ANALY3I8 OF THE VOTE. Correspondent Insists That the Dispensary Issue Was Confused With the Ten-Hour Law. Editor Torkvllle Enquirer: Although fully endorsing the spirit of your editorial In Tuesday's paper, suggesting that we now leave the political situation to those whose business we have made it to take care of It, I ask you to give me space to call attention to a fact that seems to me to be significant, and that is the way In f which the mill vote is being used by the politicians to offset the farmer vote. Take the four mill towns of Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Torkvllle and Clover, and you will observe that the vote cast for the dispensary candidates Is greater than the vote cast for the antl-dispensary candidates. Here are the figures: t. Ardrey ?fi Glasscock 890 Massey 710 Slaughter 856 Now take the country vote outside of the mill towns and you will observe that the conditions are reversed as follows: Ardrey 568 Glasscock 442 Massey 602 Slaughter 477 ., Of course, the mill vote was not interested In the dispensary question, the main issue that was stirring our people. It cared but little about this matter. But as I have seen the situation, it appears to me that the dispensary party, seeing from the first election that the country vote was against them not only in York county, but throughout the state, went after the mill vote for everything they were worth with the 10-hour labor law and every other proposition that was calculated to-stir the mill people. The Inconsistency of the dispensary party in this matter is made apparent when tt is remembered that its con Al ?* ?tae nnttlnir venuon some umc n^u, o & 10-hour plank In Its platform reconsidered the same. Now, of course, it is not to be understood that the entire vote at the towns named was cact by mill operatives; but it is a fact that a la rye element of the citizenship of this town remained away from the polls and I am informed that the same thing occurred in Torkville. That the people of the county as a whole are opposed to the continuance of the state dispensary machine Is indicated by the vote for Ansel and Lyon. Obstrvor. Rock Hill. S. C., Sept IS. 1006. MERE-MENTION. Judge Gunnison, in the United States district court at Valdez, Alaska. last week sentenced convicted Japanese seal poachers to three months imprisonment A raft containing 4,000,000 feet of lumber is on its way from Astoria, Ore., to San Diego, Cat. a distance of 1,500 miles Zenalde Konoplianlkovo, the girl who assassinated General Mln, at Peterhof, Russia, Aug. 20, was hanged last Monday night Clarence Kingman Wooster, a Chicago millionaire, committed suicide last Sunday, by cutting his throat with a razor....... The United States government is taking steps to stop the publication in St. Louis of the "Regeneracion," a paper which Is ad vocating the overthrow of the Mexican government After tomorrow General Arthur MacArthur will be the lieutenant general of the army, vice Henry C. Corbin. retired. "Dan Patch" broke the mile pacing record at St. Paul, Minn., last week, by going the mile In 1 minute and 55 seconds Pennsylvania's new capitol building cost $10,000,000 A New York man Jumped off the Brooklyn bridge Monday. He hit the water feet first and arose swimming, and uninjured As the result of a land slide 255 persons a were burled alive at Kwareli, Russia, last Monday.. Wm. Jennings Dnran h*Mn A tour Of the SOUth St St. LouU^liOBday. He will visit Kentucky. Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Governor Lea of Delaware, has pardoned John Boozer, a negro convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged in that state two years ago The semi-annual meeting % of the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers is in session at Lake : Cham plain, N. T Congressman Llttlefleld has been reelected to congress from the Second Maine district. The Federation of Labor made a hard fight against Llttlefleld... .United States marines were landed in Havanna yesterday from the cruiser Denver to protect Amernaiu Interests and incidentally the Cuban government William Randolph Hearst has been nominated tor governor of New York by the Independence league of that state. The league nominated a full state ticket... Paul O. Stensland, the defaultng Chicago bank president, has left Tangier, Morocco, on his return to the United States. Stensland attempted to kill himself with poison a few days ago. ^ * ? ? Charleston special of Wednesday to the Columbia State: At a conference of Mayor Pro Tern Lapham and Freight Bureau Manager Jackson today, it was decided that the latter should leave here tomorrow for New York to confer with Agents Oelrichs & Co., of the North German Lloyd Steamship company regarding the outward cargo, freight rates, etc., of the steamship Frankfurt, which will ar^ rive here next month from Bremen Will! H, UUIIlutri ui iiiuiiisiaiuo. AuajvrK Lapham received a letter today from the agents in reply to his communication. but the agents were not able to furnish the desired information, but were very appreciative of the efforts of .the mayor and the commercial organizations to make the CharlestonBremen line a success. It was thought that a personal interview can better ? and more satisfactorily conclude matters and the visit of Mr. Jackson to New York was determined upon. Manager Jackson will also confer with railroad officials at Washington on his way back to Charleston, relative to the co-operation of the roads in securing the freights for the big German liner. Manager Jackson is-thoroughly familiar with the matter of rates, having been engaged all his life in railroad and steamship freight departments and 9 his connection with the freight bureau further equips him for a satisfactory adjustment of the matter, making his services of material help to Col. Watson and other promoters of the steamship line. Synod Will Likrly Elect.?Rev. Dr. W. W. Orr, pastor of East Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian church and a member of the board of trustees of Erskine college, at Due West s c is of the ooinion that the ?r synod will be called upon to elect a successor to Dr. F. Y. Pressly, as president of that institution. The synod meets at Camden, Ala., in November. The Erskine board of trustees will be in session the day before the convention of the synod. Dr. Orr states that there is a very strong sentiment being manifested in favor of the election ol the new president by the general synod and that it is highly probable that this will be done.?Charlotte Observer. Special Jlotires. w Meeting at Mt. Vernon. The members of Mt. Vernon M. E. church, especially the male members, are requested to meet at the church on important business next Saturday morning, Sept. 16, at 10 o'clock. J. C. Counts. Sept. 11 t.f 2t AT THE CHURCHE8. CHURCH OF THE GOOD . SHEPHERD. rev. j. a babin, rector. Sunday Services.?Sunday schoo at 10 a. m. No other services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. e. e. gillespie, pastor t Sunday Services?Sunday school a 10 a. m. Morning service at l: o'clock. Evening service at 8 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL rev. j. l. stokes, d. d., pastor. Sundat Services?Morning: servic* at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 4.31 p. m. Evening: service at 8 o'clocl conducted by Rev. E. K. Hardin. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. rbjv. w. c. effart, pastor. I Sukdat Services.?Sabbath schoo I at 10 a. m. Morning: service at 11 I o'clock. Evening service at 8 o'clock. I BAPTIST. I Sundat Services?Sunday schoo I at 10 o'clock, a. m. Dr. J. J. Hagins, Optician IWill be In Hickory Grove, Sept. 19th; I Sharon, Sept 20th; Yorkvllle, Sept 121st. Eyes examined free. York Baptist Association. The thirty-eighth annual session ol the York Baptist association will convene with the Clover Baptist church or Tuesday, October 16, 1906, at 11 a. m td Sam M. Grist, -Clerk. 8ervices at the Baptist Church. Rev. I. G. Murray of LaFayette I Alabama, is expected to conduct serI vices in the Yorkvllle Baptist church I on next Wednesday evening at f o'clock, and each evening during the I balance of the week at the same I hour and on Sunday, the 22nd, at 11 la. m., and 8 p. m. Each member ol I the church is urged to attend these I services, and the public generally if [also cordially Invited. Sam M. Grist, J. C. Buroe, Lewis G. Grist, I Committee. -*-* kaM ajulaa teiier iu n nmvm.) Torkvllle, S C, Dear Sir: We asked City Drug Co, Crystal Springs, Miss, to sell Devoe. They wanted to know, bf their own knowledge, how It compared with another paint they knew all about?It was sold right there, and considered good. They painted the house of W 8 McCluney two coats on purpose to test the two paints against one-another: one coat Devoe 6 gallons; the other coat that other paint JO gallons. Difference $20; $7 for paint, $1$ for labor. That other paint is made in New Orleans; is pure; is considered an excellent paint, and has a good deal of local goodwill. But the standard of paint has been low all through the southwest. That paint is thin; it is, you see, six-tenths of a paint. Devoe saves $20 over it on half a small job. It Is a case of local best compared with actual best. Tours truly 16 F W DEVOE ft CO P. S?J. J. KELLER & CO., sell our Paint. OBITtJARY. Diej>?At Klnston, N. C., on Wednesday, September 12, SAMUEL HART ROUNDTREE, aged eightytwo years. She gorhuille (fotton JRarhei. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Meter*. Latta Brot. Yorkvilxe, Sept. 14, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: New cotton 71 to 81 Old cotton 91 to 9| 1.ATTA BRO? REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. THREE lots on W. Madison St., one seven room house and three small houses. Three houses and lots on EJ- Madison street. Fourteen acres of good land just outside incorporate limits with two houses; for sale or rent J. W. DOBSON. gept. 14. f tf. GRADED SCHOOL OPENING. The Graded 8chool Will Open Monday Morning, Sept. 17th, at 8.45. IT Is very important in order tc faciliate organization and arrange ment of classes that all pupils enter on the first day of school. Attention is called to the regulation of the Board, that no pupils will be admitted into the First Grade after school has been in session four weeks unless such pupils wishing to enter after this time can be classified without the necessity of making new class for them. Second Grade pupils will come to school at 11.15 o'clock. The terms for the music classes, in charge of Mrs. F. P. McCain, will be $2.50 per pupil per month, including eight lessons, with not more than two lessons per week to any pupil. J. C. ALLEN, Superintendent. We Have What You Need COME TO OUR STORE AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A DOLLAR BOTTLE OF THIS GREAT BLADDEE KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY FREE. Come and see for yourself. Yours to serve, CLOVER DRUG CO., Clover, 3. C. VALUABLE PLANTATION Containing 600 Acres, for Sale by Dr R. Andral Bratton and Wm. B. Mc Caw. WE will sell at either private 01 public sale, that superb planta tlon, situate In Bethel township, Yorl county. South Carolina, six mile! northeast of Yorkville and abou four miles s outheast of Clover known as the GILES C. ORMAN'D plantation, containing SI> HUNDRED (600) ACRES, more oi less for ONE-FOURTH CASH, re malnder on a credit of one, two an< three years, secured by purchaser*! note and a mortgage of the prem ises. Purchaser so desiring will hav< the privilege of paying all cash. Th< nlantatinn has an r>vnall?nt rtwallini house, containing 8 large squari i rooms, in the centre of a beautifu oak grove, surrounded by orchards o fine fruit. The other Improvement consist of a brick smoke house, wells of fine water, excellent bari ' and stable, fine crib, gin-house, an< 5 tenant houses, all with brick chim neys. i We will subdivide the plantatioi into a number of tracts to suit th< purchaser or purchasers. Plats cat be seen in office of Wm. B. McCaw Esq., Yorkville, S. C. If not sold b; private sale, before the FIRST MON DAY IN NOVEMBER. 1906, th? subdivisions of said plantation wil . be sold at public auction in front o the Court House door at Yorkville i South Carolina, on said date. Fo further information apply to WM. B. McCAW, No.l Law Range, Yorkville, S. C. Sept. 14. f tf. "IT MUST BE TRUE." Old Man Ben Johnson, the amiable grocery merchant, said that John Barnwell, the competent electrician 1 and singer, told him that "Toothy White," the tusk puller, said that Geo. Schorb, the expert piano tuner told him that Cat Clark, the affable mall carrier heard that Mart Hall, the successful farmer, said that Will I Wallace, the well known contractor L of Yorkville, S. C., heard that Frank Smith, the gay widower had declared that J. A. Tate, the cheerful old bachelor and clerk said In plain u terms that Louis Roth, the heavy weight merchant In mackerel and b oysters, caught Rusty McCorkle up \ a cw^oo^/1 tolonhnnft nnla moklnc ft t very broad statement saying that In his opinion and the opinion of Mr. Frank White, and a matter of fact and great public interest, that the " best paint to use is "Peninsular Semi-Paste Paint." It weighs mor& measures more, covers more space, 1 wears longer, cost less and -has a posl itive guarantee with each gallon. Sold by the THE STAR DRUG 8T0RE. D. L. 8hieder, Prep. I TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons Indebted to estate of J. W. P. HOPE, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to me at once. All persons having claims against said estate will present them to me, duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. SAM W. INMAN, Administrator. * Sept. 7 f 3t T Horse Shoe Robinson?bound in I cloth, by mail $1.10, from The Enquirer. i; SPECIAL I II LENOIf 1 <> M! .. _ ?VER . Carolina & INori ,| FRIDAY, S ! I TO ATTE ii! BIG AUCTION : (i i ii I, 1 ii IN THE NE s L E R I : PINE RESIDENCE SEC' | j; FREE LUNCH 11 YOUR PRICE 1 lmr mm ap I "WE SELL T FALL CLOTHING I am -now receiving large shipments o! FALL and WINTER CLOTHING iu the cheaper grades. The better grades will arrive within a few days. In the meantime If you want a Suit of Clothes of medium price you cannot do better than come to see me for what you want. The Clothing I handle is made by one of the largest Clothing Manufacturing houses in the United States and is cut with all the precision and accuracy as to detail . that Is put into Tailor-made goods. My prices are as Ibw as ean be secur ed for like qualities, wnen you are , ready for Clothing come and see me. i Hats are one line of my business to which I give especial attention, because every man wears a Hat and when he buys he wants the BEST his : money will purchase. That is just > the kind of Hats I sell?the very best in Quality that a given amount of money will buy. When you want a first-class Hat come and see me. J. Q. WRAY. The Leader. IN EVERY BRANCH OF BANKING, IT IS THE POLICY OF THE BANK TO GIVE PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE. AND i EVERY DOLLAR DEPOSITED i i IN THIS BANK IS 8AFE. The First National Bank, Yorkville 8. C. New Millinery Our fall street, dress and shape Hats have arrived. They are beauties, up-to-date In style and low In price, considering quality. We have some beauties in Tips, Wings and Feathers, and all the latest shapes and styles In Hats. See Mrs. Dobson and give her your orders before the rush begins. She is posted In all the dots In head gear. Don't forget that our laundry . leaves every Tuesday evening for Charlotte Steam Laundry?oldest and best?gives you domestic or gloss finish. New customers every week. We pay promptly for any goods lost. r DOBSON BROS'. CASH STORE. c s Phone 12. t : Strained Honey. l 9 ? e ; I have Just opened one barrel ol e strained Honey, prime quam? 01 j $1.10 a gallon. s 1 Also one barrel Porto Rico Molasses J best to be had at 60c. a gallon. In Cereals I offer fresh Cream o1 1 Wheat, fresh Oatflakes, fresh Egg-Oil See?a new Wheat preparation used , without cooking. V I Plenty fresh MACKEREL. 1 LOUIS ROTH. r W The Enquirer office makes e specialty of Brief and Argument printing. Best work?lowest price Hardly WHAT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THINGS NEW?BUT HERE'S TODAY: TAPESTRY, VELV1 RUGS. LACE, SWISS and DOBINE LADIES' NECKWEAR. I GRAY AND PLAID SUITE THE POUSHEt ^ YORKY BOYS AND GIRLS? |\|j LET SPECIAL MOXI NOTICE. THE firm of W. R. BURGESS & SON has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, W. R. Burgess having purchased the Interests of A. C. Burgess. W. R. Burgess assumes all of the liabilities of the late firm of W. R. Burgess & Son, and all persons Indebted to said firm are requested to settle with W. R. Burgess. W. R. BURGESS, A. C. BURGESS. Sept. 5th, 1906. Sept. 7 f St RATES TO :i N. C? | THE j J th-Western Ry. ;; n ;; cnT iict ii cr i, a i^i | ND THE SALE OF I! a CITY LOTS I! w SUBURB INCO n?n | good investment ;; music ;; terms to suit j| t'l) INSURANCE CO., HE EARTH." LAND FOB SALE. L. K. Armstrong Plantation to Bo Sold For Partition. ON MONDAY, Sales day for OCTOBER, between the legal hours of sale, we will offer at public auction, before the Court House door at Yorlcvllle, all that tract of land situated In Bethel township, CONTAINING 281 AND 4-5 ACRES, and known as the L- K. ARMSTRONG HOME PLACE, now belonging to the estate of Mrs. E. L. Stanton, deceased, and coming to us as the legal heirs of the said Mrs. E. L. Stanton. The planMtioni#t8 one of the best In Bethel township, within two miles of Bethel church and within four miles of Clover. The Improvements Include a first-class two-story eight room house, two good barns and five good tenant houses. The adjoining land owners are J. B. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stanton, S. J. Clinton, Miss Emma Ford, and othera The Wright's Ferry and Clover road skirts the property on the south. Terms of Sale?One half CASH, and the remainder on a credit of one ana two years, wun < per cent interest from day of sale, to be secured by the purchaser's bond, and a mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to the purchaser to pay all cash; purchaser to pay for all papers. J. B. MILLER, MRS. M. E. CAMPBELL, J. M. MILLER, Legal Heirs. Sept. 7. f. 4t. \ Fall and | SEASON 0 A OUR Mr. CHARLES W. SI \ markets, where he spent a week J FALL AND WINTER GOODS. a buying a stock of goods tht f buyers of Dry Goods, Notions, Dre A market. Our customers need h? In position to take care of their t i Our Fall stock is now arrivl \ and we hope by the last of next w f line of goods in every departme S least we will have enough goods spectable showing and one which factory idea of what may be expe SMITH COMPANY this season. 4 will not be amiss at this time. 1 4 SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN / \ ment we have given the same ra w been our habit in past seasons. \ and more varied than ever befoi f Ladles' fine Shoes our leader as 4 this section will be the famous \ CO. These Shoes have been worj 4 a score of years and we have nev a so thoroughly satisfactory in Sty v famous Shoes of the REED facto 4 will arrive shortly. ~ From the Reed quality of l? 4 down through the different gra? \ heavy coarse Shoes. 4 Our leading Shoe for Men \ A OVER BRAND,' which for Style, f ish has no Superior and few eq 4 model of perfection in Shoe mak \ riage to the wearer that is not f market today. A trial of the Wa A Besides the Walk-Over brant f Shoes running down through the (Work Shoes, made to stand the h In Shoes for Boys and Girls on us in Qualities and Styles to r 4 DRESS GOODS?For severa \ partment has been growing in pc 4 clothes in this community. This 4 the procession; but will show a lii f mings second to none in Quali 4 Prices to be found in all this sec 4 CLOTHING.?As Is usual wl \ assortment of medium priced Clo 4 sense of careful buyers of ready a nothing of the away up high clas v that we can give you the FULLE A ING MONEY in medium priced J A HATS FOR MEN AND BOI oln.oin china Wo'll cV>ii->a thlq i been growing steadily larger e? ? years. Our stock will Include H f on upward through the various g ' A productions of the JOHN" B. ST . " are no beter Hats to be had. 1 t And so you will find It thr A department will be found most !r Styles, etc. As to Prices we ai CASH BUYING and CASH SELL care of the Interests of our custi be ready for the Fall trade wltl A ready to make your Fall pure has $ THE STRAUSS-S i ^ Main and Liberty Sts. Know THIS TIME?WE'VE SO MANY ^VHAT WE ARE OPENING UP JIT, SMYRNA AND AXMINSTER T CURTAINS. 4GS. 3 CASH STORE, ILLE, S. C. -Don't forget our SCHOOL TABJAY. F. C. 8. tmmwmmwmtmmmmmmmm The Prime Object Of government is to secure distributive Justice for all. SHOULD IT FAIL OF THI8, IT FAIL8 AT THE POINT ESSENTIAL. THE MAIN OBJECT Of a brolter Is to secure the best obtainable prices for buyer or seller. SHOULD HE FAIL OF THIS, HE FAILS AT THE POINT ESSENTIAL. VT Please remember that the burden of a broker's business is? "By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain, To seek another's profit. And work another's gain." Bid Asked Loan & Savings Bank 120 140 First National Bank 109 (?) Tavora Cotton Mill 75 85 Neely Manufacturing Co...100 108 Dr. M. W. WHITE, Opposite Postoffiee - - Yorkville, 8. C. It's Growing? We make It a point to carry almost everything for which there is any demand in HARDWARE. We don't confine out business to a single line of Hardware, but try to keep In stock a line of everything that can be legitimately put under the head of HARDWARE. That our efforts are being appreciated Is shown by the fact that c>ur business is daily growing larger. More and more people are coming to us for Hardware. Incidentally we want to remind you of our desire to serve YOD when YOU want HARDWARE. Among other things we carry a full stock of PIPING and PIPE FITTINGS. If you want to sink a driven well we can furnish you with the necessary 2 inch Galvanized Piping, the Hand Pumps, and all the other necessities. If you want Piping for steam or water, with all the necessary Fittings you can get that here too. YORKVIIiLE HARDWARE (10. SKUI.E SUPPLIES When the Graded School opens next Monday your children will most likely need various kinds of SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Whatever they may need or thia cne racier, sucn as rens, runholders. Pencils, Colored Crayons, Inks, Corr1 position Books, Exercise Books, Tablets for Ink or Pen, Rulers, Pencil and Ink Erasers, etc., you can find at the YORK DRUG STORE. We will thank you to give us a call arid let us supply you with what you may need. We have it at the right prices. CHILLS and FEVER? If you are a sufferer from these distressing maladies yo.u can free the system of the malarial germs just as easv, if vou will take the proper remedies. We have all the popular Chill Tonics as veil as the famous Osgood's India Cholagogue?the remedy that will knock malarial germs silly In a couple of days. Try it. It will do the work and do it quick. YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOW EN, Proprietor. BALE OF PERSONALTY. AT the late residence In Yorkvllle, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, at 9 o'clock a. m., I will sell at public auction the personal property belonging to the estate of J. W. P. HOPE, deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, horse and wagon, farming tools, several pairs of platform scales, medium sized fireproof, combination lock Mosler safe, and other articles. Terms of sale?CASH. SAM W. INMAN, Administrator. Sept. 7 f 2t WW Wanted.?Yonr orders for all kinds of printed matter. Best work at fairest prices. I Winter F 1906?1907 j V1ITH is back from the Eastern A nr ton rinv<* hnvlnar our stock of Mr. Smith .spared no efforts in ^ it will satisfy the most critical a ss Goods, Furnishings, etc., on this f ive no fearsi but that we will be A >very want in our lines. Ing on every train that comes in, 4 eek to be able to show a complete \ nt from Notions to Clothing. At 9 in our house to make a fairly re- A i will give shoppers a fairly satis- T cted at the store of the STRAUSS- 4 A few remarks about our lines ? lere goes: f LND CHILDREN?To this depart- (j reful attention in buying that has a That our Shoe stock is larger 9 re may be taken for granted. In A well as the leader throughout all * productions of the E. P. REED f n by the ladles of this vicinity for \ er heard of a Ladies' Shoe that is f le, Fit, Finish and Quality as the ry. Our Fa l stock of Reed Shoes idles* shoes our stock will run on Jes to the lower priced goods in vlll be the World-famous WALKDurabillty, Quality, Fit and Finuals. The Walk-Over Shoe is a ;ing. It gives a comfort and carfound in any other Shoe on the ilk-Over Shoe will convince you. 1 we will also have a line of Men's various grades to the heaviest of ardest service of the farm hand, we will be found with the goods lease the fancy of the buyer. 1 years past our Dress Goods de pularity with the wearers of good season we have not fallen behind of Dress Goods and Dress Trimties, Styles, Varieties and Right tlon. f th us we will this season have an A ithing that will appeal to the good > -to-wear Clothing. We will have f is of goods, hut we can assure you A 2SIT VALUE FOR YOUR CLOTH- f foods. A lS.?This Is one line In which we A season, too. Our Hat trade has \ ich season during the past few f [ats from the Cheapest In Quality i ;rndes to the best of all Hats?the " ETSON people?than which there ^ oughout our entire store. Every ^ complete In Varieties. Qualities, A re certain that with our plan of . IXO we will be In position to take I 9mers In every particular. We'll j tin a few days and when you are f 36B don't fail to see the ^ MITH COMPANY, i Yorkville, S. C. j IRK PIIRMTURK CO. FURNITURE, STOVES, Undertaking: Supplies PAINTS, OILS, Etc. Don't Wait for Cold Weather, to Put In r\ i a ~ iluui uraie?. COAL GRATES We have Just received a shipment of grates, finished In Blaclc, Bronze and Nickel, in 16, 18 and 20 Inch, ranging in price from $2.50 to $7.50 each. If you are going to put in a Qrate don't wait until cold weather, have It ready to use when it gets cold. We can supply your wants, If It Is a Grate. I55LT MATTRESSES.?We have the best Felt Mattress we have ever had. Every one warranted to give perfect satisfaction. SPRINGS.?We have the largest line of Bed Springs we have ever had before?all kinds and all prices. Everything In Furniture, Matting, Rockers, Diners, and everything that Is useful and necessary In a home. One Dollar and Fifty Cents Buys one gallon of the best Paint sold on this or any other market. Why pay more and get no better paint than Mastic Mixed Paint?the kind that lasts. Time tells the best. This Paint has been sold on this market for ten years, and every gallon has given perfect satisfaction. Others tell you that their paint Is the best because they ask more for it We could ask more but we don't. Mastic Mixed Paint?the kind that lasts. Call and see us, we can Interest you In nunIItlah And nrlees. THE YORK FURNITURE COM*Y. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. "THE BEST ON EARTH" Broad assertion, you say. Well, we can CONVINCE YOU without a doubt. We have Just recelved a CARLOAD OF OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, and we claim that they are the BEST ON EARTH. They are sold all over Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, and in fact wherever land Is tilled. Now, as to ineir superiority over tui uuier vlyj aThat is admitted by alL When you hear this fellow, that fellow and the pther fellow say anything about the plow he Is trying to sell, he will Invariably say, "It is as good as the Oliver." But no better, thus admitting that the Oliver Is the BEST. So, when you buy a plow you will make no mistake If you buy an OLIVER. The Oliver is guaranteed against any flaws. Any part of an Oliver that breaks as the result of sandholes or other defects, Is replaced FREE OF CHARGE. We are selling One Pound Package of Arm and Hammer Brand Soda for 5 Cents. Come and see us. CARROLL BROS. ti&L Public Confidence 18 ONE OF A BANK'S MOST VALUABLE ASSETS. We now have over 200 Satisfied Customers. If your name Is not on our books, we would be pleased to see it there Before the Close of 1006. You will find that your Truest Friend in times of adversity is the Eank Acocunt. BANK OF CLOVER CLOVER, S. C. JAS. A. PAGE, Cashier. New Goods TETLEY TEA, QUAKER OATS. CREAM OF WHEAT, SHREDDED WHEAT. CORN STARCH, RUMFORD'S BAKING POWDERS, ROYAL BAKING POWDERS, FRESH MACKEREL. I. W. JOHNSON. Aside From the Fact That no company In the United States of established and recognized standing writes as liberal policy contract or guarantees as much to the policy holder as does the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, It Is the only company doing business In this section today that pays all its policy holders annual dividends. If you are a wise man you will use the same kind of discrimination in buying life insurance you would in buying any other valuable piece of property, and buy from a company and not from an agent as It is the former and not the latter with whom the contract Is really made. It Is a duty you owe yourself to thoroughly understand the difference, as well as the standing of the company and character of the contract. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. ROSE'S MARKET. WE pay highest market price In Cash for HIDES. We want to buy at all times flrstclass Beef Cattle and will pay the top of the market for real good cattle. We have at all times the Choicest Beef, which we keep thoroughly cool In our refrigerator. I WALTER ROSE. Aug. 3 f 3m. , AT BRATTON FARM. If OR Sale?English Berkshire Pigs (Vanderbllt stock), butter, eggs, | chickens, green hay In load lots on short notice. Drop me a card, or call ) at my residence on East Jefferson k street, Yorkvllle. S. C. ' J. A. MILLS, Manager. > July 13. f.t tf. I'The Elecl Is Over I AND THE THOMSON COMPAN1 AND HEADS THE TICKET FO SHOES, MILLINERY, LADIES A BROAD CLOT! I Big' line of 64 Inch BROADCL Brown, Gray, Green, Tan, Cadet Bl 154 Inch CREAM BROADCLOTH 4f> Inch BLACK WOOL PEAU-I skirts. Price the Yd., $1.00. 46 Inch Heavy FRENCH SERG1 64 Inch Heavy BLACK SERGE. 46 Inch BLACK POPLIN, the Yi 46 Inch BLACK SILK FINISH : 46 Inch SILK FINISH MOHAIR 140 Inch Black Poplin?the Yard 40 Inch FRENCH BLACK 8ER 46 Inch BLACK SILK WARP H 40 Inch ALL WOOL BLACK HI 3? Inch ALL WOOL BLACK match In Yorkvllle?the Yard, 60 Gray Is one of the leading cc line of 36 Inch GRAY SUITINGS t 164 Inch PLAID SUITINGS for C BED FURNISH They are here and we've got ' 10-4 HEAVY TWILL BLEACH last you a lifetime?Price 40 Cent 10-4 MOHAWK VALLEY BLE A ?Price 35 Cents the Yard. 110-4 SNOW WHITE BLEACH Price SO Cents the Yard. 9-4 BLEACHED SHEETING?P 10-4 HEA,VY UNBLEACHED SO Cents the Yard. MOHAWK VALLEY HEM8TIT CASES?"Torn," not cut?Price 2 i MOHAWK VALLEY HEMMED "Torn"?Price 20 Cents Each. Linen Finished HEMMED PILL MOHAWK VALLEY BLEACHI ?Price 80 Cents Each. MOHAWK VALLEY BLEACH! size 90x90?"Torn" Price 00 Big line of BLEACHED QUILT 85 Cents to SS.50 Each. | The Thomso You Can t4. 1' lilU XL 11C1C No matter whether it le wedding, a birthday or other occasion for which you want a souvenir for a friend you can always And something suitable and appropriate at this store. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass are always acceptable to almost all people, and for almost all occasions. If it is for a gentleman friend that you want to give a souvenir as a token of friendship, a Parker Lucky Curve Pen or a Waterman will prove most acceptable. If it Is for your wife, a set of China Table Ware will prove most acceptable. No matter what the occasion you can And something suitable if you will come to SPECK'S for it T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. COTTON INSURANCE. JAM prepared to write Insurance on Cotton stored either in open yard or in outbuildings on farms. Farmers can arrange to borrow money on my insurance policies on cotton held on their farms the same as if the cotton were stored in a warehouse in town. Rate 3| per cent Write or call at my office for rates of Insurance and other Information. " J. R. LINDSAY. Oct a. tt tf. I O. P. HEATH, Pt. W. S. NEIL YORRVILLE B. , INCORPC "OSBC I The magic of a name has se In the constant and rapidly grow * and machinery bearing the name the result of chance, but comes i the farmers of the world that an the OSBORNE works Is construe sembled In the most skillful man with the least expenditure of moi The Osborne reputation for 1 guarantee that the Osborne standi ed?and that excellent reputation as the Osborne name eudores. OSBORNE We sell the OSBORNE line c we believe they are superior to a factured In the United States. T1 the highest efficiency In the cutt and cane with the least amount ol cry Osborne machine Is built on gone through the theoretical stag severest tests that hay cutting m< considering the question of buyln It, and It will give us pleasure to i of superiority of the OSBORNE points and we think we can show even though you may be skeptict the OSBORNE MOWER Is the n tlon and economy in the running OSBORNE H( If you buy a Mower you will borne Horse Rake is just like th kind. The Osborne Rake Is ma greatest strength and durability, convenient features not to be foui Will ao me muoi aausiai-wij .. us show you where the Osborne best Rake to use. OWENSBOR The OWENSBORO WAGON County wagon users. You can see every highway. Every man who WAGON will tell you that it is tfi They are built of the very best ma will carry their full rated capacll ure. If you contemplate the pur do well to see us about the OW trade. It will cost you nothing t< money in the purchase price, am BORO you will never have any c THE BEST ] While we are talking about about our line of BUGGIES?we the best matters or ineir reapoui users of BUGGIES will tell you th & JONES stand at the very top t that point solely by reason of SI MANSHIP?these Buggies repres< most expert and efficient builders PIEDMONT and the KING BUG mentioned, but such as will give VERY LARGEST VALUE FOR 1 RESENT. We are large buyers o that you will consider well before If you want to buy a Mowei see us before you buy. It's to Y< ^^JTorkvill^B^& T""wmm ** :ion J f UtKPe A nT.C.AW SWFRP a R DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, I ND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 1 SHOWINGS I OTHS for Fall in Black, Navy, I lue and Plum. Price the Yd, $1. [. Price the Yd 91.50. 5E-S0IE?a new black goods for I 2 In Black. Price the Yd., 91.00. Price the Yd., 91.00. ard, 91.00. MOHAIR?the Yard. 91.00. ? . Price the Yard, 91.20. W [, 75 Cents. B OE?the Yard, 75 Cents. IENRIETTA?the Yard, 91.00. 2NRIETTA?the Yard, 75 Cehta. HENRIETTA?one you can't Centa. dors and we are showing a big it 50 Centa the Yard. ^ !oat Suits?the Yard, 91.00. A [INGS I em to please you. [ED SHEETING!?one that will a the Yard. B ACHED SHEETING?full width B ED SHEETING?a good one? 'rice 95 Centa the Yard. SHEETING?full width?Price CHED BLEACHED PILLOW t Cents Each. BLEACHED PILLOW CASES? J OW CASES?n 5 CIS. Each. 2D HEMMED SHEETS?"Torn" ED HEMSTITCHED SHEETS? Cents Each. 8?all new Patterns?Price from >n Company a Jaa. M. 8tarr, J. F. McElwee, President See. and Tress. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. r r p seed oatsl One carload of the best Red Rust Proof Seed Oats. Beautiful clean Oats, at 60 cents per bushel?CASH. This year's Seed Rye, fresh and the best, |1.00 per bushel?-CASH. Pure Cooking Soda in kegs at 5o per pound. We want to buy for Cash 1,600 Frying alxe chickens. 1,000 dosen Eggs, All the old Scrap Iron In the country and a few real good Milch Cows. For sale No. 2 Shingles S2JS0 m. A good heart Shingle |3A0 m. We want to close out this lot and make room for more. Iron Roofing 6, 8 and 10 ft length Corrugated and V-Crimped. Half Patent Flour'$1.75 100 lbs. *V'Y i A car Shingles at Outhrlesvllle. See J. C. BELL. YORK 8UPPLY CO. WATCH REPAIRING. I BEG to announce to the people of Yorkvllle and vicinity that I have .opened up a WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIR SHOP In the window of the York Supply Co., and invite a share of the public's patronage. All work entrusted to me will receive prompt and skillful attention. All work will be Guaranteed satisfactory. Charges reasonable. I am now rqady for business. E. F. W0L7B. V. Pt. R. E. HEATH, 8?c.-Tr. 4 M. COMPANY, )RATRD. )RNE" Idom been better illustrated than ing demand for farm implements OSBORNE. This demand is not solely from the knowledge among y machine or Implement made at ted of the Best Materia], and Asner to do the most effective work tive force. lonest goods and fair dealing is a lrd of excellence will be malntainwill be faithfully guarded as long MOWERS >f MOWERS and RAKES because ny machines of their kind manute Osborne Mowing Machines give Ing of all kinds of grasses, vines f power required for driving. Evscientlflc lines that have not only e, but which have been put to the ichines can De put to. it you are g a Mower now is the time to do joint out to you the various points ! MOWERS. It has its superior ' them to you so plainly that you. il about it, will be convinced that lachlne to buy for ease of opera. At least see the OSBORNE. DRSE RAKES of course need a RAKE. The Os e Osborne Mower?tne nest or lis de of steel, thereby insuring the It contains many essential and id on any other Horse Rake, and k In all kinds of hay fields. Let Rake is the best to buy and the 0 WAGONS ' needs no introduction to York 1 them almost every day on almost has ever used an OWENSBORO le best wagon he has ever used, terials from the ground up. They ty and some over for good meaachase of a Farm Wagon you will 'ENSBORO before you close any > see It?we might save you some d if you should buy an OWENSomplaint to make of your choice. [N BUGGIES ; rolling stock we want to tell you carry a full line of Buggies from :lve grades in the country. All at the SUMMERS and the TYSON >f the heap?-they have _gotten_ to LJPERIOR MERIT ANU WUKKant the very beat products of thy of buggies. Then we also sell the CJIES?cheaper than the first two the buyer of either of them the [ HE MONEY THAT THEY REPif Buggies and can give you prices > you buy elsewhere, r. a Rake, a Wagon, or a Buggy, 5UR INTEREST TO DO SO. : M. Company.