Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, June 24, 1904, Image 3

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A * MERE-MENTION. The National Grain Dealers' association is in session in Milwaukee Col. Thomas FYench, a member of the Light Brigade which made itself im< . mortal at the charge of Balaklava and also a member of the G. A. R., died at St. Augustine, Fla., Wednesday, aged seventy-flve Princes George and Conrad, sons of Prince Leopold of Bavaria, and cousins of King Otto have arrived in New York, to visit the St. Louis exposition and make a tour of * the United States... .Thirty thousand men, employes of the ready-made clothing factories of New York city are on a strike 51,000,000 in English gold went down in the Japanese transport Sado, which was sunk by the Vla?? divostok squadron in the Straits of Korea last week An engine pulling a Delaware railroad passenger train went through the drawbridge at Laurel river. Del.. Monday. The engiheer was killed, but the passengers were saved by the baggage-master who crawled under the moving train and uncoupled the cars The Louisiana Democratic convention has instructed for Parker After spending five days in prison at Port Arthur, Hector Fuller, special staff war correspondent of the Indianapolis News, has been released. ....The Texas Democratic convention has Instructed for Parker. Aiken's Horrible Murder Case. In Aiken Thursday the case of the State vs. Lee Green, who is charged * with the murder of the Jew peddler, Abram Surasky, on or about the 16th of last July, was taken up. The details of this case are familiar to all, as what could be learned of the facts at the time showed that Surasky had been killed in a most horrible manner. Mr. Surasky was one of five brothers who are engaged in business at Aiken. Abram Surasky made weekly trips through the country with his pack of goods in a wagon. The section in which he was murdered was one in which he traveled rrequenuy, aim au far as known he never had reason to believe he was in danger. On Tuesday of the week of his last trip, he went to the Hawthorn and Silverton neighborhood and was never seen again alive. On Friday the news was brought to Aiken that he had been murdered. His body had been found seated in his peddler's cart with gunshot wounds in the back and mutilations from blows with an axe or other instrument. Cor- < oner Plunkett held an inquest on the remains, which had been left in the -v woods from Wednesday until Saturday and were in a horrible state of decomposition. His horse also had been left tied to a tree to starve, but the animal had broken loose and wander- i ed away. The coroner's Jury, after hearing the evidence charged two young white men, George Toole and Lee Green with the murder, and Toole was arrested and brought to jail. ^ Toole proved an alibi and Green was left to shoulder the awful crime alone. He was arrested about four weeks later by the sheriff, Detective Arthur and a posse. Blood stains on the floor of Green's house, a bloody axe u.'der his house and other facts pointel to this young man of 21 years of age as be^ ing the perpetrator of one of the most i horrible crimes that ever occurred in ; Aiken county. Only two persons, Henry Drayton and his wife, Mary, could be found who knew much of the facts. These two negroes lived near Green and their testimony was of such importance that they were arrested and put in jail for safe keeping. From the first Green has contended that the reason why he shot the Jew peddler, chopped his body so barbarously with an axe and then left the remains to rot in the woods, was because Surasky insulted his wife. This is the argument so far followed by the defense. The State is represented by the solicitor, James E. Davis, assisted by Messrs. Davis & Gunter, Sawyer & Owens, and Croft & Salley. The defense is represented by Messrs. Henderson and H. S. Gyles. A verdict will probably be reached today. Deaths by Lightning. Mr. John Pearson was killed by lightning in his home at Summerville last Sunday and a small son of Mr. D. G. Smith of Rldgeway, met death in the same manner on Monday afternoon. Laurens Damaged by Hail. Portions of Laurens county were visited by a severe hailstorm on Monday afternoon and there was much , damage to the growing crops. AT THIS CHtHCHES. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johnes. rector. Sunday Services?Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 5.30 p.m. Evening prayer and address at 8.30 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL v rev. j. l. stokes, d. d? pa8tor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Evening services at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. c. ewart, pastor. Sunday Services.?Sabbath school at 10 o'clock in the morning. Morning ^ service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 8.30 o'clocK. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. g. neville, d. 1)., pastor. Sunday Services?Quarterly service and address by Dr. S. A. Weber at 5 o'clock p. m. BAPTIST. rev. w. e. hurt, pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school in the morning at 10 o'clock. Services each second and fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock in the morning and at 8.30 in the evening. fecial gjWiqes. Preaching at Hebron. There will be preaching at Hebron next Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock by Rev. W. C. Ewart. the pastor. It ?he gorhcille (Jetton $Rnrhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkville, June 24, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 101 Strict Middling 101 w- Good Middling 101 Strict Good Middling 101 Latta Bros. Announcements. The following citizens of York coun- " ty are being announced in The Enwuirer as candidates for the offices e named: t For State Senator. J. S. BRICE. v For House of Representatives. ' JAS. E. BEAMGUARD, FRANK P. MCCAIN, J. W. ARDREY. For County Auditor. H. T. WILLIAMS. ' W. B. WILLIAMS. a JOHN J. HUNTER. t For County Supervisor. THOS. W. BOYD. fi S. N. JOHNSON. k R. M. WHITESIDES. e For Clerk of the Court: J. C. WILBORN, . otJATtTXT WVT TT? W. ?? 41 If AMAU, JOHN R. LOGAN, s J. ANDREW TATE. s For Sheriff: t! E. A. CRAWFORD, 1 JOS. M. SIMS, ? B. F. CALDWELL, HUGH G. BROWN, S. S. PLEXICO, JOHN F. GORDON. ROBT. B. LOWRT, For Superintendent of Education: JOHN E. CARROLL, JOHN A. SHURLET. For Coroner. L. W. LOUTHIAN. F. E. CLINTON, For County Treasurer. J. R. HAILE, H. A. D. NEELY. For Magistrate?York Township. J. C. COMER, J. HARVEY WITHERSPOON. Will Consider the Applications of Women.. From the date of its incorporation in 1845 up to and including May, 1903, the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company refused to issue policies on the lives of women. On June 1 of last year the following notice was placed in the hands of the agents of the Mutual v Benefit: < "The Company will consider applica- ,, tions for not more than $5,000 on the ( lives of women who are in receipt of ^ an income from their own labor or ? property and who expect to pay their own premiums. Such policies will be > made payable to the Insured or their estates, or to anyone dependent on them for support, or who would sustain commensurate pecuniary loss by reason of their death. Policies issued on the lives of women will in all respects be similar to policies issued on the lives of men." I shall be pleased to furnish additional information on request. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. p< 33 to 50 Per Cent Reduction On a: STRAW HATS. 01 Good dressers say that our ' Straw Hats are the nobbiest ever 81 shown in Yorkville. Tomorrow, " Monday and Tuesday you get your choice for just a little bit of money. Wear a Straw Hat for hot weather comfort. See prices: Men's Straw Hats, were 75c, to close out at 50c. Men's Straw Hats that were 50c, to close at only 38c. Men's Straw Hats that were 25 and 35 cents each, to close at 19c. "I Boy's Straw Hats that were 75c, to J close out. only 50c. Boy's Straw Hats that we 50c to close at only 38c. Boy's Straw Hats that were 25 and 35 cents, to close out at 19c. Boy's Straw Hats that were 15 cts. each, to close out at only 10c. Boy's Straw Hats that were 10c, to close out at only 8c. Children's Straw Sailors, with silk ? streamers, were 50c, to close at ...38c. Misses' Straw Sailors, worth $1, to close while they last at only 75c. ? Ladies' Straw Hats, nice quality, *] were $1, now to close 75c. . Better grade that was $1.50, to close 11 at only $1.10. _ This sale is for Tomorrow, Monday ^ and Tuesday. All sales are for strictly g CASH?no goods on approval and no c goods to be charged. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. We Are Selling ^ V Austin, Nichols & Co.'s s I F Morning: Glory I Roasted Coffee ' (The Housekeepers Stand- F ard). f This is the choicest roasted coffee 1 we have ever handled. It is , blended and roasted just right. Put up in four pound airtight tin cartons at 25c per pound?$1.00 1 per can. Its aroma is delicious. i RIDDLE & CARROLL. We have a carload of extra ( choice teed Lorn. Kigm price, c ] Money to Loan i On Approved. Security. ' MoDOW ?fc I.EWIK, Yorkvllle, S. C. \ WILLIS'S BARBER SHOP. < WE handle laundry, collecting and ] delivering it promptly. We take pleasure in giving the best possible service. The patrons of my barberlng estab- j lishment receive the most polite and skillful attention. D. F. WILLIS, Proprietor. May 27 f 3m. WANTED ^7"OU to assist in enhancing your own A as well as your neighbor's reaiistate by doing your trading through his office, thereby creating a fund to idvertise property and advantages at lome and abroad. Thrifty citizens vith money and brains can be brought f shown inducements. No one can acompiish this better than J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hiil, S. C. PIANOS AND FURNITURE. [HAVE two Square Pianos, Steinway and Sterne makes, that I will sell t a bargain or lease on favorable erms. I am also offering Book Cases, lot of select Books, a Walnut Sideoard, and other Furniture at a sacrlice, preparatory to breaking up house- I eeplng. People who may be inter siea are mviiea 10 cuji. Mrs. M. H. METTS. FIRST COME?FIRST SERVED? ITT E are now running our business ?T on the First Come?First Served tyle, and our customers will find it a atisfactory way of doing business. We are also running our business on he PAY WHEN THE WORK IS )ONE plan, and our customers and urselves find this satisfactory. Your rders are solicited. W. O. RAWLS. BASKET '= PICNIC- ) i SALE BEGIN5 -viHue 01 rsesi Asn wuou?wen pu dies?Lids with strong Hinges?I 7x9 inches?Displayed in 8c Windo Displayed in 12c Window, Baskets es. (Actual values up to 25c.) Sometime between 9 a. m. an choice on 10 CENTS COUNTER I tii' Between 2 and 5 p. m., we'll set OFF ON THE DOLLAR. Of course you'll be here?Watchini i?' They'll not be "Just sold out"FOUSHEE C. Phone 38 t?* P. S.?To the person who brings us < RISH POTATO, we'll GIVE FREE th< Worth 25 cents). To the person bringi re'll give the Second Choice of a Basket The First National Bank of Yorkville Receives Deposits. Buys and Sells Exchange. Issues Bank Money Orders. Pays 4 per cent interest on time DeDsits. Loans Money, nd in fact does everything in the line f Banking. Our invitation is a standing one to isitors any time. n fs All CI fcl n. nkubiiif vcioiiivi KT We sell Bank Money Orders?good erywhere. STOCK-TAE ?or Ten Days Casl Bargains Wortl Beginning last wed* til SATURDAY, July 211 TCLE IN OUR STORE AT C ti order to facilitate our stock-tak During this sale we will give ;est bargains of the year. Pricci luded in our big stock (Coats X) FIFTY PER CENT, and c - rkTTTPIT PTTVPPQ WITH PA iTAND BELOW "THE PR?C] wholesale?but stock-taking tim tore will present to the good peo BARGAINS that none can afFor >revail here. See these : Valworth 3-4 Bleaching, former price 5 cents a yard, for this sale ..41 -2c. luburban 7-8 Bleaching, former price 6 1-4 cents, reduced now to 5c. vanhoe 4-4 Bleaching, former price 7 cents a yard, now reduced to..61-4c. Vestover 4-4, former price 8 l-3c, now reduced to 7c. Mp-Top 4-4, former price 10c a yard, now reduced to .....8 1-3c. rRUIT OF THE LOOM, 7-8ths of a yard wide, regular price 10 cents, now EIGHT AND A THIRD CENTS. RUIT OF THE LOOM, 4-4 wide, regular price 121-2 cents, now reduced to NINE CENTS A YARD. ,onsdale Sheeting, 4-4 wide, regular price 12 1-2 cents, now reduced to 9c. tiulroscoggins 4-4 Sheeting, regular price 11 cents a yard, our price for this sale, only 9c. Cew York Mills 4-4 Sheeting:, regular price 12 1-2 cents a yard, for this sale only 11c. Anchor brand Hickory Shirting, reguWe have quoted prices only )ffer a discount of TEN PER CI duding Shoes, men's and boys Dress Trimmings and Findings, F Shirts, Overalls, Umbrellas, etc. :ents on the dollar. Remember, please, Tha :o anyone at reduced price! :arried out on approval. T [y for CASH only. ggT1 We can save you money < noney on some things. DON'T The Strauss-Si Remarkable Offer. A Beautiful Imported Dressed Doll to BE GIVEN AWAY. Buy a package of any of the following exquisitely perfumed TALCUM POWDERS: Pearls of Violets, Pearls of Roses, Heliotrope Blossoms, Talcum Toilet Powder, Save the Coupon attached to each package, and to the person returning the largest number of coupons we will give this beautiful doll. Each coupon represents the purchase of one package of either of the above Talcum Powders. We recommend these powders as being absolutely pure and made of the best ingredients. Piedmont Springs Mineral Water?The finest medicinal water on the market for indigestion and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Kept on ice and sold at Starr's Drug Store. We also sell Harris Llthla Water. TT etlftn tirKrt Kiitr fVinlr nereiuiuic k?' wto "??? uu/ mi?i? TURNIP SEED From us have. told us that they never miss a stand and always make fine turnips. Moral?Buy your Turnip 8eed from us. You will find a full supply at JAS. M. STARR & CO.'8, Leading Druggists. 10NDAY 27TH special Sale. > AT 9 A. M. t together?Two adjustable Hanlaskets measure 6x8 Inches and w.?(Worth up to 15 cents), measure from 7x9 to 10x15 inchd 12 o'clock m., we'll sell your -OR 8 CENT8. I our NEW RIBBONS at 20 CTS. ? for the Bargains. -We keep our promises. 4SH STORE Yorkvllle, S. C. )n our Special Sale Day the LARGEST i choice Basket in our 12e Window? ing the SECOND LARGEST POTATO Water Coolers. Convenient and useful, for store and home. You can have Ice Water all the time at a small cost. I have them in 2, 3 and 4 gallon sizes at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Mackerel in Kits > * r a 1 r .Been OUl 01 tneui lor sonic time; have them in stock now. No. 2 Extra at $1.15 a Kit. Respectfully, LOUIS ROTH. sw 1 Buyers Will Find 1 Having Here. JESDAY) and continuing und, we will SELL EVERY ARREATLY REDUCED PRICES ing, which begins Tuesday, July our customers the best and big5 are reduced on everything ill's cotton excepted) from TEN >ur prices will insure big savings SH. Many articles are offered ES at which we bought them e is here and for ten days this pie a GREAT CARNIVAL OF d to miss. Popular prices will lar price 10 cents a yard, for this sale the price Is reduced) to ..81-3c. Feather Ticking, former price 12 l-2c, for this sale at this store 10c. ACA TICKING, regular price 16 2-3ca yard, our price for this sale only FOURTEEN CENTS A YARD. Cherry Mountain 4-4 Unbleached Sheeting, regular price 7 cents a yard, for this sale only 6 1-4c. Hamilton Stripes, regular price 12 l-2c, for this sale, our price, per yard 10c. Piedmont Sheeting, 4-4 wide, 3 yards to the pound, regular 8 1-3 cents a yard goods, our price 71-2c. Fancy and Royal Blue Calicoes are offered for this sale at only ....4 3*4c. Simpsons and Americans BEST Calicoes are offered in any quantities at only 5 1-2c. Oold Medal Cheviots, former price, 10c a yard, for this sale the price is cut to only 8 1-3c. Unbleached Quilt Lining, former and regular price 5 cents a yard, for this sale the price is only t-oUR CENTS. on a few Staple Goods, but we ENT on everything in stock, in>' Hats, Millinery, Dress Goods, [osiery, Underwear, Gents' Pants, ... /-it ,i_! _. Y-MrvTiir We otter an v^ioining ai rjri * t no goods will be charged 3. No goods exchanged or he reduced prices are strictDn everything in our line?Much MISS THIS SALE. mith Company. rTOTMTOTOTOTfcTOTOTOYimiW S. M. McNEEL, Pres. | THE LOAN AND | YORKVILI f CAPITAL STO m A Special Savings Depart- \N J ment, Using the Auxiliary and ? Home Savings Banks and itiei ? Paying Four Per Cent In- the fterest. vice teoi Interest Bearing Certificates the ^ of Deposit Issued Under con; jj Special Agreement. y ? Bar 9 Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. resi tem S cou: W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. ram &atA*A*A*A?AIU*A*A*A*A?A?t?l JTM. HEA GENERAL MI a a? Te ? a-"% /\ WU1 J U11C Attractive Offering Prompt Im OUR BARGAIN offerings foi June, include soine very rich offei Coats and Vests, and All Wool Si deep cuts. Serge Coats are muc wear and now is a good time to b Serge Coats. 100 All Wool Blue Serge Coats, worth $2, now going at $1.50. 50 All Wool Blue Serge Coats, worth $3.50, now going at $2.50. 50 All Wool Blue Serge Coats, worth (5, now going at $3.50. 25 All Wool Blue Serge Coats, worth $7, now going at $5.00. 10 All Wool Blue Serge Coats and Vests, worth $10, now going at $8.00. Men's Suits. About Fifty of those $10 and $12 Fancy All Wool Suits left, now going as long as they last at $5 and $6. New Millinery, Ladies, you should come in and give us your order at once ror Miuinery. We have Just received a big line of Millinery goods fresh from the eastern markets. Fans. You can afford to keep cool these hot days, as we are selling two fans for five cents. Better Fans at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c each. J. M. HE/ J. L. WILLIAMS, Manager. FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. FRUIT JARS We have a very large stock of Mason's Fruit Jars in one quart and half gallon sizes. We bought enough at wholesale to get the lowest prices - -- J .. :ii > ana our cusiuuieis win the LOWEST PRICES by buying here. For the lowest prices come HERE. We also have Extra Rubbers for Fruit Jars, but? Come here for Fruit Jars. FERGUSON & CLINTON. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livery, 8ale and Feed 8tablo?. The Best Features of All Good buggies are to be found in Summers buggies. See them. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. ALL work done promptly. Give your orders for Copying, Enlarging. Cravons and Pastel. See sample group of Confederate veterans taken May 10. 1904. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. r$*ntniTOT*T*T)miT*Y*T*TOni J. S. BRICE, VICC-Pres. 2 SAVINGS BANK * LE, S. C. ? ? ? CK $5 0, 000. 1 Mth ample capital and resources, ^ with good connections and facil!, this Bank is In position to extend ? best of service, and offers this ser- 3 : to every business firm and citizen ^ rork County, assuring prompt, cour- jg is, and intelligent attention, and ? granting of all the accommodation ? slstent with Safe Banking. 3 re transact any business in the <4 iking line, and cordially invite cor- ? >ondence or a call from any con- ? plating the opening of a new ac- J nt or a change in their present ar- * cements. jg tit a* nr\ X XX UC V/V., LRCHANDISE. Bargains. s That Invite Your restigation. r the last days of May and early rings in men's Blue Serge Coats, jits on which we have made very h in demand for warm weather uyOxfords and Slippers. Men's Low Shoes at all prices from $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50 a pair, all sizes and styles. Ladles Oxfords and Sandals at $1 and up to $3. Children's Slippers in all sizes, styles, numbers and prices. Wash Goods, etc. Our stock of WASH GOODS, SILKS and BLACK DRESS GOODS Is very larsre. and we have all the newest cat terns and weaves. We are selling: a beautiful Figured Lawn at S cants a yard, and a better quality of Figured Lawn at 81-3 cents a yard. Groceries. We sell Groceries both wholesale and retail, and no matter what you want in this line, either wholesale or retail, there Is no better place to do your buying than right here. We do our buying In larg^ quantities and get the best prices, and can make you the closest of prices. A.id then another thing about our groceries. We sell nothing but the VERY BEST QUALITIES. If you want good Flour, Sugar, Meat, Lard, Coffee, Soaps, SnufT, Tobacco, etc., you can buy to the best advantage here. Hardware. When you want anything In the HARDWARE line, Just remember. If you please, that you can do the easiest buying here. We carry a good stock of hardware and call your special attention to our Cooking Stoves, Grindstones, Plow Stocks, Plow Moulds, Barbed Wire, Hog Wire, etc. See us for prices at any rate. Shingles. While we are on the subject we Just want to remind you that we have ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND GOOD SHINGLES, and If you want any we will make some Interesting prices in small or large quantities. Fertilizer Accounts. Those of our customers who are due on notes for Fertilizers will accommodate us very much by attending to the matter at once. ITH & CO., For Sale An Eight-Horse Power ENGINE AND BOILER on wheels, and Just thoroughly overhauled and In fine condition?as good as new at a bargain price. We mean a bargain and If you want to get the benefit of an opportunity come quick You know what It Is to lose an,opportunlty, don't you? W. B. MOORE & CO. Summer Goods Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Screen Doors and Windows, Mosquito Bars for wood and iron beds, and other seasonable goods at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S. Beauties In Iron Beds Have you seen them at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S? ET 'Cane Mattings?a large line at low prices at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S. FARMERS, INSTITUTE. NOTICE is hereby given that a FARMERS' INSTITUTE, will be held by members of Clemson College Faculty, in the Town of Yorkville, in the auditorium of the Grad School building, on the 18TH DAY CF JULY next. Ladies as well as men are cordially invited. It is expected that Dr. G. E. Nesom. veterinarian; Prof. C. C. New man, horticulturist, and Prof. Shiver, chemist, will address the meeting. JAMES B. ALLISON, Chairman of Petitioners. 7t June 20, 1904 OCONEE SHINGLES. I AM prepared to let you have Just as many good OCONEE SHINGLES as you want. If you get anything In this line, be sure you get the best. And don't forget to see my Shingles before you buy. It will be to your advantage. D. WYATT NEVILLE. April 19 t.f tf announcements Election,-Tuesday, August 30, 1004. FOB SHERIFF. WE are authorized to announce Captain E. A. CRAWFORD aa a candidate for SHERIFF of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters In the primary election. June 24 t 4t* FOR CLERK OF THE COURT. WE are authorized to announce J. C. WILBORN as a candidate for CLERK OF THE COURT of York county, subject to the action of the Democratic party In the primary election. June 24 t te. FOR COUHTY AUDITOR. WE are authorized to announce H. T. WILLIAMS of Clover, as a candidate for recommendation for appointment as AUDITOR of York countv. aublect to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. June 24 f-te TTTfTTTTTTTTfVfTVTTTffffJT t : Planet Jr. J t 5 Cultivators. J We have accepted the agen- J cy for the Planet Jr. Culti- < vators, and have a lot of < . t them in stock. They do the 4 ? work nicer than any plow J [ and complete one row at a J time. You can cultivate < your crop with one-half the 4 labor of the old way and do 4 I it better. Call and see them. 4 < 4 4 YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. 4 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EASY WRITING. People who write a great deal usually find the work very tiresome when using an ordinary steel pen. Good writers every- ^ where use and recommend the Parker "Lucky Curve" Fountain Pen, because it enables writers to do the maximum amount of writing with the minimum amount of labor. I have Parker "Lucky Curve" Fountain Pens, $1.50 to |6. You had better buy one. T. W. 8PECK, Th? Jew?l?r. These Letters z < s M " AO! When properly put together, spell the name of the maker of the choicest BonBons and Chocolates to be found anywhere. You will find the freshest candies at the YORK DRUQ 8TORE. J. B. BO WEN, PROP., Registered Pharmacist. J. J. KELLER & CO.," CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. If You Intend to Bnild See us, as we take contracts for building In wood, brick, stone and Iron from the ground up. We also draw building plans. We Sell Flooring, Celling, Framing, Weatherboarding. Steel Roofing, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Laths, Brick, Lime, Cement, Builder's Hardware, Tools, Building Paper, Roofing Paper, Paints, Leads, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, etc. X& Give us your orders for Screen Doors and Windows. Satisfaction and prompt work guaranteed. J. J. KELLER & CO. FOB RENT. THE DICKSON HOUSE AND LOT on King's Mountain street. Apply to C. E. SPENCER. May 6. f.t. tf. Site ||orfet>ilte (Inquirer. Published Tuesday and Friday. PUBLISHERS i W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. H. GRIST. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION I Single copy for one year f 2 00 One copy for two years 3 50 For three months <0 For six months 1 00 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent Insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. tar Contracts for advertising, space for three, six and twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the ofllce by Monday at noon when intended for Tuesday's issue, and on Thursday at noon, when Intended for Friday's issue.