Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 15, 1907, SUPPLEMENT TO THE YORKVILLE ENQUIRER., Image 5

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I =? ? + ^^^ ry it Six u ? The Clu # II BUG I BUG I 9 I There E New Subsc * c J TH] J THIS STATE I | IN DEFENDI J HOLD THEN J OF THE INT ^ THE PRESEI A B & THE CLl liberal of any for the 1908 leading preml the second lai TER LEATH1 BER TIRES. Club than anj maker who 11 equipped wltl E ^ The Conl begin. Let ei that they mai collected as r The Club of ? maker will b< will include A March 2?. 19 The Bugi the ROCK H /I rillAn o I that will go f Buggies carrl conceded by better Buggy of these Bugi tion. They r pany in Rocl Messrs. Cam Kimball & S and because assure us tlis As a spe to send THE ary 1, 1908. year's subseri ALL PE or elsewhere, to partlclpat to get the la l. : El bmaker of I Names t BUGGY FOR BETHEL BUGGY FOR BETHESDA GY FOR BULLOCK'S CREE1 JGGY FOR BROAD RIVER BUGGY FOR CATAWBA BUGGY FOR EBENEZER BUGGY FOR FORT MILL rGY FOR KING'S MOUNTAIh BUGGY FOR YORK 0 Are Libt ivcKY > bribers Get The ?r> E YORKVILLE ENQUIRER IS THAT FILLS ITS FIELD MO NG AND DEVELOPING ALL 1 [SELVES RESPONSIBLE ONL' EGRITY OF ITS CONDUCT, AI 4T SUPPORT OF NEARLY TW uggy For Each 1 JB OFFERS OF THE ENQUIRER have that have ever been made by South C campaign they are far more liberal tha lums have been Two Buggies?one for rgest club. In this campaign we are Of Ell TOP ROCK HILL BUGGIES?ONE One of the Buggies Is to go to the Clul r other Cluhniaker in his Township, aiul uakes the LARGEST CLUB of the ent i RUBBER TIRES. [ere is the Propo; test is open to All who desire to enter ich Clubmaker send In his names as raj t nrnrtdrlv pntprpfl and Daners started apidly as possible and sent In for credil >ach Clubmaker will be kept on a separa i permitted to know what the others an ill Names Returned aiul Paid For by Six 08. And on that day the Buggies will 1 gies we are offering are of the Standard ILL BUGGY COMPANY. They are of nd the Retail I?rlee Is $70.00 Each, excel or the largest club and the Retail Price ed off all the premiums at the last Geo disinterested dealers and users everywl to be had In the United States for the pr gies running in this section and they an nay be seen on exhibition at the mamn t Hill, or in the warerooms of different all Bros., of Yorkville; W. F. Harris & ons, of Rock Hill. Because of the larg of the generous use we are making of it there will be substantial extra work ti New Subscribt cial inducement and to make it easier ENQUIRER to NEW SUBSCRIBERS, from the date they jaay until January 1 Iptlon. Clubmakers RSONS who desire to do so, whether I , are cordially invited to act as Clubmal e In the competition for the Buggies, a rgest clubs in their respective Townshi; M. GRIJ HBBHBHBI .01 nd Fifty ha niii UU U1V fSSfr Sach Townsl to Get a Se z s, ^w. iral Prer YORKER Enquirer From THE MOST THOROUGHGOI RE COMPLETELY OR MOR] ^HAT IS BEST IN THEIR ED { TO THEIR SUBSCRIBERS i MD OF THE RIGHTEOUSNES O THOUSAND PAID SUBSCR ? mm m - - >nfM"i>i'll"iii ownship p. all along been the most arolina newspapers, and in ever. Heretofore the the largest and one for ^FERING NINE QUAROF THEM WITH Rl'B>maker making a Larger (,j the Buggy of the Club- ^ Ire eompetition Is to l>c OI Il( sition It. NOW Is the time to ddly as he gets them, so [ at once. Let money be t as rapidly as collected. tn Hat ami r\c\ nnP Plllh 8| e doing. The final count O'clock p. m., Saturday, ae awarded as described. ? Carolina grade made by the quarter leather top >t the rubber tired Buggy of that is $1)0.00. These p rgia State Fair, and It is here that there is not a ice. There are hundreds i giving general satisfac10th factory of the comdealers in this section. Sons of Fort Mill; S. J. e number we are taking them, the Manufacturers in each of these Buggies. o ^rs V for Clubmakers, we offer 0 subscribing before Janu, 1009, for the price of a r 2 c 1 S they live in York county t cers. All will be entitled nd those who are unable c ps, will be paid for their c >T'S SO ?????? ?? JNMK^p* 4IIMN||I . <1?I f*w- A-K^ wv^ T\ 11 TTT il ft Mrs worm 01 en Away as Premi iw* MhTa v*t *-3H| lip Returning and Payinj * .' * c ?. . . venty Dollar Quarter Leat \ \/V -|'^| \ / \ \ H V/yS/j^ | A ^r I I \| \ J:llJt<A yf \ y^ \ > V ^ ^^jULMcsl \ \ / \ Ji \ \ / I \ iwF \ / ^A. 4^^ \ \y/ niums for All Clul " ' ? > IS TO RECEP i This Date to January 1, 1909, NG FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN SOUTH CAROLINA. IT IS PRIP E IMPARTIALLY IN THIS RESPECT. IT SEEKS TO PROMOTI UCATIONAL, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL LIFE. IT IS OWNED \S A WHOLE ON A BASIS OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS AI S OF ITS CONTROLLING MOTIVES, IT POINTS BACK TO A I IBERS. -_t. 1? i..~? n?mmnni,?rai0 in iroina with the value of the work LI I" IV III UlllCI pi CIIUUIIIO, tv/lllliiciinui uiv in tuimv irformed or in cash as they may prefer. Should it develop at the windup at the Largest Club of the entire contest has been returned by a non-reslsnt of the county, he will receive a Ninety Dollar Rubber Tired Top Buggy. What a Club Is The price of a Single Subscription is $2 a year, or $1 for six months. In lubs the price is $1 for six months, or SI.75 for a year. A Club consists of vo or more names returned by the same Clubmaker. The names may be OLD NEW?that is, people who are now taking THE ENQUIRER, or who have it been taking it since the 15th day of last March?and may be sent in one, vo or more at a time, with or without the cash, to suit the convenience of le Clubmaker. Other Premiums Besides the Buggy premiums, which are to go as full and complete reard to the Clubmakers making and paying for the largest clubs in their repective townships, we are offering SPECIAL PREMIUMS for all smaller lubs, including from four names up. FOR FOUR NAMES.?A Stylographlc Fountain Pen; a handsome Thrt^eladed Pocket Knife with name and address on the handle, or one of the late ew Novels that retail for 51.00. FOR FIVE NAMES.?A year's subscription to either one of the followig Magazines: McClure's, Munsey, Argosy, Cosmopolitan, Saturday Evening not nr nnv niher Dollar Mneazine. or either of the following: A "Champion" tern Winding Watch, a gold pointed Fountain Pen or a Four-Bladed Pocket [nlfe. FOR SIX NAMES.?An "Eclipse" Stem Winding Watch, Hamilton Model 5, 22-callbre Rifle, a year's subscription to the Christian Herald, a 22-String lithern or any one of the new popular $1.50 Novels. FOR EIGHT NAMES.?An Ingersoll "Triumph" Watch, Daisy Repeating ir Rifle?works like a Winchester?a fine Razor or a Pocket. Knife, a Rapid Vriter Fountain Pen?plain case; or a Hopf Model Violin or an 8-Inch Banjo. FOR TEN NAMES.?One year's subscription to THE ENQUIRER, a No. Hamilton 22-callbre Ride?model 11, any one of the $1.75 or $2 publications ne year, or a Gold Mounted Fountain Pen, a good Banjo, Guitar or Violin. FOR TWENTY NAMES.?Crack-Shot Stevens Rifle, a 10-oz. Canvas lunting Coat, a No. 1 Ejector Single-Barrel Breech-Loading Shot Gun, or any ine of the $4 Magazines for one year. FOR THIRTY NAMES.?Either of the following: A Single-Barrel Hamnerlcss Shot Gun, a fine Toilet or Washstand Set, or a Hopkins & Allen, Jr., !2-caIlbre Rifle. FOR FORTY NAMES.?A fine Mandolin, Guitar or Banjo, a New York itandard Open Face Watch, a W. Richards Double-Barrel Breech-Loading Ihot Gun. FOR FIFTY NAMES.?A Winchester or Colt's Repeating Rifle, 22-cali>re, or a Five Drawer High Arm Sewing Machine. ANYTHING DESIRED.?We will arrange to furnish any special article lesired by a Clubmaker for a given number of names on application at this >fflce. NS, Publishers, Y( ! 111! Rock Hill Bop . g for the Largest Numb her Top Buggy. ' *-.?1 w IWU . * . .v v -V-V1* BUGGY FOR BETHEL BUGGY FOR BETHESDA I * BUGGY FOR BULLOCK'S CREEK BUGGY FOR BROAD RIVER BUGGY FOR CATAWBA i BUGGY FOR EBENEZER J BUGGY FOR FORT MILL / BUGGY FOR KING'S MOUNTAIN \ -BUGGY FOR YORK v. / , . i bs of Whatever /E FULL PAY at the Price of a Year's Subs WARILY A COUNTY PAPER, AND THERE IS NOT A PAP ? THE MATERIAL AND MORAL WELFARE OF ITS RE/ AND CONTROLLED ABSOLUTELY BY ITS i'UBi-isrir.Ko tfD THE FOUR GOSPELS. AS THE BEST RECOMMEND RECORD OF FIFTY-TWO YEARS OF EARNEST ENDEAVOl Terms and Conditions THE CONTEST BEGINS NOW and will come to a close on SATUI MARCH 29, at 6 o'clock sharp. Each Clubmaker will be held personally responsible for the paym the amount due on all names returned by him or her. Where It Is desl stop a subscription before the close of the Club contest, the Clubmake do so by paying the amount due at the time of such stoppage. Where i scrlption has been puid In full, it cannot be discontinued. The Clubr however, may. If he sees proper, transfer the unfulfilled portion of th scrlption to another subscriber, provided the person to whom the tran to be made was not a subscriber at the time the original narme was ente our books. No name will be counted in competition for a premium until the scrlption price lias been paid, nor will any premium be delivered unl Clubmaker has either paid or made made satisfactory settlement for s names on the Club. In cases of contention by two or more Clubmakers over the rlgh name, preference will be given to the one who pays for the name FIRS' where both pay, we shall not attempt to decide the matter except by ere the name for one year for each such payment. After a name has been entered on our books, no transfer will b? mitted. This Is positive and emphatic, and where Clubmakers attem] make such transfers, they must concede our right to take such steps aj seem necessary to protect the fairness of this provision. The Clubmake returns names must pay for them. Clubmakers who try to return an for names already regularly returned by others will be called down, esp< If there Is evidence of an understanding between the Clubmakers. 1 not for the protection of the publishers; but as a guarantee of the fa of the competition. Any and all Clubmakers will have the right .0 Get Subscriber* Win They Can. It is not necessary that all the names shall go to the same a?3 The fact that a name was returned on a certain club last year does no that Clubmaker a right to return It this year. All subscriptions must be forwarded to us at the expense of those s< them, and we will be responsible for the safe transmission of pionej when It Is sent by Draft, Registered Letter, Express or Postofflce Money 1 We keep a separate list of the names sent by each Clubmaker, and all times able to tell In a few moments how each Clubmaker stands. In sending names. Always give correct name or Initials, and present office address, and If possible say whether the subscribers are NOW the paper. Careful observance of this will be the means of avoiding * Vv'" oowfuolAn IIUUU1C auu wuiumvii. In the case of a tie for any of the Buggy premiums TWO WEEK be allowed for the working off of the tie. After the close of the contest on SATURDAY, MARCH 28, at 6 o the price of a year's subscription will be $2.00 unless New Clubs are fori 3RKVILLE, S. if] s t# >er of II IIH f U I I ffl Size I cription I ER IN ^ h LDERS, X ' , WHO ATION J, AND ) IDAY, ent of ired to r may a subnaker, ' e subsfer is red on ) sub11 the ill the t to a f; but tilting i perpt to s may r who d pay ecially 'his Is ilrness i erever Idress. it give sndlng r only Order. are at t posttaking much a will I ''clock. Tied. . } a I