? i I aIL I K 101 THE ES 1^ ONSIS BEEN I OF T I I EVE] \J BRIN MERI YUUK UF1: i mjiixwwii'rtt ii i I"i C?ofriohled VvOfi j 907 by I scmioss^^BBOS.. & C(K | fine Uolkes Makers | GcUiroeTeand New Y#r| ?W.vt T.. v.wT?n.. y VWMY ?D0MES1 Everything in our Department will be s Twelve Sale Days a CENT DISCOUNT price. This is the se when you want Donn these twelve days pas your laying in your Sp our Domestic Departn fi.OOO yards of gon< flinghani. Se values r< at 6c the yard. l.iioo yards Rood. d? iims. fie villus, at 41*! 1 .nan yards of Rood y iiiR. Si- values, at 7c th 1.000 yards of Rood y iiiR. 12jv values, sale p 3.000 yards of Rood y iiiR. soft finish, 9c th< "..(too yards of Rood C. Dress Oinghams, 1 fice sale price. 10c the We have a biR stoc mask, which goes into markaldy low Sacrifi we ran save you inone; ask. ask t?? see our Ta All Wool Blankets s 20 per cent reduction rifice Sale. e>ur Rlanl wonder. SACI 1 i f I \\V will show som Twi'lve Sale. T Brooelu-s. Hat I'ins an( in .lenclry ilurine: this Don'' WISE been putting tl Tell Your Frie "w ^1 Th wrt AUGHTERI IN EVERY DE =5ICES FRO! '0 50 P HIRE $30,00( >TING OF HIGH GRADE C OFFERED TO THE PEOP1 HIS SALE. WE ARE GOI R WITNESSED AT OUR ST [G PLENTY OF MONEY W "HANDISE SACRIFICE FO 'ORTUNITY TO SAVE FRC If Money Saving means anyth : .;v:v : .-> : ^-v- ^ .?s- sw^?.X .jft ;>:..w ?v riCS? 11-4 Blankets, S3 10-4 Blankets, $3 entire Domestic Five pieces g< ;old during these values. Sacrifice t a TEN PER ont? Lot of goo from the regular size Quilts. SI.50 ason of the year price, $1.39 each, estics. Don't let , s you by without LACES AND ring Supply from PRIC ient- One lot of Val 1 Domino Apron values 5c. 7c and ? during this sale at a Sacrifice pri One lot of Val irk colored Out- values 10c, 12jc a 2c the yard. lot at a Sacrifice ard wide Bleach- One lot of Km le yard insertions, vaiue artl wide Bleach- sa'? <>r\ce' 5* rice 10c the yard. "v? ard wide Bleach- Sacrifice sale pric s yard. (?ne |,,t 0f wide patterns in A. F. iiiKs. values 2.r)C, 21 values, Sacri- sale price, 22c th yard. A TOILET S k of Table Da- We picked up T i this sale at re- t>t Soap, especial ce Prices, and Days Sacrifice Sa y on Table Dam- uninatchable i ble Damask. Every box of thi ind Comforts at any time and any during this Sac- it <>n sale at 10c ket values are a Every customer ! buy it Cannlllnn Uuln I HIl I .T?U\ t Forget t : BUYERS. BE EARLY MOh lings to rights, turning stocks t nds to meet you at THE TH( [E THC IE THC E OF PRICES PARTMENT > UU 1 ER CENT ) STOCK OF TH NOTHING, SHOES, FURNISHINGS, i,E OF YORKVILLE AND YORK COT NG TO MAKE QUICK DISPOSITION ORES. THIS EVENT OF MONEY-S ITH YOU FOR YOU WILL SEE MA! R EVERY ONE IN THIS COMMUNI TEN TO FIFTY PER CENT ON E ling to you, Read This and Profit. Read g? CLOTE THINK OF IT! This is a s litis* Countv. This is one onnortunitv t T'dh opportunity stares you in the face. feast, where TWO DOLLARS dot l|l\; at THOMSON CO.'S for Twelve ] K.- are sold for TWELVE DAYS at jL $18.00 Suits, SACRIFICE PRICE IjjjPP $15.00 Suits, SACRIFICE F $12.00 Suits, SACRIF TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES ? 9T~ 20 PER CENT OFF Our stock of Trunks ami Suit Case the largest we have ever carried, and to M duce this stock during this Sacrifice S we have Cut the Prices 20 IVr Cent fi H g:j;s the regular price. If you want Trunks Suit Cases, buy them during Thomson C Sacrifice Sale. It will Pay You. ? .... IIRIiSS (1IIIIDS1 sale price, 24c the yd. d. full bleached, extra 20 PER CEN' values. Sacrifice sale ^ We have turned our Di EMRROIOPRIFQ Silk stock upside down ^ ffive some of the ?reate ED LOW twelve days in this del Laces and Insertions, offered to our customer: 8c, all go into one lot toiners will pay this depi ce of 4c the yard. during these twelve day: l>ac?s and Insertions, ^re*s Goods and Sil nd 15c, all go into one beJ,,und on our counters price, 9c the yard. . U(l. f?ollar Jaf broiderv. Edcrine and sa!? pri,ce'. ?0cJh.? ya^' S 6c and Sc. Sacrifice ^ ^ bniMery. K.Ww and MjLa"L l<,|'1 J't5h? : 9'0C4.12^rdnd 15<'- ' K 'chln^ 5?lky" Embr^" Plaunc30c and ate. Sacrific. * ?*? cal^pr.c.. 40c wide, Sacrifice sale price, OAP WONDER. Heavy Suitings and SI en Gross of tine Toil- and half wide, 59c values, llv for this Twelve price, 48c the yard, le. and it will he sold ?WHITE GOODS V jrices, while it lasts. s soap is worth 25c The most varied displ place. But we place White Goods we have e^ the box of 3 cakes. an>' (,ne sale- Wonderful should buy this and *e1' patterns, and prices lo iked for 10c before known. Buv your during this great Sacrific T "p* Big lot of Mercerized M and Waistings, 12*c valr sale price, 10c. Great values in Whl worth 15c and 20c. Sacrifi 12 1-2c the yard. 500 yards of Merce Waistings. all new patten Sacrifice Sale price, 19c t 1,000 yards of pure whi IJnene, 15c values, Sacrifi 1.000 yards of yard v Jewelry during these Cloth. 15c value, Sacrific iliy Kings. Veil Bins. 10c the yard. Cents on the Dollar .'Pi inch Sheer Linen Lav I Sacrifice Sale price, 19c t! he Dates JDAY MORNING. The good old fashio opsy-turvy in our search for Odd Lots, fi: DMSON CO.'S GIGANTIC SACRIFICE kTTf /^\icT u )MSOh Afl ll I0M50N C DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND Mil JNTY BEFORE. LET NOTHING ] 1 OF OUR ENTIRE FALL AND WII JAVING TO OUR CUSTOMERS WJ NY THINGS WHICH YOUR GOOD TY. TAKE FAIR WARNING AND WERY PURCHASE MADE DURIN I this and get an idea of the Wonderful mSTGr, 38 1sacrifice which should appeal to every hat does not present itself every day in Are you going to pass it up, or are y< ;s the work of THREE? You can't aff Days. Remember, All CLOTHING, B ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRIC , $12.00. $10.00 Suits, Si 'RICE, $10.00. $9-oo Su ICE PRICE, $8.00. $8 DENTS' FURNIS1 ER CENT OFF. 20 PE Our GENTS' FURNISHINGS Stocks contain TIES. COLLARS, CUFFS, SOCKS and UXD1 ccs in this department should make lihenl Lshing Gents' Furnishings. You SAVE TW1 put at our Gents' Furnishings Counter during UFICE BARGAIN GIVING. b $4.00. | 50 Cts Ties 40 its $2.40. 25 Cts. Ties Hats $1.20. I $1.50 Unde 0 Hats 80 Cts. $1.00 Uu< 1.50 Shrits $1.20. j 50 Cts. $1.00 Shirts 80 Cts. 50 Ct 50 Cts. Shirts 40 Ctc. | 25 StT HALF ? HALF PRICE ? HALF COAT SUITS AND SKIRTS. s is Every Coat Suit and Skirt in stock re- be marked at a price which will move t ale. quick. We Cut the Price Half in Two rom they are going to sell and sell quick. If and want Skirts or Coat Suits, you had b< "o.'s be quick. Half Price Buys One During t Twelve Days Sacrifice Sale. ill) SILKS m 'ess Goods and ana expect n> iartment ever irtment a call ^^gll i de Soi, Sacyard. ^ Sacrifice Ic I] io White, (/ he yard. ard and half 80c the ALUES? ^8 ay of stylish ^ /er shown at I values, Deliver than ever White Goods :e Sale. ,'hite Suitings lcs, Sacrifice ite suitings, Shoes 20 I ice sale price, rized White ? SHOE PRICES SAHilFI worth 25c Men * "Kill's ?"? C hildren s he yard. TWENTY PER CENT REDIC te yard wide C()'s counters during these T ce sale price, Kv?,py Shoe !><>llur you have tn $6.50 Shoes $5.20. t ide Cannon jfj.on Shoes, $4.80. e sale price, no Shoes $4.00. $.1.50 Shoes $2.80. i n. 25c value, he yard. All Chid Lots of Shoes at n MSON CO.'S GIGANTIC SACRIFIC E DAYS?CLOSING SATURDAY N [TUNG SPOT CASH, ned Sacrifice Sale hundreds know so we] dng their New Prices and placing ourse : SALE. 3 M PA NY. j I COMR m iff] t* u?? T t M^ANY, Y( .LINERY, WILL BE SOLD FOR TWELVE KEEP YOU AWAY FROM THOMSON CO.! ITER STOCKS AND WE LOOK FOR TWE [LL BE LONG REMEMBERED BY THOS1 ) JUDGMENT WILL COMMAND YOU TO ' DON'T LET THESE GOLDEN OPPORTU G THESE TWELVE SACRIFICE SALES I 1 Bargains that will pass to the homes of all th 3 PER CENT OFF. Clothing customer in Yorkville and York l the week. But for TWELVE DAYS this du going to take advantage of this Clothing ord to miss this Sacrifice which confronts you OYS' SUITS, OVERCOATS and PANTS :e. \CRIFICE PRICE, $0.66. its, SACRIFICE PRICE, $6.00. .oo Suits, SACRIFICE PRICE, $5.34. IINGS ?.m R CENT OFF. all that's now in HATS. ERWEAR, and our Saobuyers from every ens- yj ' >V 3NTY CENTS on every I >?* / W] r these TWELVE DAYS \ rvvear%1.20. clerwear 80 Cts. Underwear 40 Cts. ^ ts. Sox 40 Cts. ^ Cts. Sox 20 Cts. plel ~m. MILLINERY buy mal ar- HALF ? HALF PRICE ? HALF froi LAI will hem All Ladies' Trimmed Hats on Sale durand ing these Twelve Days' Sale at Half Price? you One Dollar does the work of Two?in our itter Millinery Department. Saci hose All Ribbons and Millinery Sundries sold during this sale at a 20 Per Cent Reduction. Gar 10 Shee Sacr -tO Sacr I 2 PRIC yr^fciTiiii^fwWk on 'er Cent Off Shoes iro3, 15c v CEI> TWKNTV PER CENT! Every pair of {] | Shoes Go into this Gigantic Sacrifice Sale at a ,, , 'TIOX. Let nothing keep you from THOMSON weive Days?Eighty Cents Does the Work of 3 1 spend, during this Gigantic Sacrifice Sale. , i aII $3.00 Shoes $2.40. price S2.50 Shoes $2.00. Lac *1.25 Shoes $1.00. Sale I Hig 20c ei liis Sacrifice (luring these Twelve Days. I One :e sale, beginning Monday, janua: ight, january the 25th. nothing ( 11, will, begin at THOMSON CO.'S and the selli Ives in readiness for Twelve Days of great Bai Yorkville, f \NY'S u mil is THIS YOUR FRIENDS ABC For The OPE Y, JAN.13TH, f mFTmTi? onumn f /mvviuurj, ouuin i : DAYS AT A GREATER SACRIFICE TH 'S ON MONDAY, JANUARY 13TH?TH SLVE OF THE GREATEST SALES DA I WHO ATTEND THIS GIGANTIC SAC BUY. THIS WILL BE TWELVE SH< NITIES PASS YOU. IT MEANS OU )AYS AT THOMSON COMPANY'S, ose who attend THOMSON CO.'S Gigantic acrMw* Sale LADIE?' ^ Tlie Muslin Underwear we show in this Great Saer e and attractive assortment. Yon will And It moi UNDERMUSLINS AT THOMSON CO.'S during tli Ice them at your home. You will save money by ma n this Immense assortment. DIES' GOWNS. 69c, 8?c. 98c and $1.50. LADIES' SKIRTS. 69c, 75c, 89c and 98c. LADIES 'DRAWERS, 25c, 89c, 4 LADIES' CORSET COVER One lot of Ladles' Black Mercerized Petticoats, rifice Sale Price, $1.19 the Garment. One lot Ladles' Ribbed Vests, good quality, Sacrl ment. -4 pure bleached guaranteed Linen One lot of L sting, 24 yards wide, $1.25 value, asols, 98c. ifice sale price, 98c the yard. 500 Rolls of Inch white Lawn, good quality, colors, Price 4c ifice Sale price, 10c the yard. 50 Rolls of Irr >od Sheer 30 inch Persian Lawn, Paper, 15c quail /alue, at 12c the yard. feet, od Sheer 30 Inch Persian Lawn, 20c One lot of La e, at 12c the yard. nd Gilt, 25c ar inch India Linen White Lawn, one price, 20c e SSTunen Lawn. 25c value. S.cri- A DEPARTME Sale price, 20c the yard. le lot nice Sheer Nainsook, 25c Ity, Sacrifice sale price, 20c the yd. Every i ADIES' CLOAKS AND FURS ljreSH i',ns- 1 *Hair Pins, 1 ONE-THIRD OFF Pearl Butte ery Ladies' Cloak and Fur in Ball Cotl : will be marked down just one- 5c Pea for this big1 Sacrifice Sale. Don't Good Spool Cot liese Cloak and Fur bargains pass Spool Silkatee for twelve days without notice. Good Brass 9 Cloaks, Sacrifice price, $10.00. Good Saf l? Cloaks, Sacrifice Price, $8.00. Good > Cloaks, Sacrifice Price, $6.00. Misses and Children's Cloaks on Bo luring this Sacrifice Sale at HALF Good Pearl But IE. One Dollar does the work of Hoyt's Cologr Dollars, when buying Children's Machine Oi (8 Vaseline, OTIONS 20 PER CENT OFF. Ijlrge e lot Ladies' 16 Button Long Kid pox Tooth Po ?s, Black and Tan, Sale Price, Hair Brush Tooth Br : lot of Ladies Shawls and Fasci- Back C s at a 20 per cent reduction. Side t? lot Ladies' Black Ribbed Hose, Dn alues, at 9c the pair. Photo Frames, I ? lot of Ladies' fast black Hose, Medallion Pici a lues. Sale Price, 12c the pair. Safety Pin I ? Lot Ladies Hand Bags, 22c. Good Box ; lot Ladies' Hand Bags, 75c val- Good P jctic ri iwc, ttw. a laitun lies' r.c Handkerchiefs, Sale price, Lyon's Tooth ch. Rubifoam, 1 lies' good Handkerchiefs, sale Post Card 4c each. Post Ca lies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Box Paper, 4 Ce Price, 9c each. Pencil Tablets lot Pillow Tops, good designs. Good Lead ] ich. Large Medallion lot of Ladies' Parasols, 48c each. Post Cards, ry the i3th at 8.30 a. m., and la! :harged at cut prices during t: ing will be in full swing by 9 o'clock. For a > rgain activity. Come Yourself?Bring Your >outh Caroli DKHHHH6HIHH SALE! 1UT IT NING! ,INNING AT 30 A. M. 11 nrtT TIT I /AftULiiflfl. AN HAS EVER E FIRST DAY YS WE HAVE RIFICE SALE. 3RT DAYS OF R LOSS AND Sacrifice Sale. USLIN NDERWEAR Iflce Sale is a most com* re to your advantage to is Sacrifice Sale than to king your selection now 8c, and 98e. 'C l>"?. VA a nH OOr> rery one a $1.50 value. flee Sale Price, 22c the _ adles, $1.25 value Pargood Crepe Paper, all the roll of 10 feet, iported Decorated Crepe Ity, at 11c the roll of 10 die? Belt Buckles. Pearl id 39c values, all go . ach. XT OF LITTLE THINGS! Article a Big Value. !ent. Cent. >ns, 1 Cent, on, I Cent, rl Buttons, 2 Cents, ton. 2 for 5 Cents, m, 4 Cents. Pins, 4 Cents, ptv Pins. 4 Cents. Needles, I Cents. Hair Pins, 4 Cents, x Black Pins, 4 Cents, tons. 4 Cents, le, 4 Cents. 1, 4 Cents. 4 Cents. 'alcum Powder, 4 Cts. im Powder. 9 Cents, wder, 9 Cents, es, 9 Cents, ashes, 9 Cents. ombs, 9 Cents. Combs, 9 Cents. ess Combs, 9 Cents. 9 Cents. tures. 9 Cents. Books, 9 Cents. ; Paper, 9 Cents. ' aper Tablets, 9 Cents. \ l Powder, 19 Cents. Powder. 19 Cents. 19 Cents. I Albums, 19 Cents, ird Albums, 10 Cents, nts. . 1 Cents. Pencils. 2 for ."> Cts. Pictures, 19 Cents. 1 Cent Kaeh. i STING FOR HIS SALE? ivcck we nave H ' Family, and na. I ?