Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, July 25, 1905, Image 3

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vocates of prohibition would go ahead and hold the election the best way they could. He stated \hat under the terms of the Brice bill It was uncertain whether the managers of election should be appointed by the county supervisor or by the commissioners of election who have charge of state and county elections. It was thought that if an early decision could be reached In the Pickens county case, which Is now under consideration by Chief Justice Pope, that there would be no further trouble along this line. One argument that is being used In favor of prohibition Is that the cheap liquor that Is being sold through the dispensary Is demoralizing and ruining the colored farm help. It is stated that many farm hands go to town, and for a quarter buy enough cheap corn liquor to make them useless and worthless for days. It Is urged tnat the dispensary liquor is sold so cheap that almost any negro laborer can buy all he wants, and that as a result there Is no farm work done until the supply is exhausted and the effect wears off. It Is urged that if the farm laborers could not go to town and buy a supply of liquor for a quarter or less, they would do better service on the farm. It is said that If the regular dispensaries were closed to such customers ?-_ ?...IJ Kb..a Ktit little en couragement from the "blind tigers," and while some folks could get all the liquor they want, the poor colored laborer could not do so, and as a result the farm would be benefited and and the laborer would be all the happier. The argument is that the people will see to It that the "blind tiger" that sells to the colored farm laborer Is stopped, and the convictions in Marlboro and other agricultural counties show this. It Is this labor phase of the question and the effect of cheap liquor on colored farm labor that is responsible for a great deal of the awakening of the country on the liquor question. The farm labor question Is growing more serious every day, and this liquor question Is having Its bearing upon the proposition. ALONG THE RURAL ROUTES. Life Among the People as Reported By the Mail Men. Bullock's Creek No. 1. Cotton Is looking better at a great many places since the recent rains; but corn is not generally promising. Messrs. Clau?i? Hill and Smith Ashe have taken positions as cloth inspectors at Lockhart. Mr. D. S. Pratt and son, Chalk. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Pratt at Blairsvllle. Mr. Wilkes Page, of Carlisle, Is visiting relatives at Bullock's Creek. Guthriesville No. 1. The recent rains have Improved cotton wonderfully. Bottom corn has suffered terribly as the result of freshets. Messrs. C. S. 1 Wilson and John O. Darby are heavy losers. 1 Mrs. W. N. Elder has been up from Columbia on a visit to her daughter. Mrs. J. P. Moore. Mr. J. T. Garrison and family, visited Mr. D. P. Curry's family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Bratton are visiting Mr. Bratton's mother, Mrs. Harriet J. Bratton. Yorkvillo No. 3. Miss Janie Carson, of Yorkville No. 2, is visiting her father, Mr. E. T. Carson. Miss Sue Moore Is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. F. Moore, near Rock Hill. Mr. J. McCalla Moore, who has been sick for some time past, is now able to be up again. Mrs. Jane Garrison Is visiting her sister. Mrs. H. J. Harshaw. Most of the farmers along this route are through laying by and their crops generally appear to be In fine condition. Miss Florence Moore, of Yorkville, Is visiting Miss Ruth Davidson. Filbert No. 1. Mrs. J. G. Brown, who has been quite sick, Is some better. A singing class was organized at Beersheba today under the direction of W7 V# C ATtfO mi. ?? . m. Ofcvnv. Crops are In a much better condition than was indicated a week ago. While Mr. A. W. Smoak's family was at the picnic last Saturday, maurauders broke into the house, helped themselves to what they wanted and broke a lot of dishes. Entrance was effected through a window. , Miss Sallie Turner is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. W. Thomas. Supt. of Education Carroll met with the patrons of Beersheba school last Friday and selected a location for the new building that is to be erected shortly. Smyrna No. 2. Mrs. Susan Xeely and Miss Mattie Matthews of Old Point, Misses Alice Matthews and Mary Jackson of Clover, are visiting Mr. J. J. Mat 4 thews and family this week. Mrs. Susan Neely. Misses Mattie. Alice and Jessie Matthews. Miss Mary Jackson and Mr. S. Buford Matthews snent Mondav at Piedmont Springs. Misses Hester Woods, of Filbert, and Annie Jackson of Yorkville. are visiting Mr. Felix Qulnn and family. Misses Delia Whisonant, Mamie Whitesides. Reola Quinn. Mabel Castles and Anna Whitesides, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Long, and Messrs. J. A. and R. B Whitesides were among those who went to Charleston Tuesday. Also Mr. Will Matthews and Mr. W. M. Wallace. Miss Eva Castles spent Sabbath night with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Caldwell. Seasons are still good and crops are fine. Watermelons seem to be scarce. MERE-MENTION. Cases of yellow fever have been discovered in New Orleans by Mobile physicians sent there to investigate. ...Dispatches from Shanghai and other points in China indicate that the boycott of American goods is now complete The striking teamsters of Chicago have called off their big % strike; but it is not believed that as many as one-fourth of them will be able to get their jobs back The body of John Paul Jones arrived at Annapolis last Saturday, escorted by Admiral Sigsbee's fleet....The Georgia house of representatives has failed to pass the anti-free pass bill by a majority of two votes The first bale of new Georgia cotton was sold at Savannah last Friday for thirty cents a pound The United States weather * bureau predicts that the balance of July will be cooler The total number of deaths up to date on account of the Bennington disaster last week Is 59 Colonel Daniel Lamont. secretary of war under Cleveland, died at his country residence in Millbrook. New York, last Sunday after a brief illness A fleet of Japanese torpedo boats is reported to be in the vicinity of Vladivostok... .The grand jury of the District of Columbia met yesterday to consider the cotton leak scandal. AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. REV. E. E. GILLESPIE, PASTOR. Preaching every evening this week at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. - REV. W. C. EWAJtT, PASTOR. There will be no prayer-meeting tomorrow afternoon. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. J. L. STOKE9, D. D., PASTOR. There will be prayer-meeting tomorrow evening at 8.30 o'clock. Special Uoiicw. Singing Class. Those who desire to become members of the singing class at Beersheba will assemble at the church next Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. W. M. Stowe Is to be the instructor. it ?perinl JBotias. Meeting at Bethany.A protracted meeting will begin at Bethany on Tuesday. August 1 at 11 a. m. Rev. J. H. Pressley will preach. R. M. Stevenson, Pastor. Meeting at Ramah. Rev. A. H. Atkin- will begin a meeting at Ramah Pre oyterian church on Friday morning belore the 5th Sabbath of July at 11 o'clock. td Union Meeting. The Fort Mill Baptist church Invites delegates from lhe churches of the York Baptist association to meet with them in a Union Meeting embracing the fifth Sunday in July. This is an effort to revive the union meetings, which are calcu.ated to be of great benefit to our work. The first service will be at 8.30 p. m., Friday, July 28th. J. D. Huooins. June 16 f.t td Southern Railway Announces nf nn? fli-st-class fare plus 25 cents, for the rcund trip, (minimum rate 50 cents), to Calhoun and Cherrys Crossing, S. C., on account of the State Farmers' Institute, Clemson College, S. C., August 8-11, 1905. Tickets to be sold August 6, 7, 8, with final limit August 13th, 1905, from all points In South Carolina, Including Augusta, Ga. For full Information consult Ticket Agent or r. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. July 18 tf Aug. 8. Anti-Dispensary Conference. The undersigned believing that the best Interests of all the people will be best subserved by the permanent closing of the dispensary at Yorkvllle, and that the sooner it is removed the better, have decided to ask that at least as many representative citizens as each voting precinct In the county is entitled to at a regular Democratic convention, attend a conference to be called to order in the court house at Yorkvllle on the first Monday In August, (the 7th) at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of devising plans looking to the accomplishment of the end desired. All the ministers In the county are especially urged to be present. It Is suggested that enj or more representative citizens at each precinct who are In sympathy with the movement to banish the rum traffic from York county, will take it upon themselves to see that their respective sections are repre. ented. F. H. Barber, :am M. Grist, W. W. Boyce, W. Dobson, W. H. Wylle, u. B. Foushee, J. H. McFadden, Jos. A. Smith, J. K. Scogglns, J. H. Saye, M. D., Rev. J. D.Huggins, Rev. J. L. Oates, Rev. J. L. Stokes, T. M. Whlsonant, .T. S. Brice. Rev. J. K. Hall, C. H. Sandlfer, W. B. Flanagan, W. M. Faulkner. W. B. Riddle. Geo. L. Riddle, Rev. W. A. Hafner, Jas. L. Moss, Rev.R.M.Stevenson. M. L. Smith, J. F. Carson. Rev. W. E. Hurt, Rev. R. A. Reuse. W. A. Youngblood, Rev. W. C. Ewart, W. R. Carroll, E.W.Pressly.M.D. John F. Gordon, Rev.W.B.Arrowood. OBITUARY. Died?July 23, FLOYD, Infant son of Mr. John Cook, aged two years. Funeral at St. Paul's on Monday, 24th, services being conducted by Rev. R. A. Rouse. She gorhuille dfotton Iflnrhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkvioj:, July 25, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling lOij Qood Middling 10g Strict Good Middling 101 Latta Bros. LINDSAY'S STUDIO REMEMBER! BEGINNING Monday. July 10th. Studio will be closed for three weeks or longer while I am In Buffalo, N. Y., taking a Special Course in Photography. Miss ROSA LINDSAY. FOR SALE. THE two "Watson" Houses on Cleveland avenue. For price, terms, etc., apply to JOHN R. HART. July 11 t.f tf TWO PIANOS. I HAVE two nearly new, Upright, Mahogany Pianos for sale. Come and see them. Will rent. R. J. HERNDON. THEY'VE COME Those Bargain SHIRTS we've been talking about Good quality Corded Goods, Fancy Colors, with Cuffs?value 75 cents? OUR PRICE 50 CENTS. All over Corded Madras?pleated Bosom ? fancy colors ? BARGAINS AT 50 CENTS, Pleated Bosom, White Goods, regular 75 cents Shirts?OUR LOW PRICE 50 CENTS. ASK FOR OTHER BARGAINS. rFooshee Cash Store Phone 38. Yorkville, S. C WATCH NEXT AD. 'TWILL TELL ABOUT MONDAY'S BROOM SPECIAL. J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. OUR BUSINESS. It is OUR business to make Estimates on any and all kinds of Construction Work, whether in Wood, Brick or Stone. Our Headquarters Are located on the C. & N.-W. railroad, just half way between Liberty and Madison streets. We may be SEEN there at any time, or a Telephone Message will REACH us. Our Goods. We keep Constantly on nana large stocks of Building Materlais of various kinds, including Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Lime, Cement, Laths, Shingles, etc., and we make a Specialty of BUILDERS' HARDWARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. People Needing anything in OUR line should be SURE to call upon US. J. J. KELLER & CO. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. WE are repairing, repainting, and overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that are right. You'll And us in the rear of Riddle & Carroll's. Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. FOUR Horse Power Shlpman Steam Engine. Uses Kerosene oil for fuel, and takes fire and water as required automatically. Cost originally, 5350, and is guaranteed to be in first class condition. We will sell at a bargain. L. M. GRIST'S SONS. ASK ME TO SHOW YOU T^in - O - Wall, Sanitas and Wall Paper. A. B. GAINES. O. E. Wilkins, W. I. Witherspoon, President. V. President. The Ladies For the most part do the buying for the home. It is Important that they keep their money In the Bank and pay all their bills with CHECKS The First National Bank ol Yorkville Will take pleasure in handling their accounts. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. W Buy Bank Money Orders?Good Everywhere. Time And Again I have made the claim That no Life Insurance company In business Issues so liberal policies as does the MUTUAL BENEFIT. The claim Is absolutely true and is made by me in order that people who make It a rule to "Look before they leap." may have an idea as to where to look. Here is a statement on which the public, as well as the other companies, may chew: During the years 1902, 1903 and 1904 One Hundred and Fifty Lapsed Policies, which would have been Absolutely Forfeited by other companies were Paid in Full by the Mutuul Benefit. The total amount thus paid was $365,000. Not a dollar of this money would have been paid under the policy contract of any other company. Under the best showing that the seventy odd other companies can make, they have withheld from widows and orphans during the years referred to over Nine Million Dollars, which the Mutual Benefit would have paid! Proof of claim furnished on application. SAM M. GHIST, Special Agent. Buggies Since our last advertisement we have received another carload of buggies. The principles of good business I demand the giving of good values at all times; but the business that stands highest in the favor of its customers is the one that MAKES ESPECIAL EFFORTS TO PRESENT GOOD VALUES AT ALL TIMES. We sold more than THIRTY Buggies during the month of June. We have sold twenty-seven Buggies since July 1st. It is the values in such Buggies as the BABCOCK. HACKNEY. COLUMBIA and OXFORD that give us this volume of business and we argue that you can't afford to buy a vehicle without FIRST seeing us. Our HARNESS and WAGON lines are both complete. We would have you remember our GUARANTEE on each job we sell. Yours to serve. GLENN & ALLISON. PLATED WARE. V ? il % * 1- - s i nave me largest muck ui rmicu Silverware to be found In all this region. it Includes almost every article that comes under this head. If you are going to buy any first-class plated ware for your table or home you will do well to see me and get my prices. I have the goods, the variety, the qualities and can and do beat just anybody's prices. This claim ha been and Is being verified every day by discriminating and careful buy ers of plated Silverware. Rogers' Tablespoons, from $2.25 to set. Rogers' Tablespoons, from $2.25 to $8.75 the set. Rogers' Knives and Forks, $3.80 to $5 the set. When you need Glassware, Silverware, Lamps, Brie-a-Brac, etc., you will find It to your interest to see T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. CLINICAL THERMOMETERS. Every home, especially where there are children, should be equipped with a first class Clinical Thermometer. They are especially useful In detecting the presen e children are sick, and for this reason every home should have a thermom eter. Any intelligent person can use one of these thermometers and can tell In a few moments whether or not It is necessary to send for a physician. If a child's temperature Is from two to Ave degrees above normal then It is a good time to send for your family physician. With a Thermometer you can tell just how much fever a sick person has. We have several grades of thermometers, every one of which is sold under guarantee as to accuracy, every one of which having been thoroughly tested by experts. The prices run from $1 to $1.75 each. THE STAR DRUG STORE, D. L. Shieder, Prop. Yorkvllle. S. C. Phone 36. We have a big lot of JELLY TUMBLERS?popular sizes. TURNIP SEED. We have a considerable supply of NEW CROP TURNIP SEED on hands. We selected the best varieties that we know from experience. School Books. School Books and School Supplies, J Crayons, Slates, Inks, and Stationery generally. Testaments and Bibles. A quantity of Depository Testaments and Bibles here at 5c to $3.25 each?publishers' prices?they ought to move. \V. M. KENNEDY, Agent. YORKVILLE Building and Loan Association nr vnwifuii.i.R s r Furnishes the opportunity for the profitable investment of Savings, how* ever small or large. Enables persons of small means to Own Their Own Homes on Easy Terms. Lends Money on Good Security from One to Five Year Periods. Applications now being received for a New Series of Stock. For further and more specific information apply to W. BROWN WYLIE, President. Or GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. CHAMPION ROLLE& MILLS. Zeno, 8. C. tT gives us pleasure to Inform the JLpublic that our mills have been thoroughly overhauled, and that we are prepared to furnish our patrons with the finest flour that can be made in this country. Custom is solicited from all who may be seeking the best. G. L. RIDDLE, Proprietor. July 22 f.t tf "IDEAL" Iron Beds We have a full line of Foster Bros.' IDEAL IRON BEDS. These are the BEST goods to be had of the kind. They are BEST because they fit better, stand firmer and give more satisfaction than any other iron beds we have ever handled. DEXTER MATTRESSES are comfortable and are guaranteed as to workmanship. They are not high. PERFECTION OIL STOVES are the simplest, most convenient and most powerful heaters ever put on the market. They are as easily managed as an ordinary lamp. They are sold on approval. Phone us and you can try a PERFECTION yourself In your own home. You won't send It back. You should have a COMFORT SWING for your porch. They are best and most comfortable swing offered on the market. Try one. We have first-class FURNITURE POLISH IN 15c, 25c and 35c bottles. G. H. O'LEARY. TRY A BOTTLE OF -Grove's Chill Tonic-1 A P08ITIVE, PERMANENT AND EFFECTIVE CURE FOR CHILLS, A TRUE TONIC, A SURE APPETIZER, ] A PERFECT BLOOD PURIFIER, j A VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE, < 1 AT THE ( ] i YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. BOWEN, PROP., J Yorkville, S. C. j i Dr. J. M. Hunter, > OF ROCK HILL, S. C., , Makes a Specialty of l Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, < Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and Diseases of the Genlto-Urinary Organs. Treats Without the Kulfe, Loss of Blood, and Little Pain to Patlcut. Terms of Treatment Satisfactory. 25 Years of Practical Experience. WOFFORD COLLEGE. Henry N. Snyder, LL. D., President. Two degrees, A. B. and A. M. Four courses leading to the A. B. degree. Nine professors. Departments?Ethics and Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, and Geology, Biology and Chemistry, Latin, Greek, English, German and French, History and Economies, Library and Librarian. The W. E. Burnett gmynasium under a competent director. J. B. Cleveland Science Hall. Athletic grounds, Course of lectures by the ablest men on the isitliiunu. nitre iuumuui uppui luiuuco. Next session, Sept 20. Board from 18 to $16 a month. For catalogue or other Information, address J. A. GAME WELL, Secretary, Spartanburg, S. C. July 16 t 6t* WOFFORD COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL Thoee new brick buildings. Steam, heat and electric lights. Head master, four teachers and matron live in the buildings. Situated on the Wofford campus. Students take a regular course In the College Gymnasium, and have access to the College Library. 1115.00 pays for board, tuition, and all fees. Sons of Methodist ministers do not pay tuition. Next session begins September 20. For catalogue, etc., address A. MASON DuPREE, Head Master, Spartanburg, S. C. July 16 t- 6t* J. M. HEA1 GENERAL ME | Scores of' Money Making Every ODDS AND ENDS S Best Values In Buggies Ev< HUNDREDS of people 1 unusually attractive OD as yet there is no appn ! of bargains we have in store. BARGAINS 300 pairs Cnildren's Shoes ? Xos. 6 to 2 were One Dolla | 50 CENTS. 200 pairs Ladies' Button SI $1.50. Now being closed out ; 50 pairs of \Y. L. Douglass' j and Ends, being closed out at ! Xew lot of John B. Stetsoi stvies and qualities. Just in. BARGAINS ] All of our Stiff Bosom Shirt at 25 CENTS. All Colored Sh BARGAINS 1 All on Counter No. 1?40 CI All on Counter No. 2?50 C All on Counter No. 3?75 Ci All on Counter No. 4?-$i.oc All on Counter No. 5?$i.2? All on Counter No. 6?81.5c All on Counter No. 7?$1.75 All Two-Piece Suits going a Four hundred 10 cents and ] at 5 CENTS EACH. BUGGIES AT THE ] If you are in the market for ; buy without getting our pric that we can SAVE YOU MO at the following low prices: T $65; Piedmont Top Buggy at from $55 to $45, Net Cash. W buggy alongside of Mr. Anybc i and extraordinary value for tl buyers absolute satisfaction ar We can also save you money J. M. HEATH J. L. WILLIAMS, Manager. r*"tis lirepi I BUYING CLOTH Everybody In these parts kn determined to close out certain I * telling you about it for several wt ularly desirous of closing out qut< have cut prices without regard I Ing very well. But then, we wan I fore make some new reduced prlc ers of Summer Clothing of the be Black Alpaca Coats, worth J Men's Black Alpaca Coats, w Men's Black Alpaca Coats, v Men's Black Sicilian Coats a quick at $4.89 each. Men's Gray Sicilian Coats an 113.50 grade Black Sicilian Cc Boys' summer Crash Blouse 8 years old. to close out quick at When you need Shoea for yo anvhodv else you will find It to I them. I am quite 4ure that I cai me a trial and I will prove what The above prices are for CASI I* J". Q. WRAY, ' YORKVI WARM WEATHER HATS Now is the time to buy warm veather Hats. White Duck, White ind Black Chiffons?all light and :ool. We have a lot of light weight flats at 75 cents?very pretty and so 100I and don't cost much. Call and et us show them to you. We keep -hlffon?white and black. Ribbons, Flowers, Hats Frames, Mourning Veils ind Hats. Note Paper 3c; good Note Paper 5c, Envelopes 5c, Tablets lc, Pins lc; Hair Pins lc, Shoe Polish 10c, Writing Tablets 5c, Pens lc, Pencils lc, Box Paper 5c, 10c and 15c, Machine Oil ?c a bottle. Think of us when you want anything in our line?we'll treat you square. DOBSON BROS.' CASH STORE. Phone 12. Don't forget to have your Laundry ready when the boy calls, as he may forget U go back If not ready. Charotte is the place to send It?give you 3loss or Domestic finish. D. B. C. S. Country Cured HAMS That will keep?uncovered?In the hottest kind of weather. They are all the go now. I have them now in small sizes, from 6 to 10 pounds at 16 cents. The best Breakfast Bacon I ever handled, in small squares, weighing from 3 to 5 pounds at 16} cents. If you want any Cane Seed, you can find it at my p(ace at 11.25 a bushel. LOUIS ROTH. DUE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. 47TH year begins Sept. (UK. 18 th. Strong faculty of PS five men, eleven women. 126 pupils from 11 States. <rWiw 70 boarders. A. B., B. S., and L. I, degrees. Usual extras. Board and tuition 3150.00 per year. Ideal place for quiet study, thorough work, sweet Christian Influences, and kind, personal oversight. For catalogue address Rev. JAS. BOYCE, President, Due West, ADDevuie uo., S. C. July 4?Sept. lO.t Your orders for good Stationery will receive prompt attention at The Enquirer office. Order Today. TH & CO., ; RCHANDISE. Pick Ups. | Bargains for j body. SALE CONTINUES. sr Offered on This Market. lave taken advantage of our DS AND ENDS SALE; but .'ciable dimunition of the list IN SHOES. . tnd Slippers. Black and Tan. r a pair?NOW GOING AT loes, from 3s to 4^s. Were at $1.00 A PAIR. $3 and $3.50 Shoes in Odds $2.50 STRAIGHT. HATS Ts Hats, including various See them now. tN SHIRTS. i s that were $1.00, now going irts at 25 CENTS. [N PANTS. ents. :ents. ents. >. ! > >. t COST. [5 cents Linen Collars, going LOWEST PRICES. 1 Buggy you cannot afford to es. as we know for a certainty NEY. We are selling them yson & Jones' Top Buggy at : $60; Other makes ranging e will put the Tyson & Jones idy's buggy for quality, style ie price. It is built to give id will undoubtedly do it. on Wagons. & COMPANY. I ndIng money i I ING AT WRAY'S. , ows long before this that we are fl Ines of our stock. We have been teks. One line that we are partlc- j :k Is our Clothing. To do this we B to COST, and they have been mov t them to move faster, and there :es that are bound to Interest buy- B tter grades. See these: 12.50, reduced to $1.75. orth $1, to close at 75c. ( vorth 11.98, to go at $1.35. B I nd Vests, worth 17.50 to close out B , d Vests, worth 15, to go at $3.75. J . tats to go at $2.48. B I Suits, worth 11 to 11.25, sizes 3 to B . 74 cents as long: as they last. B > urself, your wife, your children or B your Interest to come to me for i SAVE YOU MONEY. Just give B I say. B 1 1 ONLY. W TTT"P T "P! A T">"R"R. LL?, 8. O. MOHHittm JI Have... J t Lipton's Teas, J J He No Tea, I j) Dragon Chop Mixed jt Tea \ f Young Hyson Tea,both f f black and green. a Coffee from 15c. to 35c. J f per lb. ^ !I still have some Fruit I Jars. ) f A fresh shipment of f J Mackerel. J I. W. JOHNSON. J HOUSE FURNISHINGS Our Furniture line was never so large and complete as It Is TODAY. We have everything needful for the complete furnishing of a comfortable home and at prices that are wlthtn the easy reach of all buyers. Among our late arrivals are: Bed Room Suites. And In this line we are at the forefront with a line that Is beyond any comparison with any line ever shown here. We have Bedroom Suites in all the latest and most popular styles at prices ranging from $10 per suite and upward. See them. Iron Beds Is another line that we are leaders In. We have a great many different styles In stock and will have an Immense shipment here In a few days. Prices from $2 and upward. See them. Miscellaneous. Under this head you will And Dining Chairs from $3 a set and upward, Rocking Chairs, Office Chairs, Hall Racks, Dining and Center Tables, Pictures. Lounges and Couches, Window Shades, Cooking Stoves, etc., etc., etc. Porch Screens. One of the nicest trimmings for summer wear are Cane Porch Shades, at $2 and $2.50 each. We have them in lengths long enough for almost any ordinary porch. They keep the sunshine out and are easily rolled up when not needed. See them. You'll like them. YORK FURNITURE COMPANY. Adickes' Emporium We neglect our advertising very much .but rarely fail to remain in the front row for SEASONABLE GOODS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. At less than fair prices we offer a few 14-FINGER GRAIN CRADLES. HORSE. CATTLE AND POULTRY POWDERS of two of the best makers. nw i \TO nAtu ZSEjEjU DCiA^O tx L can 115 ICIO i.wn ?5 cents a pint Instead of 1# cents, and the yean be planted safely up to July 1 to 10. FLY TRAPS, FANS AND STICKY PAPER. FOR IC ECREAM?The celebrated Junkets, Salt and Flavoring: Extracts of the proper quality. REFRESHING?Lemons, Ginger Ale on Ice?as also Butter, kept cool in our refrigerator. New IRISH POTATOES?two sizes today?25c and 35c per peck. Fresh Tomatoes, Water Melons, Cantaloupes and Peaches now arriving. NABISCO WAFERS for high teas, and colored Candles for same. Our WAFERETTES are. the best Snow Flakes we can buy?as well as other Crackers. Always consult us. WITHERS ADICKES COMPANY. FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. MILL FEED FEED your cows on our MILL FEED?we say "Our" Mil! Feed because we believe that you will And it Is of better quality than most of the Mill Feed you buy. Cows and pigs, too, eat it up clean and there is more nutriment In it than is to be gotten out of most Mill Feed that you can buy. our Mill Feed Is the kind that will produce the most milk and fat. Let us have your order. FHUIT JARS We have a big stock of MASON'S IMPROVED FRUIT JARS and can supply you with either large or small quantities at prices that are Just right. We have the different sizes and If you haven't yet bought you will do well to get our price before you do buy. We also have a full supply of Stone Jars for putting up pickles, etc., that do not have to be kept airtight. Our prices on these are just right, too. FERCiUSOX & CLINTON. MASTIC PAINT IS GUARANTEED to be pure Lead, Zinc and Oil. We will pay $100 cash, for any quantity of whiting, chalk, barytese or other adulterants found in the MASTIC. "The best Is the cheapest." It covers more surface and outwears two or three times over the cheap so-called paints made to sell and not to last. BANNER PAINT made by MA8TIC people Is a good, but cheaper paint, not pure, hasn't the covering capacity, but we guarantee It equal to any at same price. If you are going to paint a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, plow, chair, bench or a piece of furniture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. TOBACCO ~ BARGAINS. We offer for a limited time the following brands of Chewing Tobacco in Caddies at the prices named. If you need Chewing Tobacco, now is a good time to buy: t?AT?rV RTPn Qfi/ilK AJiAXVAJ A JLTAXfJ./^ tfUV JL PLf SCHNAPPS, 38c lb. BROWN'S MULE, 28c pound. See us for Chewing Tobacco at right prices. CARROLL BROS. or The Enquirer office ia prepared to execute your orders for High Grade Printing. Your orders are solioited. W. I. WITHERSPOON, ?V.B. ft President. Vice Pr YORKVILLE HAR] r HARD WE ARE GOING TO CARRY WARE LINE AT CLOSE PRICE! IS NOW IN. AND THE FOLLOW AN IDEA OF WHAT 18 IN STC IRON, TIN, PORCELAIN A MORTISE. RIM AND PADL SHOVELS. HOES AND PI1 HORSE AND MULE SHOE! BUGGY AND WAGON RI SHAFTS. ETC. WELL BUCKETS, CHAINS, GRASS AND MOWING BL SHOP TOOLS, BELTING, PACKING, ETC. SHOT GUNS. SHOT GUN SI WE HAVE JUST RECEIVE WIRE. WE WILL BE PLEASED T Tttfci ABUV Hi .> AXr\CiU AH11WUJ OUS TO MENTION IN A LIST ARE KEPT IN A COMPLETE S YORKVILLE HAR] j = Yorkville Monument Works. WILL be ready to begin work on \UOUST 1ST at Yorkville, near Southern depot. Since buying out Torrence Bros., at Gastonia, we have taken so many orders that we cannot remove plant before above named date. We have purchased seven or eight cars of material for this point and expect to be equipped for manufacturing at as close prices as can be had, and ask all persons in the market to hold oft placing their orders until they see us. Respectfully, YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS, W. Brown Wylie, Sec. and Treas. GOOD VALU] SUMMEI We must reduce our stock ol many for this season of the year money quick. We give evidence the prices we quote below. We reduce stock at the earliest possll possible, and if you have an idea you can make your money go f buying quick. We offer you the i est of prices as an inducement, some of our Clothing and a little exchanges. It is up to you. Com not do better If you would save prices: LADIES' SHIRT WAIST SUITS. $1.50 quality reduced to $1.00 cacl $2 quality reduced to $1.25 each. LADIES' CRASH AND COVERT 50c quality reduced to 35c; 75c q reduced to 75 cents each. PANTS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Men's 50c Moleskin Pants reduced Pants reduced to 35 cents a i Youth's $1 quality Black Cotton 75 cents a pair. Lot 1,934?$2 quality Men's LIghi Lot 1,912?$2 quality Men's LIghi Lot 83,169?$1.50 quality Men's L Lot 8,726?Boys' 75c Moleskin Su Lot 85,855?$1.50 quality Boys' Ki Lot 85,769?$3 quality Boys' Kne< Lot 1884?$2.75 quality reduced Lot 1,863?$3 quality reduced to Lot 85,356?Youths' Blue Serge S duced to $4.75. Lot 85,501?Men's Blue Serge Sui reduced to $5 the suit. MEN'S COATS. $1.50 Blue Serge Coats for Men, Coats reduced to $1.25. Men $1.75. Men's $3 Sicilian Coai imported Sicilian Coats, Cleri Men's and Youths' Calico Coats Coats reduced to $1 each. 1 Vests, carried over from last $7.50, $8 and $8.50 to only $. The above prices are for SPOT goods at above prices. Come ar have the sizes to fit you. THE STRAUSS-SI Main and Liberty Sts. AUCTION SALES. SHERIFF'S TAX SALE. BY virtue of tax execution* to me directed, and in conformity to the act of the General Assembly, approved December 24, 1887, and amendment* thereto, passed and approved, I will expose to public sale in FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE DOOR OF YORK COUNTY, during the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST MONDAY IN AUGUST next, being the 7th day, the following described real estate, to satisfy taxes, penalties and costs for the fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1904, to wit: 1. AMANDA HALLr-One lot in the town of Rock Hill, on West Main street, bounded by lots of J. B. Johnson / and by West Main street, containing ONE-HALF ACRE, more or less. Taxes, penalties and costs, $4.48. 2. HERMON JONES?One lot in the town of Fort Mill, on the Fort Mill and Lancaster road, bounded by lots of S. E. White, Simon White and Andy wnite, containing i?i\iu Atnc, raun-ur less. Taxes, penalties and costs, $4.87. 3. Estate of 8. L. CARSON?A tract of land in Bullock's Creek township, Tork county. 8. C., bounded by lands of Sam Ollflllan, Dr. W. O. White and William Robinson, containing FORTYFIVE (45) ACRES, more or less. Taxes, penalties and costs, $6.98. 4. Estate of MARY SCHUBERT?A tract of land In York township, York county, S. C.. bounded by lands of A. Rose and W. B. Wylie, containing THIRTY-TWO (32) ACRES, more or less. Taxes, penalties and costs, $7.81. 6. Estate of R. M. MITCHELL;?One lot on the outskirts of the town of Rock Hill, on the Southern Raiway, bounded by lands of P. C. Poag and C. M. Young, containing ONE ACRE, more or less. Taxes, penalties and costs, $7.17. Terms?CA8H. HUGH G. BROWN. Sheriff York County. July 18 t 3t ? IOORE, QEORQB W. BROWN, taidant. Sac. and Treaa. DWARE COMPANY t WARE |j EVERYTHING IN THE HARDi. A PART OF OUR BIG STOCK TNG PARTIAL LIST WILL GIVE 4 ck: nd wooden ware. ?ocks. x:hforks. 3 and nails. ms. spokes, singletrees, pulleys, etc. ades. engine gauges, valves, iells, etc. d a carload of nails and o quote prices on any of es, or others too numerof this kind, but such as tock of hardware. DWARE COMPANY. ) I I J Have Them Yes, I have them?Fresh Cabbage Every Day from the Garden. Also a nice lot of Breakfast Bacon and Boneless Hams, Just come In. I have some Link Sausage, also, that Is nice for Breakfast. I keep almost anything In the Eating Line. Lemons and Ice always on hand. When you want nice Beef, don't forget Sherer, the Butcher. I am Old George, the market man, I do the very best I can. And all I ask of you Is to pay your Mil when it Is due. Yours to serve, OLD GEORGE. THE BUTCHER. 11111111 ^ ES IN I I CLOTHING. * : A ' Summer Clothing. We have too , and we want to turn them Into of our anxiety along this line by confess that we are anxious to ' ale moment to the g/eatest extent of needing light weight clothing arthest here if you will do your goods to select fr?-m and the lowAll you need is the deeire to own i money and we can make quick e and see our Clothing. You canyourself some money. See these h. $1.75 quality red ced to $1.15. $3 quality reduced 10 $1.75. SKIRTS. uallty reduced to 50c; 31 quality to 40c a pair; Boys' 50c Moleskin >alr. Clay Worsted Pants reduced to t Weight Pants reduced to $1.50. t Weight Pants reduced to $1.50. lght Weight Pants reduced to $1. its reduced to 50c the Suit, nee Pants Suits, reduced to $1.00. > Pants Suits, reduced to $2.00, to $2.25. $2.50. uits, long pants, $5.75 quality, rets, double breasted, $6.50 quality, reduced to $1.00. $1.75 Alpaca 's $2.25 Sicilian Coats reduced to ts reduced to $2.50. Men's $3.50 cal cut, reduced to $2.75. reduced to 15 cents. $2 Linen Men's All Wool Light Coats and season, reduced from $5, $6, $7, 3 each. I CASH only. We cannot charge id get what you net?d while we AITH COMPANY, Yorlcville, S. C.