Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, September 15, 1903, Image 3

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squad of linemen came to Yorkville ii connection with the work last Satur day. As yet the reporter has not beei able to get a great deal of definite in formation as to the company's inten tions. It is Understood, however, tha the town of Yorkville will be aske< a to grant permission for the estab lishment of a local exchange. A boot] for long distance talking will be es tablished here upon completion of th< line to Rock Hill, and the matter of s local exchange will probably not b< definitely decided upon until later on It is understood to be the policy of th< Bell company, In the case of smal towns like Yorkville, where local exchanges are already in operation to g( slow and take advantage of opportunities as they are presented. There is but little reason to. believe that thej will attempt to establish a new exchange either in Yorkville or Rock Hill. . _ SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Coroner Arrests Sheriff. W. Lee Rhoden, sheriff of Saluda ^ county, is under arrest on the charge of murder. A Negro named Bob Church was killed on the streets oi Saluda recently and the coroner's jury fixed the blame as between the sherifl and a man named Matt W. Berry. The coroner took the sheriff in custody and Berry surrendered. The case is such an unusual one and there is so much local ignorance of the law in the case, that the matter has not yet been fully straightened out. The coroner, however. will probably have to look after the sheriffs office until the sheriff is again in a position to resume charge of it. Struck by Stray Bullet. Gaffney special of Saturday to Columbia State: This morning while Mrs. A. J. Burgiss, who lives in the Limestone community, was in a field ? near her house. sTie was hit by a straybullet from a .rifle. It seems that some young men were shooting at some birds in a tree near by and the ball struck a,limb and glanced, striking the woman on the neck and penetrating about'an inch and a half of flesh. Dr, R. B. Brown was called in and dressed the wound, which was not serious. Boll Weevil Lived In Ice.?Cold does not affect the Mexican boll weevil. Experiments made by G. E. King manager of the Taylor, Texas, Ice company, proved that a temperature below zero does not bother the weevil. A number of them were frozen in a solid ?- cake of ice. When the ice melted, aftei thirty hours, the weevils were as lively as ever. . ... . From Robertson county comes the report that the weevils are now playing havoc with the tomato crop. The fact is now recalled that after eating the cotton crop of northern Mexico they took to the corn and destroyed ^ it. They seem to prefer cotton, but il it is not to be had, they will attach other crops.?New Orleans dispatch ol September 11. AT THE CHtRCHES, TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL rev. j. l. stokes, pa8tor. There will be prayer-meeting tomorrow evening at 8.00 o'clock. U, CHURCH OF THE GOOD ~ SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johnes, rector. No services this afternoon. PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. o. neville, pa8tor. Prayer-meeting tomorow afternoor at 5.30 o'clock. fecial Sottas. Dr. J. J. Hagins, The Optician Will be at Hickory Grove, Septembei 21st; at Sharon, Sept. 22nd; at Yorkville at Mrs. Bowen's, Sept. 23; at Clover, Sept. 24; and back at Yorkvilleoi September 25th. Sept. 15. t tf At Union Next Sunday. ^ The ordinance of Baptism will b< administered at Union church nex Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock Preaching at 11 and the ordinance o the Lord's Supper at close of service W. E. Hurt. Sept. 15. t tf THE SKY PILOT. r Camp-Meeting at Gastonia. The annual Wesleyan Methodis canipmeeting will be held at Gastonia X. C.. beginning September 16, am continuing through September 27. I will be conducted by Rev. H. S. Ab bott and wife, under the auspices o the Wesleyan Conference of Nortl Carolina. It Card of Thanks. In behalf of myself and family, wish, through these columns, to thanl friends for "the sympathy and kindlj support shown us in the recent illnes: and death of my beloved wife, with 5 prayer that the gracious All Fathe may liberally reward each of them. Very sincerely, R. M. Whitesides. Sept. 15 It Services at Tirzah. "V Quarterly Conference services at Tir zah on the l?th and 20th of this month Xo other services until further an nouncenients are. made. L. T. Ligon. P. C. aihe gorhcille Ofotton Sflarhel, Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs Latta Bros. Yorkviu-b. September 11, 12 m.?Th local market stands as follows: Middling 101 Strict Middling 10i} Oood Middling 10| Fully Oood Middling 10S Latta Bros. "T LOST. BETWEEN the store of J. M. Heat & Co.. and the office of Mr. J. ? Bric-e, on last Saturday, about o'clock. Two Ten Dollar Bills. Th finder will confer a favor by notifyini me through The Enquirer office. It WILL ANDERSON. t& The Enquirer is fully ^ prepare with the best of materials ana skille workmen to execute your orders for a . kinds of Commercial Printing. Can w have your next order? n Machine Contest Ends. n The vote in the Sewing Machine _ contest ended today, September 15th, at 12 o'clock. The three leading contestants stood as follows: t Miss Wilma O'Farrel ..930 1 Mrs. J. D. Land 722 Mrs. C. C. McMurray 404 And according to our agreement and 1 the way the vote stood at 12 o'clock, - the Sewing Machine goes to Miss ? O'Farrel, and is now at her disposal. 1 JUST A FEW PRICES. 22 inch Out ing at 5c per yard. 29 inch Outing at 8 1-3 cents a yard. i 30 inch Amoskeag at 10c a yard. 1 25 inch Alamance checks at 3c a yd. 27 inch Checks, (Riverside) at 6 and 6J cents a yard. 26 inch Checks at 5 cents a yard. 10-quarter Sheeting at 15, 20 and 25 3 cents a yard. r Shirting, yard wide, at 5 and 6 cents. Woolen Dress Goods from 10c to " $1.50 a yard. : Trimmings to match from 1 cent to 50 cents a yard. For the Goods, the Qualities and the Correct Prices come to see our stocIC J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. J GIFTS FOR THE Bride WHAT shall it be? Let me sug. gest a set of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks or Knives; or single 1 pieces, such as Gravy Dippers, Fish i Forks, Sugar Shells, etc., or perhaps i you would prefer something in choice Sparkling Cut Glass. And in this line you will find almost ' anything you might fancy?beautiful i pieces, that transmit light as colorless as crystal. It does not show a tint? yellowish or greenish?as you hold a piece between the eye and the light, and its surface does not appear smoky. My prices are quite low, too, as compared with prices elsewhere. I can sell you Sterling Silver or Cut Glass as . cheap as any mail order house, and save you the express, and will be pleased to do so. T. W. SFECK, The Jeweler. No FORMAL OPENING. OF our Fall and Winter Millinery? 1 but, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH, a , portion of our first shipment will be on Exhibit. The prices will be "Eye. Openers," compared with the quality. , We cordially invite our friends and the public general' y to call and examine I our Goods on the above date. Come . and see?then se your judgment about r making purohases. Yours to please, FOUSHEE CASH STORE. (Dobson's Old Stand), Yorkville. S. C. I : No. 6931. : Report of the Condition of FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Yorkville, South Carolina, At the close of business, September 9th, 1903: Resources. Dollars. Loans and discounts $ 8,721 83 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds... 843 75 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 1,386 47 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 1,911 19 Due from State Banks and Bankers 2,169 83 Due from approved reserve agents 1,743 39 ? J 1~ n, 1 ,OC 97 IjneCKS anu uiuer cu.su ncius Notes of other National i Banks 185 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 53 62 Specie $4,400 25 LegaLtender notes 560 00 4,960 25 Total $35,900 70 Liabilities. Dollars. Capital stock paid in $25,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid .... 197 45 i Individual deposits subject to check 4,533 25 Time certificates of deposit... 800 00 . Liabilities other than above stated 5,370 00 5 Total $35,900 70 t State of South Carolina?County of York ss i I I. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. . Correct?Attest: W. I. Witherspoon, W. B. Moore, O. E, Wilkins, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of September, 1903. 1 J. Stefle Brice, Notary Public. 1 TIRE SHRINKING. t T AM especially well prepared to do . X the work and I am giving my perf sonal attention to the shrinking and setting of tires on buggies and wag1 ons. I solicit your work of this kind, and can promise you prompt work, . properly done at a fair price. Bring your vehicles to me for this kind of t work. R. D. ALEXANDER. < WANTED f \ GOOD Second-Hand TOZER EN3 l\ GINE. Apply to W. M. GARRISON. Pineville, N. C. 3t. r ?? :??-DI *^=====? IS PROD ?amm &.i ask roa CHICAS THE BEST . MEASURES TAKEN BY i, W. M. KEN || I have received my new II - - ? ? r /-\1 .1 r s Made-to-ivieasure Looming. take your measure. Even j Prices from $12.50 to $40. " iug and be well-dressed and A Good Time. NOW is a good time to pay STARR for the Fertilizer he sold you last spring. Cotton is bringing a good I price and may be lower about the first of November when your note falls due, | Another thing?STARR gives you a discount on all payments prior to time note is due. By paying now you save money in more ways than one. Grain Fertilizer. We expect to have on hands in a few days a supply of Fertilizer for grain. Call and see us. J AS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. G. H. OM?EAKI . M HARNESSI have been in the Harness trade long enough to "know" Harness and a set of Harness that is turned out of my store comes pretty near being what we say it is?there is no guess work about the quality?it is there. I now have in stock a complete assortment of the best qualities of Hand Made Harness?my' own make. Also have just received a shipment of Machine Made Harness, which in quality will stand the comparison with anybody's Machine-Made Harness, and will be pleased to have prospective buyers examine my stock before buying. In price?well, I yes, I can make that right too. Can satisfy in quality and price. G. H. O'LEARY. "The BEST Policyholders' Company. FOLLOWING is an actual conversation that recently took place between the traveling representative of a popular life Insurance company anu myself: "Mr. Grist, you should come with the Insurance company. You know it is a good company, writes a liberal policy and it pays a larger commission to agents, and you know that it's the agent that sells the insurance, and not the company, and that the average man who buys insurance is influenced more by what the agent says, and the jokes he tells, than by what the contract he is buying says. If you are selling insurance for a living you should come with us." My reply was: "You know you have a good company, and it sells a good policy and lives up to its contract, and also pays a more liberal commission to its agents. I also know that I have a better company and that its contracts are better, plainer, more simple and liberal, and also know that it does not pay as large commission as your company. I am selling insurance for a living and expect to continue to do so, and know by experience that I sell lots of insurance solely on account of the recommendations of pleased policy holders, the best advertisement a company can have, and I am satisfied that the better the company is known the more business I will do. The fact that it pays a small commission as compared with others enables it to do more than others for its policy holders." His reply to this was: "I know the Mutual Benefit is the best policy holder's company in the world and that is why, in my opinion, it is not the best for agents." A word to the wise is sufficient. Look before you leap. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. SPECIAL FOR 10 DAYS. To make room for another carload of Lime we offer for next ten da}'s 20 Bbls. Best Quick Lime at A DOLLAR a Barrel. Regular price $1.25. Buy quick if you need any. RIDDLE & CARROLL. HE jKimw ,AT mJ) LIGHTS PPER V ESSERS^ n IUCED BY .. COMPANY >0, U.S.A. ON EARTH* ^ <? NEDY, Agent. Fall Fashion Book of Men's Call and see them. Let me j garment guaranteed to Fit. Wear Made-to-Measure Clothsatisfied. W. M. K. j The Most 5 | Shoes For L i i The well dressel lad J ways insist on having the 1 * I REED'S SHOE* I ^ They know that these ^ that stylish shoes can have ^ these shoes have the qualit; ^ so necessary in the shoes oi ^ about their footwear. We ' ^ Shoes?usual prices?whicl J your money. i i WHEN YOU THINK? Of School supplies, you naturally think where to get them to the ( best advantage at the smallest i expense, and as you go on think- i Ing you naturally think of this 1 store, for here you will find a complete line of Tablets for pen and pencil, Pencils, Pens, Exercise and Composition Books, Slate Pencils, Sponges, Rubbers, Crayons, etc. Can we serve you? < I j YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, PROP., (Registered Pharmacist.) THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. . WE are repairing, repainting, anJ overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that are . right. I You'll find us In the rear of Riddle I & Carroll's. I Yours for bushness, j R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. ] J. M. Heath < General M< BUYING FALL ( We Will Have Stock Eve Our Mr. Williams is nov buying an immense line Mr. Williams will put fort the markets to buy such a ence has taught him that tl vicinity demand, and whet: ready for inspection, our cu that they will have the larg to select from that it has < present to our customers an BARGAINS WI In the meantime we are nary values in our various of the following will show: Our bargain offerings : worth your attention. For Job lot of lightweight Pai Only a few more of those Pants that have been sellinj We have a big job lot of values if you find your size 50 Men's Black Worst< going at $3.50 per Suit whi 50 Youth's Worsted Suii to $2.50 a Suit. Don't mis We have 100 pairs Meu's and shapes, in patent leal pair is honest value at origi your choice now for just a is a bargain at the price. A Job Lot of Tbic 1nf includes .Shirts I cents, 75 cents and $t. a they go at HALF PRICE. J. M. Heath J. L. Williar tylish | adies. j ! ies of this community al- 4 -A 1- ?A..1 ^ .aicsi aiyica 111 ^ ! l : ? shoes carry all the style | They also know that f ? * y} the comfort, and the fit f F ladies who are particular ^ have a full stock of Reed's ^ ti means the most value for ^ * Strauss-Smith Co. ^ WANTED. IF you have Butter, Eggs, Hams, Shoulders, Potatoes! Onions, Beans, J ZJabbage or other produce for sale, we ,vill thank you to bring It to us. We vlll pay you the highest market price 'or your produce. Pull Cream Cheese. Yesterday we received a shipment )f Full Cream Cheese?put up different. Instead of the usual round cheese, t is put up in squares that cut out lust a pound. Have some? C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. THE SKY PILOT; WANTED-AOENTS. AT ONCE?Ten hustling men to " work for the Farmers' Mutual Life _ Insurance Co. Liberal prices paid to the right men. The company Is grow- 1 ng and gaining confidence. Entrance J 'ee will be raised to $4.60 on and after jet. 1st. can or write to u. uj. buinh.1 , Manager, Yorkvllle, S. C. Sept 1 t3t C 5c Company, ? erchandise. w t( w d ii jOODS. the Largest y ;r Offered Here. f in the northern markets of fall and winter goods, h his best efforts while in * A stock of goods as experite people of Yorkville and * i the goods arrive and are J istomers may rest assured ,rest stock of the best goods h ever been our pleasure to t< d friends. ( THOUT END. s : offering most extraordilines, as a careful reading ( ire in Clothing, and are a instance : g ots at 40 cents a pair. p ! blue and black Worsted y so cheap. r Pants that are exceptional * . Better see them. ? ?d Suits, worth $5. Now ? ile they last. j; ts worth $4.50 a Suit, cut J ?s this one. i Low Cut Shoes,, all sizes ther and vici kid. Every inal prices. You can have 1 noir 1"! 1 line UlUUCy. ^an I S S Men's Shirts. < r that are good values at 50 f 11 sizes. While they last i Buy today. & Company, { ns, Manager. c S I 1 I YORK COTTON .'.Rem REMOVAL. For the convenience of in order that there may h of the Bargains we are off entire stock of Drv Goods. %/ ' Notions, Millinery, Dress Goo< Clothing', Hats, Shoes Crot Gl: ( To the store ro building on the No Congress and Eas where we will dis stock strictly ; ?At ( STORE OPENED Nothing Charge en Out on Annrovii We expect to be too bi goods and sending out on will not ask us to do eitli will be compelled to polit< Come early and secure GREAT B i YORK COTTON Paints and Oils at Low Prices. We are going out of the Paint and >11 business, and want to close out at * - - * " Dninfa nee aDoui zuu guuuiis ui uc? & ou.?, bout 1,000 pounds of best White >ad, and Linseed, Machine, Cylinder nd Harness Oils of guaranteed qual:ies. If you want any of these articles re can make it very much to your injrest to see us before you buy. We rtll give you prices that you cannot upllcate elsewhere. See W. B. Moore i person. Trunks of All Kinds. We have the largest line of Trunks i the city, ranging in price from a 60c 'acker to a brass bound, wooden top, nen lined Trunk at $10. For a firstlass Trunk you should see our stock. Bargains? We have a bargain for some one In two-bucket well fixture that we had ) take on account. Will sell cheap, usk to see It. We can also offer you a bargain In how Cases, Oil Tanks and one No. 15 lydraulic Ram. Sewing Machines We can sell you the high grade New lome Sewing Machine?none better, nd other makes at any price you want o pay. x Drgans. We continue to sell them and .have ome real bargains and will sell you n easy terms to suit the buyer. 31auss Shears, Scissors and Razors are unqualed and if you would have the best sk us for CLAUSS GOODS. A large line just in. Have some fine oods that we will stand over?nice hapes and finished in any style you refer. W. B. MOORE & CO. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. HE Annual Meeting of the Stock. holders of the "CAROLINA AND 10RTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COM ANY" will be held in the principal - - * /-iTTnc?mt?D fflee of the company ai cnnoimi, ?outh Carolina, on THURSDAY, the iEVENTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEM1ER, 1903, at 12 o'clock, noon. Indlidual stockholders will be given free ransportation to and from the meetng on presentation of their certificate f stock to the conductor. Chester, S. C., Aug. 31, 1903. By order WM. A. BARBER, President. . J. McLure, Secretary. td BROKERAGE. [F you desire to buy, sell or exchange City or Country Property any where ii South Carolina, address me. I feel afe In saying I have the largest asortment of Farms and City Propery of any one Broker In the State. 7hen my list grows dally. Will be glad o have your wants, or offerings, also. 4o business, no charges. Will sell at tublic or private sale, as may be preerred by owners. tx' We sell the Columbia Bar-Lock "ypewriters. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hill, S. C. August 21 f.t lm JAYrHIS 8-room house, a well of purest water, situated on fifteen acres if land, west side of King's Mountain treet, still for sale cheap on easy erms. J. O. WALKER. MILLS STORE. loval.'. REMOVAL. the public in general and ie an equitable distribution ering we have removed our : is, ? ;kery, assware, Groceries, Hardware, Trunks, Stoves, etc.* om in the Bratton irth East Corner of t Jefferson street, pose of the entire 3ost= ? LAST MONDAY, d and Nothing Tak LI. usy to attend to charging approval, and we trust you er. Should you do so we sly, but positively decline. ARGAINS Before the Rush sets in. MILLS STORE. s?oan and paving# Sank, Yorltvill?. W. C. A General Banking Business. With good connections and supplied with all the conveniences and appliances necessary for the equipment of a modern banking office, we are in position to extend to our patrons, and the public generally, prompt and Intelligent service at all times. Prompt attention to the needs of out-of-town customers, country merchants and farmers throughout the county. A Special Savings Department. Uslnsr the Auxiliary Home Savings Banks and paying three per cent Interest on Savings Accounts. Interest Bearing Certificates of Deposit issued under special agreement. Correspondence or a call Invited. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. S. M. McNEEL, President. HOUR8: Bank opens for Business 9 a. m., and Closes 3 p. m. Open Saturday Evenings 8 te 9. xs-The Sky Pilot. CTThe 8ky Pilot. Wonderful Sales. On account of the tardy spring season the Buggy trade has been late this season, but our sales so far this season have surpassed all previous records. We are using our best efforts to keep them on the increase. We have sold more than 50 Columbia Buggies since January 1st, to say nothing of the other makes. We have a large supply of second-hand Buggies that we are offering at Bargains. Should you need one come at once. At the prices they are offered they are going like hot cakes. Wagons, Wagons. This line is complete. We have Studebaker and several other makes. We have a fine lot of Tennessee Horses, both saddlers and drivers. Our Guarantee. We pride ourselves on this feature of our business and always take pleasure in making it GOOD. GLENN & ALLISON. THE SKY PILOT. Hit ^(orkrillc iuquim. Published Tuesday ana rria&y. PUBLI8HEKH: W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I Single copy for one year f 2 00 One copy for two years 3 50 For Six months 1 00 For three months 50 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. S3" Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or Individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by_Monday at noor ".'hen Intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Thursday at noon, when Intended for Saturday's Issue.