Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 14, 1905, Image 3

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EXECUTOR'S SALE PURSUANT to the order of the Probate Court for York county, 1 will expose to public sale, at the late residence of GAL.BRAITH HAMBRIGHT, deceased, in the said county, on WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6TH 1905, commencing at 10 a. m., two mules, one cow, three fat hogs, three buggies, two wagons, lot of farming tools, lot of shop tools, corn, fodder, shucks, household and kitchen furniture, and sundry other small articles, such as are found upon a farm. Terms of sale: Cash. R. F. HAMBRIGHT, Executor. Nov 14 t It CLERK'S SALE. S4iO of South Carolina?County ol York. ?N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEA*. R. N. Whitesides, Individually and as Administrator, against B. B. Whitesides et. al.?Notice of Sale. PURSUANT to an order or coun made In the above stated case on November 4. 1905, I will sell at public outcry before the Court House door, between the legal hours of sale, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4. (Salesday) the following described real property to wit: 1. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land together with the granite thereon, bounded by lands of T. P. Whltesides and others, known as the WhResides Upper Quarries, and containing THREE ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 2. All that certain piece parcel or tract of land, known as the "Whitesides Lower Quarry," bounded by lands of John Caldwell and J. H. Good, and containing TEN ACRES MORE OR LESS. m CS?1a PAfiff 1 mils ui oaic viiv-mihw . and the balance In equal annual insallments of one and two years, with Interest thereon from the day of sale, secured by a bond of the purchaser, and a mortgage of the premises sold, and of the output of the quarries, with leave of the purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. Purchaser must comply with ?cash portion of his bid within one hour after sale, or the land to be at once resold at the risk of the defaulting purchaser. J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. Nov. 14 t 3t AUCTION SALE HORSES AND MARES. WE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION. ON COURT HOUSE SQUARE, YORKVILLE, 3. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, ONE CARLOADTHIRTY HEAD?OF HORSES AND MARES. A11 of them are halter broken. most of them broken to work. This stock Is well-bred, young, and will make you money. Positively every horse sold for the highest dollar, rain or shine, regardless of price. THE HENKEL LIVESTOCK CO. j Nov. 14 t.f at HERE YOU ARE: COD FISH BRICK. CAPRES SURFINES. CROWN MAPLE SYRUP. SM IV/BC PDAMQCDDICC v/ui V bw, vnnMWtoiiMiMW! ROLLED 0AT3 IN BARREL. BROOMS THAT WILL SWEEP CLEAN. I. W. JOHNSON. Bring Any Checks, Drafts or Money you have, or mall them to us for Deposit. Prompt service given and the money Is always at your command. It Is safe If placed In The First National Bank of Yorkville tv Bank Money Orders sold?good everywhere. R. C. ALLEIX, Cashier. " THE BEST POLICY? The man who coined the phrase "Honesty Is the Best Policy," evidently had never seen a Mutual Benefit policy, because if he had his phrase would most likely have been handed down to posterity thusly: "Honesty is the Best Policy, except that of the Mutual Benefit." I am not trying to be funny, brother, but am only endeavoring to impress a truth on your mind for our mutual benefit. The Mutual Benefit was organized oit correct principles In 1845 and from the day of Its birth to ? Lnn riAK/vx slivvrlatfirl Q h Q 1T* Q nuw uaa IIC?CI uv?iawu ? w breadth. It has never offered the public anything except life insurance, pure and simple, and has never issued a contract that was susceptible of more than one construction, or that could not be understood as well by the layman as the expert. The company has a record behind it covering a period of 60 years of which ev?ry policy holder, officer and agent Is proud. It furnishes the best insurance offered the American people today, and its past record shows that although it carries out every contract to the letter, by reason of its conservative methods and economy as to expenses, the cost has always been less to the policy holders than it would have been in any other company. Look Before You Leap. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. NEW CROP Open Kettle TVT TV/T 1 n VA muiaoaco Barrel Just In. Also have a fresh Shipment Best Mill Feed. Send Us Your Orders. FERGUSON* & CLINTON. We have just received a new supply , of STARR'S LIVER REGULATOR? [ everybody knows that this is the best , , of all remedies for a torpid liver. --OUR-WHITE PINE SYRUP AND TAR , ; FOR COUGHS, COLDS ETC., TOUCHES THE SPOT (H) 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder. Prop. JASPER EIGHT INFANTRY. CO. "L", 1ST INF. N. G. S. C. YorkviUe, S. C.. Nov 8. 1905. ALL members of Co. "L" having Uniforms In their possession, and all former members of this company who j may have Uniforms, or any part of a Uniform, In their possession are ordered to report to me in the Armory on SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 18TH, at I 7.30 o'clock with a complete list of 1 Uniforms or parts of Uniforms that may be In their possession belonging to Company "L". At the time and place named, I want to take a receipt from every member for each article of Uniform he may have in his possession, and former members having Uniforms. or any part thereof, are hereby notified to return the same to the Company Quartermaster, who will receipt the party delivering same for such articles as are delivered. This applies to any Uniform or part of Uniform . that may have been issued by the company at any time, no matter how badly worn or unserviceable said Uniforms may be. Those members who are unable, for any reason, to attend In person at the time named are ordered to send me a written receipt for articles in their 1 possession, said receipt to be signed in the presence of one witness. It is imperative that I have this list in order t to make the annual Property Return s for the Company to the Adjutant General's Office. JNO. R. HART, Capt. 1st. Inf. N. G. S. C. 1 Nov. 10, 14, 17 3t. If Read The Clansman In 'I lie Eu- t quirer?back numbers furnished to ii limited number new subscribers. li # . . . ! Cnlcrflte'! i ^ A a We have just received a limited si J TIC DENTAL POWDER for Clear r This dental powder Is put up In m< j of Precipitated Carbonate of Calcl a Soap, Salicylate of Sodium, sweeter green, and Is recognized by the Den f cleaners of the teeth as well as the 4 the American people today. In qua a ular retail price of Colgate's Dental it Is sold at that price everywhere, f our customers we will, as long as o 4 BOX OF DENTAL POWDER FOR A of Dental Powder, we will glte to OF COLGATE'S CASHMERE BOU< f This offer is made solely for the 4 gate Dental Powder?there Is no ca i strings tied to it. You simply pay u j Dental Powder, which sells for 26c t f box of Dental Powder you get the C 4 quet Soap FREE?Cashmere Bouq A at our hands. It Is known whereve CALL EARLY FOR THE DENT. J THE YORK DI J J. B. BOWEN WILKERSON'S i I Homo-Made Molasses I HAVE THIS WELL KNOWN KIND IN STOCK NOW.. 50c Gallon. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR?the dark N. C. raised?at 5 Cents a pound. Also a First Class Self-Raising kind, put up by LEGGETT?in I5e and 25c l>ackages. t A barrel of TIP TOP MACKEREL. Just opened, at IOc apiece?3 for 25c. LOUIS ROTH. W DO YOUR SHC The Thomso THE PEOPL] AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE?AT YOU WILL FIND ONE OF THE M STOCKS OF EVERYTHING THAT HEAL) UK DKl UUUDS l n/\ i ALL THIS SECTION, AND SUPE1 PRICES ARE NOT TO BE FOUN] ING EVEN THE BEST METRO THE KEYSTONE OF OUR BUSI VARIETY AND FAIR PRICES. OUR FALL TRADE HAS BEE: ON OUR METTLE TO KEEP UP 1 THE SLOWNESS OF FREIGH1 IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL ITS ANYTHING IN OUR LINE THAT AT THE THOMSON COMPANY'S When the Ladies are In need of CHINE. DRESS GOODS. HOSIE PARASOLS, TABLE LINEN. ETC When our gentlemen friends wai LAS, HOSIERY. UNDERWEAR NECKWEAR. COLLARS. CUFFS, come to the THOMSON COMPAN We have just received a larg< COATS for gentlemen, and also a fl: SON HATS. You have been waitln CALL AND SEE US WHEN Y PLEASURE TO SHOW OUR GOC YOU WILL BE SURE TO S Thomson ( THE PEG PL lJI C O M I N C HUMPTY DUMPTY| SPECTACULAR PANTOMIME DIRECT FROM NEW YORK ONE NIGHT ONLY mmm\ nov-15 GEO. H. ADAMS' BIG COMPANY. ACTORS, ACTRESSES, SINGERS, DANCERS. HANDSOME COSTUMES, GORGEOUS SCENERY, BUSTER BROWN. H Jb BBBnm%4 - >^; v^'BP Also New York's Greatest Sensation, ,J EVE ,he Creation of a Woman out of vi-?i.i? rr A> UIIIII1K. sl The most startling and unexplalna- B tie act ever given on the American tage. Prices 25c, 50c and 75c. Prices * iow on sale at 'HE YORK FURNITURE COMPANY r' a The very best and largest show here S his season. Geo. H. Adams, the orig- p nal Clown. One-half the audience { adies. Dental Powder 20 a s w cents ? Cashmere J v ^ Bouquet soap Free ^ 11 lpply of COLGATE'S ANTISEP- t ising and Whitening the Teeth. ^ stal top boxes, and is composed f um Carbonate of Magnesium, A led and perfumed with Winter- \ tal profession as one of the best * best preservatives that is before f lity it Is unsurpassed. The reg- ^ jjj Powder is 25 cents per box, and A g But as an introductory liter to \ a ur present stock lasts, sell ONE f * : 20 CENTS, and with each box f ' ovorv ontttnmpp FRF.P, n f AKF 1 f < QUET SOAP?Guest Room size. f 1< purpose of introducing the Col- F tch in the offer nor is there any f is 20 cents for a box of Colgate's A i box everywhere, and with each \ 0 'ake of Colgate's Cashmere Bou- f a uet soap needs no introduction Q J r Soap is used as the best. i \L POWDER?it will go quick. J *UG STORE, f [ , Proprietor. \ . r YORKVILLE iuilding and Loan Association OF YORKVILLE, S. C. NOTICE A meeting of the Stockholders of he YORKVILLE BUILDING AND ADAX ASSOCIATION, is hereby call;d to be held at the Law Office of C. fi. Spencer, Esq., Yorkville, S. C., on DECEMBER 11TH, 1905. at 10 A. M., or the purpose of taking action upon he question of Amending the Charter, ind also upon the Resolution of the 3oard of Directors, adopted Novem>er 10, 1905, to increase the Capital >tock from Thirty Thousand Dollars o Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. W. BROWN WYLIE, President. iEO. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary and Treasurer. PPING WITH ' V >n Company \ E'S STORE. I ~~~~~~~ I e THE LATIMER OLD STAND? OST COMPLETE AND VARIED ? COMES UNDER THE BROAD s N BE FOUND ANYWHERE IN a rtlOR QUALITIES OR FAIRER d ANYWHERE, NOT EXCEPT- i POLITAN STORES. IN FACT 1 NESS IS HIGH QUALITY, BIG X LARGE AND WE'VE BEEN 1 TO THE NOTCH. BECAUSE OF ps, HOWEVER, OUR STOCK 1 5 DETAILS, AND IF THERE IS YOU WANT YOU CAN GET IT STORE. anything In SILKS, CREPE-DE- j :ry, millinery, notions. ' we are ready to serve them. it CLOTHING. HATS, UMBREL:. HANDKERCHIEFS. SHIRTS. ETC.. just save yourself time and Y'S STORE. i shipment of first-class RAIN rst-class stock of JOHN B. STETig for them. They're here. OU ARE SHOPPING?IT IS A >DS. >EE YOUR FRIENDS AT i Company's ,E'S STORE IB ^SPECIAL CLO I BEGINS THURSD BEGINNING THURSDAY. NC SOME UNUSUALLY LOW PRICI IF YOU HAVEN'T YET BOUGH! HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOU J. Q. WRAY'S IS THE PLACE TO Men's Black Clay Worsted Suits, I finished and an extra good value, ai THURSDAY puts it down to $9.48 Men's Black Unfinished Worsted finished, and a good value at $12.54 ana arierwaras uniu iunner iwutt Men's Grey Mixtures, very styl made and finished, a good value al THURSDAY and until further notl< Boy's Suits, all styles and sizes, fi Youth's Suits, better than you sizes from $1.98 to $7.50 per suit. BIG OVERCO. Men's Black Beaver Overcoats, prising value at our price, each $4, Men's Black Beaver Coats, bettei than above, only $7.48 each. Men's Black Melton Cloth Overc But we want to close them out am $10.00 each.. Come and see them Men's Odd Pants from 75c to $5 If you would buy the best Sho? all means you should come to WRi for Ladles, Men, Misses, Children a as good as they can be. See WRA1 J. Q. WIR-A.Y, 1 1 YORKVIL VaaiaMii (. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS j OUR"BUSINESS. I It Is OUR business to make Estl- s lates on any and all kinds of Con- t tructlon Work, whether In Wood, 11 rlolr nr Qtnno 0 [>ur HeadquarterH " Are located on the C. & N.-W. ralload, Just half way between Liberty nd Madison streets. We may be EEN there at any time, or a Tele hone Message will REACH us. 3ur Goods. | We keep Constantly on Hand large g tocks of Building Materials of va- ^ lous kinds, including Dressed and 1 Undressed Lumber, Lime, Cement, J aths, Shingles, etc., and we make a J pecialty of BUILDERS* HARD- ? VARE and CARPENTERS* TOOLS. 4 People Needing anything in OUR ne should be SURE to call upon US. ^ J. J. KELLER & CO. rhey Need Them j Tes, children need Shoes, and I have 4 hem for both boys and girls that I I m closing out at a loss, and they are ood ones. I also have plenty of Hats ? nd Caps at any old price. I also have 5 nice lot of Pants, Shirts and Shoes g or men at the lowest prices, and a 4 ood many other things that are use- I ul. I also keep a nice line of Grocer- "* ?s and Vegetables all the time. Don't forget I keep the best Beef in ^ 'orkvllle as I always did. I run the | nly Daily Market here, and try to 4 erve my customers right, and I came I ere ten years ago with nothing, and J have it yet. * >LD GEORGE - - The Butcher. 4 rORKVILLE BUUUV < i). rALK IS CHEAP BUT Proving the assertion Is the vital point. It Is an easy matter to claim the best on earth, the only good Wagon, the only of onlles. - BUT\Vet>er Wagons, compared side by side with any other wagon?none excepted?will be found In every way TI1E KING OF ALL FARM WAGONS. Don't take our word. Don't take anybody's word. - BUT Take your own Judgment. Take the blacksmith's judgment. Take the mechanic's judgment, and be governed accordingly. We have just received a Carload and are ready to serve you. YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. Adickes' Emporium. FULL STOCK? 3GTTOM PRICES. We are sure loaded with goods and rill see that our prices are THE jOWEST. So consult us for any rants In GROCERIES, HARDWARE, VOOD, TIN, ETC. OUR CYLINDER CHURN is the implest and best patent on the mar:et and over a hundred users in these arts will recommend them. OUR CATTLE AND POULTRY ?OWDERS are the Best and Cheapst sold. Two Tons Best GRANULATED SUGAR at $5.00 per 100 pounds. IN CHILD'S WAGONS we have omething worth buying. Will carry l thousand pounds and last a whole amily of boys. OUR HOLIDAY GOODS are arriv- f ng and we hope to surpass ourselves n STOCK and SALES this season. See us for everything to EAT, to SAT WITH, and to EAT out of. WANTED?EGGS, 20c CASH, 22c i rRADE; BEESWAX. You may lose money by not consult- ^ ng ADICKES. I ? i B Glassware I i My line of Glassware, including Cut t Gtlass, Blown Glass and Pressed Glass is decidedly the largest ever shown in 1 Yorkvllle. It includes almost every irticle that can be mentioned, and in ill sizes. I am selling lots of Glassware?more than ever before?because my stock is so varied that se-. lections are easy and my prices are so . low that the selections are easy to t pay for. If you need Glass Dishes, Pitchers, Bowls, Goblets, Tumblers, Vases or 1 my other article in Glass come to me J for it. I have it and I'll sell it to you f it the right price. 1 Come and see me for anything in < my line. My stock is complete. t t T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. WANTED \7" OU to see me for all grades of X PINE SHINGLES?four carloads lought and must be sold. J. F. McELWEE. < Nov. 7 t.f. 4t 1 THING SALE^ AY AT WRAY'S. )VEMBER 16TH WE OFFER I OS IN MEN'S CLOTHING. AND H ? THAT NEW FALL SUIT YOU m AT/%T?f rn tfATTr* mrirn a vrv H I, yj VY la i ULU xioxri Aau m DO YOUR BUYING. See these: fl hand tailored, latest style, nicely H t $15. Our Special Price on next per suit. , a nobby style, good fitting, well H ). My special Price on Thursday s Is Just $8.48 per suit. lsh, extra heavy weight, nicely I t $10 per suit. My Special Price H :e makes It $5.98 per suit. rom 98c to $6.48 per suit. usually find on this market, all B j AT VALUES. an extra good quality and sur- B ( 98. t r grade and much nicer finished ^ ? oats, a splendLd value at $15.00. fl ' d offer them at the low price of H v I " .00 a pair. ;s obtainable for your money, by \Y'S. Our Shoe stock is full up H nd Infants, and our qualities are M ' for Shoes. 'HE LEADER, - LE, S. O. M COTTON INSURANCE. i [" AM prepared to Insure ' cotton L either In town or on farms at min-| mum rates, in time tried and flrej ested companies, and guarantee in- 1 urers who desire to borrow money on . | heir cotton, that they can secure as1. Iberal treatment as where policies of f, 'her companies than those I repreent are offered. See me before plac- , ng your Insurance. SAM M. GRIST. g Oct. 10 t.f tf t*AaU*A*A*A*ARA*AltAKA*A*A*$4 >*A*A*A*AKA*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*$4 1 THE P \ TO GET LOW 3 ^ Regardless of the High Prices thi 14 the stiff advances that have been n Clothing, Notions, Millinery, Shoe [2 COMPANY IS STILL SELLING AI H PRICES. So if vou want to buv an im -- M will save you money come to us fo M For THREE CENTS PER YAR Im Prints and Brown Sheeting. f J For FIVE CENTS we will sell yo M Mourning and Shirting Prints, Best ?? ing. Children's, Misses' and Ladies !'5 Needles, Spool Cotton and Silk Tim jf cy Outing, Bed Ticking, Face Towel IJ For SIX AND A QUARTER CE! m Sheeting, a better quality of Bleachl For EIGHT AND A THIRD CE f J good quality Hickory Shirting, 4-4 M ?we will sell you as many yards t 2 For TEN CENTS A YARD we iff Fancy Outing for children's sacks, |3 As many yards as you want. M There are a great many other go show you if you will Just come to Ij you prices that will convince you tl |5 TO BE POUND anywhere hereabou |J 10 PER CENT DISCOl |g Our Immense stock of Clothing ii It to go. although we have been d ? mildness of the weather. We war decided to make a discount on all ( f * make our Clothing all the more atti jjf COUNT APPLIES TO ALL OF 0 l? SATURDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER t ? All of our Clothing Is new styles f* ular. They were bought for CASH have all been marked VERY CLOS ( 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT YOU H jjj YOUR LIFE. ? Our Men's Suits that we have ma J J beaters. These same suits, so we 1 4 authority, are offered by a Columb Fa are also Informed that the same qu 1^ In mir nolchhririne towns for $20. best of it to begin with, but when J J marked prices and bring the Suit <3 14 have all competition skinned to d 5* $9.25 over Columbia prices, and $ JtM towns. Come and get one of these is one of the real bargains you ha another suit that everybody is post ^ These suits sell everywhere for $6 is $4.50. But with the 10 per cent ^ $4.05. Thus you save $1.95 over tl neighboring towns. We only menti cause they are standard qualities a every buyer of ready-to-wear ch.th !j? remember, please, that the TEN P] 4 TO ALL OUR CLOTHING AND O' J? NIGHT. Also please remember, as ; OUR GOODS ARE MARKED LN COULDN'T RAISE OUR PRICES WANTED TO DO SO?WHICH WE our Clothing was bought for CASH 14 on a bare margin of profit and 10 f* that out. See the Strauss-Smith C urday night. This discount sale is f !3 WOOL BLANKETS !3 2 We have sold a great many BLA 'J still have a good big stock on liar 14 Our Blankets were bought close and im er will be coming along soon and y< ets. Come and get them while the; || THE STRAUSS-SM Main and Liberty Sts. 14 tA*A?A*A*A*A*AXA*A*A*A*A*?A CAROLINA UJT1JAL LIFE INSURANCE ASSO- " CIATION S. L. MILLER, Pres. and See. iTORK COUNTY AOENTS Ir. BUFORT MATTHEWS, Smyrna, lr. R. S. McCONNELL, Rock Hill, lr. J. K. SCOGGINS, Rock Hill, lr. EB EDWARDS, Tlrzah. Ir. FRANK ALLEN, Lesslle. lr. J. T. NEELY, Rock Hill. -lr. JAS. M. STARR, Yorkvllle. *. E. BARRON. Yorkvllle No. 2. I P. BLANKENSHIP, Fort Mill, S. C. Any of them will be pleased to give tates and other Information to paries who are Interested. P. A. MATTHEWS. Gen. Mgr., District No. 2, Old Point, S. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS claims to Be Filed and Established Against Estate of F. C. Thomas, Deceased. PURSUANT to an order of court made in the case of J. L. McGlll, is administrator, against Margaret 1 Falls and others, all persons having J :lalms against the estate of Frank C. ? rhomas, deceased, are hereby notified F n nrp.wnt thpm to me. duly authentl- n ated on or before WEDNESDAY. c November 15, 1905, or the said claims a ivill thereafter be debarred. M J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. n iforkvllle, S. C., November 7, 1905. 0 Nov. 7 t 2t tS~ Read Tlie Clansman In The Enjulrer?back numbers furnished to q imlted number new subscribers. II YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. (Incorporated.) 3UR plant Is now In full operation, and we are prepared to make esImateg and fill orders for Tombstones, Monuments and Ornamental Stone k-ork of all kinds. Our facilities are such as easily en,ble us to meet all competition of whatever kind, from whatever source n our line. See us near the Southern depot. W. BROWN WYLIE, Secretary and Treasurer. UNDERTAKING UNDERTAKING in all lti branches from the cheapest Pine Coffin to he finest State Casket. Robes for hildren. ladles and gentlemen of all ges, Slippers, etc. Hearse and learse Wagon, Grave Mounds, Funer1 Notices, etc. We do Embalming. !tate License No. 66. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. lace f EST PRICES. U 11 at are being paid for cotton, and ^3 nade on all kinds of Dry Goods, s, etc., THE STRAUSS-SMITH J j Aj KINDS OF GOODS AT OLD J? lythlng in our line at prices that ^3 r " . || D we will sell you Indigo Blue u a yard of Mourning or Second Blue Prints, Unbleached Sheet' Hose, Gents' Half Hose, Pins, ?g ?ad, 4-4 Bleached Sheeting, Fan- I[5 s, etc. 3 J XTS you can buy a yard of 4-4 ^3 ng. Mattress Ticking, Ginghams. XTS we will sell you a yard of Bleaching, Best Brown Sheeting 3J is you want. 24 will sell you Outing for skirts, 5^ and staple Outings for Dresses. || ods at above prices that we can ^4 see us. We know we can quote hat our prices are the LOWEST 4j its. Come and see us. ?5 INT ON CLOTHING ! not moving an fast as we want Sy lolng very well, considering the it them to move faster and have <g2 nothing of 10 per cent that will W active. A TEX PER CENT DISUR CLOTHING UNTIL NEXT 18TH. AT CLOSING TIME. ?5 i and up-todate In every partlc- MS at the very lowest prices. They E to the first cost, and with the AVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF V* 3 rked to sell at (17.50 are world- M? lave been lnformd by a reliable jjj la clothier at $25 per suit. We allty of Clothing is being offered ?* So you see we have $2.50 the SM we take 10 per cent off of our M| lown to $15.75 each, you see we eath. Our price will save you gS 4.25 over prices In neighboring suits before Saturday night. It ve been looking for. And then ed on Is the Gray Dixie Kersey, gj .00. Our regular marked price ?2 discount off you get this suit for Ef fie price you will have to pay in ?4 | on these two suits in passing beind sold almost everywhere and gj ing is familiar with them. But ?2 SR CENT DISCOUNT APPLIES /ERCOATS UNTIL SATURDAY * ?-4 you no doubt already know, ALL ! PLAIN FIGURES AND WE ON THIS OCCASION IF WE JJ3 I DON'T. As stated above all of 22 at low prices, we have Just put ?y per cent discount almost wipes jrt lompany for Clothes before Sator SPOT CASH ONLY. gj AT LOW PRICES, JM NKETS up to this time, but we 25 id and we want to move them. are marked close. Cold weath- ?^ 3U will need some of our Blank- X* y are here. ITH COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C. ? KA*A*A*A?LA*A*A*A*A*A*A*Aae (m. H. WIA<)\ in. M AND II You buy the very best article that you can for your money, "That's right." I buy the same way; but have to buy to please more people. A call will convince you that my line of Home Furnishings Is second to none In both quality and price. My Cooking Stove line is complete. too, from the little cheap fellows to the "Iron King," which Is known for Its baking and economical wood burning qualities?two features which put It at the top. G. II. CLEAR Y. COTTON INSURANCE. I AM prepared to write Insurance I on Cotton stored either In open ard or in outbuildings on farms, 'armers can arrange to borrow loney on my insurance policies on otton held on their farms the same s if the cotton were stored in a arehouse in town. Write or call at iy office for rates of insurance and ther information. J. R. LINDSAY. Oct. 3. t.f. tf. 'tMT Read The Clansman in The Enuirer?back numbers furnished to Imited number new subscribers. ' -1 J- .3 ?1 J-l-l.-l? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI ItATB 4* , tThls Is the first time we've ever offe think you will accept our "Why"?1 4? VERY and LADIES' SWEATERS 4? THESE LINES. 4 tr WE ME. We have a few very pretty Lad! 7* new)'?Closing out at C O S T . A large stock of FEATHERS and T 4 ?all dumped together for 5 CENTS 4? THE SWEATERS ARE GOINt -Jf Just received Ladles' Linen UND1 our Windows?also more GARTER COME AND ASK ABOUT THESi 1; %) FOUSHEE 4 rmC Phone 38 4 Watch our next Ad. 'T^ 4 > L FASCINATOR SPECIAL. n..a .a..8.,e,>.jKuft-.H, TTT TTTTTTTTT Ttv TT FREE A YARD STICK?Something that ev- T1 crybody needs?call and get one at | once. FURNITURE If it goes into a home for making it more comfortable and beautiful and can be placed under the heading of "FURNITURE" Just remember that we have it. Our stock was never so th large nor so complete and new additions are constantly arriving. If you want Furniture at the right prices be certain to see us. We have: OPEN FRANKLIN Coal Stoves and all other kinds of Heaters. j* COOKING STOVES In all sizes, and * in several qualities at right prices. COAL GRATES, different sizes. TILE HEARTHS and Metal Facings. au WOOD MANTLES. BED ROOM SUITES, ranging from cheap qualities to fancies. SIDE BOARDS, with a wide range of Q prices and styles. BEDS?both wood and iron?in qual- ? Itles to suit all comers. _, EXTENSION DINING TABLES, dif- 3 ferent sizes and prices. CENTER TABLES In sizes and prices to suit your taste. sh WARDROBES?all sizes. kl COUCHES and LOUNGES on which Dl to rest your bones?help out the Ci looks, too. CHAIRS?Diners, Rockers and for the ed children?high and low. ge IRON BEDS for children. These are fitted with the folding sides. SEWING MACHINES?The old reli- r able New Home Is our leader, but Ji* we have other guaranteed Sewing A' Machines in stock at all prices. J" TERMS?to suit the purchaser. m< YORK FURNITURE COMPANY. an P< M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll, go CARROLL BROS. L1 an an The Best I THINGS TO EAT F W QUAKER OATS. CHRYSANTHEMUM BRAND CLING PEACHES?BEST ON THE MAR- ? * KET. a8 HUYLER'S CHOCOLATE ? NONE JJ OTHER QUITE SO GOOD. yc VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA?HIGHEST ^ IN QUALITY. LIBBY'S CORN BEEF HASH?ONE C< OF THE MOST DELIGHTFUL OF g ALL CANNED PRODUCTS. S/ SILVER CROWN SALMON ? THE BEST OBTAINABLE. ARM & HAMMER BRAND SODAFULL POUND PACKAGE?5 CTS. ZENITH FLOUR?A FRESH CAR- ? LOAD JUST ARRIVED. * Hi CARROLL BROS. MASTIC PAINT " 18 GUARANTEED to be pure Lead, Zinc and Oil. We will pay $100 cash, for any quantity of whiting, chalk, barytese or other adulterants found T< In the MASTIC. "The best Is the X cheapest." It covers more surface and J outwears two or three times over the th cheap so-called paints made to sell of and not to last. PI BANNER PAINT made by MA8TIC a people Is a good out cheaper paint, cq not pure, hasn't ne covering capacity, Ac but we guarantee It equal to any at da same price. If you are going to paint ivi a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, Y? plow, chair, bench or a piece of fur- In nlture, see us. j" THE YORK FURNITURE CO. p? ?9* Read The Clansman tn The En qulrer?back numbers furnished to I limited number new subscribers. I ? The People's Mi We are the Boys that sell so muc eh Because we keep the latest styles and ? are always up-to-date, and Mrs. Do NERY business so long she knows When a customer enters the store i ^ her In style and price, and they alw T* tentlon. No cutting you off short?tl T* want to see Mrs. DOBSON and the ew her. f Thanks for such liberal patronaj a continuance of same. DOBSON BROS.' C WSSSSBBSSSWUSS LYNCHBURG T THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE F LAND?AND WE HAVE THE BEST TH TO DO THE WORK WITH?SEE CUT I ONE HORSE UP. CALL AND SEE THE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. YORKVILLE HARD1 Mil T red anything AT COST, and we ^ [Va n po nlnalna nut ahp MTT.T.T. at COST?because we'll QUIT AN IT. 4* es' HATS, SHAPES, Etc., (all 4* 4> IPS?marked at 16c to SOc each 4* } EACH. < ? 3?AT S5c up to $1.50?Come. ??? ERYVEAR, APRONS, Etc. See GIRDLES. X S THINGS. _ X CASH STORE, t Yorkvllle, 8. C. vlll tell about next MONDAY'S 4* * Jla h a tut ? a *..a. s..?.-S.. tllT t -r c r i> tt" I t F. C. BLACK Life Insurance. toes It Concern Von? The double benefit non-lapsing Life surance policy Issued by the ecurity Life and Annuity Co. Is not only the most attractive but e most liberal. No other company iuals it Don't fall to see these conacts before buying. Remember this Is a Southern Com my endeavoring to build up & large isiness in this state to keep at home part of the millions that go out of e state annually to Northern commies. For further information, conIt. FRED C. BLACK, District Agent Yorkville, 8. C. /er L. A 8. Bank,?Front Room. [EVV ARRIVALS. Last week I received a mammoth Jpment of TINWARE, including all nds of Pans, Coffee Pots, Buckets, ish Pans, Wash Pans, Measuring ips, etc. Also a line of first quality EnamelWare. including Stew Pans, Porrinrs, Coffee Pots, Sauce Pans, etc. LUMINUM WARE. I also have a full line of Aluminum >ffee and Tea Pots, Kettles, etc. lis ware is different from most of e hollowware for kitchen use In that will hardly wear out and looks alast as well as silver. Come and see id supply your kitchen. I have a barrel of $*lrst Quality DRTO RICO MOLARSES. They are o(l. Try a gallon. Fresh shipment of KINOAN'S RBABLE HAMS? none better. Don't forget when you want stylish id reliable Clothes that will fit well d look well made to order. I can pply you. Just what you want W, 31. &?iil 3BjMJ X, A|CUl. armers* Mutual Life Insurance Company 'ants to tell you some things you ight to know, and you can?if you ill stop and think. If you take a Foly with us, you will be ONE of the >mpany, and will have the advante of your Insurance at COST. Not dollar of your money will go out of e few counties that are grouped toither to form the Division to which >u belong. Tou may ask if we can larantee the cost. We answer, NO, id you may rest assured that there no fraternal order or co-operative >mpany that can do so, without a rerve fund. Remember, our POLIES ARE WORTH ONE THOUlND DOLLARS. Apply to D. E. HONEY, Manager. V Read The Clansman in The Enilrer?back numbers furnished to nlted number new subscribers. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. rona J. Horn, W. L. Horn, W. B. Horn and Isabella Dover, Plaintiffs, Against Annie Horn, Emma Horn Hartness, Robert J. Herndon and W. L. Hill, Defendants.?Summons for Relief?Complaint Not Served. > the Defendants above named: rOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint In Is action which is filed in the office the Clerk of the Court of Common eas. for the said county, and to serve copy of your answer to the said mplalnt on the subscriber at his of:e in Yorkville, S. C., within twenty iys after the service hereof, excluse of the day of such service; and If >u fail to answer the complaint wlththe time aforesaid, the plaintiffs In to nftiirtn mill annlv to th? Court r the relief demanded In the comaint. Yorkvllle, S. C., Nov. 4, A. t>.. 1905. J. S. BRICE. Plaintiffs* Attorney. Nov. 7?Dec. 12. t 6t illinery Store. T h MILLINERY and? Why? X lowest prices on Millinery, and bson has been in the MILLI- ?L just what the people want, she knows Just what to show T? 'ays get such good, polite at- ??? lat is one reason the ladies all ju ? majority of them buy from X 4? ^e and we hope we will merit Phone 12. ASH STORE. 4* URN PLOWS 1 mm ARMER TO BEGIN TURNING HIS ING?THE LYNCHBURG PLOW? IBOVE. WE HAVE THEM FROM ! LYNCHBURG BEFORE BUYING. VARE COMPANY.