Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, September 18, 1903, Image 3

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refuge in a hous6 nearby. The firing began anew when Pope slightly opened the door and 'ag&in drew his weapon. The firing continued for several minutes, until Pope exhausted his supply of ammunition'and escaped through the back door tor the thickets. An Endless CHAiN.-r-Columbia is now making demijohns,, South Carolina is filling them and there ar? hundreds of suckers over the state who are emptying them. Thus it goes ad infinitum.? Edgefield Advertiser. . AT THE CHURCHES. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. Sunday school in the afternoon at 5 o'clock. CHURCH. OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. . c. johnes, rector. Sunday Services?No morning or evening services. No Sunday school. BAPTIST. rev. w. e. hurt, pastor. , Sunday Services?Sunday school In ] the morning at 10 o'clock. Services j each second and fourth Sunday at 11 j o'clock in the morning and 8.30 o'clock in the evening. i PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. o. neville, pastor. j Sunday Services?Morning services l at 11 o'clock, conducted by Dev. R. S. I McElroy. D! D., of Richmond, Va. Sunday school in the afternoon at 5 o'clock. No evening services. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. j. l. stokes, d. d., pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Morning services at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7.15, conducted by Rev. Walter I. Herbert of Columbia, who will conduct special services during the remainder of the week. Special gotices. Services at Bethel. Rev. Carl McCully will preach at Bethel Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at Chapel in the afternoon at 3.30' o'clock. THE SKY PILOT. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turner desire to return thanks to the people of Yorkville and Blacksburg for their kind attention shown them during their recent trouble caused by the Fishing creek wreck. May a special blessing , be bestowed upon each and every one. Mr. and Mrs. Eo Turner. Sept. 18 .. f.. It ?I/V/ OI I / NT > I n c. o rv i r~ i l.v At Union Next Sunday. The ordinance of Baptism will be ' * administered at Union church next j Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock. , Preaching at 11 and the ordinance of ! the Lord's Supper at close of service. W. E. Hurt. i Sept. 15. t tf < *rThe Sky Pilot; The Sky Pilot. 1 : ( Services at Tirzah. Quarterly Conference services at Tirzah on the 19th and 20th of this month. No other services until further an- < nouncements are made. L. T Liqon, P. C.. j . , . I $he gorhrille (fotton IRaiM Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yof.kville, September 18. 12 m.? The local market stands as follows: Middling 10.65 Strict Middling 10.70 flood Middling 103 Fully Good Middling >...103 Latta Bros. TAX COLLECTIONS?1903. Yorkville, S. C.. Sept. 15, 1903. IN accordance with the law, my books will be opened on the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1903, for the collection of . STATE. COUNTY AND SPECIAL \ TAXES for the fiscal year commencing ' January 1st, 1903. and will be kept 1 open UNTIL DECEMBER 31ST. 1903, ' without penalty, after which day ONE PER CENT penalty will be added, for all payments made in the month of JANUARY, TWO PER CENT penalty 1 on all payments made during the month of FEBRUARY, and SEVEN PER 1 ^ CENT penalty for payments from the 1ST DAY OF MARCH TO THE 15TH DAY OF MARCH, after which date all taxes not paid will go into execution and be placed in the hands of the sheriff for collection. For the convenience of tax payers I will meet them at the following places on the dates named: At Yorkville, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, the 15th. 16th and 17th days of October. At Bethany, Monday, the 19th day of October. . At Smyrna." Tuesday, the 20th day of October. At Sharon. Wednesday, the 21st day of October. At Bullock's Creek. Thursday, the 22nd day of October. At McConnellsville. Friday, the 23rd day of October. * At Ogden, Saturday, the 24th day of October. At Bethel. Monday, the 26th day of October. At Yorkville, Tuesday, the 27th day of October. At Forest Hill, "Wednesday, the 28th day of October. At Newport. Thursday, the 29th day of October. At Tirzah, Friday, the 30th day of October. At Yorkville, Saturday, the 31st day of October, and Monday and Tuesday, the 2nd and 3rd days of November. At Hickory Grove. Wednesday and Thursday, the 4th and 5th days of November. At Clover. Friday and Saturday, the 6th and 7th days of November. At Coates's Tavern, Monday, the 9th day of November, from 12 o'clock M., until 9 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, the 10th day of November. At Fort Mill.. Wednesday and Thursday. the 11th and 12th days of November. At Yorkville. Friday, the 13th day of November, until Saturday, the 2Sth day of November. ? At Rock Hill, Monday, the 30th day of November, until Tuesday, the 8th day of December. At Yorkville, Wednesday, the 9th day of December until Thursday, the 31st day of December. 1903, and after this day my office will be kept open for the collection of taxes with PENALTIES ATTACHED until the 15th day of March. 1904. Also (luring the collection of regular taxes up to the 1st day of March. I will receive VOLUNTARY PAYMENTS OF COMMUTATION ROAD TAXES for the year 1904. k H. A. D. NEELY, County Treasurer. L iaTThe Sky Pilot. frr'The Sky Pilot. ATTACHMENT SALE, ON MONDAY, salesday for October, I will sell, under execution, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, the following named articles, levied on as the property of J. E. BELEW, at the suit of the Tavora Cotton mill: Stove, Barrel, Rug, Tools, Clothing, Chairs, Ice Cream Freezer. Bedstead and Springs, Sheets, etc. W. S. PETERS, Lawful Constable. Sept. 18 f 2t j STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. IN THE COURT OF COUMON PLEAS. W. W. Jenkins, James Jenkins, Margaret C. Adams, John Caldwell, Wm. L. Caldwell, Iva Adams, Catherine Flannagan, Mary Flannagan, Maggie Caldwell, Carrie Caldwell and Eu-. nice Caldwell, Plaintiffs, against B. O. Jenkins. Sallie Jenkins, Joseph Jenkins, Susan Jenkins, Benjamin Jenkins, Dock Jenkins, Mary Hartness, Erv'.n Jenkins, Rebecca Jenkins, Alice Jenkins, Nancy Jenkins, Edward Caldwell and Charlie Caldwell, Defendants?Summons for Relief?Complaint not Served. To the Defendants above named: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas, for the said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Yorkville, South Carolina, within twenLy days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service: and If you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Yorkville. S. C., Sept. 11th, A. D? 1903. J. S. BRICE, Plaintiffs' Attorney. Sept 18 f 6t BAGGING and TIES. I have a large lot of splendid BAGGING and am enabled to make a close price to Ginners. LOUIS ROTH. TRUNKS and SUIT CASES. When you want a Trunk, or a Suit Case or a "Grip" of a good quality or something not 50 good, you can get it here. I have Trunks, from 25c to $7.50. Suit Cases, $1.25 to $7.50. 'Grips," from 25c to $1.50. All of which are extra value it the prices. Remember, please, that the lowest prices on Staple Cotton Goods prevail here. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. FOUSHEE CASH STORE. Of all days?this is our busiest day? Its our MILLINERY OPENING. Our stock is the most complete that we have sver shown you?at Prices Below Competition and quality above the average. Not being able to show our goods %. i? a. ? /unuo/l CO an caners louay, we imvc uctiucu to continue our Opening all Day Tomorrow?SATURDAY. We cordially invite you to come and examine our goods. FOUSHEE CASH STORE. (Dobson's Old Stand), Yorkvllle, S. C. YOU CAN BUY FRESH HOMEGROUND AATkTIT Hm A T WM 1ML FROM RIDDLE & CARROLL. WANTED GREEN" and Dry Hides. You get more for them Green than you can get after drying. Cut and scarred cuts prices down. W. H. HERNDON. Sept. 11. f2m. FOR SALE CHEAP. FIRST-CLASS St. Albans' Shredding Machine. J. BROWN NEIL. Filbert, S. C., Sept. 11, 1903. Sept. 11. f wtf. STAtfE OF SOUTH O&ROHXA, County of York. ?y W. H. McCorkle, Esquire, Probate . Judge of York County. WHEREAS JOHN W. McELHANY has applied to me for letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of ULYSSES SMYER. late of the county- aforesaid deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 3RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m., to shew cause, if any wny me said aumunaintuuii buuuiu not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 18th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three, and In the 128th year of American Independence.. W. H. McCORKLE, Probate Judge of York County. Sept. 18th f 2t RECEIVED TODAY ? BY EXPRESS, FRESH FROM THE FACTORY, ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF NUNNALLY'S CANDIES?THE BEST ON THE MARKET. A Good Time. NOW la a good time to pay STARR for the Fertilizer he sold you last spring. Cotton is bringing a good price and may be lower about the first of November when your note falls due. Another thing?STARR gives you a discount on all payments prior to time note is due. By paying now you save money In more ways than one. Grain Fertilizer. We expect to have on hands In a few days a supply of Fertilizer for grain. Call and see us. JAS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. ?mm___________mmmmmmmm??? HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed Stables. Chester, S. C., Sept. 8, 1903. THE HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO.. Yorkvllle, S. C. Gentlemen?Yes, I have a Summers Buggy. I have been running it six years, and of course, it has seen hard usage. Anybody who knows me can testify to the fact that a buggy that will stand me for six years is a good one. My repair bill on the buggy since I have owned it, will not exceed 32, and that is for cutting ties. It is without exception the best Buggy I ever had any experience with and the man, be He farmer, lawyer, doctor, preacher or any other calling, who is looking for the best, regardless of where he may find it, cannot make any mistake in buying a Summers Buggy. Your very truly, J. E. Corn well, Sheriff of Chester County, MOORE'S STANDARD WAREHOUSES. COTTON stored with us covered by Insurance, and our Warehouse receipts are acceptable at all banks at regular rates. Our charges for storage and insurance are reasonable. B. N. MOORE. August 21 f.t 4m JACKSON BROTHERS. CLOVER, 8. C. We Have Made Connection. We announced several weeks ago that we expected to be ready to serve all who desired to purchase Furniture "about September 1." We made connection and now have our store room in the Smith Building packed with Furniture of every grade required by the trade. We will not undertake to give a list of what we have, but will simply ask all prospective purchasers to call and see what we have and get our prices. Of course, we do not expect your patronage unless both quality and prices are right. We are satisfied we are "in line," and think you will agree with us after investigation. UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. We have a full line of Coffins, Caskets. Robes, etc., and are prepared to attend to all wants in this line promptly, either day or night. JACKSON BROTHERS. "The BEST Policyholders' Company. FOLLOWING is an actual conversation that recently took place between the traveling representative of a popular life insurance company and myself: "Mr. Grist, you should come with the Insurance company. You know it is a good company, writes a liberal policy and it pays a larger commission to agents, and you know that it's the agent that sells the insurance, and not the company, and that the average man who buys insurance is influenced more by what the agent says, and the jokes he tells, than by what the contract he Is buying says. If you are selling insurance for a living you should come with us." My reply was: "I know you have a good company, and it sells a good policy and lives up to its contract, and also pays a more liberal commission to its agents. I also know that I have a better company and that Its contracts are better, plainer, more simple and liberal, and also know that it does not pay as large commission as your company. I am selling insurance for a living and expect to continue to do so, and know by experience that I sell lots of insurance solely on account of the recommendations of our pleased policy holders, the best advertisement a company can have, and I am satisfied that the better the company is known the more business I will do. The fact that it pays a small commission as compared with others enables it to do more than others for its policy holders." His reply to this was: "I know the Mutual Benefit is the best policy holder's, company In the world and that is why, in my opinion, It is not the best for agents." A word to the wise is sufficient. Look before you leap. . . SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. | The Most 31 ( Shoes For Li * 4 The well dressed ladi< J ways insist on having the h * j REED'S SHOES Z a ) f The}' know that these t that stylish shoes can have, i these shoes have the quality ^ so necessary in the shoes of i about their footwear. We 1: J Shoes?usual prices?which ' your money. t S J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERb HEADQUARTERS C FOR PAINTS. We Carry Everything and Do ^ Tr?h?s Pomolete. t? J ~? * 11 FULL line of JOHN MASURY & ^ SONS' Prepared and Paste Paint; also Oils, Varnish, Ploor Paints, Tur- " pentine and Dryers. Where the customer prefers it, we f furnish LEWIS'S PURE WHITE * LEAD, the very best manufactured in . the United States or elsewhere. We make prices on large or small bills of raw material, and we furnish p estimates at which we will give complete jobs of Painting. All the materials we sell are fully guaranteed by the manufacturers. Now is the time to see about Painting. J. J. KELLER ? CO. _ Particular business men are par- , ticular about their business stationery. * We do the particular kind. p 1 TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS, tl ' A LL persons indebted to the estate ? Xiof ERNEST B. BEARD, deceased, J1 are requested to make payment to the 11 undersigned or attorney, J. S. BRICE, Esq., at once. Persons having claims against said estate should present the same duly authenticated to Mr. Brice or myself, within the time pre- i scribed by law. y EMMIE H. BEARD, Administratrix, ci Sept. 11 f 3t y YORK COTTON .\Rerm | REMOVAL. For the convenience of tl I in order that there may be of the Bargains we are offer i entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Dress Goods Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Crocl Gla Gi ci+/\ii/K nrvn 1U tilt; BlUIC 1UU building oil the Noi i Congress and East | where we will disj stock strictly =At C STORE OPENED Nothing Charged en Out on Approval We expect to be too bu goods aiid sencftpg.out on a will not ask us to do eithe will be compelled to politel Come early and secure , GREAT Bj B | YORK COTTON tylish | idies. \ : es of this community al- i itest styles in a 4 J i ! Z * shoes carry all the style J They also know that f , the comfort, and the fit ^ ladies who are particular ^ lave a full stock of Reed's i means the most value for J \ trauss-Smith Co. J J. R. LINDSAY, Fire, Life, Health and Accident Ins. >ffice In the Old Jeffery's Bank Building. r WRITE INSURANCE of all kinds? L Fire, Life, Health, Accident, etc. I am prepared to give the best of jrms In the matter of Bonds for Pubc and Corporation officials, Execu>rs, Administrators and others of 'horn Security or Indemnity Bonds lay be required. My long experience enables me to Ive valuable Information and advice bout matters pertaining to Insurance f whatever nature, and In this respect am at the service of the public. Patrons who may desire to do so re at liberty to make use of the Fire roof Safety Vault in my office for the torlng of insurance policies and other aluable papers free of charge. Prompt and satisfactory attention to 11 business. Respectfully, J. R. LINDSAY. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. A LL persons without distinction of :\.race or color, are hereby warned gainst Hunting, Fishing, Riding, riving, Cutting Timber, or otherwise 'resspasslng on lands controlled by fie undersigned as Executor, Trustee r individually. Those who disregard Ills notice will be prosecuted to the iill extent of the law. R. A. BRATTON. Yorkvllle, S. C., Sept. 11, 1903. Sept. 11. f 4t . i ti-" If you don't know exactly what < ou want in the way of a folder or ircular for advertising, let us help ou?that's part of our business. ** \ MILLS STORE, j j oval.'. ! REMOVAL, j ; he public in general and __ f an equuauic uisuiuuuuu ing we have removed our ; < i I ( tery, J ssware, roceries, ! ] Hardware, Trunks, j < Stoves, etc., j m in the Bratton tli East Corner of .laffprann strftftt. I - >ose of the entire i :ost= LAST MONDAY. I I and Nothing* Taksy to attend to charging pproval, and we trust you r. Should you do so we y, but positively decline. ^RGAINS efore the Rush sets in. MILLS STORE. ; J. M. Heath < General M< BUYING FALL ( We Will Have Stock Eve Our Mr. Williams is nov buying an immense line Mr. Williams will put fort the markets to buy such a ence has taught him that tl vicinity demand, and when ready for inspection, our cu that they will have the larg to select from that it has < present to our customers an BARGAINS WI In the meantime we are nary values in our various nun tl fv tin 11 cliniu' ui me luuuwiug <1111 JIIU? . Our bargain offerings ? worth your attention. For Job lot of lightweight Pai Only a few more of those Pants that have been selling We have a big job lot of values if you find your size. 50 Men's Black WorSte going at $3.50 per Suit whi 50 Youth's Worsted Suit to $2.50 a Suit. Don't mis We have 100 pairs Men's and shapes, in patent leat pair is honest value at origi your choice now for just a is a bargain at the price. A Job Lot of 1 This lot includes Shirts t cents, 75 cents and $1. A1 they go at HALF PRICE. J. M. Heath J. L. Willian ?oau and pavings ?ank,' York-vine, H. C. A General Banking Business. With good connections and supplied vith all the conveniences and appll- < inces necessary for the equipment of i modern banking office, we are in >ositlon to extend to our patrons, and he public generally, prompt and inelllgent service at all times. Prompt attention to the needs of >ut-of-town customers, country mer;hants and farmers throughout the ounty. A Special Savings Department. Using the Auxiliary Home Savings Sanks and paying three per cent interest on Savings Accounts. Interest Bearing Certificates of De>osit issued under special agreement. Correspondence or a call invited. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. . ? ?? n ?l i?f t >. m. mcnccbi rrunuenu HOURS: '' Bank opena for Butiness 9 a. m., and ' ilOM 3 p. m. Open Saturday Even- ( ngs 8 to 9. ' , WANTED. ; 1 j LF you have Butter, Eggs, Hams, 1 Shoulders, Potatoes, Onions, Beans, . Cabbage or other produce for sale, we j vill thank you to bring it to us. We vill pay you the highest market price ^ or your produce. Pull Cream Cheese. Yesterday we received a shipment >f Full Cream Cheese?put up differ>nt. Instead of the usual round cheese, t is put up in squares that cut out ust a pound. Have some? C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. I WHEN YOU ; THINK? 1 Of School supplies, you naturally think where to get them to the best advantage at the smallest expense, and as you go on thinking you naturally think of this store, for here you will find a complete line of Tablets for pen and I pencil, Pencils, Pens, Exercise < and Composition Books, Slate Pen- 1 cils, Sponges, Rubbers, Crayons, I etc. Can we serve you? YORK DRUG STORE 1 j. b. bowen, prop., i (Registered Pharmacist.) WANTED- PRODUCE. WE want all the EGGS, CHICKENS, HAMS and other Country Produce that you have to sell, for ivhich we will pay the top of the marset in CASH. K. M. M. A., W. G. Stephenson, Supt. Sept. 11 f tf I '.A & Company, XA. erchandise. 4 . f:-.~ jOODS. the Largest :r Offered Here. v in the northern markets r r_n i i oi iau ana winter gooas. h his best eiForts while in stock of goods as experiie people of Yorkville and l the goods arrive and are istomers may rest assured ^est stock of the best goods 2ver been our pleasure to d friends. THOUT END. offering most extraordilines, as a careful reading ' ire in Clothing, and are instance : its at 40 cents a pair. blue and black Worsted r so cheap. Pants that are exceptional Better see them. :d Suits, worth $5. Now le they last. :s worth $4.50 a Suit, cut s this one. Low Cut Shoes, all sizes her and vici kid. Every nal prices. You can have little money. Every pair Men's Shirts. hat are good values at 50 1 sizes. While they last Buy today. & Company, is, Manager. i we Have Received a Carload of .WEBER". WAGONS. There are none better? There are few so good. t rhese wagons have stood and ire standing the continuous work of steady heavy hauling )ver York's roughest roads, rhey continue to roll on where )thers break down. They are it work when other wagons ire at the repair shop. They ire built to roll and carry the load. They do it. If you are !n need of a wagon see the Weber before you buy. That s if you want the BEST on wheels. The price is right. YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. WANTED A GOOD Second-Hand TOZER ENGINE. Apply to W. M. GARRISON, Pineville, N. C. 3t. 4JovbviUt ?uquiw. Published Tuesday and Friday. publishers t W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OF SUBSCaq^OBfs Single copy for one year $ 2 00 One copy for two years 3 50 Por Six months 1 00 Por three months 50 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 A.nd an extra copy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent Insertion. A square consists of the space occupied 1 by ten lines of thin size type. S& Contracts for advertising space for three, six attd twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or Individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by_Monday at noor "'hen Intended for vveaneaaay a issue, and on Thursday at noon, when Intended for Saturday's Issue.