LOCAL LACONICS. Released From Jail. Cornelius Foote, the patent churn man who was committed to jail last spring on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, was released last Friday on his own recognizance. The release was agreed to by the solicitor and was probably the re suit of some kind or a compromise, but as to how or why The Enquire!! has not learned. Unavoidably Detained. Because of professional engagements that cpuld not be postponed, Major James F. Hart failed to get off for Manassas with the soldiers last Saturday morning. He then made his arrangements to go this afternoon; but still being unable to get away, hopes to start tomorrow. If he shall be able to start tomorrow he will be enabled to get a satisfactory idea of the whole situation and will give the readers of The Enquirer an interesting article on the subject within the next week or ten days. Young Men's Sunday. Mr. G. C. Huntington, Inter-State secretary of the Carolina Young Men's Christian associations has recently visited Yorkville and made arrangements with the pastors to observe Sunday. September 18, as a Young Men's Sunday. Mr. Huntington with other association workers, will present the subject of work for young men in a number of the churches at the regular morning services. In the afternoon a mass meeting for the men will be held in the court house and at night a union service of the churches will be held in the Methodist church. The object of these Young Men's Sundays, is to bring before the public the needs of young men; to stimulate more aggressive effort in their behalf: to Inform young men about the work and privileges of the Young Men's Christian associations so that when they leave home for city or college they will identify themselves with them; and to lead young men to accept Christ and engage in active service for the church. The Good Roads Movement. There was a meeting of the mem* HAmmittoo of thf? Jjcrs Ui llir CACVUU?t WlllliliVtbv w York County Good Roads association In the court house yesterday for the purpose of discussing: the adoption of n constitution and by-laws for that organization. Among those present were Messrs. W. H. Wylie, John Wood, P. D. Barron. Senator J. S. Brice, and Maj. Jas. P. Hart. It was expected that there would be a full meeting of the committee, but because of insufficient notice the attendance was small. Mr. Wood read a draft of a proposed constitution and by-laws to members of the committee and all were very much pleased with the paper, which looks to the improvement of the present road law in many important particulars. There was a proposition to call a convention on the first Monday in October for the purpose of adopting the constitution, and . by-laws and completing the organization of the association: but because of certain suggestions of Senator Brice this plan was changed. In the November election, he explained, the voters of the state will pass on the question of amending the constitution of the state so as to permit the general assembly to enact special legislation as to roads and drainage. If the constitution is amended, there will be nothing to prevent York county from having just such a road law as she wants. Under the circumstances, therefore. Senator Brice thought it would be a good idea to postpone the proposed convention until after the November election. Then arrangements can be made to secure full representation from all the precincts aqd at the convention thereafter to be held, a road law can be agreed upon in detail, and the York delegation in the general as sembly can no doubt De aepenaea upon to get the proposed law through that body. Senator Brice's suggestion met with general approval, hnd the meeting adjourned with the understanding that the situation will remain as it is until after the November election, when such steps will be taken as may be deemed proper in the premises. AT THE CHURCHES. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. j. l. stokes, d. d? pastor. Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 8.00 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. C. BWART, PASTOR. Prayer-meeting tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. o. neville, d. d., pastor. There will be no prayer-meeting tomorrow evening. $he gorftuille (fotton JRarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkville, September 6 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 10g Strict Middling 10J Good Middling 10J Good Strict Middling 10$ Latta Bros. Special JRotires. Picnic at Piedmont. There will be a picnic at Piedmont Springs on Saturday. September 10. under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Christian Union of Smyrna church. Refreshments will be sold. The public is invited: Bessie MoGill, Belle Plaxicj. Sept. 2 2t Committee. HOUSE WANTED. IIY responsible party. Will lease a r> good five or six room house in desirable location in Yorkville for one or two years. Address Lock Box No. 2. Yorkville. S. C. It PIANOS AND ORGANS. I SELL any PIANO or ORGAN for cash or on any time desired. You will find my terms very liberal and every instrument proves its own High Quality. R. J. HERNDON. POCKET KNIVES . . . If you want a good POCKET KNIFE?the kind that will hold an edge and will cut, you can find it at STARR'S DRUG STORE. We guarantee our Knives and if not satisfactory we Refund the money. CHILLS and FEVER . . We hear of a great many chills and fever through the country. If the people will buy a box of STARR'S LIVER REGULATOR and take as directed, they will not have chills. Keep the liver, kidneys and blood in a healthv eondition and vou will not have chills?cures biliousness, constipation. sick headache, nausea, loss of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, Large box?about double the usual size?and the price is ONLY 25 CTS. f We have a few FRUIT JARS for sale. JAS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. SIX FRESH MILCH COWS FOR sale for Cash or Exchange for dry cows. R. G. RATCHFORD, Yorkvllle, S. C. May 24 tf Karo=Syrup This is the Syrup advertised so extensively in all the Monthlies and Magazines?Well, it is just what is claimed for it. Try it if you want a Strictly First-Class Syrup?50 cents a Gallon, 25 cents for Halves. Pickling Vinegar I have Heinz's Vinegar for Pickling purposes. LOUIS ROTH. iL a Bargain I Jjj^ Ladies' We have a big lot of ladies' out at once and have made 1 will make attractive buying. Ladies' Black Silk Skirts, Ladies' Black Silk Skirts, Ladies's Black Silk Skirts, Black Broadcloth Skirts, w Black and Gray Skirts, wei Best B-A Embroidery Silk I Nice line Embroideries and Silk Shirtwaist Patterns, w Silk London Cords in pink, yard, now selling at 50c yard A few Sailors for children, ^ Ladies' Shirtwaist Hats, choice while they last at 75c J. Q. WRAY, SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTION. To Be Held at the Various Precincts on Next Friday. WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Sub-Committee appointed by the Democratic Executive Committee to tabulate the votes of Hugh G. Brown and S. S. Plexico and determine which of the two candidates was in the second race for Sheriff, for good and sufficient reasons, It was deemed best to order a special primary between these two candidates in advance of the regular second primary, and, Whereas, the two candidates themselves consented thereto, and whereas, a majority of the entire Executive Committee also consented thereto, Now, Therefore, Notice is hereby given to the Democratic Electors of York County, that a Special Primary will be held at each and every preE.'l1?!L'n County, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER STH, i?in, Dei ween Hugh G. Brown and S. S. Plexico, candidates for Sheriff, for the purpose of determining which of the two candidates will enter the second race along with Capt. E. A. Crawford. The polls will open at 8 o'clock a. m. and close at 4 p. m. All Democratic electors who were entitled to vote in the regular primary on the 30th of August last, are entitled to vote in this special primary. There can be no further enrollment for this special primary, which will be conducted under same rules as regular primary. The managers will administer an oath to each voter that he is qualified to vote in this election according to the rules of the Democratic party, and that he has not voted before in this election. By order Dem. Exec. Committee. J. S. BRICE, Chairman. J. H. Saye, Secretary, i Yorkville. S. C., Sept. 5, 1904. It NOTICE OF REGULAR SECOND PRIMARY. It Will be Held at the Various Precincts on Tuesday, September 13. NOTICE is hereby given that a second Democratic Primary Election will be held in York County on TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13TH, for the purpose of? 1st. Assisting in nominating a canlidate for Railroad Commissioner. 2nd. For the purpose of nominating a 'candidate for Sheriff, a candidate for Clerk of Court and a candidate for Auditor. This election will be conducted under same rules and regulations as first primary. All Democratic Electors who were entitled to vote in the First Primary on August 30th, last are entitled to vote in this primary. There can be no further enrollment of voters for this Primary. Each voter will be sworn that he is qualified to vote in this election according to the rules of the party and that he has not voted before in this election. By order Dem. Exc. Committee. J. S. BRICE, Co. Chairman. J. H. Save. Secretary, Yorkville. S. C.. Sept. 5, 1904. Sept. 6 t.f 2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a CAN GET A "PA1 The "Fruit" of Ch< Dollars. Nice checked and made, tuned seams it n 11 buttons?wor 75 Cents. Better?half w< Belt Straps?made really worth $1.50 Boys' Suits at 51 to $4.50 (worth 50 The prettiest li we've ever shown "U?0?2?C? FOUSHEE ( 'Phone 38 A*A*A&A?A?A*A?A$A?A?A*A??A*?' J. J. KELLER & CO., ; CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. If You Intend to Build See us, as we take contracts for building in wood, brick, stone and iron from the ground up. We also draw building plans. We Sell Flooring, Celling, Framing, Weatherboarding, Steel Roofing, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Laths, Brick, Lime, Cement, Builder's Hardware, Tools, Building Paper, Roofing Paper, Paints, Leads, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, etc. tST Give us your orders for Screen Doors and Windows. Satisfaction and prompt work guaranteed. J. J. KELLER & CO. Skirts. Skirts that we want to close the following prices, which Come and see these: were $5, now $4 each, were $6.50, now $5.50 each, were $8.50, now $7.50 each, ere $5, now $4.50. e $4, now $3.50. r oontc q clfpin > J vw""' " I Laces at reduced prices. I orth 50c, now selling at 40c. I , blue and creain, worth 60c I vorth 50c, now going at cost. ^ worth $1 and $1.50, your j and $1.10. Come QUICK. j The Leader. { In Re J. R. Killian, Administrator of ' the Estate of P. A. Killian, Dec'd. | IN pursuance of the law, I hereby * give notice that on THURSDAY, I OCTOBER 6TH, at 11 o'clock a. m., * I will make a final settlement with 5 L. R. Williams, Probate Judge, as ad- < ministrator of the estate of P. A. KIL- j LIAN, deceased, and will then and ? there apply for a discharge from all 1 further liability in connection with 1 J. R.' KILLIAN, Administrator. j Yorkville. S. C., Sept. 6, 1904. ? Sept. 7. t 5t I ? FOR SALE | MY house and lot on King's Moun- I tain street. House has 8-rooms. J Bath room, closets in all rooms, kltch- j en and pantry. Lot contains either IB j or 55 acres, to suit the purchaser. Var- 4 iety of choice fruit. Land produces I one bale cotton per acre, and sufficient ? grain for the farm. Good pasture all [ wired in, and two tenant houses on the place. Come to see the place. I am 1 going to sell and will make prices and , terms to suit you. J. O. WALKER. July 19 t 2m Due ^fest Female College. FORTY-SIXTH year begins Sept. ! 14th. Strong faculty of four men ( and ten women of acknowledged ( ability. A. B., B. S., and L. I. degrees. Special advantages In Expression, Vo- | cal and Instrumental Music, Art and Business. Aims?Christian culture, high moral standards, thorough work, comfortable home life, and careful motherly oversight. For catalogue address. Rev. JAMES BOYCE, Pres. Due West, S. C. July 19. t 8t | SHERRER'S MARKET. I BUY and sell only the Best Grade of Meats, and fill all Orders promptly, If you send in time. I run a DAILY Market and do my best to please my customers?but still some kick just to have something to kick about. You will find that it pays to trade with me, as I sell goods cheaper than the big stores do. ICE at 1 cent a pound, or 60 cents a hundred. Do not deliver less than 10 pounds. G. W. SHERRER. BICYCLES. IF you have any idea of buying a Bicycle you will do well to see me before you make a trade. I am handling all grades of wheels this season, new, and just direct from the factories and will make you the right prices. I can also sell you good bargains in second-hand wheels, if you would prefer this kind of wheel. See me about it anyway. R. D. ALEXANDER. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. WE are repairing, repainting, and ( overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that are right. ? ... ? ' e_ YOU'II una US in me tear ui muuic & Carroll's. Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. !? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ISIS55?1|1I?S5I O TT R" FOR 75 CENTS. i :ap Labor and hard I We Control the K "FLAG" Ss Brand ?f PS"* TV/T^'o * w mbii o Pants. striped goods?well t?plenty of pockets th $1. Our price, )ol?five pockets? up In latest style? ?our low price $1. 3c, 75c, $1.25 and up e more). lie of Men's Shirts ?which B-4?U?BUY." CASH STORE, Yorkville, S. C. tA&A@A&A&A@A?A@A?A?A@A&A?A& KAXA*A?U*AXA*A*A?UIU?U*A*?i j J. M. HEA J GENERAL MI 1 = 1 Found In IT The Stock - Taking Tempting JUST THE THING \ Our regular Semi-Annual on August i. The work c doing from a business standi number of extra fine bargains as long as they last to first cc Shoe Bs We have about 75 pairs of that we propose to run off at We also found a big lot 0 been selling at $1.50 a pair $1.00. Wash All Wash Goods going at ? include Figured Lawns, etc. Straw First choice of all the St J cents. Second choice 10 cen j Laces foi 5 Miles and miles of Lace an J at 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and io cents i ? money. ! } Clot] t In our Clothing departmei i we will sell at greatly reduce I ends that we will almost give ! S Yours for ? j J. M. HEA J J. L. WILLIAMS, Manage I CHAMPION ROLLER MILLS. Zeno, S. C. IT gives us pleasure to Inform the public that our mills have been thorpughly overhauled, and that we are prepared to furnish our patrons with the finest flour that can be made In :hls country. Custom is solicited from all who may be seeking the best. G. L. RIDDLE, Proprietor. July 22 f.t tf OPENS SEPTEMBER 6. THE BETHANY PRESBYTERIAL SCHOOL opens SEPTEMBER 6, 1904. The dormitory rooms are being engaged and those wishing to attend should make arrangements for accommodation at once. J. D. HUGGINS, Principal. Aug. 12 f.t tf. Slaughter Big Stock Going 1 Pr< We have determined to close as we can. We want to get rid c days, and if prices shaved to the the work, we will succeed. Some Just to give the public an id< earnest we are, we invite attentio 50 cents Children's Barefeet Sandals, reduced to 25 cents. 60 cents Infant's Oxfords, reduced to 10 cents. 60 cents Children's Oxfords, reduced to 40 cents. 75 cents Children's Oxfords, reduced to 50 cents. $1 Children's High Point Oxfords, sizes 9 to 12, reduced to 75 cents. $1.25 Children's High Point Oxfords, sizes 12i to 2, reduced to $1. *1 Children's Dixie Oirl Oxfords, sizes 8i to 12, reduced to $1. $1.35 Children's Dixie Girl Oxfords, sizes 12i to 2, reduced to $1. $1.35 Ladles' High Point Oxfords, reduced to $1. ALL OF REED S OXFO. The prices we have quoted a our earnestness in this matter; b vited to call and see the goods a them anything further that they believe anybody has ever offered The Strauss-S TH & CO., I 2RCHANDISE. 5 = i I | e n j ? ixounuup. i | Discloses Some t Bargain, I VHERE THEY SUIT, f J Stocktaking was completed li:>closed what we have been ? )oint, and it also disclosed a ? ? that we are enabled to offer iners. ? i irgains. | ' W. L. Douglass $3.00 shoes j| $ 2.50. per pair. | f Ladies' slippers that have These are now going at ? I s Goods. g g greatly reduced prices. These g M g Hats. f :iaw Hats in our store at 25 5 Is. g t a Song. I id Embroideries in remnants ? a yard. Worth double the ? ting:. { it we find lots of goods that g d prices, and many odds and ? : away. g /rCO g Business, ? 5 TH & CO., -2a. 5 f % FOR RENT. THE METTS Residence. For definite term, but to terminate In case of sale. Possession given at once by occupant for the time being; as long as this notice runs. For particulars apply to C. E. SPENCER. Aug. 12 f.t tf PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. ON sale at my Studio, group photos of York County Candidates, taken by me August 26th, 1904. See the 'photos and give your orders In person, by mall or 'phone. Price?35 cents each. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. it?" The Enquirer solicits your orders for all kinds of Commercial Stationery and Law Printing, nrst-ciass worn | at fair prices. of Oxfords. Without Regard to sfit. : out our stock of Oxfords as soon )f every pair within the next ten quick, or below the quick will do Prices. 2a of what we mean, and of how n to the following: $1.50 Dixie Girl Oxford. Ladles', reduced to $1.15. $2 E. P. Reed's Oxford, Old Ladies', Plain Toe, Common Sense Heels, reduced to $1.50. $2 E. P. Reed's Oxfords, heavy extension soles, reduced to $1.50. $2 E. P. Reed's Light sole, Newport Ties, reduced to $1.50. $2.50 E. P. Reed's Light Sole, Newport Ties, reduced to $1.75. $2.50 E. P. Reed's Heavy Extension Soles, Patent Tip, Blucher Oxfords, reduced to $1.75. $3 E. P. Reed's Patent Oxford, very swell and dressy, reduced to $2. $2.25 Men's Middlesex Oxfords, reduced to $1.50. RDS ARE FOR LADIES. bove are a sufficient guarantee of ut nevertheless our friends are in nd give us an opportunity to ten might want to know. We don't any better values on this market. mith Company. y*t*t*t*t*t*y*y*tvr S. M. McNEEL, Pres. f THE LOAN AND | capital: f Banking L ? the ? Rxr cor 2 yoi * mil | Hail. ?w car edg { JUTOUR SPECIALTY: Any- yoi ; thing in the Banking Line. ver ari( 5 be ? W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. A ? or ?U*A*A*A?A?U?lA*AltA*A?tA*A*@i LOST In Hickory Grove A FIVE Dollar Bill, slightly worn, upper left hand corner torn off. Lost last Friday afternoon, just before 4 o'clock, by a weak-minded man who put It In a letter and sent it off to a Fake Department store In the Wild and Wooly West. He will never get value for it. If he had only taken it to JOHN S. WILKERSON'S Cheap Cash Store, he would have got all the goods he wanted at much cheaper prices. Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware. All new, all good, all cheap, are to be found In my store. BIRDSELL WAGONS Are the best on earth, and I have them. My warehouse Is full of them at all prices. If you want a first-class Wagon at the price that poorer stuff usually brings give me a call. $30.00 GIVEN AWAY. On the last week day of each month, I give away to two of my customers, two prizes each worth $15.00. Anyone who buys as much as $1.00 worth of goods from me may get one of these handsome presents. The cost of these presents Is not added to the prices of the goods I sell, but comes out of my profits. Drop In and find out how It Is done. ON THE LAST OF SEPT. 1904, I will give away two presents out of the following list. Sewing Machine, handsome Oak Bed room suit, elegant Dinner Set, or a first-class Cooking Stove. All the above now on display at my store. I meet all prices. I solicit everybody's trade. Give me a call. Yours for trade, JOHN S. WILKERSON, Hickory Grove, S. C. The Trouble With The Average Man In buying Life Insurance is that he buys agent's talk instead of the policy for which he pays, and does not fully realize until too late that representations and estimates made by the agent are of no value unless they are written In the policy or contract for which he pays, and signed by proper officers of ftie company. There are hundreds of good men in York county who have bought Insurance from AGENTS Instead of the COMPANY that they claim to represent, and only found out that they had been misled by the agent who sold them the Insurance after It was too late. I do not represent the only reliable company doing business in this section, but I do represent one that for 59 years has studied the art of making its policies or contracts so plain and simple that the layman might understand them as readily as the insurance expert, and as a result today the Mutual Benefit policies are recognized as models of conciseness, fairness and liberality. By reason of its conservativeness and the exercise of rigid economy in matter of expenses of management, the company has always been in a class by itself. It is owned, controlled and operated solely In the interest of the owners? the policy holders. $250,884,772 have been paid into its treasury by the policy holders, and of this amount $208,813,699, has already been returned to policy holders in death claims, for surrendered policies and in dividends, and on January 1. 1904 there was on hand $87,458,889. which is $45,387,073, MORE than the policy holders had paid in, and EVERY cent of the amount belongs to the policy holders, and any one of them can get his part of the assets when called for. Think of such a record! Don't you think it is a duty you owe yourself to investigate, and find out why the Mutual Benefit IS THE BEST Company and Issues the BEST Policy? The information is i yours for the asking. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. Buggies, Harness and Wagons. WE are ready for the Fall Trade with the largest and most complete line of Buggies, Harness and Wagons we have ever shown. The Babcock, Columbia, Hackney and Oxford are our Leaders; but we have an assortment of other grades which are hard to beat. We are prepared to furnish you close prices on Wagons for Cash. If you need any of the above goods, don't buy elsewhere until you have seen us. GLENN & ALLISON. FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. MILL FEED MAKES THE MOST MILK We have just received a large supply of fresh mill feed and will make very prompt deliveries. FERGUSON A. CLINTON. FRUIT CANS. I HAVE several thousand homemade, self-melting, wax-string sealing Fruit Cans. I furnish full directions for using them and guarantee them not to leak. My prices are low. See me further. W. O. RAWLS. r?*TSlT*7HT*TWiniTJlTJini?HTH J. S. BRICE, Vice-Prcs. * ' SAVINGS BANK | $50,000. | ~ this day of quick mall service It not necessary that you should live 3 y near to a Bank In order to enjoy m conveniences and safety of a Bank jtf ?ount. Nor is it necessary that you ^ ne to the Bank In person to make ir ripnnsits Vnn m?v mfl.kp ua rp- ^ :tances for your credit in money, 2 eks, county orders, school claims, j by mail, and same will receive^ eful attention and prompt acknowl- a rment. We furnish you with con- S lient check book, etc., and render 2 l a statement monthly. The con- Jf ilences of a bank account are many, 4 1 we will not allow our service to It excelled by any. "S Vould be pleased to have you call 5 write us. 3 k?.AIU?A>eA*A*A*A*A*AltA>UaeAKA PITfiflTFS We have a few buggies in stock now and by the ioth of next month will have received another carload. Our Mr. M. L. Carroll has had years of experience in handling buggies and knows how and where to buy buggies to the best advantage, and our customers will se cure the best vehicles at the lowest prices by seeing us before buying. If you want anything on wheels see us before buying. ROYAL Baking Powder is recognized the world over as being the best, because it is absolutely pure. It sells everywhere at 50 cts. a pound. For a short time ?ten days?we will selLthe Royal Powder at 45 cents a pound. Buy now. RIDDLE & CARROLL. We have Bagging and Tiea. Eye-Glasses? Spectacles feel like this one l??ks, you are undoubtedglasses. And when you are going to buy glasses you might as well get what you want and at A-l ? ii ? A "- A A? ftlA LUC gallic L1UJC save lUUUtJ uu iuv purchase. I sell good glasses at low prices and always make a fit?I do not charge for any fancy trimmings. 25c and up. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTfTIT I The Ladies' ^ Dressing Table 3 Should contain only toi- 3 let preparations of known 4 quality. We sell only 4 t the best qualities of toilet 4 ? articles?made by manu- J ? facturers who have rep- 3 utations to maintain. 3 Our stock includes toilet < powders, choice soaps, 4 toilet water, nail brush- 4 t es, hair Lushes, combs 4 ? and other toilet articles 3 ? without end. 3 ? YORK DRUG STORE, < ? J. B. BOWBN, PROP., 4 ? Registered Pharmaoirt * FIELD SEEDS We have a fresh supply of new crop Field Seeds, Including RYE, BARLEY and GRAY WINTER SEED OATS, and If you expect, to sow either of these grains see us for your seed. Our prices are right. We also have a full stock of new crop TURNIP SEEDS In all varieties. Groceries, Etc. We carry a line of Standard and Fancy Groceries, and always keep our stock fresh. Remember us for Crockery, Tinware and Hardware. W. M. KENNEDY, Agant. G. H. O'LEAKY . We sell it?there's none better. Q. H. O'LEARY.