Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 03, 1905, Image 3

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MILCH COWS. TF you wish either to buy, sell or X trade Milch Cows, see me. J. R. CONNOLLY. Yorkville. S. C. TIME TO PAY\ THE date by which I have to make final settlement with the publishers of THE ENQUIRER for the names on my club is rapidly approaching', and I will appreciate It as a great favor if . those who have not paid will do so as * soon as possible. Payment may be made to me. or at THE ENQUIRER office. Respectfully, G. M. CARROLL Feb. 3. s.t ' tf Condition Powders FLECK'S STOCK FOOD?If fed to your horses, mules, cows, sheep, etc., X will put them in the very best phyil 1 Al* T? ..till mal/A nrAPlr Qni. t?I MMIUIUUII. 11 Will HIOAC "V. ? M... mall work better, make cows give more and richer milk and make the hogs and pigs grow faster. Try It. FLECK'8 EQG PRODUCER?If fed to your hens will cause them to lay more eggs and keep them In good condition. Try It. FLECK'S WORM POWDER?Will remove worms from all kinds of farm animals. It Is certain. Try It. FLECK'S LICE EXTERMINATOR? Will positively kill all lice, fleas, ticks and other vermin that Infest horses, *? cows, sheep, hogs, poultry, dogs and cats. It Is certain, too. Try It. THE STAR DRUQ STORE, D. L. Shieder, Proprietor. Vir We have received a full supply of LANDRBTH'S GARDEN SEEDS and ONION SETS?you know that Landreth'a Seeds are certain producers? why not buy the best?It Is cheaper In the end?and don't cost any more at the beginning. S. D. S. Weary Willie Walker-r Will be the attraction at the YORKVILLE OPERA HOUSE NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. FEB. 6?This is the most successful and most laughable "Tramp" show that ever happened. SEE WEARY WILLIE? HEAR WEARY SING? EE THE PRETTY GIRLSHEAR THE GOOD SINGING Buy your tickets early?they are now on sale at the YORK FURNITURE STORE. ?**" There Is two laughs a minute in store for all who see WEARY WILLIE WALKER?the funny tramp. 0. E. Wilkin*. W. I. Witherspoon, President V. President. The First National Bank of Yorkville Will take pleasure in doing business with the Fanners throughout the county. We will be glad to talk with those desiring to place their farming on a CASH baslR. . ^ To those having money to aeposu we offer every safeguard and protection known to Modern Banking. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. BANK MONEY ORDERS SOLD? GOOD EVERYWHERE. > ' Most Successful Traders Buy When Prices are Low The majority of people take the blues and cease operations when business is dull, as if the world was about to stop. Those who make the -troatest success in investing take hold at such times.1' 14 would not do for prices to * range high at all times. People would lose their caution. Now is the time to buy DIRT from the fact there is but little doing and the population is increasing, which requires more soil and demands more production. This office is ready and equipped for buying, selling, or exchanging all classes of DIkT, town lots, farrar marble quarries, livery and sale stables, millinery, lime kilns, various business propositions. Make your wants and offerings known, and we will act our part at this end of the line. I buy for clients as well as sell. Have made good deals for others and there is no reason why I should-not make the same for you. But we must have customers to suit before anything can be done. Remember I takb the chances on completing transactions before sending bills. I often procure the assistance of brokers and others to get transactions through. Have sold property to parents through the influence of a child that I could j not sell otherwise. Combinations of, ^ circumstances often require combinations of people to complete transactions. If you have any important purchases to make. I would be glad to take !he matter up with you. YORK COUNTY PROPERTY. No. 335. 145 acres, Martin's Bigger place near Bandana. 90 in cultivation: 40 in timber. Good land: 8-r. Hu*fllHn(r with nfher imnrovements. On the river $16 acre. No. 334. 2-story dwelling, with store below, on acre lot at Smiths. No. 333. Livery business in small town. In operation. Fully equipped. Books show paying business. Price about $1,650. No. 336. 88 acres, one mile of Smyrna. Churches and school. 50 acres In woods $8 acre. No 337. 61 acres in corporate limits of Hickory. 25 cultivated. 35 in timber. Orchard. 2-story 5-r. dwell> ing. with other improvements. Rail' road through the property $1,200. No. 338. 4-room dwelling, No. 32 Pond St.. Rock Hill. S. C. New barn. Buggy shed.etc $900. No. 339. 145 acres, one mile of Bethesda church and school; 100 acres cultivated: 40 in woods. Splendid farm. Public road through the place $18 acre. No. 340. 8-r. dwelling, good barn, garden. on Hampton St $1,500. No. 341." 320 acres. Bookmnn Mill place in Lexington County, 7 miles from Irmo: 150 In woods; Mill house; canal 900 ft. long; by river; 16 miles from Columbia Only $8 acre. Liberty Cotton Mills Stock. Common. Fairfield Cotton Mill Stock. Preferred. If you mean business and expect to ? do business, say something that will be interesting to all parties concerned. Bundles of questions with no propositions are a waste of time. It is almost Impossible to buy property for half Its value, or to sell It for double its worth as some seem to expect. There are two sides to all questions. Get on the smooth side. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hill, S. C. ? MOVED TO OLD JAIL. I HAVE moved the office of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance company and the Farmers' Mutual Life Insurance company Into the Old Jail Building, opposite the court house. D. E. BONET, Agent. Buck's Stoves Are made with such extrai rdinary care and they are made of such good material 'that they are recognized the wuuiili^ uvti ao iA.iug biiw very highest .type of cooking apparatus. We have a full Hue iu stock and will interest you with our prices. Ranges If you want a Range you want to get our prices. YORK FURNITURE COMPANY. / I Who Looks Be R. Nawma York Mr. Sam M. Grist, Yorkvllle, S. C. Dear Sir: Your favor of recent I am not well enough posted on authority, but as your Inquiry Is Iswer It. You say: "Why did you Insure ance Company of Newark, N. J.?" I desire to state in the outset tha to do so. For several years life lnsii me to insure and showing the a companies wrote. Thus I became companies and their contracts. H< copies of the contracts of the ver; of the Mutual Benefit, we- ? secur these contracts, all of which were Judgment the Mutual Benefit cont whole, having the most advantages I Cost. These. In my Judgment, are suff eumstances I believe any one woul Yours ven While Mr. Plaxco does not prof anything of that kind, there Is nt oughly understands every contcac the agents of the various companle Mutual Benefit. In the contest t premium rates, guarantees and re only things he considered. Everyb that he is a success from a busines matters' he relies on his own Judg arate the wheat from the chaff. Ol claims to have- the best, and can '"show down" with the Mutual Be the Mutual Benefit came in comp< companies-where insurance to the volved, and in EVERY instance thi livered and paid for. Is it not a re guarantee "the policy holder more failed at least once? SAM. it. GRIST WALTER L. JACKSON, LIVERYMAN. First Class Buggies and Stylish Horses That Are Goers Are our specialties and we * are living up to the specialty. Wben you want a turnout of any description give us your order. We will attend to your wants satisfactorily. Mr. T. H. Bludworth can be reached by phone at all hours. Tell hiin what you want. WALTER L. JACKSON. MASTIC PAINT 13 GUARANTEED to be pure Lead. Zinc and Oil. We will pay $100 cash, for any quantity of whiting, chalk, barytese or other adulterants found in tne mastic. "The oest is me cheapest." It covers more surface and outwears two or three times over the cheap so-called paints made to sell and not to last. E1ANNER PAINT made by MASTIC people Is a good, but cheaper paint, not pure, hasn't the covering capacity, but we guarantee It equal to any at same price. If y?u are going to paint a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, plow, chair, bench or a piece of furniture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. FOR SALE DEEP bay, blaze-face, eight year old MARE. Weight, 1,200 lbs. First-class family animal. Qualities guaranteed. Will be in Yorkville on Monday. Feb. 6th, if not sold before. M. LYLE. Highland Park Mill. Rock Hill, S. C. t.f.2t Lion Coffee I am continuing to sell Lion Coffee at 25 cents for two pounds. If you want any No. 1 Mackerel in kits I have them at $1.40. Cheaper grade at 90c a kit. Also nice large ones out of the barrel at 10c. Wilkerson's home-made Molasses at 50c a gallon. LOUIS ROTH. CABBAGE PLA1TTI. From the Best Tested Seeds. NOW ready for shipment, large, strong, healthy, these plants are grown in the open air and will stand severe freeze without injury. Early Jersey Wakefield, Large Type or Charleston Wakefield, which are the best known varieties of.' early cabbages, also Henderson's Succession, the best large, late and sure neader, Augusta Early Trucker, also a fine type of late variety. Neatly packed in light baskets. $1.50 per M, for five thousand or over, $1.25 per M, F. O. B. Express Office. Special prices made on large lots. CHA3. M. QIBSON, Young's Island, 8. C. Dec. 13 f.t 8m OT Wanted?Your orders for the best [ grade of Commercial Stationery, Law Briefs, Arguments, or anything else if you want the Best work. IAN " ^ fore He Leaps BL .. JkBBJH i Bk ?????? n Plaxco. | villa, 8. CV R. F. D. No. 1, January 24, 1905. I date was duly received. Life Insurance to write as one of practical I will endeavor to anIn the Mutual Benefit Life InsurJ it was because It was my choico it*nn/iA n mon a onlinlt A'l mo r>rOQ Qin fT I najitc agciivo ounvucu mcr vu?i?.g leveral contracts their respective i familiar with several of the best owever, when I decided to insure, | y best companies, including those ed, and after carefully examining very desirable, I found that In my ract was the most desirable as a to the Policy Holder at the Least Iclent reasons. Under similar clrd have made the same choice. j r truly. R. N. PLAXCO. ess to be an Insurance expert or ? doubt of the fact that he thort that was submitted to him by s at the time he chose that of the he wording of the contracts, the cords of the companies were the ody who knows Mr. PLaxco knows s standpoint, and that In business ment, and is usually able to sepr course every life insurance agent prove it except when forced to nefit. Last year, In York county, >titlon with the other leading life amount of about (30,000 was ini Mutual Benefit "goods" were deasonable claim to say If it di4 not i and at less cost" it would have , Special Agent. INSURANCE ON COTTON. I AM prepared to INSURE COT- I TON at the homes of the farmers, and arrange so that the owners may borrow money without having to move the security from their premises. J. R. LINDSAY, Insurance, Spring 1 OUR SPRING GOODS hai come in we are going to put tl if you want the LATEST TH COMING HERE. On Wednesday we receive Goods and we think that for q best to be had, and for prices, w better anywhere. Early Special S TOMORROW, (Saturday) we otter the toilowing: 1,000 yards Yard Wide Sheetir 1,000 yards Standard Indigo B1 American Shirting Prints, %or Second Mourning Prints, wort A. F. C. Ginghams, per yd Heavy Welt Black and White Basket Weave Oxford, white o price, three days, Extra S[ We have received a big line Trousers, Overalls, etc. See Men's Pants, all sizes and ler Men's Overalls, all sizes, popu Boys' Overalls, all sizes, from J". Gi- WRAY, I? SWAPPING Hurry and Gel I Our Bargai "VURING the next TEN 1 ROW, SATURDAY, "r clean sweep of ALL ? f V il ? I T> ? ivicii i uuws anu ouys x an terproof Coats, Mackintosh C Men's Heavy Blue Wool Ovei dies' Capes and Jackets, Lad our Winter Goods must and Bargains we are offering are winter season is not yet over ii goods for the good that may 1 ter, and still more good" can b the following winter. If you I have a slight need for anythin to let this opportunity slip. A to SWAP DOLLARS WITH DAYS?THE REWARDS A THE BUYER. The only thii is the room the goods occupy. ING HERE FOR BARGAIN MEN'8 8UIT8: Men's Suits that were $2.60 Men's Suits that were $3.00 ar Men's Suits that were $3.60 ar< Men's Suits that were $4.50 ar Men's Suits that were $5.00 a Men's Suits that were $5.50 ai Men's Suits that were $6.00 ar Men's Suits that were $7.00 ar Men's Suits that were $8.00 ar Men's Suits that were $8.50 ar Men's Suits that were $9.00 ai Men's Suits that were $10.00 s YOUTH8' 8UIT8: Youths' Suits that were $2.50 Youths' Suits that were $3.50 Vrviiitia' Qtil + a that u-oro (1 00 r I Youth's Suits that were $5.00 BOYS' KNEE PANT8 8UIT8: Boys' Knee' Pants Suits that v Boys' Knee Pants Suits that a I Boys' Knee Pants Suits that i Boys' Knee Pants Suits that w Boys' Knee Pants Suits that i Boys' Knee Pants Suits that Boys' Knee Pants Suits that w I Boys' Knee Pants Suits that v MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOY8' F Men's Pants that were 76c a j Men's Pants that were $1.00 a Men's Paxits that were $1.25 a Men's Pants that were $1.50 a Men's Pants that were $1.75 a Men's Pants that were $2.00 a Men's Pants that were $2.50 a Men's Pants that were $3 a pi IYouth's Pants that were 75c a Youths' Pants that were $1.00 Youths' Pants that were $1.25 Boys' Knee Pants that were ? Boys' Knee Pants that were 5 Boys' Knee Pants that were C HUNTING C0AT8: Men's Hunting Coats that we Men's Hunting Coats that wer ^ Men's Hunting Coats that wei I0VERC0AT8: Men's Overcoats that were $4.? Men's Overcoats that were $6, Men's Overcoats that were $8. Men's Overcoats that were $8.1 Men's Rain Coats that were J Youths' Overcoats that were 1 Boys' Overcoats that were $2.0 I MACKINTOSH COAT8: Mackintosh Coats that were $l Mackintosh Coats that were $! Mackintosh Coats that were $< Mackintosh Coats that were $ I Mackintosh Coats that were $( Men's Coveft Waterproof Coat Men's Covert Waterproof Coati MEN'S WOOL UNDERVE8T8: Men's Wool Undervests that i Men's Wool Undervests that v Men's Wool Undervests that \ MEN'S WOOL OVER8HIRT8: Men's Navy Blue Wool Overs! I Men's Navy Blue Wool Oversh Men's Navy Blue Wool Oversti Men's Navy Blue Wool Oversh COMFORT8 AND BLANKET8: Comforts that were 60c each Comforts that were $1 each ar Comforts that were $1.25 eacl Comforts that were $1.50 each ^ Blankets that were $1.00 each I Blankets that were $1.25 each Blankets that were $1.50 are Blankets that were $1.75 are Blankets that were $2.25 are Blankets that were $2.50 are Blankets that were $2.85 are n Blankets that were $3.00 are ti Blankets that were $5.00 are ii LADIES' CAPE8: Ladies' Capes that were $1.00 I Ladles' Capes that were $1.25 Ladles' Capes that were $1.50 Ladles' Capes that were $2.00 Ladles' Capes that were $2.25 Ladles' Capes that were $3.0( LADIES' SKIRTS: Ladies' Skirts that were $2.50 Ladles' Skirts that were $3.50 THE STRAUSS-SI o? mmmmm mmt t?r Subscribe for The Enquirer. 8ee your nearest Clubmaker. Arrivals: /e begun to arrive and as they lem RIGHT ON SALE and AT'S OUT you can get it by d a big shipment of Spring uality and beauty we have the rell we don't believe you can do ipring Offerings: j , MONDAY and TUESDAY ig, worth 6c, at per yd 5c. ue Prints, worth 6c, per yd. 5c. th 6c, at per yd 5c h 6c, at per yd 5c. 10c P.K., at 10c, 15c and 25c vd nly, worth 35c a yard, my pecial per yd 20c. of Men's goods, consisting of these: lgths, from 98c to $3.50. lar colors, from..48c to$i pr. .25c to 45c pr. ?HE LEADER. i DOLLARS! j : Your Share of I n Offerings. I DAYS, beginning TOMOR- I FEB. 4, we propose to make H WINTER GOODS, including | its, Hunting Coats, Covert Wa- |! oats, Men's Wool Underwear, rshirts, Comforts, Blankets, La- I & lies' Skirts. During this Sale I will go away from us, as the Very, Very Rich, and as the I t will pay anybody to buy these 5e gotten out of them this win- ;i e had out of the goods during lave the least suspicion that you g in this line you can ill afford | Ve are prepared to and expect ; YOU DURING NEXT FEW Z RE ALL ON THE SIDE OF ng we will get out of this sale i f GET THE HABIT OF COM S. We have them for you: ^ are now $2.00 9 *e now 250 a i now j 3.00 ^ e now 3.75 $ re now 4.00 5 e now 4.50 ^ e now , 5.00 $ e now 550 ^ e now 6.00 e now 650 - *e now 7.00 9 ire now 850 are now $250 |j are now 350 ire now 350 ;i; are now 4.00 | irere 75c are now 60 ji vere $1.00 are now 50 ' $ vere $1.25 are now .. $150 ere $1.50 are now 155 vere $2.00 are now 150 ft xxtava 49 7fi ora nnur 9 ere $3.00 are now 2.50 rere $3.50 are now 2.75 ANT8: MLlr are now 60 l pair are now .80 . pair are now $10)0 J: . pair are now 1.25 '-j . pair are now 1.50 ^ i pair are now 1.75 {j i pair are now 2J00 ^ air are now 2.50 W pair are now 60 a pair are now 75 '? a pair are now $1.00 5c a pair are now 25 i0c a pair are now 40 Oc a pair are now -50 "j" re $1.60 each are now... .$1.25 e $2.00 each are now 1.50 V re $2.60 are now 2.00 A 0 are now $3.50 ,00 fcre now 4.50 00 are now 6-00 0 >0 are now 6.50 g [10.00 are now $8.00 :.j >4.00 ace now $3.00 0 are now $1.50 1.25 are now 90 1.50 are now 1.00 :,f' 1.00 are now 2.75 i, 15.00 are now 3.50 9 5.00 are now 4.00 a s, that were $1, are now.. .90 s that were $1.60 are now $1.25 tvere $1.50 are now .. ....$1.25 | ,-ere $2.00 are now 1.50 ivere $3.00 are now 2J>5 g llrts that were 75c, now.. .60 ilrta that were $1, now 75 A ilrts that were $1.60, now $1.25 ilrts that were $2.60, now 2M are now 40 "$ e now 90 ' g 1 are now $1.00 & are now 1.25 are now 75 ^ are now $1.00 X now 1.25 now 1.50 j now 1.75 now 2.00 iOw 2.25 I iow 2.50 iow 3.50 are now 75 1 are now $1.00 f are now 1.00 are now 1.50 ; are now 1.75 I are now 225 ;i are now $2.00 q are now 2.75 ' V VIITH COMPANY. 5 M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. MOKM.Vi QLORY ROASTED COFFEE. Until a few days ago we have been unable to secure this delightful coffee for our customers, but we have it now. ? Morning Glory coffee is a blend of grades carefully selected for their cup qualities. Their strength and flavor are fully developed and retained by a special process used only hv the roasters of Morning Glory coffee. MORNING GLORY Is the most satisfactory coffee we've every sold?and the most satisfactory our customers have ever used. 4 LB. CAN FOR SI. CARROLL BROS. JW'We have Irish and 8weet Potatoes and Cabbage. tar The Enquirer office is prepared to execute your orders for High Grade Printing. Your orders are solicited. FERT1I I don't expect the fari use as much Commei cotton this season as think the acreage wil believe that a larger p will be used per acre, mers who have studie you that more fertiliz on rn r f Via kirranff no 1 ,ouiw nit uiggtoi uuai All successful farme big returns to liberall and corn and with the the cotton acreage t more time and -more these important crop: important with a redu When Buyii Be sure to buy the B. and you can save time at the Star Drug St< 1 convince you that I hi MACMURPH NAVASSA ai CHICORA Fl Come to see me Mc JAS. M. STAl t SEE US FOB BARGAINS. We have Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Plumes, Ladles' Trimmed and Untrlmmed Hats, Working Floss, Spool Cotton, Handkerchiefs, Baby Caps?all of which will go Cheap. It is up to you to com* and mo us. D0B30N BROS.' CA3H STORE. o c 1 . O."? Remember?The Charlotte Steam Lftundry Is the BE8T In the up-country?try It and see. Will give you either Oloss or Domestic Finish? write on your package what you want D. B. C. 8. J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8. If You Intend to Build See us. as we take contracts for building In wood, brick, stone and Iron rrom the ground up. We also draw building plans. We Sell Flooring, Celling, FYamlng, Weatherboarding, Steel Roofing, Doors, Sash. Blinds, Laths, Brick, Lime, Cement Builder's Hardware, Tools, Building Paper, Roofing Paper, Paints, Leads, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, etc. or Give us your orders for Screen Doors and Windows. Satisfaction and prompt work guaranteed. J. J. KELLER A CO. J ! PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. ORDERS will be taken at any time for all kinds of OUT-DOORWORK, and the same promptly filled. Consult me in person or by 'Phone for prices. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 'Phone 138. Miss R08A J. LIN08AY. Umbrella Special! - X "Trouble" Begins at 9 A. M. Great slump In Ladies' and Gents'! PARA80L8 and UMBRELLAS?this is the greatest Job lot it^has ever been oi?r fortune to "pick up"?xou u never have another such chance?If you miss It?you'll regret it?only a few hundred?you may buy 'em MONDAY AT ONE-HALF USUAL PRICE. Children's?crooked handles, steel rods, fast black, regular 50 centers MONDAY 29c Ladles and Gents'?as above, only larger,and better MONDAY 39c. Fancy carved handles?all silk?(a real Job)?steel rod and ribs?we could get $1 for the asking?going MONlJfcY at 49c. Variety Fancy Handles?plain?nickel plated?ivory, etc., good, strong material?cheap at $1.15?yours on MONDAY at 59c. Men's Self Openers?good sateen covers?MONDAY 69c. No two handles alike?horns, pearls, silver, congo, etc., heavy Im. silk, metal frame?a $1.50 Umbrella? (never less)?It's yours MONDAY for 79s. Men's Self-Openers, strong, good material?great bargain MONDAY 89c. JZER5 ' PW mers of this vicinity to rcial Fertilizer under last, because I do not II be so large. But I er centage of fertilizer and all successful fard the subject will tell er and less acreage inncial returns, rs know that it pays y Fertilize spring oata i proposed redaction of he farmers will have acreage to dcwote to 3, which will lie more ced cotton acreage. tig Fertilizer EST you can secure? ! by coming to see me )re and I believe I can ave the best. I sell the IY & CO., rid ERTILIZER5. nday next?Salesday. tR, Fertilizers. A J : _ i t AaicK.es Emporium WE are anxious to reduce our stock of TOBACCOS ami for Cash will make an Interesting exchange. We car. spare probaMy a thousand pounds from 25eta. by the box upwards. A Dainty Dish Is our CLUB BOUSE .CHEEtlE In small pots at eno jgh" price. Something to "Bile." PEAS and BEANS of abou: six sorts; CABBAGE, POTATOES and a nice array of DRIED and EVAPORATED FRUITS. The beat always the cheapee:?<applies specially to our good quality of IRON GRANITE COOKING W>iRE? about 20% higher than trifling stuff and 220% better?nice new ]o<; this week?examine It The Old Folk* Say That there la no MOLASSES 10m before the war?but try our BEST before giving up. BUCKWHEAT cakes are nice these crisp mor.ilngt and wholesome because laxative anytime. \ . Decent SOLE LEATHER and RUBBER HEELS are satisfactoiy. This writing Li interrupted to pay for some COUNTRY MEAL. Cutlery. We are loaded on POCKET and BUTCHER KNIVE8, RAZORS. 8CEBSORS and SHEARS, rhlcl we GUARANTEE. At our mutual peril, don't past . ADICKES' EMPORIUM. PINE WOOD WASTES' WE want CORDS OF PDfE WOOD and will pay highest mar ket price for same delivered c<a our yard*. " YORK COTTON MTuLS. %* > ' ' ^ J Our Greatest Number?ladies' and gents'? variety of styles?knobs, crooks, etc.?some self-openers?a $1.75 worth of Umbrella MON* r\ a v/ * 0^ UA T iwr 8EE SHOW WINDOW. 'Tm sick because I missed Foushee's last Monday's special?but you bet I'll be there MONDAY, eTH." GREAT VALVES IN PERCALES. Remiant Special?36 ins. side, 1 yd. to 14 yds. to piece?a varietv of fancy colors?richly worth 12|c to 15c yd?Just as much as you want MONDAY AT 9 CENTS. COME. FOUSHEE CASH STORE, 'Phone 38. Yorkville, 8. C. P. 8.?We have a number of Alarm I and Calendar Clocks?some nickel plated?some fancy decorated?worth from 95c to $1.25?we have one set to alarm every ho r during MONDAY* beginning at 10 o'clock?you can get one for 59 cents if you are here when It ALARM8. P. C. S.