Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 15, 1907, Image 3

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Serial Letter to W E Ferguson Yorkville, S. C. Dear Sir: The cheekiest fraud in all paint Is paste paint. Here's one. Lawyer Arley B. Alagee, Dover, Del. painted his house four years ago with paste paint at a cost of *44 for paint and $61 for labor; total $105. The house got shabby in two years; then he painted Devoe at very different cost: $18 for paint and $30 for labor; total 148. [Paste paint $105; Devoe $48.J L It is like fatting hogs on milk 3 water. -Paste paint Is 3 whitewash. Yours truly 22 . F. W. DEVOE & CO * P. S. J. J. KELLER & CO sell our paint Clubmakers For The Enquirer. . The following clubmakers are taking subscriptions to The Enquirer at $1.75 per annum: J. K. Allison Hickory Grove. Miss Isabelle Arrowood. .No. 3, Clover. Bennie Barron Yorkville. Miss Jante Brandon..No. 8, Yorkville. R. B. Black Lockhart. W. McG. Bailey. No. 1 McConnellsvllle. W. H. Bird Grover. N. C. J. Wendell Barber Fort Mill. J. A. Barry No. 1, Filbert J. H. Bigham Sharon. W. J. Caveny Rock Hill. G. M. Carroll No. 1. Yorkville. Clarence Castles Hickory. 9 T. C. Castles No. 1, Smyrna. John L. Clark No. 1, Yorkville. Jno. M. Craig No. 8, Yorkville. W. H. Crook No. 1, Fort Mill. Arch D. Dorsett Clover. S. S. Farls No. ?. Rock Hill. W. B. Flanagan Bowling Green. B. B. Ferguson No. 5. Yorkville. W. M. Faulkner, Jr., No. 1 Kings Creek. . James Grist Yorkville. W. E. Gettys No. 2, Yorkville. ' J. D. Good No. 1. Sharon. C. C. Hughes No. 7, Yorkville. T. J. Hopper Yorkville. Clarence Hood No. 1, Sharon. Miss Mamie Warren..No. 8. Yorkville. Joseph M. Whitesides Hickory. ^ OBITUARY. Died?At the home of her father, A. E. Feemster, near Hoodtown, on February 12, 1907, Miss Ella FEEMSTER, aged 16 years 3 months and 3 days. The interment took place at Shady % Drove on the 13th, the services being conducted by Rev. J. C. Counts. HYMENEAL. Married?At McConnellsville, Feb. 10. 1907, by Rev. J. K. Hall. Mr. L. S. BRANCH to Miss LIZZIE BURRIS. By Rev. W. E. Hurt, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. J. J. Robinson. on February 14. at 3 p. m.. Miss MOLLIE ROBINSON and Mr. HORACE L. JOHNSON. All of York count 9ht gorkoilU Cotton JJlarhrt. Corrected Semi - Weekly by Meters. | _ Latta Bros. Yorkmlle, Feb. 15, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Cotton 9J to 103 l.atta bros. TIME TO PAY. Subscribers to the yorkville enquirer on my club are respectfully requested to make payment at once, either to me or at Y* THE ENQUIRER OFFICE. R. BANKS BLACK. WANTED OU to list your property with The Metropolitan Loan & Trust Co.. of Greenwood. S. C. Real Estate bought and sold. Send for prospectus * of The Southern Securities Co.. on Immigration. Money loaned long time, low rates. Write us. Greenwm>d. S. C. Feb. 15 f 4t ATTENTION! CO. "L'\ 1ST INF. N. G. S. C. THERE will be a meeting In the Armory on Saturday night, February 23rd. 1907. All members are earnestly requested to be present. ^ Those desiring to re-enllst. as well as those desiring to become members of this company, will submit their names to me at once. JNO. R. HART, Capt., Comd'g Co. "L." 14 f.t 2t - APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE I HAVE made a final settlement A with the Probate Court* for York county as executor of the estate of W. Y. J0NES, deceased, and hereby give notice to all who may be concerned that on SATURDAY. MARCH 16, I will apply to the Hon. L. R. Williams. judge of said court, for discharge from all further liability in connection with said estate. JOHN S. JONES. Executor. 14 f 5t B.N. MOORE * COTTON In the Market the Year Round. Every facility for WAREHOUSING. Receipts Negotiable at All Ranks. W MONEY TO. LEND. ON Improved farms in York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, A. 1 AAA O 4 i per feni, uiiuci ?i,vw, o pci wm, No broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPENCER. Rock Hill, or undersigned. C. E. SPENCER. Atty. at Law. Sept. 21. April 21 f W PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. DO not put off having yo&r Photograph made, but do It now and give your family and friends a good likeness of yourself. Remember too, that only the very f best materials are used in this Studio. ^ Hours?9 a. m. to 5. p. m. 'Phone 132. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. MULES AND HORSES. T HAVE a lot of fine Mules and X Horses in charge of Mr. W. T. POAG at BARRON BROS.' Stable. Yorkville. You know our reputation for prices, terms and liberal dealing. Don't fall to see Mr. Poag. S. J. KIMBALL. Jan. 11 f 3m. ROSE'S MARKET. ' "17* OR the choicest of Beef, Pork and X? Sausage you, of course, should go to Ruse's Meat Market. We are always ready to supply your wants for M Fresh Meats that are choice, tender and Juicy. Wanted?Fat Beef Cattle and Hogs, for which highest price will be paid. WALTER ROSE WARNING. ALL persons, without distinction as to race or color, are hereby warned not to employ or harbor my son LOX McFADDEX, who Is a minor and who has left me without my consent Disregard of this notice will be punished to the full extent of the law. 14 f.t 2t PETER McFADDEX. SALE OF PERSONALTT. ON MONDAY. MARCH 4. 1907, 1 will offer at public auction at tht late residence, all the personal property belonging to the estate of W. T. MCKNIGHT, deceased, consisting ol Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farm Stock, Agricultural Implements, and other articles. Terms of sale? CASH. s. w. Mcknight. Admr. 14 f. 3t More mpw nnnn<s E. M. Howe No. 1, Filbert. Kelly Inman. .No. 1 Bullock's CTreek. J. Frank Jackson No. 3, yiover. Geo. \y. Knox Clover. W. S. Lesslle Lesslie. * B. F. LIHy Filbert. Miss Maggie Leech No. 1, Hickory. Miss Annie Martin... .No. 8, Yorkville. Howard McMackin No. 4. Clover A. W. McFarland No. 3. Yorkville. Harry Miller No. 8, Yorkville. fMrs. J. B. Mlckle No. 2 Sharon. R. E. McLure No. 5, Yorkville. L. B. McGlll No. 3. Clover. J. Webb Moore No. 3, Yorkville. Miss Sallle McConnell McConnellsvllle. W. A. Mitchell No. 1. Sharon. W. H. Moore Rock Hill. J. G. M. Nichols Yorkville. W. S. Peters Yorkville, S. C. J. S. Plexlco Tlriah. J. S. Plexlco Sharon. A A. L. Purcell No. 1, Sharon. * Dr. W. A. Pre8sley Rock Hill. E. L. Pressley No. 3, Chester. Clyde Ratchford Bullock's Creek. J. N. Roberts McAdenville, N. C. Miss Minnie Rateree..No. 8, Yorkville. Orover C. Stewart No. 2, Clover. W. T. Smarr..No. 1, Bullock's Creek. ?J G. L. Suggs No. 8, Yorkville. Miss Daisy Slmrtl Yorkville. J. F. A. Smith No. 1, Yorkville. J. H. Sherer No. 1, Sharon. H. G. Stanton No. 3 plover. Sidney Sherer Sharon. J. J. Smith Clover. Jeff D. Whltesldes Hickory. MIo. T.l?*ia WYvwi Clover. XSSSP^ 3 W Are easily in the front rank when viewed from the standpoint of quality, style, fit. Price $5 pair?all leathers. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO., Sell for Less. One More Chance ONE MORE CHANCE to get your years' supply of GOOD TOBACCO ut Wholesale l*riees. Since my last talk with you I have sold out of Monarch; only have a few boxes of RED COON ?" wniiTU* ut ?)% rvntw ROOD VALUE at 25 Cents. Think of this: RED COON will cost you at leust $4.00 per 10 lbs. anywhere else. My price, while it lasts, is $5.0(1. and other brands in same proportion. See me AT ONCE if you are looking for Hurgains in Tobacco. STAR DRUG STORE. COMMERCIAL PRINTING Till: KNQt'IllKIt SOLICITS YOIT ORDERS COR ALL KINDS OF COM MKRCIAL PRINTING. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FIXB CO.M.MERCIAL STATIONERY, IN CLCDINO LETTER AND NOT* HEADS. ENVELOPES?All Si/.os? RILL HEADS. STATEMENTS. FINF half tone cuts, ruled work FOLDERS. CATALOGUES. CI ECU lar letters, Etc. WE (JVARAXTKE TIIE QUALITY AM) WILL DELIVER TIIE GOOD* AS SOON AS POSSIBLE A FT EH HE C'EIPT OF YOUR OHDEH. LAWYERS' BHIEFS AM) ARGU MENTS HANDLED PROMI*TLY. COME IF YOU FAN?WHITE O! PHONE IF YOU CAN'T COME. L. M. CilUSTS' SONS. Printers. York v Me, S. C. before buying or selling A FARM or any property, write the CAROLINA REALTY ANT TRUST COMPANY. Bishopville, S. C. Feb. 1 L' t f. tf I 1 Lw VJ V/ Vf Just received today another lot of new Millinery goods consisting of Silks, Chip Flats, Leghorns, Chiffon Hats. Malines. Veiling, Quills,. Wings, Roses and numerous other things. In a few days we will receive a large lot of Shapes. Flowers and other material. We have a few winter Hats left, very low In price. See our pretty line of Caps .for boys and misses. DOBSOX BROS/ CASH STORE. Phone 12. P. S.?Our Laundry Is* the best on the market. Compare and you will see at once. Ours give you the whitest and cleanest goods. Dye anything that can.be dyed, and launder anything that can be laundered; also clean and press clothes. D. B. C. S. This Way For SWIFTS HAMS. SWIFT'S BREAKFAST STRIP, SWIFT S LARD, YELLOW DAN VERS ONION SETS, GOLDEN DENT AND WHITE SEED CORN. I. W. JOHNSON. Garden SEEDS When you are ready to put your j seeds in the ground, be sure to have I seeds that you can feel certain are all i they should be In quality and freshness. You can be certain If you buy | your seeds at the York Drug Store. cattle Powders . .Dr. Heit' Powders for Horses, Mules, Cattle. Sheep, Hogs and Poultry, are sold under a Guarantee to do what is claimed for them. For sale only by the YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOW EN, Proprietor. Just received new shipment of the swellest correspondence Stationery ever shown in Yorkville.. See it. J. L. Williams. Mason McConnell. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. CD 1c out"* C LC I AT CUT [ * I HAVE DECIDED TO CUT C (2 or MY BUSINESS, AND WAN" $ THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH t ING IN THK QUICKJMrr liMr.. ' ? EVERY GARMENT WILL GO A , 2 IF YOU'VE HALF,A MIND THAI , X CLASS CLOTHING. NOW?TODA BUYING. YOU KNOW THE QU ? HAVE BEEN SELLING?THE V ? EY COULD BUY AT EQUAL PR] X LIKE THIS: I have Fifty Suits of Men's B If larly worth $10 and $12.50 a Suit'\ I have Fifty Suits Men's GRA ;' in the latest style and made up ] O and $12.50. ALL GO AT $6.98 A I ?? I have Twenty-flve Suits of ; ? Cut Double Breasted and Round I everywhere aL $15 and $18.00. A1 ALL MEN'S OVERCOATS M PRICE?GET ONE QUICK. I have Fifty Men's Suits in B] Everyone of them would be a Ba MUST GO AT $4.98 A SUIT. THE PLACE TC If you are in need of SHOES my prices. Every Pair of Shoes i to Be Exactly as Represented, oi Pair. Buy Your Shoes at Wray's J. Q. WRAY3 1 YOBKVII W When you have need for any me about your needs. My stock Is and I'll satisfy you In the prices. OWP. j'T'IiT'Tri] "I*r ITTTilT"i"jf ' 'i' f \ Banking Account Helps you to realize the value of money, makes it easier to handle financial affairs and to have a growing balance after paying necessary expenses. We- invite your account and will help you to save. IT'S SAFE The First National Bank, Yorkville, S. C. ELLWOOD FENCE The ELLWOOD is one of the oldest and certainly one of the most popular fences on the market. It has been so thoroughly tested and is so highly recommended by the thousands of farmers, ranchmen, fruit , growers and stock growers who have used it. that there can be no question 1 or doubts as to Its merits. We now have this popular make of 1 wire fencing In stock in 26. 50 and 58 , Inch heights. Come and let us tell vou about It. Every inch of Ellwood ?1 fencing Is guaranteed to be perfect in , quality and workmanship. It is strong enough to stop a bull and close enough to stop a chicken. See us. YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO. WScc us for anything In Hardware. A Jar Of "Mil) PKACHES" Was sent to a man by a lady friend ' of his wife. "Well. I don't care much for preserves." he said to his wife, "but you can tell her I appreciate the spirit in which they were sent." < In the buying and selling of stocks and bonds or real estate, a broker best "preserves" your interests, and will also "appreciate the spirit" which prompts your giving him an opportunity to serve you. I Bid Asked Tavora Cotton Mill 75 Out York Cotton Mill 65 Out Neely Cotton Mill 110 Out I Clover Cotton Mill 135 Out Loan & Savings Bank 130 Out First National Bank 112 118 W 210 Shares of above Stocks wanted. Dr. M. W. WHITE, Opposite Postoffice - - Yorkville, S. C. I AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE now have a herd of thoroughbred Guernseys headed by a registered bull. We are offering all the other cows we have at a bargain. It is worth while to come and see us. 1 ?.? ? a * * "?'l o ?u?v?har r\f aHnrf f W till I IU J*rn U l u III Ur i w? U..W. ? horn beef cattle. J. A. MILLS. Manager. Jan. 25 f.t tf. CLOTHES CLEANING. T AM prepared to clean gentlemen's X clothes and ladles' skirts in a thor. oughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. ' Mrs R. B. McCLAIN. HAY FOR SALE. j 1HAVE several hundred bales that ! I will dispose of Wholesale or Re- i tail. JOHN B. PLAXCO. 1 Yorkvllie. S. C. Feb. 8 f tf ^^lOES OF QUALITY. -T H E, WALK-OVER Shoe For \Ieii ; THE REED ShoeForlijulies v ()ur Spring line of WALK Spring trade has arrived, and : The line includes I'iei Kid, Leathers, in $3.50, $4.00 and $5 er Styles. 011 both ordinary and have the Most Comfortable, M 5 .of Shoes, you should buy nothii Also have received full line Shoes for Ladies in $2,00, $2.2 Kid and Latent Colt Leathers. THE STRAUSS-Sft L_ TVTVTVTVVTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTT37T 1THING j PRICES I )UT THE CLOTHING FEATURE X T TO CLOSE OUT SEVERAL X OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTH- ? POSSIBLE. AND TO DO THIS * T ACTUAL NEW YORK COST. Y P YOU NEED A SUIT OF FIRST X Y?IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR 1 TALITY OF CLOTHING THAT I ? ERY BEST THAT YOUR MON [CES. THE PRICES NOW ARE ? LACK CLAY WORSTEDS, regu- $ -ALL GO AT $6.98 A SUIT. * Y MIXED ALL WOOL Suits, cut ? perfectly. Regularly sold at >10 X SUIT. 2 Men's BLUE SERGE, In Square () Sack Coat style. Regularly sold '' jL MUST GO AT $11.98. < > IUST GO AT HALF REGULAR X ROWN AND GRAY MIXTURES. ? rgaln at >8 end $9 a Suit. ALL ^ > BUY SHOES | come and see my goods and get t told at WKAV'S Are Guaranteed J? r Your Money Back or Another % .'HE XjE-A-IDER,, ? iLE, S. O. X thing in Groceries come and see z complete, my qualities are right, 5 See WRAY for GROCERIES. VTwtvTVTVTVTVTU'TU'TWTVTWTVT W.I. WITHERSPOON CO. Dealers In RueiripH Waeons. Plantation and Heavy Hardware, Farm and Garderf Tools, Implements. Distributers, Planters, Plow Stocks and Points, Wire Nails, Roofing, Etc. AGENT FOR Mallory Plows and Repairs, Avery's Chilled Turn Plow, Tools and Implements. Carmlcal Cotton Planters, Caldwell Improved Cotton Planter, Haynle Cotton Chopper and other Implements. We invite inquiries and quote prices with Pleasure. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. East Madison St. Every Inducement With Sound Banking Is offered you to become Identified with this Bank. We will appreciate your business or personal account, whether It be lurge or small, and shall consider It a pleasure to extend you every possible rourtesy. LOAN & SAVINGS BANK, YORKVTMiE, S. C. * W. Adickes Company Wants This Week (?OOI) BUTTER?What should be done with people who sell onion butter? IIOME-MADE LARD?lie ('ash or 12jc trade. Eggs plentiful. SEASON A HLE? Oatmeal, Buckwheat Flour. Pettljolin's Breakfast Food, Fe.oe and Onion Sets. SOME BARGAINS? Few hundred Plows. 5c lb.; 25 lbs., 4Jc; 100 lbs., $4.00. Cross Shinola?worth $1.00 dozen, for 75 cents, with Brush free; Six boxes with Brush, 50 Cts. Wilbur's Cattle Powders are Pest and Cheapest. WITHERS ADICKES. CO. PLEASE PAY UP. SUBSCRIBERS to THE ENQUIRER on my club are requested to please make payment at once either at The Enquirer office or to me. The time by which I have to make a final settlement is rapidly approaching and it will be impossible for me to get entirely around the list without help on the part of some who have favored me. A. W. McFARLAND. Feb. 5. tf tf NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. UAVING made a full settlement in the Probate Court for York county as administrator of the estate of H. BELLE CREPS, deceased, I hereby give notice to ail concerned that on Saturday. March 9. 1907, I will make application to Hon. L. R. Williams for a final discharge from said administration. C. W. CARROLL, Admr. Feb. X f. 5t? A I ''' OVER Shoes for men for the My! but they are beauties! Glasc Kangaroo ami Patent ,.oo Grades, in Hal and Bluch[ straight lasts. If you would ost Stylish and Rest Wearing ig but the IVALK OVER. of the famous E. P. REED'S 5, $2.50, $3.50 grades, in I 'iei See them for latest styles. flITH -COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C. I YORK FURNITURE CO, FURNITURE, STOVES, Undertaking' Supplies PAINTS, OILS, Etc. HOUSE FURNISHINGS We have always tried to please our customers by giving them as good goods for their money as could be found arlywhere. We will make it to your interest to see our line of House Furnishings before buying. You cannot find a better assortment in the city than we always have in stock. We want a part of your business, and 11 we once get it, we will sell you always. We have only a small space to mention a few goods such as Bed Room Suites, Iron Beds, Hall Racks, Wardrobes, Dining Tables, side Boards, ChifTonlers, Roll Top Desks, and lots of other goods too numerous to mention. We carry a full line of Cooking Stoves, Fixtures, etc. | See us for Mastic Mixed Paint "Th? Best." Buy your Buggy and Wagon Paint, Varnishes and Brushes from the YORK FURNITURE CO. We have just received a Bed Brace that will positively not let the slats fall out of a bed. It will make your bed last longer for It keeps the rails straight and will not split so easily. If you have this trouble with your bed, 'Phone 115, and we will put this brace on your bed at very little cost, WANTED?We want all the old Sewing Machines we can get, ahd will give you a good price for th*yu. YORK FURNITURE CO. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. Williamson Corn Plan For 50 bushels of corn per acre, use the following fertilizer: 200 lbs. cotton seed meal, 200 lbs. acid phosprate, 14 per cent. 400 lbs. kalnlt, 125 lbs. nitrate soda. Which can be gotten at the YORK SUPPLY CO. We sell the well known MacMurphy Fertilizers, manufactured In Charleston, and ammonlated with the very best ammonlates to give the best field results. Have been selling these goods for years and they give almost universal satisfaction. We sell the following brands: 10?4?4? 8?4?4? 8?3?3 9?3?2? 9?2?2? 8?2J?1? 8.65?2?2? 10? 4? 10?2? 14 p. c. acid 13 p. c. adid Kainlt, Muriate Potash, Nitrate Soda, Cotton Feed Meal. We have Seed Irish Potatoes, Onion Sets, Garden Seed. <Best New Orleans Molasses. If you like good bread try flour sold by YORK SUPPLY Co, We want EGGS. THE YORK SUPPLY CO. WE WANT YOUR BANKING BUSINESS Money Deposited with us is Secured by Burglar Proof Safe, with Triple Time Lock Attachment, and Fullj Covered with Burglary Insurance. BANK OF CLOVER CLOVER. S. C. CHINA, Etc. Besides my usual line of High Gradt Jewelry, Watches, Clocks. Sterling and Plated Silverware, Cut Glass and Bric-a-Brac, I also carry the most extensive and complete line of CHINA and CROCKERY carried in Yorkville and' will be pleased to have you call and see my line of fine Table Ware when you are in need of such goods I have an elegant line of the besl Imported and Domestic wares, and even If you do not care to buy I will be pleased to show you. Another line that you will find here that will Interest you is a very large 1?i nr a??warr of anu variru line mi v. ......... .. .- ..? every description and at all grades of prices. T. AV. SPECK. The Jeweler. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. (Incorporated.) Come and see us for everything that may be desired In dressed stone of any kind. Monuments, etc. Our facilities for turning out Stone Work. Marble or Granite are first-class and we can make prices right. Intending purchasers can afford to come a long distance to see us. yorkville monument works, application for discharge. HWING made my llnal settlement with Probate Court for YorK county as Guardian of CLARA PATTERSON. I hereby give notice that on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 6. next. I will make application to the Honorable L. R. Williams for a discharge from all further liability In connection with said guardianship. E. EARLE THORNWELL. Feb. 5 t 5t niAiimnri anur. IN addition to having: a first-class machinist in our machine shop to make all kinds of repairs to Machinery. Engines, etc., we also have Mr. M. P. Jonas, a thoroughly competent Blacksmith. Mules and Horses shod at 60 cents round. NEELY MANUFACTURING CO. Real Estate For Sale. ' 219 acres, 1 dwelling, 3 tenant houses 6 miles west of McConnellsville near W. McO. Bailey's. 100 i acres in cultivation; 110 acres in tlmber. Terms to suit. 41 acres near London siding between Smyrna. Level?1 2-room house, 30 acres open land. $10 per acre. A beautiful country home, Including new Machinery, Cotton Gin, Boss Press, Saw Mill, Corn and Stone. One Dwelling, 6 rooms, painted; 1 3-room Tenant House, 5 miles from Hickory Grove. Level road. 160 acres In place; 50 acres open land, balance In Timber and Pasture. Emmett J. Wl, ley Home. A Big Bargain. I 644 acres, 5 miles west Yorkvllle, adjoining lands of J. H. Good, Berry Burns and S. C. Smith. One two-room , house; 10 acres bottom; 30 to 35 acres open land; W. J. Good's land. I Price $1,625.00._ i isu acres in icing s Mountain township, 5 miles of Grover. Plenty of timber, 100,000 ft. saw timber. Ad1 Joins the lands of Brown and others. Price $1,200. , A beautiful building lot on East Jefferson St., near corner of Main street ' A part of Mrs. Drakeford's lot?a bargain. ' One farm, seventy acres, one dwelling, five rooms, wide hall, newly 1 painted, good barn and outbuildings. One good new tenant house, 3-rooms; , about 30 acres in timber; 25 acres wire pasture; 350 nice fruit trees. Ideal home, 2 miles Yorkville, on Pinckney road. Price $2,150. One lot on west side Lincoln street, 130 ft. front?1 2-room house. Cheap. Joins Riddle and Allison property on the south side. Near court house. > 1 tract land, 3 miles south Yorkville. near Chester road; 41 acres, one house, Alexander place. Price 31.000. One house and lot, containing seven 1 acres in the town of Clover?good orchard. Good place to educate your ( children. Price $600?J. H. Neely , place. i 1 38J acres?a part of the Shilllnglaw I land, in high state of cultivation, li i miles east of Yorkville. A new house, water?a bargain. via o uuies on nuwen s reny iixiu, miles from Yorkville, 3-room dwelling, i good barn and stables. Price $30 per ere. j 100 acres, 3 miles southwest of Beth1 any?25 acres open land, 75 acres in I wood. S. F. Black's land. Price $12.50 per acre. 154 acres, 4i miles west of Yorkville, on Howell's Ferry road?has two houses with 4-rooms each?50 acres in ' timber. 393 acres, one mile Bullock's Creek church 1, 2-story, 9-room dwelling. New barn, good tenant houses. Every thing convenient 98 acres and residence of Sam C. Smith; a two-story, seven-room house. New barn, 10 foot driveway; 3 stalls each side?shedded. Loft will hold 10,000 bundles fodder?good water. Adi joining academy; 4 miles of Yorkville. Elegant home. Buy and educate your children here. 35 acres, 6 miles northwest Yorkville, good water, 8 acres forest timber, 3 acres tine bottom. Land of S. C. Smith. Price $500. Adjoins Wm. Burns and others. 180 acres, 5 miles south Yorkville, 2 houses, 3-horse farm open, 25 acres good branch bottom. 60 acres in wire pasture. Good barn and out houses? cheap?1-3 cash. Dr. Cartwrlght place. 90 acres timber. Two tracts?one 60 acres and the other 62?one mile King's Creek station. 25 acres open, balance in timber ?saw, cross ties and cord wood. Price 115. Latnam land. 47} acres near Orover at Beams crossing of railroad and 3 public roads. One 6-room house, painted, on Main street?one acre of land. Known as the Qoforth house. One 4-room house adjoining the above lots?one acre of land?$460. Terms to suit. 18 acres, all in cultivation, 3-room, newly painted dwelling, celled. Inside coporate limits Yorkvllle. Lies well, good drilled well, 94} feet. Nice young orchard. 61 acres. 1 dwelling 5-rooms, 1 ten, ant house 3-rooms. 3 miles Yorkvllle on Howell's Ferry road?good school. 40 acres in cultivation. 8 acres original timber, level land; good orchard and grapes. 100 Acres, 2-story dwelling, 8 rooms; 2 tenant houses; good new barn; 4-horse farm open; 60 acres In timber; capable of high cultivation; 6} miles from Yorkvllle, 7}m to Rock Hill, on Yorkvllle and Rock Hill road. Terms to suit purchaser. 30} Acres, 3} miles Yorkvllle; ?0 acres in cultivation; good stream of water; 1 nice weatherboarded 4-r house; 1 tenant house. 451} acres, 2 miles of Tirzah, 6} miles Yorkvllle, 7} Rock Hill. On public road from Yorkvllle to Rock Hill, near Adner church; high state of cultivation, 76 acres bottom in corn, 10-horse farm open. Large new barn. 12 stalls and cribs. 10 acres tine orchard, 2-story dwelling (painted) in beautiful oak grove. Produced 100 bales cotton 1905. 377 acres, farm, both sides King's Mountain road, about 2} miles BethI any High School, 1 7-room dwelling, 1 tenant house and other buildings; ' at least 100,000 feet saw timber; has mineral prospects; A. C. Stroup place. 40 acres, 8 miles northeast of Yorkvllle, bounded by lands of Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Youngblood; 18 acres woodland. 133 1-3 acres } mile west of Hoodtown. On public road. 60 acres in cultivation, 35 or 40 acres of fine bottoms. 12 acres bottoms in cultivation. Cheap. 85 acres, 3-mlle from Yorkvllle on , inarioue roaa; a two-room nouse, io ; acres In bottom In high state of culI tivatlon. 113 acres 6 miles west of YorkvHle, 70 acres cultivated land, well water' ed. 2-story dwelling, 6 rooms, on R. | F. D., about 28 acres in pasture and , second growth pine. 35 acres In the town of YorkvHle. ' will sell In lots from one acre up. 235 acre farm about 8} miles from YorkvHle, 3 miles from Ebenezer; 1 I new 6-Toom dwelling two 4-room tenl ant houses. 30 acres fine bottom land ?five horse farm. J. C. WILBORN. Attorney. TENNESSEE MULES The carload of Tennessee MULES advertised In the last Issue of this paper has arrived and Is now at my barn. They are all that could be desired In Mules. Come and see them. W. R. CARROLL. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. Wheel Guarantee Muncle. Ind.. Jan. 7, 1907. The Rock Hill Buggy Co., Rock Hill. S. C. Gentlemen: In reply to your letter of Jan. 3rd, relative to the quality of wheels which you are buying from us. would state that we fully guarantee these wheels in every respect. We guarantee that the rims will not split and that the spokes will not get loose in the hub. If the wheels fall liecause of poor workmanship or had material, we do not ask you to replace them; we simply ask your customer to send them to us, and we will replace them without charge. We believe that we are making the best wheel in the United States today. ' We have placed the above warranty nnon our eoods for the last fifteen years, during which time we have placed upon the market nearly one million sets. Yours very truly, MUNCIK WHEEL COMPANY. O. B, Bannister, President. AT COST?Six 3x9 Old Hickory Wagons on hand that will go AT COST. Conic before they are all sold. CARKOLL BROS. *A*A?UKA?AaU*KAI(AIU*AAIUaU+ *V*T*T*T? Y*T*TT*T** Bo Per & DISCO J s 55 SALE CONTINUES AT THE IS ALL THIS WEEK, AND PO. SATURDAY NIGHT, FEBR THING IN OUR TWO BIG S\ H At Ten Per FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. DO DO YOUR SHOPPING THIS 35 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR FC tt 35 THE THOMSOJ 4M k*k*A*A*A*A*A**AKAftA?AAftA*?A HTHTHmnininiTWlTllTilTilWMfll The Same Old Story The sixty-second annual statement of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company has been Issued and Is an- 01 other testimonial as to the efficiency, si economy and wisdom of the manage- ir ment of the company, and is calcu- R lated to strengthen its hold upon all 8 familiar with its long and honorable career, and liberality toward its policy j\ holders. 1 will not undertake to quote if figures, because to many they would ei be of little interest, but will say that y there were gratifying increases in ev- y, ery Item of real value to policy hold- I ers, as compared with the previous a year. I have known for years tliat si the. Mutual Benefit was In a class all S< by Itself, and guaranteed Its policy _ holders more than any other company, J and it is of course gratifying to me to know that the more familiar the people become with its record and policy I contracts the easier it is for me to get t! business. Yqu owe It to yourself to investigate the Mutual Benefit before placing your insurance. SAM M. GRIST, 8pecial Agent A SABO BLEND" m R nA limn K UUFfJiiJii. I R R If you want a Roasted Coffee. AJ fully equal to anything that 1b Jt ol sold at 25c and 30c.a pound, try & B SABO BLEND Coffee o ol tl Put up In ONE POUND AIRTIOHT CARTONS AT 20 CT8. A POUND. C LOUIS ROTH. *_ i BRING TOUR SHOES TM O me between Withers Adlckes and First National Bank, and Til give you a good job at tight prices. J. E. MENDENHALL, cl The Deaf Mute 8hoemaker. ARA*A*ARA*A*A?ARA*A?A*A*A*?A 3 O. P. HEATH, Pt. W. 8. NEIL, V. 1YORKVILLE B. & 3 INCORPORA 3 : | The New 1 t 4 NEW GOODS ARE COMING II 2 ARE SHOWING THE LATEST PRC 5 CLUDING LAWNS. MADRAS, DIME] jtf Among omer new mings you n n < White Skirts with Eton Jackets t ^ Linen Lawns and Art Linens, var We have something decidedly ne' 3 and Invisible Plaids. See it?you'll II 4 Elegant line of BLACK PLAID i ? 75 CENTS YARD, ^ Our Spring line of LADIES' OX 5 are shown in the latest styles. Call a ^ We have Seventy-two pieces of In ? one to three Inches wide?AH Go at I J These At 2 5 Please take notice that OUR CO! ? CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, HEAVY DR ? BLANKETS still hold good, and our I < Everything In CLOTHING FOR jj go at COST PRICES. j Special for O 3 FOR ONE WEEK QNLY?BEG! J WILL GIVE FREE WITH EACH SU1 3 CLOTHING SOLD A SI.00 SHIRT, ji AT COST PRICES AND GIVE YOU 1 ? FOR ONE WEEK ONLY?BEG! J SELL YOU SI.00 SHIRTS AT 98 CI 5 10 CENT COLLAR FREE?BOTH F * ALL OVERCOATS AT COST PR] 4 ROYS?AND WITH EACH OVERCC X FREE A PAIR OF NICE GLOVES ^ GINNING TODAY. Armour's F( 3 J As the Fertilizer season for 1907 ^ know thut we handle the well know ^ which we recommend and believe to t v on the market. If you prefer somethl X ETIWAN, SWIFTS OR VIRGINIA-C. a GOODS. At any rate we want you 1 5 contracts for Fertilizers whether you \ n IVa rton tol/o r?a rn nf vnui* IntPrpsts In ? PRICES."* A Word"of Warning?No r ? use much or little Fertilizer this sea 2 your contracts EARLY, because witl J handling freight of all kinds, if you ^ Fertilizers to put in the ground, you g you want when you want It. SEE US | Flour and We would be pleased to supnly 5 believe we can make it to your intere.1 J such large qualities that we get the v ^ the benefits along to our customers. * "MAGNOLIA" FLOUR?Our second 5 some dealers' best; Two cars of "DUJ 3 and shoulders above anything on* the J the BEST IX FLOUR, try a sack of I You know we handle everything 3 HEAVY GROCERIES, and it Is to yoi In FARMING TOOLS you can fin 2 YORKVILLE B M UA*A*A*A**A*A*A?A*A*A*A? f?TWllWWWllW'?W,,T 1 Cent! iunt 11 THOMSON COMPANY'S i | nrMrrr rlr t t vrrwr r S~* T A C* T+ blllrnLY' WILL LL.U3K VARY 16TH. EVERY- ? [ , TORES Cent Off 2 I 51 ATT FORGET THE TIME. 2 ? W??tf. /T MEANS TEN j 1 )? K0(7. 5 . I = || N COMPANY. If ODD JOBS T"*" Yes, we make a specialty of all kinds f small Repair Jobs in Carpentering, nch as Relaying Porch Floors. Hang* ig Doors, 8ash and Blinds, Patohing oofs. Putting on Locks, Putting up helving, Etc. If you want anything made of wood ist give us an Idea of what you want. ' you want Steps made for your flowrs, Just give us the order and design ou want. You'll get It Come If ou can. Phone If you can't IV* We are Wholesale and Retail gents for the products of the Limetone 8prings Lime Works, Qaffney, . C. '. J. KELLER & CO. W We sell Devoe Paint?Goes fur* len?lasts longer. )R. J. M. HUNTER Hie All-Round Specialist, OCK HILL 8. C. Consultation Free. Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tulors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and heumatlsm; Diseases of Liver and Idneys. Dyspepsia and Indigestion, reats without the knife, loss of blood n<f little pain to patient eferences to a Few Cases Treated. . A. Clark, cancer of noee. Rock Hill; [rs. J. J. Williams, cancer of face, irz&h; Mrs. S. R. Nelson, cancer of ice, Ogden; W. A. Mulllnax, cancer r face, King's Creek; W. W. Stroup, incer of face, Lowell, N. C.; Mrs. arbory McCraw, cancer of forehead, affney: S. B. Hanna, cancer of neck, , astonla, N. C.; D. F. Grlgg, cancer r nose, Lattlmore, N. C.; Frank Latmore, cancer of face, Cleveland Mills, C.: Mrs. M. E. Harrell. cancer of ice, Ellenboro, N. C.; Mrs. D. P. Glas>, cancer of forehead, Shelby, N. C.; >. H. Cobb, cancer of Up, Smyrna; R. . Green, cancer of face, Mooresboro, r. C.: J. N. Clonts, cancer of the tonue, Tirzah, 8. C. WALL PAPER IY NEW 8AMPLE8? ' ARE NOW IN. Samples and Remnants for sale leap. . A. B. OA I N E8. Pt. R. B. HEATH, 8?c.-Tr. ? M. COMPANY, TED. S ; v est Out "TTP I * RIGHT ALONG AND WE )DUCTION8 IN WHITE, IN- ? WES, BATISTE, ETC. nd here are: > o match?92.00 a Salt. lety of patterns?All Prices. sv in BLACK VOILES?Plaids 1 Ike It. 5ILKS for Shirt Waist*?Only FORDS has Just arrived, and nd see this line. nitationJTorchon Laces, from ? < ( IMS A XAKU. C ; Cost 3T PRICES on LADIES AND ! ESS GOODS, OUTINGS AND Prices will save you money. | MEN and BOYS continues to j ne Week i I tNNING WITH TODAY?WE [T OF MEN'S AND YOUTHS' YOU BUY THE CLOTHING [HE SI SHIRT FREE. INNING TODAY?WE WILL . > CNTS AND GIVE YOU ONE OR 98 CENTS. * ICES?MEN'S. YOUTHS AND t >AT SOLD WE WILL GIVE 5 ?ONE WEEK ONLY?BE;rtilizers is now on, we want you to M n ARMOUR FERTILIZERS, e the equal of any Fertilizers & ng else we can furnish either AROLINA CHEMICAL CO.'S ? ;o see us before closing your (rant small or large quantities. ? QUALITY, QUANTITY AND I * natter whether you expect to I ? son, we advise you to make h the way the railroads are put It oft until you need the ? may not be able to get what J AT ONCE. ? Things. I you with your FLOUR and 3t to let us do so. We buy In ? ery best mill prices and pass a Just received one carload of grade that many prefer to J fLAP PATENT" that is head market. If you would know ? )UNLAP PATENT. 5 ; in CHOICE FAMILY AND ur Interest to buy here. ? d what you want here. .. & M. CO. [