Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 26, 1904, Image 3

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Special Notices. Violets For the Cemetery. The Ladies Auxiliary association is in need of more violets for the cemetery, and will be pleased to receive all that the people of Yorkville and vicinity may see proper to contribute for the purpose. It is preferred that the violets be sent to the cemetery; but if this Is not convenient to those who will contribute, the association will send for the flowers. People who desire to help in this matter will please notify, Miss Rosa Lindsat, Pres. Ladies Auxiliary Association. April 19 t.f 2t gorbuillc Ofotton IRarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latts Bros. Yorkviule, April 26, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling: 13 Strict Middling: 13 Good Middling: 13 Strict Good Middling 13 Latta Brob. OBITUAJRY. Died?At her home in the Bethany neighborhood, on Thursday, April 21, 1904, Mrs. GEORGE McDANIEL, aged about fifty-six years. FARMERS' MUTUAL LIFE ttcsttrance COMPANY offers you a policy worth $1,000 for only $3.00 entrance fee, with one death assessment. The age limit has been changed?it is now 16 to 50 years. We offer policies to such as we term good average risks, (not doubtful risks) worth 50 per cent of the face value of the policy. Now is the accepted time to get a policy in the First Division. D. E. BONET, Mgr. Yorkville, S. C. THE CHRISTIAN churches at Constantinople, Turkey, and Yokahoma, Japan, have long used the Longman & Martinez Paints for painting their churches. Liberal contributions of L. & M. Paint will be given for such purpose wherever a church is located. F. M. Scofield, Harris Springs, S. C,. writes, "I painted our old homestead with L. & M. twenty-six years ago. Not painted since; looks better than houses painted in the last four years." W. B. Barr, Charleston, W. Va., writes. "Painted Frankenburg Block with L. & M. shows better than any buildings here have ever done; stands out as though varnished, and actual cost of paint was less than $1.20 per gallon. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are sold by W. B. STROUP & BRO., Clover WANTED?Your orders for any and all kinds of the better grade of Commercial Printing. First-Class Job Printing is Guaranteed. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. By W. Brown Wylie, Esq., Ex-Officio Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS T. E. McMACKIN has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of JNO. A. McMACKIN, late of the county aforesaid, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court nouse on me 14TH DAY OF MAY. 1904, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to shew cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 22nd day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four and in the 128th year of American Independence. W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis., and Ex-Offlcio Probate Judge of York County. April 26 t 2t* Men's Fine Shoes. Our stock of Shoes for men and boys is made up of the best values that money can buy. We have selected our stock with the one idea of giving our customers the best possible value for their money. Our success in this aim is evidenced by the growing volume of people coining here for their footwear. In men's shoes we have : The latest shape in patent colt leather at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Blucher style in patent colt at $3 and $3.50. Vici kid or box calf bluchers at $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Booth's patent Ideal kids at $3. Then we have a handsome line of men's Oxfords, made by the King of Shoemakers?Charles Heizer, in patent colt, at $3.50? a little better than most shoes. Ladies Oxfords from 98 cents to $3-50 Free to Our Customers : To each customer who spends ONE DOLLAR or more with me on FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week. I will give FREE the choice of any single piece of a lot of GLASSWARE, consisting of Berry Dishes. Finger Bowls, Goblets. Tumblers, Covered Butter Dishes, Sugar Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Spoon Holders, etc. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. FERGUSON & CLINTON. Family Groceries?Plantation Supplies. SEED SWEET Potatoes. We have a limited quantity ? C ? -?i-? t <-?l />ro Cno/1 P/\fotr\AC Ui III UV.V.V* x vtaiv\.w> of good variety. If you want any youjcan get them here at the right price. The Convenience Of a Ceiling Broom is hard to appreciate until you use one on your ceiling. We have them with good, long handles. Get one. FERGUSON & CLINTON. It is True That so far as cost to the policyholder is concerned and tne promptness with which the guaranteed face of policies are paid, in case of death, all life insurance companies are "about the same" except the MUTUAL BENEFIT. It is like the others only in regard to paying death claims. It pays them just as soon as the proofs are furnished. It is different from the others by reason of the fact that it is more conservatively and economically managed, and as a natural result carries out its contracts at tess cost to the member. If the member is unable to continue his insurance he Is GUARANTEED more liberal treatment by the Mutual Benefit than hv anv company in business. An examination of the contracts of the various companies will convince you of the truth of this claim. There is no necessity for signing an application or being examined in order to find out what any company will offer you. I am prepared to furnish an analysis of any company's contract, as well as my own. Look before you leap. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. GOLD (Plated) CLOCK FREE. Ve have 200 pieces Rich Gold Band im.*ation Cut Glass Ware. In a few dajs we'll offer it for sale at 10 cents and 15 cents each. (Cheap at 15c and 25 cents). There'll be a rush and the person who buys the Greatest Number of Pieces gets a $5 Gold (plated) Clock, FREE. Come quick and make your selections. XiTLOOK FOR THE FLAG. FOUSHEE CASH STORE. Phone No. 38. Yorkville, S. C. X5T The Enauirer is prepared to execute your orders for Commercial Printing and solicits your orders, either larege or small. fGood Clo J Are always a source oi * they give that feeling * is so satisfying to the ' i of the LAMM & Co. the most satisfying t< cause there is nothing ? workmanship that eut ? they have all the styl * have. LAMM & CO. * ery suit and every ga fod trv coticfv nr tin *!? IVV.U WW W?fc* k'Ul J V* ?*v UM + Come and see the new J get my prices and let i | W. M. KENT J. J. KELL CONTRACTORS Building Everything In 1 For Immedii WE are a little off of Main sti us within two minutes throui at us down the railroad from eitl commodities in our line you are t to regret the visit. From the ( Our business is to take contract Stone or other material, and the the carrying of large stocks of B Paints, Building Papers, Glass, P thing else that enters into constru Lumber ar We have many thousands of fe< on our yards. It includes FLOOI BOARDING, in the rough or tonj all sizes. We have enough of this village and much to spare. We hi eluding the very best forest pine, thick at the butt, as well as secoiu We have them in large quantities. Builders' t There has never been a larger pie who have not seen would be we carry. Think of a CARLOAE all sizes: no end of LOCKS, HII* ENINGS, etc. We carry all thes them, and retail them so as to e buying in still larger lots. Buildinj Wt keep it on hand. We need it get it on application. First-class and also plenty of Roof Coating. SIZED BUILDER'S PArER, of tl Brick, Lin BRICK on hand in an indefin or retail. We take small orders j quantities of the BEST LIME al\ j HAIR and everything else that i construction. Our J Our Shops are well equipped f reasonable dispatch, and we take I Work in the line of Wood, Brick K/mi- /% rrnt tVift Koot rociiltc rviivsvt ?vh iv Orders and instructions received t Fly S NOW is the time to give orde all the necessary materials on h DOORS and WINDOWS on sho consideration of customers who gl Paint, Lei We not only sell PAINT, but We handle only the BEST OP A DEVOE'S LEAD. ZINC, and OIL have Linseed Oil, Turpentine. C; prices are often the occasion of i of their reasonableness as com pa' pecting to pay. Don't F If you have Building of any ki and if you have concluded to do I materials. We can be of service Respe J. J. KEL SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES Wc received this week a complete assortment of SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. We can fit almost any eye and all ages. Our prices are reasonable. We guarantee a PIT in every case or your money refunded. J AS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. FIELD SEEDS. If you will sow a small area of land-in German Millet, it will bring you quick returns in the shape of a hay crop that will insure a good crop. Buy your seed here and get fresh seed. We also have several varieties of fresh Cane seed. We have several grades of Coffee. Have loose Coffee that is of as good quality as usually found on this market. Also have the regular package Coffee, and Mocha and Java put up in air-tight tin cans that is as good as could be desired. See us for Crockery, Glassware. We sell nothing but good goods at competitive prices. Call and see us. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. nr.n-vTVE smNGLca. 1HAVE another car load of OCONEE SHINGLES, which I propose to sell cheap. I get these Shingles from my uncles who have been in the business for years. D. WYATT NEVILLE. April 19 t.f tf t thes ! ! 9 I *f F satisfaction to the wearer? J I of being "dressed up" that * wearer. Tailor-made clothes * "Best on Earth" quality are * o the buyer and wearer, be- $ but the best of materials and * :ers into their make-up, and j}[ e that good clothes should * 'S Clothes fit perfectly. Ev- * rment is absolutely guaran- V le. i est weaves, the latest styles, jjf ne take your measure. ? I JEDY, Agent. . | j ER & CO., a *tt\ t-itttt rkr?no AINU O U1LJUI/RO. | Material. . .. rhis Line Ready ate Delivery. i eet?not very far. You can reach ?h Moore's Lane, or you can come 1 ler side street, and if it is certain lunting, you will have no occasion < around Up. :s for Construction in Wood, Brick, j . extent of our operations compels rick. Lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, i utty, Hardware, Tools and everyction work. i id Shingles. ;t of first-class Lumber of all kinds UNO, CEILING and WEATHERrued'and grooved, and framing of material on hand to build a small j , ive Shingles of various grades, infour inches wide and a half inch j j :1 quality Shingles at a lower price. i ; lardware. or better line in the town. Peosurprised at the tremendous stock ) OF CUT AND WIRE NAILS of I IGES. STAPLES, BOLTS, FAST;e things because we have to use naDie us 10 gei me uuvuiuajje wi ^ Paper. t In our business, and anybody can i three ply Tarred Roofing Paper, Along with this we have ROSIN j ie best quality, and cheap. ie, Cement. ite quantity, to be sold, wholesale as readily as large ones. Large vays in stock, and also CEMENT, | may be needed in Brick or Stone Shops. or turning out good work with all > pleasure in attending to Repair | or Stone. We have the force and at the least cost to the customer. ; ly telephone. creens. irs for FLY SCREENS. We have and and we are prepared to FIT rt notice; but will appreciate the ive us ampie nine un ui-ucio. id and Oil. do all kinds of House Painting. IATERIALS like LEWIS'S LEAD. , MASURY'S MIXTURE. We also ylinder Oil, Machine Oil. and our 1 good deal of surprise on account red with what the customer is exorget Us. ind under consideration, consult us, the work yourself, see us about the to you. ctfully, LER & CO. T*T%T*T*T*7*T*TXT*T*TXT*T1 f J. M. HE.A 5 GENERAL M ? _ f ODR LINE OF j! Easily the Be ; Yorl m I { NOTHING SUPE1 I f But Few More A I the Pi J THESE ARE BIG CLAIMS; J due appreciation of their signifl ? what is to be found within the lli what we have SHOWS FOR ITS] g Listen ? It is new Swiss Louraines tha M over FIVE HUNDRED PIECES ? sian effects, etc. At the first of t 22J cents. We are now selling the ? Wash Percales in all the leading the yard. j Laces and I * Thousands and thousands of y M LACES, new SILKS and MERCE ings, new COLLARS and COL ? TRIMMINGS. I Hats! We have HATS and HATS pil ^ it is a puzzle to the customer to 2J but just ask for what you wanl M side?and the desired article win anything that may be wanted su ? Hat stock Includes a big line of ? big line of PANAMAS at 75c, $1,! X to these, we have FURS from 50 ? $5 each. ? Clothing-, Ne ? In addition to what we have b fa handsome lot of FIFTY NEW at prices that enable us to offer ? to make the customer think we ? sorted sizes of course, and from M anybody. There are some rare ^ who are out for a good thing will I Millinery, ^ During all the time we have ? we have not had a better season ? as ONE HUNDRED AND EIGF ! waiting. It was necessary to g? customers from vexatious delay; ? our work and, are able to wait on X Come Ai NO MATTER WHAT YOU GOODS, NOTIONS, MILLINER ? SUPPLIES, ETC., COME AND ? ? J. M. HE> s x T. L. WILLIAMS, Manag *A*AIU*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A?A*S Cast Your Eyes Over the Following And Make Your Own Selections for Health, Wealth or Pleasure. If You Fail to Find What You are Looking For In This List, Remember It Ie Only a Small Sample of What I Have to Offer. Then, It Is My Business to Buy For Clients Anything Not On My List. Very Little Trouble to Deal With Customers Who Will Talk; But Remember, We Are Not In the Mind-Reading Business. 2 large residence lots on west side ol King's Mountain St., in Yorkville. Houses and lots, all sorts and sizes, throughout Rock Hill. Also some business property at Hickory?Stores and Dwellings. 56 acres at Victoria, Macon county, N. C., 3m. from Highlands. Fine for hay, trucking and fruit. Orchard and vineyard. 7-room dwelling. Beautiful scenery. Fishing and shooting. 2 very fine springs. Only $600. Send check to close deal, and get titles. 250 acres, Gardner place, near Steel Creek, N. C. Rents for 5,000 lbs. cotton $5,000 Farms more or less throughout the county, too numerous to mention. II yours is for sale and not on the list, it Is your error and not mine, for this office is headquarters for both buyers and sellers of real estate. Have sold two farms recently, neither of which have I ever seen to my knowledge. It is your Property, Descriptions and Propositions that I must handle to DO YOU GOOD. Looking at you and your property does but little good without propositions. 15 h. p. Talbert Engine, mounted, in good running order $125 Deering Ideal Binder, In good order ecc fW 20 h. p., Tozer Engine and Boiler, just repaired. Good condition $300 6 h. p. Tozer Engine, on wheels Good condition $250 1 Roanoke Hand Press, on wheels In good shape. Cotton or Hay....$25 60 Saw Pratt Gin, Feeder and Condenser, belt and idler $65 1 No. 1 Boss Press, belt and idler, $75 12 foot Shafting, to run Gin Press $2J With 6 h. p. Engine for same. Capacity 10 bales a day. 35 h. p. Engine, 40 h. p. Boiler, with a full list of machinery. Fort Mill Construction Co. Real Estate and Machinery, either or both. 24 inch Leffell Turbine Wheel. Prict on application. This office is the place to buy or sell if you will TALK?but nothing can b? accomplished with questions only. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hill, S. C. MONET TO LEND. I HAVE about 13,000 to be loaned lr sums of $500 to $1,000, for from oni to three years, on good real estate se curlty. I want 8 per cent Interest; bu under especially favorable condition; will offer somewhat better terms. Ad dress "J. R. T." care ef The Enqui rer. March 15t.f5t WANTED?BEEF CATTLE AT all times. Will also buy goo< milkers and calves for shipping Let me know when you have anythinj to sell. We sell the choice fresh meats Want to sell 500 pounds Beef Tal low at 7 and 8 cents a pound. Order; filled promptly. G. W. SHERER, The Butcher. tv' The Enauirer is prepared to exe cute your orders for Commercial Print ing and solicits your orders, eithe larege or small. lY?*Y*V*T*T*TVn?T*TOTV?T*T*T* lTH & CO., f ERCHANDISE. $ MERCHANDISE. j ? j st In Town of j tville. 1 ? J ElIOR IN COUNTY. I 2 ttractive Stocks In S prim nut. H ~ w X but we do not make them without jJ Icance. We have a clear idea of ^ nits of the territory mentioned, and 4 ELF. It will bear out our claims. At This. t we are talking about. We have ^ In Pinks, Blues, Lace Stripes, Per- 4[ he season these goods cost, to buy, 2 m at 20 cents. Ordinary Lawns and m shades at 81-3, 10 and 121-2 cants J Embroideries. 3 ards of new EMBROIDERIES and 5 , IRIZED WHITE GOODS for waist- 3 iLARETTES for ladles and new 2 r its Galore. 3 ( 2 led up in such large quantities that 5 ' know how we can find anything; K i t?ask anybody on the Dry Goods 2 I be forthcoming. We can furnish ^ 3 to quality and as to price. Our 5 SUN HATS at 10 and 15 cents; a K 1 ?1.25 and $1.50, and then in addition ^ I cants up to choice STETSON'S at I 3 ; w and Cheap. | < een showing, we have just received 5 SUITS, bought under the hammer g them at figures that are calculated 2 ire Joking. These Suits are of as- 4 the list we are able to fit almost 5 ! bargains among them, and people do well to follow this up. , Millinery. | , been in the MILLINERY business, 5 ' . At one time there was as many g , ITY-TWO ORDERS piled up and 2 1 ;t two extra trimmers to save our g J but we are keeping close behind ^ the trade quickly. ^ ] id See Us. J ' WANT IN THE LINE OF DRY ? i Y, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE, * ( SEE US. f , tTH & CO., | ' j' ' *A*A*lA>U*AltA?AatA?A*A*eAfcAau I We ; Have 1 Received 1 i Our third shipment of SEEDS, in- f i eluding YELLOW DANVERS ONION SETS. PRIME ' RED I CLOVER SEED, EARLY AMBER 1 . i AND ORANGE CANE SEED. 1 ] : See us before you buy. 1 f I YORK DRUG STORE, ' J. B. BOWBN, PROP., t Registered Pharmacist COVER YOUR i FLOOR WITH MATTING. ; I WE have just received a large stock , of MATTINGS in great variety. . i and are offering them at close prices. I Please call and examine them. < I WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENSBED ROOM SUITS, SIDEBOARDS, ( ' China Closets, Book Cases in sections i : in both oak and mahogany, Rockers in ( endless varieties. Dressers. Desks, Oak i and Iron Beds, Mattresses in husk or j . cotton, or all cotton, Hall Racks, Pic' tures, etc., are among our late arrivals. ORGANS and PIANOS at lowest I : prices and on easy terms. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, See us if you want a Stove. We can . furnish you the highest quality at the ' lowest prices. These two points are ( . worth your consideration. | CLAUSS RAZORS AND SHEARS Are all WARRANTED. That means a j i guarantee to Satisfaction. We have POCKET KNIVES in large variety, and can suit you in quality, size and , price. ' ? We sell all kinds of Cartridges. When you want Carpenter's Tools , and Shelf Hardware don't forget that i this store is the place to find what you want. W. B. MOORE & CO. TTTR COMMERCIAL CLUB i f\ F YORKVILLE invites its many ? \J friends to hear a lecture on the I interesting subject of the Russo-Japt anese war, Its causes and its signifi3 cance, at the Opera House on Thurs. day evening at 8.00 o'clock, April 28th. Prof. Stephenson of the College of Charleston will deliver the lecture as - coming from his college. Admission free. We desire a large and Intelligent . audience to hear Prof. Stephenson. , Col. Illian Johnson, Messrs. Mason '' McConnell, Paul T. McNeei, John R. ' Hart, ushers. Speaker will be introduced by Thos. F. McDow, Esq. W. B. MOORE, Pres. Com. Club, j April 22 s.t 2t A GOOD ONE - T71 OR sale, at a reasonable price. - I? A well bred HOLSTEIN BULL. Fine breeder. Easily handled. Quick r sale wanted. J. W. SNIDER. April 19 t tf t W///': ? MILLINERY Is not the leading feature of our business, but it is an important one. We do not claim to have as large a stock of millinery as some city stores carry, but we do claim to have a stock of spring millinery that will compare most favorably in quantity, quality or variety with any millinery stock in the county, and on prices we are sure that we can save the buyer money on every hat or bonnet that we sell. Miss Annie Wallace, our trimmer, has had twelve seasons' experience in trimming, and her artistic work is highly complimented by ladies who are thoroughly competent judges. Ladies who have seen our line of spring and summer millinery say it is equal in quality and style to any millinery shown on this market. If you would have the newest and most fashionable millinery, a large quantity and good quality for selection, the best work at the lowest prices, you should do your buying here. We can please you. LADIES' SLIPPER3. Ladles' Cabretta Kid Slippers, Lon3on toe, patent leather tip, southern tie, sizes 3s to 8s, at $1 a pair. Ladies' Vicl Kid slippers, common sense heel, plain toe, Oxford, sizes 3s to 8s, $1.25. High Point Newport Tie, dongola, lommon sense flat heel, wide bottom, 3s to 8s, at $1.35 a pair. Dixie Girl southern tie, perfectly made, D lasts, all sizes 3s to 8s. This Is a perfect slipper throughout and will give entire satisfaction. Price 11.50 a pair. We have a complete line of E. P. Reed's slippers in all styles, toes and lasts, sizes 2s to 7s, prices from $2 to 13.50 a pair. In infant's slippers we have vicl kid no heel strap sandals, Is to 5s, at 60 :ents a pair. Infant's patent leather vamp, kid quarters, no heel strap sandals, Is to 5s, for 60 cents a pair. Children's barefoot sandals, 9s to lis ind 4s to 8s. for 50 cents a pair. LACE CAP9. We have an elegant line of caps for the babies In all sizes, shapes and qualities and as for prices we are making them most interesting, See these: Fancy stripe lawn caps, horseshoe shape crowns, box plaited, lawn ruche iround face, long lawn strings for 10 rents. We have embroidered lawn caps, round crown, box plaited ruche around sntire cap, long strings, at 15c each. Full ruched cap, made of embroidery lawn, round crown, long lawn strings, i beauty for 25 cents. We also have finer ones running up is high as $1.25 each. CLOTHING AT 25 PER CENT OFF. Just remember, that if you haven't pought that new spring suit that this store is the nlace for you to do your auying. We have only a limited supply, but we want to close out what we fiave, and If your size is here, you can jet some real good bargains. Come and let us see if we can fit you. Straw Hats?lots of them?from the :heap Malagas at 10 cents on up to the fine Pernambuco Panamas at $1.50 ?ach. Come and see our hats. STRAUSS-SMITH CI). You Should Use a Campbell's Combined Corn Planter and Distributer tn your spring planting and you will get better results and a more ;ven stand than by any other method. This planter saves the ?eed by putting down just the right quantity. Buy one here. Gantt Cotton Planters A.re recognized by good farmers sverywhere as being the best, and this accounts for the large sales. We can supply your wants if it is the best you want. We will sell you 20 pounds of good Rice for a dollar. --? ?in B&r we Will 1CV.CIVC IVYU \_o.-i loads of Fertilizers this week. If you need any to "fill in" see us. 'itST We have a carload of first quality Barbed Wire. RIDDLE & CARROLL. NEW BICYCLES. I HAVE Just received a new lot of Bicycles?good wheels, light runners, lasters?the kind of wheels that will give pleasure to the owner. The kind that will do their work with the minimum of work on the part of the rider. See my wheels and get my prices. Also have a few Second Hand wheels and if you want one of this kind I can interest you in price. See R. D. ALEXANDER. MONEY TO LEND. ON IMPROVED FARMS in York county. Interest: Loans not under $1,000, 7 per cent; under $1,000, 8 per cent. No broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPENCER, Rock Hill, or undersigned. C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. Oct. 13 t.f. tf ANNOUNCEMENTS FOB MAYOR OF YORXVILIX. WE are authorized to nominate J. ERNEST LOWRY as a candidate for the office of MAYOR of Yorkvllle, subject to the choice of the duly qualified voters in the coming election for municipal officers. April 19 t Id Election, Tuesday, August 30, 1904. FOR SHERIFF. WE are authorized to announce S. S. PLEXICO of Rock Hill, as a candidate for SHERIFF OF YORK COUNTY, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. April 10 *t3t WE are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN F. GORDON as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters as the same may be expressed In the primary election of August 30. March 8. t td G. H. O'LEARY. 30 Patterns New Spring Mattings. We now have on hand an elegant display of neV Spring Mattings that includes the handsomest designs of the best manufacturers. If you expect to cover your floors this spring, be sure to see our designs and get prices. Anr nrir>#?c are aloravc mrvlpct Our qualities always the best Light Harness Backs. We have thera. Averaging 8 to 9 lbs. These Backs are close trimmed so that there will be absolutely no waste. Q. H. CLEARY. More Buggies and Harness. We have received within the last thirty days four carloads of Buggies. This gives us the largest and most complete line of Buggies ever carried by one concern In Torkville. We also have a full line of Surreys and Wagons. We will make it to your interest if you will see us before you* buy. Mules and Horses. We also have a few Mules and Horses that we want to sell at once as the season is about over. GLENN A ALLI80N. . riOLASSES A Genuine Porto Rico at 6oc a gallon. Finest open kettle New Orleans at 50c. QUEEN OLIVES In bottles as well as open?last at 25c a quart. Heinzis and Van Camp's soups, a full line of canned fruits and vegetables of every description. LOUIS ROTH. GRIFFON CARBOMACNETIC RAZORS. I have received another dozen of these famous razors. I have sold a dozen within the past year and every one was guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. The best possible evidence that these razors have proved their worth is the fact that not a single one of the dozen has been brought back as being no good. Every CARBOMAGNETIC Bazor Is absolutely guaranteed. If It Is not O. K., I will thank you to bring It back. Don't confuse this Razor with the other Griffon razors that are sold at a lower price. I sell the genuine CARBO-MAGNETIC?it is absolutely guaranteed. Make your shaving a pleasure. T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. Rv w. Brown Wvlie. Esq.. Ex-Offlcio Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS R. H. SHERER has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of WM. S. PLAXCO, late of the county, aforesaid, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 10TH DAY OF MAY, 1904, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 18th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four and in the 128th year of American Independence. W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis. and Ex-Offlclo Probate Judge of York County. April 19 t 2t PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. /-W TTwnoAV'd efTTrvrn fnr by V IU UXii X/OA X ?J M* ? T Photographs. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Miss ROSA LINDSAY. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. WE are repairing, repainting, and overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at price* that are right. You'll And us in the rear of Riddle & Carroll's. Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor.