Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 05, 1907, Image 3

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r ? safely, guiding the vessel by means of the propellers Emmet Dalton, a notorious bank robber, sentenced to life imprisonment in 1892, has been pardoned by Governor Hoch of Kansas. ....The 6.000 employees of the Standard Oil company at Ba.vonne, L. I., were paid off with checks last Saturday for the first time since the establishment of the plant. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. ? tlaffney Ledger, November 5: Two negroes, named Charlie Means and Frank Tucker, both employees of thej Dravo Contracting company at Gaston " Shoals, got into a difficulty Sunday afternoon about 3.30 o'clock, and as a result Means is dead and Tucker is in Jail. The casus belli was a woman. Tucker fired a shot at Means when the ^ difficulty first started, but missed him. i Within a few minutes after this the two negroes started around the house, going in opposite directions. Means taking a crutch from a cripple negro. They met at the back of the house and | Tucker fired again, striking Means just above the breast bone on the left side, ranging inward and downward, severing the carotid artery, causing instant death. Coroner Vinesett, with Dr. J. N. Nesbit, the county physician, was soon on the scene and after empaneling a jury the above facts were brought out, and the following verdict was rendered: That Charlie Means came to his death by a gunshot wound at the hands of Frank Tucker. Deputy Sheriff Lockhart brought Tucker to jail Sunday night. This makes the fourth inquest which Coroner Vinesett has held at Gaston Shoals since the work on the dam commenced. ? Columbia special to the Charlotte Observer: There is much complaint throughout the state against three or four mutual fire insurance companies, which are said to be working a "skin game" of collecting premiums in the form of assessments with scrupulous uttentlon and resisting payments of claims with faithful regularity, and It is likely that the legislature at Its coming session will be asked to take a hand in the game and straighten out matters by putting these concerns under some sort of supervision. A court stenographer who has done court work In practically every county in the state in the past few years says there is hardly a county In the state where there is not one or more suits pending i against one or more of these compa' nies. He added that an official of one of the companies openly boasted that there was no remedy at law for a policyholder if the officer of the company decided not to pay. All that could be done, this official said, would be to compel an assessment, which could be made In a perfunctory way. and if the money did not come In the policyholder would be at the end of his row. But a recent decision of the supreme court puts a different face on the situation. The company in this case, the South Carolina Mutual Insurance company, denied liability and refused to make an assessment. The magistrate before whom Batson &. Walsh, the plaintiffs, brought the action dismissed the case on the ground that the plaintiffs' remedy was to proceed In equity to compel an assessment but on appeal the circuit court reversed this and rendered judgment for the amount claimed. The supreme court affirms this. There Is nothing in this case to show that this company Is not doing a straight and legitimate business, but the point decided is of the greatest importance to those complaining of not being able to get their money from this class of companies. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. The study of Romans will be taken up. CHURCH OK THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Service Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. Serial gotices. Corner Stone Laying. The corner stone of the Flint Hill Baptist church will be laid on next Thursday at 11 o'clock. There will be morning and evening services in connection with the occasion. The public is invited. Quarterly Conference at Mt. Vernon. The fourth session of the quarterly p conference of Hickory Grove circuit will be held at Mt. Vernon church on Friday, November 8. A full attendance of the official members Is desired as business of importance is to be transacted. J. C. Counts. An Expression of Thanks. My children and myself deeply feel and desire to express our thankful appreciation of the many great and tender manifestations of kindness and sympathy shown us before and after our sore bereavement. It is very gratifying to us to be among such warmhearted, helpful people, who are forward to do what they may for our bodily and spiritual comfort. May the Lord mete to them, as they have so liberally measured to us Jno. A. McMurray. Sharon. S. C.. Nov. 1st. 1907. Charleston's Fall Festival. It is now only a short time before the annual Fall Festival is to be held in Charleston and the people are making inquiries and discussing the trip. Charleston is always very attractive at this season of the year, and the plans announced by the Festival association this year seem very interesting and attractive. Among the big features the Military will be very prominent, for s tuads from the various companies of the 1st. 2nd and 3rd regiments are to enter a competitive price drill, after which there will be a grand parade, participated in by regulars, from Fort Moultrie, marines from the Charleston navy'yard, members of the South Carolina volunteer troops, naval militia end cadets of the S. C. Military Academy and the Porter Military Academy, Trades, floral and fantastic parades, an automobile exhibition on the Battery. motor boat races in the harbor, excursions, band concerts, free shows on squares and tent shows at cross streets, are among the attractions featured. The railroads in the state have made a rate of one fare, plus 25 cents for the round trip, and already the hotels are receiving applications for rooms. Among the side trips when visiting Charleston are the navy yard, where there has just been completed one of the largest and finest dry docks in the country. Fort Sumter. Fort Moultrie. Sullivan's Island, the Isle of Palms, etc. The dates are November IS to 23. and the tickets are sold two days or more ahead and are good to return until November 25. $he Cotton tftarhet. Yorkville. Nov. 5?Cotton 10.37 J. Cotton seed. 21 cents per bushel. New York, Nov. 4.?Spot cotton closed steady, 10 points higher; middling uplands 11.10; middling gulf 11.C5; no sales. Futures opened steadv and closed steady as follows; Nov. 10.52; Dec. 10.82; Jan. 10.43; Feb. 10.43; March, 10.44; April 10.44; May 10 46; June 10.46; July 10.46; Aug. 10.38. PURE BRONZE TURKEYS. MAY be had by calling on or by writing to me on Yorkville, No. 1. Mrs. J. D. LAND. 89 t.f 3t* FOR RENT. THREE-HORSE Farm, near BethShiloh church. Address Miss EMILY R. SMITH, care W. O. Youngblood. No. 2. Yorkville. S. O. 89 t 2t* RIPLEY SEED WHEAT. GOOD and clean at 51.35 a bushel. R. F. D. No. 1, Bowling Qreen. E. H. ADAMS. 87 t.f 8t TO MEET NEXT SATURDAY. A FULL meeting of the individual members of the Farmers' Union of York county is hereby called to be held in the Court House at Yorkville on next SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 9, at 10 o'clock, and each member who desires to store cotton in Yorkville will corne prepared to give the committee appointed to look after the matter, the number of bales he would have provld tfU iUI. D. M. HALL, Vice President A. L. Black, Secretary, It j*. c. "whlbobunt FOR RENT A good Two-horse Farm, two miles from Yorkville?a nice dwelling and a new tenant house on place. FOR SALE 75 Acres?More or less, 3 1-2 miles Pineville, N. C.; near school and church; 40 acres open land in cultivation, balance timber; adjoins Z. T. failes. Fort Mill township. 100 Acres?35 acres in woods, balance in cultivation; level land; 20 acres fine bottom land, not subject to overflow. Price $37.50 per Acre; Steele Creek, N. C. 127 Acres?House, barn and orchard; half wood land, near church and school; Lower Steele Creek township, N. C. $15 per Acre. Kendrick Home Place?134 acres. Lower Steele Creek on Yorkville and Charlotte road, 12 miles Charlotte; 30 acres in woods and pasture, balance in high state cultivation; no waste land, all level; 9-room dwelling; barn, gin, all necessary outbuildings; four tenant houses. 163 Acres?9 miles Gastonia; one dwelling, 4-room; barn, all necessary outbuildings; 75 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, 20 acres in fine forest; 2 pastures; adjoins Craig & Wilson. A Bargain. The Dwelling and 12 1-2 acres of land, in fine state of cultivation, onehalf mile corporate limits Yorkville. Home of David Russell, deceased. For a Quick Sale. One tract, 100 acres, i mile Ramah church, 1 mile Zion school; adjoins Andy Bigger, John Boyd; 1 dwelling, 5-rooms; 20 acres in good timber. Cheap for a quick offer. I am selling land very fast, and want more land for sale on my list. Come talk the matter with me. I lend and borrow money on land. See me. J. W. Gladden Land?125 acres, adiolns lands of N. B. Bratton and Dr. Love; 2J miles McConnells, 9} miles of Chester; 2-3 in timber. Price $15 per Acre. Arthur Quinn?Place, 153 acres; 1J miles Bethel church; 6-room dwelling; 3 tenant houses; 80 acres in cultivation; land lies level. Price, $4,000. J. C. WILBORN, Real Estate. GUNSand THINGS If you expect to shoot any this winter and expect to purchase a RIFLE of any calibre, A GUX, Double or Single Barrel, LOADED SHELLS?Smokeless or Black Poucler. RIFLE CARTRIDGES?BBs to 45 calibre, Or other Shooting Supplies, we ask you to see us before making any purchases, as we can furnish the artiele wanted and at Right Prices. See us for HARDWARE. YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO. Religion Calls For Nothing But the exercise of ordinary forethought in regard to the world to come. Provide for another home before the lease on the temporary one on earth runs out. But it is good business sense to own a home during our brief sojourn in this world. The man that can and does not provide a home is an object of pity. He is having a good time only at the cost of future happiness. FOR SALE A Six-Room Cottage in good location. Seven-Room House, Lot 80 by 370 feet. Nice Residence Lot, 85 by 300 feet. A few Lots in Suburb of Westerleigh. Dr. M W. WHITE. Capital $50,000.00 Undivided Profits $25,000.00 m . l 1 , Ail A AA toiai asspis $dzu,vuv.vv EVERY ADVANTAGE THAT A PROPERLY CONDUCTED BANK CAN OFFER Is extended Depositors of this Bank. Its equipment?its methods of transacting business, make it pleasurable as well as profitable to bank your money here. Every depositor is made to feel that his account is appreciated. That we consider his interests worthy of our best attention. We shall gladly welcome your Business or Personal Account at any time. LOAN AND SAYINGS BAlrft, vrvnir iriT T ?7* c r* V lliUKJi O. V* WOOD FOR SALE. I HAVE a quantity of DRY OAK and PINE WOOD and would be pleased to make contracts to deliver same in lots of from Five Cords up to Fifty during Aug., Sept., and Oct. 61 tf SAM M. GRIST. W" Fancy Plotting Paper, Red, Moss Green, Robin Egg Blue, and Wood Brown, 19x24 ins. 10c Sheet, 3 for 25c. Heavy White at same price. The Enquirer Ollice. STATIONERY. Now that the Fall business season is upon us and will soon be going with a rush, don't you think it will be well to look over your Stationery Supplies and place an order for your needs, so as to have it when you want it? We will give your orders careful and prompt attention and will furnish you Printed matter that will be satisfactory in every imrtieular. Can we serve you? Today is a good time to place your order. Phone or write. Ii. M. GRISTS SON'S, Yorkvllle, S. C. I?T iwwuwfwunwrnwwwifm | ATTEN J -:COf KIRATII 11 AT AUGL | NOVEMBER 12 s 1 1 CENT PER MILE O * iFnuimmmpHfumturwrwrwifii 80* We Pay Y The Best Recommendatioi You can Savings Bank Boc in the Four Per Cent Interest The NATIONAL (ABSOLUTE ROCK HILL, S HIM i COM Onion Sets?Now is the time to put them in the ground. Our Sets are Al. Strained Honey and Maple Syrup? Both will go fine with flap-jacks. New Crop Dates?They are just in, and are far superior to dried figs. Apples?Choice varieties of exceptional quality. Musical Instruments?Another line of Guitars, Banjos, Violins, Bows, Strings and Trimmings. See us for a Musical Instrument. See us for Everything' In Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Tinware, Glassware, Pocket Knives, etc. If you chew Tobacco come and let us show you some of our "choicest ' brands. We can please you. See us for Cigars?several choice ] brands for selection. You can find all kinds of Canned 1 Goods on our shelves?best qualities. Ask for what you don't see. We have it. HERNDON & GORDON. Painting? If you are painting, either inside or out, it is to your Interest to see us for the Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Stains, Shellac, Turpentine, Putty, etc. ( For outside work we sell the always dependable Sherwin-Willllams and Wilhelm Brands?both of them the equal of any paints on the market, as years of experience have prov- ' en to thousands of users. For inside work we have SherwinWilliams Varnish Stains in all colors and in a variety of sizes of packages. ; fVHU llltll IUU, lie llttTC ...v. one of the most popular household paints ever put on the market. Before you buy Paints come and 1 talk the matter over with us. We can ' Interest you in qualities and prices. 1 THE YORK DRUG STORE, ! J. B. Bowen, Proprietor. J. L. Williams. Mason McConnell. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. <fcl6.00 MEN'S SUITS AT $12.00 That is JUST WHAT Our line of $12.00 Suits is JUST what others ask $16.00 for. Let us prove it to you. We have them in all the newest weaves and shades?Blacks, Browns, Blues and Grays. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO., Sell for I/ess. AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE have a number of Guernsey Cows and Heifers that we will sell. Pure cream at 25 cents a quart, at the farm at all times, or delivered on Tuesdays and Fridaya. Pigs for Sale?$2.50 and $5 each. J. A. MILLS, Manager. Jan. 25 f.t tf. BMT Fancy Blotting Paper, Red, Moss i Green, Robin Egg Blue, and Wood Brown, 10x24 ins. 10c Sheet, 3 for 25c. Heavy White at same price. The Enquirer Office. -?*v. <" >. -rno j CADET F | jsj?# 0 We are Sole Agents for the Sdies, Men, Misses and Childre: Heels, Knees and Toes. If ^ Last This is the Brand to Buy, ? YORKVILLE BANKING j KH> wfwwwi HI HI imwfwyinntwi w D THE j | MS' RWIIffi:- 1 ! 1 < (STA, GA. | < TH AND 13TH. | \ 2 * N ALL RAILROADS. ? ; rumiurm hi in mm m m wi uf it ( Mb ou to Save I = "" V ! \\ !i 1 ii have is a 13 k [ your pocket. It brings ||i s smile that stays. Compounded Quarterly I ? j . UNION BANK I LY SAFE) III outh Carolina. |lj RED \\ IFtTTST i PROOF . !l ) . 1 SEED II OATS 1 :{ J / > i yi I have a car of these Oats in now. ' J ! ( They are not to be confounded with J, Red Oats?but Rust Proof?85 cents a [? ! t Bushel. i ; : i I also have GUANO for Grain. [3 : 1 ! I ; t LOUIS ROTH. ! I; Rye and Barley >j _ : !i Received Today?A barrel New ?. ! i Crop New Orleans Molasses of Best \; Grade. \ J ! i Sowing any Barley or Rye? You M can get New Crop Barley and Rye ^ 3eed from KENNEDY'S Store. Have Lhe seed in stock. Also have KINGAN'S RELIABLE , MEATS?Hams and Breakfast Strips. Ja* SCHOOL SUPPLIES. H We can't remember the time when the Kennedy store wasn't Headquarters for SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Everything in Tablets, Composition and Ex- ? rvisf limm.s, rcut'ii9, rem, nmo, Chalk, etc. Also have a fair supply of SCHOOL BOOKS on hand, and a gt large shipment Is expected in a very few days. See me for School Supplies. Sh Sh W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. gjj Sh - "SWASTIKA" - IS Sh THE LUCKY CROSS gh Sh Sh Sh Sh CALL AND SEE THE "SWASTIKA" " JEWELRY WHILE THE LINE IS COMPLETE. G V 1 The meaning of "Swastika" is: "May |~J the four winds from the four corners of the heavens, ever upon you gently blow." T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. Coi APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE 1 NOTICE is hereby given that on Wednesday, November 6, 1907, I , will appear before the Probate* Court of York county, and make a final set- t,a tlement as guardian of CAROLINA f BELLE CAMPBELL, and will then an; and there apply to Hon. L. R. Wil- see Hams, judge of said court for my discharge from further responsibility in connection with said guardianship. R. M. BARNETT. 81 t 5t _??1 la IOSIERY S Y ^ Mafll ^ aJ X est y sor the A wil J ful % tur inq Z "1< V v 5 st t prl 9 wh jHK v CADET H O S E for La- J J, n?They Wear Well. Linen ? sor fou Want Hose That Will ^ \ND MERCANTILE CO. J ? V kii HWWIWlWIWWWIIHWUHnil'i } | Take ajxt t^ ^ Of you ? stand with the world. & Could you have done be1 I see what you can accomplish I Department during the next 5 W FOUR PER CENT on IT'S SAFE! THE FIRST NA YORKIVI] t Hunjni.iii.niin iii tit Best Cloth We have the Largest and Mc for Men and Boys that We h? ING OUR CUSTOMERS 1 FOR THE MONEY. Men's Suits $5.00 TO $i ?TSee Our CLOTHING The STRAUS . M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. 'resident Sec. and Treas. ORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. IOES ? SHOES ? SHOES oes We have a full Shoes oes stock of Shoes? Shoes oes Shoes that give Shoes oes Service and Com- Shoes oes fort. Shoes oes Coarse Shoes, Shoes oes Fine Shoes, Shoes oes Shoes for Men, Shoes oes Boys, Women Shoes oes and Girls. Shoes oes See us when you Shoes oes want Shoes. Shoes oes York Supply Co. Shoes IOES ? SHOES ? SHOES LENN & ALLISON. ^e Are leadquarters FOR GGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, MULES AND HORSES. <*r~ lino nf Polo'ii Onen tve imvc a tun inn. ui v~>~ u -, rrow Oat Sowers and Guano Plows tn bined. kVe are agents for Gibhs & Co.. full e of Saw Mills, Steam Engines, ingle, I .nth and Grist Mills. iVe are agents for the International sollne Engine. Should you be in the market for / of the above articles don't fail to us before buying. Yours to serve, ILENN & ALLISON. i. H. O'LEAIIY. ear in and Year Out u will always find me ready to supyour wants in my line. I was rer better prepared to serve you ter than I am NOW. i do my buying in such quantities to get the advantage of the LowPrices, and my buying of this seal's stock has been no exception to . io and as I have always done 1 give you tlic very best goods to lutri at the fairest prices. A careexamination of my stock of Furnie, Furnishings, Stoves, etc., and (Uiries as to prices will convince most skeptical that these goods re not bought to hold?the Ouali ; and Prices will sell them. STOVES [ have a good line of HEATING OVES for both wood and coal, the ces are attractive and I have men o know how to put them up for j in a workmanlike manner, see My Stock before buying anyng in House Furnishings. G. II. O'LEARY. CLOTHES CLEANING. AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladies' skirts in a thor?hly satisfactory manner, at reatable prices. Work may be sent dirt to rny home or left at W. E. Ferson's store. Mrs. R. R. McCLAIN. W Wanted.?Your orders for all ids of printed matter. Best work fairest prices. TWffWWWI HI 111 WPIltUI M HtUm rVENTORY I ir money affairs?See how you ? tter? If so, begin at once and ? i with the help of our Savings ? Twelve Months. ? . Savings Deposits. ? .TIONAL BANK, LIXjE, S. C. h ing Values ;M ;: ?A JT.Vij J i ' I i! BR 1 jj^k ist Complete Line of Clothing : I ive ever shown, and are GIV- [ ] ^HE GREATEST VALUES ;! :( ' 1 >0.00. II BEFORE BUYING II S-SMITH CO. !i 1? ?? Lots In Westerleigh WnotDrlwicrh la thn mnat Hoalrnhlv located sdburb of Yorkvllle, and la close to the business centre of the town. It is the only place within the corporate limits where a negro can buy a suitable building lot at a reasonable price. Already some thirty-five or more lots have been bought by substantial negroes. There are only about fifty more lots for sale. The prices are low. very low considering the value, and the terms are easily within the means of any Industrious laborer. Negroes who desire to invest In lots for the purpose of building homes, or for the purpose of getting good profits within a year or two should see me for particulars. LAURA E. PARISH. It Is a Fact. I have the premium rates and guaranteed cash surrender and loan values of every reputable, thoroughly established life insurance company doing business in the United States today, and in the whole list there is not one that guarantees its members so much for their money as does the Mutual Benefit and there is not one that has so long or clean a record for giving each member a square deal under any and alT circumstances. There may be some companies doing Dusiness in wie south today, and nowhere else, that the Agents representing them will promise more than the Mutual Benefit guarantees in fts written contracts, but the chances are that the agent's promises will not be incorporated in the policy and of course you will not be able to demand the delivery of the goods. The Mutual Benefit has a spotless record of 62 years behind it, and the maintenance of that record is the pride of the present management. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. DIRING MOWERS ARE "PTrClT1 =. 1 j P J. A POOR MOWING MACHINE IS HIGH AT ANY PRICE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. THE DEERINO IS THE BEST. WE SELL THEM. Yorkville Buggy Co. IS YOUR CLOCK RUNNING? r|i HAT old Clock that has been X standing for years, and which you would like to have keeping time again; but which you think cannot be fixed at a reasonable price. Bring it to me. I do reliable, honest work on Watches. D_ MARLEY YORK FURNITURE CO FURNITURE, STOVES, Undertaking* Supplies PAINTS, OILS, Etc. Headquarters Our store is the Furniture Head* quarters of this section. You can always depend on finding the article In Furniture and House Furnishings that il1u.^vaj1iuit^the y0rk furniture uu. s a i unc. We carry everything In Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Room Furnishings, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Iron Beds, Stoves, Heaters, Etc. EXTENSION TABLES^?We are offering a limited number of elegant Round Pedestal Dining Tables below Factory Cost. If you want a very handsome Dining Table this Is a rare opportunity to get a bargain. Only a few left. CARPET SAMPLES.?A small lot of these, yard lengths, 25c each while they last. ROCKING CHAIRS.?We have the biggest line of Rockers we have ever shown. The line Includes some beauties in Reed Rockers, Polished Oak and Leather Upholstered Spring Seat Rockers. See us for what you want. WCASH or CREDIT to Suit the BUYER. YORK FURNITURE CO. TO SHERER'S MARKET When you want the best Fresh Meats in Yorkville, follow the crowd and if you can't keep up, Phone No. 117 and you will get it. Please Phone the night before if you want the Best, as we sell so fast it don't last long, and besides you'll get your meats in time for breakfast. We have Vegetables and Fruits all the time to suit the seasons. Also keep the nicest line of Penny Candles in town, for the children. I am stlli selling that good old CRACKER JACK COFFEE that makes the old folks feel young again. Every Bucket Guaranteed to Satisfy. Sherer is a good old Bytcher Man, And tries to please everybody he can, So when the Beef Bill comes around, Please don't turn My Collector down. Yours to serve, OLD GEORGE, i IIHi DL lVfUin. You Can Get It At Johnson's If you want anything especially fancy in Groceries, you can put It down as a certainty that you can get It at JOHNSON'S. Fresh, this week: Edam Cheese, Evaporated Apples. Evaporated Peaches, Breakfast Herring Roe in Cans, California Lemon Cling Peaches, Cranberries, Cabbage, Etc. Just Get It From I. W. JOHNSON. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. HARDWARE, IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS. BUGGIES, HARNESS. IRON and COMPOSITION ROOFING, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, FRUIT nuc Bn/i nrrnnrne We offer any of the above at Wholesale and Retail and will be pleased to make prices and terms. If you have to buy a MOWER or RAKE, see the J O H N S T O N before you settle the matter. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. lEPAIR WORK! If there are any repairs to be made about your premises or any odd jobs that you want done before the winter sets in, let us know about them early, as our carpenters are all busy Just now and it may be several days after your order Is in before we can get to your wo;k. But, then, you might save time by letting us know at uiice. J. J. KELLER & CO. tv We are Wholesale and Retail Agents for the Limestone Spring Lime Works. See us for your needs. Pink, Gray, Yellow, Buff and Blue Blotting Paper at 5c Sheet, 3 for 10c. Size 19x24 Inches. The Enquirer Office. || Get It Ai ^ When buying Tress Goo ? y Staples, etc., at J. Q. WRAY'J ?IJ that you want, but you also W When you are shopping you s C jy WRAY'S before you buy? f if RIGHT PRICES is what yoi ? X SPECIAL DRESS 5!V A 36 inch Black Serge at 25 Cents 1 V IA 40 inch Black Panama, at 50 Cts., # * 40 inch Black, Blue and Brown Si Ai 3 36 inch Worsted in Red, Blue, Br Z 0 30 inch P-K from 10 Cts. the Yar Vj|X 30 inch Flannelettes in all the nev ? Outings from 6 Cts. the Yard to A J Tlie Very Best Checks at 6 Cts. a J j{ COTTON AND W f X 10-4 All Cotton Blankets at $1.00 L y 10-4 and 11-4 Gray Blankets fron A 10-4 and 11-4 Red Wool BlanketV a 10-4 to 12-4 White Wool Blanket Ladies' Cloaks, stylish, w X ? Children's Cloaks, nicely i h Misses' Cloaks, newest st one a splendid value, $1.50 an Jj J. Q. WRAY X !l fl*" You will SAVE MON J and getting WRAY'S Prices Brown's In Town WITH HEADQUARTERS AT THE . THOMSON CO.'S DRESS GOODS COUNTER, AND IF YOU ARE THINKING OF A NEW BROWN DRESS COME AND LET US SHOW YOU A FEW BROWN FABRICS: 50 Inch Good Brown Serge, the Yd. $1. 50 inch Brown Chiffon Panama Cloth, the Yard, $1.00. 62 Inch Brown Broadcloth?one you can't match at the price. $1 the Yard. 45 inch Brown Silk Finish Mohair, the Yard, 89 Cents. 38 inch Brown Wool Serge, the Yard, 59 Cents. 38 Inch Brown Panama Cloth, the Yard, 50 Cents. 38 inch Brown Invisible Check, the Yard, 50 Cents. 36 inch Brown Taffeta Silk, the Yard, $1.00. Thomson Co. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. MISTAKES Remember, in buying FARM MACHINERY, that Mistakes are expensive. Before you make a purchase of any Farm Implement make it your business to thoroughly investigate before buying. This will save you trouble. Of course it is a little early to buy a DISC HARROW, but not too early to commence looking around. We have made.a study of Dies Harrows, and from our experience in buy* ing and from what users say, we have been forced to the conclusion that we are selling the BEST Harrows on the Market. Call and see us and if you are in the market either now or later we believe that we can convince you that our Harrows have the Best features of any Harrows made, and let us tell you what well known and successful farmers say about them. Don't make the mistake of buying before seeing about Buggies and Wagons?mistakes are costly. CARROLL BROS. LEATHER GOODS YOU NEVER HAD SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY BEFORE. We are showing: the swellest lino of Solid Leather Bags, Square Bags, Hand Bags, Purees, Etc., In great profusion at Prices that will make one sit up and take notice. We bougrht this lot of Leather Goods from the Importers and are offering them at very low prices, to make them go quick. Don't wait! Come now! They are selling like hot cakes. STAR DRUG STORE. MTSEE OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. AN ORDINANCE. Providing for an Election to Decide Whether or not the Town of Yorkvllle Shall Issue Twenty-five Thousand Dollars of Bonds, If so Much Be Necessary, for the Building of Sewerage System and Extension of Water-works System. BE It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Yorkville, S. C., In regular council assembled this 28th day of October, 1907: It having been certified to the council of the town of Yorkville, S. C., by George T. Schorb, Town Treasurer, that a majority of the freeholders of said town, as appears from his tax I books, bave signed a peuuon asfung that council call an election submitting to the qualified voters of the said town the question of whether or not the town shall issue Twenty-five Thousand Dollars of Bonds, if so Much be necessary, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent and payable in forty years from the date of issue, with the privilege of redemption after twenty years, it is Ordained, That such election be held on the 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1907, in the Sheriff's office, and the polls shall be open from eight a. m. until four p. m., during which time all of the qualified voters of said town shall be entitled to vote. Sec. Those in favor of ths issuance of said Bonds, shall cast a ballot on which the following shall appear: "Shall the town of Yorkville, S. C., issue Twenty-five Thousand Dollars of Bonds, if so much be necessary, for the installation of a Sewerage System and Extension of Water Works in said Town?" "YES". Those opposed to the issuance of said bonds shall cast a ballot on which the following shall appear: "Shall the town of Yorkville, S. C., issue Twenty-five Thousand Dollars of Bonds, if so much be necessary, for the installation of a Sewerage System and Extension of the Water Works in said Town?" - "NO." That W. Thompson Jackson, C. H. Sandifer and T. W. Clawson are hereby appointed Managers of said election? Done and ratified'in Council assembled. JOHN R. HART, Mayor Town of Yorkville, S. C. Attest [Seal] I. W. Johnson, Clerk of Council. 87 t 4t t Wray's jj ds, Notions, Shoes, Clothing, v > you not only get the Quality ? y get THE RIGHT PRICES. f } hould make it a Point to visit * BEST QUALITIES at the ? 1 li get here. $ T GOODS VALUES ! J the Yard^ J 60 Cts., and 75 Cts. the Yard. V clllan, 50 Cts. and 60 Cts. 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