SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. ? The first bale of South Carolina cotton was on last Friday shipped by Mr. H. C. Folk of Bamberg, to be auctioned off in Augusta. ? The cotton growers of Spartanburg county on Saturday adopted a resolution asking for the resignation of Secretary Cheatham, because of recent developments in Atlanta. ? The management of the state fair has closed a contract with John L. Sullivan to give sparring exhibitions during the state fair and is now trying to make arrangements with William J. Bryan to make a few speeches. ? Mr. Achilles W. Knight died at , his home in Bennettsvllle last Saturday. He was once sheriff of Marlboro! county. He was the father of John M. and Furman Knight of the Sumter Herald and of A. W. Knight of the Bamberg Herald. One sen. Arthur, Is a traveling Inspector of delivery routes. ? It was Cole L. Blease to whom Senator Tillman referred when he said that there was a whisper to the effect that the man ^ho represented Lanahan after Boykln quit was a member of the investigating committee. So thinks Mr. Blease himself. At Union last Saturday Blease asked Lyon if he knew what name L. W. Parker would have given had he been compelled to testify. Mr. Lyon said that Mr. Parker had not told him previously and he did not know. Then Mr. Blease read affidavits from Lanahan and from all the members of the old board of directors and the present board. All of the affidavits exonerating Blease. After reading the affidavits Mr. Blease said in effect that he hoped that Senator Tillman would have the manhood 10 correct the false impression that he had created. ? Greenville special of Aug. 12: Thomas F. Drake, a prominent and wealthy farmer, was shot and killed at his home, four miles from Anderson, last midnight by J. Allen Emerson. The trouble responsible for the tragedy Is said to have grown out of Emerson's Intimacy with Drake's daughter. Emerson surrendered to the authorities immediately after the shooting and was brought here this afternoon and lodged In jail. There were ho demonstrations of violence, the authorities taking this step out of the abundance of precaution. Ac cording to the story which reaches here from Anderson, Drake had learned In some way of Emerson's visits to his daughter. At midnight, evidently sure of his man, Drake opened the door of his daughter's bedroom and without a word opened fire on Emerson, who was in the room with Miss Drake. The father's aim was bad and his shots went wild. Emerson, at the first shot, pulled his pistol and fired, killing Drake instantly. Emerson then surrendered. Drake was fifty years old and one of the most prominent planters of that section. He leaves a family. Emerson is forty and a widower. An inquest was held this afternoon and the responsibility for Drake's death placed at Emerson's door. Emerson, who was a distant cousin of Drake's held a minor county office. The daughter of Drake is said to have left for parts unknown. . ? The Chattanooga Times a few days ago printed a story to the effect that during the sham battle at Chickamauga last Friday, a regular soldier | was wounded by a bullet fired from a Georgia volunteer regiment The story had it that bullets came thick and fast from the volunteers over the regulars. John W. Bubb. brighter general in command of the troops, has denounced the story as false. He says that he and other officers under his command are familiar with the ????? ? maH? hv th? whistllnK of bullets and that no bullets were heard. He also asserts that no soldier was wounded. The publication of the story produced considerable Indignation all along the line and there is a feeling that there should be some way to punish the Times for giving currency to It. AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. RBV. B. H. GILLESPIE, PASTOR. No services during August until further announcement. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. RBV. J. L. STOKBS. D. D.t PASTOR. Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. RBV. W. C. BWART, PASTOR. There will be no prayer meeting tomorrow afternoon. Candidates Jn f ht grimarg. For House of Representatives. FRANK P. McCAIN. Dr. J. H. SAYE, J. W. ARDREY, JAMES E. BEAMQUAAU S. H. EPP8, SR.. Dr. J. E. MASSEY. For County Supervisor. ANDREW J. PARROTT, JOHN F. GORDON. THOS. W. BOYD. For Superintendent of Education. T. E. McMACKIN. JOHN A. SHURLEY. For Treasurer. H. A. D. NEELY. ' For Probate Judge. L. R. WILLIAMS. For Auditor. JOHN J. HUNTER, W. B. WILLIAMS. For County Commissioner. R. W. WHITESIDES. J. ED LEECH. R. J. CALDWELL. LADD J. LUMPKIN, B. R. WALKER. R. M. WHITESIDES, JR., J. C. KIRKPATRICK. For Magistrate?York Township. S. N. JOHNSON. J. C. COMER. R. L. deLOACH, J. ERNEST LOWRY. For Magistrate?Broad River. R. L. A. SMITH. For Magistrate?Bullock's Creek. J. L DUNCAN. For Magistrate?Bethel Township. J. D. BOYD. H. E. JOHNSON. $hr JJorkuille OJotton Market. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkville, ' August 14. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Cotton 10 J Latta Bro.-.. FOR RENT. ROOMS suitable for light housekeeping. Water and Electric Lights. Address Lock Box 53, xorKville. S. C. It* PICNIC AT BETHANY. THERE will be a Basket Picnic at Bethany, August 21, the occasion of the Campaign Meeting. The Ladies' Aid society of Bethany churoh will sell refreshments. Everybody is invited. J. D. HUGGIXS. Aug. 14 t.f 2t NOTICE TO OVERSEERS. ALL the Road Overseers of York County are hereby notified to at once put their respective sections in first-class condition and to by no means delay the work beyond the month of August. In the case of sections having no Overseer. I request that some members of the county board of commissioners be notified at once so that appointments may be made. THOS. W. BOYD, County Supervisor. Aug. 7. t 3t If Wanted.?Your orders for all kinds of printed matter. Best work at fairest prices. LOST. LAST Sunday afternoon, Cream Colored Pug Bitch, about eight months old. Will pay a dollar for return to me or T. A. McGhee. SAM CAMPBELL. Yorkville, S. C. It* ~ NOTICE. There win be a basket picnic at HUNTER'S SPRING on SATURDAY, AUG. 18. Music Is expected. C. W. WALLACE, H. P. WALLACE. Aug. 14 t It* SALE OF PERSONALTY. ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m.,,I will sell at public auction at the late residence of the deceased, all the personal property belonging to the estate of THOMAS M. CAROTHERS. Terms of sale?CASH. a ut m DOTHPHS Administrator. Aug. 14 t 2t STATE OF SOUTH CABOLUf A, County of York. IN PROBATE COURT. By L. R. Williams, Esq.. Probate Judge of Yora County. WHEREAS C. T. THOMAS has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Mrs. M. E. THOMAS, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 4TH DAY OP SEPTEMBER, 1906, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 14th day of August, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six and In the 131st year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. FTODaie JUOge or lorn. v^uumjr. Aug. 14 t 2t Statement of the Condition of the Sirott and f at'infls Sank Located at Torkvllle, S. C-, at the close of business August 11th, 1906. Resources: Loans and Discounts $170,973 60 Overdrafts 9,647 61 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 11,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures.... 1,200 00 Due from Banks and Bankers 60,933 63 Currency ... 9,050 00 Gold 1,627 60 Silver, Nickels and Pennies. 1,721 07 Checks and Cash Items ... 59 22 Total $256,112 63 Liabilities: Capital Stack Paid In ....$ 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 17,000 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 831 89 Due to Banks and Bankers 837 21 Due Unpaid Dividends .... 12 00 Individual Deposits subject to Check 117,929 71 Savings Department 1.526 96 Time Certificates 63,834 76 Cashier's Checks 99 15 Bills Payable, representing Borrowed Money ........ 2,600 00 Reserved for Taxes and Rent and other Expenses 1,540 86 Total $256,112 63 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Ockxsty of York. Before me came S. M. McNEEL, President of Loan and Savings Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file In said bank. S. M. McNEEL. President. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of August, 1906. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Notary Public; South Carolina. S. M. McNEEL, Pres. Correct Attest: W. flrown Wyiie, J. S. Brice, J. F. Wallace. tNECES- ? SITY-- || THE MOTHER OF INVENTION" That's why I "Invented" my "Electric" sewing rooms. Yes, my friends continued to urge me until I've decided mv ontlro tIma tn STYLISH DRESS MAKING I'm always busy, so please come at once to get my "promise" for future Dress Making. Very Truly, MRS. FOUSHEE. (Over Fouehee Cash Store.) Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. Sanders' Two Horse Disc Plow Is the BEST THING IN A PLOW on the market. Two mules can pull It as easily as they can a mole-board, and It will DO MORE WORK and MUCH BETTER WORK. Two mules * W a can plow ren mcnes ueep anu i Inches Wide. One Hand and Two Mules will do more work and better work than with any other tool you can get. Call and see us when you need GROCERIES. We are selling a good HALF PATENT FLOUR at $2.00 per Sack. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. CLUB ENROLLMENT. DEMOCRATS' living west of Congress, Lincoln and Chester streets, Yorkville and desiring to vote in the primary as members of Yorkville Club No. 1, should give their names to W. Thompson Jackson or myself for enrollment not less than five days before August 28. THOS. F. McDOW, President. BUFF ORPINGTONS WILL lay as many eggs as the Leghorns and are larger fowls than the Wyandottes or Plymouth ? nil kocks. i\o Dener cnicaeiiB ?h Dirinaay or uiner ui't'asiuii ? *? n you want a souvenir for a friend you can always find something suitable and appropriate at this store. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass are always acceptable to almost all people, and for almost all occasions. If it is for a gentleman friend that you want to give a souvenir as a token of friendship, a Parker Lucky Curve Pen or a Waterman will prove most acceptable. If it is for your wife, a set of China Table Ware will prove most acceptable. No matter what the occasion you can find something suitable if you will come to SPECK'S for It. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. ADICKES j Professes always to be up on Seasonable Goods at Competitive Prices and / only asks a Fair Test. " SPECIALS 15 Bbls. Pure Bliss Irish Potatoes / ?been dug six or seven weeks for \ Seed, at following low prices: $3.00 \ Rbl.; 1.25 Bushel; 35c Peck. t Turnip Seed?Seven (7) favorite r kinds?separate or mixed?40c lb; 25c }-lb; 10c 3 ozs.; 5c 1 oz.' Crockery, Glassware, etc.?the most complete assortment in these parts. t A most beautiful lot Parisian Gran- II ite ware Just across the big pond. 5 For Teas and Coffees we are IT." a Our Blended Tea, 60c and Coffee at 20c, we really think equals most 75c and 25c goods. T Fvervthlne for saving fruit?Tin 1 Quart Cans expected this week. " r f W. ADICKES, Manager. Body--Mind--Soul Must be equally trained to fit a boy 1 for life. The school that does this J honestly Is cheap at any price, and o any other school Is high at any price, s Catawba Military Academy e ROCK HILL, S. C. j Endeavors to do this. It strives after THOROUGH TRAINING?CAREFUL OVERSIGHT ? CANDID DEALING , with Parent and Pupil. Rates as (moderate as Excellence will allow, 1 For information address, I D. J. BRIMM, Rock Hill S. C. TWO Cars Of Buggies We have Just received TWO CAR LiOADS OF BUGGIES that must tx SOLD. If YOU are thinking of BUYING :all and see US. Our WAGON line is complete, an< vhen you take into consideration th< Quality of the STUDEBAKER w< lave no competition. Remember?We sell the McCor nick Mower and Rake and carry i 'omnleta line of Renalrs for same. GLENN Sk ALLISON. DON'T FORGET Tou haven't forgot, have you, tha ve have Carpenters?good Carpen era in our employ at all times, an< hat we will be pleased to send then o yau to do any Repairing or othe Carpenter work that you may wan lone. We'll send them promptly rust phone us your wants. Tou haven't forgot, have you, tha ve carry a big stock of Builders tianlware? And that we can maki rou the closest prices on material o his kind for either large or smal luantlties? You haven't forgotten, have you hat we sell DEVOE Paint? And yoi ilso remember that DEVOE is thi Sterling sliver of the paint world. I 5oes Further, Lasts Longer and Cost jess. See us before you decide 01 he paint you will buy. J. J. KELLER & CO B. H O'LEARY REX MATTRESSES, LON E SPRING BEDS Put one of our SINGLE CONE ALI VIRE, NOISELESS SPRING BEDS m your bedstead and on that put on< f our REX PELT MATTRESSES .nd you will have one of the mos omfortable beds you have ever slepi ipon. REX FELT MATTRESSES are mad? f cotton felt, especially selected ant arded for the purpose, and It is ceralnly a most comfortable bed to sleet n. Try a Rex Mattress. Our Single Cone All Wire Sprlnf ieds are absolutely noiseless, thor ughly elastic and will stand any reaonable amount of hard usage. Thli Iprlng Bed is one that will give th< urchaser perfect satisfaction. Both the Rex Mattress and the Com Iprlng Beds are covered by libera varan tees. G. H. O'LEARY. A. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll CARROLL BROS. COUNTRY GcROUND MEAL WE HAVE FIFTY BUSHELS OE COUNTRY GROUND MEAL. COME, OR PHONE AND GET A IUPPLY BEFORE IT IS ALL GONE -IT WILL GO QUICK. REMEMBER, WE ARE SELLING 'HE BEST BUGGY ON WHEELS i'OR THE MONEY. THE ROCK IILL SEEMS TO PLEASE THE 'EOPLE, AS WE ARE SELLING 'HEM RIGHT ALONG. WE ALSO HAVE SOME CHEAP3R ONES AND SOME THAT COS! IORE MONEY. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE IF rOU ARE IN THE MARKET?DOES JOT COST ANYTHING AND YOt VILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS 'REATMENT. WE HAVE TONGUELESS HARtows ON THE ROAD, WHICH VILL ARRIVE SHORTLY. CARROLL BROS. fOKKVILLE BUGGY CO LUMBER SHINGLES WE HAVE LUMBER AND HEAftT PINE SHINGLES?SEE US FOR WHAT YOU NEED. Yorkville Buggy Co. r. S. WILKERSON & CO. HICKORY S- C. ieneral Merchandise 3UR Stock of General Merchandise Is large, varied and well selected Ve are able to supply almost anyhing in the best qualities and at the tlGHT PRICES. mirmwirnv We handle goods of the Internalonal Harvester Co., including GasoIne Engines, Hay Balers, Harvesters fcCormlck Reapers, Rakes, Harrows ,nd sell everything at Right Prices. BUGGIES AND WAGONS. Anything that may be desired ir Juggles and Wagons can be had from is. If it does not happen to be or land it CAN BE HAD without dif loulty. But we are carrying a largt tock in this line. J. 8. WILKERSON & CO., Hickory. S. C. CLOTHES CLEANING. [" AM prepared to clean gentlemen'! L clothes and ladies' skirts in a thorughly satisfactory manner, at reaonable prices. Work may be sent diect to my home or left at W. E. Fer,uson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. "TIITTRALIA" S THE LATEST WALL COVERING JUT TO DATE. SEE ME?I HAVE T, AND ALL OTHERS. A. B. GAINES. S I L I 6 Yard-wide BLACK 1 the Yard i ^ Yard-wide BLACK ?a dollar one?4* Yard-wide BLACK ?Guaranteed ,.. Yard-wide WHITE * Yard Yard-wide WHITE ?the Yard ? New lot EMBROID1 just arrived?Neat 1 I White Yard-wide 1 j Yard 1 BLACK SILK GLO H I ter length?the po 2,000 Yards good M and Grays?worth t W 5 < i' e One lot A. F. C. GI f lengths at .. 71 < I One lot of SILK M terns?sold for 50 One lot CALICOES, One lot of OUTINGS ? s < One lot APRON < and smooth, at 5 < King's SPOOL COT1 - T.lnn'c SOAP.?i , PEARL BUTTON! Ladles' HANDKERC I ; The Thomso II THE PEOPL I I Money: Talks 1 TRADE ONE DOLLAR CASH AT ! SHERER'S STORE AND YOU OET ONE CAKE OP AMERICAN SOAP * OR BON AMI FREE. I have a nice line of Goods. I don't ' try to keep everything, because I > can't RUN MY FACE like the big merchants do. I have to pay for my stuff. Cabbage, 2 1*2 Cents a Pound. Sticky Fly Paper, 3 for 5 Cents. My Ice, Its as cold as any In town. My Fresh Meats can't be beat, My Delivery Rig is a little run down, , But the Fastest on the.Street OLD GEORGE, rrm? pi ihv WE WILL GIVE OUR CUSTOM! BARGAINS IN READY-MADE CI Men's Light Blue Serge Coats l Men's Fast Black Sicilian an $2.26, are reduced to 91.50. Men's Fine Black Imported Si ' reduced to $2.50. . Men's Fast Black Cotton Clay are reduced to $2.25 a Salt. The following Suits are in Lig --J ? i*r avtii *Mavv Pino vneviuia, TTUiaicua auu this: Suits that were $5.00, are re $6.00 are reduced to $4.50 a Suit; ed to $5.00 a Suit; Suits that wei Suit; Suits that were $8.60 are rec were $10.00 are reduced to $7.50 a reduced to $9.00 a Suit; Suits that a Suit, and there are others. YOUTHS* Suits that were $2.60 are redi were $4.00 are reduced to $3.00 a reduced to $3.00 a Suit; Suits that a Suit; Suits that were $7.00 are r BOYS' KNE Boys' Knee Pants Suits that we Suit; Suits that were $1.50 are red > were $1.75 are reduced to $1.25 a reduced to $1.50 a Suit; Suits that a Suit; Suits that were $2.50 are re were $3.00 are reduced to $2.25 a i reduced to $2.75 a Suit. MEN'S, YOUTHS' A1 i We are determined to close o stock and if prices will do the wor very low ebb by September 1st. S< Pants that were 76c a pair are $1.00; $1.50 Pants (dark colors) nc $1.00; $1.50 Pants (dark colors) nc $2.00 Pants are now $1.50; $2.25 F , are now $2.00; $3.00 Pants are n $2.75; $4.00 Pants are now $3.00; BOYS' IiONi i Boys' Long Pants that were 60c i 55c; $1.00 Pants are now 75c; $1 i Pants are now 5; $1.76 Pants now $1.50 a Pair. BOY'S' KNEJ Boys' Knee Pants that w^re 2 were 35c are now 25c; Pants tha that were 75c are now 55c; P&nti Pants that were $1.25 are now lN)c > All men's and boys' Summer will continue to go at 25 per cent All Straw Hats at Half Price ^ Ladles', Misses' and Children's during our After Stock-Taking Sa BEST STANDARD CALICOES A THE STRAUSS-SM Main and Liberty Sts. "k S ....' = I I TAFFETA SELK, 50 CENTS. . TAFFETA SILK ^ JT 7? TAFFETA SILK $1.25. JAP SILK?the $ CENTS. TAFFETA SILK 50 CENTS. BRED COLLARS io vBill lot [JNEENE?the I 10 CENTS. ' ' FES?three-anarilr ...16 CENTS. ADRAS In Pinks 8c, to go at CENTB THE YD. . & NGHAMS, short CENTS THE YD. TTLIiS?rose pat- A C. Now 25 CTS. S CTS. THE YD. I in dark colors CENTS THE YD. HNQHAM8-?nice CENTS THE YD. 9 rON?2 for 5c. rr cake. } 1 cent doz. inPTC tbr. Vanh n Company w 91.15; $1.75 Pants now 91.25; >w 91.15; $1.75 Pants now 91.35; ants are now 91.75; $2.60 Pants ow 92.25; $3.60 Pants are now $5.00 Pants are now 92.75 Pair. 3 PANTS. are now 35c; 75c Pants are now .25 Pants are now 91.00; $1.60 are now 91.25; $2.00 Pants are E PANTS. 6c pair are now 20c; Pants that t were 50c are now 40c; Pants i that were $1.00 -are now 75c; a Pair. Underwear and Negligee Shirts Discount until further notice. .. Dvhtle they last. Oxfords at the prices in effect le. T 5 CENTS A YARD. IITH COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C.