-J I , to a boarding house and wait until one of them, commissioned as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, went with the dollar to the dispensary 'and purchased a quart, or at least he . returned with something that looked ? like a quart bottle, which he held aloft, and the last I saw of them all the Jury were following the gentleman with the bottle into the door of the boarding house. I may add that I was told by the lawyers that this dollar is taxed up as a part of the costs, and, although the winning party advances it, it is ultimately recovered from the party against whom judgment is rendered, v "Another thing that interested me in the South Carolina court," said Mr. Tillett, "was the practice of 'striking the Jury,' as they call it. Before the trial of each case is entered into, the clerk of the court puts into a hat the names of twenty-four Jurors, written on slips of paper, and a small boy rir~r>a nut Kinntv nt thpsp names, and " they are numbered In the order In which they are drawn. The lawyers on each side are furnished with a list, and then they proceed to strike the Jury; that Is, the plaintiffs counsel will say. 'I strike oft number six,' and the defendant's counsel will say, 'I strike oft number ten,' and each side is required to strike ofI four names, leaving twelve Jurors. This has the v advantage that the parties whose 1 names are stricken oft do not know which side It is that objects to them, [ and In this respect It seems to me to be commendable. Here In North Carolina lawyers are frequently embar- ( rassed by having to challenge Jurors by name openly, and the mere fact j that a lawyer has challenged a juror in , one case makes him a little afraid to : accept the same Juror In another case, for fear some offense has been given by a previous challenge In the first case. "There is another practice which prevails In South Carolina," added Mr. Tillett, "which I am certainly glad has not been adopted here. I refer to the manner of charging the Jury. In that state, the judge cannot refer to the 'southwest corner* of the facts of the particular case which he is trying, and ^ in his efforts to tell the Jury what the law is, he is required by the constitution of that state to recite abstract propositions of law, and if he attempts to apply these to the evidence In the case, a new trial will be given by the supreme court. I heard a South Carolina lawyer of large experience say that he did not think that the Judge's charge to the jury in that state was i any assistance whatever to the Jury < In reaching a conclusion, because it i would require a fairly good lawyer to ] be able to apply the abstract proposl- > tlons of law to the tacts of the case. j "Referring to the big (55,000 verdict I may add," said Mr. Tillett, "that I believe that is the largest verdict that was ever rendered In the south In a damage suit, and yet when we consider what elements of damage are permitted under the South Carolina statutes, It Is really not surprising. In the first place, the Jury are permitted to give compensatory damages, which, 1 by the way. Is the only element of i damage which the Jury can consider i In North Carolina, In rendering a 1 verdict In a death case, but In South ? Carolina the Jury can also add such 1 damages as they may deem proper i tnr tho mpntaJ anguish and grief of < the beneficiaries caused by the death : of the relative. In the Brickman case, there was a wife and three or four f children, and the Jury were allowed to assess in money the mental anguish and grief of each one of these in the loss of the husband and father, j On top of this, the jury were allowed j to give what the lawyers call puni- \ tlve or vindictive damages. Brickman i had lost his life by the falling in of < a trestle, in which it seems there were many rotten timbers, and the Jury were permitted to punish the railroad company for its alleged recklessness in having such a bridge, by adding a large sum to the verdict." LOCAL LACONICS. J York County Minerals. \ Mr. Barle Sloan, state geologist, has 1 been working in the upper part of York 1 county with which he completes a ge- < ological section which he has exploit- < ed from the Savannah river to the c North Carolina line, comprising one of t the best mineralized zones in the state, I and which Includes the lower parts of ] Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburg and i Cherokee, and the upper parts of Ab- 1 beville. Greenwood, Laurens, Union t and York counties. Mr. Sloan states i that the detail features of all of the ] York county mineral deposits cannot i be completed this season, but should constitute the logical starting point of the survey for the ensuing season. He regards the Wolf and King's creek i * area as affording an inviting field for mining enterprises, in the development of gold and iron deposits. He insists that the reserve of high grade ( Bessemer ores will soon exact a market. The gold properties which are now being systematically worked are the "Brown," "Magnolia," "Schlegelmilch" and "Ferguson." The latter has recently been equipped with a cyan Ide plant, the first established In thl9 state. Mr. Sloan Is confident that the successful development of these prop- ' _ erties will Inspire substantial confidence In the possibilities of a number of deposits which he examined along King, Wolf, Gulon Moore and Crowder*8 creeks. The state geologist's field wagon Is In charge of Mr. M. S. Gun- . ter of Aiken county, who Is a brawny, capable and highly trusted field assist- ; ant. and who Is intermittently employ- ; ed for the work. Mr. Sloan spoke In ; terms of high appreciation of the ; courtesies extended him by Senator Brlce. who cordially facilitated him In t securing valuable Information. AT THE CHURCHES. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. C. EWART, PASTOR. Prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. ? TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. + REV. J. L. STOKES, D. D., PASTOR. Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. O. NEVILLE, D. D., PASTOR. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Special Notices. U. D. C. Meeting. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet on FYiday, Dec. 16th, at 4 o'clock, at the residence of Miss Bessie Barron, and a full attendance is desired. It $hf gorfttfille Cotton $Rarhft. m Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messra. Latta Bros. Yorkville, Dec. 13. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: 71 Strict Middling 7g Good Middling 7J Latta Bros. . PINE WOOD WANTED. WE want 1.000 CORDS OF PINE WOOD and will pay highest market price for same delivered on our vards. YORK COTTON MILLS. Dec. 13. t.f. 2t TENNESSEE HOGS. I HAVE a carload of TENNESSEE HOGS and will be glad to talk with parties desiring to purchase, either on foot or cleaned. See them at my Hog Lot. W. R. CARROLL. IDec. 13 t.f. tf N \ WANTED A FEW Indian Game Hens, Pucks, XX Turkeys and also a few pet Rabbits. Meet me at Withers Adlckes's store on Friday, December 16. Very truly C. W. WALLACE. Dec 13 t It* PIANOS AND ORGANS. "YT^ VERY Instrument I sell goes out Jy under a guarantee as to good qualities. Nothing shoddy?nothing cheap, only the price. R. J. HERNDON. STOCK AND PRODUCE EXCHANGE Over L. A S. Bank, Yorkvllle. WE have perfected an arrangement whereby we become the Yorkvllle correspondents of Yates & Richie, of the New York Stock and Cotton Exchanges. All orders Intrusted to us go to this well known firm, which executes them promptly. W. O. GATTf8 A CO., Gastonia, N. C. Dec. 13 f.t tf NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ALL persons, without distinction of race or color, are hereby warned against Hunting, Fishing, Driving, Riding or otherwise Trespassing on the lands owned or controlled by us, all of which lands are In York county. Any disregard of this notice will be punished to the full extent of the law. .7. F. A. SMITH. Mrs. SUE E. CAIN, Mrs. J. C. WHITESIDES, Dr. THOS. B. WHITESIDES, C. F. GORDON. Dec. 13 t 4t* CABBAGE PLANTS. From tha Best Tar ud Seeds. NOW ready ror snipmeui, luge, strong, healthy, thef>e plants are grown In the open air and will stand severe freeze without injury. Early Jersey Wakefield, Largre Type or Charleston Wakefield, which are the best known varieties of early cabbages, also Henderson's Succession, the best large, late and sure header, Augusta Early Trucker, also a fine type of late variety. Neatly packed in light baskets. $1.50 per M, for five thousand or over, >1.25 per M, F. O. B. Express Office. Special prices made on large lots. CHAS. M. GIBSON, Young's Island, S. C. Dec. IS f.t 3m UNDERTAKING UNDERTAKING in all Its branches from the cheapest Pine Coffin to the finest State Casket. Robes for children, ladles and gentlemen of all ages. Slippers, etc. Hearse and Hearse Wagon, Grave Mounds. Funeral Notices, etc. We do Embalming. State License No. 56. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. Holiday Giving. You,could hardly find a store anywhere that could better suit your taste and purse in the matter of presents for friends. My stock is so v-ary large and varied and there Is such u wide range >f prices that selection can but be easy here. Come and see If you haven't already seen, and if you have come an>ther time and bring your friends with I'OU. rhere are Many Gift suggestions to be seen here f you will but come and look around, and besides having a very rich stock to select from, you will also find that my prices are very moderate. ' At least, :OME AND SEE. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. MASTIC PAINT S GUARANTEED to be pure Lead, Sine and Oil. We will pay $100 cash, tor any quantity of whiting, chalk, parytese or other adulterants found n the MASTIC. "The best Is the cheapest." It covers more surface and >utwears two or three times over the :heap so-called paints made to sell ind not to last. BANNER PAINT made by MA8TIC people Is a good, but cheaper paint, lot pure, hasn't the covering capacity, Put we guarantee It equal to any at taire price. If you are going to paint i house, barn, fence, wajon, buggy, plow, chair, bench or a piece of furilture, see us. THE YORK FURNITURE CO. 3. E. Wilkins, W. I. Wikherspoon. President. V. President. "Why Pay More" BUY BANK MONEY ORDERS FROM rhe First National Bank of Yorkvillo AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: Under $5.00 3c $5.00 to $10.00 5c $10.00 to $ 25.00 10c $25.00 to $ 50.00 15c $50.00 to $ 75.00 20c $75.00 to $100.00 25c GOOD ALL OVER THE WORLD. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. Carpets to Order We now have at our store a large lot of choice CARPET SAMPLES of all qualities, ranging in grade from the cheap Cotton Chain Ingrain up to the finest Velvet Carpets. In price the range is from 40 cents to S1.25 a yard. See the samples, and give us your order. We will measure the room or hall where it is to go, and either order the Carpet regular or have It made to fit the room or hall you want. In this way you buy Just what you want?and there is no waste. See our Samples. Sewing Machines We are selling the high grade NEW HOME and WHEELER & WIL.SEWING MACHINES, and if you desire a Sewing Machine as good as the BEST, you will do well to see us. We will make you right prices and sell you on terms to SUIT YOU. We also have cheaper grades of Machines if you prefer the cheaper grade. Pictures, Rugs, etc. We have about the largest and most beautiful line of fine RUGS and fine PICTURES that has ever been shown in Yorkvllle. If you want anything of this nature for Christmas presents to your friends. Just come and see our iine. Pianos and Organs When you consider the purchase of an ORGAN or PIANO Jusv. give us an idea of what you want and we believe that we can make you prices and terms so very inviting that the only thing to be settled will be the time of delivery. We can furnish any quality or price of instrument you desire. YORK furniture: CO. FOR RENT. THE METTS Residence. For definite term, but to terminate In case of sale. Possession given at once by occupant for the time being, as long as this notice runs. For particulars apply to C. E. SPENCER. Aug. 12 f.t. tf MONEY TO LOAN. ON improved farms In York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,008, 7 per cent: under 81,000, 8 per cent. No broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPENCER, Rock Hill, or undersigned, C. E. SPENCER. Attv. at Law. FOR SALE. A LIMITED quantity of brick at the McClain Old Brickyard on the southern outskirts of Yorkvllle. W. THOMPSON JACKSON. Dec. C t 3t* A SPECIAL OFFER TO XMAS SHOPPERS. JC. ROBINSON, Jeweler, Cheater, S. C., (successor to R. Brandt) makes special offer to Christmas shoppers In Yorkvllle and Joining county. Will pay R. R. fare both ways where purchase Is made of $12 or more. We have one of the finest Jewelry stores In the upper part of the State, and prices that are satisfactory to everybody. Come down to Chester. We have the goods and prices. Will duplicate any Catalogue prices you may have. J. C. ROBINSON, Jeweler, Chester, S. C. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. KEMEMBER you must not delay too long In giving your orders for Christmas work. Come right along and have your work finished In good time. Make your selection from Calendars, Folders, Panels, Cabinets, etc. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Miss R08A J. LINDSAY. 'Phone 132. FOR SALE OR RENT. SEVEN room house on West Madison street. Apply to J. W. DOBSON. Dee. 9 f.t tf 'A Per . .u Cent ON MEN'S, BOYS' CLOT We Want to Great Out Our Entire St Stock-Taking Tii Wise You Will Dl ing and Quick Bi REDUCTION 15 All the Clothing enume in September last. We o bargain was shoved at us diculous to let slip?We 1 entire lot on our counters _i u w auuvc tuoi?it was a u fered the bargains to our ci highly pleased at the way advantage of our clothing have a .good quantity of t we want to turn it into mo as we take stock during I order to help matters along discount on all Clothing a boys, and we want to call that a 10 per cent discoui ready very low means tha very low prices here if you the list below and read it c MEN'S CL Lot 400?Sack suit of Union Twll ture, regular price >2.50, redut Lot 403?Sack suit of Cotton Cla regular price $3. reduced to $2 Lot 404?Same as above, square cu Lot 406?Sack suit Blue Twill Che Lot 432?Sack suit Wool Kersey, ? Lot 503?Sack suit, of All Wool Ti price >5.50, now $4.95. ? -A *** "?i. ? 11- rtaotiti LOX ? ? I OttfR suit VI If UVl vootix stripes of olive and garnet, re Lot 450?Sack suit of Wool Thlb duced to $4.95. Lot 451?Same as above, double bi Lot 471?Sack suit of fancy Wool with gray, having invisible s price 16, reduced to $5.40. Lot 473?Same as above, but navy and green hairlines, regular pi Lot 8010?Round sack suit of Wa Clay Worsted, fine grade dia price $7, reduced to $6.30. Lot 604?Round sack suit of 16Worsted, regular price $3, red Lot 563?Sack suit of All-Wool Bl duced to $7.65. Lot 555?Round sack suit of All' regular price $8.50, reduced to Lot 562?Suit of Army and Na^ breasted, regular price $9. redi Lot 643?Sack suit of black. Frenc price $10. reduced to $9. YOUTHS' < Three Piece Suits, Long Pants, Lot 300? Sack suit of Union Twil ture, regular price $2.50, redu< Lot 301?Round sack suit of Black reduced to $3.15. Lot 303?Sack suit of Union Melt red overplaid, regular price $3 Lot 307?Sack suit of Wool Cash with golden threads In herrln duced to $3.60. Lot 340?Sack suit of Black Thibe $5. reduced to $4.50. Lot 343?Sack suit of gray Stripe ed to $3.60. CHILDREN'S Children's Knee Pants Suits. Lot 804?Round sack, red mixed Lot 805?Double breasted suit Gra Lot 2001?Double breasted, sailor lar price $1.25, now $1.13. Lot 914?Double breasted suit of $1.25, reduced to $1.13. Lot 823?Double breasted suit of reduced to $1.35. Lot 811?Double breasted suit of $1.50, reduced to $1.35. Lot 834?Double breasted suit of 1 duced to $1.80. Lot 841?Double breasted suit of reduced to $1.80. Lot 856?Double breasted suit W reduced to $2.48. Lot 889?Double breasted suit of price $3 reduced to $2.70. I ?a- r? 1 - ? r* ? ?..u- n uui :TTO?nusMau newer DUIIM, d duced to $3.15. OVER* Lot 868?Men's Overcoats, Blue B to $4.05. Lot 714?Men's Overcoats, Black ed to $5.40. Lot 716?Men's Overcoat, Brown to $5.40. Lot 732?Men's Overcoats, Blue 1 to $6.75. Lot 736?Men's Overcoats, Black ed to $7.65. Lot 793.?Men's Ulster of All-Woi cut extra full and long, regula Lot 746?Men's Rain Coat of goo< ford dotted stripe, skeleton lln Lot 962?Youth's Overcoat of Blac to $3.60. Lot 974?Children's single breaste In dark brown, regular price $ THE STRAUSS-S WE HAVE WINTER TURF SEED OATS. MILL FEED We have another shipment of that good kind of MILL FEED that we have been selling. You know it is the kind that makes good hogs because it is not the kind that contain? nothing but "mill dust." Our MILL FEED is the real article. Georgia Cane Syrup We have received a barrel of new crop GEORGIA CANE SYRUP? this is the syrup that makes you enjoy your breakfast pan cakes. Heinz'a Goods Everybody who knows anything of the name HEINZ, knows that the products of this brand are the BEST to be had. We have Heinst's SAUER KRAUT and Helnt's BARREL PICKLES?nuff said. cEDAiianiu a r.LINTON. r bnviw wwii w w?>i* . ?... W Subscribe for The Enquirer. See your nearest Clubmaker. WIT AND CHILDREN'S HINQ ly Reduce or Close ;ock of Clothing By lie, and If You are i Some Quick Looklying. > FOR 10 DAYS. irated below was purchased nly purchased it because a that it would have been ribought them and put the s of o uprv ?a1 icrVit advance . ?,v j ?e>~ argain purchase and we ofustomers and we have been our customers have taken r bargains. But we still his clothing on hand, and ney before Christmas Day, :he week following, and in \ have put on a 10 per cent nd Overcoats for men and your attention to the fact tit from prices that are alt you can buy Clothing at come quick enough. See arefully. A)THING. 1 Melton, serviceable Oxford Mix;ed to $2.25. y Worsted, fast black, round cut, .70. t, regular price $3, reduced to $2.70. vlot, regular price $3.50, now $3.15. fray, regular price $4.50, now $4.05. rlcot, dark Oxford mixture, regular nere In dark blue, with alternating gular price $5.5?, reduced to $4.96. et, black, regular price $5.50, re easted, regular price $6, now $5.40. Cashmere, in dark brown, dotted itripes of olive and gray, regular blue, neatly striped with gray, red Ice $6, reduced to $5.40. shlngton Mills, All-Wool 14-ounce gonal weave, fast black, regular ounce All-Wool Washington Clay uced to $7.20. ack Thibet, regular price $8.50, re-Wool 20-ounce Dark Blue Serge, 37.65. /y Indigo Blue Flannel, doubleiced to $8.10. h Back. 16-ounce Worsted, regular CLOTHING. Ages 14 to 19: II Melton, serviceable Oxford Mlxued to $2.25. : Twill Cheviot, regular price $3.50. on. In grayish brown, with a neat .50, reduced to $3.15. imere, darkish brown effect mixed gbone design, regular price $4, re:t ,a rich, deep black, regular price d Kersey, regular price $4, reduc$ CLOTHING. twill, regular 75c, reduced to 68c. Ly Union Melton, $1, now 90c. collar suit of Union Melton, reguBlack Clay Worsted, regular price Union Melton, regular price $1.50, Blue Twill Cheviot, regular price ?"ancy Kersey, regular price $2, reWashed Melton, regular price $2, ool Cashmere, regular price $2.75, Fancy Wool Cashmere, regular lue Serge, regular price 13.50, reDOATS. 0 leaver, regular price $4.50, reduced Beaver, regular price $6, reducBeaver, regular price $6, reduced leaver, regular price $7.50. reduced Beaver, regular price $8.50, reduc3l Heavy Whitney, Double Breasted, r price $8,-reduced to $7.20. J waterproof cloth, dark with Oxed, regular price $10, reduced to $9, k Beaver, regular price $4, reduced d Cape Overcoat of Union Melton 2, reduced to $1.80. MITH COMPANY. CHRI5TT1A. When you are looking arc your friends, it will save this store. You will fir tion of holiday goods Christmas souvenirs foi will find nothing here tl gant price?but many th Our stock includes man) tionery?box papers, p< opes; hand mirrors, com I purses, pocketbooks, har Visit our store when shoppi quality, variety and pric We wish you a joyful JAS. M. STARR & CC By Warmin WITH TRACERS we have fount ment of SANTA CLAU8 8UPPLI We are now In shape to take t and LOW PRICES. We have lo CHIEF IN COMMAND of the vot present idea of retiring1 In Any of Our Vai We have seldom if ever been i A Short Squib. Since writing the above a da; GOODS have arrived and we ratht er come. The fact is (the long i bought on the basis of 10 cents cc 8HALL INTERE8T BUYER8. For the Good Wo One cask of Chamber Sets?attr Brass Fire Sets, nice CSarving sets, orated Dinner Sets?medium pri twisted in all shapes. Fireworks. WE ARE LOADED and our Cou division on a fair basis. Five gro For the Girls. We have more than for any ot and this scribe loving them most. For the Boys. We want each fellow to get 01 out of the writer's way for a week properly and is adjudged the moel ous piece of mechanism, will be Crackers or its value in other Fire RAISINS?Ws have Twenty-I In our lines we like to be the bigg< WITHERS A.DIC 2 ?T , |g^j??raa 5 SfflHEl] o ialglgsraBI 0 I sag S as ssgsII 3 That Is ALL RIGHT, via.: Comfort, Beauty and Economy. The "REGAL" open Franklin looks as Good as an open fire?Heats as good as a heater, and is the most Economical Coal consumer on the market. It has the advantages of other heaters fend no disadvantages. Don't cost much either. G. H. O'LEARY. TINWORK AND PLUMBING. GIVE me your orders for ROOFING. GUTTERING and all kinds of Tin work. Will give you prompt attention. 1 also want your orders for any kind of Water and Steam Piping, Repairing, etc. W. O. RAWLS. IF? ? We Mean ^ \ 1 | What We o J From our big assortnit | Assortment." Listen, Ct condition that you BR ONE DOLLAR?onl i.i Doll to every FAMIL % Our Souvenir assortim r and jointed bodies?so | you get one for <# r f ynAa 1 n r\nv i'Xj V- t.iouv ON OUR 5c BARGAIN Jumping Ropes, Doll Tops, Horns, Banks, T tiers, Animals, Masks, Pictures, Xmas Cards others. ON OUR 10c COUNTEI all of the articles ment s larger and better?^ - Poppers, Games, Che ' Card Racks, Swords, r Cups and Saucers, Sf Toy Trunks and hundi IN OUR 15c ASSORT! at 25 cents?2J fat I Trunks, Tool Sets, | Phone 38 5 GIVING >und for appropriate gifts for ; you time if you'll just visit id here quite a choice selecthat are quite suitable for friends and relatives. You lat is notable for its extravaings notable for their beauty. r beautiful pictures, fine sta3Und papers, tablets, envel3sand brushes, toilet articles, id satchels, fine colognes, etc. ng?we can interest you in CM. holiday season. Leading Druggists. g the Wires 1 a large and long-delayed shlpES. :he Blue RlbbonB for great variety ng held our commission here as aries of St. Nicholas and have no t Iouh Lines. so lavish In our purchases. V or two ago, most of our XMAS sr hope that the shortage will nevand short of the matter) that we >tton and our variety and PRICE8 men. active In style and prices; beautiful Jardinieres?three patterns; Decced, and fancy Glass and China intry Merchant friends can get a ss Cap Canes, 5 cents to 25 cents. her class of mortals?Santa Claus l to a BRI8T BOOMERANG?get or so?and the fellow who throws : adept with this simple, but curlgiven a whole box of 2,600 Fire .works. ive Cases to spare. Remember, set part of the ''Whole Thing." KE8 COMPANY, COTTON SEED. WILL pay the highest CASH price for SEED In any quantity. B. N. MOORE, THROW DOWN THE OLD HOE ? ' And hitch to the PLANET JR. HOR8E HOE AND CULTIVATOR, and at the end of the season figure your savings In labor, feed bill and hand hoeing. If the results are not pleasing, you are the first dissatisfied customer. Read Mr. Shear's testimonial below, and don't expect to wait until you are ready for the Cultivator before purchasing. My first shipment Is sold. I have another following and will be glad to show them to any who contemplate buying. Mr. S. W. INMAN, Yorkvllle, S. C. Dear Sir:?The Planet Jr. Cultivator perfect satisfaction. It does the work I ly a labor saving implement. Mine is it. I find it saves a large amount of h day the grass has but little showing. 45 acres in cultivation. Signed, S. W. INMAN, 8ole Agent foi THIS -A*ID. GO OH ilEl V! whafws MEA UR CHRISTMAS int of Doll Babies we have sele liMrerr The bi? ass 111141 Wile awaiting you ING or SEND this Ad. and at y one ad will be accepted fron: Y in York county. (Write yoi int of Dolls consists of large 1 me with pretty dresses?some l >y Store. Framed Pictures g\ Plucques, Meda toh tures," Shell > Saucers?Vases! This it our stro ON THE ?5c COt ry" Cups and Si Novelties, Plaoq Many, many oth COUNTER? FOR 25c?You get Is. Trumpets, ter s worth In D< ea Sets. Rat- plov* an FOR 25 CENTS. N f "We?.K_eep u 1 WUI - -X" STOCK IS HERE icted our best 25-centers?we ca ortment of hundreds of prettj r coming?You may have yoi : same time purchase goods in 0 1 the same family, but we wan? jr papa's or mamma's name and ?id Bodies, boys and girls?w aegrocs?all would be cheap at f Below we mention "One in a h tides which we sell: 1, Rustic Novelties, Framed (gli llions, "Yard Pic- Gilt Edge, V foveltles, Cups and bums?many Vases!! Vases!!!? 30 cent*, ngest line. We have a prel ?from 25c to JNTER?"Strawber- DOLLS from 1 iucers, Burnt Wood kin{j, of mata [ues, Vases, etc.? drewed and i ers and more comJust received a most anythln more than a quar- from 5c to J )lls, Pictures, Vases, kerchief Boxes, Al- The half hi goods rolling , you more abo '3k DON'T FORGE PB\ G^old1) * r JS?\ /iL^V We have a g< ^ ** vaii'11 r*nt Kqva iw y 0 ? WE'RE LOOKI P. a?We'll 1 Xmaa goods * lit Framed Fancy many other art glass), 13x16 Oak ?READ NEXT 1 ish Store - ' J. 8. BRICK, Vice-Pre*. SAVINGS BANK $50,OOP ped and prepared to handle the anions, Arms and Individuals, and the customer?be his deposit large or ly and intelligently looked after, omers liberally?for as they prosid stand ready to grant any accomit with sound banking. We have Satisfied Customers, with good ballr names on our books, but we be, and would like to have more buslth pleasure to pur customers as to ve you. to call or write us with a view to IARRISON Cashier. j Christmas J J Is Almost 5 i Here. J ^ Orders for Xmas hats I i promptly filled. Last lot 4 i of new goods in for Xmas. ^ i Felt hats at reduced A J prices. J J New Ribbons?new Veils a f ?new Ideas. J Laundry received and de- J f livered here, j 'Call on us. J { Dobson Bros. { Stationery. We Have juat received a large shipment of STATIONERY, consisting of a beautiful assortment of BOX PAPERS in all sizes and shapes at prioee from 10 cents to $240. POUND PAPERS in White, Cream and Blue, with Envelopes to matoh. TABLET8 of all descriptions. Ledgers and Blank Books from 100 pages to 800 pages at prioes to suit. YORK DRUG STORE, Yorkville, 8. C. BUY YOUR FRUIT CAKE Just as cheap as you can make It yourself and FULLY AS' GOOD. I have them in three sixes?6 Tbs. toed, and 1 and 2 tbs plain, all at 35o a pound. I have all the Ingredients for Fruit Cakes, if you prefer to make them yourself. ? WILKERSON* HOME MADE MO LA88E8 At BO CENT8 A GAL. I ^ 15c and 25c packages of PREPARED BUCK'VmEAT FLOUR, with MAPLE SYRUP to match. v* x LOUIS ROTH. HAVING THE LARGEST SUPPLY Of Gun and Revolver repairs In the up-country I am prepared to repair from the cheapest to the most delicate hammerless guns. I will not botch up your gun. Cap furnish parts for all makes of guns no matter how old it la I have a Parker hammer gun, 28-in. barrel, cylinder bore for <25. [R. D. ALEXANDER. | m IMISES!" ! | .11 it "Souvenir Doll / Dolls are an display lr choice FREE?On ur store amounting to to GIVE ode 25-cent postoffice on this ad.) ith long, flowing hair rom 25c 10 50c cawu? undred"of the Christissed) Picture* 7*12 elvet Bound Photo Alother thing* cheap at tty lot of cheap Albums $1.25 each. cent to $5, made of all irals and in all atylaa? indrat?d. ssortment of Jewelry? g suitable for presents >5.00 each. is not been told?more Li every day?will t?H ut 'em In next ad. T THE FREE DOLL? d and buy $1 worth of sod force of clerks and I to wait Ion*. >u all?Watch Next Ad. NQ FOR YOU.. I ta.ee the *N*ga#t lot (St " re've ever sh