? ' A ? During a part of the session the attendance exceeded 100. At present the actual enrollment Is less than that ? number. An Interesting: and largely attended protracted meeting is being conducte l in the Methodist church here. The church building is crowded to its utmost capacity at almost every night service. Mrs. J. Meek Smith and little daughter are visiting relatives and friends in (laffqey. The general health of the town was Av never better than at present. 80UTH CAROLINA NEV/S. ? The Associate Reformed Presbyterians of Anderson have started a movement to build a church in the city. ? Governor Hey ward has offered a reward of $300 for the arrest of W. E. Perry, who killed Langdon Boozer in )T * Chester on Monday of last week. The family of Boozer has offered a similar reward. ? Says a Columbia special of March 30 to Greenville News: A most unusual suit. Involving a commission on whisky sold the state dispensary has SW In th. r*l?' rlt of court's of flee In this county. The suit has been - ^ brought by E. M. Mixon of this city. against J. W. Kelly & Co.. of Chattanooga. Tenn., on the ground that there is a salary of one month due him and also commissions on the sales made to the dispensary. To Insure a judgment Commissioner W. O. Tatum has been served with a copy of the complaint with notice that in case of a favorable verdict the money due the ^ Arm of J. W. Kelly & Co.. by the dis^ pensary will be attached to the amount due. which is alleged to be $367.60. ? Columbia special to Greenville News: " The state board of pension commissioners adjourned today and it was stated that at as a result of this strict inspection a number of applications have been sent back to each county for correction. This, however, applies to clerical errors and does not include a number turned down because ^ they were clearly not entitled to pen^ slon money. If these applications are acted upon promptly the money can be paid out by May 10. and it is desired to have all of the corrected returns in by the middle of April. The board regretted very much to take this action, but it was absolutely necessary and it feels that the county boards should aid It in carrying out the law. ? The safe of the Springs Banking and Mercantile company of Heath Springs was blown open by burglars last Saturday morning: at about 3.30 o'clock and robbed of about $1,000 in cash. Two strange white men who had been loafing about the village for several days are suspected of having committed the crime. One Is described as Ave feet six inches high, black hair and black mustache, dressed in a dark suit. The other is said to be five feet nine inches, light hair, poor countenance. The loss is covered by burglar Insurance. Sheriff Hunter was notified as soon as possible after the robbery and organized a posse to follow the robbers. He had blood hounds along and the trail took the party in the direction of Chesterfield; but as to which way the robbers may have gone is not definitely known., ^ r ?Pour men were killed, and three others were more or less seriously injured as the result of a head on collision between freight and passenger trains near St. George's on the Southern railroad last Sunday morning at about 4.40 o'clock. The passenger train was the regular fast mall which leaves Charleston at 3.20 a. m., and arrives at Columbia at 0.55. It was on time. The freight train was going toward Charleston and it is stated that it had orders to stop at St. George's. The engineer's watch, however, was a half hour out of time. A heavy fog hung over the track and the trains came together with a terrible crash. The dead are T. M. Conlon, engineer of the passenger train; Jno. Adams, colored fireman; H. H. Stokes, brake man; Thomas Johnson, a negro. A. T. Reld, engineer of the freight train was fatally injured and the other two injured were C. H. Mallard and Flagman Marlowe. ? The attorney general has rendered an opinion that is of much interest to school people: He decides that the Btate board of education has authority to say what constitutes a college within the meaning of section 1200 of the state school law exempting candidates for certificates to teach in the public schools of the state from the examination by the county boards. This section exempts those who produce a full diploma from any chartered college or university of this state. The state board has decided upon this ^ v list of colleges it will recognize? South Carolina college. WofforU. Furman, Newberry college, Chlcora college, Converse, Wlnthrop, Clemson, Charleston college, Presbyterian college for Women, Lander Female college, Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Due West Female college. Limestone Female college, Greenville Female college, Erskine college, South Carolina Military academy, Columbia Female college?and these colleges; Claflln college, the State Colored colRonoH ir?t IriQfi. ttl V/l augvvut ?^v*ivwav? tute, Avery Normal college and Allen university. The good sense of the opinion Is manifest when it is remembered that any school may be chartered as a college if it Is willing to pay a few dollars for the charter fee. ? Greenville News, Sunday: When the students of one of the sections marched Into their lecture room at the conclusion of chapel exercises at Purman university yesterday morn v ing, they were shocked to find a mild eyed cow awaiting to receive them. She was munching hay and when she looked- up at the professor, who took the advance, there was a show of gentle reproof at the intrusion. For. a time it looked as if a stampede was imminent, but the excitement subsided and the old cow, which did not have but one horn after all, was hus^ tied out of the building. It was only one of the April fools of the day. There were others. On the third floor was a calf. It, too, was quiet and peaceable when the students opened the door, but only for an instant. The next moment It was making every effort to escape and could only be removed by several of the students who seemed to have met the calf before. In the auditorium where chapel exercises are held things had been turned up-sidedown. There was no furniture on the rostrum and the faculty was obliged to occupy seats with the students. The college- b^ll had been muffled, and here and there on the campus and about the building were evidences of pranks, all done, no doubt, by the students the night before. AT THE CHURCHES. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. RKV. W. C. SWART, PASTOR. ^ Prayer-meeting Wednesday afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. J. L. STOKES, D. D.. PASTOR. There will be prayer-meeting tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. There will be no prayer-meeting tomorrow evening. I tor a limited time only, i self send us $1.10 by mail of the dollar Strops and d (The extra ioc is to pay sold under a money-back gi If you miss getting a Rs for One Dollar you'll be ; Razors in our show window We are sole agents for E in York county. THE STAR E D. L. SHIEDER, Prop. "Give Me the Baby W ? Johnnie, I've just been to Foushee's and bought him a pair of those bargain baby shoes"? "All right, mama, I guess he's mad because I have shoes too." We've Just received the prettiest line of BABY SHOES. SLIPPERS and SANDALS we've seen?white, brown, tan, blue, etc. Sure you'll buy?bring baby and try 'em on. Only 50c pair. Mr. J. Robert Parish of Clover, S. C., guessed No. 19, which won the 160 prize Sewing Machine. Your portrait FREE Is our next scheme You trade with us $10?we enlarge your picture FREE?you buy fine frames at $2.50 to $3.50 eaoh. Come and let us explain. FOUSIIEE CASH STORE, 'Phone 38. Yorkville, S. C. P. S.?Boys and Girls?Master Jeffreys Parish won first prize for returning last issue's ads. Watch Friday's ad. Tells about next MONDAY'S SPECIAL?something for men, women, children and babies?made of cotton and silk?(not made of cotton and rubber)?Guess what and we'll give you a 50c Novel?contest closes Wednesday at 12 m. F. C. S. 0. E. Wilkins, W. I. Witherspoon, President. V. President. A Young Man May have many friends, but he will find none so steadfast, so ready to respond to his wants, so capable of pushing him ahead, as a little leather covered book, with the name of a bank on Its cover, backed by a snug balance to his credit. A familiar name on that book, should be The First National Bank of Yorkville R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. ti~ We sell Bank Money Orders?good f- I cvor/wnoi^. ?9" The Enquirer office it prepared to execute your orders for Hign Grade Printing. Your orders are solicited. SATURDAY'! MEN'S CI Next Saturday, April 8th, w tween 9 a. m. and 4 p. mM twe Clothes at greatly reduced pric fresh stock and well worth the marked. If you want a new S prices, this is your golden oj day and come to our store early Men's Black Clay Worsl oughly well made, regulai day only, your choice and Men's Blue Serge Suits, summer wear. Price now urday only, your choice ju Men's Unfinished Worstec black and blue black. E Regular prices $12.50 and Saturday, if you get here i choice for only Men's Two-piece Suits, 1 qualities; but next Saturd; We've just received an elegant in all the most popular si swell line and worth seein We've a big line of Men's Belt: and widths at popular pri< Don't forget our Special Cloth J. Q- "WR.-A-"Y, YORKVIL] RADIUMITE" Razor Strop That Hones"? h Strop We'll Give You :or, Fully Guaranteed, inother Dollar?BOTH LLAR. Buy TODAY. or Strop is unquestionably ered to razor users. The ous honing and finishing :e strops will not harm the razor. Radiumite strops ce and delight even to men i. The secret of a quick, lie so much in a good razor a RADIUMITE STROP r _ . r linerior razors up 10 a nne lake easy shaving. JMITE" Strop nble, common cow strops are so much old junk as lite Strop. The word uRaion in razor strop making, id your razor pulling will tory offer and will be open f you cannot come yourl and we will send you one ollar Razors postage paid, postage). Every Strop is larantee if not satisfactory, idiumite Strop and Razor sorry. See the Strops and tv and buy one quick. Ladiumite strops and razors >RUG STORE, I Yorkville, S. C. . I HAVE ON HAND A full supply of the following fertilizers, ready to load on your wagons: Guano, Acid Phosphate, Cotton Seed Meal. See me for what you want. JAMES M. STARR, Yorkville, 8. C. Matting Bargains. WE are overstocked on cheap and medium priced Mattings, and we want to move them quick, and for ten days will make prices from 3c to 5c off regular prices. See us quick for these bargains. These reductions are for CASH only. We also have many patterns of best grade Mattings at low prices for the qualities. We have an elegant line of Rugs, Art Squares, Carpets and everything for floor coverings. We Save You Money On Wardrobes, Bed Room Suits, Beds, Dressers, Wash Stands, Iron Beds, Chiffoniers, Office and Library Tables, Dining and Kitchen Tables, Hall Trees, Rocking and Dining-room Chairs, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, etc. If it is In the Furniture line we have it and can please you in quality and price. Pianos And Organs. If you want an Organ or Piano we can sell you what you want at prices that ofo rlnrhf a nrl ma IfP tho tpPITIfl tO suit you. Wheeler & Wilson and the New Home Sewing Machines are so good that there are none better. See us if you want a Sewing machine. We will make the price and terms to suit you. Call and see our beautiful Mantels. They are very rich in design, beauti-. ful in construction and not very high in price. YORK FURNITURE CO., Yorkville, S. C. CHAMPION ROLLER BULLS. Zano, S. C. IT gives us pleasure to inform the public that our mills have been thoroughly overhauled, and that we are prepared to furnish our patrons with the finest dour that can be made in this country. Custom Is solicited from all who may be seeking the best. G. L. RIDDLE, Proprietor. July 22 f.t tf S SPECIAL LOTHING re will put on Special Sale benty-five suits of Men's Superb :es. These goods are all new, prices at which they are now >pring Suit at marvelously low >portunity. Don't forget the The prices: ted Suits, fast color, thor price $10. Next Satursize, just $7-5? the popular garment for $7.50 a suit. Next Satist $548 1 Suits, Superb quality, in letter goods can't be had. $15 a suit, but then next n time you take your first $10.00 egular $6.50 and $7.50 ly your choice only $4.89 line of gentlemen's Ties tyles and shades. It's a g ioc to 75c each. 5 in all the popular shades :es 25c to 50c. ing Sale Saturday. ?HE LEADER, L.E, S. C. CHOICE HAMS. 1 This week we have received a shipment of Armour's Star Brand Hams. Everyone is guaranteed as to aualitv. " -* J Can we send you one or more ? FERGU80N A CLINTON, Good Grocsrs. Matting The newest spring goods are here? about twenty patterns for your selection. All of these are good qualities and prices are most reasonable. Oome and see them. Furniture. Our line of Suits, Odd Beds, Dressers, Sideboards, Chairs, Tables, Hall Racks, etc.. is very large and all of our goods were bought with the belief that we were buying the very best goods that could be bought at the prices. If you want or need anything In house furnishings, come and see us and we believe we can make prices and show qualities that will Interest you. G. H. O'LEARY. WIRE FENCING. THAVE Just completed arrangements with one of the largest manufacturers of Fencing In the U. S., to handle their Fencing direct and am enabled to make you very close prices on Hog, Chicken, Garden, Orchard or Lawn Fencing. It Is a fence?not a netting ?and does not require top or bottom boards, thereby making as cheap a fence as you can possibly get up. Making an order within a day or so, see me. Let me show you what it Is. D. T. WOODS. Mar. 28. t 2t SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE r\?M vy uen Spring Course for Teachers. Session from APRIL 7TH to MAY 19TH, 1905. ' Apply to President for further information. 2t Money to Loan On Approved Security. Mo OOW A LEWIH, Yorkvlllc, H. C. PIANOS AND ORGANS. MANY pretty styles of Pianos and Organs to select from. I furnish any late style desired. Beautiful stool and scarf with each Piano or Organ. Come to see me or write for catalogue. R. J. HERNDON. MASTIC PAINT 18 GUARANTEED to be pure Lead, Zinc and Oil. We will pay $100 cash, for any quantity of whiting, chalk, barytese or other adulterants found in the MASTIC. "The best Is the cheapest." It covers more surface and outwears two or three times over the cheap so-called paints made to sell and not to last. BANNER PAINT made by MA8TIC people Is a good, but cheaper paint, not pure, hasn't the covering capacity, but we guarantee It equal to any at same price. If you are going to paint a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, plow, chair, bench or a piece of furniture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. WIPE OFF THE DIRT "SANITAS" The new washable wall covering. See samples at A. B. GAINES*. >W Send The Enquirer your next order for Stationery. Clothing For Spr Anc All of our Spring and i chased with the one idea of customers the very largest vi think we have been entirely and invite gentlemen who wi mer Clothing to come and quote them prices on same. We did uot buy the higli was made, nor did we buy th all the clothing in sight, but I fully meet any reasonable < made on us for clothing. Our clothing stock rep | spring styles in the medium ( ' $i i.oo per suit, and if you \ at a medium price we are qu better anywhere than you car Odd 1 Along with our spring cl line of Odd Pants, and we a tomers odd pants in medium the qualities. The prices rai and if you need a pair of pai store is the place for you to g Come quick. THE STRAUSS-Sb Main and Liberty Sts. ?'6-"b ?1>" vant a suit of good clothing ite sure that you cannot do 1 at our store. Pants 1 othing we also bought a big re now able to sell our cusgrades at very low prices for age from $1.00 and upward, nts now is the time and our et them. I 4ITH COMPANY, Yorkville, S. C. dn Adickes' Emporium SEEDS Of all sort*. BARGAINS IN SEEDS a year old?most of which sold are as - old?as most seeds are good for second years. Doubtless you have heard of the wheat from the tombs of Egypt, which germinated after many centuries. We have several sorts of BUSH BEANS and one of the finest POLE BEANS known, at 15 osnts a quart?two quarts or more at 121*2 cents. Some assorted GARDEN SEEDS at two for 5 cents; five for 10c and 20c par dozen. The last barrel of Onion Sets arrives today. . OUR HORSE, CATTLE AND POULTRY POWDERS are worthy of your attention?the best and cheapest. CANNED TOMATOES. Real good Canned Tomatoes at 10 cants?quite different from the ordinary watery stuff usually sold at that price. Nice Canned CSorn Is the only kind worth buying. DRIED FRUIT8 of all sorts?Our Evaporated Apricots are delicious. Try a mess of PIGS' FEET. FOR THE FLOWER8 A new lot of Jars last week. OUR CHEAP TOBACCO Sale is still on. POULTRY WIRE NET Don't forget that our prices are always to live and let live on anything we sell. tar WANTED?GOOD BUTTER?frsa of onions. ADICKES' EMPORIUM. J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. FLY TIME Will soon be here. Before it arrives is a good time to provide your windows and doors with first class Wire Screens. We will take the measures of your windows and doors and make the screens to fit, put in the window screens and hang the doors and the cost will not be very great Let us know what you want?we will let you know what It will cost. J. J. KELLER A CO. STERLING SILVER AND CUT GLASS I have never had a larger or richer assortment of Sterling 8ilverware and Cut Glass Ware than Is to be seen at my store now. The showing is equal in richness and beauty to the displays to be seen in many of the leading jewelry stores In the larger Cities, and I assure you that If you are looking for souvenirs for weddings or other occasions, that you canqot And a better stock of Sterling Silver or Cut Glass for selection nor can you anywhere find more attractive prices than I will make you. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler, Yorkville, 8. C. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. WE are repairing, repainting, and overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that are right. You'll' And us In the rear of Riddle & Carroll's. Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. PIKE WOOD WANTED. WE want 1,000 CORDS OF PINE WOOD and will pay highest market price for same delivered on our yards. YORK COTTON MILLS. 4f ing ' Summer Summer Clothing was puronoMinor lie tn OrivP tf? fllir ^ ~ fe- - alues for their money. We successful in this endeavor, ant to buy Spring and Sumsee our Clothing and let us lest priced clothing that ever e cheapest. We did not buy we did buy quite enough to lemand that is likely to be resents many of the newest molitipc r a n or in or as tliotl as r J- M. HEA' GENERAL ME I NEW SPRING I Opening of 1905 IWedne THE GOODS I'W ITE beg leave to anno VW friends, and the pi IT r ville and the count . WEDNESDAY has been selected as the c nery Opening and durin; I handsome and attractive < styles in Ladies' Headweai The display is to have I feel quite sure that all the as to honor us with their to feel themselves well rep J. M. HEA J. L. WILLIAMS, Manage A M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. r\r\POUNDS OF/IN J J y GOOD V| t)6 RICE CPl For the balance of this week we will sell you Thirty-two Pounds of a Fair Quality of Rico for $1.00 CA8H. Buy this wsok if you nood Rico. There are all kinds of Rice and It sells at all kinds of prices. There are low grades and high grades in rice as there are in other staples. The Rice which we offer to our customers at 32 lbs. for $1, is several grades from the highest quality and is Just about as many grades from the lowest grf.de. In fact it is a good medium grade of Carolina Rice and is a good bargain at the price quoted. This offer is good only so long as this grade of Rice lasts and it will not last but a few days as we only have a very limited quantity. Call and see this Rice. 32 LBS. FOR $1.00. raonrti I rros. THE REAL VALUE OF A MUTUAL BENEFIT Life Insurance Policy Is only realized when the policy-holder has shuffled off this mortal coil. If a man could be assured of living always and always retaining his faculties, neither he nor his family would need life insurance, but it often happens that fathers and husbands pass away before they are ready to go, and then is the time that the widow and orphan need the benefit to be derived from a Mutual Benefit policy. An insurance policy will not make up for a husband's demise, but it will certainly protect one's family, against poverty. Is your family protected? The Mutual Benefit offers the most protection at the least cost. See me and I'll prove it to you. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent, Yorkville, S. C. IT'S UP TO YOU. DON'T forget the OLD RELIABLE CORNER MARKET?the one that is run to accommodate the people. We keep meats daily all the year round, and if you want a Regular Market stick to me and I will to you. There were markets here before I came and there will be markets when I go, but there never was but one OLD GEORGE, and you all know it is so. OLD GEORGE, The Butcher, G. W. SHERREK. WANTED OW PEAS. J LATTA BR03. March 24 f.t tf Hats a yesterday. How is I four ladies employed ?>?ar1* CK]1 ladies go J A n |l* iW ARE KNOWN FAR TtfL ^trr come to see Mrs. v m&Mkt?l buy. call in and g\ 18 00 hand' f?r V/Jf\VtJr* I/ p. s.?Don't forget ^jpjr t jw lotte steam l. v\-Jj?J Gloss finish. rH & co., I :rchandise. fmiERY I Season On I ssday, April 5th. I AND STYLES I ] unce to our customers and I nblic generally, of Yorkry surrounding, that r, APRIL 5TH late of our Spring Milli- I g that day we will show a irray of the newest Spring ' Dress Goods, etc. our best efforts, and we I ladies who may be so kind ' preseilce will have a right I aid for their trouble. TH & CO., ?... ... . . . ' . . 1 1 Attention Farmers 1 Remember we have the daisy corn and the cole cotton planters, and that they eow both seed and fertilisers. Our Buggy, Harness ' and Wagon line Is complete. If you need one, see us before you buy. Mules ftiid Horses. We still have u selection on hand, and will be glad to quote you prices. Qi ENN A allison. LAMM'S CLOTHING (Best on Earth.) We huve the new Spring Clothing samples of LAMM A CO., the Beet on Earth Tailors. These samples are undoubtedly the swellest and prettiest ever shown in this city. * Come and see them, let me take your measure. Every order Is tsJten on the "Perfect Fit and Satisfacti on Guaranteed or no 8ale." Come early and have your spring suit ready for Easter. UAKUcn riAimjo. I have a complete assortment of the BEST Garden Seeds that are to be had, grown and prepared by experienced gardeners. Come here for what you want to be early. Our Seed Irish Potatoes have been shipped and will be in in a few days. I will be prepared to furnish you the purest seed at the closest prices. I also have Garden Rakes and you will need one as soon as the gardening begins. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. - . Roasted Coffee. TRY B. D. & T., IF YOU ARE IN SEARCH OF COFFEE THAT WILL PLEASE YOU?PUT UP IN FOUR POUND CANS AT $1.00. I HAVE A REAL NICE RICE, OF COURSE BROKEN, WHICH I AM SELLING AT 30 POUNDS FOR $1.00. Mackerel. ARE YOU FOND OF MACKEREL? IF YOU ARE, I CAN SUIT YOU, IN KITS. AS WELL AS IN SMALL AMOUNTS FROM THE BARREL. LOUIS ROTH. You can gat lower prices and cheaper work than we will quote you, but you won't get better work at a nd Bonnets. ! them and they are going. Sold 21 jj that for March trade? Now have i I in work room. Shows where the millinery. Mrs. DOBSON'S HAT8 AND NEAR and most all the ladies obson about head gear before they ire your order before the great rush sure to come. I R O 8.' CA8H STORE. | t to send your Laundry to CHAR- . L' A.UNDRY?give you "Domestic or tl D. B. C. 8. f # f Special IMticfs. Dr. Moore at Rock Hill. Dr. R. L. Moore of Columbia, will be in Rock Hill on Thursday. April 6th. It Communion at Bethel. There will be services preparatory to communion at Bethel church Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Communion services at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. W. B. Arrowood, Pastor. Reduced Rates to 8partanburg, 8. C., via 8outhem Railway on Aceount South Atlantic 8tat