>// _ r _? j - - Notices. Sacrament at Bethany. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper hrv wli! be celebrated at Bethany on Sabbath, April 30, services beginning Friday. U. D. C. The Winnie Davis capter U. D. C.. will meet with Mrs. J. S. Jones Friday afternoon at five o'clock. A full attendance is desired. Mrs. J. S. Jonbs. Vice President. Card of Thanks. We take this method of thanking our friends and relatives of Sharon and the community for the kindnesses shown us in the recent Illness and death of our dear wife and darling mother, and may each have a rich reward in heaven. A. F. Pusxioo and daughter, Annib. fttinrhnilW (fnltnn ifiarhft. *""* ^ cr Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkvujjb, April 25. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 7 Strict Middling 71 Strict Good Middling 7| Latta Bros. meal and hulls. "1X7' E will not exchange meal and t f hulls for cotton seed at present rate of exchange after MAY 3rd, 1905. 2t VICTOR COTTON OIL. CO. bicycle bargains. I HAVE six second hand and two new Wheels that must be sold this week. 1 24-ln boy's wheel. 2nd-hand. ? 1 20-lnch girl's wheel, new; also a lot of good Single Tube Tires. Good inside Tires, $1 each. Come at once for a argaln. 1 24-lnch girl's Wheel, 2nd, hand. I also have the remaining stock of O. E. Grl8ts's Bicycle Sundries at 1-3 their cost. R. D. ALEXANDER. teachers' f.x alfftnation. THE regular Spring Examination of applicants for Teacher's Certi- I flcates will be held In the Court House on TUESDAY. MAY 19TH. Trustees I are forbidden by law to MAKE CONTRACTS with teachers who have not an up-to-date certificate, and there will be no other opportunity to get one until next October. This requirement will be rigidly enforced. In addition to the usual branches applicants will be examined on "Hughes Mistakes In Teaching," which * can be had at this office. Price 46 cents, by mail 45 cents. JOHN E. CARROLL Supt. of Eld. April 25 t 3t notice! NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockholders of YORK COTTON MILLS will be held at the office of the company at YORKVILLE. S. C.. on FRIDAY, THE 26TH DAY OF MAY. at 10 o'clock a m., for the purpose of voting upon and au" -* *v- r\t TTMchtv-flve monzing me looucuiw vk Thousand Dollars of First Mortgage Bonds of said Mills of the face value of Five Hundred Dollars each, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and to run for a period of fifteen year. This issue to be made to refund the present outstanding issue and for such other purposes as may be deemed necessary. J. <3. WARDLA.W. President and Treasurer, York Cot- 1 ton Mills. [SKAL]. Attest: W. I. WiTHBRSPOON, Secretary. April 25 t 3t PRATT'S VETERINARY REMEDIES. Have been on the market and have been used by Successful stock, cattte and pbultry raisers for the past thirty years, and each year they grow in popularity with the users of animal remedies who watch the results of . condition powders that they give to horses, cattle, poultry, etc. We have a full supply of these remedies on hand and we are certain that a trial # of any one of the Pratt remedies will convince the most skeptical that money invested in Pratt Remedies is money well spent. Try Pratt's Poultry Food and see how much better your hens lay and i how much faster and stronger the little chicks will grow. Pratt's Lice Killer is another good thing to use about the chicken yards, -rue STAR DRUGSTORE. D. L. Shieder, Prop. O. E. Wilkin* W. I. Witherspoon. President V. President No Man Is Poor Who Has Money In BANK. We offer you in The First National Bank of Yorkville Every thing that can be offered by a FIRST CLASS BANKING INSTITUTION. ^ R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. tQ We sell Bank Money Orders?good Everywhere. Insure the Future , Welfare of your family by insuring * your l|fe with a policy in the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J. This company has been in business nearly sixty years and 1 during all that time has stood at the tip top. Its business methods have always been above reproach. Its management has always been conservative and its returns to policy-holders have always been satisfactory. If you want the most protection at the lowest cost, you must insure in the Mutual Benefit to get it. ' Let me tell you about it. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent, Yorkville, S. C. - Pratts' Food For Horses, Cows, Hogs and Sheep. Builds up rundown animals, cures dls eases, lauens Pratts' Poultry Food Makes larger Fowls, quickens the growth of young chicks, prevents and cures all poultry diseases, guaranteed egg producer. A new lot just received at the YORK DRUG STORE, "N J. B. BOWEN, PROP., Yorkville, S. C. PIANOS AND ORGANS. MANY pretty styles of Pianos and Organs to select from. I furnish any late style desired. Beautiful stool and scarf with each Piano or Organ. Come to see me or write for catalogue. R. J. HERNDON. STATE OF SOUTH OABOLIXA, County of York. By L. R. Williams, Esq., P.obate Judge of York County. WHEREAS W. BROWN WYLIE has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of ALVIRA JANE GIVEN, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and. creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 9TH> DAY OF MAY. 1905, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause. If any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 24th day of Aprtl, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Ave and In the 129th year of American Independence L. R. WILLIAMS, Fronate Judge ioi-k uouuiy. i April 25 - t 2t I OUR STRAW LOOKING FOI It is time for r.he folks, w during the warm summer da straw hat. We have a goo and as an introductory oflfe tractive prices for next Sati want to wear a straw hat th nity to buy at very low price Boy's Straw Hats, worth 75c ea DAY you can buy them at Men's Straw Hats, worth 11.25 and MONDAY you take your chol Men's Straw Hatu worth 50c an MONDAY you take your choice f Children's Straw Sailors, worth DAY and MONDAY your choice f Misses' Straw Street Hats, wor URDAY and MONDAY your cholc Children's Straw Sailors, worth Ladles' Shirt Waist Hats, black close out SATURDAY SPECIAL < J. Q. W:RAY3 : YORKVI F. C. BLACK X^lfe Insurance* SATISFY YOURSELF First?By buying an Insurance puucy iu proiet'i yuur wuc uuu ui phans or yourself in old acre, and, next by placing your business with The Security Life and Annuity Co., and then no other insurance writer can dissatisfy you by trying to show you where he has something better. The Company Is STRONG; its expenses REDUCED TO A MINIMUM, and its rates are placed at the BOTTOM. A postal card will bring a man to SEE YOU at once whether you want to insure now or not. FRED C. BLACK, Agent, Yorkville, S. C. Over L. & S. Bank.?Front Room. .. - . Matting The nrwesi spring goods are here? about twenty patterns for your selection. All of these are good qualities and prices are most reasonable. Come auu iiit-m. Furniture. Our llnfe of Suits, Odd Beds, Dressers. Sideboards, Chairs, Tables, Hall Racks, etc.. Is very large and all of our goods were bought with the belief that we were buying the very best goods that could be bought at the prices. If you want or need anything In house furnishings, come and see us and we believe we can make prices and show qualities that will interest you. G. H. O'LEARY. CANE SEED We have a new supply of Amber and Early Orange Cane Seed. See us at once for what you want. TOMATOES EXTRA QUALITY 10 CENTS We have a large quantity of the well known "OUR QUEEN" brand of TOMATOES, put up In full weight three-pound cans. We bought a big stock of them?enough to allow us to sell this high quality of tomato at 10 CENTS A CAN. If you want a real good canned Tomato you can buy these with every assurance that they are the BEST OBTAINABLE. FERGUSON 4. CLINTON, Grocers. MASTIC PAINT IS GUARANTEED to be pure Lead, Zinc and Oil, We will pay $100 cash, for any quantity of whiting, chalk, barytese or other adulterants found in the MASTIC. "The best Is the cheapest." It covers more surface and outwears two or three times over the cheap so-called paints made to sell and not to last. RANNFP PAINT mnip hv MASTIC I people is a good, but cheaper paint, not pure, hasn't the covering capacity, but we guarantee It equal to any at same price. If you are going to paint a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, plow, chair, bench or a piece of furniture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Company continues the following offer: For 51.50 and one death assessment you can buy a policy worth 51.000?age limit 16 to 50). This offer will close on May 1st. 1905. The next day and thereafter the regular entrance fee of 53.00 will be charged. The First Division of 1,000 is now full, but arrangements have been made to add a few more members thereto. We have also opened the Second Division, and you may enter the First or the Second, or both Divisions. if you desire. Apply to D. E. BONEY, Yorkville, 8. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. IN PROBATE COURT. By L. R. Williams. Esq., Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS JOHN R. HART and W. S. NEIL have applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of JAMES P. HART, late of the county aforesaid deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 9TH DAY OF MAY, 1906, to! shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 24th day of April, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five and In the 129th year of American Independence. L. R. -WILLIAMS, froDaie judge 01 iwr* ^uumy. 1 April 25 t ' 2t HATS ARE t WEARERS. jg^ ho seek comfort in headwear ys to come to our store for a d assortment of Straw Hats r make some especially atirday and Monday. If you is sale gives you an opportu- | s. See these prices: ich?next SATURDAY and MON- I 48 CENTS EACH. and J 1.50 each?next SATURDAY ce for 98 CENTS EACH. d 65c each?next SATURDAY and or 38 CENTS EACH. 25c and 35c each?next SATUR 4 n AITO C A/*U ur wkii i g tnun. th SI and $1.25 each?next SATe for only ... 89 CENTS EACH. 50?Special SATURDAY. 39 Cte. : and white, worth $1.50 each?to only 98 CENTS EACH. rHE LEADER, LLE, S. C. CHAMBER SETS. I HAVE Just received a very nice line of Porcelain Chamber Sets In all the latest shapes. Come and see them. I have 10 piece Decorated Sets from $2J>0 to $6. ' " f' 10 piece sets, delicately tinted, from $3.75 to $5. 10 piece sets, white with gold decorations from $2.75 to $5. Odd Bowls and Pitchers from 75c to $1.50. White Porcelain Slop Palls, handled, at $1.25. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. Roasted Coffee. TRY B. D. & T.. IF YOU ARE IN SEARCH OF COFFEE THAT WILL PLEASE YOU?PUT UP IN FOUR POUND CANS AT $1.00. I HAVE A REAL NICE RICE. OF COURSE BROKEN. WHICH I AM SELLING AT 30 POUNDS FOR $1.00. Mackerel. ARE YOU FOND OF MACKEREL? IF YOU ARE. I CAN SUIT YOU. IN KITS. AS WELL AS IN SMALL AMOUNTS FROM THE BARREL. LOUIS ROTH. J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. FLY TIME Will soon be here. Before It arrives Is a good time to provide your | windows and doors with first class Wire Screens. We will take the measures of your windows and doors and make the screens to fit. put In the window I screens and hang the doors and the cost will not be very great. Let us know what you want?we will let you know what it will cost. J. J. KELLER A CO. Attention Farmers! Remember we have the daisy CORN and the COLE COTTON PLANTERS, and that they sow both seed and fertilizers. Our Buggy, Harness and Wagon line Is complete. If you need one, see us before you buy. Mules and Horses. We still have a selection on hand, and will be glad to quote you prices. GLENN A ALLI80N. LINDSAY'S STUDIO LOOK out for the display case! It will soon be at the street entrance of the Studio filled with handsome new samples. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. 'Phone No. 132. If You Want See Mrs. DOBSON. V# t?P to-date?always tr? \ ? / up-to-date goods a something that Is b If not you don't wei ^ you Or gives you 3 store very popular, about hats for they get them from her. Why? Because she latest styles at rlgli on you. So see Mrs. P. S.?See Dobsoi you Domestic or Gl< them for your next : US PIAi Finest and Best I World at Fa THE OPPORTUNITY Sales for Advertis< Pr< SCORES of the most experh of Yorkvllle and vicinity have bee PIANOS, and of one accord they than justify the claims of the n THE HIGHEST ART IN PIANC tlful singing tone, easy action an freely commented on. THESE Pianos are here simf palgn of Introduction in the So West, Northwest and Southwest, llshed as SUPERIOR IN ALL H STRUMENTS. They are making the Northeast and the manufactui occupy the same position in the THEY were brought here to not for the Immediate profit, bui TISEMENTS. The price to custoi ON A LEVEL WITH THE PRIC1 ever, Is only temporary, as whei pleted, future customers must pi onM tn dMloni unless thev ( I I 5UVUO OVIU w ~ w EVERY representation of th by $18,000,000.00 capital. Go to yo OUR Instructions are to sell I vicinity. EASY TERMS to those who IP YOU contemplate the pur future you will do well to Investl be grullty of extravagance. INSTRUMENTS are to be se ROOM. Sale closes In a few days LECTION. K. S. CONR, * I Reed's O? | F J After many days we ] J shipment of E. P. Reed's < J ladies. ^ 11 lb UclIUiy llCLtoaai j f regard to these goods, but the styles are so pretty an 5 that we can scarcely refra 5 nice about our Oxfords, t Our stock includes I t most popular styles that ? been able to produce for sp 5 Here are a few of many ? Reed's Turned Oxfords, ? stylish, $2 and $2.50 a pair. ? Reed's McKay Oxfords, 1 ? stylish Oxfords?$2 a pair. ? Reed's Blucher Oxfords, li * vici kid shoe?$2.50 a pair. * Patent Tip Strap SandalsX shoe?only $2 a pair. ? Reed's Common Sense 0> ing about the house?$2 a p Reed's Tan Bluchers?jus ? will see this season?they're jj Reed's Patent Strap Sand the foot of Cinderella?$2 a 5 Gentlemen's Shi 5 Well, yes, we have the S ligees?that we've been lo ss finish, whichever you want. See Laundry. D. B. C. S. ill""' fO OFFERS. wmmmm nstrunients In the ictory Prices. ~ A umm anient Rather Than )flt. ?nced and accomplished musicians n in to see and test the KIMBALL agree that these Instruments more mnufacturers as to EMBODYING ) CONSTRUCTION. Their beauid artistic case designs have been >ly because of a determined camutheast. Throughout the Middle , the- KIMBALL has been establESPECTS TO ALL OTHER INf headway over all competitors in ers are determined that they must I South. STAY. We propose to sell them, t to remain as LIVING ADVERmers, therefore, has been put down 3 TO DEALERS. This offer, hown our introductory work is comay the regular retail prices. No ire willing to take the entire lot. e KIMBALL Piano is backed up ur bank and see if this is not true, his entire carload in Yorkvilleand desire them. chase of a Piano now or in the gate this opportunity, or you may en at the CRAVEN OLD STORE . COME AND MAKE YOUR SE- j A r> Special Representative. riords j or Ladies.! A j ?-??4 have at last received a big J OxfoTds for discriminating J 4 i for us to say anything in J then our line is so large, J d the qualities are so high ? in from saying something J i the very handsomest and ^ the best shoemakers have 2 >ring and summer wear. 2 black vici kid leather, very 3 leavy extension sole?a vtiy J leavy extension sole?a swell ^ ,, 3 ?quite a comfortable stylish ^ :fords, just the shoe for wear- ^ >air. 5 it the swellest tan shoe )oti only $2.50 a pair. 5 als?quite pretty enough for I( pair. 3 3 irts. 3 liirts?white and colored neg- 3 oking for these many days. 3 contradiction that we have 3 - ? .1 ;i.. ^ that lias come cown me pike ? come and see these shirts. ? it almost any reasonable price 5 t our prices, why, then, yon ^ ill. 25 cents up to $1 each. 1 with the Ladies' Oxfords and Gen- 5 WEN'S FUR HATS?they are up to * ter than many you could buy?and J f you buy your Fur Hats at some ^ om the ordinary quality at $1 each 2 rated and always reliable Stetson. ? d they do it. jf traw Hats for men and boys In all ^ h and then on through the various ^ lly pay more and not get as good a ? LL YOU. Come and see them. J MITH COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C. ^ IT'S UP TO YOU. DON'T forget the OLD RELIABLTv CORNER MARKET?the one that is run to accommodate the people. We keep meats dally all the year round, and if you want a Regular Market stick to me and I will to you. There were markets here before I came and there will be markets when I go, but there never was but one OLD GEORGE, and you all know It Is so. OLD GEORGE, The Butcher, G. W. SHERRER. Adickes' Emporium SEEDS Of all aorta. BARGAINS IN SEEDS a year old?most of which sold are as old?da moat 8eeds are good for second years. Doubtless you have heard of the wheat from the tombs of Egypt, which germinated after many centuries. We have several sorts of BUSH BEANS and one of the finest POLE BEANS known, at 15 cents a quart?two quarts or mors at 121-2 cents. Some assorted GARDEN SEEDS at two for 5 cents; five for 10c and 20? per dozen. The last barrel of Onion 8eta arrives today. OUR HORSE, CATTLE AND POULTRY POWDERS are worthy of your attention?ine Desi ana cneapvou CANNED T0MAT0E8. Real good Canned Tomatoes at 10 cents?quite different from the ordinary watery stuff usually sold at that price. Nice Canned Cbrn Is the only kind worth buying. DRIED FRUITS of all sorts?Our Evaporated Apricots are delicious. Try a mess of PIGS' FEET. FOR THE FLOWERS A new lot of Jars last week. OUR CHEAP TOBACCO Sale Is still on. POULTRY WIRE NET Don't forget that our prices are always to live and let live on anything we sell. or WANTED?GOOD BUTTER?frss of onions. ADICKE8' EMPORIUM. PROTECTIONJROM HAIL. Mutual Insurance That Is Safe and Economical. PREMIUM8 NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PER CENT OF POLICY. I HAVE the pleasure of announcing to the farmers of York county that I have just completed arrangements with the FARMERS' STATE MUTUAL HAIL INSURANCE COMPANY CATITU C A PAT .TXT A whsrohv T can offer safe and reliable Insurance against damage by hail at a reasonable premium rate. The plan in brief is like this: 1. You pay $2 membership fee cash down, and I give you a policy protecting all or a part of your crop In any amount you might desire, not exceeding $40 an acre on cotton. 2. In case of damage by hall, we proceed at once to adjust the loss on a mutual basis. You select one man, I select another, these two select a third and whatever these three says the loss amounts to within the limits of your policy, you get. 3. Except the membership fee down you are not asked for any cash moqey. We take your note, payable next fall for the premium, and the amount you will be required to pay then will only be your proportion of the aggregate loss and expenses. Say you insure 40 acres of cotton at $20 an acre. That will give you protection on that field to the amount of $800. If a hall storm wipes out halfcf the field, we will pay you $400. We guarantee' that the cost of y.our premium next fall will not exceed $32, and we calculate that it will be much less, because we are not going to take from you one cent more than enough to pay actual expenses. The Farmers 8tate Mutual Hail Insurance Company is Incorporated under the laws of South Carolina, and is managed by men of high moral and financial standing. I am prepared to give full information either by correspondence or in person, and will take pleasure in visiting by appointment any neighborhood in which my presence may be desired. If you are Interested, talk the matter over with your neighbors and send for me. Very respectfully, J. R. LINDSAY, Sole Agent for York County, Yorkville, S. C. J M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. NEW BUGGIES EXCHANGED FOR OLD BUGGIES? FOR THE DIFFERENCE. Aren't you thinking of buying a new buggy? Or perhaps you have one that you would like to "swap" for a new one. In either case you will find it to your interest to come to see us before you make either a buy or "swap" trade. It will not cost you one cent to find out what we have to offer In this line, and your coming to see us might be quite profitable to you. We assure you that with our long experience as handlers of buggies we are In position to do our baying right. We know qualities, we know values, and as we are satisfying ourselves with very famall commissions we are sure tha'. it will be most decidedly to your interest to see us before purchasing or swapping. You can at least come to see us, we will give you courteous treatment; we will offer you the best value that we can possibly offer, and If we can trade we will be pleased and we think we can please you: but if we ramot satisfy in style, quality and price we won't expect you to buy from us. You will only be out your time by the coming. We have quite a stock of buggies on hand and can sell you qualities at fig- J ures as high or as low as you wish. If you need a FARM WAGON we are the people who can interest you with prices and qualities. CARROLL BROS. CANE SEED f HAVE a limited quantity of AM1 BER and ORANGE CANE SEED. If you want any come and get it quick as there is an unusual demand for Cane Seed this season. I also have several choice qualities of SEED CORN and can supply you with any quantity you may wish?but don't put off coming, as there Is a good strong demand for seed corn, too. SPRING CLOTHING Have you given me that order for a Spring Suit yet? If not, I am waiting on you and ready to show you a line of samples second to none ever shown on this market. A fit is guaranteed every time; the workmanship is the best, the styles the latest and everything else is right up-to-date. LAMM & CO.'S CLOTHES ARE GOOD CLOTHES?in fact THE BEST ON EARTH. Come and tee me show you the Spring samples. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. WE are repairing, repainting, and overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that are right. You'll find us In the rear of Riddle & Carroll's. Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. Your orders for good Stationery will receive prompt attention at The Enquirer office* Order Today. I J. M. HEA' I GENERAL MI CLOTHING IEAS' WHEN you buy Clothi or little, you want the ver} I money will buy. We beli you in this respect. We t qualities?we know we cat See us for what you want. We have fancy two-piece Three-piece Suits at $12.5 I then we have especially ni< in black?three-piece?for I then we have no end of M for spring wear at $3 and J STRAW HATS FOR E I As next Sunday will be Straw Hats will be raised "show out" with a new Sti you in all styles, weights, up to a $5 Panama. See o GENTLEMEN'S OXFO I We have a full line of ! tleiuen in blacks and tan We also have complete black, tan and white. C01 We have about 75 paii I sizes, that we offer at 5? ^ pair is worth double the m Groceries and i Wholesale and IWe buy our Groceries lots and in this way we sec and this fact places us in a tomers?both wholesale at prices. We will be pleas< ^ INSIDE prices on Flour B .Qurrar Nails. Rarlx ?> j Get our prices before buj J. M. HEA | J. L. WILLIAMS, Manage Matting Bargains. WE are overstocked on cheap and medium priced Mattings, and we want to move them quick, and for ten days will make prices from 3c to 5c off regular prices. See us quick for these bargains. These reductions are for CASH only. We also have many patterns of best grade Mattings at low prices for the qualities. We have an elegant line of Rugs. Art Squares. Carpets and everything for floor coverings. We Save You Money On Wardrobes, Bed Room Suits, Beds, Dressers, Wash Stands, Iron Beds, Chiffoniers, Office and Library Tables, Dining and Kitchen Tables, Hall Trees, Rocking and Dining-room Chairs, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, etc. If it is in the Furniture line we have it and can please you in quality and price. Pianos And Organs. If you want an Organ or Piano we can sell you what you want at prices that are right and make the terms to suit you. Wheeler & Wilson and the New Home Sewing Machines are so good that there are none better. See us if you want a Sewing machine. We will make the price and terms to suit you. Call and see our beautiful Mantels. They are very rich in design, beautiful in construction and not very high in price. YORK FURNITURE CO., Yorkville, 8. C. "A BED OF A great collection of ODDS AND ENDS plucked from many ^ gardens; bought at various prices ? always below value? Roses, Poppies, Daisies, Forget-me-nots, Lilac! small aud large flowers. Flowers per bunch 10, i about half value?you'll s? We have some bargains Hats; also Baby Caps. liii'HiJjJU'L M?N Must we Foushee Cas Phone 38. Children?We'll offer a Towel Ads. Ask your fri< you. TH & CO., I CRCHANDISE. FOR I rER WEAR I ng whether you pay much | ? BEST quality that your w eve that we can best serve A lave the quantities and the I i make satisfactory prices. i Suits at $8 and $10 each. 0 and $15 the Suit. And B :e unfinished worsted suits I men at $15 the Suit. And en's Odd Coats and Vests ROaster WEAR. Easter the ban against the I and you'll be expected to I aw Hat. We can supply I sizes and prices from 25c I ur Straw Hats. RDS. Douglas' Oxfords for gen- I is at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. I line of Ladies' Oxfords in fl ne and see them, rs of Ladies' Shoes, small B :ENTS A PAIR?every A loney. lard ware? I 1 Petail. I and Hardware in carload I :ure the very lowest prices position to give our custo- I id retail?the very closest I id to quote our customers p , Bacon, Lard, Molasses, ^ id Wire, Hoes, Plows, etc. I ring?we'll interest you. ? TH & CO, 11'. II Dr. J. M. Hunter OF ROCK HILL, 9. C. Makes a Specialty of Cancer, Tumor-, Chronic Ulcers, and , Diseases of the Genito Urinary Organs. Treats Without tho Knife, Loss of Blood, and little pain to the Patient Consultation Free. Terms for Treatment Satisfactory. 25 Years' Praetioal Experience. Refersnoe to a Few Cases Treated. [ R. A. Clark, Cancer of face. Rock Hill, 8. C.; J. J. Neely, Cancer of neck, Tirsah, 8. C.: Mrs. J. D. Williams, Can- ' cer of face, Tirsah, 8. C.; Mrs. 8. R. i Nelson, Ckncer of nose, Ofden, S. C.; J. N. Clonts, Cancer of tongue, Tirsah, 8. C.; Miss Ida Van Taaseil, Cancer of breast Guthriesville, 8. C; Mrs. E. C. Gladden, Cancer of breast, Grover, N. C.: N. B. Roach, Cancer of throat Rock Hill S. C. JL R. LATTA PARISH REAL E8TATE. Tour business is solicited. Office In Nstionsl Bsnk Building, QAFFNEY, 8. C. MONEY TO JjOAM.' ON improved farms in York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, 7 per cent; under $1,000, 8 per cent No broker's com miss ion a Repayments easy. Apply to C- W. F, SPENCER, Rock Hill, or undersigned, C. E. SPENCER Atty. at Law. FLOWERS" 1 s, Violets, and Wreathes? Be your own milliner? 5, 20 and 25 cents?just ly so, too. | in Sailors and Trimmed I DAY, May ist will be our rOWEL SPECIAL. We en picking up towel bar the past year, and we're ised with our collection? i we've ever shown. Just lr Friday's ad?'twill be ith towel language; QualPrice will talk. Lsk about our Free Lamps. : save some for you ? sh Store Yorkville, S. C. VX nice present for our ends to save 'em for Mrt F. C. S. +> , > \ M \ - ^