Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, January 03, 1905, Image 3

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J J J - 7 : "T ^ jt- H. \Taylor of Eastoter, sends the following ? the Columbia State: One of England'.? kings was puzzled to know how \the apple jot into the . - dumpling; softer of us American soverw eigns are anxious to know bow the mouse got Into the flask. He Is in It, surrounded by "XX Sll\sr Brook," chemically pure, South Carolina's state dispensary whisky. The' flask was bought from one of the dl pensaries in Columbia about a week Lgo, and is now in the home of a faimer in this section, to be sent back l> the place whence It came. The ndent must have died "crazy drunk,' as he is , standing on his head wl h his tail |l turned straight toward th i cork. We uggest that our great m<ral institution could do very much f< r the cause of temperance by adoptln r the "Rodent Brand" exclusively md having the mouse in each flask. AT THE CHURCHES. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Itn. W. C. SWART, PApTOR. ^ There will be no prayer-ij?eeting tomorrow afternoon. uvpunniflT TOlttSCOPAI^ r, M. rxv. j. u 8tokm, d. d., pastor. There will be prayer-meeting tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. ^ rjtv. w. o. nevxllb, d. d.. pastor. There will be no prayer-meeting tomorrow evening. jtygrialgottygj Clubs for The Enquirer. The following named gentlemen and ladles are taking subscriptions for Thb Yorjcvtlub Enquirbr at 11.75 for a year and $1.00 for six m oaths. J. K. Allison Hickory (Jrove, S. C. Miss Isabella Arrowood..No. 2, Clover, Miss Mary Lee Alexander.. i Yorkvllle. W. H. Bird Grtfrer, N. C. Miss Florida Bowen Yorkrllle, 8. C. W. P. Boyd No. 1, Bandana, S. C. S. L. Caldwell Smyrna, S. C. J. H. Blgham Sharon, S. C. James Bigger... .No. 1, Yorkrllle, S. C. W. McO. Bailey..No. 2, Shaaon, S. C. R. Banks Black Lockbgrt, S. C. T. C. Castles... .Not 1, Smyrna, S. C. W. E. Holmes..No. 1, Yorkvlle, S. C. R. E. McClure. .No. 5, Yorkrllle, S. C. Bennie Barron Yorkvllk, 8. C. John L. Clark... .No. 1, Yorkvllle, 8. C. W. H. Crook.... No. 1, Fort Mill, 8. C. J. M. Costner No. 1, Bandana, 8. C. i G. M. Carroll... .No. 1, Yorkvfle, 8. C. I. Jno. M. Craig....No. 1. Bandana, S.C. Miss Ethel Carroll..No. 1. Sharon, S.C. A. D. Dorsett Clover, S. C. Gist Finley Yorkvllk, 8. C. James D. Grist j. Yorkvllle, 8. C. J. R. Gettys Lesslieto. S.C. W. E. Gettys....No. 2. Yorkvilk, 8. C. J. D. Good No. 1, Sharoa, S. C. Mrs. E. C. Gladden Grover, N. C. Geo. W. Knox Cloveft S. C. T. E. Love No. 1, Clover, 8. C. Harry Miller... .Nd. 6, Yorkvllle, 8. C L J. Webb Moore. .No. S. Yorkvlle. S. C. Miss Sallte McConnell, McConnellsvllle. A. W. McFarland......Yorkvllle, 8. C. W. S. Peters Yorkvllle, S. C. J. H. Sherrer..... .No 1, Sharon, 8. C Miss Jennie Russell....Yorkvillt, S.C. J. K. Scogglns Rock Hilt S. C. W. T. Smarr....No. 1, Bullock's Creek. Geo. L. Suggs. .No. 1, Bandana 8. C. Sidney Sherrer... .No. 1, S'narorv S.C. Miss Jessie Smith No. 4, Rock HM, S.C. Roble Saye Riddle, No. 2, Clover, S. C. Miss Lizzie Wood..No. 2, Clover S.C. 1 Jos. M. Whitesides, No. 2, Hlckor . S.C. W. J. Caveny Rock Hill, 8. C. W. 8. Lesslle Lesslle, L C. 8. S. Farts No. 4, Rock Hll B. C. L. B. McGlIl No. 1. Clover, B. C. J. W. Alexander Yorkvllle, 8. C. W. J. Smith No. 1. Clover, 8. C. w R Flanaaan. .Bowling Greeq 8. C. J. W. Goforth... .No. 4. YorkviUe* S. C. T. J. Hopper....No. 6. YorkviUe S. C. G. A. Gettys Roddeys, S. C. J. J. SmRh Clover, ?S. C. ^ EL W. Pursley King's Creek, S. C. p. -Mi JarMf JittP-SUtkL. I Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Letts Bros. W*' Yorkvtlub, Jan. 3. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 61 ' Strict Middling 68 Strict Good Middling 61 Latta Bros. I / BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SALE. Thoroughbred, two years old. Write for Information to johu M. smith, Jan.3 t.ft.t.3t* Cloveri S. C. BLACK PIQ. WEIGHING about 150 poinds, strayed fr>m my premises on Dec. 24. Information will be appreciated and trouble paid for. IRANK TIDDY, Yorkvllle Buggy Co. Jan.iL It BRASS TRUNK LOCKS. I HAVE a lot at first class brass Trunk Locks at 50 cents each. kAlso have a big tot of Muzzle Loading 8hot Guns that will be sold cheap. See me for Bargains. R. D. ALEXANDER. ESTRAY JERSEY HEIFER. E STRAYED fronj Robt. Witherspoon's pasture near Guthriesvllle, Mnv 1944. one JERSEY HEIFER, about 2 years old. white In forehead and hind legs. Information as to her whereabouts, alive or dead, will be liberally rewarded. Send Information to R. J. CALDWELL, Torkville, or J. F. OATE8, Chester. S. C. ^ Dec. 3. t It* F* If OTIC] WITH tomorrow. WEDNESDAY. Jan 4th. my terms for tfork to everybody will be STRICTLY CASH ON COMPLETION OF JOB. Weare forced to adopt this method In set-defense and we will positively not do any work unless we have assurance of prompt settlement. We want your business, but when your work is done we want our pay. Respectfully. ? W. O. RAWLt, Plumber. THE NEW OLD mMI HOPKINS As Presented by Frank S. Davidson COMING THURSDAY, JAN. I. V rpHE NEW OLD FARMER HC'F9k , X KINS, as played by Fnanlj O. ^ Davidson,' supported by his sple?did company of twenty artists, is to be the attraction at the OPERl HOTSE THURSDAY NIGHT NEXT and will be the laughing event of the season. Mr. Davidson has been In YorktlUe before and made the most decide! hit of any Comedian who has yet appeared in the Yorkvllle Opera Hoase. If you enjoy a good longjlauirh 4>n*t miss seeing the NEW OLD FARMER r> HOPKINS. Reserved Seats are now on lale at the office of the York Furniture Co, at 25c, 50c and 75c. Remember the oate and buy your tickets earl* YORK FURNITURE COMPANY p O. E. Wilkins, W. I. Witherspoon, President. 7. Preildent. * MANY A MURDER Has been committed andhome9 bade desolate by keeping money In hones. It might happen to yon Avolt all this risk by placing yo? Moner in s Bank. The First National Bank * of YorkviBe Can protect you from all these rlifcs, and will be glad to handfc your funds. \ Call to see, or write us. \ r. C. allein, Cavi'?r< h bank money orders* solcx_ good everywhere. ft TgE STAR E d. l. shied: Successors to Jas. M. Star ftflNOUlM to announce to the publ business of JAS. M. STAPH <! beginning Monday, Jan. 2. co maintaining all the good tea and improving the service wh 80. It iwlll be my pleasure tc> cc ^ date Drug Store in all tha-: tt public the very best service tl My Prencriptlon Department will FRANK H. SAWYER, and both o and Registered according to the a the public may feel assured that filled at'the STAR DRUG STO: YOUR PHYSICIAN WANTS ?T I respectfully Invite the pxtro in my lin^ Is needed or deslrc.l, t very best of service at the most r We extend a cordial invitntloi country. ? mane iree use or our In6e8 makes Its use convenient. Very respeetfu THE STAR I D. L. SHIEDI CARD FROM MR TO MY CUSTOMERS AND FRI1 I beg to announce thi formerly conducted under the nai Dr. D. L. SHIEDER; I wish to tl public geserally for the liberal p. In the past, aod wish for them < them to have. In behalf of Dr. S utation for reliability and thorout for so many years will In nowise i He has been with me long enough f competent, reliable and stralghtf liberal patronage of the patrons o him the patronage of all who reqult lng you for past favors, I beg to Yours very ti ??????? M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. ; : |JV ? To Our Friends and Castomers: I 4 The firm of RIDDLE & CARROLL has been icceeded by the firm of CARROLL 9$OS., and will be continued by us a^ng the same lines as heretofore. We are too busy taking stock to go Into fiirther details at this time, but will be pleased to have our ccstomers and friends to know that our store Is op?n at the same old stand and we are uere to serve you, ?- '* * "? % CARROLL BROS. Your Wants. When you want to purchase anything In Gold or Silver, Jewelry, Fine China, Cut Glass, Bric-a-Brac, Pictures, Watches, Clocks or an} thing else in ray line you will serve your best internets by coming to see me before you buy. You wil find here a very large line of all kinds of goods that I carry and you will also find that my prices are Just as ?0W as you can find ANYWHERE If you'see any article In gold or silver in the catalogue of any mail order house, you will do well to remember that I will duplicate any prices you may have from such a source?and in many cases I can save you and will save you money if you will let me order what you want. I will be in my new store?acr?>3s the way?soon and will be glad to have *./mi /.oil *nr1v nnrt nften and see what I can offer you. T. W. SPECK, The Jewel#-. A Dry Story. We have a rather dry story to tell our customers today, but then it is Interesting just the same?and Incidentally we might mention the fact that you will enjoy the dry things we are talking about if you'll givt them a trial?It's our Dry Stock that we desire to call to.your attention, for instance we have: DRIED APPLES at 81-3c a lb. EVAPORATED APPLES at 10c tb. EVAPORATED PEACHES at 121-2 cents a pound. DRIED BLACKBERRIES at 121-2c a Tb. WHITE BLACK-EYED PEAS?the best grade for table use. WHITE BEANS?we have them? several grades?all at right prices. Come and see us if you want DRIED THINGS for your table. FERGUSON & CLINTON. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOPT WE are repairing, repainting, and overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that are right. You'll find us in the rear o Riddle & Carroll's. Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY. Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDia TT AVE your children's Photographs ?a?> hon^cnma A rt Istn' JLJLIIIUUIUCU VII 111V I|(MIUWV..V .... Calendars. The cost Is very little and your calendar will be a constant Joy to you day by day. Also your favorite dog and pets of the family can be mounted in same way. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 'Phone 138. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. MISS DAISY B. WILLIAMS, Photographic Studio. All orders for Xmas work must be given before the 15th of Dec. No Photos taken between Dec. 19 nnd 22? |time devoted to toning and finishing. ["Special Rates" extended to Jan. 1st. All work Guaranteed. Hours 9 a. m. I 'to 5 p. m. Bratton building. PINE WOOD WANTED. WE want 1.000 CORDS OF PINE WOOD and will pay highest mar|ket price for same delivered on our vards. YORK COTTON HILLS. | Dec. 13. t.f. 2t COTTON SEED. WILL pay the highest CASH price for SEED in any quantity. B. N. MOORE. Sept 13 t.f tf IF Subscribe for The Enquirer. See your nearest Clubmaker. I v\ >RUG STORE ER, Proprietor, r & Co., Leading Druggists. CEMENT He that I have purchased the Drug fe CO., Leading Druggists, and will, nduct this business in the future, tures of the former management, ien and where it Is possible to do mduct a really modern and up-tote term implies, giving the general tat it is possible to find aaywhere. be in charge of myself and Dr. f us being Graduates in Pharmacy rery strict laws of South Carolina ; any Prescription which may be RE will be filled EXACTLY AS TO BE. nage of the public when anything ind faithfully promise to give the easonable prices. 1 to Physicians, in both town and store when their pleasure or busilly, )RUG STORE, ?R, Proprietor. | . JA8. M. STARR. 3NDS: at I have sold the Drug business ne of JAS. M. STARR & CO., to lank my scores of friends and the atronage that has been given me rvery good that It is possible for hleder I wish to say that the repthness that my store has enjoyed luffer at the hands of Dr. Shieder. or me to know that he is thoroughorward and worthy of the most f a drug store, and I bespeak for ? goods in his line. Again thankremain, ruly, JAS. M. 3TARR. It Was a Record Smasher The year 1904 was In many respects a record smasher and to a notable extent Is this true of Its Are record. Millions upon millions of property ( were destroyed and as a result each of the leading Are insurance companies were thoroughly tested, and none made 1 a profit. It Is to be hoped, of course, that 1905 Will prove a record breaker < by reason of the notably small number and extent of Its Ares, but it may not, and your property may go before another year rolls around, and In case It does don't you think it Would be 1 well to have one of my time tried and fire tested companies to bear at least . a part of the loss. I am prepared to < insure anything burnable Including /.niintru atnrM cntfnil In th(? COUntrV. ' country dwellings, barns, horses, mules and cows. See me about your < Insurance. My supply of Calendars is exhausted. 'Phone 124. 8AM M. GRIST. MASTIC PAINT 18 GUARANTEED to be pure Lead, Zinc and Oil. We will pay 8100 cash, for any quantity of whiting, chalk, barytese or other adulterants found in the MASTIC. "The best is the ' cheapest." It covers more surface and ou^weari^ two^or tbree^ thnes^ovei^^^ ^ BANNER PAINT made by MA8TIC people is a good, but cheaper paint, not pure, hasn't the covering capacity, ? but we guarantee it equal to any at same price. If you are going to paint a house, barn, fence, wagon, buggy, I plow, chair, bench or a piece of fur- ' niture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. J NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. I ALL persons, without distinction of v race or, color, are hereby warned against Hunting, Fishing, Driving, Riding or otherwise Trespassing on ' the lands owned or controlled by us, * all of which lands are in York county. Anjr disregard of this notice will be punished to the full extent of the law. J. F. A. SMITH, Mrs. SUE E. CAIN, Mrs. J. C. WHITESIDES, Dr. THOS. B. WHITESIDES, t C. F. GORDON. Dec. 13 t 4t* WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ' JTNTIL further notice our Ginnery s U will be in operation on WEDNES- ( DAYS and FRIDAYS only. VICTOR < COTTON OIL CO. Dec. 30f.t.4t i if TEA Wednesday, Thi and Saturdaj DURING these four days yoi DRESS GOODS and CLO AT ACTUAL NEW YORK We make this Special N to reduce our stock as much stock. If you need anything tord to miss this sale. If you now you can well afford to bu the goods against the time wh Don't Miss THIS SAL J. Q. WRAY, T "Strayet ONE medium size "speckled bacl seen It was peacefully lying on our A few weeks ago we put In our St< lng Machine, and Offered to Give 1 tO on/1 ^iiaea nnmhan r\ f H| U1IU VMWOO kite V.V1 1 VVb IIMIIIMVI W ber was sealed In the Memorandum Well, last Saturday the requin and we were ready to keep our pre the lucky winner as a Xmas pres? unseal the correct number and awa FOUND?We are very sorry about ALL WHO TOOK GUESSES to pi take their guesses again?FREE? Please come at once as we are We will promise to keep your gues can GIVE YOU THE MACHINE. We want to tell you h ing our business GRC credit, because you ~ square dealing and l< and many dollars roll your way in Yours tha THE POUSHEE Phone 38. P. S.?We will have a GENERAL SATURDAY?Everything In our St the Dollar?It's up to YOU. STOCK TAKING (IS OVER j And we again extend our sincere thanks to our hundreds and hundreds of customers for the veiy liberal patronage given to us during the year just closed. Stock-taking disclosed the fact that we have in stock a great many more heavy goods than we want to carry at this season of the year and with this fact in view we have decided to offer to our customers for the next TEN DAYS the following heavy winter goods at especially low figufes for Cash. Blankets, UU11IP, Dress Goods, Clothing:, Overcoats, Capes, Jackets, Pants Goods, And other seasonable g:oods too numerous to mention. We do not specify any given ; discount on the above mention- t ed goods for the reason that the 1 discount varies, but we assure all who read this advertisement that j lowhere can you buy seasonable 1 joods for LESS MONEY than j you can buy them at this store during the next TEN DAYS. 1 We ha,ve just received a new ' supply of Rubber Overshoes. STRAUSS-SMITH CO. Buggies, Harness j ana wagons. ^ fT7"E are ready for the Fall Trade t with the la.gest and most com- . ilete line of Buggies, Harness and ( iVagons we have ever shown. j The Babcock, Columbia, Hackney c ind Oxford are our Leaders; but we { lave an assortment of other grades ' vhich are hard to beat. I We are prepared to furnish you dose prices on Wagons for Cash. If < ou need any of the above goods, don't i >uy elsewhere until you have seen us. * 1 GLENN A ALLISON. \ PIANOS AND ORGANS. * TWO splendid Walnut cased Or- 4 gans yet on hands at a very rea- g lonable figure. Any reasonable time ? riven in the payment of either a Piano ? )r Organ. R. J. HERNDON. \ n SPECIAL I Jl SALE. J ursday, Friday I r, Jan. 4 to 7. ! x can buy anything in our THING DEPARTMENTS INVOICE COST. | ew York Cost Sale in order as possible before taking in these lines yon can't afdon't need the goods right y during this sale and hold j en you will need them. E. COME TOMORROW. HE LEADER. ! % i \ -i u . 4 stolen." I II - 4 IT MEMORANDUM?when last 2 $60 Premium Sewing: Machine? t>re a high-grade drop-head Sewt to the person who would trade ? f the Machine?the "lucky" num- 4 (i? 0 d numbers had all been taken, imlse by GIVING the Machine to 1 >nt?but, alas! when we went to ^ rd the prize, It COULD NOT BE g It, but all we can do Is to ask < ease CALL In OUR STORE and 0 NO TRADING REQUIRED. 1 anxious to award the Machine? *j ses under lock and key, until we q 4 ow much we thank you for mak1W so fast?we give you all the 5 show that you appreciate our 4 >w prices?may much happiness g 1905. ? nkfully, 0 CASH STORE, 5 g Yorkville, S. C. < SPECIAL NEXT FRIDAY AND 0 ore will be marked down?25c off * F. C. S. 1 i I t T*T*YtaYlinir?T*T*T*Y*Y*T*T1 { ' STATEMENT M ?p ! Loan and * yorkv1 ! ? At the Close of Busim I * ?? | rbso ^ Loans, Discounts, etc ? Bonds ? Furniture and Fixtures ? Cash on Hand and In Other Banl f ' liabz: ^ Capital ? C?-rO.K, . Dividend No. 18, Payable Jah. 2, 1 ? Bills Payable Cashier's Checks outstanding | Deposits: Individuals $139,931 I ? Banks 6,00 ? 8tata of 8outh Carolina, Oountt of York. Personally appears before m ? and Savings Bank, who being dt J Statement is true and correct to 1 ? lief. {[ Obo. W. S Hart, 5 Notary Public for 8. C. m Corkbct?Attest: M J. 8. Brioe, J. F. Wallace, 8. M. M Fruits? *? * ' It Is our constant aim and we hit the mari^?to keep the best selection of fruits t* be found in Yorkviile. You can usually And the choicest of Apples, Bananas, Oranges and other seasonable fruits at my store. Come- to Bee me when you want CHOICE fruit. I have a consignment of FLORIDA ORANGES. Purchasers by the box can get a bargain while they last I have a choice selection of Holiday goodies, including all kinds of Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Citron, etc. See me for what you want. Have just received a nice line of Olasswate and Fancy Chlnaware for the Christmas holidays, and they are marked at low prices. If you want smythlng of this kind don't fail to see svhat I hive to show you. I have a barrel of extra choice New Crop ' Nw Orleans Molasses?best of lualitiy. Con^e md see me for first class Groceries?. (W. M. KENNEDY, Agent C^A&PION ROLLER MILLS. It Zeno, 8. C. If,give us pleasure to Inform the pfublio hat our mills have been thorcugmly overhauled, and that we are prepared to furnish our patrons with the) fines flour that can be made in Lliis* coufiry. Cujitorr is solicited from all who may it? sni*! the best & G. L. RIDDLE, Proprietor. July (y f.t tf r MONET TO LOAN. if improved farms in York counl f ? Into.aot T/tana not under 11,000, 7 per cent; under SI,000, 8 per :ent. No broker's commissions. Rejayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. 3PENCER, Rock Hill, or undersigned. C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. * ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?** \ J. M. HEA' I GENERAL ME I Bsc i i ?j Stock Taking I I Until Jai I i l CLOTHING MARKED D0W1 & ? On January. 2, 1905, \ 5 stock taking, and in order | duced to the lowest possib 5 havet inaugurated lower p J Qoods side and especially I ' i 3 ment. Take a glance at th 50 Overcoats reduced froi 1 75 Men's Odd Coats redi . ' 50 Boys' Odd Coats redu 1 25 Youth's Coats reducec DRESS 1 | We are still showing a 1 handsome stock of Dress ( I . . ; j some surprising prices. ! SHC I ? - ... \ Our store is the ackm i? Shoes of all kinds, and it i unsurpassed values in ever See us before stock tak i reduction, and get the bene: J. M. HEA' \ J. L. WILLIAMS, Manage! L*A?A?A?A5A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?* /' / 1 OF CONDITION J ' THE pavings Baflk 3 LLE, S. C. 2 ess December 31st, 1904. 2 ?- I URCES: $173,911 91 | 1,000 00 3 1,200 00 j ks 54,088 20 ^ 1230,200 11 J LITIES: | 9 50,000 00 * 5.000 00 * L905 1,500 00 I 26,000 00 | 1,763 54 < 4 2 41 J 4 16 145,936 57 < $230,200 11 | 1 < K < e W. P. HARRISON, Cashier Loan J ily sworn says that the foregoing * the best of his knowledge and be- * W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. J I I * leNeel, Direotors. : !aUKA*A*A*A?A*AXAXA*AKA*A*2 * S? (6 * - .. -. | | ?-t i'. - IfcalffiralSlkK v . ' sr JHHBHhL w /wSS2m\ O Wr ^ ^ 5H\ s /J& RB89fl| That Is ALL RIGHT, vis.: Comfort, Beauty and Economy. The "REGAL" open Franklin looks as Good as an open Are?Heats as good as a heater, " and is the most Economieal Coal eonsumer on the market. It has the advantages of other heaters and no dis- \ advantages. Don't cost much either. G. H. O'LEARY. TENNESSEE HOGS. I HAVE a carload of TENNESSEE HOGS and will be glad to talk with parties desiring to purchase, either on foot or cleaned. See them at my Hog Lot. W. R. CARROLL. Dec. 13 t.f. tf NOTICE?CAUL AND PAT. PERSONS having Mortgages and other papers at my office should call for the same at once, as such papers will remain in my private possession until paid for. I will be glad to have a settlement of all due accounts. W. BROWN WYLIE. Nov. 11 f tf !? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? TH & CO., | IRCHANDISE. I . I f ( m 1 .1 HALF. I {eduction Sale f' nuary 2. f ? 11 < TO LESS THAN COST, f * %i' . t tl ve will begin our annual g that our stock may be re- 1 I >le point by that date, we | a rices throughout the Dry | t e t! r in the Clothing Depart- ? d *s: ^ I D1 $5.00 tO $2.50. I iced from $2.50 to $1.50 ? J ced from $1.50 to 75c. 1 from $2.00 to $1.00. ? I GOODS. i s ? b remarkably complete and joods, and we are making g ? ? e B ? E >ES. I' t Dwledged headquarters for g J is admitted that we give | y pair we sell. | F ^ "1 ;ing, help in the proposed j fit of our liberal discounts. ? v ra & co., 11 '' I" A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? y ADICKES' Has moved more mei than for the same perloof the big slump In pr wonderful plant on earl usual weakness of overb more valuable than now and w HAND, which mutt be moved ! omething of interest to you. QROCERIE8. Of course we c such staples a body sells at almost less than 11' use many eatables that we have coffee8 Loose barrel roaste which cannot be sc fine blends, worth 75c and $1 per nice Green. Fine Teas?straight ke^s Chocolate at 20o cake; Seed 121-2c a pound; Icing and Tell Molasses?Low mice ner barrel Candles, etc., to spare. 0RANQE3 Our stock was u boxes at reductio BOY8?See here?We reduce ] clean up?about five gi 35c a dozen?On* dollar for 36 I caps. Anything in this line left II Cane at regular price we give 50 But Here Are ] On all regular Holiday Stuff, F we offer as fojlows, till NEXT bonded warehouse for future use 11.00 or more worth at 12.50 or more worth, at 15.00 or more worth, at $10.00 or more worth, a' This brings a Dinner Set prl ?100 pieces?down to 111 ?5. Th down to $3.85 and |5JB. Our g $6.25, only figure now 94.86. A C our beautiful 97 lamps, and 83c t Also, don't forget that your D< be made up of any price stuff in want a wagon load of stuff take $10 and $2.60, in change. We mean what we state and tr not swapping gold for currency a merchandise. or We want ONE HUNDRED BEESWAX?No Eggs just now, | WITHERS ADIC S. M. McNEEL, Paw. THE LOAN ANE capital: In this case we mm _ y vantages of keep Money in Bank as comparec When you depos -3 . placed It where tiank every safeguard I Is safe, and all of ' money is not safe VS. your money?you Is considerable rl demand. With y Mnnsv At risk of havlnr It i "" Money in Bank < sure your verdict Home. ? "*> >??" <* Bank. ; W. P. K ? mmatmmmmmmm | New Year's ( Wc wish everybody a Year and extend our tha customers for such liben for so many kind words half. Rest assured our merit a continuance of have a large stock of ni portion of which is now ment. Mrs. Dobson is a wants in hats. Yoi DOBSON BROS.*! P P. S.?Reinember, we m< | Store Room, next door to Yoi ?? ? ? 1 , Carpets to Order We now have at our store a large 3t of choice CARPET SAMPLES of II qualities, ranging in grade from the heap Cotton Chain Ingrain up to the nest velvet carpets, in pnce uie ange Is from 40 cents to $1.25 a yard, lee the samples, and give us your orer. We will measure the room or hall rhere It is to go, and either order the ,'arpet regular or have it made' to fit he room or hail you want In this ay you buy Just what you want?and here is no waste. See our Samples. tewing Machines We are selling the high grade NEW IOME and WHEELER & W1L* EWING MACHINES, and if you deIre a Sewing Machine as good as the (EST, you will do well to see us. We rill make you right prices and sell you n terms to SUIT YOU. We also have heaper grades of Machines if you pre>r the cheaper grade. 'ictures, Rugs, etc. We have about the largest and most eautlful line of line RUGS and fine 'ICTURES that has ever been shown i Yorkville. If you want anything of his nature for Christmas presents to our friends, just come and see our ne. 'ianos and Organs When you consider the purchase of n ORGAN or PIANO Just give us an lea of what you want and we believe hat we can make you prices and erms so very inviting that the only hlng to be settled will be the time of elivery. We can furnish any quality r price of Instrument you desire. YORK FURNITURE CO. F. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. f You Intend to Bnild See us, as we take contracts for uildlng In wood, brick, stone and iron rom the ground up. We also draw uildlng plans. Ye Sell Flooring, Celling, Framing, Weathrboardlng, Steel Roofing, Doors, Sash, tlinds, Laths. Brick, Lime, Cement, luilder's Hardware, Tools, Building aper, Roofing Paper, Paints, Leads, (lis. Varnish, Brushes, etc. ?*" Give us your orders for Screen oors and Windows. Satisfaction and rompt work guaranteed. J. J. KELLER A CO. ARMING TOOLS AT AUCTION. [ WILL sell at Auction to the highest L bidder for CASH at the Ormand lace, 7 miles above Yorkville, on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4TH, 1905, at 10 'clock, a. m., all of my FARMING 'OOLS and MACHINERY, consisting f Plows, Binders, Mowers, Rakes, toes, etc. Mrs. G. C. ORMAND. Dec. 23 f.t 3t* tsr Subscribe for The Enquirer. 8ee our nearest Clubmaker. EMPORIUM 3CHANDI8E in the last few weeka d in many yeara?and thia in aplte ice of our fleecy ata-ple?the moat th. However, we indulged in our uying when cotton waa 25 per cent e have TOO MANY QOOD8 ON if poaaibl*--8o scan thia apaea for ori nlfAr lift]* ftp nn Ini1ii(?m*nt on Flour, Sugf^-s, etc., which everyvlng profits; hut It will pay you to in surplus. td at 12| centj as good as Arbuckle, rid squarely tor less than 16c. Our can, reduced to 65c and 90c. Some or mixed; Baker's Cocoa, Wm. Baled Raisins and Currants at 10o and ?w C Sugars. Try our fine N. O. I. Several hundred pounds Nuts, nusually sweet and we have ten n. prices on remnants?Fireworks to "Oss 5c Cane Caps?three for 1 (telexes, containing eighteen hundred .50 worth for the dollar. With every caps, so tale 'em out of the way. Reductions Right ancy China, Glass, Dolls, Toys, etc., TUESDAY, when we will put in 162-3 per oent off. 20 per cent off. 221-2 per cent off. . t 25 per cent. off. ced $16?and worth that?no fraud oee nice Chamber Seta at $5 to $7, enuine Brass Fire Sets, priced at r. 8. "V" will now carry off one of >uys a dollar one. )llar, Two, live or Ten Dollars can this line from 5 cents up. .If you i a hundred 10 cents goods worth y to state what we mean. We are .t these discounts?but nice, honest POUNDS CLEAN BUTTER AND please. IKES COMPANY. J. S. BRICC, Vicc-Pnu. ) SAVINGS BANK $60,000. would like to ahow to you the adding your money In a good, strong 1 with keeping your money at home, it your money with us, you have It Is absolutely secure and where Is thrown ai-ound Its protection. It It, or any part of it, can be had on i. We are prepared to take care of are not. Weigh the advantages of Isk, and you assume it all. Tour our money at home, you take the itolen or probably burned up. There over Money at Home, and we are will be lr. favor of the Bank. >ount with the Loan and Savings ARRI80N, .... Cashier. jREETING J *v?Afli\a?Aiio \Tnn* tl uappy auu uoja.i vuj h?,w ,-y inks to our many friends and il patronage given us and also t| spoken in Mrs. Dobson's be- I ?c? ' untiring efforts will be to p same. Tn due time we will V ce millirery to select from, a ft bought and ready for ship- I Iways Teady to attend to your ft irs for trade, | S CASH STORE. J ove January ist to the Camp ft k Furniture Co. D. B. C. S. | wmmtommmmm ? WALTER L. JACKSON, LIVERYMAN. First Class Buggies and Stylish Horses That Are Goers Are our specialties and we are living up to the special ty. When you want a turnout of any description fcive us your order. We will attend to your wants satisfactorily. Mr. T. H. Bludworth can be reached by phone at all hours. Tell him what you want. 4 ' ' IJ ' WALTER L. JACKSON. BUY YOUR FRUIT CAKE Just a? cheap as you can make It yourself and FULLY AS GOOD. I have them in three sixes?5 tbs. iced, and 1 and 2 tbs plain, all at 35o a pound. I have all the ingredient* for Fruit Cakes, if you prefer to make them yourself. WILKERSON'8 HOME MADE MOLA88LI8 AT 60 CENTS A QAL. 16c and 26c packages of PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, with MAPLE SYRUP to match. J.OUIS ROTH. FRESH SHIPMENT OF LOWNEY'S CANDIES FOR THE HOLIDAY8. YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. BOWEN, PROP., Yorkville, 8. C. , t 8ubscrib? for Tho Enquirer. 8m your nuarott Clubmakor*