AT THE CHURCHES. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL REV. J. 1>. STOKES, D. D., PASTOR. Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. C. EWABT, PASTOR. Prayer-meeting tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. RBV. W. O. NEVILXE, D. D., PASTOR. There will be no Drayer-meeting to morrow evening. fecial JJoticcs. In Memoriam. After weeks of failing health and strength, borne with cheerful resignation and a Divine patience, Mrs. Elizabeth Bratton deLoach passed into the rest of Paradise on Thursday morning. August 18th, at four o'clock, in the seventy-fourth year of her age. Beautiful in person, cultivated in mind, exalted in character with sweet charity for all and with malice toward none, this lovely lady has passed to her reward. "Sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest, Alleluia!" $ht gorhuille potion Jflarhet. ' Corrected 8emi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkville, August 19, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 103 Strict Middling 103 Good Middling 103 Strict Good Middling 103 Latta Bros. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. # T> HOTOS ENLARGED and flnlshJT ed in Crayon, Water Color or Pastel. Satisfaction guaranteed if the original pictures are made from clear, good negatives. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. PIANO TUNING. DOES your PIANO or ORGAN need tuning, repairing, regulating or a general building up? I will do the work. I handle a High Grade of Pianos and Organs. R. J. HERNDON. PICNIC AT SUTTON'S SPRINGS. THE public is invited to a basket picnic to be held at SUTTON'S SPRING next SATURDAY, Aug. 27. All the candidates have been invited and a number have signified their acceptance. A large attendance is expected. ELMER STEPHENSON, W. C. McCLURE, T. M. FERGUSON, Aug. 23 t.f. Committee. ATTENTION CANDIDATES! I AM desirous of securing a large group photograph to Include you all, and if you will do me the kindness to assemble opposite the court house next FRIDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will be able to get it, unless the weather shall be unfavorable. Unless it should be raining, I will thank you all to assemble promptly at 10 and I will keep you but a few moments. Your acquiescence will greatly oblige. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY, Photographer. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. By L. R. Williams, Esq., Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS J. O. WALKER and R. L. deLOACH have applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Mrs. ELIZABETH deLOACH, late of the county aforesaid, deceased, These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the f.TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1904, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 20th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four and in the 129th year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. Probate Judge of York County. Aug. 23 t 2t THE PEOPLE OF YORK COUNTY WILL REMEMBKK That I am in the real estate business to do your buying, selling, and exchanging. If you will kindly call at my office, you will readily see I possess the facilities for doing your buying, selling, or exchanging to a good advantage. My office is simply a Mill to carry your wants and offerings to to have them ground. If they are not ground, they cost you no toll. To sell property, we must have it and buyers as well. Questions alone do not make business, as a great many seem to think. I have all the Dargan lands around Guthriesvllle, and some very fine property it is. You must not expect to buy land at these old prices. Figures are higher and the longer you wait, the more it will cost you to own a home. Buy land and go to improving It. Make your money by enhancements and dividends. Send for my list of offerings, and make your selections and propositions. If I can meet your requirements, I will gladly do so. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker. Rock Hill, S. C. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE Is hereby given that on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. at 11 o'clock, a. m., I will make a final settlement with the Probate Judge of York County with reference to my administration of the estate of VV. McCAW DOWDLE, deceased, and will then and there apply for a discharge from any further liability in connection with said estate. J. H. SAYE, Administrator. August 2. t 5t THE PUBLIC INVITED. THERE will be an educational rally and picnic at Bethany on Saturday, August 27. under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society, and the Young People's Christian Union. rr?? ?lit K11 so must have pure teed and close *ices. JAS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. SHINGLES $2.80 PER M. ' HAVE on" hand 150,000 best Oconee . Shingles that I want to close out : once. If quality and prices are an inducement to you come and see me once. D. WYATT NEVILLE. OPENS SEPTEMBER 6. rHE BETHANY PRESBYTERIAL SCHOOL opens SEPTEMBER 6, 104. The dormitory rooms are being igaged and those wishing to attend lould make arrangements for accomodation at once. J. D. HUGGINS, Principal. Aug. 12 f.t tf. ARARARARAatAHARARARAXAItAltSA J. M. HEA' GENERAL ME Found In The Stock-Taking Tempting JUST THE THING V Our regular Semi-Annual on August i. The work d doing from a business standf number of extra fine bargains as Inna as tliev last fn first rri Shoe Bi We have about 75 pairs of that we propose to run off at We also found a big lot o been selling at $1.50 a pair, $1.00. Wash All Wash Goods going at g include Figured Lawns, etc. Straw First choice of all the St cents. Second choice io cen Laces foi Miles and miles of Lace an at 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 cents i niuwey. Clotl In our Clothing departinei we will sell at greatly reduce ends that we will almost give Yours for J. M. HEA J. L. WILLIAMS, Manage FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries? Plantation Supplies. CIGARS When you are looking for a first-class smoke, drop into see us. * We carry a full line of the best cigars tobe had. TOBACCO When in need of tobacco don't fail to see us. It's easy to get what you want i from our large stock. FERGU80N A CLINTON. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livary, 8aU and Faad Stablaa. The Best Features of All 1 Good buggies are to be found in i Summers buggies. See them. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. 0. E. Wilkins, W. I. Witherapoon, President. V. President. The safest place for your money i is in a good Bank. The First National Bank of Yorkville Can handle your funds to your entire satisfaction, and every Dollar will be safe. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. GT We sell Bank Money Orders?good everywhere. CHAMPION ROLLER MILLS. Zeno, 8. C. IT gives us pleasure to inform the public that our mills have been thoroughly overhauled, and that we are prepared to furnish our patrons with the finest flour that can be made in this country. Custom is solicited from all who may be seeking the best. G. L. RIDDLE, Proprietor. July 22 f.t v tf ,*A?t4*A?U*A?A?U?U*A*A*A*A*A TH & CO., \ :rchandise. 5 I Roundup. ! 1 Discloses Some t Bargains. ? VHERE THEY SUIT. ? , Stocktaking was completed i 1 lisclosed what we have been I joint, and it also disclosed a ? i i that we are enabled to offer ? iners. ? 2 irgains. | ' W. L. Douglass $3.00 shoes $2.50 per pair. f Ladies' slippers that have J These are now going at ? 1 2 Goods. 2 jreatly reduced prices. These ? 1 * e Hats. . f raw Hats in our store at 25 ? I r a Song. ? d Embroideries in remnants {I 1 yard. Worth double the i , I ling. I 5 it we find lots of goods that & d nrices. and manv odds and 1 ? : away. 2 | TH & CO., j 5 r>y*T*TAT*T*Y'*T*T?T*Y*T*V*TH Slaughter < Big Stock Going Pre We have determined to close as we can. We want to get rid o days, and if prices shaved to the < the work, we will succeed. Some Just to give the public an ide earnest we are, we invite attentio: 50 cents.Children's Barefeet Sandals, reduced to 25 cents. 60 cents Infant's Oxfords, reduced to 10 cents. 60 cents Children's Oxfords, reduced lo 40 cents. 75 cents Children's Oxfords, reduced to 50 cents. 51 Children's High Point Oxfords, sizes 9 to 12, reduced to 75 cents. $1.26 Children's High Point Oxfords, sizes 12) to 2, reduced to SI. $1.25. Children's Dixie Girl Oxfords, sizes 8J to 12, reduced to SI. $1.35 Children's Dixie Girl Oxfords, sizes 12) to 2, reduced to SI. $1.35 Ladles' High Point Oxfords, reSupaiS to 11. ALL OF REED'S OXFOl The prices we have quoted a our earnestness in this matter; bi vited to call and see the goods ai thein anything further that they i believe anybody has ever offered The Strauss-Si Turnip Seed Early Purple Top Flat Dutch Red Top Globe Aberdeen White Globe Golden Ball Seven Top Amber Globe Ruta Baga YORK DRUG 8TORE, r n nAixrwM DPOP Registered Pharmacist. PIANOS AND ORGANS / Just received two elegant Pianos? Painter & Ewlng of Philadelphia? equal to the best in tone and this may be tested by any disinterested musician. We will make prices that are Interesting with a Ten Year Guarantee. Organs In stock at bargain prices If you are interested. Call and talk business. W. B. MOORE A CO. See us for a bargain in anything In our line of Stoves ana i you need any of the above goods, don't i buy elsewhere until you have seen us. c a GLENN 6 ALLISON. 'About the Same." There are about thirty life In- ^ surance companies In business today that have been insuring lives for from thirty to sixty years. A careful examination of their records and policy c contracts will show that they are all "about the same." It costs a man who starts in at the age of 30 about the anma tn rarrv his nolicv twenty years in one as in another. If he dies before he carries the time out either i one of them will pay his policy in I full, provided he has paid his premiums up to that time; and in case he does not die and can pay no longer _ and desires to settle one will treat him about the same as another. In other C words all the thirty companies are In the same class. There is one company in business that has always carried out every contract it has made to the letter. It has been doing business over 59 years and has a spotless record. It has always held the palm for C both economy and conservatlveness, " and has always furnished gilt edge insurance to its members at less cost { than any other company. It glories * in being in a class by itself and in being recognized from Maine to Mexico as the ideal "Policy Holder's Company." It will cost you nothing to find | out why the company?the MUTUAL BENEFIT?is In a class by itself, and If you take Insurance without doing ? so you will be doing yourself a posi- p tlve Injustice. "Don't Play Blind Man's Buff With Your Life Insurance." SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. 1 Due West Female College. FORTY-SIXTH year begins Sept. 14th. Strong faculty of four men and ten women of acknowledged s ability. A. B., B. S., and L. I. degrees, c Special advantages in Expression, Vo- S cal and Instrumental Music, Art and I Business. d Alms?Christian culture, high moral c standards, thorough work, comfortable v home life, and careful motherly over- a sight. For catalogue address. Rev. JAMES BOYCE, Pres. Due West, S. C. July 19. t 8t 1 FRUIT CANS. P I HAVE several thousand home- s made, self-melting, wax-string sealing Fruit Cans. I furnish full dlrec- 11 tlons for using them and guarantee s them not to leak. My prices are low. See me further. W. 0. RAWLS. TfcTOniTtaTllTtoYfcyfcTtoTtoTfcTfcniTe ? S. M. McNEEL, Pres. ? THE LOAN AND S t capital: ; f ? 1^1 | $ i * $ $ $ you s. * % i $; i. ?* I r i' ? %* s % fSV?V,SV?V. f ?,*,? ,V w* *V,V.V.V?V? ?A*AftA*AKA?tA*AKA*A*A*A*AX?A? ANNOUNCEMENTS Election Tuesday, August 30, 1904. IAGISTRATE FOR KING'S MOUNTAIN. [T73 are authorized to announce 8. VV M. FAIRES as a candidate for ^commendation for re-appointment as [AGISTRATE fof- King's Mountain >wnshlp subject to the action of the emocratic party in the primary elecon. Aug 24 2t OTICEOF PRIMARY ELECTION. looms of the York County Democratic Exeoutive Committee. 7orkviLUE, S. C., Aug. 16, 1904. OTICE Is hereby given to the 31 Democratic Electors of York ounty, that a Primary Election will e held at the various Precincts In le County on TUESDAY, AUGUST DTH, 1904, for the purpose of? 1st. Assisting In nominating a Govrnor and other State Officers. 2nd. Assisting In nominating a 'ongressman from Fifth District, a ollcitor of Sixth Circuit, and in nomlatlng the following County officers: . State Senator, four members House f Representatives, a Sheriff, a Clerk f Court, a County Supervisor, a Corner, a County Superintendent of Eduction, a Treasurer, rn Auditor and ivo County Commls*' iers. 3rd. A Magistrals will also be omlnated In each Township by the lectors of that particular township. The polls will open at 8 o'clock a. i., and close at 4 o'clock p. m. At each precinct there will be three oxes and three sets of tickets?a tate box for the State ticket, a Counf box for County ticket and a Magit rate's box for Magistrate's ticket. The qualifications for voting In this lection are as follows: The voter lust be a white man and a Democrat, nd '21 years of age or become so be>re the 8th of November next, and h? cust have been a resident of the State >r one year and of York County for ixty days, and his name must be on lie Club Roll where he offers to vote y WEDNESDAY, AUGUST. 24TH, 904. The managers must administer to ach voter an oath to the effect th.-.t e Is qualified to vote In this election ccordlng to the rules of the Democrale party, and that he has not voted efore In this election. The managers will further swear ach elector voting In the Magistrate's ox, that he la a resident of the townhip In which he offers to vote for lagistrate, J. S. BRICE, County Chairman. J. H. Sate, Secretary. Aug. \1r t 2t G. H. O LE ABY. _ spring Mattings. [17 E now have on hand a new lot VV of MATTINGS, Including a very andsonie line of White Mattings, for rhlch our customers have been askig. Come and let us show you what re have. You'll be pleased with the tock. IAND-MADE HARNE88. There's all kinds of difference In larness. Some machine made hareas is good, some Is indifferent, but re know that our HAND-MADE HARNESS Is the BEST to be had. If you vant the best wearing and best lookng Harness, give us your orders for I AND-MADE Harness In single or ouble sets. URNITURE. When you want anything In the FURNITURE line It is perfectly natual for you to come here. Our long ears of experience In buying enables is to buy at such llgures as to give to iur customers the BEST QUALITIES .t the LOWEST PRICES. G. H. O'LEARY. Professional d^aris. J. S. BBIC?| \TTORNEY AT LAW, Office Opposite Court House. Prompt attention to all legal business if whatever nature. GEO. W. S. HART, \TTORNEY AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. LAW RANOB. 'Phone Ofice No. jl >. E. Finley. Marion B. Jennings. FINLEY & JENNINGS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office in WILSON BUILDING, opposite ;ourt House. Telephone No ISA A. Y. CARTWRIGHT, SURGEON DENTIST, YORKVILLE, 8. & OFFICE HOURS: 9 am to 1 p. m;e pm.tojp. 0. Office In upstairs rooms of Cartwrlfht iulldlng, opposite Telegraph and Exira? Dfflpps 785 1904 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON, Charleston, 8. C. 119th Year Begins September 30. Letters. Science, Engineering. One cholarshlp giving free tuition to each ounty of South Carolina. Tuition 40. Board and furnished room In lormltory, $10 a month. All candiates for admission are permitted to ompete for vacant Boycc scholarships rhich pay $100 a year. For catalogue, ddress HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. August 2 t.f 8t* WILLIS'S BARBER 8HOP. [T7 E handle laundry, collecting and V V delivering it promptly. We take ileasure in giving the best possible ervlce. The patrons of my barberlng estabIshment receive the most polite and klllful attention. D. F. WILLIS, Proprietor. May 27 f 3m. J. S. BRICE, Vicc-PRC?. j 1AVINCS BANK g E50|0Q0. 5 LP THE FOUNDATION J better things by laying aside, J ularly, a part of your earnings. a have every facility to offer 5 i in taking care of these "Sav- 3 9." You can commence on $1.00 ^ $1,000.00. Let us furnish you V h a Home Savings Bank If you ^ it to commence on $1.00; If you J e $1,000.00, a Certificate of De- 3 It Is what you want. Both de- ^ Its will bear Interest. ffi Transact Any Business In the ^ Banking Line. * W. P. HARRI80N, Cashier. 2 **A?uau*AiuatA*Aiu*AatAau?A