savers for money earners. ;ave the dollars?prices are I It is up to you. lSH only?No Goods will be I al. Come quick. HE LEADER. | ML1 Opp I ! SATURDAY. |w" - 7 Thomson Compt Positively Closes. P That Date at Cut 1 body Visit Thomsor Saturday, ti We Have Open Goods and Many N< fer Every Custome Sale Close Without Prices Cut From I 1-3 Per Cent Throuj JTHEJTHOMSC Good Resolutions If every family in Yorkville and York county will adopt these two resolutions they will be greatly benefited. I Resolved, 1st. That they will not be without a box of the Genuine ! Steele's German Cold and Grip Cure Tablets In the house. Resolved, 2d. That they will also keep In the house a*bottle of Star's White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup. It is harmless, can be given the small children or baby. With these two preparations In the house you are prepared at all times to handle Olds, Coughs or Croup. THE STAR DRUG STORE. D. L. Shleder, Proprietor. THE BEST PIVOT GANG, PIVOT WHEELS, SPR With ordinary sized man in seat the ma is up to where it should be when machii take out in adjusting: Fenders. We hi Machines in less than 60 days. Come i see CARROLL I I CHRISTMAS ! IS OVER The time is now here to go to work so start with. SOWING OATS. I have the Red Rust Proof Seed Oats AT 85 CENTS. | ! LOUIS ROTH. WALL PAPER WW #?m wm warn m m - . | MY NEW SAMPLES ARE NOW IN. Samples and Remnants for sale cheap. A. B. GAINES. jjj O. P. HEATH, Pt. W. S. NEIL | YORKVILLE B. , J INCORPC J ? WT J ft U illC Jj s Headquai*t< |GROCERI | HARDWJ j FERTILI2 1 WE ARE HEADQUARTER* 3 CERIES AND FARM IMPLEME 2 WE FULLY APPRECIATE 1 2 AND HOPE YOU WILL FAVOR K OF YOUR TRADE DURING TH * WE ARE READY TO MAR * ERS AND WILL GIVE YOU TH I 3 CALL AND SEE US BEFOR 2 ANOTHER YEAR. I K WE HANDLE CORN, OATS J GIVE BEST PRICES TO OUR C I J YORKVILLE BANKING 1 ortunity JAN. 25TH. my's Sacrifiice Sale Jo Goods Sold After Mces. Let Every _ n ixi o_l is mriuvc oau? un le Last Day. ied Up Many New ew Bargains to Ofr. Don't Let This Your Attendance. 10 Per Cent to 33^hout. )N COMPANY. ffiiiisr OF THE BANK OF CLOVER IS THE WELFARE OF OUR DEPOSITORS AND THE SECURITY OF THEIR DEPOSITS. DURING THE SO-CALLED "fAiNIU" fcJVJSKY JJEJfUSnun HAD THE OPTION OF TAKING HIS CREDIT IN SUCH FORM AS BEST SERVED -HIS CONVENIENCE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. BANK OF CLOVER CLOVER. 8. C. CULTIVATOR % ING TRIP AND BALANCE FRAME, chine is on a balance when the tongue 10 is in operation. Also has no bolts to ive taken 42 Signed Orders for these ind let us show you this Machine. BROTHERS Today, Tomorrow The PRESENT shapes the FUTURE. What you do TODAY concerns the things of TOMORROW. If you are at all anxious about your financial future you should quickly seize the opportunity to save money. An account with this Bank affords an easy way for saving money. OUR fiiPV ?? hnrclnr nrnof and besides we carry heavy Insurance as additional protection. LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK, YORKVILLE. 8. C. THOS. H. HARDIN ? LAND SURVEYOR, ? LOWKYYILLE - - S. C. 5-29 f 3m* V. Pt. R. E. HEATH. Sec.-Tr. 2 & M. COMPANY, 5RATED. <AKAA*Att *A?4*A?A*A*A?A* t I ers for j ES, ! ov lRE, f J rT^TlO 3 jJUtO I ! FOR ALL KINDS OF GRO- ? NTS. C TOUR TRADE FOR PAST YEAR C US WITH A LARGE PORTION ? IS YEAR. ' M IE CONTRACTS ON FERTILTZ E BEST PRICES OBTAINABLE. J E MAKING ANY TRADES FOR J AND HAY BY THE CAR AND M USTOMERS. AND MERCANTILE CO.