CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. o. babin, minister. Divine service will be held at th * Church of the Good Shepherd thl (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday Services.?Morning servlc at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 p. nr Evening service at 7 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. e. k. olluejpie, pastor Sunday Services?Sunday school a 10 a. m. No other services, as the pas A ?111 1? inatollfl lur win ue cii onaivii iw ... ? tlon services. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL rev. j. l. stokes. d. d.. pa8tor. Sunday Services?Morning servlc* at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 p. m Evening service at 7 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBY ** TERIAN. REV. w. c. ewart. pastor. Sunday Services?Sabbath schoo at 10 a. m. Morning service at 1! o'clock. Evening service at 7 p. m. BAPTIST. rev. w. k. hurt, pastor. Sunday S>ervicbs?Sunday school a 10 o'clock a. m. No other services. jtyerial Yorkville Circuit. Rev. R. A. Rouse requests the am nouncement that a meeting of th< stewards will be held at Yorkville or Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m., and that h< will preach at St. Paul at 3 p. m., anc at Clover at 7 o'clock p. m., Sunday mo thlc vaflr iui inr tooi uiuv ? ? * ww.. t York Baptist Executive Board. * The executive board of York Count) Baptist association will meet in th< Baptist church at Rock Hill, Tuesday Dec. lfc at 10 o'clock, a, m. It is important that each church in the association send a representative to meel with the board at this session. J. D. Huqgins. Christmas Holiday Rates. On account of Christmas Holidays Southern Railway will sell tickets from all points east of the Mississippi and south of Ohio rivers and to St Louis, Mo., and intermediate points al rate of one and one-third first class one way fares, plus 50 cents for th< round trip (Minimum rate 50 cents) Tickets to be sold December 22d, 23d 24th, 25th, 30th, 31st, 1005, and Januuary lgt, 1906, with final limit January 4th, 1906. Tickets for Teachers and Students of schools and colleges, will be sold Dec. 17th to 24th, 1905, with final limit Jan. 8th, 1906, upon presentation and surrender of certificate signed by superintendents, principals and presidents of the various institutions ^ of learning. For further information, apply tc any Southern Railway Ticket agent or R. W. Hunt, Division Passengei Agent, Charleston, S. C., or Brooks Morgan, Assistant General Passengei Agent,. Atlanta, oa. ia Clubmaksrs For The Enquirer. Up to this time the following named * Individuals have either commenced making up clubs for The Enquires for 1906, or signified their Intention ol doing so, and ail of them will take pleasure in forwarding subscriptions either new or old: J. K. Allison Hickory Grove, R. B. Black Lockhart, W. McG. Bailey, No. 1 McConnellsvllle, J. H. Bigham ..Sharon W. J. Caveny Rock Hill. G. M. Carroll No. 1 Yorkvllle, T. C. Castles No. 1. Smyrna. ?? John L. Clark ..; No. 1 Yorkvllle. Miss Cora Clark Gastonla N. C. W. H. Crook No. 1 Fort Mill. W. B. Flanagan Bowling Green. James Grist Yorkvllle. W. E. Gettys No. 2 Yorkvllle. G. A. Gettys Roddeys. Mrs. E. C. Gladden Grover, N. C. C. C. Hughes No. 7 Yorkvllle. T. J. Hopper Yorkvllle. Raymond Jackson Yorkvllle. Geo. W. Knox Clover, T. E. Love No. 4 Clover, W. S. Lesslle Lesslie, A. W. McFarland ....No. 3 Yorkvllle, Harry Miller No. 6 Yorkvllle. J. Webb Moore No. 3 Yorkvllle, Miss Sallle McConnell McConnellsvllle Hnwnrd MeMackln No. 4 Clover W. A. Mitchell ..No. 1 Sharon W. H. Moore Rock Hill J. S. Plexlco .... Tlrzah A. L. Purcell .No. 1 Sharon Dr. W. A. Pres3ly Rock Hil! W. S. Peters Yorkvllle Miss Minnie Rateree ..No. 1 Bandana Miss Daisy Simril Yorkville J. F. A. Smith No. 1 Yorkville J. H. Sherer No. 1 Sharon Sidney Sherer Sharon G. L. Suggrs No. 1 Bandana J. J. Smith Clover S. B. Thompson No. 1 Bandana 3hf gorhuille (fotton Iflarltet Corrected Semi-Weekly by Metere Latta Bros. Ycrkkvilj^, Dec. 8. 12 m.?The lo cal market stands as follows: Cotton 12c. T.atta Bros. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. AFTER Dec. 9th, we will run ou Cotton Gin on above days only. BLACK BROS. LUMBER FOR SALE. 1 0.000 feet at $1.00 per hundred feet at my saw mill, seven miles fron Yorkville. JOHN M. THOMASSON. Dec. 5 t.f 2t? WANTED miinim AD LV\F D inni!i?i v/m PLAIN PAINTERS AT ONCE. GOOD WAGES. Apply to _. A. B. GAINES. LATTA BROS' WAREHOUSE WE are prepared to store COT TON. Our rates are cheape than can be had on the farm. Brlni us your Cotton. LATTA BROS. Dec. 1 s.w. tf CHANGE IN COTTON RATES. ON November 17 the rate on cotto: on farms or In the country waj made 3.50. This will be the chargi whether the cotton is in or out o buiid'ngs, provided it is not within 101 feet of any gin house or other hazard ous exposure. See me for cotton oi any other kind of insurance. SAM M. GRIST. SCRAP IRON WANTED. UNTIL December 20. I will buy al the scrap iron offered me at York ville, and will be represented at th< following places by the buyers named: Smyrna Supply Company. Smyrna; Claud Bell, Guthriesvllle; Tim Saddler U?r T? tlllonn Tinok iUUV/VililCIIOVIlIC, IV. IV. AlllOVII, X?i?aii, Mr. Neely, Newport. ..No pott, stoves or grate-bars wanted J. F. McELWEE Yorkvllle, S. C. Nov. 24 f.t tf. OYSTERS. FISH. SAUSAGE. TOMORROW, Saturday, I will hav< Choice Fresh Fish, Select Oyster in quart cans, packed day of ship ment, and shipped on ice; Choic* Beef, Fresh Pork, and Sausage. Le me have your orders this afternoor for Oysters and Fish. I want to buy all the Green Hide: I can get. and will pay highest marke price for same. WALTER ROSE. COTTON INSURANCE. 1AM prepared to write Insuranci on Cotton stored either In opei yard or in outbuildings on farms Farmers can arrange to borrov money on my insurance policies 01 cotton held on their farms the sami as if the cotton were stored in < warehouse in town. Write or call a my office for rates of insurance an< other information. J. R. LINDSAY. Oct. 3. t.f. tf. BAGGING AND TIES. WE have on hand for sale betwee two and three hundred sets. VICTOR OIL MILL, Yorkvllle, S. C. 8 Dec. 8 f.t 2t J NOW IN PRESS. THE "All Through the Year" coo book, over one hundred pages, mad up from the best cooking recipes c scores of well known ladles throughou the county and state, and a publica t tion of much interest and value. J - will probably be ready for deliver - between the 15th and 20th of Decern ber; but may possibly be delayed unt! a few days later. The price is to b 60 cents, with 10 cents extra for post " age wnen sent oy man. me euiuuu i limited; but all orders will be fllle s In the order of their receipt. Remit i. tances should be made by registere* mail or postofflce order to Mrs. S; M. McNEEL, or Mrs. B. N. MOORE. Yorkville, S.C. NOTICE. I fTi HE Annual Meeting of the Coun .L ty Commissioners of York Count; will be held In their office In York ville, S. C., on SATURDAY, DECEM BER 30TH, 1905. All persons holding claims agalns . the County will present them to th undersigned or to the Supervisor 01 or before said day. All claims against the County mus be Itemized and contain an affldavl to the effect that the account Is jus ; and true, due and owing, and no par thereof has been paid by discount o otherwise and that the supplies wer actually furnished or the labor an< i services actually rendered. i Claims not presented the year the; i are contracted or the subsequent yea I are forever barred. , All persons authorized to adminis ter oaths are required to probat claims against the County free o charge. r ? By order of the Board, i MARY J. HUNTER, Clerk of Board. Dec. 8 f 4t t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of York. IN PROBATE COURT. By L. R. Williams, Esq., Probate Judg< of York County. WHEREAS J. B. SCHUBERT has applied to me for Letters o t Administration, on all and singular 3 the goods and chattels, rights anc j credits of WENZEL SCHUBERT. lat< . of the county aforesaid deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and ad. monish all and singular the kindred anc . creditors of the said deceased, to b< and appear before me at our next Proi bate Court for tha said county, to b< 1 holden at York Court House on the I 22ND DAY OF DECEMBER. 1905, t< . shew cause, If any, why the said Ad? . ministration should not be granted. [ Given under my hand and seal, this i 7th day of December, In the yeai of our Lord one thousand nine hunt dred and five and in the 130th yeai , of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS, i Probate Judge of York County. Dec. 8 f 2t II STOCK TAI i Begins Today? Our Object?TO M \ ON JANUARY 1ST, 1906, I begii I MUST REDUCE STOCK to th< order to do this I TODAY, (FRU TAKING CLEARANCE SALE start to finish. Beginning today GOODS and every thing in CLOT NEW YOR Just to give you an idea of i I QUOTE YOU A FEW PRICE what you may expect: All Cashmeres that were 50 cer sale at THIRTY-EIGHT CENTS All Cashmeres that were 35c | TWO CENTS A YARD?13c off i All Cashmere and Poplin Wea\ now going at EIGHTEEN CENT Job Lots of Wool Worsted, all Suitings In Checks and Plaid < going at THIRTY-EIGHT CENT Figured Brllliantlnes in Brown effects that were 50c per yard CENTS A YARD?12c off on yai Shark Skins in Tan, Red and I TY-EIGHT CENTS A YARD?12 Fleeced PK. in Blue and Pink, CENTS PER YARD?5c to 6 2-3 It will take some quick buyinf i I have a splendid assortment of that are going at SPECIAL PR Silk Shawls at 98 CTS. to $2.5 When in need of SHOES < SHOES that are all leather?Gus a call. I can please in quality, SANT/ Has taken charge of my ENTI playing there the largest line o Goods that it has ever been my goods are being received by al them and bring the little folks. It will pay you handsomely to t ING SALE. There are many rar ?T_ Q. WRAY, l yorkv: FERGUSON & CLINTON Family Groceries?Plantation Suppliai WHEN YOU WANT THE BES' COFFEE ON THE MARKET, CAI1 - FOR i CARAJA. WE HAVE FRESH LINE OF CAN DY FOR THE HOLIDAYS. BE SURE AND SEE US WIICI 1 YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FRUIT! 3 AND NUTS FOR SANTA CLAUS. i t A FEW SINGLE BARREL SHO' > GUNS LEFT. r FERGUSON & CLINTON. . I BLANK BOOKS We have just received u Com} plete Line of Blank Books, ins eluding j LEDGERS. DAY BOOKS and * MEMORANDUMS. 3 1 All sizes and Prices. Call and see them before you purehase your next supply. f YORK DRUG STORE V J. B. BOWEN, PROP., I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. XEW six-room cottage near Grade School building. W. BROWN WYLIE, Nov. 24 f.t 4t ? HOLIDAY GOODS I have the BIGGEST, the RICHEST and the HANDSOMEST line of k CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS e that it has ever been my pleasure to >f open up at this season of the year. 11 I respectfully Invite Christmas and t Holiday shoppers from all of York y County to visit my store before mak Ing purchases. I do this confidently 11 believing that I can show the hande somest line to be found In the Pied mont Belt and that my prices will be s found as modest as are obtainable d anywhere for like Qualities. a Don't miss visiting SPECK'S JEWELRY STORE?you will be welcome ?you don't have to buy. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. CO TO Y, :t THE e HARDWARE t STORE t t FOR 1 YOUR 1 COOK STOVES y AND r HEATERS. ALWAYS e t GO THERE FOR YOUR HARDWARE. . YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO. YOU ARE ; ONE i WE ARE AFTER, YOU THAT DO J NOT KEEP A BANK ACCOUNT, J feUT KEEP YOUR MONEY AROUND THE HOUSE, BARN OR STUCK ! i AWAY IN SOME SECRET PLACE. * BRING IT TO THIS BANK WHERE I IT WILL BE SAFE, AND CHECK IT OUT AT YOUR PLEASURE. > l r | ; The First National Bank ol Yorkville ONG SALE! I Ends Jan. i, 1906 [OVE THE GOODS. 1 taking stock and before that date i very lowest point possible,* and In DAY, DEC 8TH.) begin A STOCKthat means BUSINESS from the I will sell every piece of DRESS 'HING AT K NET COST nnnrvo ?nn nm\Tf! low ontoo \JKJKJUB Anii UV1.1 w IS. These prices are a sample of its per yard, now going during this PER YARD.?12 ct?. off on yard. per yard now going at TWENTYon yard. res that were 25c and 30c per yard, "S PER YARD?7c to 12c off on yd. colors at 81*3 CENTS. ?ffects that were 50c per yard, now S PER YARD?12c off on yard. , Green and Black and also Flaked I, now going at THIRTY-EIGHT rd. Hue, were 50c per yard, now THI file off on yard. that was 15c and 16 2-3c, now TEN c off on yard. f to get your share of these offers, stylish FURS and COLLARETTES ICES. SEE THESE, TOO. 0 EACH.?BEAUTIES, TOO. of any grade or style or size, and uanteed with another pair?Give me style and price. 1 CLAUS RE SECOND FLOOR and is disf TOYS, DOLLS and other Xmas pleasure to see in Yorkville. New Imost every train. Come and see ake advantage of my STOCK TAKe bargains here. THE LEADER, ELLE, S. C. ; Ho! Ho !! Hello !!! p. I I /i We received a big haul In Toilet Soaps to sell at 5c that is as good as you will buy for 10c?See it before it is all gone. We keep Colognes, Face " Powders, Shoe Polish. Machine Oil, Paper, Ink, Pens, Tablets, Pins, Needles and Box Paper. Get our prices. !; Don't forget that we are selling La5 dies' Hats?BIG BARGAINS now as the season advances. We have a nice P line of Ribbons and Velvets and Baby Caps and Fascinators at low prices. DOBSOX BROS.' CASH STORE. W Remember that our Laundry basket leaves every TUESDAY evening at _ 5 o'clock. MONEY TO LEND. ON improved farms in York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, 7 per cent; under J1.000. 8 per cent, k No broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPEN| CER, Rock Hill, or undersigned. " C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. Dec. 1. Aug. 1. f.t STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. J RESPECTFULLY beg leave to of JL ier my services iu me puunc as Stenographer and Typewriter. I may be found at the law office of Thos. F. McDow, Esq. Miss HAZEL GRIST. Sept. 22 f 3m. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. NOTICE Is hereby given that on December 23, 1905, at 11 o'clock a. m.. I will appear before L. R. Williams. Probate Judge for York county, for the purpose of making a final settlement as administrator of the estate of A. J. Hardin, deceased, and will then and there ask for letters dismissing d me from all further liability in connection with said estate. J. M. HARDIN, Administrator. Nov. 24. f 5t* LIFE INSURANCE Thirteen years ago It was predicted that the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur ance Company would be "Busted" In less than twelve monthB; but It don't look like it now, when we have nearly (600,000.00 insurance in force. FOUR years ago It was said that the FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY could not exist "more than a year or two, or until it had three or four deaths." We have paid .TWENTY-EIGHT death claims and have receipts for same and we have more than 1,000 members whose insurance Is intact. If any company can make money by 'insuring our lives, We can save money by insuring ourselves. D. E. BONEY, Manager. f S. M. McNEEL, Prest. f J. S. BRICE, Vice Ptest. P I MANY persons keep thei 4 they may have it witl i for daily use. a SOME keep it Here awaii ment. OTHERS to avoid the \ It will be seen that we Accom J We want Your Business and > f to obtain and retain it \ THE LOAN AND i YORKVIL TAX RETURNS FOR 1906. Office of the County Auditor of York County, South Carolina. Yorkvil(l.b, S. C., December 1, 1905. AS required by statute my books will be opened at my office In Yorkville on MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1906, and kept open until FEBRUARY 20, 1906, for the purpose of listing for taxation all PERSONAL and REAL PROPERTY held In York county on January 1, 1906. Particular attention is called to the fact that all real property must be reassessed during the period mentioned, and all property real or personal not returned, will be subject to a penalty of 50 per cent which will be added after February 20. All returns must be made In regular form and It Is preferable that they be made by the property owner In person to me or my assistant, direct, on blanks provided for the purpose. The returns must be duly sworn to either before me or my assistant or some other officer qualified to administer an oath. All Items of realty whether farms, or town lots, must be listed separately, and no return which simply says, "same as last year," or "no changes," will be accepted. Returns made on proper blanks, and sworn to before an officer qualified to administer an oath and forwarded to me by registered mall before Febniary 20, 1906, will be accepted. All taxpayers are particularly requested to inform themselves as to the number of their respective school districts, and where they have property In more than one school district, they will please make separate returns indicating the location of each piece of property. The school districts in which there are special levies are as follows: Nos. 29 and 99 in RAihPHdn.: Nos. 9 and 40 In Broad River; No. 12 In Catawba and Ebenezer; Nos. 39 and 26 In Fort Mill; Nos. 11 and 33 In York. For the purpose of facilitating the taking of returns, and for the greater convenience of taxpayers, I will be at the following places on the dates named: ' " At Yorkvllle, Monday, January 1. At Bethel?Glenn and Riddle's store ?Tuesday January 2. At Bandana?Perry Ferguson's store ?Wednesday, January 3. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, January 4 and 5. At Yorkvllle, Saturday, January 6. At Bethany, Monday, January 8. At Smyrna, Tuesday, January 9. At Hickory Grove. Wednesday and Thursday, January 10 and 11. At Sharon, Friday and Saturday, January 12 and 13. At Bullock's Creek, Monday, January 15, from 12 o'clock noon to Tuesday, January 16 at 12 o'clock noon. At McConnoll8vllle, Wednesday, January 17. At Ogden, Thursday, January 18. At Coates's Tavern, Friday, January 19. At Yorkvllle, Saturday, January 20. At Tirzah, Monday, January, 22. At Newport, Tuesday. January 23. At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January, 24, 25 and 26. At Yorkvllle, Saturday, January 27. At Rock Hill from Monday, January 29, to Saturday, February 3 Inclusive. At Yorkvllle from Monday, February 5 to Tuesday, February 20 Inclusive. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except Confederate soldiers over the age of fifty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1. and all persons so liable are especially Requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts In making their returns. It will be a matter of much accommodation to me if as many taxpayers as possible will meet me at the respective appointments, mentioned above so as to avoid the rush at Yorkvllle durlne the closlne davs. JOHN J. HUNTER. County Auditor. Yorkvllle, S. C.. Dec. 1, 1905. WILKERSON'S I Home-Made Molasses I HAVE THIS WELL KNOWN KIND IN STOCK NOW. . .50c Gallon. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR?the dark N. C. raised?at 5 Cents a pound. Also a First Class Self-Raising kind, put up by LEGGETT?In 15c and 25c packages. A barrel of TIP TOP MACKEREL, just opened, at 10c apiece?3 for 25c. LOUIS ROTH. ?$"|H$HW,4s4,4^4,4,494t4i'W | YOU | I CAN GET t T ?|? -A. ALL FRUITS NECESSARY *?* ?|?FOR FRUIT CAKE FROM ME. ^ J* A FULL LINE OF COFFEES, 4* ^ TEAS, SPICES. ?&A COMPLETE CEREAL LINE ^ T MACARONI AND CHEESE ?f? T 4? 4? ?&? j|* I. W. JOHNSON. X "f" ^ * ?"? ' "I" ^ MONEY AT 7 PER CENT. I HAVE a limited amount of Money that I can lend at 7 per cent on good real estate security. W. W. LEWIS. Attorney. Nov. 17 t.f. tf. YORKVILLE Building and Loan Association OF YORKVILLE, S. C. NOTICE A meeting of the Stockholders of the YORKVILLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, is hereby called to be held at the Law Office of C. 11 a n nn JCJ. O^c UVCI, 1 Ul IVVI1IV, VJ. W| ?> DECEMBER 11TH, 1905, at 10 A.M., for the purpose of taking: action upon the question of Amending the Charter, and also upon the Resolution of the Board of Directors, adopted November 10, 1905, to Increase the Capital Stock from Thirty Thousand Dollars to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. W. BROWN WYLIE, President GEO. W. WILLIAM8. ' Secretary and Treasurer. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier, r AUL N. MOORE, Asst. Cashier. f r money in This Bank that f lin ready reach when needed i ting opportunities tor invest- ^ risk of Losing it. * modate all classes. \ vill put forth our best efforts J SAVINGS BANK, ^ LB, S. C. ^ MASTIC PAINT 18 GUARANTEED to be pure Lead. Zinc and Oil. We will pay $100 cash, for any quantity of wtaitlr- chalk, barytese or other adulterants found In the MA8TIC. "The best is the cheapest." It covers more surface and outwears two or three times over the cheap so-called paints made to sell and not to last. BANNER PAINT made by MA8TIC people Is a good out cheaper paint, not pure, hasn't s lie covering capacity, but we guarantee It equal to any at name price. If you are going topalnt a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, plow, chair, bench or a piece of furniture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. IS" Read The Claasman In Tl??? Fnqulrer?back numbers furnished to limited number new subscribers. I : J. M. HEA' t ? . GENERAL ME CLOSIS . . F C I C A: l Our Tremer I Goes at x EVERYTHING in our BI( | GOODS, CLOTHING, MI 5 GROCERIES, HARDWARE A I OUR ENTIRE STOCK, v j CLOSED OUT BY JANUAE i ^ This is the Greatest opportui 5 ^ occurred in York County for ' f EVERYTHING CASH?N( ? I ANYBODY. I | I I I J. M. HEATH , {[ g THE IDEA ? J. L. WILLIAMS, Manager. ? STARRS WHITE PINE COUGH SYRUP. There Is no better remedy to be had than STARR'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WHITE PINE AND TAR. This Is the one remedy that goes to the bot- i torn of the trouble and removes the | cause, thus making a permanent, certain, safe and speedy cure. Be sure to ask for STARR'S SYR" UP OF WHITE PIXE AND TAR. 99" 25 CENTS A BOTTLE at the STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder, Prop. CARROLL'S STANDARD WAREHOUSE. IS at the disposal of farmers who desire to store cotton. I furnish storage and insurance at low rates and when desired either advance money myself or give warehouse receipts upon which money can be borrowed at reasonable rates at the bank. W. R. CARROLL. Sept. 19 t.f tf F. C. BLACK Llfa Insurance. YOU SHOULD HAVE A POLICY IN THE Security Life and Annnity Co. Because It is as Financially sound as any company In the country and HAS MORE ASSETS to Its Liabilities than other companies that are much older. The business Is conducted on the most conservative plans and to the fcJJUS'i' interests UI lis llUIH-Jfiivmcia. It Issues the MOST LIBERAL contracts of insurance in the field today; Its premium rates are the LOWEST, and its policies are absolutely incontestlble after ONE YEAR. One of its policies would make one of the very BEST ASSETS to your estate that could be posssessed. 8ee about one TODAY: don't put it off! A postal card will bring; full particulars by return mail. FRED C. BLACK, District Agent M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. SHOES And Where to Buy 'Em Buy Shoes that are Comfortable and that are made of good solid leather. We sell lots of Shoes,, and GOOD shoes, at that. A man came into our Dlace a few days ago and purchaased NINE pairs of Shoes from us and remarked, that he had bought about all his shoes from us for past two or three years and they had given him entire satisfaction. Don't you need some winter Shoes? If you do, come In and let us show you what we have. It will cost you nothing to look. Although green hides have advanced from 5c to lljc per pound and everything In leather has advanced sharply, we are still selling shoes at old prices. See us for SHOES. NOW is the time to get a Turn Plow. We sell the OLIVER?the Best on earth. CARROLL BROS . . B* TH & CO., I RCHANDISE. . J .. , =="j IGOUTl ... i ) R 5 3 SH! I " 3 idous Stock J $ Sacrifice! 3 3 3 J 3 STORES, Including DRY g LLINERY, HATS, CAPS, is now going at NET COST. ^ without reservation has to be 3 J 'Y i, 1906. ^ nity for BARGAINS that has ^ /ears. ^ tf . 4 JTHlNli CHAKUILIJ 1U V 3 i i 3 3 & COMPANY, | L STORE. 3 3 ? AatA*ARA*AKA*A*A*A*A*A*A*A* J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. OUffc BUSINESS. It Is OUR business to make Estimates on any and all kinds of Construction Work, whether in Wood, Brick or Stone. Our He ad quartern Are located on the C. & N.-W. railroad, Just half way between Liberty and Madison streets. We may be SEEN there at any time, or a Telephone Mesggge will REACH us. Our Goods. We keep Constantly on Hand large stocks of Building Materials of various kinds, including Dressejl and Undressed Lumber, Lime, Cemeni, Laths, Shingles, etc., and we make a Specialty of BUILDERS' HARDWARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. People Needing anything In OUR line should be SURE to call upon US. J. J. KELLER & CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. Miaa ROSA J. LINDSAY. Now is the time and Lindsay's Studio the place where you can have fine Photos made of yourself and family. You can order any size, style and number. Call and examine samples and decide what you want right away. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. Phone 132. The Thomsc V DON'T WOR CHRISTM PR There is no use to worry abou for a XMAS PRESENT. Ji STORE. We will solve the p Everything is now in readii HOLIDAY S # A word to the wise is suffic JUST WHAT YOU WANT Thomson ( THE PEOPI You Will Pay The Freight. It is a fact with a biff F that not less than three people out of four who buy life insurance leap before they look. They buy from an agent, losing sight of the fact that the Company disclaims all responsibility for any representations made by agents unless they are written or printed In the policy, and when the policy Is issued they never take the trouble to Investigate and see whether or not the claims made by the agent are Incorporated In It and if they are they do not investigate the history, standing and record of the company to ascertain whether or not there Is any doubt as to the Company being able to live up to Its contracts. There are about 100 level premium companies In business today. About thirty of them are now and will most likely always be good for their contracts. Every one of those thirty companies write contracts different from all the balance. No two write exactly the same contracts. In other words while all of them are in the business of Insuring lives aside from this fact there Is Just as much difference as to details as there is in the business methods of mercantile establishments. Isn't It natural that there should be? Before buying Insurance riMiieni uer uiai jruu arc mc yci aun who Is to "pay the freight," and that It Is a duty you owe yourself as well as your family to buy the BEST article you can find for your .money. Don't accept any policy In any company until You know by comparison that It is as liberal as that of the Mutual Benefit. Mutual Benefit policies commence decreasing In cost with the second payment and the longer you pay the less the annual cost. The Company Is 60 years old and has a record covering Its entire history as white as snow. Look before you LEAP! SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. W. O. RAWLS, Plumber and Steam Fitter. PAINT YOUR ROOF Right now Is the best time at which to PAINT YOUR IRON OR TIN ROOF. The sun is not so hot now as early in the year and the heat of the sun will not draw the oil out of the paint. Painted at this season It will penetrate better and last longer. See me about It. I can do It for you at once. Painting saves the roof and prevents leaks and rusting. PLUMBING, ETC. I am ready to do your Plumbing at any time you are ready to have it done. See me about It. ROOFING AND GUTTERING. If you want anything in this line I am the man you want to see before you place your order. I can give you first class work at Just the right price. Let me make figures on your Guttering or Roofing when you are ready. W. O.? RAVVLS. Plumber. FOR SALE. Li IX hulldine lots on Lincoln avenue, O all 296 feet deep and frontage as follows: Four of 60 feet each; one 65 feet and one 55 feet. W. H. HERNDON. May 12 f tf " = Santa WE ROBBED HIM OF HIS 3D O 3 SPECIAL SALE "FUN" BEGIN. Asst. 1?CHINA AND FANCY D< Asst. 2?AS ABOVE?LARGER, Asst. 3.?KID BODY, NATURAL WORTH 15 CTS. TO 25 CT8.? FOUR MORE ASSORTMENTS THEY'RE BEAUTIE8?SEE OUF SILK HANI A oaf 1 ?Vorv nroHv-i-ITfj nnv PnIf 25c' to 35c?MONDAY F Asst. 2.?As above?also Plain Bl, Value 50c to 60c. 8PECI AND OTHERS?BETTER AT A wr COME AND SEE. IJk/ FOUSHEE Phone 38. A TINY DOLL FREE y >n Company RY ABOUT :as es1nts! it what you are going to give ist come to the PEOPLE'S roblem for you. ness for HOPPERS. :ient. You will always find at ' Company's liE'S STORE FIFTY WOOD Heaters. TORK FURNITURE COMPANY. WOOD HEATERS?at $1.25, $1.75 and upward. These Wood Heaters are undoubtedly the most economical of all stoves for heating purposes. Call' and get one for your bedroom and dining-room?Oet It now while they last ART SQUARES AND RUGS. We will display the largest line of ART SQUARES In "Axmlnster," "ProBrussels," "Colonial Seamless Tapestry," "Palisade" and "Reversible Tapestry" ever displayed In this market In a few days. Will announce the arrival In this column. Be sure to 'come and see this display?It will be great. We have a most complete line of SIDEBOARDS, HALL RACKS, Etc., at the most attractive of old prices. trBe sure to get one of our Wood Heaters?they will warm a room a little quicker than any other heater and with less wood. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. Adickes' Emporium. FULL STOCKBOTTOM PRICES. We are sure loaded with goods and will see that our prices are THE LOWEST. So consult us for any wants in GROCERIES. HARDWARE. WOOD, TIN. ETC. OUR CYLINDER CHURN .is the simplest and best patent on the market and over a hundred users in these parts will recommend them. OUR CATTLE AND POULTRY POWDERS are the Best and Cheapest sold. Two Tons Best GRANULATED SUGAR at $5.00 per 100 pounds. LV CHILD'S WAGON8 we have something worth buying. Will carry a thousand pounds and last a whole family of boys. OUR HOLIDAY GOODS are arrlvI Ing and we hope to surpass ourselves in STOCK and SALES this season. | See us for everything to EAT. to EAT WITH, and to EAT out of. WANTED?EGGS, 20c CASH, 22c TRADE; BEESWAX. You may lose money by not consulting ADICKES. Claus - f: : j L S THAT'S WHY WE'LL HAVE A j, Monday Uth S AT 9 A. M. DLLS A MONDAY VALUE Q/^ 10 CTS. TO 15 CT8 HAIR, AC., 1QP MARKED DOWN TO iO\J. ?FROM 23 CTS. UP TO $4.23? I WINDOWS. )KERCHIFS >red?Medium Size?Value OR 21 CT8. ack and White?Hemstitched, &c. IAL MONDAY 41 CT8. BETTER PRICE. CASH STORE Yorkville, 8. C. t . i to every Customer.