Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, June 03, 1904, Image 3

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governor has given the letter to the press. It is as follows: "His Excellency, the Governor of South Carolina: Dear Sir: I have Just written the governor of North Carolina, calling attention to the fact that October 7th, A. D. 1905, will be the 125th anniversary of the battle of King's Mountain, one of the pivotal engagements of the war for independence, fought within the borders of your state. It is quite customary to observe such a date with especial commemorative celebrations, and I venture to suggest that measures be taken by the chief executives, the patriotic societies and citizens of the two Carolinas, Tennessee and Virginia?from which states the patriotic volunteers were drawn? to mark the important anniversary by suitable exercises. My attention was mailer* tn the date while DreDaring a lectin upon King's Mountain, as president.of the Presbyterian Historical society, an institution that embraces all branches of the Reformed and Presbyterian church In our country. north and south. It seemed to me that the two Carolinas might most fittingly take the initiative in such a measure; although I am sure that Patriotic Societies of Revolutionary descendants in all parts of the nation will cheerfully co-operate." THE STATE CAMPAIGN. Democratic Executive Committee Arranges Programme For Canvass. The sub-committee of the State Democratic Executive committee met in Columbia last night and arranged the itinerary for the state campaign this summer. It is not thought that any of the candidates except those for railroad commissioner will participate. The programme is as follows: "Sumter, Tuesday, June 21. - Manning, Wednesday, June 22. Monks Corner, Thursday, June 23. Georgetown, Friday, June 24. * Klngstree, Saturday, June 25. Conway, Tuesday, June 28. Marlon, Wednesday, June 29. Florence, Thursday, June 30. ' Darlington, Friday, July 1. Bennettsville, Saturday, July 2. Bishopvllle, Tuesday, July 5. Chesterfield, Wednesday, July 6. Camden, Thursday, July 7. Lancaster, Friday, July 8. Yorkville, Saturday, July 9. , TTnlftn Tiionrinv. .Tillv 12. Spartanburg, Wednesday, July 13. . Gaffney, Thursday, July 14. Greenville, Friday, July 15. Pickens, Saturday, July 16. I Walhalla. Tuesday, July 19. , Anderson, Wednesday, July 20. Abbeville, Thursday, July 21. i Greenwood. Friday, July 22. 1 Laurens, Saturday, July 23. , Newberry. Monday, July 25. Orangeburg, Tuesday, July 26. ' Bamberg, Wednesday, July 27. St. George, Thursday, July 28. Charleston, Friday, July 29. 1 Walterboro, Saturday, July 30. Beaufort, Tuesday, August 2. Hampton, Wednesday, August 3. , Barnwell, Friday, August 5. Aiken, Saturday, August 6. Edgefield, Monday, August 8. Saluda, Tuesday, August 9. Lexington, Wednesday, August 10. Chester, Thursday, August 11. , Winnsboro, Friday August 12. Columbia, Saturday, August 13. General Ma Is Not a Joke.?There has been a good deal of fun poked at General Ma, and It must be admitted that pictures of his Manchurian army show about the worst collection of yellow misfits ever seen outside of a sideshow. But he is the only Chinese military man whose professional value has been proved. In China it is averred that he has never been defeated. He is trying to make soldiers. He has employed competent instructors, and has commenced the modern instruction of his troops. He has not progressed very far in the direction of modernity. For instance. the punishment for defective marksmanship under his orders is beating with rattan rods, and he has no compunction about decapitation in the interest of discipline, which may do in China, but would never become pop- | ular in a civilized community. He is popular with the Chinese peo- I pie. and it is within the range of possibilities that he should become the . head of a great Chinese uprising, in which case the troubles of the czar would be multiplied.?Atlanta Journal, j Wonderful Boll Weevil Story.? The secretary of agriculture has re- | ceived a dispatch from a San Antonio, Tex., newspaper stating that two fields of cotton, covering about six hundred ( acres in Baxter county, have been en- ' tirely cleared of the boll weevil by millions of ants, now swarming on the plants. The roads near the field are said to be filled with ants carrying off the dead boll weevil. Secretary Wilson nas teiegrapnea expert entomologists connected with his department who are now in Texas, to make a thorough l investigation. < i AT THE CHbKCHES. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johne8. rector. Sunday Services?Lay services at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday school at 4.30 p. m. Evening prayer and address at , 8.15 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL rev. j. v stokes, d. d., pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Evening services at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. c. bwart, pastor. Sabbath school at 10 o'clock in the i morning. No other services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. g. neville, d. d., pastor. Sunday Services?Morning services In the morning at 11 o'clock. Children's day exercises in the afternoon at 5 o'clock. No evening service. BAPTIST. REV. W. E. HURT. PASTOR. Sunday Services?Sunday school In the morning at 10 o'clock. Services each second and fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock In the morning and at 8.00 In the evening. ?perial JJotires. No Gloss Carriage Paint Made will wear as long as Devoe's. No others are as heavy bodied, because Devoe's weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint. Sold by J. J. Keller & Co. No Preaching Sunday. There will be no preaching at Enon next Sunday, the regular day. the pastor. Mr. Lambert, having been called to Alabama on account of the illness and death of his mother. It A Yorkville Woman Asks "have you a floor paint that will last two weeks?" Yes we have Devoe's; it has a beautiful gloss and will wear two years if properly applied. J. J. Keller & Co. fecial Jgtotiqes. Letter to M L Carroll Yorkville S C, Dear Sir: The cheap paint to buy is the one that covers more than you think; the cheap one to wear is the one that Is young when old. Mrs Moore, of Kelsey, N Y, bought 16 gallons Devoe to paint her house two coats; her painters said it would take that. Had 6 gallons left. Mr James Ackley's house, in Cairo (Cat8kill Mountains), N Y, was painted Devoe; it wore 14 years; and the paint was in good condition tnen. *ie was going to paint, the last we knew, though. That's the way to preserve a house; repaint when there's no occasion. Yours truly 11 F w Devoe & Co P. S.?J. J. Keller & Co. sell our paint. Announcements. The following citizens of York coun- ! ty are being announced In The En- 1 quirbr as candidates for the offices named: For County Auditor. W. B. WILLIAMS, JOHN J. HUNTER. For County Supervisor. THOS. W. BOYD, S. N. JOHNSON, R. M. WHITESIDES. For Clerk of the Court: W. BROWN WYLIE, JOHN R. LOGAN, J. ANDREW TATE. For Sheriff: JOHN F. GORDON, ROBT. B. LOWRY, S. S. PLEXICO, For Superintendent of Education: JOHN E. CARROLL, JOHN A, SHURLEY. For Coroner. L. W. LOUTHIAN. For County Treasurer. . . , H. A. D. NK1CLY, For House of Representative^. J. W. ARDREY. HYMENEAL. Marribd?At the home of Mr. H. N. Sherrer, the bride's father, near Sharon, on Wednesday, June 1, Mr. MOSES FARIS and Mrs. MATTIE GET- ' TYS. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. S. Grier. < $he Qorhcille dfotton arhet. . Corrected 8erfii-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkvilj.e, June 3, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling Ill Strict Middling Ill Good Middling Ill Strict Good Middling Ill Latta Bros. ? ??? 1 j WE HAVE A CARLOAD. I Of D. M. Osborne <& { Co.'s Mowers and ;. Rakes. If you need either or both, come i and let us talk the i matter over. We will i quote close prices and i make the terms to 5 suit you. j RIDDLE & CARROLL. s GUANO NOTES. ( Parties who purchased fertilizers 4 from us this season, will greatly sblige us by coming in and signing up notes for same. RIDDLE & CARROLL. SPECIAL Monday, June 6th "SHIRTS." See Show Window. PVinirp fnr ?nr VAAVAVV * V* VI Equal to the ordinary 50c. Shirts. I " S H | if" Choice f Q W Watcl Compare with r jg Our "LUCKY" purchas ? bought wben money was THAT'S WHY ? A. 99 STYLES?a job lot. o ?. ZL _ all alike?rure White, Tv and Lawns-and Fancy S Mt also Dark Colors, if you v n SALE B! ? Iw You can't buy at the SPE ? 9 o'clock. ? SOMETIME during: tl Ji worth 10c, 15c, 20c and 2 HOSIERY worth 10c, 1 ? 20c each. % % Also HANDKERCHIEF r4c, and 8c. But remembi Special time to get these FOUSHE1 w 'Phone No 3S. % Boys and Girls?Oct j buy a Shirt and we'll ser SHOE 5. Our Shoe stock is a source of great satisfaction to us because it includes so many shoes that are extra good values and because it is the means tnat is building up a good shoe business for us. Our customers are showing their appreciation of our good shoes by continuing . to buy here. We have Men's Patent Colt Shoes, London toe, $2.50 to $5 a pair. Men's Patent Colt shoes, London toe, Blucher styles, $3.50 to $5. Men's Vici Kids $2, $2.50 to $3.50. Men's Satin Calf shoes, solid leather throughout, $1.25 and $1.50. Men's Corona Kid shoes, solid leather thoughout, $1.25 and $1.50. Ladies' shoes from 75c to $3 a pair. Children's Shoes, soft soles, 25 and 50 cents a pa. in black and blue. Children's Shoes from 25c to $1.50. Misses' Shoes from 50c to $1.75 a pair. For the BEST. Shoes at the LOWEST prices, come to see us. SPECIAL SALE. SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUE8DAY. Qn the above days we will offer a 3peqlal limited amount of Tin and Enameled ware at very low prices. 12 qt. Milk Pan* at 10c each. j Heavy Gray Enameled Dippers, 10c. Heavy Gray Enameled 8auce Pans, 10c each. Heavy Gray Enameled Pie Pans, 10c. Heavy Gray Enameled Cake Pans, 10c. 2 qt. Coffee Pots, 10e. Heavy Gray Enameled Wash Pans, 10o. Sheet Iron Biscuit Pans, 10c. ( Three cakes Good Toilet Soap, 10c. , Vtr These prices are for spot cash. , No goods on approval and no goods taken back after sale. i J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. j The First National Bank j of Yorkville CAPITAL PAID IN $50,000.00. ' Directors: O. E. WILKINS, President, W. I. WITHERSPOON, Vice Prest. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier, ? W. R. CARROLL, W. B. MOORE, JAS. M. STROUP, f. p. 8TAQY. A. N. WOOD. Dr. W. M. UOVE. Solicits the business of the York :ounty people, assuring them every ;ourtesy and accommodation conslst;nt with sound Banking. Sir We Sell Bank Money Orders? jood everywhere. Bargains? Parties Who Buy Tobacco1 i Will find some good BARGAINS AT < STARR'S. We sell ten pounds of good Tobac- ' >o for $2.75. Call and see. Machinery Oil i We have^a real good grade of Ma ;hine un ror narrows, mowers, uiuu- \ ;rs, engines, threshers, saw mills and n fact all kinds of machinery. ' When you want the best Sewing Machine Oil?oil that will not gum?you 1 an get it at ( JAS. M. STARR A CO.'S, , Leading Druggists. , FERGUSON & CLINTON. ramily Groceries?Plantation Supplies. | Qrape-Nuts. , There are many people who relieve Grape-Nuts to be the ' ideal cereal food. It certainly makes a delicious diet for stun- J ner weather. Makes good nerves : ind a clear brain. We sell it. \ } Postum. 1 Takes the place of coffee. It .atisfies the thirst for coffee with- i )ut throwing the nervous system ( >ut of gear. We sell it. We have fresh Magic Yeast. FERGUSON A CLINTON. t n t c* >? e! 1 IS. 1 O <4 ? <a or 39 Cents. ? h the Window. egular 75 cents Shirts. % % e, marie when cotton was low? ^ scarce. 4 THEY'RE SO CHEAP. * f course?But you don't want 'em ^ lcked or Laee Bosoms?in Madras ^ tripes, Polka Dots on white body? ? fish. ^ EGINS AT 9 A.M. ? CIAL PRICES till Monday, 6th, at ? ? ie day we'll sell SUSPENDERS ? 5c, Tor 8c, 12c, 15c and 20c each. M ? 5c, 20c and 25c for 8c, 12c, 15c and 1 ? 1 rS worth 5c, 10c and 15c for only ^ ?r. you must be here at the Extra ? Extra Bargains. M ? 2 CASH STORE, | Yorkvllle, S. C. % & your papa to bring this ad. and ^ id you a Nice Present Free. ? A*A?A*A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? WHAT DO YOU WiHT TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGED Don't be timid but say something: We never know how cheap propertj can be bought until offers are made People make me tired asking "what is the least you will take," when there la nothing in sight to take. When fruit gets ripe, it drops from the trees. In like manner the price on propertj drops when owners get ripe to sell Therefore offers are always in order Don't be sitting about idle when you can be making money trading in property throughout the country, helping yourself and putting life and value in your own as well as other people'a property.. Specialists are the orderol the day. You employ Lawyers, Doctors and Ministers when you speciallj need them, as well as all other specialists. Bear in mind a Broker who Studies irtLue y c<xi uui aim in uau ucai you five In the game. Otherwise he could not make enough to remain in business. The growth of my business Is plain evidence of tact and talent. 1 drive on whether It Is sunshine 01 rain. T:.en see the enormouB advertising bills that have to be paid. They grow as the business grows. My methods are fair and square. Clients furnish property, descriptions, prices and propositions. Trades are completed before bills are rendered. No retainer fees required here. I have enough faith in my ability to take chances on paying the bills. I will exchange real estate for Factory stocks, or Factory stocks for real estate. Bull pups for calves, fish, or chickens, provided the deal is large enough and I can see my way clear to realise. I have only had ona proposition to And a home for a piece of silk, but thus far have not been able to place the goods as the price asked Is above the market. Bring, or send, your business troubles and pleasures to my office, and I will try to have them ground out for you. Remember 1 have farms all Borts and sizes to sell. Houses and lots, all sorts, sizes and prices. A good deal of second hand machinery. What I want are your propositions, as nothing can be accom pushed witnout mem, jnememuer , buy for clients. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hill, 8. C. The "Druid" $15.00. The machine that we are selling at this price is the equal of any machine jold on this market at three or four times the price In so far as good sewing, light running and lasting qualities are concerned. The only practical difference to be found between the machines we sell at >15 and those sold sn this market at >30, >40, >50 and 560, is the price. If you only want to buy a macfjlne that will fill every requirement ftf the sewing: room with a .f minimum amount of labor, our $15 machine will fill every possible requirement. A ,$60 machine will not do my more work or any better work, This is a fact that is beyond disputeIs this machine guaranteed? It is guaranteed by the makers and the guarantee Is further endorsed by us, which we think makes the guarantee ibsolutely good. The guarantee that goes with ev;ry machine we sell, reads as follows: We hereby warrant this Sewing Machine, No. , to endure the natural wear and tear of family use for 12 years and agree to replace free of charge, during that time, any parts thai may prove defective, excepting only the wear and breakage of Needles, Bobbins and Shuttles. (Signed) Strauss-Smith Co. The Druid machine is a high-arm, nickel trimmed, and the frame is black snameled. It is a drop-head, quartersawed and swell front oak case and has three drawers and extension tableleaf. Every machine is supplied with i full set of latest improved nickelplated attachments. If you haven't one of our J15 machines, see your neighbor who has one and then see us. You can't do better no matter what you pay. STRAUSS-SMITH CI). HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed 8tablet. Summers Buggies. There are none better?there are few so good. Come and see us and let us us show you wherein the Summers Buggy is superioi to other good buggies. We have other makes at lower prices if you prefer. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. OCONEE SHINGLES. I STILL have a large number ol thore GOOD OCONEE SHINGLES on hand. If you want the best grade It will be to your Interest to see m> Shingles before you buy elsewhere. D. WYATT NEVILLE. April 19 t.f tf MONET TO LEND. ON IMPROVED FARMS In Yorl county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, 7 per cent; under J1.000, 1 per cent. No broker's commissions Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F SPENCER, Rock Hill, or undersigned C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. Oct. 13 t.f. tf J. M. HEA I GENERAL MI ? . Our June Attractive Offering: Prompt Im OUR BARGAIN offerings for June, include some very rich offer Coats and Vests, and All Wool St deep cuts. Serge Coats are muc niMr and nnw is a orvnd time to h' ; Serge Coats. 1 100 All Wool Blue Bergo Coata, worth ! $2, now goln? at $1.50. 1 50 All Wool Blue Serge Coats, worth 23.50, now going at $230. 50 All Wool Blue Serge Coats, worth 35, now going at $3.50. ' 25 All Wool Blue Serge Coats, worth $7, now going at $5.00. 10 All Wool Blue Serge Coats and Vesta, worth $10, now going at $8.00. Men's Suits. i ; About Fifty of those $10 and $12 Fancy All Wool Suits left, now going as long as they last at $5 and $6. New Millinery, Ladies, you should come In and give us your order at once for Millinery, We have Just received a big line of Millinery goods fresh from the eastern markets. Fans. You can afford to keep cool these hot days, as we are selling two fans for five cents. Better Fans at 5c, 10c, i 15c and 25c each. J. M. HE A. J. L. WILLIAMS, Manager. Water Coolers. Convenient and useful, for store and home. You can 1 have Ice Water all the time t at a small cost. I have them in 2, 3 and 4 gallon sizes at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Mackerel in Kits Been out of them for some time; have them in stock I now. No. 2 Extra at $1.15 ! a Kit. 1 Respectfully, LOUIS ROTH. ! "Proof of the Pudding." During the past six months, In Fork county, there have been to my , knowledge four separate cases where men desiring life insurance have determined to look before leaping, and allowed agents of the various compan, ies every facility for making a show down. The MUTUAL BENEFIT was a competitor in each of the contests, and each time its policy was selected and PAID FOR. The amount of Insurance involved was $27,000. Further, there has never been a contest in this section, where all the companies ! were on an equal footing, (by this I . mean where the party who wanted Insurance had entered into no "entangling alliances" with any agent or company) where the MUTUAL BENEFIT has entered strictly on its merits and has not delivered the goods! Dear Reader, do you imagine that It would be possible for the MUTUAL BENET-lrm ...In ri/CDV TIME I# It ivaq nnt t FIX IU Wl(t U V fc.ll I I ? !. .W .. "The Best Company and Seld the Best Policy?" The contracts of all the , companies are good, and are liberal, especially If not subjected to the trying ordeal of being compared with ; those of the MUTUAL BENEFIT. Test my claim. That's all I ask. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL. Arrangements are now being made for the summer school, which will begin on monday, june , 6TH. We hope to have a stronger faculty and a more extensive course of study and It Is our purpose to make the > County School In every respect more k attractive than ever before. Courses - will be offered in Geography, History, - English, Civil Government, Science and Art of Teaching, Mathematics, Primary Methods and Possibly Manual Training. Teachers will be re" quired to take TWO subjects of their own selection and may take more if they so desire. Announcements, containing further information, will be Issued next weea. JOHN E. CARROLL, County Superintendent Education. May 27 f.t.f. 3t i WILLIS'S BARBER SHOP. WE handle laundry, collecting and delivering it promptly. We take pleasure In giving the best possible service. The patrons of my barbering establishment receive the most polite and skillful attention. c D. F. WILLIS, Proprietor. May 27 f 3m. } FOR RENT. THE DICKSON HOUSE AND LOT on King's Mountain street. Apply to C. E. SPENCER. May 6. f.t. tf. TH & CO., SRCHANDISE. . Bargains. s That Invite Your restigation. the last days of May and early ings in men's Blue Serge Coats, tits on which we have made very h in demand for warm weather uy. Oxfords and Slippers. Men's Low Shoes at all prices from 1125, $1.50, $2, $220, $3 and $320 a pair, all sizes and styles. Ladles Oxfords and Sandals at $1 and up to $3. Children's Slippers In all sizes, styles, numbers and prices. Wash Goods, etc. Our stock of WASH GOODS, SILKS and BLACK DRESS GOODS Is very large, and we have all the newest patterns and weaves. We are selling a beautiful Figured Lawn at 5 cants a yard, and a better quality of Figured Lawn at 81-3 cants a yard. Groceries. We sell Groceries both wholesale and retail, and no matter what you want in this line, either wholesale or retail, there is no better place to do your buying than right here. We do our buying In large quantities and get the best prices, and can make you the closest of prices. And then another thing about our groceries. We sell nothing but the VERY BEST QUALITIES. If you wapt good Flour, Sugar, Meat, Lard, Coffee, Soaps, Snuff, Tobacco, etc., you can buy to the best advantage here. Hardware. When you want anything in the HARDWARE line, Just; remember, If you please, that you can do the easiest buying here. We carry a good stock of hardware and call your special attention to our Cooking Stoves, Grindstones, Plow Stocks, Plow Moulds, Barbed Wire, Hog Wire, etc. See us for prices at any rate. Shingles. While we are on the subject we Just want to remind you that we have ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND GOOD SHINGLES, and if you want any we will make some Interesting prices in small or large quantities. Fertilizer Accounts. Those of our customers who are due on notes for Fertilizers will accommodate us very much by attending to the matter at once. iTH & CO., Three Carloads of Furniture. Within the past ten days we have received and now have stored in our warehouse and in Moore's Standard Cotton Warehouse, THREE SOLID CARLOADS OF FURNITURE, consisting of BED ROOM sets at all prices, Wood and Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Wardrobes, Folding Mantel Beds, Chiffoniers, Dressers, Dining and Center Tables, Rockers of every description, Dining Chairs, Sideboards, etc. We have bought this Immense lot of furniture at the right prices and will not be undersold. Beautiful Iron Beds from $3.50 to $15 each?some of them are beauties. We can suit the taste of everybody who wants anything [in the furniture line, and will make prices right. Art Squares. We have received an elegant line of Art Squares from the leading Carpet market of the world?Philadelphia? ranging in size from 2$x3 feet to 3x5 [yards?all wool goods. Call and examine them. We also have a fresh shipment of Cane Mattings, Oil Cloths and Linoleums. Summer Gocds. We have complete lines of Water Coolers. Ice Bo::es, Refrigerators, Ice Picks, Screen Doors and Windows, Spring Hinges, Lace Curtains, Mosquito Bars for wood or Iron beds, Organs, Piano Covers, Stools, etc. If you will let us do so we can save you money on anything in our line. W. B. MOORE & CO. g* TO' J IT IS THE BEST. See the South Window at the YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. BOWEN, PROP., Registered Pharmaoist. Money to Loan On Approved Security. MeDOW ?fc LEWIS, Yorkvllle, 8. C. APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 5TH DAY OF JUNE, next, I will apply to the Probate Court of York county for final discharge as administratrix of the estate of G. Mc. RIDDLE, deceased, and for discharge from further responsibility as to said estate. Mrs. M. L. RIDDLE, Administratrix. May 6 f 6t ANNOUNCEMENTS Election, Tuesday, August 3fl^ 1904. FOB COUNTY SUPEBTOOB. WE are authorized to announce THOS. W. BOYD, aa a candidate for re-election aa SUPERVISOR of York county, subject to the action of the Democratic party In the approaching primary election. June 3 f te FOB COUKTY AUDITOR. WE are authorized to announceW. B. WILLIAMS aa a candidate for recommendation for re-appointment aa COUNTY AUDITOR, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election. June.3 f te* Binders Mowers, Rakes, Harrows, Wagons, Buggies, etc. Now is the time to buy BINDERS to save your wheat and bats with. We have them from (65 up. Also MOWERS and RAKES, HARROWS. WAGONS, BUGGIES, HARNESS and a lot of other things. Drop in and see us, we may do you good. Tours truly, YORKVILLB BUGGY CO. W. O. RAWLiS, PLUMBER ARB STEAM FITTER. * i. * ' JUST A. WOlBtt) We want everybody to know that we want all the business in our line that it is possible for us to get and to do. And we further want everybody to know that we do not want to do any work for anybody unless it Is with a distinct understanding as to when the work Is to be paid for. We make this statement because of the fact that during the past year or two we have been doing work for various parties whohave not come up to time with the coin of the realm. In other words we have several hundred dollars' worthof accounts on which we are unable: to realise. We are not in business for fun or for our health, but with the Intention of doing good honest ^ork for which we expect to receive prompt settlements when the work Is done. We have adopted the rule of "NO MONET, NO WORK," and will stick to this rule in future. We thank our customers who pay, for past favors, and solicit further, business. W. O. RAWL8. YOU SHOULD USE A C ARBO - MAGNETIC RAZOR. It requires no honing?no grinding. It is always ready for use, because it is electrically tempered and hollow ground In Its own peculiar way. It costs $250, and Is worth the price. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Ask for the GRIFFON CARBO-MAGNETIC RAZOR at T. W. SPECK'S, The Jeweler. J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. If Tou Intend to Bnild See us, as we take contracts for building: In wood, brick, stone tyid iron from the ground up. We also draw building plans. We Sell Flooring, Ceiling, Framing, Weatherboarding, Steel Roofing, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Laths, Brick, Lime, Cement, Builder's Hardware, Tools, Building Paper, Roofing Paper, Paints, Leads, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, etc. xsr Give us your orders for Screen Doors and Windows. Satisfaction and prompt work guaranteed. J. J. KELLER ? CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. ALL work done promptly. Give your orders for Copying, Enlarging, Crayons and Pastel. See sample group of Confederate veterans taken May 10, 1904. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. 5hc ^(orfeviUe ?nquiw. Published Tuesday and Friday. PUBLISHERS t W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONl Single copy for one year f 2 00 One copy for two years 3 60 For three months 60 For six months i uu Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent Insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type, tar Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all.cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or Individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by Monday at noon when Intended for Tuesday's issue, and on Thursday at noon, when Intended for Friday's Issue.