Scraps and .farts. ? President Roosevelt has approved the recommendation of the wireless telegraphy board, that in view of the fact that wireless telegraph stations are a part of the country's defence, and therefore belong to a military branch of the government, and because they are more important to the navy than to the army, the havy shall, be given control of them. They were formerly operated by the government. ? The weekly crop summary of the agricultural department issued last Tuesday says: Cotton has made good growth in the central and eastern portions of the cotton belt, too rapid growth being reported from portions of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Complaints of rust and shedding are more general than in the previous week in the Carolinas. Georgia and Florida. Shedding is also generally reported from Texas, where most of the crop- would be benefitted by rains, drought being most serious in the north central counties. Much of the crop in Mississippi and Louisiana is grassy. Picking continued in Southern Texas, where it is expected to be general by the middle of August, and has begun in Alabama and Florida. ? Philadelphia Record: It took three physicians nearly an hour and a half to remove a billiard ball from the mouth of Joseph Johnson, colored, of No. 2317 Stiles street, last night. Johnson is employed in a pool and billiard room near Girard and Ridge avenues, and is noted among the patrons of the place for his big mouth. When one of them entered last night he offered to bet the negro he could not put a billiard ball in his mouth. Johnson had visions of making a dollar easily, so took the bet. After several minutes' hard work he succeeded in getting the ball in, but when he came to get it out the ball refused to budge. The negro could not move his jaws In the slightest degree. Several of those in the room gave him assistance, but still the ball remained firm, and Joe had to be taken to St. Joseph's hospital. He won the dollar and several AtkAM n'hi/ik krt nfitrone nf tko nnnl _ UlllCIO n I11V.U UJt puti VilO Vi HIV fwvt room gave to make up a purse. ? J. W. Brown, of the Charlotte, N. C. police force, was killed last Tuesday afternoon as the result of a blow in the stomach administered by a boy Paul Biggers, aged 16. Biggers had been arrested by Brown for an alleged violation of a city ordinance. After the hearing he passed Brown and laughed and sneered at him. Brown ran after Biggers and caught him, whereupon Biggers struck Brown a heavy blow in the stomach. Brown replied by striking the boy on the head with his billy, knocking him senseless. Shortly after he was struck, Brown became ill from the effects of the blow and died a few hours later. Biggers was released on a bond of {1,000. The coroner's jury found as follows. "We find that J. H. Brown came to his death by a rupture of the spleen. The direct cause of death was internal bleeding. The jury also find that Paul Biggers was not the cause of J. H. Brown's death, and therefore he is exonerated." ? As the British steamship Mohican, made for the Delaware breakwater last Monday, says a Philadelphia dispatch, It encountered a strange phenomenon. A cloud of phosphoric appearance enveloped the vessel, magnetizing everything on board. Capt. Urquhart says, the vessel and crew had a fiery coating. "When the sailors saw it," said me capiain, tney rusneu auuui me deck in consternation. I looked at the needle and it was flying around like an electric fan. I ordered several of the crew to move some iron chains that were lying on the deck, thinking to distract their attention. The sailors could not budge the chains, although they did not weigh more than seventy-five pounds. Everything was magnetized, and chains, bolts, spikes and bars were as tight on the deck as if they had been riveted there. The cloud was so dense that it was impossible for the vessel to proceed. I could not see beyond the decks. It appeared as if the whole world was a mass of glowing fire. The sailors fell on the decks and prayed. Suddenly the cloud began to lift. The phosphorescent glow on the ship and the crew began to fade. In a few minutes the cloud passed over the vessel and we saw it moving off over the sea." ? Postmaster General Payne has made public the following statement in explanation of his reasons for refusing to name a Mississippi postofflce in honor of the governor of the state: "On the 6th day of May, 1904, a petition was filed with the department asking for the establishment of a postofflce at a certain point in Calhoun county, in the state of Mississippi. and requesting that it be named Vardaman. Immediately the usual investigation made by the department as to the necessity for the establishment of the office was undertaken. Pending the inquiry, a copy of the Daily Clarion-Ledger, a newspaper published at Jackson, Miss., dated August, 25, 1903, was filed with the department containing an article to which the department's attention was called. This article was a copy of an editorial printed in the Commonwealth under date of January 10, 1903, which paper is published and edited by Gov ernor varuaman. ine urwcie in question was so vile and indecent in its statements concerning the mother of the president of the United States as to be unfit for reproduction. The postmaster general did not esteem it proper to give a postoffice the name of any man who had used such language regarding any woman. The postoffice in question has been ordered established and given the name of Timberville. In exercising the discretion given him by law the postmaster general frequently rejects names suggested for proposed postoffices. He has never been clearer in his duty than in this case. It is proper to say that President Roosevelt had no knowledge of the incident referred to." ? The terrific battle reported in our last issue to have been in progress between the Russians and Japanese, resulted in another defeat for the Russians. The battle seems to have been desperate and decisive: but the Russians still have hope. It seems that in reality there were two battles going on at the same time. The fighting was commenced on Sunday, July 31, at Tushulikzu and Yangse Pass, each about 10 or 15 miles from the railroad from Port Arthur to Harbin and 26 miles apart. At Yushulikzu, the Russians had two divisions of infantry and some artillery, and at Yangse Pass they had two and a half divisions of Infantry and four batteries of artillery. The Japanese outnumbered the Russians more than two to one in both infantry and artil lery at both places. The heat was terrific, the thermometer registering 110 degrees. The fighting continued until Tuesday afternoon, the Russians be| ing steadily driven from all their positions back against the railroad to Harbin. The Japanese now hold practically the whole of the Liao Tung peninsula between Port Arthur and Mukden, and the Russians are supposed to be in retreat toward Harbin. It is claimed that the Japs have ^captured one of the important fortresses at Port Arthur, and there is reason to believe that within another month they will have forced the Russians back on Vladivostok. She ||orkviU( (Snquirrr. YORKVILLE, S. C.? FRIDAY, AUGUST 5,1904. Governor Vardaman of Mississippi, denies the charge of the postmaster general that he has ever written anything reflecting on the good name of President Roosevelt's mother. He says: "I have never in my life written or said anything derogatory to or that reflected upon the fair name of that good mother, of Theodore Roosevelt or any other good woman. I am not responsible for what the campaigners in Mississippi ascribed tome last year." The Brice Bill. From our report of the Ogden picnic, it appears that all of the candidates for the general assembly have declared in favor of what is known as the Brice bill. In brief the Brice bill is a measure which seeks to give to the people of a county the right to abolish dispensaries by the same means provided for their establishment. That is that a dispensary cannot be established except on a vote of the people, and if the people afterward decide that they do not want it, they can abolish it by a majority vote. How anybody could be opposed to this proposition, we cannot very well see. It involves the right of self-government, and unless we mistake the character of the people of York county and South Carolina, they will not submit to being deprived of this right any longer than is necessary to realize that it has been taken away from them. Upholders of the dispensary system have been making the point that the Brice bill is nothing more nor less than a stiletto thrust at the whole institution. We are frank to say that we do not so regard the proposed measure. We believe it is a terrible blow at the dispensary: but there is nothing underhand about it. It is straight from the shoulder, and its author does not hesitate to say that if it shall accomplish the complete annihilation of the whole corrupt dispensary business he will be exceedingly rejoiced. Even if the dispensary law were what its most devoted advocates claim for it, and even if it were free from the terrible rottenness that permeates every fibre of its administration, it would not be worth what the people are being asked to pay for it? sacrifice of the right of local self-government. Th? County Campaign. Although in a general way one county campaign is so like another that it is difficult to point essential differences, at the same time there are about the campaign now in progress certain features that are worthy of note. From about 1890 up to half a dozen years ago, the campaigning in the field counted for but little. Slates were fixed, not exactly in the Alliance meetings, jut in conferences of leading alliancemen, and the results of these conferences were generally ratified at the polls. Following the decline of the political power of the Alliance, there has been a gradual return to old conditions. The candidate is thrown back in closer touch with the masses of the people, and for success he is again dependent upon his merits and his ability to create friendly impressions. Just what has brought it about, we are unable to say; but it is our observation that the plane of county politics has been somewhat elevated. It has not been a great while since trick eiy and sharp practice among me candidates was the rule rather than the exception. Now the average candidate seems to have settled down to a conviction that this kind of thing does not pay. and with the exception of a little trading, the tendency is to an honest open course. While the voters have not allowed themselves to become excited, the individual who thinks they are not interested is making a mistake. It is our deliberate judgment that there has not been a time since the war when voters gave the political situation or rather the matter of a choice of candidates more careful and thorough consideration. The best evidence of this condition is the fact that so few of the voters are expressing themselves as between the various candidates. There is a noticeable absence of passion and prejudice, a disinclination to credit or be influenced by campaign canards, and taken altogether, the situation is one on which the people of the county are entitled to cordial congratulation. Iilhll CAMPAIGN. Informally Opened at Ogden Last Wednesday. CANDIDATES FAVOR THE BRICE BILL. Annual Picnic Meets With Usual Success?Dispensary, Education and Roads the Main Questions Discussed by Legislative Aspirants?Other Candidates Talk to the People. Reported for the Yorkvllle Enquirer: The annual picnic in the Percival grove near Ogden, on Wednesday was a fine success. Some were kept at home by the threatening weather in the early forenoon; but the clouds dispersed later in the day and by noon the usual large crowd had congregated in the grove, which is the most ideal place for such gatherings in the county. The best of order prevailed through the day and everybody seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. A stand had been erected for the accommodation of speakers, and about 12 o'clock the meeting was called to order by Magistrate A. L. Nunnery, who acted as master of ceremonies. Congressman D. E. Finley and State Senator J. S. Brice, who had been invited to be present and deliver speeches sent letters expressing their regret at not being able to attend. All the county candidates except two or three were present. After prayer by Rev. W. H. Ariail the legislative candidates were called to the stand. Before introducing the first speaker, the chairman read the following paper which had been prepared and stated that each of the legislative candidates would be expected to state their position in the matter: A Question. "If elected to the position to which you aspire, will you favor and vote to so amend the present dispensary law as to provide precisely the same conditions for the removal of a dispensary from any incorporated city, town or village in the state that is now provided for the establishment of a dispensary in a city, town or village wnere none is locaiea, viz: inai 11 shall be the duty of any city or town council in the state on the presentation of a petition signed by one-fourth of the resident freeholders, to order an election at which the qualified resident voters shall have the privilege of voting for or against dispensary, and in case the majority vote, 'No Dispensary.' it shall be the duty of the state board of control to order the removal of all existing dispensaries in the town or city so voting, and that no special tax shall be levied on the property in the town." < The time of each speaker was limited to five minutes. Dr. J. H. Saye. The first speaker was Dr. J. H. Saye of Sharon. He prefaced his remarks by saying that he had been urged and induced to enter the race by numerous friends and that he had no special promises to make the people further than that he would, if elected, endeavor, to the best of his ability, to represent the best interests of all the people. He touched on the matter of education and said that the common or public schools were not getting their share of money from the state and that too many appropriations were made to the high schools and colleges. He cited as an instance that about $250 was appropriated for each student at Winthrop, while the public schools got only about $3 for each pupil. He favored a more equal division. As to the dispensary question, he said he heartily concurred with the sentiment, and would vote and work for the same if elected. F. P. McCain, Esq. Frank P. McCain of Yorkville was the next speaker. He said that he Tiad nothing to say against any of his competitors as he was not running against them, but was running for himself. He spoke of the flattering vote he received at Ogden two years ago. He had served one term and although he had not set the woods on flre, he had always tried to do his duty, and felt that he was better qualified to serve the people now than two years ago. He was only one out of 124 and. therefore. could not accomplish all things, but had always voted and worked for those things which he believed were for the best interest of the people. As to the dispensary question, he believed it was Democratic and would vote for the law to be so amended. A dispensary had been established in Yorkville by a majority vote and they should have the privilege of voting it out in the same manner. Mr. J. E. Beamguard. J. E. Beamguard, the next speaker, said he was glad to meet the people of Ogden again as they were no strangers to him. They had given him a flattering vote in the last election and he had tried to make them the best representative ever sent to Columbia from York county. He declared that the fact that there was no issue at stake was evidence of a healthy condition of things. After all issues cut no ice. The people he said had the right to know where candidates stood on any question: but after all it takes a man of experience to properly represent the people on any question. He had studied the whisky question a great deal, but was not able to solve it. The people must solve it for themselves. He was. and always had been in favor of submitting the whole matter to the people and letting the majority rule in voting either for or against a dispensary. He was in favor of biennial sessions and reduction of taxes and had always voted and worked for these. He was asking for a third term, because with the experience he had had. he was able to serve the people better than a new man. Dr. J. E. Massey, Sr. Dr. J. E. Massey. Sr.. of Rock Hill, was introduced next, and said it was not his purpose to make a speech as he had only decided a few days ago to enter the race, and only wished to announce himself as a candidate. He favored a reduction of taxes and believed they could be reduced. He was in favor of all possible aid to both the high and the public schools. He too was in favor of allowing the people to vote for the removal as well as the establishment of a dispensary. Capt. J. W. Ardrey. Capt. J. W. Ardrey of Fort Mill, was the last of the legislative candidates to speak. He was glad to meet the people and complimented them on their fine country and crops. He was a farmer himself by profession. He was brought out by the people and did not know what he could accomplish at Columbia: but would endeavor to serve the people to the best of his ability. As to the dispensary ciuestion. it had always been his policy to vote against whisky under any circumstances. and that he favored amending the law so as to give the people the privilege of voting for the removal of a dispensary from any town or city. And. furthermore, as a dispensary is not a local institution, the people of the entire county should be allowed to vote on establishing it dispensary at it county seat town, and that a township election should be held on the <|Uestion of establishing a dispensary in other than county seat towns. He was in favor of supporting high schools, but thought more attention should be paid to the common schools, and would like to see them more liberally supported. He was in favor of better roads and doing away with the state farm and putting the state pris- < oners on the public highways. Candidates For Clerk. The four candidates for clerk of court. Messrs. J. C. Wllborn, J. A. Tate, W. B. Wylie and J- R." Logan, were called next, and each of them came forward and made a few remarks, none of them taking up the full time allotted them, except Mr. Wllborn. He said he could not make a speech in five fnlnutes and thought they should have been given more time. Mr. Wylie asked to be re-elected on his past record, provided the people were satisfied with it. Mr. Wilborn was In favor of cleaning out the court house and putting in new officials. Mr. Logan would not attempt to make a speech; but said he was under obligations to the people for past favors and hoped they would retriamKor ntroln An tVio Qflth \f TV Tate thanked the people for the liberal support they gave him In the last election and hoped they would see their way to support him again this year. He was In favor of Mr. Wllborn's suggestion to rid the court house of old officials but thought brand new men who had never been there, nor filled any office should be put In. Other County Candidates. The candidates for sheriff were called next, and all of them, except Joseph M. Sims of Sharon, and including George A. Cowan of Rock Hill, who entered the race this week, were present, and came forward and made a few remarks. Following these came the candidates for auditor, all of them being present except Mr. H. T. Williams of Clover. Next came John E. Carroll and John A. Shurley, candidates for county superintendent of education. At the conclusion of the speeches of the candidates for superintendent of education, a recess was taken for dinner. There was an abundance of good things to eat, including plenty i of beef soup and hash made and pre- , pared on the grounds by old and experienced hands who sustained their reputation as experts at this busi- i ness. The meeting was called togeth- < er again at about 4 o'clock. . The candidates for county treasurer were first on the list of speakers for 1 the afternoon. Messrs. Haile and j Smith laid their claims before the . people and asked for their support. Mr. iNeeiy asKea 10 De excuseu num making a speech. T. W. Boyd, candidate for re-election to the office of county supervisor, was not present and in view of this fact his two competitors. Messrs. R. M. Whitesides and Sam'i N. Johnson, declined to make speeches. Only one of the candidates for county commissioner, Mr. Ladd J. Lumpkin, was present. He made a few remarks asking the people to remember him on August 30th. Messrs. Bob Caldwell, R. J. Morrow and A. L. Nunnery, candidates for magistrate for Bethesda township, were then given the privilege of presenting their claims to the people. Mr. Caldwell was not present. Mr. Morrow announced that he had withdrawn in favor of Mr. Nunnery, the present incumbent, who is an old and disabled Confederate soldier. Mr. Nunnery entertained the audience for some time with his wit and humor. On Education. Marion B. Jennings, Esq., of Yorkville, was introduced at the conclusion of Mr. Nunnery's remarks, and delivered quite an interesting speech. He confined his remarks principally to the subject of education and was listened to with much interest. He made a good and favorable impression on the people. At the conclusion of Mr. Jennings's speech, Mr. J. S. Wilson of Lancaster, state secretary of the Jr. O. U. A. M., delivered a short address in behalf of the order he represents. Against Biennial Sessions. W. M. Dunlap, Esq./ of Rock Hill, was the last speaker. He touched on the subject of education and reduc- . tion of taxes and then attacked the legislative candidates for advocating biennial sessions of the legislature. I He said that the law-makers often < enacted laws that proved to not be what the people needed and wanted ; and which were sometimes detriment- t al to the country and that two years s was a long time to wait for redress. He advised the people to think be- ( fore they took action in this matter. ^ Expenses ought to be reduced; but { this was not the way to do it. Let ( the legislative body get down to work immediately on arriving in Columbia and they will accomplish as much in J twenty days as they now do in forty ' Hava anrl thereby save the county as 1 much as biennial sessions would. His 1 speech was well received. The Ogden string band furnished some excellent music for the occasion. The progressive and hospitable people of Ogden spared no pains in their efforts to make a success of the occasion and were well repaid for their trouble, as the day was one continual round of pleasure and enjoyment for all who were there. This, strictly speaking, was not a political meeting, but the county campaign practically opened here and the fight is now on to the finish with the candidates. j. k. s. ROCK HILL AND VICINITY. Picnic at Catawba Church?Rev. Mr. Lingie Gives the Children an Outing?The Constables and the Tigers ?The Candidacy of Mr. Cowan. Correspondence of the Yorkville Enquirer. Rock Hill, August 5.:?The picnic at Catawba church a few miles east of this city last Tuesday was well attended and a very enjoyable affair. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Latham delivered a very interesting address in the forenoon. Several of the county candidates were present, but there was no speaking, as a heavy rain came up early in the afternoon. Rev. W. L. Lingie, pastor of the first Presbyterian church, and a number of his members, took the children of the Sunday school out to the Oates grove, several miles south of this place. Thursday for a days' outing and picnic. They all report quite a delightful time. Constable Drake has been in Rock Hill this week, assisting Constable Jenkins in hunting down the tigers. They went out several miles from the city" Wednesday and found a five gallon keg full of corn juice in a swamp near the home of one Douglass Tims, who learned of the presence or ine < constables in his neighborhood and removed the keg from his house to the swamp only a few minutes before they came up. The officers followed the negro's trail with some difficulty and had to search for some time before finding the booze. After secreting the keg, Tims returned to his home by another route and when the officers appeared in sight of his home carrying the keg. Tims was sitting on the porch turning a crank organ to the tune of "Nearer My God to Thee." He stopped suddenly, gave one searching look at the approaching officers and then departed for other parts. Mr. G. A. Cowan, one of our leading cotton buyers, sprung a surprise on some of his friends this week by announcing himself as a candidate for sheriff of York county. His friends say that he will make the race interesting for some one. MERE-MENTION. N. E. Mason has been appointed chief of the bureau of ordnance navy department, to succeed Rear Admiral Converse, who has assumed the duties of chief of the bureau of navigation. ....In an address at a public reception President Nord, of Hayti, accused the foreign population of the ^ island of plotting against his govern- p ment, and made threatening refer- r inces to the massacre of 1804, when J,500 white men, women and children ivere slain by the natives Capt. Heniy Savage, collector of the port >f Wilmington, N. C., and depository tor the Confederate States treasury jnder Jefferson Davis, died In Wilmington, N. C., Monday, aged seventy fears Mrs. Nelson A. Miles died it West Point, N. Y? Tuesday of ieart failure, aged 62 years....A pas?enger train on the Illinois Central allroad was held up by five masked nen about 25 miles from Chicago Monlay. Several of the passengers were obbed and one was severely wound;d The Missouri, Kansas and Texis Order of Railroad Telegraphers vent on a strike Monday The one lundredth anniversary of the first roatv maHo hv tha TTnlfn^ Qfo+oa irnment with Indians west of the Missouri river was celebrated at Fort Halhoun, Neb., August 3. A monument vas unveiled on the spot where Lewis ind Clark held their council with the Indians An epidemic of cholera s raging in Persia, thirty or forty leaths having occurred In Teheran in one day The state of Texas is said to be making efforts to purchase the site of the siege of Alamo rhe Democratic convention of Texas las renominated Governor Lanham lor governor The Democrats of Indiana have nominated John W. Kearn for governor Yellow fever ias broken out at Tehuatapek, Mexico. NATIONAL POLITICAL NOTES. ? It has been arranged that the lormal notification of Judge Parker ivill take place on next Wednesday. ? In the Texas Democratic convention In Houston last Tuesday exliovernor Hogg made a speech eulogls !r? c\f PftAflPi'Alf nn/1 qfllH thn*- \t Pn rlfpr ivas elected the people would not be ible to see any change from the present Republican administration. ExDongressman Ball called Hogg down ind was enthusiastically applauded jy the convention. ? The Democratic convention of SVest Virginia met in convention at Parkersburg last Wednesday. Hon. Elenry G. Davis was greeted with trenendous applause; but said he ;hought it best not to say anything on mtional issues until he should revive his formal notification. Somebody said "Hurrah for a white man's government!" and Davis said he .vould heartily agree to that sentinent. ? Thomas Taggart, chairman of the Democratic national committee has innounced the following officers of the lational Democratic committee and ho fnllrvwinp' momhors r\t thp nntinn tl executive committee: NationalCommittee?Delancy Nichol, vice chairman, New York; George Foster 3eabody, treasurer, New York. Execltive Committee?W. F. Sheehan, hairman, New York; John R. McLean, Ohio; United States Senator Thomas S. Martin, Virginia: Col. J. VI. Guffey, Pennsylvania: Former U. 3. Senator James Smith, Jr., New Tersey: Timothy E. Ryan, Wisconsin. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. The state campaign winds up at Columbia on Saturday, August 13. ? An unknown mulatto negro was tilled by a Seaboard Air Line freight :rain at North last Tuesday afternoon. ? It is estimated that not less than 10,000 people will have visited Charles;on by the close of the excursion seaion. ? Capt. B. G. Willis, a prominent :itizen of Colleton county, died sudlenly of apoplexy Tuesday while siting on a Jury case at Waterboro, the :ounty seat. He was 63 years of age. ? The Union chamber of commerce las taken up the question of trying o improve the Union cotton market. Vluch Union county cotton is sold in surrounding markets and the business nen think they should handle more >f it. ? The capitol grounds of Columbia ire infested with loafers, who lounge ibout on the benches and the police ire trying to inaugurate a reform, several loafers have been taken be'Arn f Vi/A -no/t/vWI ar nHtVi In tho fp W lays. ? D. J. Verner, master In equity of Greenville county, committed suicide >y shooting himself in the head with i shotgun, at his home in Greenville resterday. Temporary aberration, inluced by bad health is assigned as the sause. ? The family of Mr. John C. Pearce >f Bryd's, Dorchester county, were x>isoned by eating ice cream Monday, dr. Pearce died Monday night and several other members of the family ire thought to be in a very critical ondltion. ? The state board of control is said o be considering the abolition of its >resent unlawful system of permitting he sale of beer on royalty, and substitute a system under which beer will >nly be sold by duly appointed saliried dispensers. ? Chester has arranged for a good oads rally to be held on August 5. Senator A. C. Latimer, Mr. E. J. Wation, commissioner of immigration, Mr. <\ H. Hyatt, president of the State Good Roads association, and Mr. M. 7. Richards, land and industrial agent >f the Southern railway, have accepted invitations to be present. ? Charles B. Garrett and John P. Glark, two farmers of Greenville couny were killed by lightning last Monlay afternoon. When the bolt struck hem they were engaged in sharpenng an axe, one turning the grindstone while the other was holding the ool. Both were killed instantly. George Thompson, who was standing learby was severely shocked, ana 11 vas at first thought that he would lie. Every bee In a hive a few feet listant was killed. ? Richmond, Va., News-Leader: Old Jncle Grover Cleveland has the good lablt of saying the right thing at the ight time. He may not say it very gracefully or cleverly, but he reaches he spot. Nothing could be better han the rallying cry he sends out this veek, calling on Democrats to stand iteady. Nothing could be more effectve than his paragraph of praise and ipproval of Ben Tillman of South Carolina. Of all the men In the counry. Senator Tillman has made himielf most conspicuously and persistmtly offensive to the gold standard democrats, and especially to Mr. Cleveland. He went Into the senate ?randishing an oratorical pitchfork vith which he boasted he would laerate Mr. Cleveland's ribs. Yet the ix-president goes out of his way to ipeak kindly of Tillman, and to echo, everently and with dignity, the South Carolinian's somewhat flippant exlamatlon that Providence seems to >e taking charge of the affairs of the Democratic party. These few words nust have a powerful influence in nothing the feelings of both the facions and bringing us together. When irover Cleveland and Benjamin R. Tillman can stand shoulder to shouller, surely the rest of us can forget iur grievances, disappointments and esentments, however bitter. LOCAL AFFAIRS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Geo. A. Cowan?Is announced as a candidate for sheriff. Geo. C. Leech?Is announced as a candidate for magistrate for Broad River township. First National Bank?Gives full protection and the best service. Witherspoon & Spencers?Publish amended summons in the case of Thomas A. Darby, plaintiff, against Southern Textile Co. and others, defendants. Miss Rosa J. Lindsay?Will have a special sale of Passe Partout pictures at her studio on Thursday, August 11. T CI PViQlrmon?niVPS J. Oi 1P1 ICC) v>vunvjr vuiui ?% > notice of the dates and places of campaign meetings, beginning at Forest Hill on August 9. J. M. Starr & Co.?Have something to say of turnip seed, fruit Jars, pocket knives, etc. J. M. Heath & Co.?Have just finished the work of stock taking and have found some bargains. Foushee Cash Store?Announces a special sale of undervests next Monday. WITHIN THE TOWN. ? Street work has been Interfered with during the past few days by the rain. ? The town council and the board of public works are considering the idea of purchasing several acres of land at the pumping station. ? T.he Enquirer was misinformed as to the temporary suspension of the business of the bucket shop. Mr. Ford left Saturday and Mr. Wilson succeeded to the management Monday morning. THE TIRZAH PICNIC. The Tlrzah people are In earnest about having a big picnic on the occasion of the campaign meeting to be held there on Tuesday, August 16, and propose not only to have a Dig audience for the candidates; but to entertain that audience. The committee held Its meeting last Thursday pursuant to advertisement, let out the refreshment franchise In a satisfactory manner and put in motion other arrangements that offer encouragement to an old time gathering. By resolution It was decided that the men of the country surrounding be requested to gather at Tlrzah on the morning of August 15, and put In as much time as may be necessary In clearing off the grounds, putting the speakers' stand In order, erecting seats, etc. Miss Blanche Love was requested to take charge of the matter of decorations, and the ladles generally of the surrounding country will be expected to give their assistance In this matter as well as in the matter of providing entertainment. A sub-committee was appointed to confer with Col. R. W. Hunt, division passenger agent of the Southern with reference to a reduction of rates from King's Creek, Catawba Junction and Intervening points to Tlrzah, and there is every reason to believe that the accommodating colonel will see that the rates are allowed. NOTE AND COMMENT. Senator Brice expects to be at Forest Hill academy next Tuesday If nothing prevents and will give the voters his views of the dispensary law and tell them about his efforts to restore to the people the right of local self-government. The statement in this column in our last issue to the effect that the county canvass would open at Barnett's mountain next Tuesday was made through inadvertence and was Incorrect. The meeting will be held at Forest Hill, as advertised by Mr. Perry Ferguson. The county canvass opens at Forest TTI11 novf fllAsdaV With a run avaucmj <>vnw ? ^ picnic. The Bethel people never fall to properly entertain their guests on picnic occasions; but it will be Just as well for those who would impose on good nature to be careful. Even the Bethel people cannot be depended upon to stand unlimited imposition. Everybody who can should contribute to the picnic dinner. Dr. M. J. Walker has made a microscopic examination of some of the "scalded" cotton leaves, about which there is so much complaint, and finds them covered with thousands of insects invisible to the naked eye. He thinks these insects are doing the damage complained of; but of course cannot say certainly. He is sending specimens of the scalded leaves to Clemson, with a view to learning what the professors there think of the trouble. THE FARMERS' MUTUALS. The annual meetings of the policy holders of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of York county, and of the policy holders of the Farmers' Mutual Life Insurance company of York county, were held in the court house last Tuesday and were largely attended by representative farmers from all parts of the county. Although operating under separate charters and their business affairs separate, thesfe companies are kindred in that they are largely under the same management, and a majority 01 the policy holders in one are also policy holders in the other. The fire insurance company has been in existence twelve years and the life insurance company has just passed its second anniversary. Mr. John L. Rainey is president of the fire insurance company and Mr. D. E. Boney is agent and treasurer. Mr. W. S. Wilkerson is president of the life insurance company, Mr. J. Frank Ashe, vice president, and Mr. Boney holds the same relative position in this company as in the fire insurance company. Mr. Boney's report as to the condition of the fire insurance company showed more than half a million dollars' insurance in force ($535,000) and that last year the cost of insurance was only the insignificant sum of $2.50 on the thousand dollars. The report on life insurance showed that there lacked only a few members of the 1,000 allowed in a division and that the beneficiaries of the last three deceased members received an even $1,000 in each case. The business management of both companies has been highly creditable to the substantial men in charge and of no little credit to York county as a whole. The proportions to which A the business of both companies has developed will no doubt be a source of no little surprise and gratification to business people in all quarters. Following are the directors of the fire insurance company: I. B. Faries, Bethel; J. F. Ashe, Bethesda; J. P. Blair, Blairsville; J. K. Allison, Broad River; D. P. Lesslie, Catawba; W. J. Miller, Ebenezer; J. L. Klmbrell, Fort Mill; J. A. C. Love, King's Mountain; N. A. Simril, York. These are the dl rectors of the life insurance -company: I. B. Faries, Bethel; N. A. Simril, York: W. J. Miller. Ebenezer; W. S. Lesslie, Lesslie; W. S. Wilkerson, ^ Hickory Grove; J, K. Allison, Hickory Grove; W. M. Caldwell, King's Creek; D. E. Boney, Yorkville; J. F. Ashe, McConnellsvllle; W. D. Lesslie, Clover. ABOUT PEOPLE. Mr. Ben Johnson has been unwell for several days. Mr. Carl Hart of Columbia, Is visiting In Yorkville. Mr. J. Harry Spann of Sumter, Is visiting in Yorkville. Miss Lila Tu, of Camden, is visiting Miss Agalice McCaw. Miss Annlce O'Leary has returned from a visit to friends in Rock Hill. Miss Grace Whisonant of Wilklnsville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. White. Miss Josie Fewell of Rock Hill, is the guest of Misses Bessie and Mary Williams. Master Howard Beard is quite ill and it is feared that he is threatened with fever. Mrs. D. A. Matthews and children of Clover, are the guests of the family of Mr. J. Q. Wray. Miss Kate McConnell has returned to her home in Chester, after a visit to friends in Ydrkville. Mr. J. W. Carr has typhoid fever. He has been removed from his room over Mr. Roth's store to Mr. A. Rose's boardtnghouse. Miss Mayme Patrick of Bethel, returned home last Saturday, after a weeks* visit to Misses Annie and Mary Scott, in the Delphos neighborhood. Mrs. Paul T. Gordon and daughter, arrived in Yorkville last night from Eagle Lake, Texas, to spend some time with relatives and friends here. Mr. A. B. Gaines and family of Gaffney have located in Yorkville, and are occupying the Dickson house on King's Mountain street. Mr. Gaines will engage in insurance. Uncle Robin Love passed through Yorkville yesterday on his way from Hickory Grove to spend a few days with his son-in-law, Mr. J. W. Love, three and a half miles east of Yorkville. THE PABST MALT CA8E. In the magistrate's court last Tuesday a Jury found a verdict for $25 damages against Mr. A. Rose in favor of Dr. J. B. Bowen, on account of the seizure of a quantity of Pabst malt from the latter by the former on July 18 last, and directed the return of the goods seized, or the value thereof, to wit, $8.25. This case grew out of the raid of Constables J. F. Drake and A. Rose on Dr. Bowen's drug store the facts as to which were published at the time. Constable Drake went into the store and induced a fourteen year old clerk to sell him two glasses of malt one for himself and the other for a companion, as a beverage. Having drunk the malt the constable went out and returning with Mr. Rose, seized and carried away fill the malt in stock, shipping the same to Columbia. Dr. Bowen retained counsel, Messrs. F. P. McCain and John R. Hart, and brought an action for claim and delivery for the recovery of the property seized and for damages. Constable Drake having left town In the meantime, Constable Rose only was served, the complaint being as follows: That you, Alonzo Rose and J. F. Drake, are In unlawful possession of certain goods and chattels, the personal property of the plaintiff, to wit: 33 bottles of Pabst malt extract of the value of $8.25, and the said plaintiff is entitled to the possession thereof, by reason of having a perfect title therein: that the plaintiff has made a demand upon the defendants for the possession of the said personal property; but the same has been refused. That by reason of the unlawful, oppressive and malicious act of the defendants in seizing and taking into their possession the said personal property from the store of the plaintiff in Yorkvllle, said county In state on the night of the 18th day of July, 1904, this plaintiff has been damaged in his business and reputation in the sum of ninety dollars. Wherefore, the plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants for the sum of ninety dollars damages, and for the possession of the said personal property, or the value thereof, $8.25, in case possession cannot be had, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. Mr. Rose retained W. B. McCaw, Esq., as his representative, and filed an answer as follows: First. That he denies each and every allegation of the complaint Second. He specifically denies that in taking possession of the 33 bottles of Pabst malt described in the complaint of the plaintiff, not as an Individual, but as a state constable, acting under the order of the chief state constable of the state of South Carolina, and of his division Chief J. R. Fant, his act was unlawful, oppressive or malicious; but on the contrary his said action was in the strict line of his duty as a state constable sworn and bonded to enforce the dispensary law of the state of South Carolina, which plaintiff after being warned and admonished, had violated by selling Pabst malt as a beverage. Wherefore this defendant prays that the complaint of the plaintiff be dismissed with costs. The case came up for trial on the issues outlined in these pleadings, before a jury composed as follows: M. L. Thomasson, foreman; J. L. Wil llams, Wm. Dickson, J. M. Brian, John F. Youngblood. Mr. McCaw moved to dismiss the proceedings on three grounds as follows: 1. That claim and delivery, a strictly statutory proceeding is necessarily based on a proper summons, affidavit and undertaking, the undertaking to be signed by one or more sureties. The undertaking in this case being signed by the plaintiff alone, was fatally defective. 2. The pleadings do not state an action for damages because no actual damages as such, are alleged in the complaint. 3. Where there is no allegation of actual damages, there can be no recovery of vindicative or exemplary damages. Messrs. McCain and Hart argued that inasmuch as the plaintiff was