Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, July 28, 1905, Image 3

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%J / * $ SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. ? The somewhat notable suit of William E. Lucas, president of the Laurens Cotton mills, against S. M. Mllllken, has been decided against Lucas, in the Federal court, at Charleston. The presiding judge refused to remand the case and dissolved the injunction. ? Columbia Record: At the next session of the legislature a bill will be introduced asking for the creation of the office of county judge. If not in all counties, at least in Richland county. The matter haw been under consideration for some time and it is practically certain that- the bill will pass, although there will have to be some changes In the present law regulating courts. The Idea is to have a county Judge or magistrate with the power to hear suits up to $1,000 and to try all criminal cases outside of those Involving capital punishment or over ten years In the penitentiar>*. This court would sit almost any time and the county solicitor would take the place of the coroner. There will probably be some objection to the DroDOsed change, but it is thought that it will Anally become a law. ? There is a demand for the investigation of the books of Saluda county, and it is probable that the matter will be looked into soon. The grand Jury has the matter under consideration. In his last report the comptroller general called attention to the many counties that needed investigating. either on account of bad bookkeeping or shortages. There were nine altogether as follows: In Abbeville county it was necessary to employ an expert at a cost of $600 to straighten out the books. In Barnwell county there was a shortage which Anally resulted In a settlement with the bonding company for over $11,000. In Greenwood county an expert Axed matters at a cost of $600 to the county. In Greenville county the recent development of graft JustiAed the last report of the comptroller general. A shortage of over $4,000 In Horry county Is now in the courts. A balance of over $3,500 due by the treasurer of Laurens county has never been paid and the grand jury has taken no action. In Richland county there is an investigation now going on. In Williamsburg county a shortage of several thousand has been settled, although this was due to bad bookkeeping. In addition to this there are two or three other counties now under investigation. , ? Greenville special of July 25, to News and Courier: The special commission which is investigating the Ananoes of Greenville county took a recess to-day until the middle of September and Avery Patton, who has been examining the witnesses, many of whom have been very unwilling, expected to leave this morning for Ashville for a brief rest. No warrants were sworn out yesterday, but some additional affidavits may be made by members of the commission today for those against whom proceedings have already begun. It is understood that there is sufficient evidence in possession of the commission to justify the arrest of a number of others alleged to have taken an interest in grafting the county, but whether any arrests will be attempted before the commission renews its work is not known. The greater part of the taking of testimony has been completed, and, after some Anishing touches in this direction have been put on, the commission will begin to prepare its report to the governor. It is estimated that the total indebtedness of the county is about $300,000, half of which Is In Aoatlng claims. Many of these will be declared illegal, and will doubtless be repudiated. Since they have been purchased in times oast by banks and in nocent parties, the loss may touch persons in nowise responsible for the graft, and this is likely to stir up additional criminal prosecutions. So far three warrants have been issued and one arrest has been made, that of Arthur Speegle. who Is out under (1,000 bond. Warrants for former Supervisor J. E. Speegle and his son. J. O. Speegle. who are in North Carolina, have not yet , been served. ? The cotton growers of Clarendon county had a big rally at Manning yesterday, and they were addressed by Messrs. F. H. Weston. F. H. Hyatt, E. D. Smith and John L. McLaurln. Mr. McLaurin made the principal speech of the occasion. Speaking of It. the correspondent of the Columbia State says: Mr. McLaurin sprung a new idea today, an Idea that he doe9 not claim to be entirely original; but which is destined to mean great things for the Southern Cotton association if put Into execution. After the meeting today Mr. McLaurin and President E. D. Smith discussed the matter fully and Mr. Smith Is In full accord with the '.scheme outlined by Mr. McLaurin. Mr. McLaurin was discussing the menace of the Chinese boycott, the threatened closing of the Chinese market to cotton goods. American goods, on ac count of the stringent enforcement of the Chinese exclusion laws. He told pf the guilds of China, their perfect organization through which they are enabled to control the consumption of cotton goods by the Chinese people, and he suggested that in the end the interest of the Chinese consumer of cotton goods and the Interest of the southern producer of the raw material are the same, and that this is reason for sending to China an authorized representative of the Southern Cotton association to make peace, as it were, with the Chinese guilds and Induce them to lift the boycott on American goods. It is very probable that this Idea will be taken up officially by the organization and that a representative will be sent to China on this mission. It Is" easy to see that this would, as few things could, strengthen the Southern Cotton association not only at home but abroad. crMTrtoiA I RIILL'S EYES. , Greenville News: The Spartanburg Herald says that an Avery Patton is needed on the State investigating committee. Mr. Patton, however, is doing such fine work in Greenville just at present that we cannot afford to lose him. Newberry Observer: Somebody ought to tell Senator Hay that his committee is not a judicial tribunal to sit in solemn state and before whom charges are to be made and proved, but an investigating committee for finding out things by hunting for them. Greenville News: "The people are disgusted with the management of the dispensary." says Senator Tilllman, "and there is wide spread belief that there is corruption somewhere. This will cause many to vote against the J system who have hitherto been its strong friends." That. perhaps, is true, but the people are going to rid | themselves of it because they have no hope of Its reformation. And they are right! News and Courier: Mayor Woodward of Atlanta, has declared himself against the claw-hammer habit. He will not attend "any function where a dress suit is necessary to make him welcome." This does not by any means, however, elevate Mr Woodward ubove his fellow citizens. We really do not think he would look well in a dress suit. Better men than he in Atlanta and in other parts of the country, and men who have been Just as democratic really in their politics and living, have not regarded themselves as above this convention of fairly good society. The man who sets himself up against the ways of more or less decent people lays himself open to suspicion. Gaffney Ledger: The Greenville News says, because we expressed very little confidence in Cole L. Blease, that it's too soon to commence "mud-slinging." Why, bless your soul, man, we did not mean to sling mud. We think Mr Blease a poor excuse for a public man, have no confidence in him whatever, and simply expressed ourselves to that effect. It was only our opinion of a man who had been spoken of as a candidate for governor of South Carolina. We brought no charges against him. We knowabsolutely nothing about his private character, and, so far as we know, he may be as pure as an angel. He has however, been keeping mighty bad company, "and his attitude on public questions" does not coincide with ours and we took occasion to express our sentiments. No, indeed, Mr News, we did not mean to "sling mud." "disc harrow," or implement or nae nature, unless the said harrow or other implement or machinery be placed in a wagon or raised from the ground in such manner that the disks do not rest upon the street. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of the foregoing Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined In a sum of not less than One Dollar, nor more than Two Dollars, or be confined for a period of not less than Ten Days, nor more than Thirty Days. Done and ratified in council assembled this 25th day of July, 1905. [SEAL.] J. K. LOWRY, Mayor. Attest: P. W. Lovs, Clerk. AT THE CHURCHE8. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Sunday Services?There will be preaching by the Rev. Henry Thomas at 11 a. m? and at 8.30 p. m. Sunday school at 6 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. e. e. oli.le3pie, pa8tor Services this evening at 8.30 o'clock. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Regular service at 11 a m. Evening service at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. c. ewart, pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. No other services. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. j. l. stokes, d. d.p pastor. Sunday Services.?Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 8.30 p. m. BAPTIST. rev. w. b. kurt. pastor. Sundat Services?Sunday school in the morning at 10 o'clock. Services ???)> flmt and third Sunday at 11 o'clock in the morning and at 8.00 in the evening. fecial Jtotires. Dr. J. J. Hagins Will be at Sharon Aug. 1st; Yorkvllle, Aug. 2nd; Clover. Aug 3rd. Preaching at Bethany. Rev. W. S. Clapp will preach at Bethany on July SO. Meeting at Bethany. A protracted meeting will begin at Bethany on Tuesday. August 1 at 11 a. m. Rev. J. H. Pressley will preach. R. M. Stevenson, Pastor. Meeting at Ramah. Rev. A. H. Atkins will begin a meeting at Ramah Presbyterian church on Friday morning before the 5th Sabbath of July at 11 o'clock. td Acknowledgement. We desire our friends and neighbors to be assured of our sincere appreciation of their sympathetic kindness to us in connection with the loss of our child. J. L. Stacy, M. E. Stacy. Communion at Hebron. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at Hebron on Sabbath morning, July 30 at 11 o'elock, services commencing on Saturday preceedlng and continuing- until Tuesday or Wednesday. Rev. W. C. Ewart, the pastor will be assisted by Rev. J. L. Oates, who will do the preaching. Southern Railway Announces Rate of one first-class fare plus 25 cents, for the round trip, (minimum rate 50 cents), to Calhoun and Cherrys Crossing, S. C., on account of the State Farmers' Institute, Clemson College, S. C.. August 8-11, 1905. Tickets to be sold August 6, 7, 8, with final limit August 13th, 1906, from all points in South Carolina, Including Augusta, Ga. For full Information consult Ticket Agent or R. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. July 18 t.f " Aug. 8. Anti-Dispensary Conference. The undersigned believing that the best Interests of all the people will be best subserved by the permanent closing of the dispensary at Yorkvllle. and that the sooner it Is removed the better. have decided to ask that at least as many representative citizens as each voting precinct' in the county Is entitled to at a regular^Democratic convention, attend a conference to be calle i to order In the court house at Y rkvllle on the first Monday In Augu: (the 7th) at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of devising plans look .ig to the accomplishment of th< end desired. All the ministers In he county are especially urged to be present. It Is suggested that o le or more representative citizens at each precinct who are In sympathy with the movement to banish the rum traffic from York county, wilt take It upon themselves to see that their respective sections are represented. F. H. Barber, Sam M. Grist, W. W. Boyce, J. W. Dobson, W. H. Wylle, L. B. Foushee. J. H. McFadden, Jos. A. Smith, J. K. Scogglns. J. H. Saye, M. D., Rev. J. D.Hugglns, Rev. J. L. Oates, Rev. J. L. Stokes. T. M. Whisonant, J. S. Brlce. Rev. J. K. Hall. C. H. Sandlfer, W. B. Flanagan. W. M. Faulkner, W. B. Riddle. Geo. L. Riddle, Rev. W. A. Hafner. Jas. L. Moss, Rev.R.M.Stevenson. M. L. Smith, J. F. Carson, Rev. W. E. Hurt, Rev. R. A. Reuse, W. A. Youngblood. Rev. W. C. Ewart, W. R. Carroll, E.W.Pressly.M.D. John F. Gordon, Rev.W.B.Arrowood. OBITUARY. Died?On July 22. MARGARET, daughter of Mr. J. L. and Mrs. M. E. Stacy, aged six months and two days. At her home three miles southeast of Clover on July 18, Mrs. M. H. Brison, wife of Mr. R. H. Brlson. She was 38 years of age. The Interment was at Clover. $hf gorhoillf dfotlon Iftarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yokkvilxk, July 28. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: i*J IUU1III5 ? flood Middling 10J Strict Good Middling 101 IiATTA BRO8. SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE 1905-1906. Four Schools: Arts, Law Sciences and Teachers. System of Wide Election. Expenses Moderate. Opens September 27th, 1905. July 28 f Sept. 15. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. FOUR Horse Power Shlpman Steam Engine. Uses Kerosene oil for fuel, and takes fire and water as required automatically. Cost originally. $350, and is guaranteed to be in first class condition. We will sell at a bargain. L. M. GRIST'S SONS. AN ORDINANCE. BE it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen 01 the town of Yorkville, S. C., In council assembled: 1. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to drive any horse, mule or other draught animal attached to a vehicle not on springs at a faster pace than the walk of suc't draught animal or animals, on Liberty and Congress streets of the town of Yorkville, S. C. 2. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to haul, or cause to be hauled upon the streets of the town of Yorkville any machine co nmonly known as a LAND FOR SALE. 1ft* ^ ACRES In Bullock's Creek O I township. For terms, etc., apply to Dr. J. W. CAMPBELL at Clover, S. C. July 28, t.f tf. To The Sufferers WITH Cancer, Tumor or Chronic old sores: Write D. B. Gladden, Clover, S. C., for Information as to how to be cured without knife or plaster. Write today?you will not regret It. July 28 f 3m YOU SHOULD TAKE MALTOIRON mrvvrm TU1N1U This Is the Ideal tortic for Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Sleeplessness, and all debilitating diseases of the blood. One peculiarly valuable feature of Malto-lron Tonic that makes It distinctive from other tonics containing iron is that Malto-lron Tonic will not blacken the teeth. It Invigorates and rebuilds the whole system. Per Bottle, $1.00. Weigh yourself before you commence using Malto-lron Tonic and notice how rapidly your gain In weight and strength. THE STAR DRUG 8TORE, D. L. Shieder, Prop. O. E. Wilkin*, W. I. Witherspoon, President. V. President Every Man and Woman Need* friends, and one of the best of them ALL, is a SAVING BANK ACCOUNT. The First National Bank of Yorkville Is at your service at all times. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier/ ts~ Buy Bank Money Orders?Good Everywhere. FOR SALE. SIX building lots on Lincoln avenue, all 296 feet deep and frontage as follows: Four of fd feet each; one 65 feet and one 55 feet. W. H. HERNDON. May 12 - f tf tv The Enquirer office is prepared to execute your orders for- High Grade Printing. Your orders are solicited. BROOM "sweeping" Bej Full length maple handl three and four strings?secur to 35c. * Our Special Mondaj m i Beginning at 8 a. 1 iV while they last, we'l and Girls' Straw Hats f We've a few hundr ioc Bargain Counterto close 'em out?Chi The $10.00 Rub 8a'n Counter?it's fFOUSHEl Phone 38. Just received, a etc. Will tell abot Home Furnishings. When It is a question with you about buying furnishings for your home, whether you want Just the barest necessities or luxuries, there Is no use to raise the question of the best place to buy. Our stock of home furnishings includes almost everything that you can think of and in qualities to meet your desires. In prices we are always pleased to make them just as low as our large buying justifies, which in most cases Is much below legitimate competition. When you want home furnishings always be sure to see our goods and get our prices. Our stock at present includes Bamboo Porch Shades?comfortable for summer; a few Barrel Churns, which we offer at a very low price to close out; Parlor Suites, Upholstered Couches and Lounges, fine Dining and Rocking Chairs, Roll Top Desks. Office Chairs and Tables, Wardrobes from $8 to $25 each; Sideboards from $10 to $30 each; Bed Room Suites. We have the largest stock we have ever carried, and it includes the very cheap as well as the highest grades; Bedsteads in wood, and white and colored enameld Iron; Lace Curtains, Hall curtains, Curtain Poles, White Cottage Rods, Window Shades, etc. If you would have a good Carpet cheap, buy our yard square Carpet samples at 25c a yard and piece it? very handsome Carpets and Rugs are made in this way. We have a few Refrigerators at reduced prices. Remember, we sell for Cash or on Time and make terms to suit purchasers. YORK FURNITURE COMPANY. FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. Summer Cheese. Our customers' were so much pleased with the Summer Cheese which we had a few weeks ago, that we now have more of it. It Is different from most summer cheese In that it Is free from that strong, rank taste that usually goes with summer cheese. Try a few pounds. CARAJA COFFEE. We have been selling quite a lot of Caraja Coffee of late, and our customers are much pleased with It. It is a Mocha-Java blend, put up in five pounds air tight cans at $1.00 per can. It is better than most coffees selling at this price and equal to many that sell at 25c a pound. Try a can. FERGUSON & CLINTON. FOR SALE. THE two "Watson" Houses on Cleveland avenue. For price, terms, etc., apply to JOHN R. HART. July 11 t.f tf tr Wanted?Your orders for the best grade of Commercial Stationery, Law Briefs, Arguments, or anything else if you want the Best work. J. Q. WRAY'S DRY GOODS BARGAINSWe are still offering: the best values In Ladles' Dress Goods evfer offered on this market. We are doing: this In order to CLOSE THIS LINE OUT. We must close out our Dress Goods In order to make the contemplated change in our business before the fall season sets In. If you want real live money-saving values In Dress Goods right now is the time and this store is the place to do some quick buying. Today and until further notice we offer: Organdies, 46 inches wide, selling at 25c a yard at other stores?Our price only 15 cents the yard. Black Organdies, 46 inches wide, at other stores worth 50c a yard. Our price to close 25 cents the yard. . White Lace Striped Lawns, 30 inches wide?other stores price it at 30c? Closing price 19 cents a yard. Barred Lawn, very sheer, at other stores 15c the yard?Our Closing price 10 cents the yard. Better grade, 30 Inches wide?other stores say 25c the yard?Our price Is 16 2-3c a yard to close. We have a Job lot of Colored Lawns, worth from 15c to 25c a yard?to close at 7c to 15c the yard. These prices are for CASH. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. IT Yesterday we placed an order with the Rock Hill Buggy Co. for Thirty Buggies. . Everybody knows the Rock Hill Buggy and everybody who knows Buggies knows that there is no buggy to be had at anywhere near the price that can In any way equal the Rock Hill Buggy. Every Rock Hill Buggy we sell will be sold under a guarantee that guarantees, signed by the Rock Hill Buggy Co., and as a further guarantee, we give our guarantee on every Buggy. You will make no mistake In buying a Rock Hill Buggy. See us before buying anything on wheels. CARROLL BROS. MONDAY I fius at 9 A. M. es?good green cane stock? ely wired. Actual value 25c r price 19c each. n. Saturday, and continuii g 1 sell our 25c Men's, Boys' * ; for only 20c each. ed articles left on our 5c and ? they're dumped together oice for 5c each. y Lamp decorates our Barfree?ask about it. S CASH STORE Yorkvillc, S. C. shipment of Ribbons, Veils, it it in next ad. F. C. S. F. C. 13 L ACK Insuranoe. J The Security Life and Annuity Company Is the name of the company I sell Life Insurance for. The reason why I work for it, Is because Its policies will do more for the policy-holder at any time than the policies of any other company. Its policies are so plain that any one can understand every clause In them. Its rates are the lowest. I will Be around to see you, and we can talk the matter over. FRED C. BLACK, Agent, Yorkville, 8. C. Over L. & S. Bank.?Front Room. Dr. J. M. Hunter, /AT? Tir\r?t7 T T T T T C> r< ur rwuiv nibb, o. v*., Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. Treats Without the Knife, Loss of Blood, and Little Pain to Patient. Terms of Treatment Satisfactory. 25 Years of Practical Experience. MASTIC PAINT IS GUARANTEED to be pure Lead, Zinc and Oil. We will pay $100 cash, for any quantity of whiting, chalk, barytese or other adulterants found in the MASTIC. "The best Is the cheapest." It covers more surface and outwears two or three times over the cheap so-called paints made to sell and not to last. BANNER PAINT made by MASTIC people Is a good, but cheaper paint, not pure, hasn't the covering capacity, but we guarantee It equal to any at same price. If you are going to paint a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, plow, chair, bench or a piece of furniture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. CHAMPION ROLLER MILLS. Zeno, S. C. IT gives us pleasure to inform the public that our mills have been thoroughly overhauled, and that we are prepared to furnish our patrons with the finest flour that can be made in this country. Custom Is solicited from all who may be seeking the best. G. I<. RIDDLE. Proprietor. July 22 f.t tf tM" Your orders for good Stationery will receive prompt attention at The Enquirer office. Order Today. YORKVILLE Building and Loan Association OF YORKVILLE, S. C. Furnishes the opportunity for the profitable investment of Savings, however smnli or large. Enal e persona of small means to Own Their Own Homes on Easy Terms. Lends Money on Good Security from One to Five Year Periods. Applications now being received for a New 8eries of 8tock. For further and more specific information apply to W. BROWN WYLIE, President. Or GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. 11*1 1 AaicKes Emporium We neglect our advertising very much .but rarely fall to remain In the front row for SEASONABLE GOODS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. At less than fair prices we offer a few 14-FINGER GRAIN CRADLES. HORSE. CATTLE AND POULTRY POWDERS of two of the best makers. SEED BEANS at eating prices now ?5 cents a pint Instead of 10 cents, and the yean be planted safely up to July 1 to 10. FLY TRAPS, FANS AND STICKY PAPER. FOR IC ECREAM?The celebrated Junkets, Salt and Flavoring Extracts of the proper quality. REFRESHING?Lemons. Ginger Ale on Ice?as also Butter, kept cool In our refrigerator. New IRISH POTATOES? two sizes t^Jay?25c and 35c per peck. Fresh Tomatoes. Water Melons, Cantaloupes and Peaches now arriving. NABISCO WAFERS for high teas, and colored .Candles for same. Our WAFERETTES are the best Snow Flakes we can buy?as well as other Crackers. Always consult us. WITHERS ADICKE3 COMPANY. Y orkville Monument Works. WILL be ready to begin work on AUGUST 1ST at Yorkvllle. near Southern depot. Since buying out Torrence Bros., at Gastonla, we have taken so many orders that we cannot remove plant before above named date. We have purchased seven or eight cars of material for this point and expect to be equipped for manufacturing at as close prices as can he had, and ask all persons in the market to hold off placing their orders until they see us. Respectfully, ! YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS, W. Brown Wylie, Sec. and Treas. ( J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. OUR BUSINESS. It Is OUR business to make Estimates on any and all kinds of Con- ! struction Work, whether in Wood, Brick or Stone. Our Headquarters Are located on the C. & N.-W. railroad, just half way between Liberty and Madison streets. We may be SEEN there at any time, or a Telephone Message will REACH us. Our Goods. < We keep Constantly on Hand large stocks of Building Materials of various kinds, including Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Lime, Cement, Laths, Shingles, etc., and we make a I Specialty of BUILDERS' HARD- ] WARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. People Needing anything In OUR * line should be SURE to call upon US. i J. J. KELLER & CO. 1 ( 1 TRY A BOTTLE OF i -Grove's Chill Tonic-! i ? i A POSITIVE, PERMANENT AND i EFFECTIVE CURE FOR CHILLS, , A TRUE TONIC, j A SURE APPETIZER, ( A PERFECT BLOOD PURIFIER, A VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE, AT THE YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. BOW UN. PROP., Yorkville, 8. C. W. I. WITHERSPOON, W.B. Mi President. Vice Pre YORKVILLE HARI r HARD' WE ARE GOING TO CARRY * WARE LINE AT CLOSE PRICES. IS NOW IN, AND THE FOLLOWI AN IDEA OP WHAT IS IN STO< IRON. TIN. PORCELAIN A> MORTISE. RIM AND PADLC SHOVELS, HOES AND PIT( HORSE AND MULE SHOES BUGGY AND WAGON RII SHAFTS. ETC. WELL BUCKETS. CHAINS. ] GRASS AND MOWING BLA SHOP TOOLS. BELTING, PACKING. ETC. SHOT GUNS. SHOT GUN SH WE HAVE JUST RECEIVE! WIRE. WE WILL BE PLEASED TC THE ABOVE NAMED ARTICLE OUS TO MENTION IN A LIST < ARE KEPT IN A COMPLETE SI YORKVILLE HARE If ! I Have... ! J Lipton's Teas, J | J He-No Tea, ! 4 Dragon Chop Mixed ^ ) Tea J t Young Hyson Tea,both r \ black and green. a Coffee from 15c. to 35c. a 4 per lb. ) 4 I still have some Fruit 4 0 Jars. f f A fresh shipment of f J Mackerel. J I. W. JOHNSON. J WARM WEATHER HATS Now is the time to buy warm weather Hats. White Duck, White and Black Chiffons?all light and cool. We have a lot of light weight Hats at 75 cents?very pretty and so cool and don't cost much. Call and let us show them to you. We keep Chiffon?white and black. Ribbons, Flowers, Hats Frames, Mourning Veils and Hats. Note Paper 3c: good Note Paper 5c, Envelopes 5c, Tablets lc. Pins lc; Hair Pins lc. Shoe Polish 10c, Writing Tablets 6c, Pens lc. Pencils lc, Box Paper 5c, 10c and 15c, Machine OH 5c a bottle. Think of us when you want anything in our line?we'll treat you square. DOBSOX BROS/ CASH STORE. Phone 12. Don't forget to have your Laundry ready when the boy calls, as he may forget U- go back if not ready. Charlotte is the place to send It?give you Gloss or Domestic finish. D. B. C. S. If you want Fresh Cheese you can find it at my place. Country Cured HAMS That will keep?uncovered?In the hottest kind of weather. They are all the go now. I have them now In small sizes, from 6 to 10 pounds at 16 cents. The best Breakfast Bacon I ever handled. In small squares, weighing irom 6 lO pouuus HI log ucmo, LOUIS ROTH. PLATED WARE. I have the largest stock of Plated Silverware to be found In all this region. It includes almost every article that comes under this head. If you . are going to buy any flrst-class plated ware for your table or home you will i do well to see me and get my prices. I have the goods, the variety, the qualities and can and do beat Just anybody's prices. This ol^im tbeen and Is being verified every day by discriminating and careful buy ers of plated Silverware Rogers' Tablespoons, from $2.25 to set. Rogers' Tablespoons, from $2.25 to $3.75 the set. Rogers' Knives and Forks, $3.80 to 15 the fet. f When you need Glassware, Silver- ( ware, Lamps, Erlc-a-Brac, etc., you ; will find It to your Interest to see < T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. J i Time And Again I have made the claim That no Life Insurance company in business Issues ho liberal policies as does the MUTUAL BENEFIT. The claim Is rbsolutely true and is made by me in order that people who make It a rule to "Look before they leap," may have an idea as to where to look. Here is a statement on which the public, as well as the other companies, may chew: During the years 1902, 1903 and 1904 One Hundred and Fifty Lapsed Policies, which would have been Absolutely Forfeited by other companies were Paid in Full by the Mutual Benefit. The total amount thus paid was <365,000. Not a dollar of thl9 money would have been paid under the policy contract of any o?hcr company. Under the best showing that the seventy odd other companies can make, they have withheld from widows and orphans during the years referred to over Nine Million Dollars, which the Mutual Benefit would have [>ald! Proof of claim furnished on application. SAM M. GRIST. Special Agent. LINDSAY'S STUDIO REMEMBER! BEGINNING Monday, July 10th. Studio will be closed for three weeks or longer while I am In Buffalo, N. Y., taking a Special Course In Photography. Miss ROSA LINDSAY. OORE. GEORGE W. BROWN, idrnt. Sec. and Treaa. WARE COMPANY t WARE EVERYTHING IN THE HARD, A PART OF OUR BIG STOCK NG PARTIAL LIST WILL GIVE EK: :d wooden ware. )CKS. ?HFORKS. AND NAILS. iS. SPOKES. SINGLETREES. PULLEYS, ETC. DES. ENGINE GAUGES. VALVES. ELLS ETC ) A CARLOAD OF NAILS AND ) QUOTE PRICES ON ANY OF S, OR OTHERS TOO NUMERDF THIS KIND. BUT SUCH AS 'OCK OF HARDWARE. WARE COMPANY. 111 GOOD VALU1 SDMMEB We must reduce our stock of many for this season of the year, money quick. We give evidence i the prices we quote below. We reduce stock at the earliest posslb possible, and if you have an idea you can make your money go fi buying quick. We offer you the % est of prices as an Inducement. J some of our Clothing and a little exchanges. It is up to you. Com< not do better If you would save ; prices: LADIES' SHIRT WAIST SUITS. $1.60 quality reduced to 91.00 eacl $2 quality reduced to $1.25 each. LADIES' CRASH AND COVERT I 50c quality reduced to 35c; 76c q reduced to 75 cents each. PANTS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Men's 50c Moleskin Pants reduced Pants reduced to 35 cents a i Youth's $1 quality Black Cotton 75 cents a pairLot 1,934?$2 quality MeiUs Light Lot 1,912?$2 quality Men's Light Lot 83,169?31.50 quality Men's L Lot 8,726?Boys' 75c Moleskin Su Lot 85,855?$1.50 quality Boys' Ki Lot 85,769?$3 quality Boys' Knee Lot 1884?$2.75 quality reduced Lot 1,863?$3 quality reduced to Lot 85,356?Youths' Blue Serge S duced to $4.76. Lot 85,501?Men's Blue Serge Suil reduced to $5 the suit. MEN'8 COATS. $1.60 Blue Serge Coats for Men, Coats reduced to $1.25. Men $1.75. Men's $3 Sicilian Coat Imported Sicilian Coats, Clerl Men's and Youths' Calico Coats i Coats reduced to $1 each. 1 Vests, carried over from last $7.50, $8 and $8.50 to only $i The above prices are for SPOT goods at above prices. Come ar have the sizes to fit you. THE STRAUSS-SI M ? Main and Liberty Sts. W. O. RAWLS, Plumber and Steam Fitter. If you want anything in the way of VALLEY TIN, GUTTERING OR REPAIRING let me have yopr orders at r ONCE, as I now have a Tinner and will give prompt attention to all such k work. I have a few dozen Tin Fruit Cans ?self-sealers. They are the best for banning all kinds of fruits. W. O. RAWLS, Plumber. - 1786 1906 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON, ' Charleston, S. C. 120th Year Begins September 29. Letters, Science, Engineering. One icholarship giving free tuition to each county of South Carolina. Tuition $40. Board and furnished room in Dormitory, $10 to $12 a month. All candllates for admission are permitted to compete for vacant Boyce scholarships which pay $100 a year. For catalogue, iddress HARRISON RANDOLPH, President July 14 t , 4t J. M. HEA' general me Scores of ! Money Making [i. . . . ^ Every , ODDS AND ENDS J Best Values In Buggies Eve Hundreds of people f unusually attractive OD as yet there is no appre I of bargains we have in store. bargains i 300 pairs Lnildren's Shoes 2 Nos. 6 to 2 were One Dolla j 50 CENTS. 200 pairs Ladies' Button SI $1.50. Now being closed out j 50 pairs of W. L. Douglass' and Ends, being closed out at New lot of John b. Stetsoi styles and qualities. Just in. BARGAINS ] All of our Stiff Bosom Shirt at 25 CENTS. All Colored Sh BARGAINS ] All on Counter No. 1?40 CI All on Counter No. a?50 C All on Counter No. 3?75 C! All on Counter No. 4?-$i.o< All on Counter No. 5?$i.2? All on Counter No. 6?$i.sc All on Counter No. 7?$1.7* All Two-Piece Suits going a Four hundred 10 cents and 1 at 5 CENTS EACH. BUGGIES AT THE ] If you are in the market for i ; buy without getting our pric that we can SAVE YOU MO at the following low prices: T $65; Piedmont Top Buggy at from $55 to $45, Net Cash. W buggy alongside of Mr. Anybc and extraordinary value for ti buyers absolute satisfaction ai VVe can also save you monej J. M. HEATH J. L. WILLIAMS. Manager. " -*? ?VMM* US IN | I CLOTHING. Summer Clothing. We have too , and we want to turn them Into of our anxiety along this line by confess that we are anxious to le moment to the greatest extent of needing light weight clothing irthest here if you will do your roods to select fr^m and the lowVII you need is the desire to own money and we can make quick > and see our Clothing. Tou canyourself some money. See these i. $1.75 quality reduced to $1.15. $3 quality reduced to $1.75. SKIRTS. . '' uallty reduced to 50c; |1 quality i. to 40c* pair; Boys' 50 Moleskin talr. Clay Worsted Pants reduced to t Weight Pants reduced to $1.50. : Weight Pants reduced to $1.50. ight Weight Pants reduced to $1. its reduced to 50c the Suit, nee Pants Suits, reduced to $1.00. i Pants Suits, reduced to $1.00. to $1.15. $1.50. ultis. long pants, $5.75 quality, reIs, double breasted, $6.50 quality, reduced to $1.00. 11.75 Alpaca 's $2.25 Sicilian Coats reducdo to S reduced to $1.50. Men's $1.50 cal cut, reduced to $1.75. reduced to 15 cents. $2. Linen lien's All Wool Light Coats and season, reduced from $5. $6, $7, ( ni<h. CASH only. We cannot charge id get what you need while we 4ITH COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C. YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. LUMBER. I j WE HAVE FROM OUR MILL IN THE LOW COUNTRY, both dreaaed and roagh long leaf Yellow Pine Lumber. 'The Lumber la good and the prlcea are right. <? ** Deering . . . .* V ' ?' . Cultivators. Crops should be cultivated faat now. We can aid you In doing this by selling you the DEERINO CULTIVATORS. We have BINDER TWINE and long WHIPS made for driving binders. Wagons, Harness, Buggies and everything hi the ?. line - at the right prlcea . ?i YORKVILLE BUQQY COMPANY. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAL SCHOOL. FALL term of sixteen weeks opens, Tuesday, Sept. 6,-1905. For catalogue giving full particulars, Including terms, etc., address J. D. HUGGIN8, Principal. R F. D. No. 1. CLOVER. 8. C. : June 23 tf. 2 , 1 ' , TH & CO., RCHANDISE. = Si Pick Ups. Bargains for body. SALE CONTINUES. :r Offered on This Mhrket. lave taken advantage of our DS AND ENDS SALE; but liable diminution of the list IN SHOBS. ind Slippers, Black and Tan, r a pair?NOW GOING AT toes, from 3s to 4$s. Were it $1.00 A PAIR. $3 and $3.50 Shoes in Odds $2.50 STRAIGHT. HATS I Vs Hats, including various See them now. [n shirts. s that were $1.00, now going irts at 25 CENTS. [N PANTS. ents. :ents. ents. >. > . ). t COST. [5 cents Linen Collars, going LOWEST PRICES. 1 Buggy you cannot afford to :es, as we know for a certainty NEY. We are selling them yson & Jones' Top Buggy at t $60; Other makes ranging e will put the Tyson & Jones >dy's buggy for quality, style he price. It is built to give id will undoubtedly do it. r on Wagons. & COMPANY.