fecial Jotiqes. Preaching at York Cotton Mills. Rev. W. G. Neville will conduct services at the York Cotton mills chapel Sunday evening, Dec. 27, at 7 o'clock. Sketch of Gen. Jenkins. We have been Instructed by Col. Jno. P. Thomas to offer his sketch of Gen. Micah Jenkins at 25 cents a copy. The money is to be used to help pay for the Jenkins Portrait now being painted for presentation to the State of South Carolina. People who desire to thus assist in this object may at the same time possess themselves of an interesting and valuable historical pamphlet. The pamphlets are on sale at The Enquerer office. L. M. GRIST'S SONS. Dec. 22. t 4t Letter to J. B. Bowen Yorkville, S. C. Dear Sir: Messrs. Leachman & Edelin Grafton, W Va, had been selling a paint, which they thought well of; and this had occurred. They had sold a customer 18 gallons of it to paint his house. A few years j later, they sold the same man Devoe lead-and-zinc the same number of gallons to paint the same house. He had 7 gallons left. tvio nnint nf the tale is: 11 gallons Devoe paints an 18-gallon house. j Do you want to sell It? Of course, that isn't all. Why does 11 gallons Devoe go as far | as 18 gallons of other paint? Because! it is all paint, all true, no sham, and full measure. Do you want to sell it? But that isn't all. Devoe lasts longer. No, no; you haven't got to wait ten years to find that out. Ten thousand people know it. We've got their names. Our agents know them; they think a heap of Devoe. There's no difficulty in showing your townspeople what to expect of Devoe. J10 will paint a $15 house; and the paint'll last twice as long. Do you want to sell it? Yours Truly F W Devoe & Co i 33 New York! ~ ! gorfwille dpotton Jflarltet. j Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkvlli^e, Dec. 22, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 12 J Strict Middling 121 Good Middling 12f Strict Good Middling 123 Latta Bros. WHOSE CALVES? I HAVE six in my lot at Blairsvllle, j which the owner can get by paying j expenses. R. M. Carroll. Dec. 22. t It THE PLACE TO GET BRICK. WE are now able to offer wellmade, well burned first class BRICK, wholesale or retail. Call at our office, near C. & N.-W. depot. J. J. KELLER & CO. TAKEN UP~ TWO brown yearling CALVES came to my house a week ago. Owner can have same for all expenses. C. H. SMITH. Dec. 22 t It* FOR RENT. THE house -on South Congress street opposite the Parish Hotel, and at present occupied by me. Apply to Miss JANIE ROBINSON. Dec 22. t tf WHOSE MULEY COW? BLACK on side, white on back, left ear smooth cropped, right ear forked and has hole In It. Owner can get cow by paying expenses. Apply at j ENQUIRER for further information. Dec. 22 t It WHITE BARBER SHOP. Located next door to the First National Bank. Employs only first-class workmen, and guarantees satisfaction. Come and see us for haircut, shave, massage, shoeshine, etc. J. A. HOWE. THE CORNER MARKET. I EXTEND to everybody the compliments of the season, and express my thanks for past favors. During 1904 I will continue to furnish you with choice BEEF and PORK. If you want a good Cigar, you can get it at the Corner Market, also good Chewing Tobaccos. OLD GEORGE, THE BUTCHER. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ALL persons, without distinction of race or color, are hereby warned against Hunting, Fishing, Driving. Riding or otherwise Trespassing on the lands owned or controlled by us, all of which lands are in York county. Any disregard of this notice will be punished to the full extent of the law. L. T. WOODS. PERRY FERGUSON, J. R. GARDNER, T. N. MARTIN, J. W. SIMRIL, J. u. Diuuun, W. A. YOUNGBLOOD, R. H. HAWKINS. T. H. SIMRIL. Dec. 22 t 4t ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 23, AT the GRADED SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, the RUDISILL CONCERT COMPANY will give Lew Wallace's famous story of BEN HUR, arranged as a PICTURE PLAY. The story is interspersed with charming musical numbers by Pianist, Violinist and Soprano Soloist. The company comes highly recommended by such persons at J. D. Garner, Supt. Schools, Toccoa, Ga., and Mrs. Chas. Petty of Spartanburg, at both of which places the company has performed this month. At Spartanburg they gave their entertainment as a return date under management of Daughters of Confederacy; this, in itself, is high praise. Most suitable at this season as it is the story of The Christ. A thoroughly highclass attraction. Everybody should attend. Admission 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on sale at YORK DRUG STORE. Dec. 22 t It Compliments of the Season. WE extend our sincere thanks to all our customers and friends for past favors and patronage, and promise that we will try to merit your con fidence and patronage during the year 1904. To all mankind we extend the compliments and best wishes of the season. May your shadows never grow less. A Good Resolution. Make good resolutions for the new year. Here is one that we suggest: Resolved. That during the year 1904, whenever I am so unfortunate as to have a cold, cough or bronchial trouble, I will take Starr's Syrup of White Pine and Tar, because it cures, and 25 cents buys a large bottle. J AS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. i^Your stationery is a good or bad advertisement of your business?owing to whether your stationery Is good or bad. You can get the good kind at The Enquirer office. CLOTHES CLEANING. HAVE your clothes Cleaned and Pressed. Low prices and all work guaranteed to be satisfactory. W. H. ADAMS. Prop., up-stairs In Allison Building, over 1st National Bank. Dec. 22 t 2t We've Clipped Profits. We want to close out our entire lines of men's and boys' Clothing, ladles' fine Dress Goods, Embroideries and Laces, Staple Cotton Goods, etc., and In order to do so have clipped oft the profits. If you need any of these goods, now ?today?is a good time to do your buying. The price of raw cotton Is very high now, and just as surely as anything can be. all kinds of cotton goods, In the manufacture of which cotton Is used, will be much higher In a few weeks than they are now. Quick buying will be wise buying if you buy here. If you need Staple Cotton Goods, such as Outings, Sheetings, Bleachlngs, Calicoes, etc., now is tne time 10 ao the buying. Christmas Shoppers Santa Claus, when looking for toys, dolls, wagons, rocking horses, etc., for the children, and all kinds of gifts for the bigger folks, will save time and trouble by coming here first. We have a large stock for selection and prices are very modest. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN ALL OF CHRISTMAS DAY. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. CASKETS and EMBALMING. In addition to our already big stock of COFFINS, CASKETS and FUNERAL SUPPLIES, we have purchased the entire stock and good will of J. J. Keller & Co. This purchase gives us by far the largest stock and variety to select from carried by any undertakers in the state outside of the largest cities. For this reason and wishing to reduce our stock and the capital Invested, we will make It to your interest to come here for such goods. It will pay parties to come long distances for funeral supplies. We have two handsome Hearses, one being light and especially adapted to long country drives. EMBALMING. We are prepared to do Embalming, and in cases where the body is to be kept only the usual length of time, but needing immediate attention, we will give the necessary treatment free of extra cost. W. B. MOORE & CO., Undertakers and Funeral Directors. MOTHER EftRTH THE FOUNDATION. LITTLE. BIG, OLD AND YOUNG, IF YOU WISH TO GROW RICH, BUY DIRT WITH GOOD JUDGMENT BEFORE IT ADVANCES MORE. We will hardly ever see Real Estate so cheap in S. C., again. The howl is for' immigration. Let us have high class, or none. We have too many citizens already whose words are worth but little. They must be tied fast, otherwise they are ready to lie or to run whenever they Imagine you get the best of them. No one knows the truthfulness of this better than a trading man. The following prices were named to me before cotton advanced so much. I will still give you the advantage if you speak quick. Happy customers are the kind I need. Send your propositions and your checks to close deals on your choice. I will furnish sound titles, or refund your money. Seeing me will do you little good. While I am always glad to make acquaintances, I realize I am nobody's pretty boy, but can assure you most safely that all those who deal with me once are ready to try me again, as they seem to have good luck. A list of questions long as thp moral law without offers, is of no value at my shop. Trading: folks, wake up. Buy dirt and don't be always about it. Get the game and the gain before the woods are full of hunters. 125 acres, Mrs. Amanda Bigham place, 4 miles south Rlchburg?$1800. 100 acres, Senterfeit farm, 3 miles Hal esburg?$1260. 114 acres, Hal T. Sloan place, 51 miles Ninety-Six?$15 acre. 100 acres, Sam Roach place 21 miles west Rock Hill?$22.50 acre. Farm, dwellings, and good business houses in and around Hickory Grove, S. C. 170 acres, near Greeleyvllle, S. C. Make best offer?$250. 101 acres, 21 miles Smyrna. Rents for $150. Why not buy it? Only?$900. 173 acres, W. J. Poag place, 3 miles south Rock Hill?$22.50 acre. 1101 acres, Coltharp place, 21 miles north Fort mill?$1450. Fort Mill manufacturing plant. Real estate and machinery. Either or both. 140 acres, Robinson place, on Broad river. Good Improvements.?$2500. 78 acres, 31 miles Branchville. All in pine and cypress. Make offer?$500. Two nice residence lots on west side King's Mountain street, Yorkville, S. C. $4,000 stock general merchandise. Supply store. Good building. Supported by a large well-managed cotton mill. Small competition. Examine and buy. Splendid large brick Sale and Livery Stable. Water and Electric Lights. Old established business. This is the season to make the business pay for the property, as the sale of live stock will be immense?$6000. A good Laundry plant that I can sell at a bargain to any buyer who will investigate and be game enough to say something. Good reasons for selling. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing business. Will exchange for real es tate, and give or take difference as trade may require?$4000. Houses and lots in Chester, S. C., near the Oil Mill. See my boards. House and lot in Winnsboro, S. C. McDonald property. If you notice my ads. from time to time, you are aware that this is only a small sample of my offerings. Then it is my business to buy, a. well as to sell, if you will only let me know what you desire in a business way. Lewis Turnout, S. C., Dec. 18, 1903. While living in Columbia, I was attracted by the ads. of J. Edgar Poag, Broker. Being very desirous of buying a home to suit my large family, after having traveled considerably over the west and applying to various other real estate men. I dropped in unexpectedly to see him. Found him polite, courteous, obliging, reliable and untiring in his efforts to please. Soon as he showed me what I was looking for, we traded in few words. I am well pleased with the purchase. Am satistied it can be sold for a good profit, if I desire. Gladly recommend those who are out for realestate deals to Mr. Poag, whom I find up to date in his profession. (Signed) Thos. F Swinnie. Your business propositions are what I am after. No trouble to transact when you mean business and are willing to go with the market, but it always take two to make a trade, and often more. Thanking all my friends and customers for past favors, and wishing you a merry, merry Christmas, I will close hoping to render more efficient service in 1904. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hill, S. C. FOUSHEE CASH STORE. " 'Twas Ever Thus" We have read somewhere that? The Plow Boy hopes to be a School Teacher? The School Teacher aspires to be an Editor? The Editor wants to be a Banker? The Banker wishes to become a Trust Magnate? The Trust Magnate would like to be a Railroad President? The Railroad President thinks he would be satisfied with the Presidency of the U. S. A The .president or tne u. s. a. iooks forward to the day when he can retire to the farm and enjoy the free life of a Plcw Boy? But people who buy their Xmae Goods from us are always satisfied. COME. FOUSHEE CASH STORE. (Dobson's Old Stand), Yorkvllle. S. C. FINAL BUYING Today, tomorrow and Thursday you will do your final buying for Christmas as you will certainly want more or less Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Nuts, Candles, Raisins, Dried Figs, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and Staple Groceries for the royal feast that you will enjoy Christmas Day. You are reminded that this is the best place to do your buying. Lowest prices for best qualities and prompt deliveries are what we offer you. tar We have a big stock of Fireworks for the boys. C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. I The Y e* With its joys and pleasure but gone, and within a few tnas will have come and gou During the year now end our customers faithfully am believe, full values for the < And now at the end of our customers, friends, comj heartiest wishes for a very t prosperous and happy New The Y Is almost upon us and as w< another year we are laying better during the coming ye We hope to be able to serve I see the faces of many new p Whether you are a strai sured of getting the fullest you will do your buying hei Our store will be closed i The STRAUSS-SI n ii n?i fc'Auv. Gift Suggestions: As you cast around for gifts for friends, just visit this store, where qualities are best, and low prices prevail. We have Rocking, Dining and Revolving Chairs, Carpets, Moquette, Smyrna, Crex and Linoleum Rugs ol all sizes, Pictures, Bedroom and Parlor Suits, etc., to fit you in quality and prices. You'll find no shoddy quality here?nothing extravagant as to price. Hearsay is not evidence?get prices here before buying and then you'll know where to buy. G. H. O'LEARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF YORKVILLE S. C. Yorkvllle, S. C., Dec. 22, 1903. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the above named bank on TUESDAY. JANUARY 12TH. 1904, at the Bank between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors and officers. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. TO RENT. THE dwelling of the late Dr. J. F. LINDSAY on Main street, Yorkville. For terms apply to Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. ONLY TWO Days more in which to do your Christmas buying, and as you are going to buy you will do best if you buy here. This store is convenient and you can see Just what you want before buying. Then, too, there are thousands of articles here, from 15c and up, in gold, silver, cutglass, brass, China, porcelain, etc., from which to select. You will find our stock most ele???* aii?? ni*inao vatnf ma^oroto In 6a.lib?VU? fact our prices are extremely low. Come and see our stock before buying gifts. Will be pleased to show you. Competent judges of good values are doing their gift buying here. We wish you a Merry Christmas. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. 0. E. Wilkine, W. I. Witherspoon, President. V. President. The First National Bank Of Yorkville Sells BANK MONEY ORDERS Good everywhere in the United States, Canada and Mexico. And at a LOWER RATE than postoffice or express companies. SURE and SAFE. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. ir 1903 I ;s, sadness and trials, is all I i : I days another joyous Christ- B ? ! ling, we have tried to serve d well, giving them, as we I lollars spent with us. I year we wish to extend to J , >etitors and all mankind our i i nerry Christmas and a most j i ?ear. j ir 1904 i approach the milestone of our plans to "serve you even ar than we have in the past, all our old customers and to >eople at our counters. _ ager or not you can rest as- g returns for your dollars if V a r r\f\ a u.l ? f Christmas day and day after. F 1ITH COMPANY. 1 Contentment and Happiness. Jk HA! I HA! J "Rosa, you look so pretty and happy. I never saw such a happy, pleasant smile on your face before, gal'? "Yes, I have every reason to feel good and happy"? "Why, gal, what have you done or found? Tell me what you found." "Bet you can't guess." "You found some money; yes, that's it. You know money is what we all want and need in this restless and rushing age." "You bet it is." "But tell me about it, Rosa." "Well, I have been down to that man PAT'S store and you never saw such crowds in your life; and Oh, the good things in there"? "But tell me about the MONEY.' "Why, I bought everything cheap? cheaper than I could get it anywhere else, and then, Jim, he paid my railroad fare, and then on the 24th only, they are going to give 23 tt>?. of C U/Lli* Ckmam /am 41 OH T _/\i"kIrct Illro ?T nilC viuyai ivi ynvvi uvwtw ??nv Granulated, and 21 tbs. of Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Men's Creedmore Shoes bnly 82c, worth $1.10. Hats for that day 20 per cent, discount." "Good gracious, Rosa, get me a ticket and let me go down there at once." Yours with best wishes, S. D. PATRICK, McConnellsville, S. C. FOR RENT. THE T. L. CLINTON place at Energy, S. C. 147 acres; new cottage residence. 4-horse farm; good land. Apply to JAS. F. HART, Agent. Dec. 18. f 2t MONEY TO LEND. ON IMPROVED FARMS In York county. Interest; Loans not under $1,000, 7 per cent; under $1,000, 8 per cent. No broker's commissions. Repayments easy. Apply to C. W. F. SPENCER, Rock Hill, or undersigned. C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. Oct. 13 t.f. tf XV Wanted?Good men and women to make clubs for The Enquirer?good pay and aaay work. Take No Chances In buying: a Buggy. Though our advertisement spoke with the tongues of men and angels what would It brook us If our buggies fell short? We claim that the Babcock buggy Is the best sold in the south, and think you will agree with us when you look around and see all the boys, hunting something as good or better. Columbia and Oxford are our leaders in medium priced work. We are expecting a car by every freight. Our repository is always full and our sales will convince you we are the leaders. Remember our guarantee. GLENN 6. ALLISON. NEW AND FRESH GOODS. If you are not baking your Fruit Cake, I can furnish you one?a good one?at 35 cents per pound. I also have all the Fruits and Spices?fresh?for fruitcake. Genuine Porto Rico Molasses at 60c a gallon. Wilkinson's Home Made at 50c a gallon. Maple Syrup in gallon cans at $1.10; in quart cans at 35 cents. Prime Mince Meats?loose?at 10 cents a pound. Buckwheat Flour, both selfraising and plain. LOUIS ROTH. Now, Would You? If you were flouring on entering a business contract with a man whom you had known for years, and In whom you had the utmost confidence, and the contract was to cover a period of years, would you allow him to prepare ihe contract without any suggestions from you and sign it without knowing what It contained? Now, would you? Life Insurance companies write their contracts without a word of suggestion from the man who "becomes the party of the second part." The man, however, has the privilege of reading them before he "gives up his cash" If he so desires, but most men, strange to say, accept them without knowing whether or not they are so written as to meet every condition likely to arise In a manner favorable to the insured. Some contracts are liberal, some more so, while others, when analyzed, are found not to mean "what the agent told me." It has always, since the first contract was written In 1845, been the creed of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company not to Issue any contract that did not mean exactly what it appeared to the layman to mean and to protect every interest of the insured under any and all circumstances, consistent with the company's Fixed determination to do exact justice to every member, whether he knew his rights or not. Don't you believe, in fact, don't you know, that it is to your Interest to investigate the contracts of 3uch a company? 8AM M. GRIST, Special Agent. Ladies? Cigars are always most acceptable as holiday gifts to gentlemen who smoke, provided the "weeds" are of good quality. You will get "good quality" if you make your selection here?you will be be sure to get quality. Here's our brands. Havana Smokers, Porto Rico, Club House, Oris, Rio Havanas, White Knight, La Flor de Pinal del, Cincos, La Josephine, Martiniques, etc. YORK DRUG STORE, J. B. BOWEN, PROP., Registered Pharmacist. SEASONABLE GOODS. We have a cnoice selection 01 me season's good things for the Inner man, Including: Currants, Raisins, Citron, Apples, etc. Also have a fresh supply of Grape Nuts?the food that is predigested. Have several kinds of Oatflakes for your selection?all fresh. New Crop New Orleans and Ribbon Cane Molasses. Before you buy anything in the line of Crockery, Glassware, or Porcelain, it will be to your In irest to see what I have to show you. I am sure that if you consider quality and prices that you will buy these goods here. If you haven't ordered that new suit of Tailor-Made Clothes, you will confer a favor by looking over my samples of goods and style book. LAMM'S CLOTHING FIT AND ARE FIT TO WEAR. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. TAX COLLECTIONS?1003. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 15, 1903. IN accordance with the law, my books will be opened on the 15TH DAY OP' OCTOBER, 1903, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY AND SPECIAL TAXES for the fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1903, and will be kept open UNTIL DECEMBER 31ST, 1903, without penalty, after which day ONE *.? 111 #Af fUJK 1 penally win ue nuucu all payments made in the month of JANUARY, TWO PER CENT penalty on all payments made during: the month of FEBRUARY, and SEVEN PER CENT penalty for payments from the 1ST DAY OF MARCH TO THE 1BTH DAY OF MARCH, after which date all taxes not paid will go into execution and be placed In the hands of the sheriff for collection. At Yorkvllle, Wednesday, the 9th day of December until Thursday, the 31st day of December, 1903, and after this day my office will be kept open for the collection of taxes with PENALTIES ATTACHED until the 15th day of March, 1904. Also during the collection of regular taxes up to the 1st day of March, I will receive VOLUNTARY PAYMENTS OF COMMUTATION ROAD TAXES for the year 1904. H. A. D. NEELY, County Treasurer. MY CUSTOMERS SAY THAT the BEEF I am furnishing these days is just as good as has ever been furnished in this town. It Is my constant effort to buy and kill only fat beeves, and I think that If you will purchase your meats here you will get meats that you can eat Meats that are tender and juicy. I will appreciate your orders. WALTER ROSE. J. M. HEATH & CO., General Merchandise. N. B.?Our store will be closed Friday and Saturday?Dec. 25 and 26. Open Monday, Dec. 28. OVERSHIRTS This week we are making a specialty of Men's OVERSHIRTS. We have hundreds of patterns and sizes, and at all prices. If you want an Overshirt you will do well to see us and get our prices before buying. Overshirts and Cardinal Jackets. Underwear, Cardinal Jackets and Sweaters are quite seasonable Just now. We have large stocks of these goods and can please you in quality and price. Men's and Boys' Overcoats. Before the cold weather sets In good and hard you had better see us about that OVERCOAT. We have all sizes and can make you very low prices. Men's Clothing. Remember, that we have several thousand dollars' worth of fall and winter clothing that we want to close out at once, and will save you money on this line of goods. Odd Coats from $1 and up. Don't fall to come and see these goods if in need?we mean Just what we say. We have a big line of fresh fancy Candies. aar We still have on hand a few Cook and Heating Stoves and can save you money on these goods. J. M. HEATH & CO., J. L. Williams, Manager. LADIES We have just received a shipment of the newest styles of Ladies' COATS from $5 to $25. GENTLEMEN Select your Holiday Suit or Overcoat while our stock is complete. BLANKETS We are still selling the genuine Elkiu (N. C.) All Wool Blankets at the old prices. Respectfully, A. Friedheim & Bro., Rock Hill, S. C. T. M. WniBONANT. T. H. LE8&LJE. HICKORY SUPPLY COMPANY HICKORY, 8. C. PAY UP. IT is absolutely necessary that our business be closed up forthwith In order that a settlement can be made with the estate of T. H. Lesslle, formerly of our firm, but now deceased, and everybody who owes us Is requested to settle by December 1. People falling to settle by that time will .thereafter find thel.- accounts In the hands of an attorney. We are selling out our entire stock at and below cost and beginning on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, and continuing each WENDESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON thereafter, from 2 to 5 o'clock, we will expose our goods in lots and by single articles, at auction to the highest bidders. Our store is the place for genuine bargains. HICKORY SUPPLY QU. JACKSON BROTHERS. CLOVER, S. C. Not His Headquarters. WE do not claim that old Santa Claus has established his headquarters with us, because he has not, but we do claim that we are in position to supply the wants of those who desire to buy anything in the FURNITURE line. We have the styles, quality and prices that will please those desiring that combination. We appreciate calls from our friends and purchasing public generally and trust that those needing anything in our line will favor us with a look and ask for prices. Undertaking. Our undertaking department is {ully equipped with all styles and prices of Caskets, Coffins, Gloves and Burial Robes and we will give prompt and careful attention to all calls made on it. JACKSON BROTHERS. ?oan mill Savings $nnk, Yorkvllle, m. C. A General Banking Business. With good connections and supplied with all the conveniences and appliances necessary for the equipment of a modern banking office, we are in position to extend to our patrons, and the public generally, prompt and intelligent service at all times. otfnnflAn tn tV?p npprls of out-of-town customers, country merchants and farmers throughout the I county. A Special Savings Department. Using the Auxiliary Home Savings Banks and paying three per cent interest on Savings Accounts. Interest Bearing Certificates of Deposit Issued under special agreement. Correspondence or a call invited. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. S. M. McNEEL, President. HOURS: 'Bank opens for Business 9 a. m? and Closes 3 p. m. Open Saturday Evenings 8 to 9. t3S" The Enquirer office solicits your Job Printing orders. AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE. State of 8outh Carolina?County of York# IN THE) COMMON PLEAS. Matthew W. White, Plaintiff, against Dorcas J. Huddleston (or Caldwell), et al., Defendants. BY virtue of a decree of his honor, Charles O. Dantzler, dated 27th of April, 1903, I will expose to public sale in front YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1904, (Salesday), the following real estate: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, with the buiftllnga thereon, situated in county of York, state aforesaid, on or near Catawba river, bounded by lands of W. O. Youngblood or Sarah Youngblood, W. B. Smith, Catawba Power cpmpany and Catawba river, and containing THIRTYFOUR ACRES, more or less. TERMS OF SALE. One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, secured by purchaser's bond and mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser must comply with terms of sale within one hour, or the land will be resold on same day at risk of the former pur cnaser. Purchaser must pay for all papers. October 8th, 1903. W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis. ' Dec. IS t St CLERK'S SALE. State of 8outh Carolina?County of York. IN THE COMMON PZJUS. Irene Whitener et al., v& John Turner et al.?Notice of Sale. BY virtue of a decree dated 9th of December, 1903, I will expose to public sale, In FRONT OF YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1904, during legal hours for sale, the following Real Estate, to wit: 1st. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situated In the county of York, State aforesaid, and bounded by lands of M. L. Thomas son and others, containing ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE (126) ACRES, more or less?lees Fifty-seven and one-half (57i) acres, sold oft to M. L. Thomasson. 2. All that piece, parcel or tract of land situated in said county and State, containing THIRTY-THREE (33) ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of M. E. Turner and others. TERMS OF SALE. One-third CASH and balance in one and two years, with interest from date, secured by bond of purchaser and a mortgage of the premises, with leave to purchaser to pay entire bid In cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. . W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis. Dec. 16th, 1903. t St CLERICS BALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. IN THE COMMON PLBAS. I. Beatty Farls, Ind., etc., vs. 8. M. Faris, et al.?Notice of Sale. BY virtue of a decree, dated the 12th day of Dec., 1903, I will exi Dose to oubllc sale. IN FRONT OF YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1904, (Salesday) the following described Real Estate: 1. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, in York county, 8. C., bounded by lands of W. J. Stanton, J. L. Moore, J. D. Moore 'and others and containing 32 ACRES, more or less. 2. All that certain tract of land, in County and State aforesaid, within corporate limits of Clover, S. C., bounded west by lands of S. M. Faris, $a*t by lands of Mattle L Turner, north. Church street, south by Bethel road, and containing 10 ACRES, more or less. 3. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, within the corporate limits of Clover, S. C., bounded north by S. M. Farls, east by Mattle L Turner, and by streets or roads of said town of Clover, on west and south and containing 6 2-3 ACRES, more or less. 4. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, within the corporate limits of the town of Clover, S. C., bounded north by Church street, west by Wm. Jackson, south by the 6 2-3 acres above described and east by lands of Mattle I. Turner, and containing 11-5 ACRES more or less. TERMS OF SALE. One-third CASH, balance in two equal installments of one and two years, with interest from day of sale, secured1 by purchaser's bond and a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser has privilege of paying entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for all. papers. Purchaser to comply with cash portion of bid within one hour, or property will be resold same day at the risk of defaulting purchaser. W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis. Dec 15th 1903. Dec. 15. t 3t BALLARD'S FAMOUS OBELISK FLOUR. We have been selling the best flour sold on this market for years?you know that by our reputation. We are proud of that reputation and to add to it we have added a supply of the above named famous flour to our flour family, and respectfully commend it to the housewives who are discriminating?who will have nothing but the best. Obelisk flour is so good, so pure, so wholesome, so white, that we guarantee it absolutely and without reserve. Will you try it, please ? Thank you. RIDDLE & CARROLL. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. WE are repairing, repainting, and overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that are right. You'll find us in the rear of Riddle & Carroll's. * Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. PHOTOGRAHIC STUDIO. (1 ET your orders In before the X CHRISTMAS work begins. Terms one-half cash when order Is given, balance paid when work is delivered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ROSA J. LINDSAY.