Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 18, 1904, Image 3

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AT THE CHIRCHE8. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. o. neville, d. d., pastor. Sunday Services?Morning services at 11 o'clock. Sunday school In the afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Sunday Services?Lay service In the morning at 11 o'clock. Special meeting of the congregation Immediately after service. Sunday school at 4 p. m. No other service. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. \ rev. j. l. stokes, d. d., pastor. Sunday Services?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. w rbv. w. c. bwart, pastor. Sundat Services.?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. No other services. BAPTIST. rev. w. b. hurt, pa8tor. Sunday Services?Sunday school In I the morning at 10 o'clock. Services each first and third Sunday at 11 o'clock in the morning and at 7.00 in ^ the evening, instead of the second and fourth Sundays as heretofore. Social SJofices. School on Saturday. The Yorkvllle Graded school will be in session tomorrow, Saturday, in order to make up for holiday Friday after Thanksgiving. J. C. Allen. Supper at Sharon. The Children's society and Y. P. C. U. will serve fish and oysters at the A. R. P. Manse, Sharon. S C? on Thanksgiving Day?Thursday, Nov. 24th. from 6 p. m. to 10 p. m. 2t J. S. Gribr. Preaching Days at Union. The preaching days at Union Baptist church have been changed as follows: Second Sunday in each month at 3.30 o'clock p. m., and on the fourth Sunday of each month at 11 a. m. A. J. Sturgis. Letter to G H O'Leary, Yorkvllle, S C, Dear Sir: "Three-quarter paint" is a good phrase for the beet outside of Devoe. la fh<? standard: mark it 100. The next-best?there are several not far apart?are three-quarter paints; you may mark them 75 to Devoe's 100. The bulk of the paints in market are 40 or 50 or 60; a few are better than 60; a few are worse than 40. How do they act? They cover from InV one to three-quarters as much as Devoe; and they last from one to threequarters as long; as Devoe. Whtft are they worth? The same rule don't hold; It costs more to puton some paints than they are worth; they are not worth anything; the "put-on" costs two or three times as much as the paint. Yours truly ^ F W Devoe & Co, P. S.?J. J. Keller & Co. sell our paint. 24 > ?????? ?hf gorbuille dfotlon Jftarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkvilue, Nov. 18. 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 91 Strict Middling 98 Good Middling 9J ' Latta Bros. HYMENEAL. Married?At the residence of the bride's mother, near Ramah, on Wednesday afternoon at 2,30, by Rev. P. B. Ingraham, Mr, ERNEST A. TIRZAH and Miss SUSIE ADAMS, All of York county. By H. E. Johnson, notary public, Nov. 12, 1904, Mr. J. C. LEETER and Miss LIZZIE COOK. All of York county. OBITUARY. Died?Near .Smyrna on Nov. 17. Mrs. NANCY DOVER, aged sixtyeight years. BLACKSMITH WANTED. GOOD business guaranteed. Address, J. THORNWELL CRAWFORD, McConnellsville, S. C. Nov. 18 f.t 2t* NOTICE?CALL AND PAY. " T>ERSONS having Mortgages and .L other papers at my office should call for the same at once, as such papers will remain in my private possession until paid for. I will be glad to have a settlement of all due accounts. W. BROWN WYUE. Nov. 11 f tf PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. IF the children haven't been photographed lately Is it not your duty r to have It done now? Lifelike portraits of the little tots are like good Investments?they Increase in value as time goes on. In years to come these photos of the children will be priceless! All customers given polite and prompt attention. Phone No. 132. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. WANTED TO employ OPERATIVES for York __ Cotton Mills. Steady work assured, good wages paid, comfortable houses furnished at low rent, and employees paid every two weeks. Some families at the Mill make from $40 to $60 every two weeks after paying rent and fuel. Business can be learned very quickly, even by persons having no previous experience. For further information apply to P. H. PHILLIPS. Supt., York Cotton Mills, Yorkvllle, S. C. Nov. 4 f 3t SHERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. Joseph M. Sims. Plaintiff vs. John P. Ross and Allen B. Crosby, Defendants. BY virtue of an execution to me directed and duly levied on November 10. 1904, I will offer at public outcry to the highest bidder, between the legal hours of sale on MONDAY. DECEMBER 5TH, 1904, the following described property: All of the right, title and interest of J. B. Ross in that certain lot of land, together with the buildings thereon, situated in the town of Sharon. S. C.. on the north side of the Three C's railroad. beginning at a stake on Shelbv road and running N42? E 315 feet to a stake; thence N52? W 105 to a stake: thence S42? W 315 to a stake on said Shelby road: thence with said road, 52? E 105 feet to the beginning corner, and containing ONE ACRE more or less. Terms of Sale: CASH. JNO. R. LOGAN. S. Y. C. Nov. 18 f 3t % ' There's No Doubt About the Qualities. J&f Of Goods Yon Buy At Wray's." L_> If you will buy your Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishings, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, or any other article in our line at this store, you may feel sure of getting the BEST of quality at the LOWEST prices. We call your attention to the following: La lies' Jackets in all the most de?ir?h'e shades and the latest styles at from $1.50 to $10.00 each. See them. Children's Reefers In tan, red and blue?very stylishly made?something that che younger ladies will be pleased with?prices $1 up to $2 each. We have a few extra choice Dress Patterns?somewhat above the average In quality?very stylish and will make handsome suits?prices $6.00 and $7.00 the pattern. See them. Here is a good value?38 inch Shower-proof Cloth in blue, only 65c yard. We have Trico Flannel in all shades, at only 25 cents a yard. Ladles' Sweaters?they're very popular now?In red, blue, Oxford and white?very fine quality?only $2 and $2.50 each. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. NOTICE. IW. E rown Wylie, Admr. vs. J. N. McDlll et al?Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all and singular the creditors of R. K. SEAHORN, deceased, that they are required to present and establish their claims before me at Clerk's Office, York County, against said deceased, on or before the 26TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1904, or be forever barred. W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. PLS. Nov. 11 f 2t FOR SALE. MY HOME at McConnellsville. Good location for farming and merchandising. Best of school and church facilities. Apply at once. O. L. SANDERS, McConnellsville, S. Q. Nov. 11 f. 2t Brown Ai Brown plain and Broad Silks, Brown Foliage, E Braids, Brown Veils, I Turbans, and new line Brown Ribbons fresh thinoric Hnnp iin in Rro fc r Cash Millinery Store. Our hand-made Silk Hats ai Bros.'s Cash Store. Call at store Saturday for yoi DOBSON B No. 6931. Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Yorkvllle, In the State of South Carolina, at the close of business, November 10th, 1904. Resources: Loan? and Discounts 3118,176 33 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,324 50 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds... 843 75 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 2,500 00 Due from State Banks and Bankers 12,498 2a Due I'rom approved reserve agents 1,241 97 Checks and other cash Items 979 59 Notes of other National Banks 2,130 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 37 52 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz.: Specie 35,703 55 Legal-tender notes 1,050 00 6,753 55 Redemption fund with U. S, Treasurer (5% of circulation) 625 00 Total 3159,610 43 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in 3 50,000 00 Surplus fund 1,000 00 Undivided Droflts, less ex pei. ses and taxes paid 3,730 53 National Bank notes outstanding 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check.$57,695 91 Time certificates of deposit 13,726 51 71.422 42 Cashier's checks outstanding 357 48 Bills payable, including certificates of deposit for money borrowed 20,000 00 Liabilities other than those above stated 600 00 Total ' $159,610 43 State of South Carolina, County of York. I, R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier of the above-named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me Ihis 18th day of November, 1904. J. Steele Brice, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: W. I. Witherspoon, W. R. Carroll, O. E. Wilkins, Directors. Nov. 18 f It 0. E. Wilkins, W. I. Witherspoon, President. V. President. The First National Bank of Yorkville CAPITAL $50,000. We Loan Money On Cotton. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. Jtir Bank Money Orders Sold?Good Everywhere. FOR RENT. TI E METTS Residence. For defli te term, but to terminate In case of sa e. Possession given at once by occupant for the time being, as long as this notice runs. For particulars apply to C. E. SPENCER. Aug. 12 f.t tf CHRISTY BROS.'S MINSTRELS At the Opera House Saturday Night, Nov. 19. HERE IS ONE OF THE BEST MINSTREL TROUPES ON THE ROAD. It has been organized for more than thirty years and stands at the top wherever minstrelsy is regarded highest. They have one of the FINEST CHORUSES ever heard in a Minstrel Show, and lots of new jokes that keep the audience in roars of laughter. Comedians GEORGE and AL CHRISTY are the STARS, but they have good backing in the famous Newsboy Quartette, John Hogan, the Brothers Smith, English Acrobats, and other features, making an all round FIRSTCLASS SHOW. ONE NIGHT ONLY?SATURnAV. NOV. 19. Reserved Seats NOW ON SALE at YORK FURNITURE CO. Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry Some cough and cold remedies "stop" a cough without removing the cause. It is easy to stop a cough, but it is difficult to remove the underlying cause of the trouble. STARR'S SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY Not only STOPS the cough, bpt it REMOVES the cause of the trouble?that is better than just stopping an irritating cough. This remedy is the perfect one for recent and chronic coughs and colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, influenza, loss of voice, irritability of the throat and inflamed condition of the lungs and throat. Price 25 CENTS for Large Bottle. We have another carload of Fertilizers for grain. It is fresh, full strength, perfectly dry and in good sacks. See us for what you want. JAS. M. STARR & CO.. Leading Druggists. ^RIVALS Tail Velvets, Brown Taffeta irown Roses, Brown Chenille irown Outing Hats, Brown : of Trimmed Brown Hats, from headquarters. Everywn style at Dobson Bros.'s re still in the lead at Dobson ir Laundry. ROTHERS. fw A tpu i?? H1V114JU If you want to buy a WATCH, either in nickel, silver, gold filled or solid gold case, you will find It to your best interest to see me before you buy. I can furnish you any grade of American Waltham or Elgin movement, or any grade of the cheaper movements. Every watch I sell Is sold exactly on its own merits. It is represented as being Just what it is without misrepresentation of any kind. If you want a real fine watch?one of the accurate to a second kind?I can furnish Just what you want in a case to suit you. If you want a very cheap watch to give to your boy I can also furnish that, as I have them from NINETY CENTS on upward. Before you buy any kind of timepiece see me. I will save you money on the purchase and also sell you Just what you buy. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. "MONDAY'S THE HOUR OF "A "DARaAIN" [ ? DUNCH, No. 1 j'^Uc "Bound for Foushee's Special." "dargain" i datch no. 2 f Crushed Velvet, all the Newest Green, Black, Blue?worth from MONDAY FOR Ladies' Embroidered "turn ov Ale/-, iirliitr. ai-irl pr>ri1 InPP folia niov w?i? w uIIV* w. M velvet combined?worth 35c?" Large Jet Collars?the newt MONDAY GOING FOR Latest things in Ladies' C 4'Can you ever ^ guess where Ca. Ja) I'm going so A A early ?" \Jj "WE'RE LOOK THE FOUSHEI Phone 38 ?.:11 An unn onv Viarm to k 1L Wilt IIUl uvs ;vu hu^ with the prices quoted elsewhere, and prices with others, we feel ci Our stock is larger today thai This is not due to lack of selli We have complete lines of Unc Jeans. Scores of pairs of nice ^ Quilts. Thousands of yards of Tickings, Dress Goods, Trimmi through the whole list of Dry and the home. If you want to FAIL TO GET OUR PRICES OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMEIS containing the finest clothing ever mi Priced Clothing for men and boys that in quality at the prices that we offer I chased because it was offered to us al our customers were entitled to a divis want a medium-priced suit of Clothes > We also have a good line of mi themselves to be good values to the 1 OUR 8HOE DEPARTMENT?G warehouse of some Immense shoe factoi of Shoes for men, women, misses and you cannot but be impressed with the OUR HAT DEPARTMENT?Is n heat Hat values to be found on this ma son, and we believe we can please aim* and price. At least see us before you 1 COME AND SEE us for what yi HABIT of coming here. IT IS A GOG THE STRAUSS-S J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. If You Intend to Build See us, as we take contracts for building In wood, brick, stone and Iron from the ground up. We also draw building plans. We Sell Flooring, Celling, Framing. Weatherboarding, Steel Roofing, Doors, Sash. Blinds, Laths, Brick, Lime, Cement, Builder's Hardware, Tools, Building Paper, Roofing Paper, Paints, Leads, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, etc. X* Give us yotj'r orders for Screen Doors ana Windows. Satisfaction and prompt work guaranteed. J. J. KELLER A CO. MONET TO LOAN. ON Improved farms In York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, 7 per cent; under $1,000, 8 per cent. No broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPENCER. Rock Hill, or undersigned, C. E. SPENCER. Atty. at Law. COTTON STORAGE. XAM now prepared to receive COTTON FOR STORAGE In my Standard Warehouses, keep the same Insured against loss by fire, give receipts and lend money on same at reasonable rates of Interest. Call and see me for particulars. W. R. CARROLL. Nov. 1 t.f tf X T > SPECIAL" LAHM 'IS 9 A.~MT :nt's Neckwear. est styles and shade??solid and ors?checks?stripes?polka dots :mbroidered, etc. ined?some reversible? worth 25 cents?some worth 45 )ING ?OiTOD^"Z" .A.T 2 CE1TTS. SEE SHOW WINDOW. Ladies' Belts and Hand Etags Colors?Brown, Burnt Orange, 1 35c to 65c? 22C AND 44C. er" Collars?all the latest shades, irs in latest effects and lace and Choice MONDAY 22 CENTS." ;st out?worth $1.25 and $1.50? EIGHTY-EIGHT CENTS, ombs and Hair Pins. "Why, yes; that's rjT\ easy?you're going to FOUSHEE'S SPECIAL / 1 \ ?where we all go early { W MONDAY." 11STG FOR YOU." C CASH STORE, Yorkville, 3. C. len You Go Shopping is to your interest to come here to ur buying, because you will find large stock to select trom, our are fresh and our prices are as low be found at any store in this vifor like quality. With these iint points in our favor we believe a ) our store will convince the most cal that it is to their interest to ny and all kinds of dry goods store. It is at least to your into visit this store, see our goods * TT M/vf KIIT? ;t OUT prices. n yuu uu nut uu; | now our prices aud compare them If you will compare our goods ertain that we will sell you. 1 it has ever been at this season, ng but to constant replenishing, lerwear. Thousands of yards oJ 1V00I Blankets. Dozens of nice Calicoes, Sheetings, Shirtings, ngs, Embroideries and so on all Goods for men, women, children buy anything in our line DON'T !. It will pay YOU. j IT?While not the largest on earth or ide up, does Include a line of Medium stands without any fear of competition them. Our Clothing this fall was purt such bargain prices that we felt thai ilon of the spoils. If you or your boy rou will do well to come and see ours, (dlum-priced Overcoats that will prove )uyers. Ives one the Impression of being the ry. It Includes grades, styles and prices children, and while our prices are low values we are offering. oted for being always complete with the I rket. It Is unusually complete this sea>st any customer In quality, style, color >uy a hat. du want In our line. Just GET THE iD HABIT. MITH COMPANY. Lion Coffee Two Pounds for 25c. Just in a lot of seasonable goods?Prepared Buckwheat Flour, Mince Meat, Loose Sour and Sweet Pickles, Fresh Seeded Raisins, Currants, Citron, etc. LOUIS ROTH. Beautiful Pictures A short time ago we had a small job lot of swell pictures, lithographed in colors and grayblack effects, some of which are mounted on heavy gray mat board, others on gilt trimmed glass and others in heavy gilt ana dull oak frames, with glass, offered us for cash at prices that would enable us to sell them to our customers at such very low figures that they could not fail to make quick purchases. These pictures are perfect reproductions of well-known paintings and every one is an artistic gem. YORK DRUG STORE, J. 6. BOWEN, PROP., Registered Pharmacist. W'The Enquirer will be sent from this date to January 1, 1906, for $1.75. Send in your subscription today. It is Never a Pleasure To Insurance Agents to advise Inquirers that rates have been advanced, and for this reason they, as a rule, do not speak about it until asked for Information. On the other hand It Is always a pleasure to be able to advise the public that rates have been reduced, and for this reason I take this opportunity of Informing owners and those Interested in dwellings, barns and stables (private), Churches, School Houses, unexposed brick or frame store buildings, that a material reduction has recently been made In the rates. As an example, for the past six or eight years the rate on country dwellings has been $15.00 on the $1,000 for one year or $30.00 for three years, while it ie now $12.00 for one year or $24.00 for three years. The same rates apply to barns and stables and contents, including stock. I AM PREPARED TO INSURE Anything burnable in as strong and liberal companies as anybody and at as low rates as can be obtained from reputable companies and solicit a share of the public patronage. SAM M. GRIST, All Kinds of Insurance. WALTER L. JACKSON, LIVERYMAN. First Class Buggies and Stylish Horses That Are Goers Are our specialties and we are living up to the specialty. When you want a turnout of any description give us your order. We will attend to your wants satisfactorily. Mr. T. H. Bludworth can be reached by phone at all hours. Tell him what you want. WALTER L. JACKSON. 1 J. M. HEA' GENERAL ME 1 Fall Att 1 OUR BIG STORES I F ? ?i || Headquarters for I I ing, Millim !! TIME TO 0 All Person* indebted to us eithe '' please come in and settle, as we \\ MEANS YOU. M TFwe 8*10U'(* attempt even the bai ;; X kinds of goods that we are can ? and WAREHOUSES, the task wo < the copy would fill columns of tt < I short thefefore, we will say that w \ | reasonable man or woman would e ;! GENERAL 8T0RE, and then we {j lie to follow us while we call atter ? and timely. Interest. 1 CLOT ( ) | We have already called.attentlo I greater efforts than heretofore to 8TOCK OF CLOTHING. We have STR0U8S BROS.' CLOTHING ai SHAFFER A. MARX and KIR8HE lighted customers have already bee to fit almost anybody of whatever ing from $10 a suit on up to $18 much cheaper goods, ranging on d< es, especially those of the well-kn made In the latest style and of as i . can expect at the figures we will r we have any number of ODD PAN' In fact, In the matter of Clothing are prepared to take care of him i wants, all he hae to do ta to asK roi CHILDREN'S We are positively headquarter We are prepared to fit anybody's c The Mrs. JANE H0PKIN8' CLOTh children. We have them. Hundred suited?hundreds more are coming to take care of other hundreds st OYERC Our stock of OVERCOATS this carried. It is the largest that any ville. It includes, also the best go< coats?ordinary coats and real fin attention to the "CRAVENETTE." its reputation is established. It ii lutely waterproof. The prices rang coat ought to last the owner a life and see them quickly. T ,otw of Rlnnkf There Is no need to sleep cold th | BLANKETS AT SUCH LOW PF X stock, including: a gn-eat variety. 1 ? down. In times past we have gott f better than we are now able to sell V Blankets as low as 75 cents. .We | to |2.00. I DRESS < ? Attracted by the claims we hj DRESS GOODS the ladies from al v gating the matter for themselves. & goods before, and the average qual f stock was twice as large as it was ? more Dress Goods than we had las T our sales for the season will be thi * been up to this time. In the met a merchants would consider a large s I MILLINERY | Our MILLINERY DEPARTME + hundreds of ladles are aware of th ? quirles down stairs. That is all ri T glad to give the Information. But X only to go upstairs, where they wil ? for. Miss Dawson is in charge ai 4 difer. These ladies have everythir ? pared to give their customers whs I WHOLESALE ] Because of the nature of our b ^ J in tremendous quantities. We ar < FIGURES, and are always glad to ? of our facilities. Dealers will do !J MEAT, SUGAR, MOLASSES, COF WIRE and other things. We can a & our prices are as low as can be li ,, Richmond or Charleston. ; J. M. HEA' ;; J. L. WILLIAMS, Manage BARGAINS AT SHANNON & HOPE'S. To wind up our summer's business apd to make room for our Fall Goods which are now arriving we will for the NEXT TEN DAYS offer some especially attractive bargains to our customers. We have a large quantity of Men's Clothing and extra Trousers and in the lot there are some wonderfully Ko-crotna fnr nuick buyers. Just BUvru wu>bu?..w .? n come and examine them and see for yourself. You will be surprised. We are making an especially good offering in PLUG TOBACCO. We have a large quantity of Tobacco that we have been selling at 10 cents a plug. For the next ten days, If it lasts that long, you can buy It at SIX CTS. A PLUG. This bargain ten days only. 1 We have about 100 pairs of SHOES odd sizes and styles, that we want to close out quick because we want to \ keep our Shoe stock up to the notch. Our Grocery stock Is complete in every detail. SHANNON & HOPE, Sharon, S. C. MISS DAISY B. WILLIAMS, Photographic Studio. MY work at present Is such that I find it necessary to reserve one day of each week for toning. Friday is the day selected. Remember then?no photos taken on Fridays (unless the case is a pressing one). My Studio will be open Thanksgiving Day. Don't forget the extra that goes with each dozen cabinets. All work guaranteed. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Bratton Building, Main street. INSURANCE ON COTTON. JAM prepared to INSURE COTTON at the homes of the farmers, and arrange so that the owners may borrow money without having to move the security from their premises. J. R. LINDSAY, Insurance, i It Yorkvllle, S. C. The Enquirer will be sent from' thia date to January 1, 1906, ror $1.75. 8end In your subscription today. IVCD CHILLED 1V CK plows COONIZED AS THE "ONLY" BEST. If you have a pair of mules it will ^ pay you to buy an Oliver Turn Plow as it will do more and better work g", ? and do it easier p~i than any plow in jjfc- the world. See RIDDLE ? CARROLL. ' *_ rH & co., jj 1RCHANDISE. i i * > = j | Tactions. j; i! ARE ULLOFTHEM. i; ? I I )ress Goods, Cloth- j! ery, Etc. \ \ SETTLE. j; r by NOTE or OTHERWI8E, will i > have obligation* to meet. THI8 J | i? re enumeration of all the different 11 rying In our BIG STORE ROOMS J * uld require hours of writing and ]; >is newspaper. To cut the story ^ > re have about everything that any < > xpect to find in a FIRST CLASS < > wish to ask our friends the pub- j [ itlon to a few matters of especial J; 1 > HING I; n to the fact that we have made I I carry a REALLY COMPLETE i! renewed our line of the FAMOU8 I) id have put In lines of HART, ' [ IAUM'8 goods. Hundreds of den fitted and we are still prepared j j shape In first class goods, rang- , > a suit. Then of course we have | > 3wn to $3JO a 8uiL These cloth- > own makers we have named are j * good quality of goods as -anybody j ! lame. Along with complete Suits X T8 AND COAT8 at Close Prioea. ffi the customer should feel that we and If he does not see what he v r iL S \ CLOTHING 1 8 for CHILDREN'S CLOTHES. \ \ hild at any price up to $5 a suit. < t 1E8 are the beet in thf world for I > s of customers have-already been ' 1 in every day. We cp-e prepared J 1 ill to ccpne. < , :oats ; year is the largest we have ever j ] body has ever brought to York>ds. We have all kinds of Over- I i e ones. We would call especial < It is new on thlr market; but < 1 s light, dressy, warm and abso- ! [ e from $20 downward, and a 920 , , time. 8ee our CRAVENETTES I I its and Quilts lis winter while we have so many < > 1ICE8. We have a tremendous I I The prices range from $7 a pair J ! en $15 for a pair of blankets no ; ; for 17. OUr line Includes Colored < \ have QUILT8 from 75 cents up < > .44* < > GOODS jj ive made for our new stock of ? 1 parts of the county are invest!- * We have never handled so many J; Ity has never been so high. Our ( > last year. We have already sold i ? it year. The Indications are that < I ee or four times what they have intime, we still have what most. ; ; itock and have more coming. I > upstairs j I NT is Upstairs. Hundreds and { > e fact; but others still make In- ; ght. The people down stairs are ? ' ladles in search of Millinery have J t 1 find everything they could wish , , nd she is assisted by Miss San- (> ig at their disposal and are pre- < ? itever they might want. I > department |? uslnesa we have to handle goods T e able to buy at the LOWEST a give the retail trade the benefit 2> well to see us about FLOUR, ? IN MEAL. TOBACCO. BARBED f Jways make low prices, and often J J lad anywhere, even In Baltimore, , > TH & CO., ;; r. j; YORK FURNITURE CO., Successors to W. B. Moore & Co. FURNITURE ?' This one word?FURNITURE?covers a multitude of articles that are made for the home?and our stock, which is complete In all details, includes a multitude of articles for the home. If you want a Bedroom or Parlor Suite, Dining Table, Dining Chairs, Rockers, Side Board, Dresser, Extra Beds in Iron or wood, Mattresses, Hall Trees, Lounge, Settee, Pictures, Rugs, Carpets, Heating Stoves for coal or wood, Cooking Stove or Range, or anything else to fit into any space in your home, either for looks or - - * J x a ? WA. lor naru usa^c, juai mucmuci iuav nc HAVE IT, and will sell it to you at a price that will be to your Interest?a price that you can pay and feel sure you are getting your money's worth. It will be our constant endeavor to keep everything for use and ornament in the home and to sell It at the lowest possible price. For goods l/i our line you should see us. i YORK FURNITURE CO. COTTON SEED! WILL pay the highest CASH price for SEED in any quantity. B. N. MOORE, Sept 13 U tt 4