- JI - / Special goti^s. Card of Thanks. I desire to express my earnest appreeiation of the practical and efficient assistance the good people of Yorkville were so prompt to give me In fighting the- fire that destroyed my residence recently, and I desire to acknowledge also the many expressions of sympathy that have since been tendered to Mrs. White and myself on account of our loss. It B. F. White. She gorhcitle (fotton JRarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Meeers. Latta Bros. Yorkvilu;, Nov. 24, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Cotton 11c. ^ Latta Bros. WANTED POSITION as manager of a farm. M. D. HIGH, Yorkvllle, S. C. Nov. 24. f It* HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. NEW five-room cottage near Graded School building. W. BROWN WYLIE. Nov. 24 f.t 4t f ? TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS. AFTER this date I will Gin Cotton Tuesdays and Thursdays only. E. M. WILLIAMS. 3t f.t. R. F. D. 2. Yorkvllle. S. C. FINE SHOATS FOR SALE. ere-e tMnuiwo VDOVT fift to 100 11/ \J A ?? pounds. I. H. NORRIS, Yorkvllle, S. C. Nov. 21 t.f 3t WANTED FAMILY to work small farm near Hickory Grove. Possession of house at once. Apply to me at Hickory Grove. R. E. DAONALL. Nov. 24 f.t 2t* MARE FOR SALE. NICE flve-year-old MARE, weight 980 lbs., light bay In color. Will works anywhere. $125 buys her. A. D. DORSETT, Clover, S. C. Nov. 21 t .f. 2t SALE AT A~BARGAIN. SEVEN room house and two smaller houses on large lot fronting West Madison street, within 250 feet of Main. J. W. DOBSON. Now 24. f . It* ESTRAY COW. DARK cream colored, short crumpled horns?one broken; 600 to 800 lbs. * weight. Will appreciate information and pay for trouble. R. H. WHITE, fool V Yorkville. S. C. It* ' YORK COTTON GROWERS. A MEETING of the York Township Southern Cotton Association is hereby called to be held In the opera house in Yorkville, tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. It JOHN A. LATTA. President. * WHOSE CATTLE? I HAVE taken up a Cow and two Yearlings; all have horns and are cream colored. The owner may have them by paying reasonable charges, including the cost of this advertisement. A. H. JACKSON. R. F. D. No. 3. Yorkville. Nov. 24 t.f. 2t LOST. LAST Sunday, on the Sutton's! Springs road, between Yorkville and Sharon, a small Memorandum Book, opening from the end. Finder will please return to me at W. R. Carroll's store and receive $5 reward. W. W. FERGUSON. Nov. 21. t It EBENEZER COTTON GROWERS. fPHB Ebenezer Township Southern X Cotton Association is hereby called to meet at Old Point and Ebenezer on the first Saturday afternoon in December for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and choosing delegates to the annual county convention T. B. GLENN, Pres. Nov. 24. f It* W Read The Clansman In The Enquirer?back numbers furnished to llmU/wl niimhaw nou' Ml h?/?rlh#?rs. 1I111IIUU UU/V * u\ ?? CHANGE IN COTTON RATES. ON November 17 the rate on cotton on farms or in the country was made 3.50. This will be the charge whether the cotton Is in or out of buiJdLngs, provided it is not within 100 feet of any gin house or o:her hazardous exposure. See me for cotton or any other kind of insurance. SAM M. GRIST. SCRAP IRON WANTED. UNTIL December 20, I will buy all the scrap iron offered me at Yorkvllle, and will be represented at the following places by the buyers named: Smyrna Supply Company, Smyrna; * Claud Bell, Guthriesville; Tim Saddler, MeConnellsville; R. R. Allison, Tirzah; Mr. Neely, Newport. > ..No pots, stoves or grate-bars wanted. J. F. McELWEE Yorkvllle, S. C. ^ Nov. 24 f.t tf. ? NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. NDTICE is hereby given that on December 23, 1905. at 11 o'clock a. m., I will appear before L. R. Williams, Probate Judge for York county, for the purpose of making a final settlement as administrator of the estate of A. J. Hardin, deceased, and will then and there ask for letters dismissing me from all further liability in con nection with said estate. J. M. HARDIN. Administrator. Nov. 24. f 5t* ~ OYSTERS, FISH, SAUSAGE. * rp OMORROW, Saturday. I will have X Choice Fresh Fish, Select Oysters in quart cans, packed day of shipt ment, and shipped on ice; Choice Beef. Fresh Pork, and Sausage. Let me have your orders this afternoon for Oysters and Fish. I want to buy all the Green Hides I can get, and will pay highest market price for same. WALTER ROSE. "MoneyBURNS HOLES IN THE POCKET, BUT IT IS COOL AND SAFE IN THE ^ BANK." OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Hank ot KorKvuie AND DO IT NOW. EVERY DOLLAR PLACED IN THIS BANK IS SAFE. R. C. ALLEIX, Cashier. Honey Orders sold?Good everywhere. RA?tAltARAXA?(AI * 4 I 1TOXJ | "** ????? ^ f CAN GET It >1 at ^ ALL FRUITS NECESSARY T mK <4* for fruit cake from me.^ t a full line of coffees, ^ 2 ^ teas, spices. -?*a complete cereal line? x macaroni and cheese | 1 ^ i. w. johnson. 4 '4<-?$"$* AN ORDINANCE. Authorizing1 the Issue of Water and Light Bonds of the Town of York ville. South Carolina, to the amount of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) and Providing for the Payment Thereof. WHEREAS, there was presented to the town council of the towr of Yorkville, South Carolina, a petltior of the free-holders of said town, asking the town council to call a specia election to vote upon the question ol issuing the bonds of said town to tnc I amount of Seven Thousand Dollars I ($7,000.00), for procuring an electric light system and improving the watei works; And Whereas, the town council ol the town of Yorkville, South Carolina did find and declare and does hereb) find and declare that said petition was signed by a majority of the free-holders of the town of Yorkville, as showr by its tax books, and did thereupon cal an election to vote upon the isuingol said bonds; And Whereas, said election was dulj called and held in said town on the THIRD DAY OF JUNE, 1905, aftei notice thereof had been duly given foi the time and In the manner required b) law, and at said election the majoritj of the electors voting upon the question, voted In favor of the Issuance ol said bonds; therefore, Be It Ordained by the Town Counci of the Town of Yorkville, South Carolina. as follows: Section 1. That the mayor and towr clerk are hereby authorized and directed to have prepared and to execute un| der the seal of the town of Yorkville I mi.wcu.ti Watpr and Liatit Bonds of the town of Yorkvilie, of Five Hundred Dollars each, numbered from one tc fourteen both Inclusive. Said bond! shall be dated November 10th, 1905, anc shall become due forty years thereafter but payable at the option of th< town of Yorkvilie, at any time aftei twenty years from date. Said bond! shall bear interest, evidenced by coupons at the rate of five per cent pei annum, payable semi-annually. Both principal and interest of said bonds shall be made payable at tht National Bank, in the Cit> of New York, State of New York. Section 2. Said bonds shall be in substantlally the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of South Carolina, No. { Town of Yorkvilie, Water and Light Bonds. Know all Men by these Presents, That the town of Yorkvilie, In the county of York, and state of South Carolina, acknowledges to owe, and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), lawful money of the United States of America on the 10th day of November, 1945, with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five per centum per annum payable semi-annually, on presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they nntmnAllif Kiinrtm o ^na scvciauj wcwi??v uuv. Both principal and Interest of this bond are hereby made payable at the office of the Hanover National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, and for the prompt payment of this bond and the interest thereon, the full faith, credit and resources of the town of Yorkville are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series of like tenor, aggregating the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000) issued for the purpose of procuring an electric light plant and extending and improving the water works system of the town of Yorkville, under the authority of Section 2008 of the Code of South Carolina, and of an election duly culled and held in said town on the THIRD i DAY OF JUNE, 1905. This bond is payable at the option of the town of Yorkville at any time after the tenth day of November, 1925 It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and In the issuing of this bond, have been done, happened afid been performed in regular and due form as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said town of Yorkville including this bond, does not exceed the statutory or constitutional limitations. In Testimony Whereof, the tow i council of the town of Yorkville, South Carolina, has caused this bond to be signed by the mayor, attested by the town clerk, with the corporate seal hereunto affixed, this tenth day of November, 1905. J. E. LOWRY. Mayor. Attest: P. W. Love, Town Clerk. (COUPON). On the tenth day of May, (November). 19?, the Town of Yorkville South Carolina, promises to pay tc bearer, Twelve and 50-100 Dollars, ai the office of the Hanover National Bank, in the City of New York, Statt of New York, for Interest due tnai day on its Water and Light Bond No J. E. LOWRY. Mayor. Attest: P. W. Love, Town Clerk. Section 3. Said bonds, when executed, as aforesaid, shall be deliverec to the treasurer of the town of Yorkville. to be by him delivered to Charles H. C'offln, the purchaser of said bo.ids upon receipt of the purchase prici therefor. Section 4. For the purpose of pro viding for the principal and interest o said bonds as and when the same become due there shall be and there is hereby levied a direct annual tax upor all of the taxable property in the towi of Yorkvllle, South Carolina, sufflcien to produce ;he sum of Three Hundrec and Fifty Dollars ($350.00) for Interest and the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($175.00) as a sinkinf fu sd to provide for the payment of th< principal of said bonds during each o the years 1905 to 1944 both inclusive and provision to meet the requirement.' of this section shall in due time, man ner and season be annually hereaftei made. Section 5. This ordinance shall b< in force from and after its passage ant approval by the mayor. Done in assembly of Council this 21s DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D.. 1905. [Sea nj. J. E. LOWRY. Mayor. Attest: P. W. Iajvb, Town Clerk. I approve the within ordinance. J. E. liUWKl, Mayor. rA?A*k*ArA*A*Ak?A?A?A?A*A?i VIove Out Daily s in Hats leave us daily?but othin to take their place. Our entire work to keep up with our trade, will again enter our store TODAY t in style and correct in price. See efore you buv?follow the crowd ind at HEADQUARTERS for Milobson is the lady to see about any ar. (A few "Tags" in drawer gett them "warmed up" with COLD an YOU if YOU have one). >X llHOS.' CASH STORK. J *Y*Y*Y*T*Y*T*1>V*T*V*Y4T4Y*' 1 YORKVILLE ? Building and Loan Associatioi ' OF YORKVILLE, S. C. NOTICE * t, A meeting of the Stockholders o the YORKVILLE BUILDING ANI ' LOAN ASSOCIATION, is hereby call ? ed to be held at the Law Office of C E. Spencer. Esq., Yorkvllle, S. C., or DECEMBER 11TH. 1905, at 10 A. M. i *? tv.? mimAoo nf toVrInir artlori iinnr ' I lUl lilC put pwiJV V* ? ? wr J the question of Amending the Charter and also upon the Resolution of th< * Board of Directors, adopted Novem ? ber 10, 1905, to increase the Capita Stock from Thirty Thousand Dollar! to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. t W. BROWN WYLIE, President. ? GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary and Treasurer. > 1 ? J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS I - ? : OUR BUSINESS. I It is OUR business to make Estimates on any and all kinds of Con1 struction Work, whether in Wood, i Brick or Stone. ! Our Headquarters [ Are located on the C. & N.-W. railI, road, Just half way between Liberty ' and Madison streets. We may be ' SEEN there at any time, or a Tele'r phone Message will REACH us. Our Goods. r We keep Constantly on Hand large stocks of Building Materials of various kinds, including Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Lime, Cement Laths, Shingles, etc., and we make ? Specialty of BUILDERS* HARDr WARE and CARPENTERS* TOOLS. PeoDle Needin* anything in OUfl r line should be SURE to call upon US ; J. J. KELLER & CO. r m^m ^ ^^ :! GREAT SP [J At J. Q. ; X To Be Notable for 11 i 4, ; markable Value , *$* SPECIAL SALES?ONE E, sales will be notable for two th ' VALUES, with the usual WRAY I daily bargains. ; 4? MONDAY, 27th.?500 yards ( ' 4e and Brown. Regular value 50c { only, Just TUESDAY', 28th.?2.000 yard! *$* 10c and 12Jc values. Special, ' 4* THE YARD. (Only ten yards to L WEDNESDAY', 20th.?500 ye ^ value anywhere 8 l-3c yard, a 29th, only (Ten yards only to a slngl 4 THURSDAY', THANKSGIVIN( -Se FRIDAY'. Dee. 1st.?Job lot of ! values at $i.25 to $1.35 the pair. Misses' Shoes, sizes 13s to ljs, where?worth these figures at V 1 e*? Pa,r Just SATURDAY, Deo. 2d.?Special of prices and the latest styles. Don't miss these sales. They s * J. Q. WRAY HOT DRINKS Are Now Served at Our Soda Fountain, Includ ing Hot Chocolate. 1 Come, and Bring Your Friends to the STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder, Prop. MONEY AT 7 PER CENT. I HAVE a limited amount of Monej that I can lend at 7 per cent or [ good real estate security. ; W. W. LEWIS, Attorney, j Nov. 17 t.f. tf. pT ft m- SALE BEG I I Presents at "1 JUST RECEIVED SHIPMEN' ?PLAIN AND FANCY COLOR BORDERS, ETC. SET CONSIS SIX TUMBLERS AND ONE NI< REGULAR PRICE $1.50?Our .> s IMPORTED. HAND PAINT] 1 ft BURNER AND SHADE, COM PI J I REGULAR PRICE $1.75. MOM 1 I POTTED 24-INCH GREEN PA1 I 9T CASE "AVEXA" ROLLED I ft S|HH-ial, MC f ft COME. V* THE FOIJSHEI Phone :i8 mmm CARROLL'S STANDARD WAREHOUSE JS at the disposal of farmers who de^ sire to store cotton. I furnish stor age and Insurance at low rates anc when desired either advance monej . myself or give warehouse receipt! upon which money can be borrowed ai reasonable rates at the bank. W. R. CARROLL. Sept. 19 t.f tf WALL PAPER YOU WILL FIND ME NEXT DOOF TO DR. BRATTON'S OFFICE. A. B. GAINES. I FOR SALE. ' QIX building lots on Lincoln avenue i O all 296 feet deep and frontage as ? follows: Four of 60 feet each; on< I 65 feet and one 55 feet. 5 W. H. HERNDON. ? May 12 f tf FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. ' NEW CROP f Open Kettle - N. O. Molasses i s T J T ; Barrel just in. i 1 Also have a fresh Shipment Best Mill Feed. Send Us Your Orders. FERGUSON & CLINTON. ( F. C. BLACK Life Insurance. Does It Concern Von? The double benefit non-lapsing: Life ' Insurance policy issued by the Security Life and Annuity Co. r Is not only the most attractive but > the most liberal. No other company . equals It. Don't fall to see these contracts before buying. Remember this Is a Southern Company endeavoring to build up a large 5 business In this state to keep at home . a part of the millions that go out of I the state annually to Northern com, panles. For further Information, conL suit. FRED C. BLACK, District Agent. \ Yorkville, 8. C. Over L. & S. Bank.?Front Room. ECIALSALEI WRAY'S J ts Low Prices and Re- 4* s?-Don't Miss It. f ^CH DAY. This week of Special ^ Ings, viz.: LOW PRICES and BIG ^ QUALITY' added. Don't miss the ^ 4 Cashmeres In Black. Garnet, Blue t md 60c the yard. Special, Monday V 38 CENTS YARD. ?|? i Extra Heavy Outings. Regular Tuesday, 28th, only, 8 1-3 CENTS 1 a single customer at 8 l-3c). irds 36-lnch Bleaching. Regular good quality..Special, Wednesday. 5 CENTS THE YARD. 1 e customer at above price), i. Nov. 30tlt?STORE CLOSED. Ladles' Shoes, sizes 3i to 5s. Big ? Special price, Friday, 1st... .89c. 'y , worth 51.25 to $1.50 a pair ar.y- affray's. Special Price, 1st only, per A 98 CENTS. T sale of Ladies' Furs. The lowest Sat unlay, Dec. 2d. ire worth your attention. , The Leader. X1 THE BEST POLICY? The man who coined the phrase "Honesty Is the Best Policy," evidently had never seen a Mutual Benefit policy, because if he had his phrase would most likely have been handed down to posterity thusly: "Honesty Is the Best Policy, except that of the Mutual Benefit." I am not trying to be funny, brother, but am only endeavoring to Impress a truth on your mind for our mutual benefit. The Mutual Benefit was organized on correct principles In 1845 and from the day of Its birth to now has never deviated a hair's breadth. It has never offered the public anything except life insurance, pure and simple, and has never Issued a contract that was susceptible of more than one construction, or that could not be understood as well by the layman as the expert. The company has a record behind It covering a period of 60 years of which every policy holder, officer and agent is proud. It furnishes the 1 best Insurance offered the American people today, and its past record shows that although it carries out every contract to the letter, by reason of its conservative methods and economy as to r expenses, the cost has always been i less to the policy holders than it would have been in any other company. Look Before You Leap. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. *nrs\ Q Af ul XS AT ? A. M. "W Auction" Prices. r OF BOHEMIAN WATER SETS S?NICELY DECORATED, GOLD H TS OF ONE GALLON PITCHER. I :KEL PLATED WAITER 1 OX DAY, per set tttt CENTS. 3D PARLOR LAMPS?LAMP? ^ ,ETE DAY SPECIAL, each $1.4#. I :,MS?Special MONDAY, each. 2ttc. I OATS?GUARANTEED GOOD? I )XDAY, per pk{* 7 CENTS. I COME. 9 2 CASH STORE | YorkvHle, S. C. LIFE IXI CI IDANir'C iii4^u i\ni ^IVL. Thirteen years ago it was predicted that the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur. ance Company would be "Busted" in less than twelve months; but it don't look like it now, when we have nearly $600,000.00 insurance in force. FOUlt years ago it was said that t the FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY could not exist "more than a year or two, or until it had three or four deaths." We have paid .TWENTY-EIGHT death claims and have receipts for same and we hav^ more than 1,000 members whose insurance is Intact. If any company can make money by j Insuring our lives, We can save mon> ey by insuring ourselves. I). E. BONEY, Manager. | A Conven * ^ WT A CHECKING ACCOUNT WITI 4 VENIENCE NOT ONLY TO THI " SIONAL MAN, BUT TO THE FAR] i PLE WOULD KEEP SUCH ACCO \ HOW TO GO ABOUT IT. WE G f NEED HELP IN GETTING STAR! \ 9 \ Loan and S i J YORKVILL + FIFTY WOOD Heaters, i M M YORK FURNITURE COMPANY M M WOOD HEATERS?at $1.25, $1.75 M and upward. These Wood Heaters are p. undoubtedly the most economical of ' all stoves for heating purposes. Call * " and get one for your bedroom and dining-room?Get It now while they r; last. tu ART SQUARES T. AND RUGS. M We will display the largest line of ART SQUARES In "Axmlnster," "ProBrussels," "Colonial Seamless Tapestry," "Palisade" and "Reversible Tap- estry" ever displayed In this market in a few days. Will announce the arrival In this column. Be sure to come and see this display?It will be great. We have a most complete line of SIDEBOARDS, HALL RACKS, Etc., at the most attractive of old prices. 29" Be sure to get one of our Wood Heaters?they will warm a room a little quicker than any other heater and H with less wood. _ J THE YORK FURNITURE CO. COLGATE'S % DENTAL POWDERS? 20 CENTS H V, REMEMBER THAT THE YORK LI DRUG STORE IS SELLING A 25 CENTS BOX OF COLGATE'S nvvTAi. pnwnpp TTOT? 20 CENTS AND WITH EACH BOX SI OF DENTAL POWDER GIVING A GUEST ROOM SIZE CAKE OF CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP A] FREE. COME AND GET IT WHILH IT IS HERE. ZI YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BO WEN, PROP., A*A?A*AaiA?A?AatA?eAKAttA*AXA*@A* A*A*A*tA*A*A*A*AXA*A?AXAatA*?A? | THE P ? TO GET LOW] ^ J Regardless of the High Prices that 44 the stiff advances that have been mi 52 Clothing, Notions, Millinery, Shoes, 22 COMPANY IS STILL SELLING A LI PRICES. So If you want to buy any 4^ will save you money come to us for 44 For THREE CENTS PER YARD mm Prints and Brown Sheeting. 23 For FIVE CENTS we will sell you 44 Mourning and Shirting Prints, Best ] ?3 ing, Children's, Misses' and Indies' 55 Needles, Spool Cotton and Silk Threa J J cy Outing. Bed Ticking, Face Towels, ? ..... . .... a /\?T?v' Jj for MA AiAU yu.inirjii ix/n 4.4 Sheeting, a better quality of Bleachln 55 For EIGHT AND A THIRD CEN 22 good quality Hickory Shirting, 4-4 B 44 ?we will sell you as many yards as ?.4 For TEN CENTS A YARD we w XX Fancy Outing for children's sacks, a 11 As many yards as you want. There are a great many other goo mm show you If you will Just come to st 33 you prices that will convince you thi 55 TO HE POUND anywhere hereabout.1 jjjj 10 PER CENT DISCOU ii' Our Immense stock of Clothing is ^3 it to go, although we have been do O mildness of the weather. We want y decided to make a discount 011 all CI 2^ make our Clothing all the more attra ? COUNT APPLIES TO ALL OF Ol 32 SATURDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 1 2y All of our Clothing Is new styles 2^ ular. They were.bought for CASH a jjj have all been marked VERY CLOSE 4 2 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT YOU H^ ? YOUR LIFE. Our Men's Suits that we have mar: yy beaters. These same suits, so we hf authority, are offered by a ColumbU mm are also informed that the same qual in our neighboring towns for J20. 25 best of It to begin with, but when \ 22 marked prices and bring the Suit dc have all competition skinned to del $2 $9.25 over Columbia prices, and $4 2^ towns. Come and get one of these s 's cne lhe real bargains you hav 2y another suit that everybody Is postei J3 These suits sell everywhere for $6.C 42 is $1.50. But with the 10 per cent d lr4 $4.05. Thus you save $1.95 over thi neighboring towns. We only mentloi 2y cause they are standard qualities an 23 every buyer of ready-to-wear clothli ^7- remember, nlease, that the TEN PE: *4 TO ALL OL'R CLOTHING AND OV J? NIGHT. Also please remember, as yi * OUR GOODS ARE MARKED IN COULDN'T RAISE OUR PRICES 22 WANTED TO DO SO?WHICH WE Jjtf our Clothing was bought for CASH i on a bare margin of profit and 10 j mm that out. See the Strauss-Smith Co 3 J urday night. This discount sale is fo i!S WOOL BLANKETS I it 32 We have sold a great many BLAIS JJ still have a good big stock on hanc 44 Oui Blankets were bought close and i * er will be coming along soon and yoi ss ets. Come and get them while they THE STRAUSS-SM] ki Main and Liberty Sts. *A*A>tA*A*A?eA*A*A>tAIUltA*Alt?A? COTTON INSURANCE. * A ** writp Insurance picpaicu wv- ?? ?*. on Cotton stored either in open yard or in outbuildings on farms, die Farmers can arrange to borrow Ph money on my Insurance policies on cotton held on their farms the same nu as if the cotton were stored In a an warehouse in town. Write or call at H< my office for rates of Insurance and other information. J. R. LINDSAY. Pi Oct. 3. t.f. tf. ? X '*&* Itead The Clansman In The Enquirer?back numbers furnished to llmifed number new subscribers. Ilr ience? j ??? t i A BANK IS A GJIEAT CON- f 2 BUSINESS A.N L) rKUrliS- t VIER AS WELL. MORE PEO- \ UNTS IF THEY KNEW JUST J LADLY ASSIST THOSE WHO \ 'ED. f y avings 3an^ ' E, S. C. J CAROLINA UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION S. L. MILLER, Pre*, and Sec. ORK COUNTY AGENTS r. BUFORT MATTHEWS. Smyrna, r. R. S. McCONNELL. Rock Hill, r. J. K. SCOGGINS, Rock Hill, r. EB EDWARDS. Tlrzah. r. FRANK ALLEN, Lesslie. r. J. T. NEELY, Rock Hill, r. JAS. M. STARR, Yorkvllle. E. BARRON. Yorkvllle No. 2. P. BLANKENSHIP, Fort Mill. S. C. 1 Any of them will be pleased to give j ates and other Information to par- | ?s who are Interested. A. MATTHEWS. Gen. Mgr., District No. 2, Old Point, S. C. . L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. ! CARROLL BROS. The Best ! rHINGS TO EAT j UAKER OATS. j HRYSANTHEMUM BRAND CLING j PEACHES?BEST ON THE MAR- j KET. UYLER'S CHOCOLATE ? NONE ! OTHER QUITE SO GOOD. I AN HOUTEN'S COCOA?HIGHEST I IN QUALITY. j fRRY'S CORN BEEF HASH?ONE | OF THE MOST DELIGHTFUL OF ] ALL CANNED PRODUCTS. LVER CROWN SALMON ? THE j BEST OBTAINABLE. RM & HAMMER BRAND SODAFULL POUND PACKAGE?5 CTS. j 2NITH FLOUR?A FRESH CAR- j LOAD JUST ARRIVED. i i CARROLL BROS. j I UkBt4>tA*AatAatAatA?tAatAitA?iAaL4a?. LACE | EST PRICES. If I iff t are being paid for cotton, and ^3 ide on all kinds of Dry Goods, etc., THE STRAUSS-SMITH ?jj I U KINDS OF GOODS AT OLD 2? thing in our line at prices that " 33 1 i we will sell you Indigo Blue a yard of Mourning or Second 33 > Blue Prints, Unbleached Sheet- i Hose, Gents' Half Hose, Pins, id, 4-4 Bleached Sheeting, Fan- 55 , etc. 33 .... < TS you can buy a yard or 4-4 J g. Mattress Ticking, Ginghams. TS we will sell you a yard of leaching, Best Brown Sheeting i you want. rill sell you Outing for skirts, ind staple Outings for Dresses. XX , JJ J ds at above prices that we can b ;e us. We know we can quote m? r at our prices are the LOWEST g s. Come and see us. 52 ' NT ON CLOTHING jjj MM ' not moving as fast as we want x? ilng very well, considering the them to move faster and have othlng of 10 per cent that will Mj ctlve. A TEX PER CENT DIS- ?2 rR CLOTHING UNTIL NEXT JJ 8TH, AT CLOSING TIME. ?4 and up-todate In every partlc- 55 t the very lowest prices. They Ht ! to the first cost, and with the lVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF kcd to sell at $17.50 are worldive been lnforind by a reliable l clothier at $25 per suit. We llty of Clothing Is being offered So you see we have $2.50 the ve take 10 per cent off of our VL wn to $15.75 each, you see we ith. Our price will save you .25 over prices In neighboring QK lults before Saturday night. It e been looking for. And then gj [J on Is the Gray Dixie Kersey. ?3 10. Our regular marked price ?2 iseount off you get this suit for Mm i price you will have to pay in n these two suits in passing beid sold almost everywhere and M ig is familiar with them. But ?2 R CENT DISCOUNT APPLIES m? ERCOATS UNTIL SATURDAY ?3 au no doubt already know, ALL *? PLAIN FIGURES AND WE ON THIS OCCASION IF WE M DON'T. As stated above all of ^ it low prices, we have Just put )er cent discount almost wipes mpany for Clothes before Satr SPOT CASH ONLY. VT LOW PRICES. ? *3 'KETS up to this time, but we ?2 I and we want to move them. my are marked close. Cold weath- ?4 u will need some of our Blankare here. PJ3 [TH COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C. 5* , 'A ?A *A ?A*A KA PA *A *A *A *A *, PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. Now Is the time and Lindsay's Stu> the place where you can have fine lotos made of yourself and family. You can order any size, style and mber. Call and examine samples d decide what you want right away, aurs from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY, lone 132. 3T Read The Clansman In The EnIrer?back numbers furnished to nlted number new subscribers. J. M. HEAT GENERAL MEI mws DUNKS' ? To slip into a "High-Art" Si E giving morning will put you in E day's pleasure with double zest. "Snuggle-Up" Great Coats to E ting wind. You will find them Frock Coats for ceremonious E tions generally. E Sack Suits in the newest stuf E the mode of the moment, you v E fusion. Our Top Coats are really "on E Warm-as-Toast Overcoats of ? as-wafer prices. Also all the ^ bright look here and a smart toi ? est style. f RAH! FOR THE AMERICA] g AND ALSO FOR. AT THE IDEAL STOl Overcoats for men at $2.50 an Ulsters for men at $3.50, $5.00 Cravenette Rain Coats for me Boys' Cravenette Rain Coats Clothing at all prices, $3.50, and upward and all in between. GOOD WARM BLANK Blankets at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, Blankets at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4 We have a full line of Ladies and also full line of Ladies' Rajn T M WP ATT-T I J. 1U. A AA v. ; - THE IDEAL J J. L. WILLIAMS, Manager. L*A*A*A?A*A*A*AXAIUI(Aa(AXA*?AI WILKERSON'S ] Boine-Made Molasses ^ I HAVE THIS WELL KNOWN I CIND IN STOCK NOW.. .50c Gallon. J BUCKWHEAT FLOUR^the dark tf. C. raised?at 5 Cents a pound. Also a First Class Self-Raislng kind, >ut up by LEQGETT?in 15c and 25c >ackages. A barrel of TIP TOP MACKEREL, ust opened, at 10c apiece?3 for 25c. LOUIS ROTH. STR AYED. . * LIGHT Bay Texas MARE. Has brand on one side, resembling a f ilrd. Left our barn in Shelby, on the JL norning of Nov. 4th. Said to have St ;one In the neighborhood of Yorkville. m sotify LATTIMORE & LATTIMORE, T1 Shelby, N. C. Nov. 17 f 4t* fGWfi Fron The Thomsoi WE HAVE HAD A PHENOMENAL LAUNCHED OUR MERCANTILE WE GIVE THANKS TO THE PE THIS ENTIRE SECTION FOR TH WE HAVE TRIED TO MERIT ' VALUE RECEIVED. ' WE HAVI PAINS OR EXPENSE AND LEFT: SELECT A STOCK OF DRY GOOI SHOES. FURNISHINGS, ETC., SEC TION. OUR BUYERS HAVE BEEN CC FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS A CASH PICKED UP SOME UNMAT GO ON SALE THIS WEEK. DON'T . X'T^ ivodppt IT-ir-W DEPA RTME EVERY DEPARTMENT IS NO NEW FRESH GOODS RIGHT FRC FACTURERS. THERE IS NOT A ] STOCK IN OUR ESTABLISHMENT COME AND SEE US OFTEN. N EVERY DAY AND OUR WHOLE S BEES WAITING ON THE EAGE AWAY DELIGHTED WITH THEII LOOK! 1 WE PUT ON SALE TODAY ONE H AT A PRICE THAT WILL MOVE BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. 9T JUST FOLLOW THE CROWDS Thomson C THE PEOPL h 9 ' A . H & CO., ' *CHANDISE. SIM lit or Overcoat on Thanks- * a good mood to enjoy the 2 tf > blunt the edge of that cut at the Ideal Store. dinners and "starchy" func- ? Fs and cut in harmony with * rill find here in endless pro | top" in fabric, fit and finish. every cut and cloth, at thin little accessories to lend a * ich there, in Winter's fresh- j? N BIRD J HIGH ART CLOTHING. J RE YOU'LL FIND I d upwards. ? , $8.00 and $10.00 each. J n at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. ? at $2.50, $3.50 to $5.00. ; $5.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.50 jj ETS FOR WINTER. , $2.00 and $2.50. All Wool * .00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $6.50. f J .' Jackets, Capes and Coats, [ Coats at popular prices. { .. It COMPANY, | STORE. j 4 I *A*A*A*A*A*A*A?A?AaU*A*Ai Elwood Wire Fencing WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF ELWOOD FENCING. ' : i. , COME AND SEE IT. WHEN IN NEED OF HARD y S WARE COME AND SEE US. YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO. TONOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. RESPECTFULLY beg leave to of. fer my services to the public as onneraDher and Typewriter. I ay be found at the law office of los. F. McDow, Esq. Miss HAZEL GRIST. Sept. 22 f 3m. ? -J idingsf 1 n Company , BUSINESS SINCE WE HAVE BOAT IN YORKVILLE AND Any i7i /-vtti vad V\TTJ tf a urijEj v/r x vivxv t auuu eir liberal patronage. the business by giving 3 certainly spared no ' no stone unturned to >s, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, ONI) TO NONE IN THIS SEC! ? instantly on the alert nd have with the COLD chable bargains, WHICH r fail to visit our store :nt. w at its best with all )m the looms and manudollar's worth of hard ew goods are coming in SALES force is as busy as r buyers, who all go i purchases. LOOK! UNDRED MEN'S OVERCOATS ! THEM QUICK. SEE THEM 5 TO THE Company's E'S STORE [g