r Jhf dfoiton JRarlttt. Yorkvllle Oct. 18.?Citton 11 1-16. Cotton seed?28 cents. New York. Oct. 17.?Spot cotton closed steady; middling- uplands 11.75; middling gulf 12c. Sales 619 bales. Futures opened and closed steady as follows: Oct. 11.08; Nov. 11.04; Dec. 11.24; Jan. 10.89; Feb. 10.88: March 10.84; April 10.83; Mav 10.83; June 10.80; July 10.75; Aug. 1066. FOR SALE. ONE Thoroughbred Short Horn Hull. See me for particulars. H. O. RATCHFORD, Yorkvllle, S. C. ? 84 f.t. 2t OUR~GINNING DATS, HEREAFTER will be Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days till noon. COTTON BELT GINNING CO. ^ IS YOUR CLOCK RUNNING? THAT old Clock that has been standing for years, and which you would like to have keeping time again; hut which vou think cannot be fixed at a reasonable price. Bring It to me. I do reliable, honest work on Watches. , D. MAULEY APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. NOTICE Is hereby given that on November 18, I will make a Final Settlement with Hon. L. R. Williams. Probate Judge for York county, as Administrator of A. R. Smith, deceased, and will then and there ask for a Final Discharge from further liability In connection with said estate. PAUL WORKMAN. 84 f 5t f* Wanted.?Your orders for all kinds of printed matter. Best work at fairest prices. TO ALL FARMERS: 1 A COUNTY UNION of the Farmers' Educational and Co-Operatlve Union of America will be formed In the Court House at Yorkville on ] MONDAY. OCTOBER 21ST. at 11 o'clock. B. F. Earle, State Secretary, is to be present and will give Information of vast importance. He will also ] make an entertaining address. All k farmers of the county are Invited to , come and bring their friends, and all s members'of local unions are especially urged to be present. The basis of representation is one delegate for each ten members or majority fraction thereof, and one delegate at large from each local union. r L. L. SMITH. 84 f It STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, . County of York. IN PROBATE COURT. , By L. R. Williams,* Esq., Probate Judge < of York County. 1 w HEREAS J. M. VANBURENji l nas appnea to me tor jjeners i of Administration on all and singular. " the goods and chattels, rights and credits of ANDY McCLUNEY, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to , be holden at York Court House, on the 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1907, to shew cause, If any, why the sal J administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 18th day of October, in the year of s our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven, and in the 132nd t year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS, > Probate Judge. 84 f 3t FIRE, WIND AR , About two years ago THE M SURANCE ASSOCIATION n talned three losses and paid to impressions that are bein this plan conceived the idea eral years ago; and the advls death or damage from any discussed, but being aware of insurance would necessaril ea iu insure, ai icusi iui a WIND ami LIGHTNING. STORM or CYCLONE is in don't forget that if your anin suit of wind, you will be pa were killed outright; this la Now if you wish to inst age from any cause, I will r? ble company in this State, w of protection at a stated pr would not mislead you by te for to insure .the lives of anl at man cannot be cheap. Thl to which animals are subjei lessness and cruelty?inten If you Insure with us you wil ing assessed for the carelessi We will give you some ii which we think will interes name of our Association?111 name and plans were taken, J. FRANK ASHE, President. ^ J. L. Williams. Mason McConnell. " J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. .?) We have at least 5,000 Pairs of 1 Shoes?ranging in price from 18 Cts. 1 up to $5.00 a Pair. You can find almost anything in the Shoe line that t you are looking for, in this big stock. 1 > See them. Our line of Men's and Boys' Cloth- ( ing is the Best we have ever shown ' at the Prices. We are in position to make you close prices on anything in 1 Shoes. Clothing. Dry Goods., etc. Remember, That we Sell for Less. . Yours to serve. 1 J. L. WILLIAMS & CO.. P. S.?Four pairs of Men's Heavy ' Cotton Half Hose for 25c. ( WOOD FOR SALE. I HAVE a quantity of DRY OAK and PINE WOOD and would be , pleased to make contracts to deliver , vainer in iuis ui nuiu r i*c wiuo uj/ to Fifty during Aug.. Sept.. and Oct. 61 tf SAM M. GRIST. t 111 Fine Dress G fil? At i n 1 ? J . 2 5 ,ist ? J IS DHESS (i(IOI)S?SOMKTHING fjX LOOKING FOB, AM) IT IS A XI X YOl* WILL BK AIT TO KIM) TI L IV WILL MAKK A VISIT TO .1. Q. \\ ? ? THK GOODS VOI' WANT. A V Our line of Dress Goods is a: A J where In this vicinity and you'll tii x 0 for the Qualities and Varieties that 4 2 inch Serge in Blue. Brown < J, f 42 inch Panama in Blue. Broi Q'|/ a real Bargain, a yard ^ Trleo Flannels in Brown. Gra a J All Wool Worsted. 30 inches p'|5 a >'ard x 0 Outings, newest patterns, a yt 0 b LAI)IKS' AM) M Cljy Don't buy a CLOAK or JACK i ? offer. Give me the opportunity at jj! A Qualities wanted and at very low ] I to $12.50: blisses' Cloaks from S CI;/ from ?S C'ts to $4.50. M J- Q- WRAY, X 0 I rail give you the Best Shoe* ^ tills claim to the test. Kvery pair W LOTS OF NEW IDEAS. I am back from the Photographer's convention of Virginia and the Carolinas' held at Norfolk last week There were lots of new things there and new ideas in abundance. I believe I am prepared to serve my patrons better than ever. ROSA J. LINDSAY. SHAVING BRUSHES If you shave yourself you should by all means have a FIRST-CLASS SHAVING BRUSH. This you can get at the YORK DRUG STORE. We are now showing the largest assortment of SHAVING BRUSHES ever shown in Yorkville, and they are here in variety enough to please any man who wants a SHAVING BRUSH. Come in and see what we can do ' for you. If you have never tried a GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR, it is time you were modernizing your methods. The Gillette way of Shaving is the easy way. The longer you use a Gillette the better you will like It. That is the history of every one that ' we have sold. See about it. You can get the GENUINE at THE YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. Bowen, Proprietor. New Goods. ; i * I Mention a Few Just Received: , 10 lb. Kits Strictly No. 1. Shore 1 Mackeral at $1.75 Kit. I 8 lb. Kits Irish Mackerel at $1.25. I Cape Cod Cranberries, 15c a Quart; two for 25 Cents. Cranberry Sauce in cans at 25 Cts. Codfish Balls?prepared?put up in < 2 lb. cans,- at 25 Cts. Fibred Codfish in 1 lb. cans at 10c. Imported Swiss Cheese (the real kind) at 50 Cts. a lb. Dark Buckwheat Flour (not the telf-raising kind) at 5 Cts. a lb. Maple Syrup In quarts, at 40 Cts. LOUIS ROTH. WANTED ALIVE agent for the largest exclusive personal accident and health nsurance company in the world for fork county, the right party can get in excellent contract. Apply to W. CARLISLE FURSE, Manager. 303 Loan and Exchange Bank Building, Columbia, S. C. 82 f.t 3t WALL PAPER KY NEW SAMPLES ARE NOW IN. Samples and Remnants for sale :heap. A. B. GAINES. AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE have a number of Guernsey Cows and Heifers that we will tell. Pure cream at 25 cents a quart, at he farm at all times, or delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays. Pigs for Sale?$2.50 and $5 each. J. A. MILLS, Manager. Jan. 25 f.t tf. J ID LIGHTNING. UTUAL LIVE-STOCK IXras organized. It has suseach promptly. Contrary g made, the promoters of of insuring live-stock sevlabllity of insuring against cause was considered and of the fact that this kind y be expensive, they decid- ^ while, only against FIRE. ' ii Don't forget that WIXPcluded in our policy, apd a [lal's leg is broken as a re- ? id for it the same as if it no new feature. 1 ire against death or dam- ' \ >fer you to a strong, rella- 1 'ho will furnish that kind \ emium per annum, but I ? lllng you it will be cheap. c Imals the same as that of ? nk of the many exposures 1 cted, all manner of care- t tional and unintentional. 1 have but little risk of beness of others. nformatlon in another Ad. ?t you. Don't forget the c lere are companies whose 1 principally, from ours. I). E. BOXEY, Sec. and Treas. WHY SO TIMID? Yorkville business property has always been a good investment. Take the history of the Loan and Savings Bank block. When Mr. W. B. Moore bought it 'rom Mr. S. L. Miller, many people hought that Mr. Miller had made a jood sale and that Mr. Moore had jot stuck. Later Mr. Moore sold to Mr. Stroup at a big advance and there vere those who thought Mr. Stroup tad been picked up. You can't buy Mr. Stroup's proper;y today for 50 per cent advance on ivhat he paid for it. There is the same kind of a story in connection with the property now rwned by Mr. A. Rose. While Mr. O'Leary and Mr. Kuyitendal w,ere dickering over this property, Mr. W. L. Williams stepped in md bought it at an advance over the previous figures of either. Then in a few weeks, Mr. Rose paid Mr. Wil- i liams a profit of several hundred dollars, and in less than a year Mr. Rose refused to take 100 per cent profit. His property is more valuable to [lay than it has ever been before in I the history of the town. Those lots of mine are dirt cheap now, and purchasers at present prices are sure of making money. } even though they invest as a matter < of pure speculation. I Why are You so timid? LAI RA E. PARISH. \ < loods Si i -== J I i WRAY'S 11', H : ItKMKMItKH. PLKASB, IF IT A J SPECIAL?THAT YOU ARE 2 ? 1 J\V FABRIC OH A XEY STYLE, V A IF ROODS YOU WANT IF YOU ? jX ' HAY'S?HE IS SURE TO HAVE W V I X \h s complete as you will find any nd our prices surprisingly modest f : we offer. For instance: X' 0 ind Hlack, a yard 50 Cts. V 'A iVn and Hlack, a splendid value? ? m 60 Cts. L |y y and Old Rose, a yard..25 Cts. ^ wide, in Red. Brown and Black, 0 J 10 Cts. A 0 ird 5 Cts. to 15 Cts. Z q ISSFS' CLOAKS ? ^ until you see what I have to ? |y tid I will give you the Styles and P( rices. I .adies' Cloaks from $3.-18 Z h I.IK to $5.00: Clilldrcn's Hwfcrs T Z c 2 The Leader. S'J CI 9 i on Earth for your iiuuicy. Put m ' (iuarontml. minimum >nmi in maiiiiiiiMiiiiu 1 You Will= I Stand Better J MAKE A BETTER IMPRESSIO] | DO BUSINESS, IF YOU MAKE f CHECKS It Is the Business-Like f IT'S SAFE. THE FIRST NA YORKVI1 iwHiwiwrwinHiiwinwu'miiin BALAAM'S ASS ACTED With circumspection, but his master wished for a sword to slay the beast. But Balaam soon had cause to repent his hasty action for he found his ass was keen sighted and thereby was saved from serious misfortune. MORAL The Moral applied may be the means of making or saving you Dollars. Bid Wanted?For Tavora Mill stock. Wanted?Shares of York Cotton Mill. Wanted?Loan & Savings Bank stock. Wanted?First National Bank stock. rn. C.I- T.V... ohn?n iri.tn. nil mill vi waie x cn oiicvi to t ivivi Vll mm. -or Sale?Various Stocks not listed. Dr. M. W. WHITE. | WE PAY YC ] IF YOU 1 WILL 3 ? ] NOTICE J HOW THE SMALL AMOUNTS Y 3 END OF THE WEEK OR MONT 5 ACCOUNT IN OUR SAVINGS 2 SAVING A PART OF THIS EVE If CAN HAVE AN ACCOUNT W1TI 2 Start with i ^ add to J money ! % Four Per Cent Interest J The NATIONAL 5 (ABSOLUTE J ROCK HILL, S TALK -OFTHE TOWN Irs. Dobson's Hats are talked about n Town and Country and are being Id dally ir. Town, Country and In .11 parts of this State, North Carolina tnd Georgia. Ladies send orders for hem. They are Pretty, Nobby and Jp-to-Date in Style?See them If vou vant Style and Good Work. 'F ry uit is inspected by Mrs. Dobson, in >erson, before it leaves the house, s'ew Styles every week as they come >ut. Mrs. Dobson visited the north>rn markets and is posted in the very atest styles out. See her HATS beore you buy, or you might regret it. DOBSON BROS.' CASH STORE, Mrs. T. M. Dobson, Prop. Iiuutulry Basket leaves every Tueslay afternoon at .1 o'clock, sharp. A ill give you good work. [SAVEh BY BUYING YOUR i \ TiTTniTi KMRS fukinj You can find here anything you w and Golden Oak and Our Prices TWO CAR LOADS We are unloading Two Cars of M( and can suit you in Quality, Sty] FREE:?We will pay youi Return if your purchases with w m~ "WE GUARANTEE TC W. G. RE ROCK HIEL, V BIB I li;i!\IIH\ I GORDON. Yes, we're going to run a Grocery store that will be Up-to-Date?every fl'ort will be made to keep our goods rresh, varletl ami at right prices. Received Tills Week?Another lot if Choice Cream Cheese, and a variety if Canned Goods. Tobaccos?if you use the "weed," 'ome to see us for Chewing and Smokng Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. " * * 1IMA Riot In \ rut'KtrrA ^ iicau IIIIC JUOI, III. Green Groceries?Including Cabbage, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Apples, etc., and also have Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs. Codecs?We carry a large and varied line of Coffees and Teas and ran please you in quality and price. Hardware?In this line you will find Leather of best qualities; Buggy Whips at 10c and up; Plow Molds, Plow Lines, Trace Chains, Back Pands, etc. Use a "Xever-Fall" OH Pan. They don't leak. 1IERNDOX & GORDON. CARROLL FU LOCATED IN THE LATIMER WE ARE NOW READY FOB you want to make purcha | MATTINGS, RUGS, PICTURES. I line, we extend you a cordial Jnvl I we have, let us tell you what wc ' information as you may desire (i that enters into the comforts of t We are in the FURNITURE /\ us great pleasure to give you all y you are considering the purchase I times we will be prepared to giv< 1 will be to your interests. WE WILL SELL EITHER I While it is always desirable t will be pleased to extend Credit t ers who wish to purchase any kin Before you buy anything in the si interest to make a visit to the CARROLL FURNI If ? __________ ??????????? ? 4 ? ' K < ? O N THE BUSINESS WORLD, AND J N ON THOSE WITH WHOM YOU f I ALL YOUR PAYMENTS WITH \\ Way of Doing Business. .TIONAL BANK, | jXJH, S. O. rwwiwwi m m iihi m miwwi STARTS A BANK ACCOUNT WITH US NOW WE WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO SERVE YOU AND FURTHER YOUR INTERESTS. BANK OF HICKORY GROVE. >U TO SAVE *^8 | Hk Save. i TWfl T ? - | OU SPEND COUNT UP AT THE H YOU WILL APPRECIATE AN Q DEPARTMENT. BY MERELY ] N SMALL EXPENDITURE YOU ? I US. * as little as a Dollar If you like, I it as often as possible?liave & in the Bank. I Compounded Quarterly ~*WI jj . UNION BANK | LY SAFE) S >outh Carolina. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President 8ec. and Treat. YOKK SUFFLY (JO. Incorporated. ~ ALL PERSONS : INDEBTED TO US. either by Note. < Account or Otherwise, will please take notice that same will be due the First Day of November, 1907, and we expect every one to be prompt and pay by that date, as we have obliga- < tions to meet on that day. j We want to buy Eight Good Farm ! Mules. We want to sell you some fine Ap- , pier Seed Oats, Fertilizer for wheat and oats, and a Fertilizer and Oat j Drill. Bagging and Ties, a Disc How, ] Vulcan Two-Horse Turn Plow, and < everything you need in Groceries, I Shoes, etc. YORK SUPPLY CO. j vCOlsTEY FURNITURE FROM [TURE STORE. ant in Manogany, uirns-eye ^iupie m are Right. JUST RECEIVED. I >dium Priced Suits and Odd Pieces 8 le and Price. I r Railroad fure to Rock Hill and 8 ?, amount to $50.00. ) SAVE YOU MONEY." 1* f ID & SON | H. C. REPAIR WORK! If there are any repairs to be made about your premises or any odd Jobs that you want done before the winter sets in, let us know about them early, as our carpenters are all busy just now and it may be several days after your order is in before we can get to your work. But, then, you might save time by letting us know at once. J. J. KELLER <& CO. tw We are Wholesale and Retail Agents for the Limestone Spring Lime Works. See us for your needs. RNITUR-E CO., BUILDING, SO. CONGRESS ST. I BUSINESS and whether or not . ses of FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES or anything else In our itation to visit our store, see what ; expect to do, and give you such I In regard to any and everything he home. business to stay and It will give * the assistance In our power when 1 t of anything In our lines. At all U i you information and Prices that | ^R CASH OR ON CREDIT. o do bus'ness on a Cash basis, we >ti Most .iberal Terms to customd of House Furnishings on credit, tape of FURNITURE It Is to your TURE COMPANY. M. L. Carroll. C. W- Carroll. CARROLL BROS. Canned Tomatoes We have a very choice line of Canned Tomatoes?bought at the right time?and for a limited time we will offer them at very low prices as follows: Single Cans. 15 Cents. Two Cans, 25 Cents. Dozen Cans, $1.25. If you use Canned Tomatoes, you will do well to buy them now, as this price Is for a limited time only. HEINZ'S GOODS. We carry a complete line of Helnz's Pickles, Chow-Chows, Olives, etc. COFFEES. We believe we can give you better value for your Coffee money than any dealer In Yorkvllle. We carry a big variety of Green and Roasted Coffees, ranging from 10c a pound and up. CARROLL BROS. W Now Is the time to buy an Oliver Turn Plow and a Disc Harrow. See us before buying. - "SWASTIKA" THE LUCKY CROSS CALL AND SEE THE "8WASTIKA" JEWELRY WHILE THE LINE IS COMPLETE. The meaning of "Swastika" Is: "May the four winds from the four corners of the heavens, ever upon you gently blow." T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. HARDWARE, IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS. BUGGIES. HARNESS. IRON and COMPOSITION ROOFING, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, FRUIT JARS and RUBBERS. We offer any of the above at Wholesale and Retail and will be pleased to make prices and terms. If you have to buy a MOWER or " ? *>- - TAtt vciin V hofnra tmivrj, see 1110 ? vi&ii o * v pou settle the matter. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. SEE JOHNSON. FOR Swift's Hams and Breakfast Strips, Royal Baking Powder, Chase & Sanborn's Coffees, White House Coffees, Tetley's Teas, Blue Ribbon Extracts, National EHscuit Co.'s Crackers and Fancy Cakes, Ilelnz's Pickles?Sweet and Sour, And anything else that comes under the head of choice Fancy Groceries. That's my specialty?The Choicest Fancy Groceries for people who want the BEST. I. W. JOHNSON. Fancy Blotting Paper, Red, Moss Green, Robin Egg Blue, and Wood Brown, 10x24 Ins. 10c Sheet, 3 for 25c. Heavy White at same price. The Enquirer Office. j O. P. HEATH, Pt. W. S. NEIL, I YnRKVn,f,K R. < * ll4CORP? 9 ? | DRESS Ji WE ARE HEADQUARTE1 ?.X AND HAVE IN STOCK AN ELEG XV LATEST WEAVES, SHADES AN1 X? PANAMAS, from 50 Cts. to $ K VOILES In Plaid and Plain ps rX We have SAN-TOY, one of t XV Inches wide, at $1.35 per Yard. | TAFFETi #K Yard wide TAFFETA SILKS Mfc We are Sole Agents for the Xv guaranteed to wear twelve month; X? we will refund your money. It ^ $1.50 to $1.75 Per Yard. V, T_r^? ? u JN DER X7 For Ladles, Misses and Children li M* Corset Covers, Union Suits In all Caps, In all colors and sizes. I LADIES' V We are showing an attractlvi V* Misses and Children, and when yo be worth your while to see our lln W Nice assortment of OUTINGS NEL at different prices. ML Make it a point to call on us Xy be pleased to see you and have ; showings will prove Interesting to \\ RUGS, $1. h 7 TT AX We are showing a very hand Xy prices varying from $I.2!S to $i.C | in m lira J\ We bought our FLOUR right AX a good price. We can make you Xy GROCERY line, and you will do \J# a full line of GROCERIES?Heav ji We have FEED OATS, SEEL AX and will make you good prices. V See us for FERTILIZERS FC We want to sell you a good rough land after being turned wit If you need a good Turn Pic ^0 CHATTANOOGA. Come to see us before buylnt AX are none better than the line we 1 ? YORKVILLE |?? issssBSSSs5sssssSJB | COME TO | mTHOMSON CI), FOR NEW DRESS GOODS. NEW CLOAKS, NEW MILLINERY, NEW CLOTHING, NOTIONS AND UNDERWEAR. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEAD- | QUARTEKS FOR YOUR WINTER ' NEEDS. THE THOMSON* COMPANY FORK Fl li\l!l III! CO i FURNITURE, STOVES, Undertaking Snpplies PAINTS, OILS, Etc. BH! HSSI We have Deen in ine Jt unmiun^ business long enough to learn the ins and outs, where to buy, how to < buy and When to Buy, and can at all times be depended upon to be in a position to give our customers the Very Best of Values. When you are in the ] market for Furniture, House Furnish- j Ings, Stoves, Rugs, Mattings, Sewing Machines, etc., it is to your interest : to see us before buying. I Cooking Stoves?We have full line in all sizes, grades and prices. See I them. 1 Open Franklin Heaters?And sev- ! eral other kinds of Coal Stoves are here that will please you. See them. j Wood Heaters?We have a limited | number of these and are offering them at reduced prices to move them quick. , Coal Vases?And also Stove Mats. i Advice?Keep warm with our Heat- < ers and keep the cold out with our ? Window Glass?All sizes in stock. < Frames?We make Picture Frames in all sizes and have a nice assort- ! ment of Card Board for mounts. See us for Furniture, Furnishings, , Stoves, etc. We'll kave you money. , WW We sell for either Cadi or Credit | and to Credit customers make the t Terms Suit the Buyer. YORK FURNITURE CO. J. C_ WILBORN I FOR SALE J. W. Gladden Land?125 acres, adjoins lands of N. B. Bratton and Dr. ] Love; 2} miles McConnells, 91 miles of Chester; 2-3 in timber. Price $15 per Acre. Arthur Qulnn?Place, 153 acres; 1J miles Bethel church; 6-room dwelling; j 3 tenant houses; 80 acres in cultlva tion; land lies level. Price, $4,000. John F. Smith Land?1281 acres, 9 , miles west Yorkville, 3 miles Smyrna; , 1 new 5-room dwelling, finished inside and out; 1 new barn and sheds; , 30 acres in cultivation, balance in original forest timber; 100,000 reel saw timber; adjoins New Zion and Enon. Price $3,212. I have sold R. P. Lee and J. J. Falres places this week. 47| Acres?Beam's Crossing, near Qrover, N. C.; 13-room house. 63i Acres?Near Bethany High School. 76,000 feet saw timber. $S00. The Miller Place?Four miles south Yorkvllle, adjoins Jim Feemster. 161 acres. J. C. WILBORN, Real Estate. AT ROSE'S MARKET^ TOMORROW ? SATURDAY ?We will serve our customers with Choice BEEF, Fresh PORK, Fresh FISH, and Fresh OYSTERS?all of Choice qualities. Let us have your orders at once, either by Phone, by Postal Card or In person, that we may give your wants prompt attention. WALTER ROSE. FOR SALE OR RENT. A ONE-HORSE farm witn pieniy of timber, 3 miles Jr0 o|?jg?n' v pt R. B- HEATH. 8?c.-Tr. 5 Si M. COMPANY, I (RATED. J (A?UA"lA?U?U**AHA?a*U?U,^*4* goods"" l! S1S!*?u*i 8! Perils ftrd- >! he rua Black, 42 I $LKS. ^Ks?S3t 8! ... trices from WEAR 1 1 great variety; Cotton and Wool ^Ul sizes; Shawls, Fascinators, Golf t?l. CLOAKS, 1 9 line of CLOAKS for Ladles, SA\\ u are In need of CLOAKS It will Pj I e before making your purchases, I ? In all colors, COTTON FLAN- A?\ when you are shopping. We will you see our line of goods. Our 1 y?"- tt\ 25 TO SW >1; - hk au some and rich line of RUGS at >0 Kaeh. ' MIT. I and are In position to make you Xv \i good prices on anything In the well to remember that we carry y and Fancy. flu > OATS, CORN and HAY to sell, XV \ )R GRAINS. fM* DISC HARROW to tear up the Wlj h a CHATTANOOGA Turn Plow. iw call and see us. We sell the *vV I a WAGON or BUGGY. There * J V handle. B. & M. CO. B| _ "J AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE. State of South Carolina?County of I York. In the Court of Common Plena. ] M. J. Robinson, vs. Hugh Eger RoblnInson, a minor, J. J. Robinson, as Admr., of A. C. L. Robinson, deceased, et al. BY virtue of a decree In the above * stated case, I will expose to sale In Front of York Court House Door, on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, (Salesday), 1907, between 11 a. m. and 2 p. m., the real estate described as follows: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situated In York County, and State aforesaid on Turkey Creek; containing 196 ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of Hugh Burrls, W. M. Lucas, J. J. J. Robinson, Cyrus Moore, Clark Moore and others." TERMS?ONE-THIRD CASH, and the balance payable in one and two years, with Interest from date of sale at the rate of 7% per annum, payable annually, secured by purchaser's bond, and a mortgage upon the premises Bold, with leave to the purchaser to pay his entire bid In cash; purchaser must comply within one hour after Rale, or the lands will be resold at the risk of the former purchaser upon the same day. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. 84 f 3t CLERK'S SALE. State of 8outh Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common Pleas. J. J. J. Robinson, against Sarah E. Hood, R. M. P. Robinson, et al. BY virtue of a decree In the above stated case, I will expose to sale In Front of York Court House on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, (Salesday), 1907, between 11 a. m. and 2 p. m.. the real estate described as rollows: "All that certain tract or parcel of land, In the County of York and State if South Carolina, bounded by lands of the estate of A. C. L. Robinson, lands now, or formerly belonging to C. W. Moore and others, and containing EIGHTY-FIVE ACRES, more or less." TERMS?ONE-THIRD CASH, and Lhe balance In two equal annual Installments. one and two years after late, with Interest from date, payable innnallv th? prpdlt nnrtlnn tn hp SP :ured by the bond of the purchaser with a mortgage of the premises so sold. The purchaser to pay for all oaners, and to have leave to pay his ?ntlre bid In cash. Should the purchaser fall to comply with his bid within one hour after sale, the premises to be sold again on the same date it the risk of the defaulting purchaser. J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. 84 f 3t CLERK'S SALE. State of 8outh Carolina?County of York. In the Coart of Common Plena. Roxle Horton against A. Walker Sherer, Elsie Sherer and Mertle Sherer. BY virtue of a decree In the above stated case, I will expose to sale In Front of York Court House, on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER. (Salesday) 1907, between 11 a. m., ind 2 p. m? the real estate described is follows: "All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situated in York county, ind State aforesaid, on waters of Bui- * lock's Creek, formerly belonging to the estate of Jno. Good, deceased, beginning at an Ash on said Bullock's . Creek, and running N. 81 W. 18.75 to Red Oak; thence S. <8 W. 14.80 to Post Oak on road; thence N. 63ft E. 13.30 to an Elm; thence N. 36 E. 13.75 to a stone; thence S. 55 E. 35.75 , to a Water Oak on bank of Bullock's Creek; thence with the meanderlngs i of said creek 40 chains to the begin- 1 ning, containing ONE HUNDRED 1 A.ND FIFTY-FOUR (154) ACRES, < more or less, bounded by lands of Wll- 5 llam Nelson, W. D. Parks, estate of I Vincent Parks, and Thomas K. Mickle." 8 TERMS?ONE-THIRD CASH, and i the balance In one and two years, with t Interest from day of sale, at the rate 1 of 7% per annum, payable annually, t jecured by purchaser's bond and a i mortgage of the premises, with leave ? to the purchaser to pay his entire Dia j In cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. 84 f St CLERK'* SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common Plena. Andrew H. Jackson, Indv., and as Admr. of the estate of James A. Jackson, deceased, et al., vs. R. Clinton Jackson, et al. BY virtue of a decree In the above stated case, I will expose to sale In Front of the Court House Door In Yorkvllle, on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, (Salesday), 1907, between 11 a. m. and 2 p. m., the real estate described as follows: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, beginning at a rock on the northern edge of the Yorkvllle road, R. R. Allison's corner, running thence with said R. R. Allison line, N. 13, E 11, 60 to rock; thence N. 30 E. 25.20 to O. Stump: thence N. 45.45 W. 17.60 to rock (W. O. Down) Andy Woods corner: thence S. 89, W. 25.85 to rock: ~ - -1-. t d thence s. 1.3U, w. ar.oo 10 iwa, >, <>. Wallace corner; thence S. 15.30 E. 29.70 t with J. R. Wallace and H. MasseyL line to rock H. Massey corner; thence I ( N. 55.30 E. 20.21 to rock; thence S. 67 , E. 4.13 to the beginning, containing L TWO HUNDRED. THREE and ONEHALF (203i) ACRES, more or less," I, less Elghtv-One and 3-10 Acres. con-L veyed to R. C. Jackson by his father, ( lames A. Jackson. i TERMS?ONE-THmD CASH, and L the balance payable in two equal an- I j iual Installments with interest at the|t rate of 7% per annum, payable annual-1 lv. the credit portion to be secured by I the bond of the purchaser, and a mort- . ?age upon the premises sold: purchaser to nay for all papers, and to comply I with his bid within one hour after the L ?ale, or the lands to be resold upon 8 >he same dav. upon the same terms, at the risk of the defaulting purchaser. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. L 84 f 3t CLERK'S SALE. L State of South Carolina?County of Is York. N In the Court of Common Plena. j1 Benjamin Tillman Faris, by his Guar-I c dian ad litem D. A. Johnson, and L who also is Admr., of M. Faris g Pugh, deceased, against W. Sherman I r Faris, Jesse James Faris, Thos. I Franklin Faris, J. S. Pugh and J. M. |0 Stroup. v BY virtue of a decree in the above It stated case, I will expose to sale j n Front of York Court House on the d IRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, n (Salesday), 1907, between 11 a. m. andl t p. m., the real estate described as 11 'ollows: c "All that certain piece, parcel or tract \ if land, lying, being and situated inn fork County, South Carolina, and b tnown as the Robin M. Faris lands, s jounded now or formerly on the south i jy lands of R. M. Whltesides, on the I ?ast by lands of Jno. Davis, on the t lorth by lands of R. N. McElwee, and c m the west by lands of Edward Price, i ind containing EIGHTY-TWO ACRES, j nore or less. 11 TERMS?ONE-THIRD CASH, and :he balance in equal annual Install- t nents of one and two years, with In- I r ;erest thereon from day of sale, and t jecured by a bond of the purchaser and t i mortgage of the premises so sold, U with leave to the purchaser to pay his j sntlre bid in cash. The purchaser |c must pay for all papers, and his bond j: ind mortgage for the credit portion ofl< Ills bid to provide for 10% attorney's U fees, in case of foreclosure. Purchas- 11 er must comply by paying the cash c portion of his bid within one hour from the time of such sale, or the land to be at once resold upon the same terms at the risk of such defaulting 1 purchaser. I J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. I 84 f 3t |< AUCTION SALES. CONSENT SALE OF LAND. 3tate of South Carolina?County of York. Notice of 3ale of Real Estate of Joa. R. Moss and Lucetta Moss, Deceased, by the Parties In Interest. UNDER and by virtue of an agreement made and entered Into on :he 13th day of March, A. D., 1907, by ind between Jas. L. Moss, Amanda C. Love, Mary L. Moss and Cornelia E. Scott, as the only heirs-at-law of Jos. R. Moss, deceased, and of Lucetta Moss, deceased, we will sell to the llghest responsible bidder, in Front )f York Court House, on SALESDAY [N NOVEMBER, (Nov. 4th, 1907), mmedlately after the Clerk's sales ire concluded, the following described real estate, to wit: 1. "All that certain piece, parcel )r tract of land lying on the waters of rurkey Creek, In Bullock's Creek rownshlp, County of York and State >f South Carolina, bounded by lands >f J. T. Burrls, Torn Rosenborough, :he Bell land, S. V. Aycock and others, and tract next described, and conalnlng ONE HUNDRED AND 8EVSNTY-FOUR ACRES, more or less, mown as part of the Wm. Robinson ands." 2. "All thftt Pflrtoln rtlona no >r tract of land in Bullock's Creak rownahip, County of York and State >f South Carolina, adjoining the ibove described tract, lands of J. T. Burrls, T. E. Burrts, O. J. Gwlnn. and he Bell land, and containing EIGHrY-TWO ACRES, more or less, and cnown as a part of the Wm. Robinton lands." 3. "All that certain piece, parcel >r tract of land lying, being and sltuite In York Township, County of York md State of South Carolina, known as i part of the Tomlinson lands, fornerly belonging to J. R. Moss, and :ontalnlng ONE HUNDRED FIVE 1ND TWO-FIFTH ACRES, more or ess. and bounded by the Avery lands, he Harrison lands, the tract next beow described, and lands of Allen Hall." 4. "All that certain piece, parcel >r tract of land In York Township, bounty of York, State of South CaroIna, known as a part of the Tomllnton tract of J. R. Moss, deceased, and rontalnlng EIGHTY - NINE AND THREE-FOURTH ACRES, more or ess, .bounded by the Harrison lands, Vdklns land. Hartness land. Mrs. Dickson's land, Allen Hall's land, and he tract above described as No. 3." Terms of Sale for all four above lescrlbed tracts are as follows: Onehlrd CASH, balance in one and two rears, with interest at seven percent. >er annum, secured by purchaser's lote or bond and a mortgage on the )remises sold, purchaser In all cases o pay for all papers, and to have the irlvllege of paying his entire bid in :ash. The terms of sale must be :omplled with by the purchaser withn one hour after the sale, or the jroperty will be Immediately resold >n the same s&lesday at the risk of he former purchaser. Plats of the fonr above described racts will be found at the office of Tinley ft Jennings, or at the office of r. S. Btice, In Yorkvllle, 8. C. Any >ne Interested has the right to Inspect tald plata MARION B. JENNINGS. W. B. McCAW. J. S. BRICE, C. E. SPENCER. Atty*. for above named parties. 84 f at CLERK'S SALE. Rate of 8outh Carolina?County of York. la the Court of Common Plea*. imma Stephenson, Mary J. Edwards, Viola Ramsey and J. Cheas Brakefleld. vs. W. S. Wllkerson, aa Admr., of the Estate of Thos. B. Brakefleld, Deceased, et al. BY virtue of a decree In the above stated case, I will expose to sale n Front of York Court House on the ?IR8T MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, [Salesday) 1907, between 11 a. m. and ! p. m? the real estate described as 'ollows: 1. "A certain piece or lot of land, iltuated in York county, S. C., on the vaters of Sandy Branch, bounded by he said T. B. Brakefleld and my own ands, beginning at a stone pile on 1dge of road, Brakefleld's old corner, ind running with road 10.87 chains to l small Black Jack; tb mce S. 661, W. 13.16 to a stone, Brakefleld's corner, ;hence with his old line, N. 19| W. L2.80 to a P. O., Brakefleld's old corner; thence with his old line N. 681, * 5. 18.00, to the beginning, containing rHIRTEEN AND ONE-HALF (181) I.CRES, more or less." 2. "A certain piece or parcel of J 1. 04A4A A# mill, Biiuaicu ia xux a. ouhcul South Carolina, on 8andy Branch, pounded by said Sandy Branch, C. L. Westmoreland, J. Jackson, R. A. Poser and others, beginning at a Willow >n bank of said Branch, Brulce's corler, running thence East 16.00 to a itone; thence S. 33 E 5.10 to a stone, rackson's corner; thence N. 66 E. 14.00 to a stone, Jackson's; thence N. SO E. 5.00 to a stone pile; thence S. 11 W. 3.70 to a stake; thence S. 29, W. 4.36 to a stone pile; thence 8. 24 5V. 2.18 to a stone, Jackson's; thence 3. 66i W. 12.00 to a P. O.; thence S. 193 E. 12.80 to a stone on old line, R. K. Foster's new corner; thence with tils line S. 76 W. 29.20 to a stone pile, Bruice's corner; thence with his line tf. 421 -W. 10.00 to a stone on Sandy Branch; thence up and with Branch o the beginning, containing SEVENTY-SEVEN (77) ACRES, more or ess, a plat thereof being recorded In 3ook 25,503." TERMS?ONE-THIRD CASH, and :he balance in two equal annual Initallments, with interest thereon at :he legal rate from the day of sale, payable annually, until paid, the credit portion to be secured by the bond >f the purchaser and a mortgage upon he lands sold, with the privilege to :he purchaser to pay his entire bid in lash; purchaser to pay for all papers. Purchaser to comply with bid within >ne hour, or the land will be re-sold >y the Clerk upon the same day, at he risk of the former purchaser. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. 84 f St CLERK'S SALE, itate of South Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common Plea*. I. N. Whltesides. Indi. and as Admr,, of T. P. Whltesides, deceased, et al* against B. B. Whltesides, et al. ITT HEREAS by virtue of an Order V Y of Court made in the above tated case, on November 4 th, 1905, I lid expose to sale the real estate herenafter described on December 4th, 906; and whereas the bid was not omplied with, and upon my report of he sale the Court has granted a subequent order directing that the said eal estate be resold: Now therefore by virtue of an Order f Court, dated October 16th, 1907, I kill expose to publle sale in Front of he York Court House on the FIRST 40NDAY IN NOVEMBER, (Salesay). 1907, between 11 a. m. and 2 p. i., the following real estate: 1. All that certain piece, parcel or ract of land, together with the granite ontalned in said boundary, known as Vhltesides Upper Quarry, situated in rork County, South Carolina, bounded iy lands of the estate of T. P. Whltetdes and others, and containing some 'HREE ACRES, more or less. 2. All that certain piece, parcel or ract of land, In York County, South Carolina, known as the Whltesides jower Quarry, bounded by lands of no. Caldwell, J. H. Good, and conalnlng TEN ACRES, more or less. TERMS?ONE-THIRD CASH, and he balance in equal annual lnsiannents of one and two years, with Inerest from day of sale, secured by a >ond of the purchaser and a mortage of the premises, with leave to the lurchaser to pay his entire bid In ash. Purchaser must pay for all pa>ers, and must comply by paying the ash portion of his bid within one iour from the time of sale, or the land o be at once resold at the risk of such lefaultlng purchaser. J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. 84 f St W That Charlotte Laundry just beats hem all. Leaves every Tuesday afernoon at S o'clock?Don't forget the lay. Good work at fair price.