Special JRotices. ? TOt? ~ ?i-2-? ? ? Holiday Rates via Southern Railway. The Southern railway will aell Excursion tickets between all points East of the Mississippi and South of the Ohio and Potomac rivers to and from St. Louis and Intermediate points. Rate one fare and one third plus twenty-flve cents for round trip. Tickets sold December 20th, to 25th, Inclusive. December 30th.?31st, 1906 and January 1st, 1907, with limit good to leave destination returning not later than midnight January 7th, 1907. For full Information, apply to any ticket agent of the Southern Railway, or write R. W. HUNT, Q. B. ALLEN, D. P. A. Asst. G. P. A. Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Clubmakers For The Enquirer. As Is pretty generally understood It *- I'Ha T?nnti{fOP tf\ HIHOOTI - IS I lie 1UIC V/4 -L 11V X??4U<*V< tlnue all subscribers at the expiration of the time paid for. The reason for this rule hardly needs explanation. It is business. After we have sent t?^e paper during the period specified in the subscription price we have filled our part of the contract, and we do not feel warranted in assuming the right to try to bind the subscribers into a new contract without his consent. And that Is not all. It is a violation of the postal law to continue sending a paper to a subscriber after the expiration of his subscription period, and for violation of this law the publisher is liable to lose his second class postal privilege. Already quite a large per cent of the subscriptions which expire 4n January next have been renewed through clubmakers and otherwise. There are quite a number of others that have not been renewed. Of these there are some fco doubt who do not want the paper another year. Their subscriptions will be stopped promptly upon expiration. There are others who do not desire to miss an issue, and for the benefit of these we gives below a list of clubmakers who have either already commenced sending in names for next year, or who wl". do so on the request of the subscriber: J. K. Allison Hickory Grove. Miss Isabelle Arrowood. .No. 3, Clover. Ronnie Rnrron Yorkville. Miss Janle Brandon..No. 8. Yorkvllle. R. B. Black Lockhart. W. McG. Bailey, No. 1 McConnellsvllle. W. H. Bird Grover, N. C. J. Wendell Barber Fort Mill. J. A. Barry No. 1, Filbert. J. H. Bigham Sharon. W. J. Caveny Rock Hill. G. M. Carroll No. 1. Yorkvllle. T. C. C&stles No. 1, Smyrna. John L. Clark No. 1, Yorkvllle. 1 Jno. M. Craig No. 8. Yorkvllle. W. H. Crook No. 1, Fort Mill. Arch D. Dorsett Clover. S. S. Farls No. 6, Rock Hill. W. B. Flanagan Bowling Green. B. B. Ferguson No. 5, Yorkvllle. W. M. Faulkner, Jr., No. 1 Kings Creek. James Grist Yorkvllle. W. E. Gettys No. 2. Yorkvllle. G. A. Gettys Roddeys. J. D. Good No. 1, Sharon. C. C. Hughes No. 7, Yorkvllle. T. J. Hopper Yorkvllle. Clarence Hood No. 1, Sharon. E. M. Howe No. 1. Filbert. Kelly Inman..No. 1, Bullock's Creek. J. Frank Jackson No. 3, Clover. ! Raymond Jackson Yorkvllle. I Geo. W. Knox Clover. I T. E. Love No. 4, Clover. 1 W. S. Lesslle Lesslie. I Miss Maggie Leech No. 1, Hickory. I Miss Annie Martin... .No. 8, Yorkvllle. I A. W McFarland No. 3, Yorkvllle. ! Harry Miller No. 66, Yorkvllle. I R. R McLure No. 6, Yorkvllle. ! L. B. McGIll No. 3. Clover. J. Webb Moore No. 3, Yorkvllle. Miss Sallie McConnell McConnellsvllle. Howard McMackin No. 4, Clover. ; W. A. Mitchell No. 1. Sharon. W. H. Moore ."..Rock Hill, i J. S. Plexico Tirzah. ? * Chornn I J. s. fiexico A. L. Purcell No. 1, Sharon. Dr. W. A. Pressley Rock Hill, % Clyde Ratchford Bullock's Creek. J. N. Roberts McAdenville, N. C. ' Miss Minnie Rateree..No. 8. Yorkville. < 0. L. Suggs No. 8, Yorkville. Miss Daisy Simril Yorkville. I J. F. A. Smith No. 1. Yorkville. . J. H. Sherer No. 1, Sharon. ' Sidney Sherer Sharon, j J. J. Smith Clover. Jeff D. Whltesides Hickory. I Miss Lizzie Wood Clover. Miss Mamie Warren..No. 8, Yorkville. Joseph M. Whltesides Hickory. If in the above list we have mentioned the names of any who do not intend to make clubs, they will do us a favor by dropping us a card at once. We will take pleasure in adding the names of new clubmakers as rapidly as they are received. $hf gorlwille (fotton iRnrkr. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Letts Bros. ! Yorkvjli.r, December 18, 12 in.?The | local market stands as follows: Cotton .. 9 to 92 I i^atta bros. | HYMENEAL. J Married?At the home of the bride's brother. Mr. J. L. McCarter, 1 near Bethany. December 13. 1906, by Rev. R. M. Stevenson. Mr. KNOX H. PACKARD of Cleveland county. N. C.. and Miss CALLIE McCARTER of York county. S. C. MONEY LOST. ON December 13, on Ridge road between Bethany and T. F. Gordon's. sum of money, including two 35 bills arid 38 or 310 in silver. Finder will receive reward by returning same to me. HENRY WATTS. WHOSE DOG? YOUNG fine looking, white Bull Terrier, wearing bright metal collar has been at my house since December 14. Owner can have it by calling and paying cost of this advertisement. GEORGE HYMES, Yorkvllle, S. C. Our Best Attention Everything of a Banking nature entrusted to our care, receives our Best attention. We shall be glad to have a share of your business. LOAN & SAVINGS BANK, YORKVILLE. S. C. Useful Gifts While you are casting about for gifts for friends, you will do well to remember that gifts that are useful are Just as much appreciated as gifts that are given because of their beauty, and while you may be thinking of the useful kind of gift let us suggest SILVER KNIVES AND FORKS TABLE AND TEASPOONS SHEARS AND SCISSORS CARVING SETS POCKET KNIVES RAZORS?either Ordinary or Safety, and scores of other articles that will fit almost any occasion. You will find our qualities A-1 and our prices amazingly low. See us. YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO. - Mrs. FOUSHEE Scientific Dressmaker (Rooms Over Foushcc's Old Stand) P. S.?Just Installed a Button Ma chine WILL MAKE BUTTONS (All sizes) at 12 l-3c per dozen. AN HONE$T, HIGH-MINDED MAN Would revolt at the itfTa' of sitting down to and enjoying a feast, and then going away without paying hi: share of the reckoning. Likewise, nc right-minded man should be satisfied to trade on quotations secured and maintained by the labors and Influence of a broker, without making some suitable return, in the way ol commissions to the broker who established the quotations. Who Pays the Fiddler Fur Those Who Dance ? Bid Asked Tavora Cotton Mill See 75 Yorkville Hardware Co.... 105 Neely MTg Co See 107 First National Bank 120 Loan & Savings Bank .... See Clover Cot. M'f'g Co. Stock Wanted. Dr. M. W. WHITE, Opposite Poetoffice Yorkville, S. C. At the New Store If It is Clothing, llats. Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Trunks. Suit Cases, you want. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THIS STORE. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS: If you are looking for something for Christmas presents, let us suggest Table Cloths Dollies, Handkerchiefs. Handbags, Neckwear, etc., or In fact anything else that your fancy might dictate. If you want anything in Dry Goods of good qualities at very low prices you can find them here. Wishing to every one of our customers and friends and to all mankind a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous Xew Year, we are Yours to serve. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO.. Sell for Less. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. -FOR SALE ONE Four-Year-Old Mule. One Twelve-Year-Old Mule. One Deering Eight Disc Harrow. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Shoes We have decided to Shoes Shoes reduce our stock of Shoes Shoes Shoes and In order to Shoes Shoes do so have marked Shoes Shoes the Prices Down to Shoes Shoes a little above cost.* Shoes Shoes Ask to see our Shoes. Shoes Shoes Shoes almost at cost. Shoes SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! PANTS AT COST! PANTS! PANTS! PANTS! PANTS! Pants AEhPeSJ! Pants Pants ilTCoST! Pants Pants AT DOST! rains Pants AT COST! Pants Pants AT COST! Pants PANTS! PANTS! PANTS! J1 A NTS! THE 3&>&K SUPPLY CO. f WE SELL ^ (money j orders - A.T THE Lowest Rates T i First National Kimk, ^ ) Yorkvllle S. i\ ( Wf Take home a box of Lowney's Bonbons from the York Drug Store. Not One Sane Man Out of 1,000 actually believes that it is possible to buy $1.00 in value for less than $1.00 when he starts out to buy anything of recognized value except life Insurance. mosi sane men kuuh mai uiuck keep their eyes open they are liable to pay 11.25 for 100 in value. There Is no mystery about the apparent lack of business sense in connection with the purchase of life insurance, and it is accounted for on the ground that 99 out of every 100 buy life Insurance from an agent instead of from a company, taking the agent's word for the claim that the company he may be representing is the one that holds the record for everything calculated to be to the Interest of the insured. when it may be a fact that that same agent has represented as many as a half dozen different companies in as many years, and made the same claim for each in turn, und has changed companies from time to time because he knows from experience that people buy insurance from the agent instead of because of any actually known merit of his company, and believes that it is to his present financial interest to work for the company that pays him the largest commission. We have been trying to represent the Mutual Benefit for nearly eight years, notwithstanding the fact that it pays Its agents a smaller commission than any company doing business in the State. We depend entirely on the company's policy contracts and its sixty-two years' record for honorable dealing with all members, for busi" A It ll'P IHT >?"?. V y XT SlIVIV vu IV >yvvMv>nv know we can prove it is the best policy-holder's company in business, and that every man we Insure is certain to be satisfied, and will be certain to help spread the Rood work. SAM M. (JHIST, Six-Hal Agent. Something for Nothing Is Us. ally Fraudulent lint Cash on the S|H>t is a genuine prize. For a few days before Christmas we always have more trude than we can handle. To relieve this congestion it will be mutually profitable to give early customers a part of our profits. So here is an attractive offer: For Three Days ? Wednesday. Thursday and Friday?positively not Saturday and Monday?We will give the following Cash rebates on anything in stock, except Groceries: 10 jx-r cent on Purchases from SI.00 to $2.50. 15 per cent on Purchases from $2.50 to $5.00. lio |km* cent 011 i*ur<*iiHs?'s mini ?.i.ii" and Upwards. Now this includes everything except Groceries?5 cts. or $5.00 articles. and there is no fraud in the matter. We are loaded with stuff and want Cash instead. Have eight people to serve you. W. Adickes Company ?A*A*A*AIU*AIU*A*A*A*A>U Hr^TVlTilTilTJiTKTilTVlTHTilTHTil II VISIT Ifr S|p Before Buyir III ! ?||i ? |7 ITH CHRISTI \ MS oc cuitahl* Sm ' 11 solved if you v *1?* THE york drug si 2+iji tioii that would be unsu i spend this way. The H ^ 1+ * city, its qualities are all jffg acting of buyers. If yoi 11 % you may not care to buj jPjj TODAY. It is a displa; pieces are sold, and the < IF YOU'VE BOOKS, ETC FOR CHILDREN?Mother Goose and other Rhymes, Buster Brown (illustrated); Andersen's and Grimm's Fairy Tales, Robinson Crusoe, Story Books, Christmas Cheer Books, Santa Claus Books, etc., 10c and Upwards. FOR GROWN-UP8?Shakespeare in sets; the popular Poems by various authors and Gift Editions of the Popular Novels by the Leading Authors at Popular Prices. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS?Many very handsome productions in Plush and Celluloid Covers, some with music box In back?$1.00 to $5.00 Each. SCRAP BOOKS?Always useful and frequently referred to. A nice line. 50c to 2.C0 Each. FOR CHILDREN?Building. ABC and Sectional Animal Blocks?a half dozen varieties. Outline Drawing Slates?Entertaining: and instructive to children?5c to 50c Each. STATIONERY?We've always been the leader In Fine Correspondence Stationery. This Holiday season we've outdone ourselves. Our Stationery line cannot be matched outside of the larger cities for Richness, Elegance, Style, Variety and good values In Fine Stationery. We can please all comers. Paper with Envelopes to match?25c to $5.00 a Box. See our Stationery. Ladies' Lap Writing Desks?Very convenient?$1.00 ana Upward. SMOKERS' ARTICLES?If it's a gentleman you wish to remember?perhaps he's a smoker?we would suggest a Box of Cigars, a Meerschaum Pipe. Cigar Case, or a Meerschaum or Brier Cigar Holder. (On the quiet Ladles, we'll tell you that our Cigars can be given to your gentlemen friends with perfect safety. They are good enough to be smoked without humorous reflections or insinuations). #*? *Again we want tc have the advantage of t\ Rush might make you ot i tee: k*k*A*,k*A*A*,AKA*AKAKAXA*k? TvTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTV1 C Buy Your Holiday Goods from The York Drug Store. Good Things to Eat. I am continually receiving new and desirable seasonable edibles, and can always supply your table with the choicest of High Grade Groceries. Among the latest arrivals are A BARREL OF NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES?Best quality. LONDON LAYER RAISINS?Best Quality. SEEDED RAISINS?Best Quality. CURRANTS?Cleaned, ready for use?Best Quality. CITRON?Best Grade. GRAPES?Very Choice. ORANGES?Best Florida's. CHEESE and MACARONI?Make It Into "Yankee Doodle"?Good. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. The Enquirer Wants Your Orders for Commercial Printing. ? Til V A Vrf T* T* V* Y* Y* T d V* Y* J* 1? qrand i a ? if _ p (HRISTMA 11 THE STAR E if 5? The Southern Has C 11 Goods Jus tl .... COME A VPWE ARE DISPLAYI> MOST CAREFULLY SELECT1 5 5 PRESENTS, INCLUDING THE I ING CASES in Leather und