AT THE CHURCHES. CHURCH OP THE GOOD SHEPHERD. REV. J. O. BABIN, RECTOR. Sunday Services?No Sunday school. Morning service at 11 o'clock by Rev. A. E. Evison, chaplain of the Church Home Orphanage. The collection to be taken will be for the orphanage. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. e. ?. qn.i.rafiE. pastor Sunday Services?Sunday, school at 10 a. m. Morning service at ll o'clock and evening service at 8.30 o'cldck. by Rev. W. O. Neville. D. D. J TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rbv. j. l. stokes, d. d.. pastor. 9UNU1I OIUKVIt'SS?ouuua; ovuwi 10 &. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. No evening service. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. HIT. W. c. bwart, pastor. Sunday Services.?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. BAPTIST. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock, s.. m. Special JRolicfs. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our gratitude and thanks to our neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us in connection with the illness and death of Mrs. Mlckle's father, Mr. Samuel O. Blair. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mickle. York Circuit. fHtt Thirrt Quarterly conference meets at St. Paul Saturday, August 18, 10 a. m. Preaching by Rev. R. E. Stackhouse. Sunday, August 19th, preaching at St. Paul, 11 a. m.; King's Mountain Chapel at S.30 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8 p. m. Services at Philadelphia throughout the week, morning and night the preaching to be done by Rev. P. B. Ingraham. E. K. Hardin. Letter to Walter Rose, Torkville, S. C. Dear Sir: A pound of good meat and no bone is worth more than a half-pound of meat and a half-pound of bone; but there are, as you say, a great many people who won't pay more than a certain price by the pound. Give 'em bone; that's right; give 'em plenty of bone! There are people who won't pay more than $1.50 a gallon for paint; give "em bone! There's no better school than experience; cost is high; but the lesson is never forgotten. Let a man paint two houses alike, same size; one Devoe, the other that $1.50 paint. He buys iu gallons 01 each, and pays $3 a day for labor? IS a day Is S3 a gallon, easier reckoning. He has to buy two gallons more of the 31.SO paint; and has two gallons left of Devoe: 12 gallons 31.50, 318; 8 gallons 11.75; 314; 14 more for "cheap" paint. ' He pays 33 a gallon for painting: 8 gallons 324; 12 gallons 136; 312 more for painting "cheap" paint. He'll buy the less-gallons paint after that. If people are slow to learn, it's because they keep-on buying bonemeat. Olve 'em plenty of bone. Yours truly 11 F W DEVOE A CO P. S.?J. J. KELLER A CO. sell our paint. PIGS FOR SALE. ESSEX-BERKSHIRE Pigs for sale. Six-weeks-old. First-class stock. J. WEBB MOORE. R. F. D. No. 3. Yorkvllle, S. C. Aug. 17 f.t 2t FOR SALE CHEAP. First-class ginning outfit. Including Six-horse Engine, Hand Press and 60-Saw Wlnship, with new Belts, all in good condition. Address or call on JOS. W. SMITH. Yorkvllle, S. C. Aug. 17 f.t 2t TWO"CLOVER LOTS. " atph Ar> Qnnfh Main strppt. J_J opposite the Victor Oil Co.'s grinning plant and each containing one acre, for sale at a bargain. For further information call or or write to ., me at Clover. Mrs. M. L. JACKSON. PICNIC AT HICKORY GROVE. THERE will be a Basket Picnic at Hickory Grove on the occasion of the County Campaign meeting on WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22. The public is Invited to participate with baskets. It W. T. SLAUGHTER, for Com. PICNIC AT BLAIRSVILLE. THE County Campaign meeting for Bullock's Creek Township will be held In the Grove near Mr. J. C. Blair's, Instead of 'Squire Blair's, on AUG. 23RD. The Sharon Cornet Band has the grounds for selling refreshments. and will furnish music on that occasion. E. M. BANKHEAD, JAS. N. RUSSELL. Committee. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. POST CARDS! HAVE your Kodak work put on Postals and in this way preserve your work and give pleasure to your friends. The cost is very little and the effect is charming. ORDER POST CARDS. Miss ROSA LINDSAY. Phone 132. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Statement of the Condition of the BANK OF CLOVER Located at Clover, S. C.. at the close of business August 11th, 1906. Resources: Loans and Discounts $ 56,603 43 Overdrafts 52 53 Furniture and Fixtures 103 51 Due from Banks and Bankers 13,552 08 Currency i.wv w .* Gold 2 50 Silver, Nickels and Pennies. 684 43 Checks and Cash Items ... 293 61 Total $73,282.09 Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid In $12,500 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,253 07 Due to Banks and Bankers 529 57 Individual Deposits subject t to Check 36,880 45 Demand Certificates 22,040 00 Cashier's Checks 79 00 Total * $73,282.09 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. Before me came JAS. A. PAGE, Cashier, of Bank of Clover, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. F. E. CLINTON, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 15th day of August, 1906. F. E. CLINTON. Notary Public, South Carolina. JAS A. PAGE, Cashier. Correct Attest: M. L. Smith, Z. M. Niell, H. L. Wright. Directors. % * BETHANY HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Nexl Session opens SEPTEMBER 4TH. Write for Catalogue of particulars. J. D. HUGGINS, Principal, Clover, S. C. July 10 t.f. tf ROSE'S MARKET. WE pay highest market price in Cash for HIDES. We want to buy at all times flrstclass Beef Cattle and will pay the top of the market for real good cattle. We have at all times the Choicest Beef, which we keep thoroughly cool in our refrigerator. WALTER ROSE. Aug. 3 f 3m. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. IN PROBATR COURT. By L. R. Williams, Esq., Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS S. W. INMAN has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of J. W. P. HOPE, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to hnidan at York Court House on the 31ST DAY OP AUGUST, 1906, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seaJ, this 15th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six and in the 131st year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS, Probate Judge of York county. Aug. 17 f 2t PRESCRIPTIONS.-. When you are sick and your family physician gives you a Prescription, you want to have it filled at the Drug Store In which you have the fullest confidence?because if you do not have full confidence in the integrity of the pharmacist who Alls your prescription, why you will certainly have a feeling of skittlshness about the Prescription after you have it Ailed. We wish to assure our customers that it ia our Constant and Unending Care to Guard Against any Errors of any Kind in Compounding Prescriptions. We use every possible precaution to guard against Impure Drugs, Chemicals, etc., and we have no other idea than that of Ailing your Prescription Exactly as Your Physician Prescribes. We will be pleased to have your Prescription work, and our charges will be as small as we can make them. Bring them to the YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN. Proprietor. CLOTHING? TTAT.F PRTCF, II X H AM- ?? UNTIL THE LAST SUIT IS GONE I OFFER ALL OF MY SUMMER CLOTHING AT FIFTY PER CENT DISCOUNT?THAT MEANS JUST HALF PRICE. For instance $10.00 Salts are now going: at $5.00 a Suit. $12.00 Suits are now going at $0.00 a Suit, and so on through the whole of our stock of Summer Clothing. It will pay you to buy and lay'away for next spring's wear. Come early, as there are only a limited number of these Summer Suits left. # FUR HATS I am especially proud of my line of FUR HATS for men and boys. The quality is all there, the style Is all there and the value is all there. My Fur Hat stock includes all the popular styles and shapes and ranges in price from 48c Each up to $5 Each. If you want a Hat that will give you entire and lasting satisfaction buy a JEFFERSON?it will do it.. If you want a Hat tnat will cost you more money buy a JOHN B. STETSON? you can get either here. Every yard of Summer Dress goods must go at some kind of price and if you can use goods of this charac' ter my store is the place to come if )UU naiiv JUUl a nv?n?. my Dress Goods stock there are many very desirable patterns for selection. Be sure to see them. THE BEST SHOES SHOES in all the leathers and in the latest styles as to last and toe. That's what you'll And in my Shoe department. You probably know that I carry a stock of Shoes equal in qualities and styles to any dealer in this section. Every pair of Shoes that goes out of WRAY'S STORE is with the Guarantee to be exactly as represented or you get another pair. If you need Shoes be sure to see me before you buy. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader TOOK MONEY, LEG AND ALL JOHN DOE OF SANDY RUN. CHISELED A HOLE IN HIS WOODEN LEG AND PUT IN IT $434.00 FOR SAP E K.KJSrlMi. UM AWAKENING ONE MORNING FOUND HIS LEG GONE. IT IS HARD TO HIDE MONET FROM A THIEF. THE CORRECT PLACE IS IN BANK?MONEY IS INSURED IN THIS BANK. The First National Bank, Yorkville S. C. FALL GOODS Just received a shipment of FALL HATS for Jf MOWERS and RAKES because ny machines of their kind manuie Osborne Mowing Machines give lng of all kinds of grasses, vines e f power required for driving. Evsclentlflc lines that have not only * e, but which have been put to the ? ichlnes can be put to. If you are g a Mower now is the time to do * >oint out to you the various points ? MOWERS. It has its superior " them to you so plainly that you, ? l1 about it, will be convinced that lachlne to buy for ease of opera- ^ At least see the OSBORNE. )RSE RAKES 5 of course need a RAKE. The Os- ' c< Osborne Mower?the best of Its r de of steel, thereby Insuring the It contains many essential and 8 nd on any other Horse Rake, and y k In all kinds of hay fields. Let t Rake is the best to buy and the t O WAGONS i f [ needs no introduction to York f > them almost every day on almost has ever used an OWENSBORO \e best wagon he has ever used, iterials from the ground up. They f ty and some over for good meae chase of a Farm Wagon you will rENSBORO before you close any 3 Bee It?we might save you some dl If you should buy an OWENSomplalnt to make of your choice. IN BUGGIES I rolling stock we want to tell you 1 carry a full line of Buggies from \ :ive grades in the country. All at the SUMMERS and the TY30N i ?f the heap?they have gotten to [JPBRIOR MERIT AND WORK- J snt the very best products of the of buggies. Then we also sell the QIES?cheaper than the first two the buyer of either of them the [ HE MONEY THAT THEY REP- C f Buggies and can give you prices i you buy elsewhere. ? r, a Rake, a Wagon, or a Buggy, )UR INTEREST TO DO SO. : M. Company. 1 1 . . i NOTICE. 1 CI OUNTY CAMPAIGN meetings i J will be held at the following times j and places: \ Rock Hill, Saturday, August 18. i Clover, Monday, August 20. Bethany. Tuesday, August 21. . Hid kory Grove, Wednesday, Aug. 22. J' BlalrsvlUe, Thursday, August 23. McConnellsvllle, Friday, August 24. Yorkvllle, Saturday, August 25. Candidates will notice that under the rules governing the election they must comply by mid-day on Tuesday, August 14, Inst. Candidates will also take notloe that a they must file with the Clerk of the Court on Saturday, August 25th, Inst., a sworn itemized statement of their campaign expenses. They muat also file another similar statement with same officer immediately after the primary. This applies to every oandldate, magistrates and all others. The penalty for failure In this matter Is a null j and void election, under the law of this State. 1 J.i S. BRICE, County Chairman. Attest: T U C . trn *' Ift. CA1H, Aug(. 10 f 3t j Body--Mind-Soul 1 Must be equally trained to fit a boy * for life. The school that does this honestly Is cheap at any price, and ] any other school is high at any price. Catawba Military Academy ROCK HILL, R. C. Endeavors to do this. It strives after THOROUGH TRAINING?CAREFUL OVERSIGHT ? CANDID DEALING with Parent and Pupil. Rates as moderate as Excellence will allow. | For Information address, D. J. BRIMM, Rock Hill S. C. DUE WEST ' FEMALE COLLEGE. 48TH YEAR BEGIN8 SEPT. I2TH With full Faculty of Five Men and . Nine Women. 146 pupils?26 per cent increase over last year. New " Carnegie Dormitory with all modern : comforts, ready for occupancy in the fall. Usual extras. Board and Tui- . tion $150.00 per year. Rev. JAMES BOYCE, Pres., Due West, S. C. ( Abbeville Co. f Sept 15 i AT BRATTON FARM. FOR Sale?English Berkshire Pigs (Vanderbllt stock), butter, eggs, chickens, green hay In load lots on short notice. Drop me a card, or call at my residence on East Jefferson " street, Yorkville. S. C. J. A. MILLS, Manager. July 13. f.t tf. m V, 20TH I 1-3KL) OhP -S -Vlci K13, Oak Tan Soles, Ladies' ' Hand-Sewed Mens* Shoes?"Bus- ( nd Girlj* Shoes, (Bluchers, High > , Our SHOES are NEW STOCK HER?(No paper Insoles). CD PRICES. IL CLOTH 2 ( and also on dining table to PRO- s Solid and Fancy Colors?Regular i DAY.. 13 CENTS. < IEE CASH STORE LLE. S. C. STOCK OF MEN'S HATS AND ( 3ave yoi\ some money on these. I AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE. rhe State of 8outh Carolina?County of York. IN THK COURT OP COMMON FLMAS. 3am M. McNeel, Plaintiff, vs. Henry W. Thomson et al., Defendants. BY virtue of the decree of foreclosure in the above stated case, and >y virtue of subsequent order, in the ibove stated case. I will expose to jublic sale at York Court House >n the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPrEMBER, 1906, between 11 a. m. ind 2 p. m., the real estate described n the mortgage to plaintiff, and de>A?intlAf? A# In nn #AI n-i ijniuii ui n iii^ii to quuicu no iuiows: 1. All that tract of land lying on Broad river In Bullock's Creek townihip, county of York, and state of louth Carolina, containing SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY (690) ACRES, nore or less; and bounded by lands if Brown Bros., and J. T. Wllkerson in the north; Leech, Estate of Mrs. Smith, Emmett Wylie and Estate of dltchell on the east; Rowland Thomon and J. T. Wllkerson on the south; md Broad river on the west; for a nore particular description of which >y courses and distances see deed of lowland Thomson to myself (H. W. rhomson) recorded In Book No. 21, >age 258, R. M. C. Office York couny, S. C. 2. All that tract of land lying in lowdysville township, Cherokee ounty, state of South Carolina, conainlng FIFTY-SIX AND 85-100 LCRES, more or less; and bounded by apds of Sill Estes on the north; 3road fiver on the east; A. Sarratc in the south; and Salem Church and mi n,sies on ine wen, ior a more tartlcular description of which by courses and distances see the deed ust referred to above. Together vlth all my rights and interests in ind to Howell's Perry, with all the Ixtures, hereditaments and appurtelances to the said premises belongng or in anywise incident or apperainlng, including all franchises of rhatsoever nature and kind the same nay be. Terms of Sale?One-half CASH," ind the remainder on a credit of one rear, with Interest from day of sale, o be secured in each case by the mrchaser's bond, and a mortgage of he premises sold, with leave to the >urchaser to pay all cash; purchaser o pay for all papers, and to pay all ixpenses of foreclosure, Including ees of plaintiff's attorneys in case of oreclosure. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. Aug. 17 f 3t ???????Bp? HI. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. COUNTRY GROUND MEAL WE HAVE FIFTY BUSHELS OF COUNTRY GROUND MEAL. COME, OR PHONE AND GET A SUPPLY BEFORE IT IS ALL GONE -IT WILL GO QUICK. REMEMBER, WE ARE SELLING TOE BEST BUGGY ON WHEELS rOR THE MONEY. THE ROCK KILL SEEMS TO PLEASE THE 3EOPLE, AS WE ARID SELLING rHEM RIGHT ALONG. WE ALSO HAVE SOME CHEAP3R ONES AND SOME THAT COST HORE MONEY. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE IF rOU ARE IN THE MARKET?DOES *OT COST ANYTHING AND YOU VILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS rREATMENT. WE HAVE TONGUELES8 HARROW'S ON THE ROAD. WHICH 5YILL ARRIVE SHORTLY. CARROLL BROS. You Can Find WESH MACKERAL IN TUBS AND ilTS AT JOHNSON'S. *EW SHIPMENT OF COFFEE8 IN'D TEAS. j'RESH HAMS AND BREAKFAST JTRIPS. 2XTRACTS AND SPICES. I. W. JOHNSON. tNECES- s SITY-- H THE MOTHER OF INVENTION" That's why I "Invented" ray "Electric" lewing rooms. Yes, my friends conInued to urge me until I've decided | o devote my entire time to STYLISH DRESS MAk'NG I'm always busy, so please come at >nce to get my "promise" for future Dress Making. Very Truly, MRS. FOU8HEE. (Over Fouehee Cash Store.) You Can Find It Here No matter whether it Is wedding, a drthday or other occasion for which rou want a souvenir for a friend rou can always find something sulta>le and appropriate at this store. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass are tlways acceptable to almost all peo>le, and for almost all occasions. If It Is for a gentleman friend that rou want to give a souvenir as a tokin of friendship, a Parker Lucky 2urve Pen or a Waterman will prove nost acceptable. If it is for your wife, a set of China Table Ware will prove most accepta)le. No matter what the occasion you ;an find something suitable if you will come to SPECK'S for It. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. CLOTHES CLEANING. [AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladles' skirts In a thorjughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. ! "MIJRALIA" 18 THE LATEST WALL COVERING 3UT TO DATE. 8EE ME?I HAVE IT, AND ALL OTHER8. A. B. GAINE8. HAT WRONG A Clothing, Shoes, whole appearance? makes you look like a brick house with a tar-paper roof. There's a HA WES $3.00 HAT TO SUIT ANY FACE, FIGURE AND FANCY A HAT OF TODAY'S STYLE?A Hat that carries the guar! antee of better all-around satisfac tlon than you'll find In any hat offered at nearly twice ITS $3.00 PRICE, AND YOUR "MONEY BACK" If It isn't true. The H AWES Is the Hat with the double guarantee ?OUR'S ANR THE MAKER'S?not to be found elsewhere?only at the THOMSON CO.'S. DRESS Three pieces?new arrivals In Or wide?the Yard 50 CENTS. WHITE W Big line of MERCERIZED WAIS at 25 CE.VT8 THE YARD. CANNON Twenty Full Bolts of Pure White THE YARD. Best Yard Wide BLEACHING, ft YARD. Big lot of ENGLISH LONG CL< 25 CENTS THE YARD. One lot of 8 Cents COLORED M> THE YARD. Big lot Good APRON OINOHA1 CENTS THE YARD. One lot 25 Cents COLORED LJ THE YARD. The Thorn so THE PEOPI ANNOUNCEMENTS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THE many friends of Mr. 8. H. EPPS, Sr., of Fort Mill, hereby announce him as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Aug. 10 f te I AM a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the House of Representatives according to the party's rules. FRANK P. McCAIN. July 27 f te WE are authorised to announce Dr. J. E. MASSEY of Rock HH1, as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters In the primary election. July 24 t te WE are authorised to announce JAMES B. BEAMOUARD as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic voters In the approaching primary election. July 17 t te VY7E are authorized to announce Tf Dr. J. H. SAYE of Sharon, aaa candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. July 17 t te BECAUSE his record during the single term already served Is highly creditable to himself and worthy of our county, and because he can always be depended upon to do that which can be Justified by all the accepted standards of right, we beg leave to present to our fellow Democrats the name of J. W. ARDRET of Port Mill, as a suitable one to put on our next legislative ticket as the same shall be made up In the approaching primary. MANY VOTERS. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. WE are authorized to announce the name of ANDREW J. PARROTT of Filbert, as a candidate for the office of County Supervisor, subject to the choice of the voters In the Democratic Primary election. WE beg leave to announce JOHN P. GORDON of York township as a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. MANY FRIENDS. WE are authorized to announce THOMAS W. BOYD as a can dldate for the Democratic nomination for re-election aa Supervisor of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters In the approaching primary election. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. WE are authorized to announce ROBERT M. WHITESIDES, Jr.. as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the Primary election. te WE are authorized to announce R. J. CALDWELL of Yorkvllle, as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the action of the Democratic party In the approaching primary election. Aug 14 f te. WJE are authorized to announce R. 1/1/ T?r TTrTTTmnamcta A a T T W. V> ni l EiOIL'CiO, VI OII1J i iia, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. te WE are authorized to announce the name of B. R. WALKER of Bethel township, as a candidate for recommendation for appointment to the office of County Commissioner of York county, subject to the choice of the voters in the Democratic primary election. Aug. 10 f te* WE are authorized to announce LADD J. LUMPKIN as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner, subject to the choice of the Democratic party in the primary election. Aug. 10 f te WE the friends of J. ED LEECH beg leave to announce him as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. Aug 8 t te. WE are authorized to announcei JOHN CRAIG KIRKPATRICK of Bullock's Creek township, as a candidate for appointment as a member of the County Board of Commissioners, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. July 31 t te FOR SUPT. OF EDUCATION. WE are authorized to announce the name of JOHN A. SHURLEY of Ebenezer, as a candidate for election to the office of County Superintendent of Education, subject to the choice of the voters In the approaching Democratic primary election. July 24 t te WE are authorized to announce T. E. McMACKIN of King's Mountain township as a candidate for County Superintendent of Education subject to the action of the Democratic voters In the approaching primary election. *te. T Wanted.?Your orders for all kinds of printed matter. Beet work at fairest price*. * r ^ yI* j / v H ^ it'i^j| n/i^' r i LL WRONG! I I ^ . ' ; WE ARE SOLE AGENTSl raimm - i i??J GOODS ay Suitings, Mohair finish, 88 inches AISTINGS 5TINGS, nice patterns to select from CLOTH CANNON CLOTH to go at 10 CENTS ee from starch at 10' CENTS THE >TH. nice'and soft, at IB, SO AND IDRAS, Grays and Pinks?C GENTS IIS?small check, fast colors?FIVE IWN8?nice patterns?At 10 CENTS >n Company jE'S store ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB AUDITOR. WE are authorised to announce JOHN J. HUNTER as a candidate for reappointment as Auditor of Tork county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters In the approaching primary election. June 8 f te WE are authorized to announoe W. B. WILLIAMS as a candidate for appointment as AUDITOR of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the ap- HL'I proaching primary election. June i t te. _. or ******** M T HEREBY announce myself as a JL candidate for Judge of Probate for York county, subject to the action of the Democratic voters In the approaching primary election. L. R. WILLIAMS. June 12 f te FOR COUNTY TREASURER. WE are authorized to announceH. A. D. NEELY as a candidate for recommendation for re-appolntment as Treasurer of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters In the approaching primary election. June 12 f te 1 ~~T7 1 111 ^ ' . ' : FOR MAGISTRATE / ' * ~ York Township. WE are authorized to announce S. N. JOHNSON as a candidate for recommendation for appointment ai Magistrate of York Township, Subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. July 17 t te WE are authorized to announce J. C. COMER as a candidate for recommendation for reappointment as Magistrate for York Township, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. June 12 f te* I HEREBY announce my candidacy for recommendation for appointment as MAGISTRATE OF YORK TOWNSHIP, and pledge myself to abide by the results of the Democratic primary election. R. L. deLOACH. May 12 f te* WE are authorised to announce J. ERNEST LOWRY of Yorlcvllle, as a candidate for appointment as Magistrate of York township, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters In the primary election. june o i if FOB MAGISTRATE. Bullock's Crook Township. JL DUNCAN is hereby announced as a candidate before the Democratic voters of Bullock's Creek Township for recommendation for reappointment as Magistrate of said Township, subject, of course, to the result of the primary election. July 17 t te FOR MAGISTRATE. Broad River Township. THE many friends of R. L A. SMITH beg leave to announce him as a candidate for recommendation for reappointment as Magistrate for Broad River Township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. July 17 t te For Magistrate?Bethel Township. Lhekhbx announce myseu as a candidate for recommendation for re-appointment as MAGISTRATE for Bethel township, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the Primary election. J. D. BOTD. For Magistrate?Bethel Township. WE are authorised to announce HORACE E. JOHNSON as a candidate for recommendation for appointment as magistrate in Bethel township, subject to the choice of . the . Democratic voters In the approaching primary. J. 8. WILKERSON & CO. HICKORY 8. O. General Merchandise OUR Stock of Oeneral Merchandise is large, varied and well selected. We are able to supply almost any thing in the best qualities and at the RIOHT PRICES. MACHINERY. We handle goods of the International Harvester Co.. including Gasoline Engines, Hay Balers, Harvesters. McCormick Reapers, Rakes, Harrows, and sell everything at Right Prices. BUGGIES AND WAGONS. Anything that may be desired in Buggies and Wagons can be had from us. If it does not happen to be on hand it CAN BE HAD without difficulty. But we are carrying a large stock in this line. J. S. WILKERSON A CO.. Hickory, S. C. COTTOK INSURANCE. JAM prepared to write Insurance on Cotton stored either In open yard or in outbuildings on farms. Farmers can arrange to borrow money on my insurance (tolicies on cotton held on their farms the same as if the cotton were stored in a warehouse in town. Rate 3} per cent Write or call at my office for rates of insurance and other Information. J. R. LINDSAY. Oct t. tf. tf.