ROCK HILL AND VICINITY. Board of Assessors Resign*?Municipal Election?Conning Marriages?Death f of Mrs. Parker?Death of William Brown?Hiding Place of a Thief? New Year Hop. UurreeiiondeDc* ol the Yorkville Knqulrer. Rock Hno. January 4.?The old board of assessors for Rock Hill having tendered their resignations, the city council at it's last meeting appointed a committee to recommend three suitable men to the governor to be appointed as their successors. Messr&,?tfoel W. Rawlinson, Geo. W. Witherspcton and Robt. Morrison were appointed by the mayor to act as managers of the municipal election which will occur on the 11th inst. At this election there will be two aldermen at large and one or two ward aldermen selected. There are a number of candidates in the held and the election will be watched closely. The report of the treasurer showed a balance on hand which is a matter of congratulation. R. H. McConnell, of this city, has been appointed as field deputy U. S. marshal with headquarters here. He will work with Capt. J. Wilson Marshall who for some years has been U. S. commissioner. Two of Rock Hill's citizens will be married on the 17th, Inst; Hon. John T. Roddey will wed Miss Eliza Willis, of Winchester, Va., a young lady who has several times visited here and who has many friends In this City. Mr, ?>. A. IJurley, who for two years past has conducted the V. P. Randolph Stock Exchange, will wed Miss Katherlne Jordan, of Charlotte. ' Two families have moved Into the city during the past week, Mrs. Rebecca Lynn, the mother of the late Dr. Arthur Lynn, of beloved memory, with her children, Mr. James and Miss Millie, have come from Edgemore. Mr. William Cooper and family, of Williamsburg, are also here. Mr. Cooper has for some years occupied the position of superintendent of education in his county. He was years ago a cadet at the King's Mountain Military school in Yorkville, when that school was in the charge of Col. Asbury Coward, and already has found friends In his new home. News has reached here of a death In which our people are interested, that of Mrs. H. U. Parker, of Bishopville, a sister of Mrs. J. J. Hull, of this city and the wife of Mr. H. U. Parker who, with two children, survives her. Mrs. Parker was the daughter of the late J. B. Boyd, of Lancaster. Mr. J. William Brown, aged 56 years, a prominent farmer of Bethesda township died here Monday, at the home of Mr, H. T. Frew, after a lingering Illness with stomach trouble. He leaves a brother, Mr. Horace Brown and a sister, Miss Lizzie Brown. The funeral was conducted at Bethesda church by the Rev. W. L. Lingle, of Rock Hill, In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. J. H. Hall. Quite a number of friends and relatives from Rock Hill attended. Mr. Brown had many friends both ^ here and in the country where he has always lived highly respected. There are quite a number of business ch&nges in evidence as one makes the rounds since the beginning of the year. Mr. Joseph B. Gaston, who for years has been with the Roddey Merchantlle Co., is now with the SmlthFewell, Co. John J. Landers, who has been the manoffHo ,\t (ho . T"?nrHnfirtnn nower , plant. Will take S. T. Frew's place as manager here and Mr. Frew goes to Florence. W. Q. Duncan goes from the SmlthFewell Co., to the Farmers Wholesale Grocery. Paul Farls goes from A. Frledheim and Bro.'s grocery department to that of the Smith-Fewell Co. J. L. Hogan goes from the City Drug Store to Ridgeway and David Lyle tikes his place. W. D. Crawford transfers from R. W. Cranford's to the Roddey Merchantlle Co. J. B. Roach, of Ogden, Is to be found with ? J. B. Johnson & Co. While engaged In moving some hay from a house on the farm of Mr. Jas. Whiteside, a young son of Mr. W. S. Boyd came across the evidence of some ofieW-rascaHty. The find was In the shape of a lot of dry goods, consisting of about a dozen complete sijits of clothes, a number of odd pairs of pants, overcoats, shoes and other valuable articles, the value of the whole batch being in the neighborhood of $300. With the exception of the overcoats the goods were Identified by Mr. J. S. Glass, who runs a store In Edgemoor. The bulk of these articles had been taken from a room over Mr. Glass's store and as he had not had occasion to go Into that part of the building during that day he had not made the discovery that anything was missing.* Evidences were found that the store had been entered by a second story window. The overcoats have as yet not been identified. The New Year's dance given In Friedhelm's hall, though not so large an affair as some that the club has ? given, was one of the most pleasant and most enjoyed in the history of the organization. The Charlotte Orchestra. a first-class one It Is, furnished delightful music for the occasion. The dancers were: Miss Dusenbury and Mr. Smith of Concord: Miss McCardel of Lancaster, and Mr. Axon Gelzer; Miss Schull of Sumter and Mr. E. Lad Mobley; Miss Miriam Klnard of Columbia. and Mr. Ernest Robertson: Miss Elizabeth Cureton and Mr. Kit McMaster of Winnsboro; Miss Pauline , Davis and Dr. Rogers of Concord: loo \M o rl era TnVin onn unrl Mr Will Hicklln: Miss Lottie McFadden and Mr. James Sutton: Miss Kittle Stewart aid Mr. Harry Ruff; Miss Roberta Hall and Mr. Rufus London: Miss Bleka Lindsay and Mr. Tom Crawford: Miss Mamie Orr and Mr. Albert Johnson: Miss Lillian Ryder and Mr. Julian Johnson: Miss Annie Hall and Mr. Oscar Wilson: Miss Amelia Beckham and Mr. Phelffer: Miss Marlon Johnson and Mr. Morris Cobb; Messrs. Williams of Lancaster. Gladden and Davis of Wlnnsboro. Smith of Chester, Greer of Camden. Hoyt of Edgefield, Stevens of Cheraw, P. Gall Hard of Sumter. J. Fred Poag, Joe Lindsay, Dr. Davis. Fletcher Ruff. Pat Wylie. Sam Mc Dan lei, Peter Ihrle, Herbert Coleman and Caldwell Rawllnson. The chaperones were: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cauthen. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Greene. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Phillips, whose marriage was noted In last Issue, left for Charleston Thursday evening, where Mr. Phillips will continue his course In pharmacy and medicine. Dr. Lathan's History and Horse Shoe Robinson running in The Enquirer at one time! That's a combination th^t goes well together and is hard to "beat. I have heard some old citizens say so. MERE-MENTION. v Col. J. M. Guffey, Democratic National committeeman for Pennsylvania, says that Geo. B.' McClellan will be the next presidential nominee of the Demacratic party. McC!ellan now appears to be in an attitude of defiance toward Tammany The supreme court of the United States has handed down a decision in which it holds that a Judgment of the court has precedence over a mortgage J. C. L. Blackburn has been defeated in his race for re-election to the United States senate from Kentucky. His successor will be Judge 'PW/ia tl n? mU/v f\f x iiuo. n. r ay uiri ...... i uc |.u atuvc vi i hazing at Annapolis is under investigation and the cadets are doing some tall lying... .John A. McCall has been forced to resign the presidency of the New York Life Insurance conpany and has been succeeded by Alexander E. * Orr. McCall's salary was $100,000 a year and Orr's will be $50,000 It is estimated that the property losses in Moscow during the recent rioting amounted to over $5,000.000 The state of Virginia has proposed to Great Britain to take 30,000 poor as settlers. First Lieutenant Roy I. Taylor, of the coast artillery has been reduced twelve numbers for requesting a private soldier of his company to change his seat In a theatre. The war de pariment noias inai a man mm v?c covers. i The price of the book is 00 Cents > When ordered by mail. 8 Cents extra It may be had from the following i places in Yorkville: t Strauss-Smith Co. See Miss Glenr ? or Miss Wallace. Heath & Company. See Miss Cody ? York Drug Store. i I. \V. Johnson. Loan and Savings Bank, k Orders also filled by Mrs. B. N ? Moore. Mrs. CJ. H. O'Leary, or Mrs , S. M. McXeel. Yorkville, S. C. 1 ? IW* Head Dr. Lnthan's History ol f South Carolina, in The Enquirer. It 1: interesting und Instructive. hat Essential Quality illc this I tank adopts every deslrainethod of Modern Bunking, it er loses sight of tliat essential ility: Absolute Safety. *T*T*Y*T*T*T)lTOT*TOT*T*TW if PHENO i ? t CLOTHING BARC J There will be just about thr weather. Up to this time we hai K unless we miss our guess It will ^ when It comes you may Just as 4 way. and the right way to pre to buy well made, well fitting, ??|-u ??J f Via Kouf nil If siyiisn ciuming, anu uic f . ^ Our Clothing stock is not as larg Jty of sizes and styles to please m and we think you can, you will J at this store. I want to close o jj the next month or so, and to do J line Just a little more than may we want to move the Clothes, an< J slderable sacrifice as to price. 1 ^ will satisfy you in Quality, Style, ^ lleve you will save time by comlr J- Gi- WRAY, ' 1 YORKV3 GIRDLES That's what the people wear nowVery narrow TAPE GIRDLES?SlU trimmed, with and without Hose Supporters?a variety SPECIAL LOW PRICE 45 CTS CORSETS, too?with or without Host Supporters UNDERSELLING PRICE 45 CTS If you'll come we'll SELL YOU. FOUSHEE CASH STORE. Phone 38. Yorkvllle, S. C P. S. The Prize Watch was wor by Miss Ethel Turner. Call for it. WW Read the opening chapter of The Enquirer's new serial, "Horse Shot Robinson" in today's issue. It is fine JO 19Q6 We hope to merit Increased patronage PIiEASE TRY US. BARGAINS In SWINGING LAMPS and FANCS CHINA. &c. WILBUR'S CATTLE AND POULTRY POWDERS are the BEST and CHEAPEST. trwe WANT EGGS. BEESWAX and will buy most any PRODUCE. WITHERS ADICKES COMPANY'. W Read the opening chapter of Th< Enquirer's new serial, "Horse Shoe Robinson" in today's issue. It is fine MY VARIED LINE. Besides doing a* general repair business in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry I also carry large lines of Gold anc Silver Jewelry in all the latest styles Watches, Clocks, Leather Goods, Razors, Pocket Knives, Fancy articlei in China, Glass and Leather, Crockerj and China, Lamps, Pictures, Bric-a Brae and a host of other things thai are wanted every day. I make a specialty of Cut Glass anc Sterling and Plated Silverware, anc as I get inside prices from the makers, the buyer gets inside prices fronr me. When you want anything in mj various lines just come to me for it I can certainly please you In quality variety ttnu jji iyc. If I haven't Just what you want I'l be pleased to make special orders. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. ^5tock-T a I Prices Slaughl the We have just finished taking usual we found a great many rr carry over to another season ai estlng to our customers and at tinue OCR SLAUGHTER SALI (are in need of anything enume to do your buying. Our price make a reduction of Ten to Twt it simply means that you are h at mighty low prices. Come anc Prices Redut ALL READY-MADE CLOT GOING AT 25 PER CENT 1>IS< Buy what Clothes you may ne I GENTLEMEN'S WOOLEN MEN'S WOOL TOP SHIRT LADIES WOOL VESTS AN LADIES', CHILDREN'S A? ALSO A NICE LINE OF M HOSE. We are making a good fa MISSES' KNIT HOODS, SHAV 125 PER CENT DISCOUNT both Top and Underskirts. Our 1 is very large in both plain and Knitted Skirts to be very war probably save ladles who wear fur, frnm S7 rPA'TR linward. \vl I Staple Co We still have a big line of ing BROWN CANTON PLANN1 BROWN SHEFTING at 5 Cent* r ^ Yard. Apron and Bonnet Gingt , B A good quality of 4*1 BLEACH) s cotton goods that we bought so BENEFIT OF THE LOW PR I But you must come at ONCE, a and when the present stock is B will have to pay the advanced F | I NOW Is the Time ^ We still have a full supply i for men, ladles and children, r right prices?much lower than A a While present stock lasts you I We can sell you Shoes today at ^ B same shoes for in the wholesale ^ I BUY ALL THE SHOES YOU A | I ERAL MONTHS TO COME?II I We have recently replenish 1 B all other lines of Winter Goods " B short, so that you can find anytl | ^ THE STRAUSS-J f I Main and Liberty Sts. tlV ? r?*T*T*Y*Y*T*Y*T*TOY*Y*T*T*Y " iMENAL I | 5AINS AT WRAY'S. f f , ee months more of rough winter * fen't had any real cold weather, but come along all right enough, and ? well be ready for it as any other & i pare for your personal comfort Is m | comfortable and at the same time J ace to do this Is at J. Q. WRAY8. ? e as It was once, but we have plen- J ost people, and If you can be fitted, ^ certainly find some rare bargains | ut my stock of Winter Clothing In j 1 It have cut the prices all along the i C - seem fair to ourselves;; but then j 3 to do It I am willing to make con- ? :f you want a suit of Clothing that ? 1 Fit, Workmanship and Price I be- ? ig to see me about your wants. ^ THE LEADER, CX.X.E, S. C. ? Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee. President Sec. and Treaa. * 1 YORK SUPPLY CO. T Incorporated. C : We have finished taking stock of Ferguson & Clinton's goods and are 1 now ready for BUSINESS. We found . very little old stock, but what little there was we dumped It out We have a CLEAN FRESH STOCK of Goods. We expect to add to this stock until / we have a first-class line of FANCY \ 5 GROCERIES, as well as PLANTATION SUPPLIES. We hope our friends and the public In general will . call us up when they need anything in the Grocery line. We will promptly deliver all orders from town customers. Try us. We Invite all the farmers of this vicinity to call and see us before making ? contracts for supplies for this year. 0 We &re In position to furnish you with all kinds of Plantation Supplies. We want you to call on us when In town 1 and let us know your wants and we will be pleased to give you prices. YORK SUPPLY CO. : : FERTILIZERS We are now ready to make prices on i Fertilizers. We handle the well-known J and popular brands formerly sold by .Jas. M. Starr: THE MACMURPHY CO., THE CHICORA, THE NAVASSA. These goods have been sold In Yorkvllle for quite a number of years and their reputation Is second to none. 1 * ? Wo oniintv We want every ntnuci vU?..v ^ to see us before they make contracts for .Fertilizers. We will endeavor to make It to your Interest. YORK SUPPLY CO. WE HAVE IT j Or we'll get It for you PROMPTLY? In a week's time at the most. a We mean that if you want any special or proprietary preparation, we F ' either have it in stock or we will order it for you and get it AT ONCE. We believe we are running a really . modern and up-to-date Drug Store, and in the furtherance of this belief , we try to keep every article for which ^ i our customers night call, on our | shelves; but if it should so happen that we haven't got it. Just put it down and we'll get it for you as quick as . mail and express can do the work. ' Please remember us when you want ' anything special. We'll ,get it. n Our Prescription Depa'rtment is in J the hands of entirely Competent and " Painstaking Prescription Clerks and [ you may rest easy In the belief that 1 if we fill your Perscription it will be Just the way it should be. Try us ' with the next one you have. ! YORK DRUG STORE, . t J. B. BOWEN, Proprietor. j CHANGE IN COTTON RATES. j /"V N November 17 the rate on cotton ' Vy on farms or in the country was made 3.50. This will be the charge 1 whether the cotton is in or out of n r buildings, provided it is not within 100 feet of any gin house or other hazard- E ous exposure. See me for cotton or j any other kind of Insurance. , , SAM M. GRIST. Pf Road Dr. Lathan's History of a South Carolina, In The Enquirer. It Is S interesting and instructive. p I kin^ Ove^ I 0 ;ered All Down * 1 Line. an Inventory of our stock and as H f lore woolen goods than we want to id In order to make It more Inter- w the same time for us. we will con5 for a short time longer. If you , rated below right now is the time ^ s are always LOW, and when we H >nty-flve per cent on regular prices, H avlng an opportunity to buy goods H I see us. ;ed on These: I j HUNG FOK MEN AND BOYS IS ' X)UNT. 1 ed NOW. It Is a good time. UNDERVESTS AND DRAWERS. A j | t 1) PANTS. 1 MISSES WOOLEN HOSE. EX'S MERINO AND WOOL HALF I I < ,t reduction on CHILDREN'S and i'LS, FASCINATORS, ETC. Is contlnuecl on LADIES' SKIRTS? A line of LADIES' KNITTED SKIRTS fancy styles. Ladles will find these m and comfortable and they will them a doctor's bill. The prices H tli the discount off. itton Goods. Staple Cotton Goods and are offer}L at from 5 Cents to 15 Cents yard, i yard. Indigo Blue Prints at 3 Cts. lams?a fair article at 5 Cents yard, a [XG AT ? 1-4 Cents Yard, and other I me time ago and will give you the ICES AT WHICH WE BOUGHT. s our stock is limited in these lines, exhausted you as well as ourselves H irices prevailing today. ! to Buy Your Shoes. of SHOES in all grades and styles Our Shoes were bought at just the we can buy the same Shoes today. I ?et the benefit of our early buying. A a lower price than we can buy the markets. Just take our advice, and H ] BE LIKELY TO NEED FX1H SEV- I J " WILL PAY YOU. ied our stock of OUTINGS and also ^ on which we were beginning to get m ling you may need in heavy goods at ^ SMITH COMPANY, Yorkville, S.^ York ? Furniture Company l small lot of FINE WOOL BLANK3TS In stock can be had now at a -LOSE PRICE. Examine them. Wood Heaters Coal Heaters Furniture i In all Its branches, tUGS, ART SQUARES, MATTINGS, [ALL CURTAINS. LACE CURTAINS, ABLE COVERS, PIANO COVERS, LOCKS, Etc. PICTURES, | SHADES, STOVES, 'AIXTS, OILS AND WINDOW I LASS. :OFFINS and CASKETS. ^Ve keep at all times a full line and ffer our services as Undertakers. YORK FURNITURE CO. 9 1. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. FOR TEN DAYS tfe will sell Tobacco lT a scandalously low price !y the box. W NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AN DLIVER PLOW kND A DISK HARROW, CARROLL BROS. L J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. OUR- BUSINESS. It Is OUR business to make Estlnates on any and all kinds of Contraction Work, whether In Wood, Irlck or Stone. Our Headquarters Are located on the C. & N.-W. ralload, Just half way between Liberty .nd Madison streets. We may be iEEN there at any time, or a Teleihone Message will REACH us. Our Goods. We keep Constantly on Hand large tocks of Building Materials of valous kinds, Including Dressed and Jndressed Lumber, Lime, Cement, jaths, Shingles,, etc., and we make a ipecialty of BUILDERS' HARDWARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. People Needing anything In OUR Ine should be SURE to call upon US. J. J. KELLER & CO. CAROLINA UJTUAL LIFE INSURANCE ASSOruTinN S. L. MILLER, Pres. and Sec. FORK COUNTY AGENTS dr. BUFORT MATTHEWS, Smyrna, dr. R. S. McCONNELL, Rock Hill, dr. J. K. SCOGGINS, Rock Hill, dr. EB EDWARDS, Tirzah. dr. FRANK ALLEN, Lesslie. dr. J. T. NEELY, Rock Hill, dr. J AS. M. STARR, Yorkvllle. ?. E. BARRON. Yorkvllle No. 2. 2. P. BLANKENSHIP, Fort Mill, S. C. Any of them will be pleased to give *ates and other Information to paries who are Interested, r. A. MATTHEWS, Gen. Mgr., District No.' 2, Old Point, S. C. Gr() To JOHNSON'S For COFFEE, TEAS, KETCHUP, SAUCE, OLIVES, PICKLES, OLIVE OIL, LEMON CLING PEACHES, MAPLE SYRUP, SUGAR CORN AND PEAS, BREAKFAST STRIP AND HAMS. I. W. JOHNSON. MONEY TO LEND. ON Improved farms in York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, r per cent: under $1,000, 8 per cent. Mo broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPENCER, Rock Hill, or undersigned. C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. Dec. 1. Aug. 1. f.t WAIT, PAPER VOU WILL FIND ME NEXT DOOR ro Dr. BRATTON'8 OFFICE. A. B. QAINE8. I RPTCf! KS JL. JL^i V 4 A.' The Thomsc We mention below, only a fe offering throughout our entire rilLLIN All TRIMMED AND UNI TODAY AT HALF PRICE. All Ribt Go at 25 PER CENT OFF On Jackets and For Ladies we are making so CLOTH] Big reductions on all CLC for both men and boys. The Thomsc rriTr nnnm A Card of Thanks As the year has about closed I wish [ to say to my friends and patrons that I feel very grateful for the liberal patronage given me since I embarked I In the drug business in Yorkvllle, and extend my sincere thanks to all for same. I hope during the year 1906 to merit a continuation of the support of all, promising to do all in my power to please and serve you faithfully. STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder, Prop. 1906 GREETING We wish every one a Happy and Prosperous New Year! We would say that Mrs. DOBSON is still in the ring, ready and willing to wait on you. Can offer you bargains in all kinds of Millinery?we want to close out all kinds Winter Goods to make room for our Spring Goods. We have some bargains in Tablets, Ink, Paper and many other things. See us. DOBSON BROS.' CASII STORE. Phone 12. JOHN M. POLLOCK CO Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. ( J. W. P. Hope's Old Stand.) We are carrying In stock Flour, Meat, Mill Products, Fruits, etc., and are r.t all times prepared to give bottom figures on everything in the grocery line. We sell to merchants only. We control Gambell's XXX Best and White Eagle, Little Pilgrim half patents. We sell to merchants only. We have Just received another car of the finest Florida Oranges. We sell to merchants only. JOHN M. POLLOCK Co. Commission Merchants. WILKERSON'S Home-Made Molasses I HAVE THIS WELL KNOWN KIND IN STOCK NOW.. .50c Gallon. BUCKWHEAT FLOUI^?the dark N. C. raised?at 5 Cents a pound. Also a First Class Self-Ralslng kind, put up by LEGGETT?in 15c and 25c packages. A barrel of TIP TOP MACKEREL, just opened, at 10c apiece?3 for 25c. LOUIS ROTH. YORKVILLE Building and Loan Association OF YORKVILLE, S. C. r i-1--- nnnnHnnltv for tha r urriiBiiBo %n? wKr?. profitable investment of Savings, how* ever small or large. Enables persons of small means to Own Their Own Homes on Easy Terms. Lends Money on Good Security from One to Five Year Periods. Applications now being received for a New Series of Stock. For further and more specific information apply to W. BROWN WYLIE, President * GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary and Treasurer. IALS I T >n Company u' ftf th#> SPECIALS we at* lines for a few days. ERY 'RIMMED HATS go on sale >ons Rain Coats me EXTRA LOW PR/CES. ING 1THING and OVERCOATS >n Company LE'S STORE YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. (Incorporated.) , OUR plant la now In full operation, and we are prepared to make estimates and fill orders for Tombstones, Monuments and Ornamental Stone work of all kinds. Our facilities are such as easily enable us to meet all competition of whatever kind, from whatever source In our line. see us near me soumem aepuu W. BROWN WYLIE, Secretary and Treasurer. You Can Trust The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company as you would an old friend. It has served three generations of men, and during its entire career, covering a period of sixty-one years, has never deceived or disappointed a single policy holder. Among its policy holders today are Grandfathers, Fathers and Sons, and many of them have attested their satisfaction In a series of letters which the Company has published and which ore yours for the asking. The company Is stronger In the confidence and affections of the American people today than ever before. Of course, the other fellow wants your business and he has just as much right to want it as I have and all that, but if you will investagate the record of his company and the provisions of its contracts, as compared with the Mutual Benefit, I am sure you will decide that it is not as much to your interest to insure in his company. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. 19* Read the opening chapter of Itie Enquirer's new serial, "Horse Shoe . Robinson" in today's Issue. It Is fine. f -Look Out For the Hardware Store-. We can Supply your wants in the hardware line. YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO. F. C. BLACK Life Insurance. I EXTEND THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO EVERYBODY AND WISH FOR ALL A PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. WHEN YOU ARE READY FOR AN INSURANCE POLICY YOU WILL SERVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS BY SEEING ME BEFORE YOU BUY. I SELL THE POLICIES OF THE Cnnn*i+v l.ift* anil Annuity (In. UIIIJ IJB1V UUU iaunui wj vwV FRED C. BLACK, Distriet Agent WW Read Dr. Lathan's History or Sooth Carolina, in The Enquirer. It Is interesting and Instructive.