hemmed the fellow In until there was no avenue of escape. Finding that arrest was certain. Morales pointed his revolver at his own heart and fired. He died almdSt instantly. The hotel keeper afterward identified hint as the same man who had rented the room. There Is no doubt of his being the right t man; but it is not certain that there were no others. A well dressed Englishman was arrested on suspicion shortly after the tragedy; but he was able to establish a satisfactory account of himself and he was released. Mr. Stewart's Disclaimer Accepted. Resolved by the Executive Committer of the York County Southern Cot ton association, that the work of W. H. Stewart as County Organizer has been entirely satisfactory to the committee; that we accepted and do now accept as true his disclaimer made at the recent County Convention denying that he had been using his said office to further any man or measure politically; and that we request him to withdraw ' his resignation. Resolved, that a copy of the above resolution be forwarded to all the newspapers circulating in York county. Editor Yorkvllle Enquirer: The above copy resolutions explain themselves; adopted unanimously at meeting held today. Yours truly, C E. SP.ENCHR, President York County S. C. Asso. June 4th, 1906. AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. REV. E. E. GILLESPIE, PASTOR. Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 8.30 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. J. L. STOKES, D. D.. PA8T0R. Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. C. EWART, PASTOR. Prayer meeting tomorrow afterrtoon at 6.30 o'clock. CHURCH. OF THE GOOD SHHEPHERD. REV. J. O. BABIN, RECTOR No week day services this week. Special JRotires. At Sharon and Tirzah. Rev. A. J. Ransom of Spartanburg, will preach at Sharon on Friday. June 8th. at 11 a. m., and at Tirzah on Saturday, June 9th. at 11 a. m., for the purpose of presenting the cause of a church building at Spartanburg. J. S. Grihr. $he gorhuille QJotton jfRarhei. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Mesera. Latta Bros. Yorkvilaje, June 5. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Cotton 101 IjATTa Bros. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treas. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. Iron Roofing We have a big lot of CORRUGATED and V-CRIMPED IRC>N ROOF ING, Nails, Caps, etc., and parlies in need of Roofing will do well to see us for prices and other Information. We have just gotten In a Carload of Nos. 1 and 2 PINE SHINGLES. See us for prices. Among other recent shipments of heavy Groceries, we have received: 1 CAR CORN, 1 CAR OATS, I CAR FLOUR, PART CAR SUGAR, PART CAR MEAT, PART CAR LARl). We still have Clay. Speckle and White Peas in stock. Also have good supply of Amber, Orange and Red Top Cane Seed, at $1.25 a bushel?Cash. YORK SUPPLY CO. AiinTi iiir luiiiBinaMedium size, (Lace), pretty patterns, per pair 48c. Full size, (Lace), pretty patterns, per pair 75c.! Extra size, Bleached and Ecru?look like $2 Curtains, we sell 'em for *1.25. Yard wide, white Lace Curtain goods, yard 10c. 41 Inch. Green and Red Lace Curtain goods, yard 10c. 34 Inch, White Lace Curtains, yard 5c. OTHER BARGAINS FUtSIIEE IAMI MUitr,, Yorkvllle, S. C. STERLING SILVER Ami CUT GLASS Sterling Silver and Cut Glass goods are specialties with us. We give these lines very close attention, and at all times carry a stock of Sterling Silver and Cut Glass that will appeal to the discriminating buyer of these articles. in Cut Glass our stock varies in variety from the single piece at a small cost on up through the single larger pieces to Sterling Silver goods in sets. Our Sterling Silver goods are made by the best manufacturers in the United States?manufacturers of highest reputation. Our prices are as low as can Uf secureu anj unnr anu lower than you will find many places. In Cut Glass goods our varieties range from the sma ' single piece on upward through the different larger single pieces and sets to large sizes in pitcher^. punch bowls, etc. The cutting of all this ware is as perfect as it can possibly be. It is entirely to your interest to see my goods and get my prices before you buy Sterling Silver and Cut Glass. T. \Y. SPECK, The Jeweler. Some Distinct BARGAINS At Adickes' We are CLOSING OUT some Hardware far BELOW MARKET PRICKS. A FEW PLOWS?25 lbs. for $1.00: 100 lbs. for $3..">0; Victor Sweeps, a first-rate cultivator and now in order: Back Bands, Clevises, Cotton Rope and such little things cheap. Will save you 25 to 10 per cent on a Pocket Knife, Razor, Strap, &c. A Forked Spade is tine for Gardens. Two Grain Cradles and some extra Blades at 75 Cts? worth $1.25. WILBUR'S CATTLE. HOG AND POULTRY POWDERS will pay well. Send us some Eggs at 15 Cts. and swap for WILBUR'S FOOD, so you will have Eggs and Butter to give away. In anything we handle we are only satisfied to lead in Quality HIGH, and Prices LOW. Yours the same for 25 years, WITHERS ADICKES, Manager. COTTON INSURANCE. T AM prepared to write Insurance A. on Cotton stored either in open yard or in outbuildings on farms. Farmers can arrange to borrow money on my insurance policies on cotton held on their farms the same as If the cotton were stored in a warehouse in town. Rate 3& per cent. Write or call at my office for rates of insurance and other Information. J. R. LINDSAY. Oct. 3. t.f. tf. Talcum Powder With the advent of the sticky hot weather every mother will be giving especial care and attention to the comfort and well-being of the babies. With the hot weather babies will perspire freely, and if not carefully attended to, bad sores will appear which will be irritating to say the least. The constant and persistent use of a first-class TALCUM POWDER will go far towards counteracting the irritations caused by prespiration. The Talcum Powders we carry are guaranteed to be pure and of first quality, and such as will not injure ih" iiulicflto skin of babies. We have among other Talcum Powders: Mennen's, Colgate's Pearls of Violet, Pearls of Hoses, Heliotrope, etc. We also have the finest and purest qualities of Soaps that we can recommend especially for the baby's bath. Come to us for articles for the Baby's toilet. We have them. YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, Proprietor. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. Columbus Buggies? To judge from the steady and the growing demand for the COLUMBUS buggy it is not hard to believe that It is easily put in the front rank by people who want and will have nothing u"* W a Knot nnolltv In RllPfiiPS UUt IUC UCOl mmm ^?oo Our sales of COLUMBUS buggies are far larger than we expected them to be when we first began to handle this well-known vehicle. The demand for Columbus buggies has taxed our utmost efforts to keep a supply of them on hand. The Columbus buggy has earned a reputation for Itself In this section that puts It second to no other vehicle sold in all of this county. Time and again we have sold parties Columbus buggies who have owned and examined the best buggies of other makes. The Columbus is accepted as a standard in Quality, in Style, and In Price. If you want the best of Quality you are sure to get it in the Columbus. If you want the best Style, the Columbus furnishes it. You can pay more and still not get a buggy that will last as long, look as well or ride as easy as the Columbus. These facts can be verified if you want them verified. If you are in the market for a firstclass Buggy that will give you your money's worth, buy a COLUMBUS. At the price at which it Is sold you cannot find more Lasting Quality, or I Finer Style than you can get by buying a ROCK HILL BUGGY. "It's a little higher in price, but?" In any event see us before buying a Buggy. CARROLL BROS. * ONE TO TEN That is about the proportion of flies that can get in your house when you use Our Madc-to.Meaaure Fly Screens?that is a first-class lot of fly screens on your doors and windows will keep about NINETY PER CENT OF THE FLIES out of your dining room and your kitchen, or out of the whole house if you put screens in all windows and doors. If you would enjoy immunity from the fly you should by all means fit your doors and windows with our Made-to-Measure Fly Screens. After you have them awhile and see their benefits, we are certain that you would not dispose of them at [ even three times the cost if you could not get more. Our Screens are made of first-class stuff and are mortised at all joints. They are made to last and will give you go6d service for years to come. Let us have your order. J. J. KELLER & CO. DEYOR?Goes further ? lasts Ix?nger?costs Less?Buy Uevoe. Real Estate For Sale. 30J Acres, 3J miles Yorkville; CO acres in cultivation; good stream of water; 1 nice weatherboarded 4-r house; 1 tenant house. 80 Acres, 5 J miles southeast Yorkville; adjoining lands W. K. Carroll; Spencer place; 1 4-r dwelling; 10 acres fine bottom; 20 acres forest land. 73 Acres, 3j|in. Yorkville, on Rutherford road; 2 houses and barn; 55 acres in cultivation; 15 acres timber; branches; 80 fine fruit trees; 1-mile of public school. 451J acres, 2 miles of Tirzah, 6J miles Yorkville, 7J Rock Hill. On public road from Yorkville to Rock Hill, near Adner church; high state of cultivation. 75 acres bottom in corn. 10-horse farm open. Large new barn. 12 stalls and cribs. 10 acres fine orchard, 2-story dwelling (painted) In beautiful oak grove. Produced 100 bales cotton 1905. 115 acres 2-1 miles incorporate limits of Yorkville, Plnckney road; six room dwelling. 1 tenant house, 4 0 acres in woods. Cheap?1-3 cash. 203 acres on Pinekney road, 1 mile incorporate limits of Yorkville, in cultivation, level, one five room dwelling. ~ - - i ? ooca Z tenani nouses, r-rice faau. 190 Acres. 41 miles south of Yorkville. One Dwelling, 2 Tenant houses; 75 acres open land, balance In Timber. 300 Fruit Trees. $12 per acre. 377 acres, farm, both sides King's Mountain road, about 2i miles Bethany High School, 1 7-room dwelling, I tenant house and other buildings; at least 100,000 feet saw timber; has mineral prospects; A. C. Stroup place. Farm in fine condition; 140 acres; II Room Dwelling; 40 acres in wood and saw timber; 8 acres bottom; good out buildings; half mile Bethany High school; $4,000.00. 57 Acres; 8 miles west of Yorkvllle; near Rutherford road; one two-room house; Cheap. FOR SALE?237 acres. "Enloe place." 5} miles from Yorkville. 3 houses. 4 horse farm open. iuu acres In wood. 50,00 to 100.000 ft. of saw timber. 40 acres fine bottoms on Buckhorn creek. 72 acres on Chester road. 4 miles Yorkvllle: adjoins Philadelphia church at Delphos station. 20 acres original forest, dwelling, etc. 50 acres 1 mile of Tlrzah; 10 acres in wood: 6 acres good bottom. Youngblood place. Price $800. Fine dwelling on Main street. 10 Rooms?Splendid Location. 55 acres, J mile Tirzah station. Per acre. $16.00. 4 0 acres. 8 miles northeast of Yorkville, bounded by lands of Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Youngblood; 18 acres woodland. 12.2 1-3 acres J mile west of Hoodtown. On public road. 60 acres In cultivation, 35 or 40 acres of fine bottoms. 12 acres bottoms In cultivation. Cheap. Six valuable lots on Lincoln ave. 60x296 feet. \V. H. Herndon property. Small house on W. Madison street. Lot containing one acre. 85 acres, 3-mile from Yorkville on Charlotte road: a two-room house. 15 acres in bottom in high state of cultivation. 83 acres 2 miles from Yorkville, 2 tenant houses?3 and 4 rooms? New Barn with sheds, new double crib, good pasture, good 2-horse farm in cultivation, 200 nursery trees consisting of pears, peaches, apples ami cherries. Ill acres 6 miles west of Yorkville, 70 acres cultivated land, well watered, 2-story dwelling, 6 rooms, on R. P. P., about 28 acres in pasture and second growth pine. 220 acres, 2 miles from Yorkville. 2 dwelling and 1 tenant house. Well timbered. 25 acres in the town of Yorkville. will sell in lots from one acre up. Five room cottage 8x30 foot hall, front and back portico, good well, 8ft foot frontage on Wright avenue. Four lots In Whisonant?CIIKAP. 235 acre farm about 8A miles from Yorkville, 2 miles from Ebenezer; 1 new fi-room dwelling two 4-room tenant houses. 30 acres fine bottom land ?five horse farm. I. C. WIIjKOKN, Attorney. W9~ Wanted.?Your orders for all kinds of printed matter. Best work at fairest prices. YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. Deering Cultivators-? i/V^ ARE GREAT LABOR SAVERS AND LEAVE THE FIELD IN BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. WE HAVE THEM. COME AND GET ONE AND IF YOU ARE NOT PLEASED YOU MAY RETURN IT. YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. WANTED ABOUT 200 heart cedar posts, seven or eight feet long. 2t VICTOR COTTON OIL CO. W The Enquirer office makes a specialty of Brief and Argument printing. Best work?lowest price. I""D A DP A T unixuni NEXT FRIDAY AND SATl LOT OF SEASONABLE DRESS PRICES. These prices should Dress Goods offered for this sale mer season is but begun and the to impress themselves on the m for EXTRA GOOD VALUES IN FIGURED LAWNS in Strip been selling right along at 10c only at 8 1-3 CENTS A YARD. ' DOTTED SWISS, small dots, 20c a yard all season. Going Frli a Yard. This is an muiiatchahlc FIGURED ORGANDIES, ve buying at 15c and 20c the yard. 10 Cents the Yard. Don't miss tl 10c and 12Jc COLORED LAI 8 Cents the Yard. This price \r| A job lot of FIGURED LAWJ KoinK Friday and Saturday at K 1 On SATURDAY only we off SPECIAL PRICES?and the Prle Roasted Coffee On SATURDAY ONLY we ROASTED COFFEE FOR ONE I gle customer. This is the identlca buy in Fancy Tin Cans and pay : DAY O.nLY you can buy it at W ONE DOLLAR. A J. Q. r I YQRKVI THINGS TO REMEMBER "THREE CARDINAL VIRTUES." "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn at no other," so said Ben Franklin a hundred and fifty years ago, and it Is just as true today. "The way to wealth, if you desire it, is as plain as the road to market." said Franklin, and he points the way with much homely advice: "BE HONEST, WORK HARD, SAVE SOME." Tlie First National Hank, Vork vill?> S. (!. NEW GOODS--I am continually receiving new goods of various kinds, and among my latest arrivals is a large shipment of BROOMS?various weights and qualities and a variety of prices. All of them are full value for the price. I have a large supply of Cane Seed, approved varieties, and also have full stock of MILLET and MELON SEEDS. In edibles I have the celebrated Kingan Hams, Caraja Coffee in tins. Barrel Coffee, and Arbuckles?all of it roasted. I also have Canned Corn and Sweet Peas. They are about as good as the fresh article. Try them. That Suit of Spring Clothing? If you naven l Dougni yei cume aim ??-i me show you the Made-to-Mrasure line of LAMM & CO.?The Best on Earth Tailors. Their clothing Is made of best material's by best workmen and in the best of style at the lowest of prices. See my samples. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. ______________ DR. M. W. WHITE, Office Opposite Postoffice. There are some men In our town Who are looked upon as wise. For when they have stock for sale Their broker It will advertise. Tavora for sale at 105, York Cotton Mill at 50, Clover stock wanted at 135 Because it is unite thrifty. First National Bank at 110 I'll buy for a patron's sake? A few odd shares at 112 For a limited time I'll take. M. W. WHITE. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. T" OOK in the Display Case at Main I J street entrance to Studio for samples of View Work and Sepia Post Card6. Views of our streets taken during the busy cotton season. Orders for View Work taken at Studio. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phone No. 132. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. W TIII-: RIVALS?June 12. Head it. "H.TIJKALIA" IS THE LATEST WALL COVERING OUT TO DATE. SEE ME?I HAVE IT, AND ALL OTHERS. A. B. GAINES. 99~ TIIK RIVALS?.lune 12. Head it. PHOTOGRAPHY For first-class Lasting Photographs come to my studio on West Liberty street. J. R. SCHORB. WANTED O ALES MEN? (single)? for large O General Merchandising house in York county, to commence work September 1. None need apply except those who are experienced, well recommended. and intend to work Address, giving particulars "F", care Enquirer Office. 3t | JOHNSTON n: A In a few weeks progref 4> for winter use and for sale. The ? hay Is by the use of a first-class T cutting and a first-class HORSE 1 V handling the JOHNSTON MOWE A without danger of successful disp 1 ERS and RAKES are as Scientific 1 -- ?*? ?- a a fin, Ki na i uuruuginy oum, auu v? ?? -w T other make on the American mar Y and RAKES are not made by th< S manufacture of many such lmple: 3, STRICTLY ON THEIR MERITS ? buyer and user ENTIRE SATISFY T or a MOWER come and see the our prices. They are time savers We also have Grain Cradles a A If you want a first-class Shai 0.00 to $100.00 each niul we c (Quality as well as the Price. If you have any COTTON to s Yorkville B. & wing Machines I rid horse Rakes | sive farmers will be cutting hay ? only correct way to cut and save + MOWING MACHINE to do the * itAKE to do the raking. We are Y RS and RAKES, and we can say a >ute that the JOHNSTON MOW- i ally Designed, as Carefully Made, ? od Material as are mowers of any $1 go; Kit or iuid 91.2a, A still better grade?Shore No. 1? Kit at $1.60. LOUIS ROTH. Buggies i i 1 We have shipped six solid carloads , of-Buggies here since Dec. 1st, which . gives us the largest and most com- , plete line of vehicles ever shown on < this market. I Remember we sell Studebaker ( wagons, ana csieei iving luiumuia the heavy kind, at $3.00; points all < sizes and descriptions for same. A full line of Disc Harrows and Disc ' Plows and Smoothing Harrows, Guano Plows, Cole Cotton and Corn Planters, in all three makes, as well as the ] Daisy Corn Planter. Don't fall to < see us If you want anything In above | line, as we will save you money. j 1 I 1 GLENN & ALLISON i ( r THE RIVALS?June 12. Read It. \ NTAGES ( ===== 11 with the aid of a BANK AC- f he experiment Is tried the wise J great convenience?but It pro- f , nd Trouble and removes all dan- A imotii iinwlsslv hm everyone S ' < ' " ' 4 I 'nee for Personal, Commercial or \ I w tings Rank ji 4 . LIS, S. C. \ I f l I I v V. Pi. R. E. HEATH, Sec.-Tr. < ft M. COMPANY, : RATED. )RDS , id Gentlemen shipment of LADIES' and MISS> 1:0 $:$.r?0 a pair. N and DOUGLAS OXFORDS for ! f?ir. it FIFTY PER CENT DISCOUNT 1 >nie and buy several pairs before i Panama Hats. large shipment of HATS for men I LT. In the lot Is a goodly numing at $5.00 Hacli. Other Hatfi and wear a PANAMA. ?F. BLUE SERGE SUIT and have ] ill soon strike us. They're very to $5.00 Facli. ' iece?$7.50 a Suit. irmer wear just In. See them. TATTINGS. on your floor this summer It will j e our Mattings and get Prices. , fD HARDWARE j on our GROCERY and HARDontinually arriving. Among the i XOXE BETTER. ] 3UR?ITse it if you want the best. le and see us. as we can certainly , straight. LASSES by the gallon or the bar- < n the price. ' i TWINE come and see us. We AM FREEZER sold in Yorkvllle B RATED WHITE MOUXTAIX 1 so good. antity of GUAXO and ACID. If corn, we can supply you. rs, Rakes, Etc. id of the famous and always sat HAKES unri DISC HAKKUHS, repairs for same. When you are 1 hay you want to remember that aehlne to do the work with, and i up the hay. Then use an 0S*tubble. anything of above nature, you buy a BUGGY or anything BUGGIES represent values from an certainly interest you in the lell etill and see us before selling. . M. Company. THERE ARE MANY GOOD AND TRUSTWORTHY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES According to the Highest Financial Standards, but The Policies tliey write vary ESSENTIALLY and VITALLY and their rates DIFFER Materially. The BEST contract Is written by The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company at LOWEST rates, with ANNUAL dividends, and HIGH guar untees, and contains SPECIAL and PECULIAR advantages not COMBINED in the policies of other Companies.. Many Quick Sighted Buyers of Life Insurance Know This to Be True. SAM M. GRIST. Special Agent. SHERER MARKET WHEN YOU WANT FRESH MEATS, LEMONS AND ICE CALL AND SEE THE CURIOSITY, OLD GEORGE, THE HONEST BUTCHER. G. H O'LEARY. MATTINGS A few days ago we received a new shipment of the latest patterns In CANE MATTINGS, and we Invite parties who expect to lay aside that old matting that has been doing service for so long and replace it with new ind fresh floor covering, to come and see our new MATTING line. You will be surprised to see what a good quality of Matting of the latest pat:erns you can buy for just a little coin. Come and see our MATTINGS. RUGS When you come to see our line of Mattings we also want you see our elegant line of RUGS. We have them n all sizes, several qualities, and In i wide range of prices. RUGS naturally go with Mattings as floor coverngs, and a few rugs scattered around nake a wonderful Improvement anyway. Come and see our RUGS and jur MATTINGS. G. H. O'LEARY. m~ THE RIVALS?June 12, Read It. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. (Incorporated.) JULY 1ST. We take stock on the above date, and is that date Is not far off we want to reduce our stock of finished work to as low a point as possible before that late and In order to help the reduction process along as rapidly as possible, we will, until JULY 1ST, make especially attractive prices to parties desiring to purchase Monuments, Tombstones, Markers, etc. By Finished Work we mean stones sf various styles that have been finished in every way except the inscriptions. If you have relatives and loved ines whose eraves vou wish to mark in a suitable way, it is entirely to your Interest to get our prices between this late and July 1st next. All of our work is of the BEST in quality and finish and In every respect s equal to any work of like character >btainable anywhere at like prices. W. BROWN' WYLIE. Sec.-TreasYORKVILLE ttnilding and Loan Association OF YORKVILLE, S. C. Furnishes the opportunity for the profitable investment of Savings, howiver small or large. Enables persons of* small means to Dwn Their Own Homes on Easy rerms. Lends Money on Good Security from Dne to Five Year Periods. Applications now being received for i New Series of Stock. For further and more specific infornation apply to W. BROWN WYLIE, President. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary and Treasurer. BT THE RIVALS?June 12. Read It. -:You Know It:NOW TELL YOUR FRIENDS. That it Is not necessary to send off and pay postage or express on TOILET ARTICLES. I have anything you may desire in this line and the BEST that can be had at any store anywhere?such as SOAPS. EXTRACTS, SACHETS. TOILET WATERS. TALC POWDERS, FACE POWDERS. MASSAGE CREAMS. FACE CREAMS, etc. A Iso Flesh Brushes. Bath Brushes. Rubber Sponges, Complexion Bulbs ind Manicure Sets. My Pint Bottle of VIOLET AMMONIA for 25 Cents is one of the best ralues ever offered in Yorkville, but for ONE WEEK I will sell at 18 Cts. uome and see ME. STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder. Prop. IT THE RIVALS?June 12. Read it. -FOR SALEIN CANS AND GLASS PORK SAUSAGE MEAT. CHIP BEEF, CRABS, VIENNA SAUSAGE. PORK AND BEANS, COOKED TRIPE SLICED BREAKFAST STRIP, LUNCH TONGUE. DESSERT PEACHES AND APRICOTS. PINEAPPLE, ASPARAGUS TIPS. PEPPER SAUCE. ETC., AND OF COURSE THE BEST TEAS AND COFFEES. I. W.. JOHNSON. W THE RIVALS?June 12. Read It. 4 TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS ALL persons Indebted to the estate of EMILY E. WRIGHT, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to me at once. Persons having claims against said estate will please present them, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. HERBERT L. WRIGHT. Administrator. WW THE RIVALS?June 12. Read it. I HALF 1200 YA ickF MOHAr This MOHAIR LUSTRE Is a wool goods, and every yard is WA was 15c and 20c. But to give you the knife to the lot and here It got See the display of these goods In grasp this opportunity and buy at 1000 Yards Ct That have been selling over the c< yard. All good patterns. This loi YARD. The Lawn season has Just take advantage of this 1 Cents Pri L_? a * vrx 1*1 itttrl I IVC I IU11U Of PURE WHITE MADRAS and Madras was a regular 12} cents n A Bargain at 10 Cents the Yard. 40 Inch Wl Is as hard to get as Long Silk GI01 now has FIVE PIECES OF 40 If go at 12 1-2 Cents the Yard. One piece 25 Inch BROWN L MOSQUITO NET. all Colors, Cut, 7 Cents the Yard. 40 Inch Unbleached Sea Island SIDE AND BA Big assortment of both SIDE Plain and Ornamented at 10c, 15c PDIT7I v." *-4 a m m i Are the NEWEST thing In Ladlei Mme. Frltzi SchefT, the famous act diste." ' These Belts are made of ing with a prong in the back, showing them in Leather and Bla one now while its NEW. The Thomso GRADED SCFOOL MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given that the qualified voters resident in the SCHOOL DISTRICT OF YORKVILLE are hereby called together in ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING on THURSDAY. JUNE 14TH, 1906, at 11 ?w m., In the Court House, for the purpose of having submitted to them the report of the trustees for the school year ending May 26th, 1906. and the trustees' estimate of expenses necessary for the current year; and further, that on the same day, commencing al; 12 o'clock, noon, a poll will be opened at the Court House, and kept open until 6 o'clock p. m., under the supervision of three managers, at which election the qualified voters of the said school district may vote for or against a special levy of THREE MILLS LOCAL TAX. which the trustees will recom mena 10 saia meeung iur iuc aui/iwn of the schools during the school year. By order of the board. J. D. McDOWELL, Chairman. May 29 t 3L We are headquarters also for Guano CLOTHES CLEANING. rAM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladles' skirts in a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Fer- I guson's store. . Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. ? : 1 i 90~ Wanted.?Your orders for all < kinds of printed matter. Best work at fairest prices. I* clot: Good Varieties-THERE'S NO QUEST! PLEASE MOST BUYERS OP F FROM OUR IMMENSE STOCK. I QUANTITY. THE QUALITIES A HAVE THE PRICES THAT CA1 TRACTIVE TO THE BUYER ( THE FULLEST VALUE FOR HIS YOU BEFORE OUR CLOTHING VIEW OF BEING ABLE TO OI STYLE, MORE QUALITY, MOR THAT IT WAS POSSIBLE TO OBI WE ARE DOING THIS IS PRC WHICH WE MAKE HAL.KM TO O I NO FOR THE BEST VALUES I? SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH I SATISFACTORY TO US SO FAR IF YOU HAVEN'T YET BOUGHH CLOTHING YOU NEED YOU W1 SEE US BEFORE YOU DO BUY. GIVE YOU THE MOST FOR YOt LIST BELOW. GET AN IDEA OF COME TO SEE THE GOODS: HOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS Boys' Fancy Cheviot Suits... Boys' Black Clay Worsted Su I Boys' Fancy Cheviot Suits .. Boys' Fancy Cheviot Suits . . Boys' Fancy Cassimere Suits. Boys' Fancy Worsted Suits . Boys' Fancy Worsted Suits . Boys' Navy Blue Serge Suits Boys' Fancy Worsted Suits . BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITSBoys' Fancy Worsted Suits.. ^ Boys' Fancy Worsted Suits . Bov's Blue Thibet Suits .... I Boys' Fancy Cheviot Suits . Boys' Fancy Worsted Suits . MEN'S CL< Men's Black Clay Worsted Su Men's Fancy Casslmere Suits.. Men's Black Clay Worsted Si Men's Black Thibet Suits ... Men's Blue Thibet Suits .... I Men's Black Thibet Suits ... Men's Fancy Worsted Suits . Men's Fancy Worsted Suits . Men's Black Clay Worsted Su Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits Men's .Fancy Cheviot Suits . Men's Black Clay Worsted Su Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits Men's Black Clay Worsted . Men's Navy Blue Flannel Sull Men's Fancy Cheviot Suits . Men's Fancy Worsted Suits . I Men's Black Clay Worsted Su Men's Fancy Worsted Suits . Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits I Men's Black Thibet Suits . .. Men's Black Clay Worsted Su Men's Fancy Worsted Suits . Men's Fancy Worsted Suits . Men's Black Unfinished Wors THE STRAUSS-SN | Main and Liberty Sts. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR AUDITOR. WE are authorized to announce W. B. WILLIAMS as a candidate for appointment as AUDITOR of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters In the approaching primary election. June 5 t te. DDirp ll * iyv^ R LUSTRE AT ABOUT HALF cotton fabric, closely resembling SHABLE. The price on this lot your money's worth we have put as at only 8 CENTS THE YARD, our show window. You should : half price. >lored Lawns >unter all spring at 10 cents the I now on sale at 7 CENTS THE t now opened up, and you should Ice. red Yards DTATTPO 90 Innhoa nrIHa Thin umber, but goes in this week as hite Lawn ires. But the PEOPLE'S STORE *CH SHEER WHITE LAWN to JNEN at 12 1-2 Cents the Yard. "8 Yard Bolts for 50 Cents." I, 6 1-2 Cents Uie Yard. iCK COMBS and BACK COMBS for the hair, and 25e. EFF BELTS j* Belts, deriving its name from :ress, now starring In "Mile. Mocrushed leather and silk fastenThe THOMSON COMPANY is ick Silk at 50 Cents each. Buy n Company = 1 F. C. BLACK Life Insurance Old Line Mutual Legal Reserve Just as solid as It Is possible to make anything. ^ THE 8ECURITY LIFE AND ANNUITY COMPANY Has complied with the general Insurance laws, and Is licensed to do business as legal reserve "Old Line" company. This means, that the state of North Carolina guarantees that the company's assets and liabilities are correctly given In Its published statements. That the Company has deposited cash securities with the Insurance commissioner for the absolute protection of its policy-holders. FRED C. BLACK. MONEY TO LEND. ON improved farms in York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, 7 per cent; under $1,000, 8 per cent. No broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPENCER. Rock Hill, or undersigned. C. E. SPENCER. Atty. \t Law. Dec. 1. Aug. 1. f.t HING ^ -Lowest Prices. r/xxt *DATTT ATTD ADTT TTV TO ivn now 1 vui? v tEADY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING W WE NOT ONLY HAVE THE ND THE VARIETY, BUT WE A S'NOT FAIL TO PROVE AT- S 3F CLOTHING WHO WANTS MONEY. AS WE HAVE TOLD WAS BOUGHT WITH THE VK OUR CUSTOMERS MORE E FIT AND CLOSER PRICES PAIN ELSEWHERE, AND THAT , )VEN BY THE EASE WITH USTOMERS WHO ARE LOOK 1 CLOTHING. OUR SALES OF w INO HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY AS THE SEASON HAS GONE. ^ P THE SPRING AND SUMMER ILL DO WELL TO COME AND WE ARE SURE THAT WE CAN rR MONEY. LOOK OVER THE ' WHAT IS HERE, AND THEN (?AGES 6 TO 16 YEARS. $ 1.25 i jm i.5o ft 1.75 2.00 ft 2.25 ft 2.50 ft .. 3.00 ft 3.75 ft ?AGES 14 1X1 19 YEARS. ? 4.50 5.00 m 5.00 ft 7.00 ft 7.00 | [>TIIING. Its 9 3.00 B 5.00 nits?Double Breasted.... 3.00 ft 5.00 0.00 0.00 ft 0.00 7.00 ft its 7.00 ft 7.00 ft 7.50 ft Its 7.50 7.50 ft % 8.00 .3 B.au w 8.50 8.50 its 8.50 A 10.00 10.00 10.00 its 10.00 12.00 12.50 ted Suits 12.50 IITH COMPANY, Yorkvillc,