Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, September 30, 1904, Image 3

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Jtyetial Ddi^s. Clover Presbyterian Church. There will be no services on nexl Sunday morning. the pastor being absent filling an appointment of presbytery. Rev. W. A. Hafner will conduct services at night, beginning al 7.30 o'clock. York Baptist Association. The thirty-sixth annual session ol the York Baptist association will convene with the Yorkville Baptist churct on Tuesday, October 11, 1904, at 10 a m., and continue in session three days The introductory sermon will be preached by Rev. W. R. Lambert ol Hickory Grove. Delegates representing the various churches of the association are urged to be on hand promptly. Sam M. Grist, Clerk. Letter to Strauss-Smith Co. Yorkvllle, S. C. Dear Sirs: When you buy paint for less than Devoe; don't; save your money. Mr Aaron Hlggins, Plainfleld, N J, always used 15 gallons of paint for his house: Devoe took 11. Mr Ezra Rathmell, Williamsport, Pa, always used 11; Devoe took 6. Mr Burt Young, Girard, Pa, always N used a gallon for certain rooms; took half as much Devoe. Mr Nathaniel Barber, Canton. N Y, bought 12 Devoe; used less than 6. You can always buy paint for less than Devoe; don't; save your money. The wearing counts the same way and doubles the difference. The cost of painting is by the gallon.. Weak paint costs most; most gallons. Yours truly, 17 F W Devoe & Co. P. S.?J. J. KELLER & CO.. sell our paint. Delegates to Enoree Presbytery. The following is the list of homes ' ^aloMtoa nnrl ministers who attend the meeting of Enoree Presbytery at Salem, beginning Oct. 4th: W. C. Blackwell?Rev. W. H. White and Elder J. V. Askew. J. W. Brown?Elders J. N. Wright and B. F. McClimans. R. H. Brown?Elder Wm. J. Wilson. S. F. Estes?Rev. T. H. Law, Rev. W. R. Potter and Elders J. P. Saxon and S. Frank Parrott. T. J. Estes?Rev. W. W. Ruff and Elder W. H. Miller. J. A. M. Estes?Rev. W. C. Smith and Elder R. E. L. Smith. Jeff Estes?Elder G. C. Young. W. G. Fowler?Rev. A. G. Wardlaw and Elder G. H. Oetzel. J. H. Fowler?Rev. W. L. Boggs and Elder D. B. Fant. D. G. Howell?Elder J. F. Peden. W. C. Kirby?Rev. Frank D. Hunt and Elder S. M. Kilgore. Mrs. Amanda Lee?Rev. A. A. James and Elder ? Black. W. J. W. Mitchell?Elder Whit Williams. W. E. Osment?Rev. J. F. Pharr and Elder J. A. Jones. Mrs. Amanda Poole?Elder T. J. Moore. Quit Parks?Elder N. F. Martin. John J. Robinson?Rev. C. A. B. Jennings and Elder J. M. Switzer. J. L. Strain?Rev. B. P. Reid, Rev. G. G. Mayes and Elders W. P. Fowler and J. H. Owings. J. W. Smarr?Rev. J. L. McLin, Rev. J. S. Watkins and Elder J. O. Templeton. C. W. Whisonant?Rev. W. P. Jacobs and Elders J. C. Cary and B. K. G.esham. As other names are sent in homes wil! be provided. The committee thanks those who have so generously tendered It their help to take care of its guests. Respectfully, Sam J. Strain, Chairman Com. of Entertainment. Salem church, Etta Jane, Sept. 23. $ht gorlwille (fotlon gftarliet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkvujje, Sept. 30, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 93 Strict Middling 93 Good Middling 93 Strict Good Middling 93 Latta Bros. FOR RENT. I OFFER my house adjoining the First Presbyterian church for rent. Apply to W. O. RAWLS. Sept. 23. f.t. . tf INFORMATION WANTED OF the whereabouts of an estray BERKSHIRE Sow Pig, weighing about 50 lbs. Information will be appreciated. CLAUDE INMAN. I WILL PAY $1 REWARD FOR the return of a Jersey Bull calf, white spots, which strayed from Mr. C. E. Spencer's pasture in Yorkvllle about two weeks ago. Calf weighs about 300 pounds on its feet. It GEO. W. SHERER. TAKEN UP. ON Sunday, Sept. 25, medium sized Bay Horse, white spot In face: with saddle and bridle on. Owner can have same by proving property and paying costs. WILLIAM POWELL, on Mr. A. Parrott's place, near Allison Creek. It* COTTON SEED. WILL pay the highest CASH price for SEED in any quantity. B. N. MOORE, Sept 13 t.f tf FOR RENT. rp HE METTS Residence. For defl_L nite term, but to terminate in case of sale. Possession given at once b> occupant for the time being, as long as this notice runs. For particular.' apply to C. E. SPENCER. Aug. 12 f.t tf AN ORDINANCE. BE it ordained by the Mayor anc Wardens of the town of Yorkville S. C., in council assembled, That no person shall carry on the business of an emigrant agent In the town of Yorkville, S. C., without having first obtained a license from the Town Treasurer therefor. The tern: "emigrant agent," as used in this ordinance, shall be construed to mear anyone engaged in hiring laborers oi soliciting emigrants in the town ol Yorkville to be employed beyond the limits of the same. Any person shal ho ontitled to a license, which shall be good for one year, upon payment intc the town treasury for the use of th? town of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Any person doing the business of at emigrant agent without having firsi obtained such license shall upon conviction be fined in a sum of not less than Fifty Dollars, nor more thar One Hundred Dollars, or be imprisoned for a period of not less than Twenty Days, nor more than Thirty Days or both, within the discretion of th? Mayor or Acting Mayor for each anc every violation of this Ordinance. J. E. LOWRY, Mayor Town of Yorkville, S. C. [Seal], Attest: P. W. Love, Clerk. Sept. 30. f It AN ORDINANCE. BE It ordained by the Mayor and Wardens of the town of Yorkville, S. C., In council assembled: That it shall be unlawful for any t person to commit any assault, or any ; assault accompanied with battery, upon any person or persons within the town of Yorkville. Any person or persons violating this ordinance shall, t upon conviction, be fined In the sum of not less than Two Dollars, nor . more than Fifty Dollars, or Imprisoned for a period of not less than Two , days nor more than Thirty Days, or ' both, or either, at the discretion ot the Mayor or Acting Mayor. i Done In Assembly or council, September 28th, 1904. J. E. LOWRT, Mayor Town of Yorkville, S. C. ' [Seal], r Attest: P. W. Love, Clerk. Sept. 30. f It I 0. E. Wilkina, W. I. Witherspoon, President. V. President. A NEW JERSEY MAN Hid his money in a "brier patch." 1 Hundreds of people, while they do not hide their money that way do hide it in other ways. The "up-to-date" and only business way is to put your funds in the Bank. The First National Bank of Yorkville Can serve you in every line of Banking. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. tsr We sell Bank Money Orders?good everywhere. Fertilizers For GRAIN I HAVE A CAR ON HAND. SEE ME WHEN IN NEED OF SOME. Seed Rye. I HAVE IT IN STOCK. 1^ HAVE WHITE^ ANID YELLOW UIN 1<_U\ Sfi io run luun r auu PLANTING OF ONIONS. LOUIS ROTH. YORK COUNTY REAL ESTATE Buy Before Prices Advance as They Are Steadily Doing. 1.?190 acres, 41 m. South Yorkville 60 in cultivation, 75 timber, 3 acre orchard, 4-room dwelling, barn, crib, cotton house, carriage house, grain house, 40-acre pasture, 2 tenant houses, well, 3 springs, 4 branches. $10 acre. 2.?100 acres; 3 m. Rock Hill. Elegant bottom lands, 25 acres of woods, fine spring, 2 bold streams, suitable for stock raising or farming. $40 acre. 3.?127 acres, 21 m. Rock Hill, 40 in cultivation, 50 in woods, 3-room dwelling, spring and two branches. $10 acre. 4.?135 acres, Olive P. O. 6 m. R. Rd. station. 1 settlement, orchard, plenty of wood. $450. "The Earth cut to suit your taste." J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hill, S. C. School Fixin's When you want any kind of supplies for the school room you will find that this store is the easiest piace xo ouy what you want. We have what you need, and our prices are all as low as you could ask for. We Have PENCIL TABLETS, > INK TABLETS, PENCILS, INKS, COMPOSITION BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, BOX PAPERS, FOOL'S CAP PAPER. RULERS, etc. YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. BOWEN, PROP., Registered Pharmacist. OCONEE SHINGLES. J HAVE a limited quantity of first grade OCONEE SHINGLES on hand and will make it to your interest to see me for prices before you buy. I Don't fail to see me. I can sell you. D. WYATT NEVILLE. "JOBSAI M P Y T M 1 ^ * ATI "Job" was patient? We're "patient" wit j We're "greedy" f( SEE SHOW Lot No. 1. A var med Hats for Boys White, Brown and 40c; yours Monday Lot No. 2. Wool 1 men and Boys?\ " value up to 50c; < 29 cents. 1 Lot No. 3. Best i and Fur Hats?in ) Tan?narrow and i can't give 'em justi see the Hats and i get the Hat?we'll g t up to $1.00, Mondaj 5 They're all Barg? ? come you'll regret i T A\ r-v TT JUUUIS. tFOR THE FOUSHEE C. 'Phone 38. HATS, UNDERWEAR, FURNISHINGS. I Get the Habit. No matter what style of Hat you may fancy we have It. Have It right in stock. We have always been the leading "HAT FOLKS" of Yorkville. and this season we are easy leaders. Our stock of Hats for men and boys was never larger, never better selected, never contained better goods for the price at which we offer them. In men's crush and slouch hats we have them from the cheaper kind at 50c up to the genuine Stetson Hats at $4 each. Did you ever wear a Stetson? No. Well, if you want a hat that will wear almost like leather, Just buy a Stetson. You will get your money's worth out of the Hat. Then we have a full line of the latest shapes in DERBY'S?something not usually carried on this market. We have them in all colors and all qualities from 51 up to $3 each. Our best DERBY is a good one. Boys' Hats from 25 cents on upward. in all sizes, styles and shapes. As usual at this season of the year you will find here a very complete assortment of UNDERWEAR for men, ladies, boys, girls and children. We are known as the leaders in this line r\ marnhon/Hoo Wo PflrPV CfPflt est variety and sell at the closest figures. Our Underwear fits, it pleases, it satisfies. See us when in need. Then another department in which we can interest the gentlemen is our Furnishings Department. It is stocked with all styles of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, etc. We have white laundried and unlaundried shirts, negligee shirts in plain and fancy patterns and a full line of all styles of Collars and Cuffs. You won't need them today, perhaps, but just remember, please, that we have an immense line of Quilts ant} Blankets without end at all sorts of prices to please* all buyers. Just remember to GET THE HABIT of coming here for your wants? we can supply you easily. STRAUSS-SMITH CO, Eggs,JEggs! There is quite a demand for eggs at this season and they are bringing good prices. The demand will bo oToutor lntor nn nnd thp nrice better. DIbUhW4 ???V. ? We want 10,000 dozen between this and Dec. 20th. If you will feed your chickens on our POULTRY POWDER AND EGG FOOD it will prevent al! diseases among the chickens and largely increase the quantity of egg3. The hens will lay every day in the week if fed on our Egg Food. Two pounds for 25 cents?wifi food twelve fowls for fifty days. OUR LICE EXTERMINATOR?Is sure death to all kinds of lice, fleas, ticks and other vermin that infest poultry, dogs, horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. Large box 25 cents. A majority of horses and mules are wormy at times, especially is this true of colts. If you will feed our WOnM POWDERS it will remove the worms, the horse's appetite will get better, he will shed off, fatten and grow faster. Will also remove worms from hogs. This is the season to begin fattening your hogs and if you will feed them occasionally on our CONDITION POWDER they will grow faster, fatten quicker and do it on less corn. Feed your horses and mules 'on our CONDITION POWDERS. It will cure and prevent coughs, colds, distemper. loss of appetite, hidebound, etc. 75 doses for 25 cents. Less than one cent a day. We are selling RYE, BARLEY, RED and CRIMSON CLOVER, WHITE and YELLOW ONION SETS, Pocket Knives, Razors, Tablets, Writing Papers, Chill and Fever Tonics, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Fountain and Bulb Syringes, Elastic and Spring Trusics, both single and double, in fact we sell everything usually sold at a FIRSTCLASS DRUG STORE. You can get a box of Tobacco for less money from us than anywhere else in town. JAS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. = LOT" LE ON DA Y ITS! -"Lot" was greedy. f h small customers. >r your business. WINDOWS. lety of fancy trim- J i and Girls; Black * Blue?worth up to for 19 cents. and Fur Hats for ariety of styles? choice Monday for of all?Men's Wool Black, Gray and broad brim. We r?A ViAfA Kilt OAmP Prices, and you'll :et the Price; worth r 49 cents. tins. If you don't t. ASH STORE. Yorkville, S. C. T*T*TOTVt T*T*TV?TV| T*T*T t? S. M. McNEEL, Pres. 1 THE LOAN AND | capital: ^ In o J We 3 ^ keep 5 ue. 2 Hold $z X box, ^ Ta\r, 5 Thee *? * the 2 Safe S J Our ^ in 1 *AKA?UKA*A*AltA*AltAXAftAKAK$Ai DOBSON t Still In t RUSH! Third New Su Hats for > UJJGive your orders ea ?] room Is being piled V Children's Hats for town customers call ceived and dellvei -4 CASH. DOBSO!> Mrs. T. M. I>C BA R G A7? S~ AT SHANNON & HOPE'S. I To. wind up our summer's business and to make room for our Fall Goods which are now arriving we will for the NEXT TEN DAYS offer some es- . peclally attracti e bargains to our customers. 1 ? ? lo.?. nnonHtv M??'? I VYC nave a. laiftc ? Clothing and extra Trousers and In ' the lot there are some wonderfully good bargains for quick buyers. Just come and examine them and see for 1 yourself. You will be surprised. We are making an especially good J offering In PLUG TOBACCO. We have a large quantity of Tobacco that I we have been selling at 10 cents a 1 plug. For the next ten days, If It lasts that long, you can buy it at SIX CTS. A PLUG. This bargain ten days only. We have about 100 pairs of SHOES, odd sizes and styles, that we want to close out quick because we want to keep our Shoe stock up to the notch. Our Grocery stock is complete in every detail. SHANNON & HOPE, Sharon, S. C. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. THE regular fall examination of applicants for Teachers' certificates will be held in the Court House at Yorkville on FRIDAY, OCTOBER ] 21ST. The examination will be based l on "Hughes' Mistakes in Teaching," i "Peterman's Civil Government," 'H3ilas i Marner," "Enoch Arden," and "Cur- j rent History," in addition to the reg- ] ular subjects, Geography, English, j History, Algebra Arithmetic and Phy- < siology. . 1 Applicants will provide themselves < with pencils and legal cap paper, and < be on hand promptly at 9 o'clock a m. JOHN E. QARROLL, Supt Ed. T. M. HEA1 GENERAL ME New Go | AN Gooc And a Tremen Select THIS IS WMA'l WH Largest Stock of Read] Exhibited In York Ladies' Dress Gooc where In This Secti ionable and Stylish We have the largest si CLOTHING that we have ev lines from three different 111; anybody in almost any qnali have the salesmen, men of e bility, and all that we ask is; wares. Our DRESS GOODJ and our sales ladies know h they want to know. Our MI charge of artists, who undersl are able to furnish anv and ev BUGGIES AN I We have a large line of Bu and can make prices on goo I class. People who desire Bug a mistake to buy before they s HEATH-ELLIO The books and accounts MULE COMPANY are in have business with that conce J. M. HEA' J. L. WILLIAMS, Manages J. S. BRICE, Vice-Pres. SAVINGS BANK ? $50,OOP. 5 ? ur SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES we ? rd the best possible protection for * e valuable papers, jewelry?those P ?-sakes?or anything else of val- 2 Dpnosifpd with us vnu know lust S re they are, and can get them ? never wanted. Two keys to every X we have one, you have one. es both to unlock the box. C e have still a limited number of ? SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES which ? will rent for $2 and $3 a year. X r economical protection. Let us you one. f* Business: Anything in-the Bank- ? g Line. ? W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. ? s hats rush ! ^gpir ipply of Hats ijpL*/ \ up. A new lot of 4 t -sr? cj 4 i u iv 9 1B8ON, A gent. 3 4 FERGUSON & CLINTON. ? Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. <j fc We have RED RUST PROOF SEED 2 DATS and a fresh shipment of Mill T'eed. 3 FRESH HAMS 5 We have a new lot of elegant, fresh hams that are sweet and uicy. Try one. r MILL FEED \ MAKES THE MOST MILK 1 We have just received a 1 large supply of fresh mill feed and will make very t prompt deliveries. FERGUSON & CLINTON. SEED OATS FOB SAEE. t k. n bushels red rust I t)U PROOF OATS of the APPLER variety. This variety has given :he heaviest yield of any tested at various Southern Experiment stations, ind the seed offered are from a crop p-own by the undersigned at their River View farm near Rock Hill, which iveraged 50 bushels per acre, over the whole crop of 21 acres. They have ven thorouehlv recleaned and will be delivered in Rock Hill in new 5 bush>1 QOPlfCI W. C. & F. C. WHITNER, Rock Hill, S. C. rH & co., ; RCHANDISE. c ods D I Goods ; Q4- Ar?lr fr. ill UUUO bu From. I ' ; HAVE TO SHOW. J i f i J ! ? ^-Made Clothing Ever j | ville?Finest Line of i ? ! } Is to Be Found Any- ; 1 ! * on?Leaders In Fash- j ! Millinery. j 5 tock of READY MADE j ! er carried. It includes full ! I ikers, and we can fit almost ' , ty that can be desired. We j ( ixperience, ability and reliain opportunity to show our 3 are well worth looking at ow to tell our customers all j I LLINERY department is in j 1 :and their business and who i 1 erything. D WAGONS. | ggies and Wagons on hand, < d service vehicles of either jgies and Wagons will make ;ee us. TT MULE CO. of the HEATH-ELLIOTT our hands and people who :rn may look to us. \ rH & co., I i Ladies' Dr tdie for sec niii #is s anc ers ? har dre anc Look over the few goods descr )rices and come here for your wan 6 Inch Black Silk at $1.50 per yard. t 6 inch Black Lansdown, $1 a yard. 4 inch Black Creapollee, jl a yard. 3 A Innh Plonlr ArmAiir <1 KA a wo*?d 4 inch Flaked Goods In brown and 5 green at $1.10 a yard. 6 inch Broadcloth in solid colors, el- I egant goods at only $1 a yard. 0 and 44 inch Hair Cloth in grey, cadet blue and brown at 60c and 58c a yard. 6 inch Invisible Plaids and Stripes, I (all wool) 95 cents a yard. 8 inch All Wool Fancy Suitings, at 50c and 60c a yard. 4 inch Serge in black, blue, green and 1 irown, at only 80c the yard. 4 inch Ladles' Cloth in black and navy, very rich, only $1 a yard. 6 and 40 inch Flannels in black, grey, due, red, at 35c, 40c, 50c and 65c. 7 inch Trico Flannels in all the popular shades at 25c a yard. \ 8 inch Sicilians in black, brown and reen, at 50c a yard. 1 6 Inch Cashmeres in cream, red, blue, Remember that while we have j ine of dress goods from the cheap( nost critical inspection, we have ions, Corsets, Underwear for me furnishings, Shoes of all qualitie: >oys, all kinds of Household goo< ?ERB Clothing, Overcoats and You will find our prices much he same qualities. Yours J. Q. WRAY, PIANOS AND ORGANS i Just received two elegant Pianos? 5alnter & Ewlng of Philadelphia? iqual to the best In tone and this may >e tested by any disinterested musl;ian. We will make prices that are nteresting with a Ten Year Guaranee. Organs in stock at bargain prices ( f you are interested. Call and talk >uslness. W. B. MOORE A CO. See us for a bargain in anything In >ur line of Stoves and Furniture. I During these dull months, we continue o do business by offering special bargains. Respectfully, W. B. MOORE A CO. you Can t uet Your home, stock of Goods, Coton or any other class of property In- I lured after it has been destroyed by , ire, and therefore the proper time to ! ittend to the matter is beforehand. I iave a fire insurance business of which have just cause to be proud. In my tgency are nine as reliable and liber- 1 il Fire Insurance companies as any in 1 jusiness. I am in position to guaran- I ;ee as low rates as any agent, and 1 herefore solicit the patronage of all 1 vho desire to have their interests ' Placed in. the hands of companies that will pay their losses, should there be 1 my, as cheerfully as they receive jremiums when issuing the insur- ' ince. Give me a call, please, when j ,'ou have insurance to place. Please ilways bear in mind that nothing ex- 1 :ept the best in insurance can be >ought at my office, and that nothing 1 ,'xcept clean business methods are smployed. SAM M. GRIST. J J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. [f You Intend to Build See us, as we take contracts for )uildlng in wood, brick, stone and iron , 'rom the ground up. We also draw ( )ulldlng plans. I We Sell Floorine. Ceiling. Framing, Weath irboardlng, Steel Roofing, Doors, Sash, 311nds, Laths, Brick, Lime, Cement, Builder's Hardware, Tools, Building r'aper, Roofing Paper, Paints, Leads, 311s, Varnish, Brushes, etc. ?9* Give us your orders for Screen Doors and Windows. Satisfaction and nompt work guaranteed. I ] J. J. KELLER & CO. CHAMPION ROLLER MILLS. Zeno, S. C. [T gives us pleasure to Inform the public that our mills have been thor>ugtily overhauled, and that we are irepared to furnish our patrons with . he finest flour that can be made In i his country. Custom Is solicited from all who may i ie seeking the best < G. L. RIDDLE, Proprietor. i July 22 f.t tf ess Goods Dur fall and winter styles of las' Dress Goods are now ready inspection by the ladies of this tion and all are invited to visit dress goods department. Dur stock is so large, its variety 0 great, the patterns so stylish, weaves and colorings are so soft 1 rich as to be beyond our pow of description. Without any doubt we have the idsomest and richest selection of ss goods we have ever carried, 1 it is no less true that we have tock of dress goods that is the lal in every particular to any i of dress goods ever shown in county. Come and see; ibed below, get an idea of our ts. >lack, grey, etc., at 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c a yard. >6 inch Melrose in solid colors and the popular shades, at 50c a yard. >8 inch Repellants in black, grey, garnet and green, at 50c and 75c a yd. ^ncy Shirtwaist Suitings and PKs at 121-2 and 15c a yard. A nice line of Ladles' Ready-toWear-Vight-now Hats at from $1 to $1.50. dlsses and Children's Ready-to-Wear Hats at from 60c to $1 each. Children's Reefers at $1, 11.50 and upwards. disses and Ladies' Cloaks and Jackets?an elegant line?$2.50 up to $10. In some stores you would pay 50 per cent more than our prices and think you were getting a bargain. See ours before buying. We have Zephyr and SheUand i^onls for knitting and crocheting in 5c and 10c hanks. iVhlte Quilts and Blankets at 75c, 95c, $1, $1.50, $2 and upward. jiven close attention to buying a ist.to the best that will stand the full stocks of Trimmings, Non, women and children, Gents' s and styles, Hats for men and 3s, and an immense line of SURain Coats for men and boys, lower than most stores ask for for trade, The Leader. weuye 500 Bushels Red Rust Proof Seed OatsPure, true seed at the right price. Tomatoes?600 full three pound cans new crop Tomatoes, 10 cents a can. Magnolia Hams and Breakfast BaconNew shipmen just in and recognized everywhere as the standard quality. Zenith Flour?Did you ever use any Zenith flour ? If so there is no use for us to tell you about it. If you haven't used it, you are certainly missing a good thing. Caraja Coffee?Is scien-. tifically roasted and is the best on earth at the price? 25 cents a pound. RIDDLE & CARROLL. WALTER L. JACKSON, LIVERYMAN. General Livery. HAVING purchased the Livery business of the well known firm of 3LENN & ALLISON, together with the good will and entire equipment of this firm, I beg leave to inform the public of my purpose to continue the justness along the liberal and progressive lines heretofore followed and to ievote my best efforts to giving service worthy of the most liberal patronage. Mr. T. H. Bludworth is with me and will be pleased to have his many friends call and see him at any time. He can be reached by telephone at all iu?i TCD i.rvamu nuurs. nnuibn b> vnvi?wa?i PHONE 48.?Give u* /our orders aver the telephone?ours is No. 48. If rou have any complaint to make of aur service, you will do us favor to phone us or tell us in person. CLOCKS If you want a Clock of any description there is no better place to buy It than at this store. We are headquarters for Clocks?We lead in both the quality and the price. NICKEL ALARM CLOCKS at 60c and upwards. ' Wood Case Alarm Clocks, eight day timers, $3 to $5 each. Others ask you more. Wood Case Clocks, without alarms, sight day timers, $2L50 to $15 each. Fancy Clocks, many of which are most artistic productions, from $1 and upwards. If you want a Clock, why not come to headquarters for what you want. 1 can certainly save you money and perhaps sell you a better article than you can get elsewhere at the price. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. HAVE you seen the beautiful line of samples In the cases at Main street entrance of Lindsay's Studio? All the work done at this Studio. Examine the photos and work and you will want to give your orders right iway. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY.