Finley gave the appointment to an- 1 other man. Mr. Finley: That is not so, Dr. j Strait. At the time I told the young man to get up the petition the con- i gressman had the recommendation of carriers, and before the appointment I was made selection was put under the civil service regulations. I could not i have him appointed. Dr. Strait would not accept the ex- ! planatlon. but proceeded to read a letter that Mr. Finley had written to i an applicant for a postmastership, in i which letter Mr. Finley said that his recommendation was no good with the Republican administration, and then asked Mr. Finley: 1 Didn't you appoint the postmaster at Lancaster? ! Mr. Finley said that he did not; i that the postmaster general made the appointment, and that the postmas- i ter, Mr. Hunter, was a good one, too. 1 He had endorsed Mr. Hunter's application. 1 Dr. Strait said that if Mr. Finley's | endorsement was no good he should < not give it. i Next Dr. Strait said that another t nephew of his had asked Finley for a job; that Finley gave the job to an- < other fellow and paid his nephew >80 ; to keep quiet. Tried to bribe him. < But there is no use to try to buy any 1 of my kin; they'll always tell it. Mr. Finley said that the doctor's < assertion was untrue; that this young \ man had represented to him that he j was anxious to get an education and j asked him to endorse his application < for a scholarship in Charleston college. Somebody else got the scholar- ] ship and Mr. Finley employed the j young man to make a usi 01 names of Chester county and paid $80, the < value of the scholarship, for his la- < bor. He explained that the money < came from a fund the government al- < lows for clerical work. Referring to the King's Mountain monument matter, Dr. Strait said he < would hate to admit that a young ] first year man could get an appro- f priatlon that he had been unable to < get after having been in office for eight years ] Mr. Finley said that he and Mr. \ Webb worked together in the matter < and that he was entitled to as much credit as Mr. Webb, so far as that ] was concerned; but the battle was mainly fought by North Carolina < troops and it was appropriate that Mr. Webb should have the credit of i getting the appropriation. In conclusion Dr. Strait reiterated ( his charge that Mr. Finley spent his time buying votes, and building up a i wall around his position. There being no other speakers af- ] ter Dr. Strait, Chairman Brice thank- i ed the audience for its attention and also the band for the valuable as- } sistance It had rendered and adjourned the meeting. ( i LOCAL LACONICS. ( We Will Send The Enquirer From this date until January 1st, 1907, for 80 cents. Destroyed Some Mash. 1 Constable J. H. B. Jenkins, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Quinn of ' Yorkville, and Constable A. J^ Quinn * of Clover, made a raid in the Betnany neighborhood last Tuesday night after some blockade distillers that they understood were doing business up that way. Their information was straight. At the place to which they had been directed near the A. C. Stroup place, a short distance from Bethany church they found several stands of mash and evidences that the distillers had been operating within a few hours previous. The stills had been removed, however, and no arrests were made. Farm Changes Hands. Mr. W. J. Gordon, who lives two and one-half miles north of Yorkville, has bought the farm of Mr. John F. Gordon, four miles northeast of Yorkville. The trade was entered into yesterday. The farm combines about 160 acres and the purchase price paid was close ? to 631 an acre. It is one of the most highly improved farms in the county and the Gordons, though not related, are two of the best farmers in the county. Mr. John F. Gordon wants to quit because of his health. Mr. j W. J. Gordon wants a home for his old age. Possession is to be given ^ in December, and it is the purpose of Mr. W. J. Gordon to move on the farm at that time. Mayor Little In Gaffney. ] Gaffney special of Tuesday to Spartanburg Journal: There was a large i crowd at police court again this morning. but they were disappointed. "There was nothing doing." After the crowd was seated, in less than three minutes oftor the mavnr came in. his honor * said, "I notice that we have a good < crowd here this morning, and if there is anyone here who wants to say anything, the way is clear. There is nothing before the court this morning, so we adjourn." At that time Mayor Pro-tern Spears came in and stated " that the council was assembling to try the cases before it. The mayor stated that he had adjourned court. Mr. Spears remonstrated with him, but to no avail. The County Commieeionrs. The county board of commissioners held its regular monthly meeting last 1 Wednesday, all the members being present. A petition was granted for the building of a bridge over Neely's Creek at T. M. Allen's ford. Permis- j slon was given for the opening of a i new road from the Adair's Ferry road to the Hickory Grove and Yorkville : road; also for the opening of a road from Broad River school house to Smith's Ford, also for a road from Mr. C. B. McKnight's to the Adair's Ferry road. Messrs. R. B. Riddle, G. ( L. Brandon ana s. 55. uieuu were appointed a commission to open a road , from Zeno to the Oastonfa road. The ( board specified that In none of the above cases would it pay for rights of , way or growing crops. The Case of Son Cobb. Columbia special of Wednesday, to the News and Courier: "Son" Cobb, the Cherokee county lad. who killed , Pink Norman In a shotgun duel, near Gaffney, five years ago, and who was pardoned yesterday upon the recom- , mendatlon of the pardon board, called , to pay his respects to the governor to- , day, but the latter had left for Chick- | amauga. Cobb is a typical young , mountaineer. He is a sort of a dare devil, it is said, but it seems that in the , killing for which he got a life sentence . he was not to blame. He says he was trying to get away from Norman and ( his crowd and that his was a clear case j of self-defence. He felt so confident that no lawyer was employed until the , trial was upon him, while the other I side brought down Major Hart of York- | ville, to assist in the prosecution. , Cobb was a member of the Second reg- | iment in the Spanish-American war. ( and renewed acquaintances on Law | Range today with a number of ex-offlcers of that command. Cobb says that it is all a superstition about a* man dreaming about his deed when he kills another mar. He says the killing of Norman has "never bothered him." He says he could have killed Norman when the latter first picked up his gun , to get out of his wagon, but that he would not recognize the necessity for killing him until he began to look down the muzzle of Norman's gun. Cobb says he shot Norman trom his wagon between the heads of his pair of mules. Cobb has no complaint about the treatment he received at the penitentiary. ROCK HILL AND VICINITY. Baseball News?Driver of Fire Wagon ?Personal and Other Notes. CorreBiwndence of the Yorkville hnuuiiei. Rock Hill. August 9.?Rock Hill has done herself proud in the way of base ball this week. Wednesday and Thursday the Charlotte aggregation was played with crushing success. On Wednesday. Anderson and Wylle ?John Wesley Anderson and James Wylie commonly known as "Pat" Wylie?formed the battery. Anderson held the visitors down to two hits and Wylle never fumbled a ball. Lee?a brother of Mr. W. S. Lee of the Southern Power company?did some of the finest base running ever seen iu this city. The Charlotte battery was Myers, Hendrix and Fife. The score was 4 to 2. Thursday's game was not so fast, but was intensely exciting at times and the scores were made in two innings. Charlotte changed her battery to "Kiser and Parks" and the locals put in Richardson and Mabry who did splendid work. Kirkpatrick in centre did brilliant work for the home team and "Doc" McFadden beats any MoFadden playing and has produced several of the name who could play ball. The score was 6 to 2. Dr. M. H. Sandifer, who is a member of the State Pharmaceutical board has been in attendance on the meeting of that body in Greenville. Mrs. Sandifer and the children met him in Spartanburg Thursday afternoon and they went up to the "Log Cabin Inn," near Tryon, for a few days recuperation. "Damon and Pythias," a drama, is billed to be presented in Friedheim's hall Thursday evening. It is under the direction of Mr. D. Oize of Baltimore, who appears in the leading role. The rest of the cast is made up of Chester talent, with Mr. Vance Daridson as Pythias. Their presentation at Chester is spoken of in the lighest terms. - " - ? ? The driver or ine nre wagon piuncu up and left Monday afternoon without giving notice. His services were not considered satisfactory and he heard that there would be an endeavor to put someone esle in his place and so left without notice. Mr. R. A. Erwin was elected by the council to fill the place. He is a careful and experienced driver and the firemen do not expect any farther trouble in that respect. Mr. J. A. Brodnax, who has been connected with the mills of this city for a number of years, left for Charlotte Saturday where he has secured i position with the Southern Power company. A delightful moonlight picnic was field at Springstein Wednesday evening. The guests were: Misses Sadie Dick and Laurau Richardson of Greensboro, N. C., Willie Young of Charlotte, Madge and "Jinks" Johnston. Lula Craig, Maud and Kittle Stewart, Carrie Taylor. Messrs. jsck Taylor. John London, Tom Crawford, Fames McMurray, Will Kimball, O'Neal Traifir. Harry and Fletcher Ruff, Robbie Fewell and Ralph McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L. Johnston chaperon3d. The congregation of the St. John's M. E. church is taking definite steps toward putting in a handsome pipe argan. Dr. and Mrs. Crawford are expected home Saturday. Miss Inez Frew is visiting in Lancaster. Mrs. J. D. Cozby and children have returned to the city. Mrs. Agnes Moore is visiting In the country near Lewis'. Mrs. Cunningham of Lancaster is Msiting her brother Mr. W. B. Dunlap. Miss Janie Massey accompanied by Miss Louise McMurray of Fort Mill, s at Montreal. Mr. Peter Ihrie Is In HendersonMile. Mrs. R. B. Cunningham and chiliren and Mrs. E. G. Jones are visitng at Liberty Hill. Mr. Theodore Moore has returned 'rom a visit to the "sea"-side. ? The Republican state convention net In Columbia last Wednesday for he purpose of electing a state chairnan and re-organizing the executive committee. The only contest of the convention was the selection of a chairman. The faction led by John G. Papers, supported Edmund H. Deas, vho was elected by a vote of 88 to 26 >ver John R. Tolbert, supported by an>ther faction headed by District Attorley Ernest F. Cochran. Capers and lis friends dominated and were in complete control of the convention. Resolutions were adopted congratulatng the country on its continued prosperity. commending the worl: of both louses of congress and the "patriotic" president of the United States. It was leclded not to put out a state ticaei. AT THE CHURCHES. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. o. babin, rector. Sunday Services?No Sunday school, doming service at XI o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. e. b. ou.lejpie. pastor Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. j. l. stokes, d. d.. pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 1 0 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. 1 Evening service at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. c. kwart, pastor. Sunday Services.?Sabbath school it 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 /clock. BAPTIST. Sundat Services?Sunday school it 10 o'clock, a. m. Special JRotires. Hickory Grove A. R. P .Church. There will be no preaching at Hickory Grove A. R. P. church next Sabbath. J. L. Oates, Pastor. Smyrna Graveyard. All those Interested In Smyrna graveyard are requested to gather at :he church on Saturday morning. Atf?ust 11, with Implements suitable for off the grounds. J. L. Oates. At Clover and St. Paul. Sunday. Aug. 12th. preaching at Ulover at 11 a. m. St. Paul at 3.30 p. -n., and again at 8 p. m. Services at ?t. Paul to be continued throughout the week; preaching each day, mornng and night by Rev. R. E. Sharpe of tran Wyck. E. K. Hardin. Letter to Sheriff Brown Yorkville, S. C. Dear Sir: Here's a tale with three or four tails to it. Professor Irvine has an Academy. Nfercersburg, Penn. He paints the floors in summer vacation. It used to take 90 gallons of paint. There were two paint-stores there, and he used to buy (one year of one, next year of the ither) 90 gallons year after year. Now he paints Devoe; 60 gallons; and the difference is a saving of $150 i year. H. C. Fallon was one ol those dealers, good man; but he wouldn't take-up Devoe; so we turned to the other, J. A. Boyd. But Fallon has found it necessary to get a good paint to compete with Devoe. He got one of the eight honest paints. He has a big hardware store and is doing an excellent hardware business; but Boyd, of course, has the run on paint?he's a little hardware man. We don't care how little or big a man is if he wants good paint and is active and sound. Yours truly, F W DEVOE & CO P. S?J. J. KELLER & CO. sell our paint. $he gorhuille Olollon JRarhet. ~ * - 1 ^ 1 UI..LI.. ku Moccrc uorreciea ocmi- vicom; w; ? ???... Latta Bros. Ychkvii lb, August 10. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Cotton 10J IjATTA Bros. NOTICE TO PATIENTS. DBS. R. a. Bratton. J. D. McDowell and J. I. Barron have kindly agreed to answer the calls of my patients during my absence at Chic-kamauga until next Friday or Saturday. M. J. WALKER. M. D. NOTICE MR. J. A. MALONEY'S Singing School will close at Bullock's Creek on Saturday, August 18th, with a basket picnic. The ladies of the congregation will serve refreshments on the grounds in the afternoon. An invitation is extended to all. It COMMITTEE. PICNIC AT BLAIRSVILLE. THE County Campaign meeting for Bullock's Creek township will be held in 'Squire Blair's pasture, on THURSDAY. AUG. 23. There will be a basket picnic on the occasion and everybody is invited. J AS. N. RUSSELL, Precinct Chairman. Aug. 10 f.t. td. CLUB ENROLLMENT. Democrats living west of congress, Lincoln and Chester streets, Yorkville and desiring to vote In the primary as members of Yorkville Club No. 1, should give their names to W. Thompson Jackson or myself for enrollment not less than five days before August 28. THOS. F. McDOW, President. Real Estate For Sale. Six-room house and lot, fine well, good shade, one kitchen 20x30?lot 99x330 ft. on East Jefferson street; near Main street 45 acres land, near Lee Robinson place; 9 miles Yorkville. Cheap?terms to suit purchaser. J. C. WILBORN, Attorney. NOTICE. Tl HE qualifications for voting in the 1- ensuing Primary Election on the 28th instant, are as follows: The voter must be a White Democrat, twenty one years of age, or become so before the 6th day of November, 1906, and a resident' of the State for one year and of the County for sixty days, and HAVE HAD HIS NAME ENROLLED ON THE PARTICULAR CLUB ROLL WHERE HE OFFERS TO VOTE AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST PRIMARY ELECTION. There can be no other or further enrollment after the 23rd of August, Instant. J. S. BRICE, County Chairman. Aug. 10 f It NOTICE. OUNTY CAMPAIGN meetings J will be held at the following times and places: Tirzah, Wednesday, August 15. Forest Hill, Thursday, August 16. Fort Mill. Friday, August 17. Rock Hill, Saturday, August 18. Clover, Monday. August 20. Bethany, Tuesday, August 21. Hickory Grove, Wednesday, Aug. 22. Blairsville, Thursday, August 23. McConnellsville, Friday, August 24. Yorkville, Saturday, August 25. Candidates will notice that under the rules governing the election they must comply by mid-day on Tuesday, August it, insi. Candidates will also take notice that they must file with the Clerk of the Court on Saturday, August 25th, Inst., a sworn itemized statement of their campaign expenses. They must also file another similar statement with mme officer immediately after the primary. This applies to every candidate, magistrates and all others. The penalty for failure in this matter is a null | and void election, under the law of this State. J. S. BRICE, County Chairman. i Attest: | J. H. Sate, Secretary. Aug. 10 f 3t ! Talcum | Powders THIS HOT SUMMER WEATHER CAUSES LOTS OF PERSPIRATION, ESPECIALLY WITH BABIES, PERSPIRATION CAUSES IRRITATION. THE BEST REMEDY AS WELL AS THE BEST PREVENTATIVE OF IRRITATION IS THE USE OF LOTS OF TALCUM POWDERS?IT ALLAYS THE SMARTING PAIN AND PREVENTS PAINFUL SORES. YOU CAN FIND ALL OF mm STANDARD TALCUM POWDERS AT THE YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, Proprietor. DON'T FORGET You haven't forgot, have you, that we have Carpenters?good Carpenters In our employ at all times, and that we will be pleased to send them to you to do any Repairing or other Carpenter work that you may want done. We'll send them promptly. Just phone us your wants. You haven't forgot, have you, that we carry a big stock of Builders' Hardware? And that we can make you the closest prices on material of this kind for either large or small quantities? You haven't forgotten, have you, that we sell DEVOE Paint? And you also remember that DEVOE Is the Sterling silver of the paint world. It Goes Further, Lasts Longer and Costs Less. See us before you decide on the paint you will buy. J. J. KELLER & CO. LISTEN: WE HAVE HANDLED AND SOLD ALL KINDS OF FOUNTAIN* PENS, AND WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SAY THAT THE MERCANTILE FOUNTAIN PEN IS THE BEST PEN MADE. IT'S EASY RUNNING, SMOOTH j FLOWING, LONG LASTING AND IN EVERY WAY JUST WHAT IT SHOULD BE. j WE HAVE THEM FROM $1.00 1 TO $10.00 EACH. TRY ONE. < STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder, Prop. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. Received This Week Another shipment of IRON ROOFING?Corrugated and V-Crimped. Also car of No. 1 and No. 2 SHINGLES. We are in position to give you very close prices. Just received shipment of SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMS. The BEST on the market. * ? ? T .T-?T-v ?? E 1ft onrt SIL\ L/CiAr LjAX\U 111 if) iv Utiv 20 pound buckets, and also In tierces. We have a splendid stock of Buggy Whips and Wagon Whips?the price from 10 Cls to 150 Cts. 1W We want to sell you a TWO HORSE DISC PLOW. YORK SUPPLY CO. BETHANY HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Next Session opens SEPTEMBER 4TH. Write for Catalogue of particulars. J. D. HUGGINS, Principal, Clover, S. C. July 10 t.f. tf ?- ?? m. *TTV/1 CLOTHtiS ULtiAninu. F AM prrpared to clean gentlemen's I L clothes and ladies' skirts In a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. ROSE'S MARKET. WE pay highest market price in Cash for HIDES. We want to buy at all times firstclass Beef Cattle and will pay the top of the market for real good cattle. We have at all times the Choicest Beef, which we keep thoroughly cool in our refrigerator. WALTER ROSE. Aug. 3 f 3m. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY We go AFTER and DELIVER your Laundry in town and we expect the CASH for it. If you don't PAY when delivered. WE HAVE TO PAY FOR YOU, and wait your pleasure to pay us. Frequently we have to send for it several times?that costs us money. We are tired doing business that way and MUST HAVE THE MONEY when the Laundry is delivered. The boy will have instructions to BRING IT BACK If you don't pay for it. Don't get vexed?your fault, not our's. We must have the money for it. vnr linifVl-pv POR PALL ^ I'J ?? lUIUUinUAtA Vmw ? will arrive in a few days. In the meantime Summer Millinery at and away down below COST. DOBSOX BROS.' CASH STORE. Phone 12. Confidence IS ONE OP A BANK'S MOST VALUABLE ASSETS. We now have over 200 Satisfied Customers. If your name is not on our books, we would be pleased to see It there Before the Close of 1906. You will find that your Truest Friend In times of adversity is the Bank Acocunt. BANK OF CLOVER CLOVER, S. C. JAS. A. PAGE, Cashier. I O. P. HEATH, Pt. W. S. NEI1 I! R 1 l/l t IX V 1XJUU XJ% INCORPi MANY 1 IT WAS WE WISH TO EXTEND Ol HUNDREDS OF YORK COUNT TO MAKE OUR EIGHT DAY C SUCCESS WHICH IT WAS. Y PARTICULAR FROM EVERY S OUR HAT TO OUR CUSTOMER! WATCH OUi AS YOU PASS ALONG IN FROM TIME TO TIME YOU \ TO YOUR INTEREST TO NOT WILL BE SHOWN IN OUR SI TAKE NOTICE AS YOU GO BY HOT WEATH UNTIL FURTHER NOTIC VERY TEMPTING VALUES IN OXFORDS, MEN'S SUMMER CI SUMMER DRESS GOODS. OWENSBOR We have control of the sah TED OWENSBORO WAGONS ar them. Every wagon user who h enthusiastic witness as to Its suj hardest service up to the limit < need now or expect to be In neet want you to see THE OWENSB* SEE US FO If you want a BUGGY If y< we can demonstrate to your entlr PEOPLE TO SEE BEEOKE YOl the BEST values that you can p our Mr. JAMES L. SANDERS w stock of any description. OSBORNE You are doubtless undecld ING MACHINE for you to buy. you. but we believe that we ca OSBORNE MOWER Is superior shown you the OSBORNE super fnocnnohlo ("nmrwrlsnn with the we believe that you can then dei furthermore we believe that yoi IS IT. It's use In the hay will st made any mistake in buying an We also have a big stock of OSEC you are ready to buy a Mowing ] I WIT As usual we are headquarte ?when It Is a question of GRO( any figure with you. If you need any NO. 1 F Yorkville B. & COTTON INSURANCE. 1AM prepared to write Insurance on Cotton stored either In open yard or in outbuildings on farms. Farmers can arrange to borrow money on my insurance policies on cotton held on their farms the same as if the cotton were stored in a warehouse in town. Rate 3J per cent. Write or call at my office for rates of insurance and other information. J. R. LINDSAY. Qct. 3. t.f. tf. T" Bound Volumes of Horse Shoe Robinson at The Enquirer office, $1.00. STOP, LOO SAT. AN I Special Cut CORSETS?22 ribs?11 Ins., Lace EXTRA LONGS, as above MEDIUM LENGTHS, as above. GIRDLES?26 ribs?91ns..?Rich Trimmed?value 60c EMBROIDERY?4 to 5 Ins.. val EMBROIDERY?8 to 9 Ins.. val EMBROIDERY?13 Ins.?Value W BE QUICK "W THE FOUSHEt YORK VI P. S.?Just received shipment get 15c?SAT. AND MOX "Safety" Is the FIRST consideration when we have money, and it Is a constant thought and worry until we feel that it is SAFE. The SAFEST PLACE OF ALL is a good Bank. We use every Safeguard to Assure the SAFETY of the money deposited in this Bark. The First National Hank. vurnvino s. t. A Man's Success In life depends on a combination of several things?the combination never being t ivicc alike. The leading factors are Judicious Saving and DISCRIMINATION IN INVESTMENT. WISE MEN Are sometimes said to be like pins, berause their heads keep both from going too far. A wise head should keep you at a proper limit of saving and Discrimination In Investment. "The besi of credentials, Passports to success." Opens banks, pays dividends, Invest man, Invest! Bid Asked Tavora Cot':on Mill 76 90 Neely Manufacturing Co..100 (?) 1st National Bank (?) 116 Loan & Savings Bank 120 137 If I Buy or Sell at Prices Quoted. Write me your prices, and also give me your orders for Stocks not listed. Dr. M. W. WHITE, Oppoiite Pcstoffice - Yorkville, S. C. L, V. Pt. R. E. HEATH. Sec.-Tr. & M. COMPANY, ORATED. rHANKS! . GREAT I OR SINCERE THANKS TO THE 7Y PEOPLE WHO HELPED US :OST SALE THE TREMENDOUS r WAS A SUCCESS IN EVERY TANDPOINT. WE AGAIN DOFF S AND FRIENDS. I WINDOWS . FRONT OF OUR BIG STORES PILL FIND IT PARTICULARLY I ICE THE GOOD THINGS THAT I IOW WINDOWS. SIT UP AND 1 Twr.v TN ER BARGAINS I E WE ARE OFFERING SOME LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S NOTHING, I AWNS AND OTHER 0 WAGONS 1 In this section of the CELEBRAld have Just received a carload of as ever used an Owensboro Is an perlority. They are built for the )f their capacities. If you are In I of a Wagon at a future date we ORO?The Wagon that Pleases. ?R BUGGIES au will but give us the opportunity e satisfaction that WE ARE THE J BUY. Our Buggy stock includes ossibly secure. Come and talk to hen you are ready to buy rolling MOWERS ed as to what is the BEST MOWWe can't decide the matter for n show you plainly wherein the to any other, and when we have iority and made the price within prices of other Mowing Machines :ide the question for yourself and i will decide that the OSBORNE >on convince you that you haven't OSBORNE MOWING MACHINE. )RNE HAY HAKES. See us when Machine and Rake. -c THE PT.apr TO HEAD FOR SERIES, if Quality and Price cut I 'INE SHINGLES come to see us. : M. Company. "MURALIA" IS THE LATEST WALL COVERING OUT TO DATE. SEE ME?I HAVE IT, AND ALL OTHERS. A. B. GAINES. WANTED I AM still buying HIDES. Bring them to me and do not let the rats destroy them. W. H. HERNDON. I Aug. 3 f 4t K, LISTEN! 11 3 HON. Price Sale ! s Trimmed?value 35c SPECIAL 18 CENTS. SPECIAL 38 CENTS. Hose Supporters attached? SPECIAL 38 CENTS. Lace and Ribbon SPECIAL 38 CENTS. ue 10c CUT PRICE, 4 CENTS, ue 15c?CUT PRICE 8 CENTS. 25c SPECIAL 13 CENTS. : CASH STORE, LLE. S. C. NEW IDEA PATTERNS?Others 6 CENTS EACH. ? !? | THOMSON < FALL I Tailoring ** I OPENING I ill I AUG. 13 AND 14, 1906. I WE SHALL EXHIBIT MORE PLES OP FASHIONABLE TAIL* PLATES OF ALL THE NEWEST We cordially invite you to be 1 which the finest grade of HIGHtained as satisfactorily and as che represent the BEST materials; t HAND-TAILORING by experts 1 correct anywhere. I One of Schloss EXPERT CUTTERS AND FITTE! be on hand to show you the new is one of the few chosen from Sch ment to demonstrate the Schloss ' ders, and his advice will be fount All orders are sent to Schloss Tall up in the finest way. Even if yc now, we urge you to call and me are entirely Free, and at your dis However, we are sure that you t order now and get the benefit of I at the specially low prices now e don't forget the dates?AUGUST 1 xt t"> t? in I the two sub-headings "At Cost," w fords and Fifty Suits of Men's C sub-headings should have read " considerably below "At Cost." Yo offerings too quick for your adva The Thomsc | THE FEOPI ?? ?? J. 8. WILKER80N & CO. HICKORY 8. C. General Merchandise OUR Stock of General Merchandise is large, varied and well selected. We are able to supply almost anything in the best qualities and at the RIGHT PRICES. MACHINERY. We handle goods of the International Harvester Co., including Gasoline Engines. Hay Balers, Harvesters, McCormlck, Reapers, Rakes, Harrows, and sell everything at Right yrices. BUGGIES AND WAGONS. Anything that may be desired In Buggies and Wagons can be had from us. If It does not happen to be on hand It CAN BE HAD without difficulty. But we are carrying a large stock in this line. J. S. WILKERSON A CO.. Hickory, S. C. IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OF HIGH GRADE COFFEES OUR ROASTING PLANT Is In Full Operation, and to Those Who Desire a Clear, Well Roasted and High Grade COFFEE 1,f- ? ?n Ptimlch T# vwc arc i itpaivu w * %* *, We name the following brands: Old Government Java, Monogram, Fort Sumter, Blue Ribbon, Arabian Mocha, Mountain Rose, Morning Glory, Maracalbo, Jamoma, Sunbeam, Electric, Porto Rico, Red Owl, Acme, Aromatic, Dime. A Trial Will Convince Consumers of the Superior Merits of Our Roasted Coffee, and Once Tried Will Use no Other. Packers of Teas, Spices and Soda, put up under our personal supervision, and We Guarantee them Strictly Pure Goods. Send for samples and prices before purchasing elsewhere. F. W. WAGENER & COMPANY, Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Foushee Invites you to visit her SEWING ROOMS?up-to-date electrical equipment?"Vogue" and other Fashion Magazines, from which you may select styles. How'd you like an "ELECTRICAL DRESS?" Yours very truly, Mrs. FOUSHEE. LOWER PRICES ON DRY GOODS AT J. Q. WRAY'S Since the close of my ten days' SPECIAL SALE, I find several lots of SUMMER GOODS that I do not want to carry over to another season. In order to move them quick I have again CUT THE PRICES?this time to the LOWEST LIMIT?to the place where quick buying will mean big savings to economical buyers. The prices now offered are so low that you can well afford to buy and save the goods for another season. See: ALL \\ UUIi uuui/a uu nx 25 PER CENT REDUCTION. ALL TRIMMINGS AT 25 PER CENT REDUCTION. ALL SUMMER LAWNS AT 25 PER CENT REDUCTION. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING IS OFFERED AT 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT. REMEMBER?That I carry the BEST and most complete line of HATS and SHOES for Men that Is to be found in Yorkville. Don't forget to call on J. Q. WRAY when you need anything in Dry Goods. Notions, etc. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. AT BRATTON FARM. F? OR Rale?English Berkshire Pigs . (Vanderbilt stock), butter, eggs, chickens, green hay In load lots on short notice. Drop me a card, or call at my residence on East Jefferson street, Yorkville S. C. J. A. MILLS, Manager. July 13. f.t tf. COMPANY'S | i , r MI ?i fsssaru* -y THAN SIX HUNDRED SAM- A c DRS* FABRICS, AND FASHION ? STYLES. c present. We know of no way In I * CLASS TAILORING can be ob- aply as this. The Clothes shown I 1 he workmanship Is SUPERIOR ind the SCHLOSS STYLES are g b Bros. & Co.'s | ? RS?a Specialist of Fashion?will * Fabrics and Styles. This expert r loss Bros. & Co.'s great establish- 1 ralloring System and to take or1 most valuable to well dressers, or Shops in Baltimore, and made >u have no intention of ordering H y et this Specialist, whose services w posal during the days mentioned. j vill And it to your advantage to f this Stylish, High Class Tailoring ivailable. Be sure to come, and tk ? I3TH AND 14TH, 1906. the last issue of this paper under I re offered Ladies' and Misses' Ox- H lothing at HALF PRICE. The HALF PRICE," as half-price is u cannot take advantage of these ntage. in Company jE'S store i AT JOHNSON'S A fresh shipment of National Biscuit Co.'b goods. Swift's Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard. The best Coffees, Teas and Spices, and largest variety. Flavoring: Extracts, Chocolate and c Cocoa. s p Best Patent Floor. Soap, Starch, Bluing. ^ I. W. JOHNSON. I e t: i! If a Man Deposits = 1100.00 in a bank and then spends . 125 of It by check he does not figure that he has spent the $100 simply because it is no longer In his pocket. ? Many men, however, have the 1m- l' presslon that every dollar they put Into an Insurance policy has been 11 spent. c They do not take Into consideration the cash or loan value of their ^ policy, an amount which must be subtracted from the amount of the pre- ^ mlums paid In determining the net q cost of their insurance to any daAe. In g many cases it cannot be subtracted f( as it exceeds the premiums paid. Insurance In the Mutual Benefit _ Life Insurance Company of Newark, ~ .1*1 4U- ll#A llM. N. J., upon ciincr 1110 niium uic, lilted payment life or endowment plan 1 Is cheaper than any other form of protection a man can secure. This la a d solemn fact and the undersigned will T take pleasure in proving It to your n satisfaction, and in less than Ave min- t utes, If you will call for the proof. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. ~ HAVE I YOU BOUGHT? ' You will need a Mowing Machine j end Horse Rake in a short time now. J Rave you considered the fact that 1 with a Mower and Rake?a good one p like the Johnston?you can cut and rant; cnuugu uajr iu v?? ... fit? Well this Is true. Scores of farmers all over the country find that a Johnston Mowing Machine and Rake Is one of the best Invesments they can make?they pay dividends r from the day they are put In service, a The Johnston Mower Is one of the t best of all mowers because it is built j, to stand the hardest service with the lowest cost for repair. See us for Hardware. VOItKVIIiLE HARDWARE CO. 1 r SOLICITS ? YOUR i ACCOUNT j p e WITH A LARGE CAPITAL i AND A FINE EQUIPMENT, ' a S tl This BANK solicits your ACCOUNT. e The BANK Is prepared to extend every 1 reasonable accommodation. a tV Call and see about It. j t LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK ? YORKVILLE, 8. C. Strained Honey, j P s o I have Just opened one barrel of ?? * TT niia IItv of oiraiueu nw ucj, |/tuuv ? $1.10 a gallon. r Also on? barrel Porto Rico Molasses. J1 best to be had at 60c. a gallon. f t In Cereals I offer fresh Cream of e Wheat, fresh Oatflakes, fresh Egg-O- m See?a new Wheat preparation used without cooking. Plenty frssh MACKEREL. I: LOUIS ROTH. iNNOUNCEMENTS. IOU8E or REPRESENTATIVE#. rHE many friends of Mr. S. H. EPPS, Sr., of Fort Mill, hereby antounce him as a candidate for the louse of Representatives, subject to he rules of the Democratic party. Aug. 10 f te 1AM a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the House of Reprelentatives according to the party's ules. FRANK P. McCAIN. juiy 21 i w 117 E are authorized to announce Dr. YV J. E. MASSEY of Rock HH1, a* candidate for re-election to the House f Representatives, subject to the hoice of the Democratic voters in the irlmary election. July 24 t te 117 E are authorised to announce YY JAMES E. BEAMGUARD as a andidate for re-election to the House if Representatives, subject to the acion of the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. July 17 t te 117 E are authorized to announce YY Dr. J. H. SAYE of Sharon, as a andidate for re-election to the House if Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters In he approaching primary election. July 17 t te BECAUSE his record during the single term already served is highy creditable to himself and worthy of >ur county, and because he can always ie depended upon to do that which can >e justified by all the accepted standrds of right, we beg leave to present o our fellow Democrats the name of . W. ARDREY of Fort Mill, as a sultble one to put on our next legislative Icket as the same shall be made up In he approaching primary. MANY VOTERS. FOR COUHTY SUPERVISOR. [17 E are authorized to announce ft the name of ANDREW J. >ARROTT of Filbert, as a candidate or the office of County Supervisor, ubject to the choice of the voters in he Democratic Primary election. m W U...& TAtJXT Wcj ueg leave iu aiiiiuuuee eivrxun P. GORDON of York township a a candidate for County Supervisor, ubject to the action of the Democratic oters in the approaching primary lection. MANY FRIENDS. IllJ E are authorised to announce TV THOMAS W. BOYD as a canlidate for the Democratic nomination or re-election as Supervisor of York ounty, subject to the choice of the )emocratic voters in the approaching irlmary election. 'OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. |TTB are authorised to announce TV the name of B. R. WALKER of lethel township, as a candidate for ecommendatipn for appointment to he office of County Commissioner of rork county, subject to the choice of he voters In the Democratic primary lection. Aug. 10 f te* IY7 E are authorised to announce VY LADD J. LUMPKIN as a candilate for re-election to the office of 'ounty Commissioner, subject to the hoice of the Democratic party In he primary election. Aug. 10 , f te V\T E the friends of J. ED LEECH TV beg leave to announce him as a andldate for County Commissioner, ubject to the action of the Democratic rimary election. "*, Aug 8 t te. riT'E are authorized to announce VV- JOHN CRAIG KIRKPATRICK f Bullock's Creek township, as a canidate for appointment as a member f the County Board of Commlsslonrs, subject to the recommendation of he Democratic party in the approachng primary election. July 81 t te FOB IUPT, OF EDUCATION. 117 E are authorised to announce the YY name of JOHN A. SHURLEY f Ebenezer, as a candidate for election d the office of County Superintendent f Education, subject to the choice of be voters In the approaching Demorat lc primary election. July 24 t te [17 E are authorized to announce T. YY B. McMACKIN of King's Mounaln township as a candidate for !ounty Superintendent of Education ubject to the action of the Democrat: voters In the approaching primary lection. *te. fob auditor! ' [17 E are authorised to announce VV JOHN J. HUNTER as a candlate for reappointment as Auditor of rork county, subject to the re com (lendation of the Democratic voters In he approaching primary election. June 8 f te [17 E are authorized to announce VY W. B. WILLIAMS as a candidate or appointment as aujjituk or zora ounty, subject to the recommendation f the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. June 5 t te. FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE. [HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for Judge of Probate for rork county, subject to the action of he Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. L. R. WILLIAMS. June 12 f te FOR COUHTY TREASURER. [17 E are authorized to announce H. V V A. D. NEELY as a candidate for ecommendatlon for re-appointment a Treasurer of York county, subject o the choice of the Democratic voters ra the approaching primary election. June 12 f te FOR MAGISTRATE York Township. fVT xn dpa an?hnp(MH tn AnnnuncA 8. W N."JOHNSON as a candidatefor ecommendatlon for appointment as laglstrate of Tork Township, saibect to the choice of the Democratic oters In the primary election. July 17 t te [XT E are authorized to announce VY J. C. COMER as a candidate for ecommendatlon for reappointment as lagistrate for York Township, subect to the action of the Democratic iarty in the approaching primary lection. June 12 f te* [ HEREBY announce my candidacy L for recommendation for appointment s MAGISTRATE OF YORK TOWNIHIP, and pledge myself to abide by he results of the Democratic primary lection. R. L. deLOACH. May 12 f te* [XTE are authorized to announce J. VY ERNEST LOWRY of Yorkville, s a candidate for appointment as fagistrate of York township, subject o the recommendation of the Demo* ratlc voters In the primary election. June 8 f te FOR MAGISTRATE. Bullock's Creek Township. rL DUNCAN Is hereby announced as a candidate before the Demo* ratlc voters of Bullock's Creek Townhip for recommendation for reaplointment as Magistrate of said Townhip, subject, of course, to the result f the primary election. July 17 t te POll MAGISTRATE. Broad River Township. rHE many frlendH of R. L. A. SMITH beg leave to announce itm as a candidate for recommendaion for reappointment as Magistrate or Broad River Tovnship, subject to he action of the Democratic primary lection. July 17 t te TOCLEAH THE GRAVES. EMBERS of the Beth-Shlloh conLtJL gregatlon are requested to assemile at the church on SATURDAY, AUGUST 18TH, for the purpose of cleanng up the cemetery. L. R. WILLIAMS. Aug 3 f.t St