Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, January 26, 1906, Image 3

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STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Yorkville Ladies Are Interested In the Proposed Institution. Reported for The Yorkville Enquirer: There was an enthusiastic meeting of the representative women of Yorkville. at the court house, Tuesday afternoon, in the interest of the State Industrial school. The meeting was opened with an earnest prayer by the Rev. E. E. Gillespie. Miss Lesslle D. Witherspoon, who had been asked by the late Mrs. Patterson, to take charge of the work in Yorkville, made a most interesting address to the ladies, giving the history of thfs noble work, showing what a crying need there is for It, and paying AM al/innonf Knto Iho TXTArlf O nH an tlVVjUVllV UIUWVV VV vtiv It v. character of Mrs. Patterson. Mr. Gillespie gave an account of a week's visit paid by him to the Industrial school in Richmond, Va., describing the workings of the institution, and the great success which has attended it. No doubt had existed in the minds of the ladies as to the necessity of establishing such a school in our own state, but if there had been any hesitation it was all swept away by the information we received. The ladies then organized the South Carolina Industrial School Association of Yorkville. York county. The following officers were elected: Vice-president Miss Lesslie D. Witherspoon; secretary, Mrs. Walter B. Moore; treasurer, Mrs. S. A. Weber, Ey-lgws were adopted and $41.75 was pledged in support of the work. Members were enrolled and committees appointed to canvass the town for new members. We do most earnestly hope that the legislature will pass that most important measure, one second to none for the good of the state. Maooig A. Gist. THE COTTON CROP OF 1905. It Comes Very Near Ten Million Bales ' After All. A bulletin issued by the census bureau last Tuesday on the amount of cotton grinned from the growth of 1905 to January' 16. shows the number of running bales for the United States to be 9,998,111, as against 12 767,600 for 1905, and 9,485.482 for 1904. The figures are based on the counting of round bales as half bales and exclude linters. The amount of cotton ginned by the several cotton growing states up to the date Mentioned is as folows: Alabama. 1,202,627; Arkansas, 535.422: Florida, 74,270; Georgia, 1,695,336: Indian Territory, 308,297; Kansas, 18; Kentucky, 1.218; Loulstaia, 483,820; Mississippi, 1,095,402; Missouri, 36,978; North Carolina, 638,049; Oklahoma 288,171; South Carolina, 1,093,482; Tennessee, 248 171; Texas, 2,281,550: Virginia, 15,300. The explanatory statement accompanying the figrures Is as follows: "Linters obtained by the cotton seed oil mills from reginning cotton seed are nbt Included in this report. The number of round bales, Included as grinned to January 16 is 274,851 for 1906; 289,425 for 1905; 747,480 for 1904. The number of sea island bales Included is 104,242 for January 16, 1904; 98 110 for 1905; 72,907 for 1904. The sea Island cotton ginned to January 16, 1906, distributed by states Is Florida, 37,312; Georgia 54,010; South Carolina 12,920. The number of ginneries operated prior to January 16, 1906, was 28,881, compared with 30,221 for 1905, and 30,171 for 1904. One more report will be Issued this season showing total growth of 1905 and will be published about March 20, 1906." The Venezuela Matter.?Advices received at Wlllenestad, Island of Curacao, January 25, say that the dean of the diplomatic corps at Caracas, the Belgian charge d'affaires, has conferred with Senor Ybarra, the Venezuelan foreign minister, on the incident attending the embarkation %of the former French charge d'affaires,* M. Taigny, on board the French steamer Martinique off La _ ... Guaira, January 14. The Belgian official pointed out that the diplomatic corps considered M. Taigny to be a member of the corps until removed by his government, and asked the foreign minister for an explanation of the position of the members of the corps. Senor Ybara evaded the request of the Belgian representative, and treat ru iiic i aigu/ iuviuviiv i*o>*?vi v marking that M. Taigny had "allowed himself to be caught like a rat In a trap." There is a great lack of news at Caracas. The people of Venezuela are entirely Ignorant of the situation growing out of the rupture of diplomatic relations between France and Venezuela. A strict censorship is observed over all dispatches. . AT THE CHURCHES. CHURCH OF THE GOOE SHEPHERD. rev. j. o. babln", minister. Sunday Services.?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Afternoon service at 4 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. b. e. gillespie, pastor Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m. Evening service at 7 p. m. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. j. l. 8toke8. d. d.. pa8tor. Sunday Services?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Evening service at 7 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. c. bwart, pa9tor. Preaching by Rev. McElwee Ross this evening at 7 o'ciock; tomorrow ai 11 o'clock, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper observed during the Sunday morning service. Sunday school at 10 a. m. BAPTIST. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock, a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m., and at 7 o'clock p. m., by Rev. V. I. Masters. Special Notices. Card Thanks. I take this method of expressing my deep appreciation of the kind assistance and sympathy tendered my family during the recent fatal Illness of my father.; Respectfully, It* R. C. Jackson. York Mills and Tirzah. I will preach hereafter at Tirzah Methodist church on the 1st and 3d Sunday mornings of each month, and at York Mills on the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings. Evening services at the Mill church will be announced later. . S. a. Weber, Pastor, Yorkville Circuit Conference. The stewards of Yorkville circuit wll please meet In the Methodist church at Clover, at 10.30 a. m. Monday, January 29. E. K. Hardin. Jan. 23 sw 2t Hickory Grove Circuit. The first quarterly conference of Hickory Grove circuit will be held at Mt. Vernon church, February 3 and 4. All official muinbers are requested to bo present. "It J. C. Counts. Pastor. $hf gorhuilte (Jotton jfjRarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. York ville, Jan. 26, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Cotton llic. ? Latta Bros. OBITUARY. Died?On January 22d, at the home of her son, T. X. Brandon, near Zeno, Mrs LOUISA RUTH BRANDON, widow of T. L. Brandon, in the 85th year of her age. Clubmakere For The Enquirer. Up to this time the following named individuals have either commenced making up clubs for The Enquirer i for 1906, or signified their intention of doing so, and all of them will take pleasure in forwarding subscriptions 4 either new or old: J. K. Allison Hickory Grove, s Isabelle Arrowood No. 3, Clover, a Bennie Barron Torkville. 13 Miss Janie Brandon..No. 1, Bandana, k R. B. Black Lockhart. L W. McG. Bailey, No. 1 McConnellsville. ti J. Wendell Barber Fort Mill. ( J. H. Bigham Sharon. S W. J. Caveny Rock Hill. I G. M. Carroll No. 1 Yorkvllle. g T. C. Chstles No. 1. Smyrna. (John L. Clark No. 1 Yorkviille. 1 Jno. M. Craig No. 1, Bandana. | Miss Cora Clark Gastonia. N. C. I W. H. Crook ino. i run nam. Arch D. Dorsett Clover. I S. S. Farls No. 6, Rock Hill. W. B. Flanagan Bowling Green. ' B. B. Ferguson N. 5 Yorkvllle. James Grist Yorkvllle. W. E. Gettys No. 2 Yorkvllle. | G. A. Gettys Roddeys. J. D. Good No. 1 Sharon. Mrs. E. C. Gladden Grover, N. C. _ C. C. Hughes No. 7 Yorkvllle. T. J. Hopper Yorkvllle. Clarence Hood No. 1 Sharon. Kelly Inman ..No. 1, Bullock's Creek. Raymond Jackson Yorkvllle. Geo. W. Knox Clover. T. E. Love No. 4 Clover. . W. S. Lesslle Lesslie. Mrs. J. B. Mickle No. 2. Sharon, f. A. W. McFarland ....No. 3 Yorkvllle. Harry Miller No. 6 Yorkvllle. R. E. McLure No. 5 Yorkvllle. L. B. McGill R. F. D. No. 3 Clover. J. Webb Moore No. 8 Yorkvllle. | Miss Sallle McConnell McConnellsvllle. Howard McMackln No. 4 Clover. W. A. Mitchell No. 1 Sharon. W. H. Moore Rock Hill. J J. S. Plexlco Tlrzah. Jeffreys Parish Yorkvllle. J. S. Plexlco Sharon. A. L. Purcell No. 1 Sharon. Dr. W. A. Pressly Rock Hill. E. W. Pursley King's Creek. W. S. Peters Yorkvllle. D. T. Quinn Smyrna. Clyde Ratchford... .Bullock's Creek. J. N. Roberts... .McAdenvllle, N. C. Miss Minnie Rateree ..No. 1 Bandana. G. L. Suggs ......No. 1. Bandana. Miss Daisy Slmril Yorkvllle. t a Smith No. 1 Yorkvllle. i J. H. Sherer No. 1 Sharon. 1 Sidney Sherer Sharon, tl G. L. Sugars No. 1 Bandana, u J. J. Smith Clover. S. B. Thompson No. 1 Bandana. Joseph M. Whitesldes Hickory. SALESMAN WANTED. ( TO look after our Interest in York 7 and adjacent counties. Salary or n commission. Address CLOVER OIL n1 AND PAINT CO.. Cleveland, O. C WANTED MEN, women, boys and girto to represent McClure's Magazine. Good " pay. Address 67 East 23d St., N. Y. * City. 4 Jan. 26 sw. 3t \ PHILANTHROPIC LODGE. NO. 32. J THERE will be a special com- f TZjT munication next Monday night, 4 'Tr\ 29th. F. C. Work. a W. ADICKES, Sec. f STRAY COW. f LARGE animal with white and yel- ( low spots and drooping horns. 1 Left Thursday. Information appreci- f ated. i Mrs. S. C. ASHE, Yorkville, S. C. \ Jan. 26 f 11 F AUCTION SALE. ^ OF Household and Kitchen Furnl- 4 i milTTDOTi A V TT'TTTIRTT A - \ V/ I lire, VII lUUIWi^ni A ?? RY 1ST, beginning at 10 o'clock, at f Gus Matthews farm. > D. W. SMITH. r Yorkvllle R. F. D. No. 1. ^ Jan. 26 sw 2t . TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. , ALL persons holding claims against estate of THOS. BALLARD, deceased, will present them to the undersigned. duly attested, and all persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate settlement with SARAH BALLARD Executrix Thos. Ballard, Deed. Jan. 19. f 3t. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. NOTICE Is hereby given that at 11 o'clock a. m., on Monday, Feb. 26. I will make a complete settlement with the Hon. L. R. Williams, probate Judge for York county, as executor of the estate of I. D. WITHERSPOON. deceased, and will then and there ask for a discharge from all further liability in connection with said estate. W. I. WITHERSPOON. Executor. Jan. 26 f 5t SPECIAL TAX ELECTION" NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the resident voters and taxpayers of McConnellsville School District No. 13. will be held at McConnellsville on MONDAY. FEB. 12, at 2 ? ? -- ? I?? /v# lnmr_ p. m., lO cuusiuer ine qucouvu ui ic? j lng an extra 2 mill tax for the support of the schools In said district. J. O. MOORE. P. M. BURRIS. J. F. ASHE. Board of Trustees. Jan. 26 f 2t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of York. IN PROBATE COURT. By L. R. Williams, Esq., Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS A. H. JACKSON has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credit s of JAMES A. JACKSON, late of the county aforesaid deceased: ? These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 8TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1906, I to shew cause, If any. why the said * Administration should not be granted. Oiven under mv hand and seal, this 24th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six and In the 130th year of ^ American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. Probate Judge of York Countv. Jan. 26. f 2t Is Toilet Articles? P p Our Department of Toilet Articles comes wo very near Including every urtiele for which there is a possible demand that it is hardly necessary J1 for us to enumerate. This is one department we watch very closely and it Is our pleasure to keep it up to the top notch at all times. If there Is _ any Toilet Article you want, just put it down YOU CAN GET IT at the i York Drug Store. Our stock includes full lines of the best Toilet Soaps, Toilet Powders, Colognes and Extracts, Toilet Waters, Brushes for the .. hair and the bath, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Rubber Complexion Brushes, Massage Cream, Tooth Powders, Pastes and Liquids, and the thousand and other articles that are indispensable on the Ladies' Boudoir Table. . YORK DRUG STORE, I J. B. BOWEN, Proprietor. \\t 4 t t n i m;i) v ?? ALL r.irmi t. YOU WILL FIND ME NEXT DOOR TO Dr. 8RATT0N'S OFFICE. f F A. B. GAINES. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. FOUR Horse Power Shipman Steam Engine. Uses Kerosene oil for fuel, and takes fire and water " as required automatically. Cost originally, $350, and Is guaranteed to be in 1 first class condition. We will sell at J a bargain. g L. M. GRIST'S SONS. e e W Read Dr. Lnthan's History of South Carolina, in The Enquirer. It is Interesting and instructive. tpIETLY| We're razln a w racket at awe tower jus now?no use tryln tu tel y wl?we've so mlnny big bargins e ftle pries, yo orter kom. Shipment omin kloze together now?nu wrug .ace Kurtins, Embroadry (mity broa .. \ u.j IVUI ncio, ijny i io, uiiiwuc< not breaches of promise), Towels iocks, Stockins and soar on. P.* 'ercals and Madras worth 15c to 20< oin for 8c to 9c yd. Mil WUSHEE ('ASH STORE Yorkville, S. C. A FEW THINGS AT JOHNSON'S BRAN and 3HORT8. FLOUR, MEAL, QRIT8. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA. HAMS, and BREAKFAST STRIPS MACARONI and CHEESE. APRICOTS and PEACHES. HEINZ'S PICKLES. OLIVES and OLIVE OIL. CAN CORN AND PEAS. I. W. JOHNSON. ATTA BROS' WAREHOUSE 11J E are prepared to store COT ?T TON. Our rates are cheape lan can be had on the farm. Brini s your Cotton. LATTA BROS. Dec. 1 s.w. tf MONEY TO LEND. \ N Improved farms In York county J Interest: Loans not under $1,000 per cent: under $1,000, 8 per cent ro broker's commissions. Repay lents easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPEN ER, Rock Hill, or undersigned. C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. Dec. 1. Aug. 1. f.t \/AI Tn 1/ A I I T A I I UUK V nLUnl PAP ARE YOU RUNNING THE KEEPING THEM AROUND TH: BETTER RENT A SAFETY DE! THEY COST YOU FROM $2.1 TO THE SIZE. LOAN AND S YORKVIL CLOl 25 to 35 Pe At J. Q.1 Our Clothing sales this s< tory to us. They have been ?pa>;nn? Our ?;tnrW i<; nmv li a fairly good stock of the be in order to close them out v ductions of TWENTY-FIV CENT, and this reduction w somebody who needs seaso made, good fitting and styli Suits that were $15 the Si Boy's Suits are also cut f them out quick. For instan are now going at $1.98 the f Our Shoe stock for men, plete in all its details, and ra If you cannot get suited in S ly very hard to please. Give me a call when y to show you our goods at a J. Q. WRAY, youxv: WILKERSON'S foine-Made Molasses I HAVE THIS WELL KNOW? rrvn tv <STnrv Nfiw Rftn Gallon BUCKWHEAT FLOUR?the dar] r. C. raised?at 5 Cents a pound. Also a First Class Self-Raising kind ut up by LEGGETT?In 15c and 25 ackages. A barrel of TIP TOP MACKEREL ust opened, at 10c apiece?3 for 25< LOUIS ROTH. 01IN >1. POLLOCK CO Vliolesalc Grocers and Com miss loi .Merchants. (T. 11. Met Iain's Old Stand). We are carrying In stock Floui leat, Mill Products, Fruits, etc., am re s.t all times prepared to give bot am figures on everything In th rocery line. We sell to merchants only. We control Gambell's XXX Best am t'hlte Eagle, Little Pilgrim half pa nts. We sell to merchants only. You will find us In the store roor ormerly occupied by the store of 1 I. McClaln. We sell to merchants only. JOHN M. POLLOCK Co Commission Merchants. HORSES AND MULES. [HAVE a car load of fine animal just from Tennessee. They are al uaranteed to be sound and good work rs. Prices and terms to suit purchas rs. Be sure to see these animals. W. R. CARROLL. Yorkvllle, S. C. Jan. 9 sw it. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee * President Sec. and Treat YORK SUPPLY CO, Incorporated. I Received j This Week ONE CARLOAD CORN, C, TWO CARLOADS FLOUR. " HALF CARLOAD MEAL, SHIPMENT OF MEAT AND LARD We have Sound Sweet Potatoes al ' 75 Cents a bushel. Irish Potatoes and Cabbage. Fresh N. C. Buckwheat?5c pound Parties who need Corn in any quantity will do well to see us. Best Canned Tomatoes?10 cts can Do Not Contract for your Fertilizers without seeing i YORK SUPPLY CO. Our Trusted Helper Mr. J. B. DICKSON has gone out ol our store into other business and we have a worthy successor In Mr. OTTMAN ROSE, a young man much liked by all. We are doing our VERY BEST nowadays, hoping to merit our old trade and many New Customers. Plant NOW (. ONION SETS. ETC. Our stock Is kept quite complete and we win appreciate a iriai un anything in our Mnes. We will see that you will Lose Nothing by trading with Us. W. ADICKES CO. "BARGAINS IN 3 AND 5 GALLON OIL CANS. OPEN ALL THE TIME. * TNURING my absence, taking re U turns through the County, my ofr flee at Yorkville is OPEN AT ALL 5 TIMES, during business hours, for the transaction of business in connection with the Taking of Returns, and other matters pertaining to the affairs of " the office. My Clerk, Miss E. W. Hunter, is in charge, with full author ity to represent me. JOHN J. HUNTER, ' County Auditor. I Jan. 12 sw. 7t WtT Read Dr. Lathan's History of South Carolina, in The Enquirer. It Is interesting and instructive. 1 4 BLE J ERS | RISK OF LOSING THEM BY ^ E PREMISES? IF SO. YOU HA1J a POSIT BOX AT ONCE. 50 to $3.00 A YEAR, ACCORDING f AVINGS BANK i LE, S. C. ? 'HING r Cent Off at WRAY'S iason have been most satisfaclarger than in some of our past ow, but we still have on hand tter grades in Men's Suits and ve offer you your choice at rerE TO THIRTY-FIVE PER ill make some rich bargains for nable Clothing that are well sh. For instance you can buy lit at $10 the Suit. rom 25 to 35 per cent to close ce Boy's Suits that were $2.50 Suit, and so on. women and children is cotnmge in price up to $5.00 a pair, hoes at WRAY'S you are sureou are shopping. Will be glad ny time. THE LEADER, ILLE, S. C. York $ Furniture # Company 1, c A small lot of FINE WOOL BLANKETS in stock can be had now at a CLOSE PRICE. Examine them. - Wood Heaters I Coal Heaters n Furniture In all Its branches, r, RUGS, ART SQUARES, MATTINGS, d - HALL CURTAINS, LACE CURTAINS, 6 TABLE COVERS, PIANO COVERS, CLOCKS, Etc. J PICTURES, SHADES, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS AND WINDOW GLASS. n i ^urriiNa ana CASKETS. s 11 We keep at all times a full line and - offer our services as Undertakers. YORK FURNITURE CO. f OVER I Nearly every man and eve suits of Overalls. They are grea catching the grease and dirt tha er's clothes, they save lots of wo tVinv orp mount tn nrntprt I in this line of goods and sell th always keep on hand a full stocl Is most complete. When you i you can get the sizes, weights I will come here. Just to give yo a few Overalls that we carry In CHILI A. A. double blue and white t' ets, double stitched; apron with patent buttons, sizes 7 to 14 year as many sold for 14-year-old siz Jumpers to match at 50 CEN1 Striped Blue Duck Overalls, white stripe, two front double si ent button, shoulder straps with cotton, felled seams, 6 to 14 yea I YOUTH'S Size Waist?20 to 30 Inches. Bound Overalls, full 250 welg denims, two front and one hip i felled seams, faced fly, diamond ed crotch at 40 CENTS EACH. Apron Overalls of Indigo blue stripes, faced apron on band, tv pocket on bib, double stitched w patent riveted buttons, faced side MEN'S O Single front Apron Overalls, 1 I blue denim, faced side openings, pocket with watch pocket and buttons, felled seams, at 50 CE? Men's fancy striped Apron Oa with narrow woven white strip Overalls. 50 CENTS A PAIR. All our Overalls are full in slz< long crotch and high In back and Our Norfolk and Western Rail weight Massachusetts double am loon cut, felled seams, two front two hip pockets, extra large size I stayed crotch, patent buttons, fac high railroad back, and with ri buckle loop at $1.00 A PAIR IS 1 We have a fancy Overalls, mac Undei MEN'S SCARLET WOOL When raw wool advances In pi the price of Scarlet Wool Under must be all wool In order to dye I big line of these goods just in tl customers the benefit of our earl you at least 25 per cent. Buy 1 Mixed scarlet wool Shirts, sill front silk cat stitched, neck insh ribbed cuffs, hemmed tail. Thes each, but we are. closing them 01 Drawers to match at same pric We also handle the full wool $1.00 per Garment, or $2.00 per We also have a full line of W Shirts and Drawers, from $2 to ! All these goods have been re< advancing. We have reduced p I torn at this season to reduce prl carrying them over the summer derwear now. You will save mo BOYS' KX We have a nice line of Boys' six to seven years old and in prlc< PF" We have a full stock of Cos sale mill agents. Merchants can save the freight. Orders from oi promptly. Let us have your ord< THE STRAUSS-S: and Liberty Sts. COTTON INSURANCE. 1AM prepared to write Insurance on Cotton stored either in open Ward or in outbuildings on farms. Farmers can arrange to borrow money on my Insurance policies on cotton held on their farms the same as If the cotton were stored In a warenou8e in town, nate ^3 per ceni. Write or call at my office for rates of Insurance and other Information. J. R. LINDSAY. Oct. 3. t.f. tf. W The Enquirer Office makes a specialty of Law Briefs and Arguments. Best work?lowest price. | J. M. HEATH I GENERAL Ml fiH OF C I Everything Beii Febru THERE IS TO BE AN IMPOl NESS ON FEBRUARY' 1, AN CHANGE, IN THE MEANTIN STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Mil GROCERIES, ETC., IS BEING COST. Bargains Fo DURING OUR RECENT COS OF GOODS CHEAPER THAN A? I TV COULD BE HAD ELSEW1 BETWEEN THIS DATE AND FI DER OF OUR STOCK, WHICH, POSES, IS STILL ONE OF Till VILLE, OUR PRICES WILL BE UNTIL FEBRl THIS SALE WILL COXTIXU AXI) THOSE WHO WOULD TAI IT SHOULD DO SO AT OXCE. SETTI ALL PARTIES OWIXG THE ARE REQUESTED TO SETTLE I MEAN'S POSTPOXE SUCH SETT 1ST. EVERYTHING AT A SACK I ] DOXT NEGLECT THE OPP EVERYTHING CASH?XOTII jJE M. HEATH ALLS. " ry boy should have one or more it savers of clothes and labor. By t would otherwise go on the wear rk In the washing of the garments . For years we have been leaders lousands of pairs every year. We t and at present our Overall stock leed Overalls Just remember that i and qualities you want if you u an idea of our line we describe stock: REN'S: wist denim, two front patch pockshoulder straps, buckle loop and s. Our 12-year-old size is as large :e. 25 CENTS A PAIR. ^S EACH. blue ground with woven narrow dtched pockets, side opening, patbuckle loop, stitched with white rs. 25 CENTS A PAIR. OVERALLS. Length Legs?26 to SO inches, fht, indigo double and twist blue ocket, patent riveted buttons, flat shape and strengthened reinforcdenim with narrow white woven ro front patched pockets and one 1th white cotton, flat felled seams, is at 50 CENTS A PAIR. n?niT,r.a 'ull 240 weight, double and twist two front, one rule and one hip chain button hole on bib, patent ?'TS A PAIR. reralls, Irwin denim, blue ground e, made as above like the Blue a with roomy seats and wide legs, I double stitched and felled seams, road Apron Overalls, made of 220 j twist denim, extra wide pantaswlngtng pockets, one watch and apron on lined band, continuous ed side openings with two buttons, ibber In suspenders and patent rHE BEST TO BE HAD. le as above, at same price. rwear. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, rice It makes a great difference in wear, because this class of goods the correct shade. We bought a le nick of time and now give our ly purchase. Our prices will save here. i Prussian bound neck, neck and ie yoke, pearl buttons, lxl elastic ie Shirts would be cheap at $1.00 it at 82 l-2c each, or $1.25 a pair. :e. Medicated Shirts and Drawers at Suit. right's Health Underwear, fleeced It ..... C?l? IU |A7i luced in prices, although wool is rices because it is our usual cusIces and move the goods to avoid months. Buy your supply of Unney by doing so. EE PANTS. Knee pants ranging in sizes from e from 25 Cents to $1.00 a Pair, its' Cotton and are still the wholebuy from us at factory prices and at-of-town merchants will be filled ers. MITH COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. Miss ROSA J. LIND8AY. Now is the time and Lindsay's ? dio the place where you can have Photbs made of yourself and famll; You can order any size, style i number. Call and examine sam] and decide what you want right aw Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY Phone 132. BV Don't miss reading Horse S KODinson in ine inquirer, n, is intensely interesting Revolution war story. & COMPANY 2RCHANDISE. OST! lg Sacrificed to iary i. RTANT CHANGE IN OUR BUSID PREPARATORY TO THIS IE, ALL OUR TREMENDOUS LLINERY, CLOTHING, SHOES, SACRIFICED AT AND BELOW r Everybody. IT SALE WE SOLD ALL KINDS fYTHING OF THE SAME QUALIERE IN THIS SECTION, AND CBRUARY l, ON THE REMAIN* , TO ALL INTENTS AND PUR0 MOST COMPLETE IN YORKPOSITIVELY SENSATIONAL. JARY i, ONLY E UNTIL FEBRUARY 1 ONLY, iF! Til1.7 REST ADVANTAGE OF .E UP. FIKM OF J. M. HEATH & CO., LTP AT ONCE, AND TO BY NO LEMKNT BEYOND FEBRUARY KICK. ORTUNITY. IING CHARGED TO ANYBODY. & COMPANY. k KEEP CLEAN ^ We have the SOAP?good?at 5 cts. You see It won't cost you much and Is as good as you buy for 10c elsewhere. I We have Note Paper, 5c and 10c a quire and Envelopes at 5c a package; Tablets, lc, 5c, and 10c; Ink, 5c; Pencils, lc; Box Paper, 5c and 10c; Needles, 5c; Pins, lc and 6c; Shoe Polish, I 10c; Colognes, 5c, 10c and 25c, Hoyt's; Ladles' Hose, 5c and 10c; Collar Buttons, 5c dozen; Pens( 5c and 10c doz. See us about Ladles' Winter Hats? going regardless of cost. Must be sold. I See Mrs. Dobson about Hats. DOBSON BROS.' CASH STORE. See us about your Laundry. We give you the best work you can get? COME I TO THE HARDWARE STORE FOR I YOUR HARDWARE. JUST RECEIVED A NICE LINE OP KELLEY'S AXES, POULTRY WIRE AND STAPLES, TRACE I CHAINS, BREAST AND STRETCHER CHAINS, ETC. COME TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING HARDWARE. YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO. ' THOMSON I MOV I Into Their T\ Rooms?"O'Lei J This Week. - Watch this r Big Ad. Next and ? pies There'll be f hoe ?" ing. ary ^ Ik. I The Thomst THE PEOP1 >C u ?0 *J U mi \r ^ p s I \ 15 2 H % "9 " 2 ^ 5 v m %' h ~2 s m 2 r/3 ? v ^ Ml S'g.2 w j H m ? W U J .. s^rjJI O e QQ o -!! ? 1 u ? E , O -'^-^nlf -- iifflll c >>.2 : 06 H T3 -O o C m ; o O UJ C < ? ^ w >, ? :^BS8BE c jj o w ? ; S ? < iil h Hawke's Eye Glasses II Have become a nousenum wutu | throughout the U. S.. and their rep| utation Is built upon merit alone. We | have Just received a complete line of | these celebrated glasses and will be | glad to have every man, woman and I child in York county, whose eyesight I is not perfect, come in and be fitted. I We do not claim these glasses to re| store sight to the blind, but many | weak eyes have been greatly lmprov| ed and many sufferers from headI aches, dizziness, nervousness and I dimness of vision, etc.. have been | permanently cured by wearing Crys| tallzed lenses that are correctly fitted. | Price ranging from 25c to J5. Every | pair Is guaranteed not to rust, dls| color or corrode. STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder, Prop. I "A Square Deal For Every Man" To be independent, with the right to look every man in the face, Just have a Bank account with The First National Bank IYorkville S. C. "The world will give to every man a living"?but the world does not run after them. Come In TODAY or TOMORROW, J or ANY TIME and open an account with us. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE. Stat* of 8outh Carolina?County *f York. IN THE COURT OF COMMON ruut. D DlnlnH# Offolnit axtxi j ?J. vjttotuu, ^ iMiiuu, T. Latham, Defendant. PURSUANT to an order of court made in the above stated case, by D. E. Hydrlck circuit Judge, I will sell at public outcry before the Court House Door, between the legal hours of sale, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH, 1906, (salesday), the following real property, to wit: All the right, title, claim and Interest of defendant, A. T. LATHAM, in and to that certain tract of land situated in York county, said State, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of Inman. Hamiltom, R. C. Thomson and others, and being the identical tract conveyed to J. D. Nelson and A. T. Latham, by Wade Worthy by deed of date, 1890, and recorded in Volume "K-ll," pages 90-1-2, office R. M. C? York county. The Interest of the said A. T. Latham being a one-half Interest in said tract, of 200 acres, and his one-half thereof having been divided and set apart to him by parol partition and his oner half containing about 100 acres, and being the southern half of the said plantation. TERMS OF SALE?One half CASH, and the balance on a credit of twelve months secured by a bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises so sold, with interest thereon from the day of sale with prlvlllege to purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. Purchaser must comply by paying the cash portion of his bid within one hour from the time of such sale or the land iv uc cLl unuc vi vit svuic ouuac^ucui salesday at the option of the plaintiff, resold upon the same terms at the risk of such defaulting purchaser. J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. Jan. 19. f. St V Read Dr. Lathan's History of South Carolina, In The Enquirer. It la Interesting and InstrnctlTe. COMPANY I INQ .'J vo New Store ary Building" space for Our Week., something Corn Company LE'S STORE 4\ MO ' .' ^ J(%Tl^?i:. . ^f- r- ^^HSPUK^H*:-' Did You Buy From The Company or Agent? Did you buy your insurance from the agent or from the company that issued the policy? Whan buying did you keep before you the fact that any claim made by the agent was of no . effect unless written In the contract signed by the officers of the Company, and did you examine the contract before accepting it and see that the agent's promises were written in it? If you bought with your eyes open and got what the agent led you to expect, you have no ground for Just complaint, notwithstanding the fact that you have not got the best there is in fife insurance unless your policy was issued by the MUTUAL BENEFIT. If you have not bought life insurance or want more, it is your privilege to satisfy your own mind as to whether or not my claims as to the Mutual Benefit being the BEST company and issuing the Best policy is true. If you are not satisfied that it comes nearer meeting your ideas than any other you will not be urged to buy. Neither the company nor its agents try to force themselves where they are not wanted. They don't have to. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. WT Don't miss reading Horse Shoe Robinson In The Enquirer. It la an intensely interesting Revolutionary war story. CHANGE IN COTTON RATES. N November 17 the rate on cotton V/ on farms or in the country was made 3.50. This will be the charge whether the cotton Is In or out of buildings, provided It Is not within 100 feet of any gin house or other hazardous exposure. See me for cotton or any other kind of Insurance. SAM M. GRIST. MONEY AT 7 PER CENT. I HAVE a limited amount of Money that I can lend at 7 per cent on good real estate security. W. W. LEWIS, Attorney. Nov. 17 tf. tf.