Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, January 15, 1907, Image 3

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AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 3.30 p. ni. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. The St. Agnes Guild will meet at the church Friday at 3.30 p. m. Service Friday at 4 p. ni. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting Wednesday after-1 noon at 3.30 o'clock. Special |)otires. Communion at Bethel. The quarterly communion will be at Bethel Presbyterian church the 3rd Sunday?Jan. 20th. Rev. E. E. Gillespie of Yorkvllle will be with us during the preparatory services. Preaching Friday morning, Friday night and Saturday morning. W. B. Akrowood, Pastor. In Honor of R. E. Leo. The citizens of Yorkvllle and surrounding country, especially the Confederate veterans, are respectfully Invited to attend exercises to be held In the Graded schi>ol building at Yorkvllle from 12 to 1 o'clock next Saturday. January 10 in commemoration of .. the 100th anniversary of the birth of Robert E. Lee. The exercises will be opened with prayer, followed oy one or more addresses and music appropriate to the occasion. All who de- , sire to honor the name, life and character of the greatest of American he- ' roes are invited. Mrs. S. C. Asks, Pres. Winnie Davis Chapter U. D. C. $he gorhuille (fotton JRarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Mesers. Latta Bros. YoRKVit-LJ!, Jan. 15, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Cotton 9 to 101 catta bros. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons indebted to the estate , of J. LEANDER PARISH, de- , ceased, are hereby notified to make payment to me at once. Persons hav- ( ing claims against said estate will please present them, duly authenticated," within the time prescribed by law. P. BROOKS PARISH. Executor. Jan. 15 t 3t Send The Enquirer your orders for Commercial Printing. I 4 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 "4 4 J* 4' ?i? I New York C | JAN. 18th t( X As stated in the last issue of S closed a lot of goods which I MUS + I NEED THE MONEY THESE G< * BADLY IN NEED OF THE ROO] T make them move 1 will on next I V GIN A STOCK REDUCTION SAL * R17ARY 2ND. ar.d between these A (iOODS AND CLOTHING WILL 7 COST. By New York Cost, I mes y York markets, without one penny 7 rentage of profit or anything elseV the SAME PRICES AT WHICH T A YORK, which simply means that a chased during this Special Sale a' * GATED IN THE LARGEST WH( * YORK TODAY. T To give you an idea of how X prices, time and space forbid more. A NOW $?.48. ALL f 12.50 Suits NO <L Suits NOW go at $7.48 and so on A ALL Dress Goods that were ( f l? CENTS A YARD. ALL Dress C V NOW go at U8 CENTS A YARD a A ALL Men's Pants goods, such 1 AT NEW YORK COST?Buy NO! | J". Q. WRAY, 1 YORKVII X P. S.?When you need unythii A come and see me. I carry a com 7 and Will Save You Money on Gr< 4' * * f * -f -f * * i -f -i -PAINTSIf you contemplate painting your home or business building during the coming spring or summer, we Invite you lo consult us uuoui mc X cx.i.i uv. "fore you buv. We sell the well-known time-tested' SI1EKWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS. than which there is none better. These S.-W. people kept on experimenting until they found out the formula of the BEST paint and then had their factory workers to learn it thoroughly and then destroyed the formula, so that no other paint manufacturer could get it. A full line of House Paints and Household Colors and Tints for inside work of the S.-W. goods carried in stock. We also carry a complete line of Varnishes, Stains, Oils, Putty, Floor Stains. Japalac and Johnson's Floor Wax in stock. Let us quote you prices before you buy Paints of any kind. YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, Proprietor. Take home a cake of Pels-Xaptliu ?the S?a|> for Easy Washing. W. Atlirkes Company Amid all sorts of new fatigled sales, we are still doing business in the old JUNHl??m*U II'KII iiuuir n u.?. Examine our goods and prices and Don't buy from us ut your loss. We keep our lines complete and at & competitive prices. " SEASONABLE?Pepper. Pluck and lied: Sage and Mixed Sausage Seasoning. Buckwheat Flour?Plain and Self-raising; Pest Molasses we can buy ami Maple Syrup. Mackerel Cheap. OIL?We always try to buy higher test Oil than usually offered?make less per gallon, but sell more, (let a 3 or f. Gallon Can. I'KODI'CK?Don't want Butter: Eggs plentiful at 14c. Cach; lti 2-3c Trade. Want some Sound Peas? White $2.00; Clay Sl.f.O; Mixed $1.25. Beeswax. Specially Wanted?Payment of your Account. WITHERS ADICKKS CO. CHINA, Etc. Besides my usual line of High Grade Jewelry. Watches, Clocks. Sterling and Plated Silverware, Cut Glass and Bric-a-Brac, | also carry the most extensive and complete line of CHIXA and CROCKKUY carried in Yorkville. and will he pleased to have you call and see my line of fine Table Ware when you are in need of such goods. I have an elegant line of the best Imported and Domestic wares, and | even if you do not care to buy I will he pleased to show you. J Another line that you will find here that will Interest you is a very large and varied line of GLASSWARE of every description and at all grades of prices. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. TURKEYS, TURKEYS, TURKEY T WANT FIFTY TURKEYS n jL Friday morning. January 18, 1907 G. T. RADCLIFFE Yorkvllle, S. BIRD DOG ESTRAY. MEDIUM sized Bird Dog. cross 1 tween setter and pointer, reddi with white breast and spot on thrc Answers to Roy. Left my house J? uary 6. Information appreciated a trouble paid for. A. Y. CART WRIGHT, It Yorkvllle, S. C MULES AND HORSES. I HAVE a lot of ^fffie Mules a Horses in charge of Mr. W. POAG at BARRON BROS.* Stat Yorkvllle. You know our reputati for prices, terms and liberal dealii Don't fail to see Mr. Poag. S. J. KIMBALL Jan. 11 f 3m W Sond Tlie Enquirer your ortl for Commercial Printing. AN OPPORTUNIT Not 50 per cent off, but an opport nlty to purchase your year's supply good TOBACCO at wholesale pric 1 have quite a good stock of che and medium goods, all well knoi brands to those who use the we? Monarch ut 30 cents; Red Crow at cents; Oood Value at 26 cents; B White at 25 cents. I want to close c these goods In the next five days. W only sell high grade TOBACCO. STAR DRUG STORJ Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McEIwi President Sec. and Trej VORK SUPPLY C( Incorporated. OUR FARMERS Will find a complete stock of Fai Supplies at our place. Plow Moles, Hames, Backhands, Pic Lines, Plow Stocks. Clevises, He Bolts. Plow Points. Collars, Coll Pads, Etc. In fact every thing nee sd on a farm to work a crop, and i the feed stuff for hands and mules. Come and see us for supplies elth CASH or CREDIT. We want to sell you GUANO. THE YORK SUPPLY CO. W Send The Enquirer your orde for Commercial Printing. b b b b b b b "b b b b ' j ;OST SALb : > FEB. 2nd < The Enquirer stock taking dis-' i T TURN INTO MONEY QUICK. 4 30DS REPRESENT, AND I AM M THEY OCCUPY. In order to 1 Kill DAY. JANUARY I8TH. BK- $ E TO CONTINUE UNTIL FEB- 2 dates EVERYTHING IN DRY J GO AT STRICT NEW YORK ? m the cost of the goods in- New 1 added for freight, drayage, per j ?These goods will go at exactly a HEY WERE BOUGHT IN NEW ; hundreds of articles can be pur- ^ t prices that cannot be DUPLI- 1 JLESALE HOUSES OF NEW j i things are going I quote a few j ALL Suits that sold for J 15.00. i >W go ut $8.48 a Suit. ALL $10 4 through the whole Clothing line. ^ >5c and 75c a yard, NOW go ut J Soods that were 50 Cents a yard * nil so 011. ^ as Jeans and Kerseys, NOW GO ?: V If you ure wise. ? 'HE LEADER, I jLE, S. c. j ig In Heavy or Fancy Groceries. 1 iplete line of Groceries and Can ' HH'rles. V i- %. V t- i- 1 -L- tr t- tT T t T T T T T T T T ARKYOUR INVESTMENTS Worth to you what they will bring offered for sale? Are they worth you what they will bring as the sai money would be, if with good jud ment and financial acumen it were i vested elsewhere? WISE MEN CHANGE Their opinions and investments Ilk wise as occasions seem necessary. ] your opinions and investments nev need an occasional change? Verbi sapienti est. Bid Ask Tavora Cotton Mill 6"! Loan & Savings Bank 125 ? Neely Mf'g Co 105 First National Bank 112 1 York Cotton Mill 55 Clover Cotton Mfg. Co See ? York Hardware Co See sW Better bids on better options. Dr. M. W. WHITE, A n.-t.xc.. V?L..MU C opposite rosiuillto - - l virwmci v*. I. Ij. Williams. Mason McC-onnt I L. WILLIAMS &C< Are You Posted On Prices IN ORDER To CLOSE OUT Ol ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTI CLOTHING. BLANKETS, UNDE WEAR, ETC., WE HAVE CUT TI PRICES TO PIECES. SEE Ol LINE OF GOODS BEFORE Y< MAKE ANY PURCHASES. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO., Sell for Less. YV. 1. YVITHERSPOON O I )eaU'i*s In Ruggies, Wagons, Plantation a Heavy Hardware, Farm and Oard Tools. Implements. Distributers. Pla ters. Plow Stocks and Points, Wi Nails. Roofing, Etc. AGENT FOR Mallory Plows and Repairs, Aver Chilled Turn Plow, Tools and Imp nieiits. Carmical Cotton Planters, Ca.1 well Improved Cotton Planter, Hayi Cotton Chopper and other Iinplemen We invite inquiries and quote pri( with Pleasure. W. I. WITHERSPOON CO. Fast Madison St. ext "t I I ~! ft 1 TH] in- A ind T I L I | TO OUR CUSTOME .ml | \V< T. A . . >ie, f weeks that we have d< n?g" * that we should. Howe y iness at the Old Stand, ? 2 We also desire to extei erw V ty for the liberal patroi The volume of our bus $ tion and calculation. $ During this y< ness than we did during J a High Grades of Shelf X Cooking and Heating ! X ? lery, etc., that we have u- X In regard to p e?. * tinue our well known p & bly be made and still al ^ f We shall, duri ob ^ in Hardware for which 'in f pleased to make a Spec f want at any time, f Extending our g f a continuance of your - I f Turn your land v ?? A h 1 fe.*. .T^ .-T- . T^Ti A.. Ta .t. .ft ,T\ A. J U. .a ' TVT'i'TVTvTVT VTVT VT " i ' ' SABO BLEND)' >w __ __ t l\ COFFEE. : iii t a er If you want a Roasted' Coffee, ^ y fully equal to anything that Is c sold at 25c and 30c a pound, try ( , I - SABO BLEND Coffee f rs o h Put up In ONE POUND AIR- \ TIGHT CARTONS AT 20 CTS. A POUND. I [ LOUIS ROTH. I I ? FINE YOUNG MULES. L 117 E have at our Bowling Green b It farm as fine a lot of Young Mules 5 as we have ever brought to this coun- 1 r try. Prices and terms are right. Call J p upon or write us. b t J. F. JACKSON & SON. f Jan 8 t 2t* I A * A ?A KA *A * A * *A *A ?A * A A *A * .< I 4* 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 j? c|j s^.* ?^2 -JV. ?.jl I Y*Y*Y*Y**Y*T*Y*YT*Y s*4-! l*n I jj-H-j ? 3^8 4 4 I* 4 4 4 *) I Ills +* i to 4 |-Vr? tt ^ I+*e tt H M tt Th ?- J?M?S *!"i* s u?i *? 5->*4E ed < * 2! JH'^SS ^ i? j$$j -M- rjtj - Itri S 2115 ** t. ** '" alia i i si ? ? ii_C SU?-2 -H'" J^C -HiK J'* " -* * *E Jj.^5 ** m J ' J -* *& a-?.rJ - , "' m Z no' ^ ? J f? T 1 ~ J ,v & - ~ fit - * * $!?* "HK 1 L,^j ** clos n<1 J.J 44 4 4 4 4 len 54^5 j f 2 \ Z i n" * t ^5 ^ rt" T1 V V re, Jtf~7;,7*i* ifti 3*1 V. 5**| :es J^-tS ArArl* 4* 4* ' 'I* 4* 4* ^ 4* ^ '"I* 4* 4 t| 4 4 T 4" T *? *T' *f 4 *V*Y*V?T?T*Y*Y**T*Y*V*T?*1 .t. /T-. .T^. ^ ,T"-. , . <T_ J.A.r.J. ,Tu A. r> A .T^. T- T. -T-. J.tt'-lAiTTwTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTT^7TVTVTVTFi" CS IS TO TC Yorkville?S. C., Jan RS AND FRIENDS: : have been so very busy during tl ?en unable to give the attention tc ver, we wish to remind you that w where we have been serving you c id our thanks to the people of York lage with which we were favored ( iness during 1906 came up to every ?ar of 1907 we shall try to do a lai I the year 1906. and we will continu and Heavy Hardware, Farm In Stoves, Belting, Piping and Pipe F handled during the past year, rices, we beg to say that it will be olicy of making all prices just as lo low us a reasonable profit on whicl ng 1907, make every effort to carry there is any reasonable demand, a ial Order for any article that any o best wishes for a most prosperou favors, we are, V r-11 ire In cprvc X WU1 O tv W*V? * *.J YORKVILLE HARDWAR vith a LYNCHBURG Turn PlowCoffees and Teas Almost ever since the day I >egan business I have been the leader n handling the finest COFFEES and PEAS. This is our Specialty and we ire carefully guarding our reputation n Coffees and Teas. When you desire j omethlng that is a little better In the ( luallty than you find in most stores ou will find it at JOHNSON'S. Please remember that, we always i arry a large and complete line of the ] CHOICEST FANCY GROCERIES. ] Jy Fancy Groceries we mean those rticles that you want every now and hen to tempt your appetite or help ? >ut the dining table when you are j laving an affair out of the ordinary. Vhlle we will not enumerate the aricles coming under the head of the ^ REALLY FANCY GROCERIES." If 5 ou have a want of this kind It is al- r nost certain that you can find it at j his store?The Home of Fancy Groeries. Try It the next time. I. W. JOHNSON. RAW FUR WANTED. J [" WILL pay the highest market price c L for desirable FUR, especially Mink, s rought to me at Filbert. r J. R. DBAS. 8 Jan. 11. f.t. 4t* ?A*AA*A*A*A?*A*AKA?A*A*A*A* 4 A A A k * A 4 % A A % if ir ir Or r ir <Hr r r T f 'r > ?^s ?^5 ^ <|..' "J' *HT*TT*T*T*T*J?T*Y*T*T*Y*Y*f I % I ^ t * 4. K * + 4 * ?j f5 4-' ^ ^ *f ^ *$* ' -THE -~m ami ousands Att BAN! ousands of to Da 1LE CON! EXTRA DON'T M IHING RESER By Order [Merchants desir e of Sale.] 4 4 4 4 4 1 b b h 4 h h 4r <r -U -U *? *r V %' gf M 4 4 4 4 4 4 T T 4 4 T t?AtUA*A*A*A**A*A*Alt4*A*AKAI *4444 4 4 4 4 444*$ ? 4 4 4 4 4 4" T 4 4? 4 4 4 rfc*T*TV*T*T*V**Y*T*T*r?V*r4l DTJ: I ua'ry 15th, 1907. | i ie past two or three V > our advertisements j? e are still doing bus- 2 luring the past year. jg ville and York coun- T luring the year 1906. J reasonable expecta- ? rger volume of busi- X e to handle the same X implements, Roofing, T 'ittings, Pocket Cut- % our pleasure to con- & w as they can possi- $ 1 to do business. S ' in stock everything ?' nd will be especially f our customers may I s year and soliciting E COMPANY. -Always the BEST. ^ "a TvTtVTvTvtVtvTVtvT M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. FOUND AT LAST TOXGUELESS HARROWS. Is'o more Sore Neck Horses caused by the weight of the tongue. Come In ind see them. We also have the well tnown BUFFALO PITTS HARROW, vhlch Is considered by the BEST FARMERS to be the BEST HARROW MADE. Don't buy a HARROW until you tee us, as we have the BEST lot of HARROWS and PLOWS on this marcet. You will have less grass and cultivation of your crop will be easier If vou will use one of the above Har ows to prepare your land before you dant your croD. CARROLL BROS. CLOTHES CLEANING. I" AM prrpared to clean gentlemen's L clothes and ladles' skirts in a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reaonable prices. Work may be sent died to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. *A*A*AKA*A*A??A*AXA*AA*A*< '4* 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4s 4* 4* 4* 4* ^ ^ 1- 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 !- -i 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 MS an rlorl flifi ri L 11 tlV, \ l CRUPT SAJ SATISFIED flNUES I { BARGAIN) ISS THIS OPP< VED. TX7- T vv. vv. ing Show Cases, 4 4 4* 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 41 44Ifftt4 4 4 4 4 ?4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444 4 r? * * *??Yft * ** *?* ? V4T' IPHOHXTE -117When you want Canned Goods, 'Phone SHERER. I have Tomatoes, Blackberries, Apples, Peaches, Krout, Canned Beans and Corn. All nice fresh goods. Also keep Cabbage and Irish Potatoes all the time. V/it? oil l/nnur iViof t Vi t o la tKa nlono to buy your Fresh Meats. I keep the best and always do my best to please the ladles. We ask those who owe us to please pay us. and thank all who have paid their bills promptly. Would you like to be the butcher man And get up way 'fore day, To send out meat while other people sleep And then not get your pay? Yours to serve, OLD GEORGE, The Butcher. Always at Your Command THE MONEY YOU DEPOSIT i IN THIS BANK. "IT'S SAFE!" The First National Bank, Yorkville, S. C. We are Wholesale and Retail Agents for the products of the Limestone Springs Lime Works, Gaffney, S. C. Building Material If you expect to BUILD In WOOD, STONE. BRICK. CEMENT BLOCKS, or anything else, It will be to your Interest to see us before you decide all the details. We build everything (except castles in the air) and will be pleased to furnish you with estimates on Materials, Part of the Work, or all of the Work, as may please you. In any event see us before you begin operations?we may be able to save you money on Lumber, Hardware, Lime, Cement, Fibre Plastering, and then .too, you want to be sure that you have It in your contract that the painting is to be done with DEVOE PAINT?if you do you'll certainly get the BEST Paint obtainable. J. J. KELLER & CO. BUGGY REPAIR BUSINESS AT! SMYRNA. I AM still at my old stand in the Repair business and will be better prepared to do repair work on buggies than ever before and will appreciate the patronage of that part of the trade. My prices will be reasonable and the work will be satisfactory, and the terms will be strictly CASH. No work will be booked to any one. It takes money to buy tools and material. Therefore I cannot charge work and hold my Job. Yours for Business, R. M. WYATT. Jan. 8 t.f 4t* I ?A*AAftAftA*A*?A*A*A*A?AftA*Aft 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* J- 4" 4* 4* 4 4 T ."4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 5*Y*?TY*Y*Y*Y**THT*T*Y*T***T h4* 4* 4* 4* 4 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 ? 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4H IS Opening of t LE. I Customers 1SIXT ? In All Sectio ORTUNITY?A LEWIS, noil ?MI1 I d11 |?iti vuuuv kjwii b ,b 1. ,b b b b b j. I. b ?j f + + * + ?f * * + + * * ' %AKAAKA*A*A**A*A*AIU*AIU?IAK b 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4s 4* t .|j ?|k: ?|o ?jl! >^> ^ fjil ?js ^ ?J>' fciiTJ?TY*T*T*TlrtlT*T*T*T*TJl?i?T I LAST jj THIOMS I BIG ANNIVE THIS IS THE LAST VVEEB V WILL JUNG AT THOMSON C< ii visited our Big Anniversary Sale ff opportunity before the sale close and gone home convinced that Irv this Sale are Unmatchable. AMOSKEA Every piece of our 10c Amosket this Big Sale at 8 CENTS THE MUSLIN U Good assortment of LADIES for this Big Sale. Our Annlvei Low. You can buy garments Fo at Our Anniversary Sale. a a LACE C ff Our Anniversary Sale hits mm all other merchandise In our Ti ^ Curtains come and see what we < SATEEN UK Big values In these SKIRTS Nice showing of Sateen Sklr Big values In Sateen Skirts i I* EMRKi Big values on our # CENTS wifl have to see them to apprecis Big lot of 8c Embroideries al AA 4 CENTS THE YARD, ff LA 5,000 yards of Heavy Threa ^ all go into one lot at one price? DOXT 1 ALL SHOES sold during th | CENT DISCOUNT FROM REG1 Jj THE THOMS aaa 1 A A IA.1 1906-1997 ? We thank our friends and customers for favors in the past, and hope to deserve continued confidence and business approval during the COMING YEAR. We extend our best wishes to all, and hope they will have a pleasant and prosperous year. W. I. kllUY, ACT, - Mrs. FOUSHEE Scientific Dressmaker (Rooms Over Fou.shee's Old Stand) P. S.?Just installed a Button Machine WILL MAKE BUTTONS (All sizes) at 12 l-2c per dozen. If" Wanted.?Your orders for all kinds of printed matter. Best work at fairest prices. e? 4* b V Ji/i ^ f f f f ^ ^ ?f "V T T OH!he FOUSH Is the Rec IN DA lis Daily. LL MUST Truste< lie?Delivery ma< b b b ^ b b b b b *1* A?IAKA*A*A*AIU*IU*A*A*AA*A* b bbb b b b b b bbb ?j*j f^9 JL- ajia <|la J^e ?|l *r*T*V4T4r*Y*T?*T*T?T*TT*Y "w us ie oust co7s !! iRSARY SALE | l THAT ANNIVERSARY PRICES DMPANY'S. If you have not yet V > you should avail yourself of this ii ts. Hundreds of people have come rf the Prices we are offering during ii G OUTINGS. ig Outings?All Colors?Go during YARD. ? NDERWEAR. j I' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, bought ^ rsary Prices on this lot are Very H r Less Than You Can Make Them, ? URTAINS. ^ LACE CURTAINS Just as It does ff vo Big Stores. If you want Lac* ii ire showing at this Big Sale. ^ DERSKIRTS. ji to be seen at Anniversary Prices, ts at 80 CENTS. f at $1.29. >IDERY. j COUNTER of Embroideries. You I ite values. /," 1 no Into this lot at a Moving Price, CES. ff d Laces, worth 7 Cents the yard, f f A 1-2 CENTS THE YARD. a FORGET. |; ils sale you yet them at 20 PER ft JLAR PRICES. JON COMP'Y- JJ G. H. O'LEARV. ART SQUARES We invite all housekeepers and peo| pie who like to see beautiful things to come and see our showing of ART SQUARES. It is rich in handsome designs and colorings and the prices ' range from 9S to $25 Each. FURNITURE I N ' In Furniture we have, a very large ' stock that is complete in every detail. If it comes under the general head of Furniture and goes In a home, you > will And it here. Our qualities are the I best that a given amount of money will buy?not only In Torkville, but anywhere. If you contemplate adding any kind of Furniture to ybur home furnishings it is to your Interest to see our Furniture stock before you i make purchases. Q. H. O'LEARY, "MURALIA" 18 THE LATEST WALL COVERING OUT TO DATE. 8EE ME?I HAVE IT, AND AIL OTHERS. A. B. GAINE8. I W Horse Shoe Robinson?bound In oloth, by mail $1.10, from The Enquirer. i 4* 4" 4* 4" 4* 4 4* 4s * 4* *2* 4* i*+i jjjf ^ fttf +1 1>1* * <$.* 54>4.: **i++ ** 3^5 *t li4 *i *+* I EE *J \t*\ t*i^jl **'' It*! ** - j*+j < It? ord +* 1+3 -vfr 5++S A* J"*** ~ s I r ! 4?* 1**1 ** 3**5 44 3**5 un tt lit! If V *** I iA <*4 U 44 3*4? 4* M 44 ?+4| 44 i*42 44 I*4! CO j; d +4 -*4^.? - 4 j++f 44 3**2 4> 34 J ? ^ 1 : 4*5 ^ -'4* i^4?5 T 3aT * -?. 4 J*45 ?^4 . 2 44* tie at 44 HI 44 ... <44^ 44 3445 44 ;++i it ill if iffi 4 V T V TTT j44J 344; S3 5TTJ 5^5 VH?| *A*AA*A?UIUItlU?A?tAKA*A?U*A? 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* ** 4* 4* 4* I* + ? '^ ^^^ ^ ^ TTTTVV ^r<Tr4T?r4r*i?,f^T^r4TiiT^r?T