Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, August 18, 1903, Image 3

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ferial JMices. Books That Are Good. Don't fall to see the Self and Sex series being: shown in this county at this time by Mr. S. C. McFadden. August 14 t tf - i Blanks Are Here. Mrs. W. B. Williams has received the blank forms that are to be used in making applications for Confederate crosses of honor and will give them to first comers as long as they last. ? at. AUgUSt id o?? She gorftmlie (foilon J^Rarftet. r . - r Corrected Semi* Weekly by Moure. - Lett* Bros. Yorkvilde, Augrust 18, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 12J Strict Middling 12* Good Middling 12J Fully Good Middling 12J Latta Bros. HYMENEAL. Married?At the residence of the officiating minister, Clover, S. C., Au?..?? v.. jt m Steven gust iZ, i!MM, UJ iw?. son, Mr. JAMES* PETERS and Mrs. EMMA J. WALLACE* both of York county, S. C. SAY? DO you want to buy a home cheap and on easy terms, when you can live in town without it costing you rent? If so, see J. O. WALKER. GINNING OUTFIT CHEAP. CONSISTS of 12-Horse Stationary Engine and fairly good Gin, both in use last season. May be seen at the Dr. Lindsay place two miles southwest of Yorkville. Will sell cheap for cash. See me at my office. J. R. LINDSAY. August 18 w 2t APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. NOTICE is hereby given that the COMMERCIAL CLUB OF YORKVILLE, S. C., will on SATURDAY next, August 22, apply to the Secretary of State for a charter under Art,. II, chap. 46 of the South Carolina code. - W. B.' MOORE, President. ' August 18 t. It " notice of election. AN election for Three Trustees for Tirzah School District No. 35, will be held at Tirzah Station on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2D. Polls will open at 7 a. m., and close at 4 p. m. By order of the County Board of Education. JONH E, CORROLL, Chairman. August 18 t 2t. wanted] KNOWLEDGE of a Life Insurance Company which writes a definite contract of insurance, which combines the peculiar and-' special advantages contained in the policies of. the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. August 18 t.f. 2t fg. CORSETS at Prices t\ that Please. 25c, 50c. 60c, 75c, $1.00 and $125 is what we charge you for a "Corset that would cost you?well, we'll leave it to you to judge as to how much we save you. Gridles Are the right thing now. We have 'em at 50 per cent below the usual price. Let us prove this statement.. Truly, FOUSHEE CASH STORE. (Dobson's Old Stand), Yorkvllle, S. C. It's Care and Economy. There are lots of good life insurance companies. In fact all of the old line companies will live up to their Guarantees, if you live up to Yours, but an investigation will convince you that there is not even One in business today that issues as plain, simple and liberal contracts as does the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, of Newark, N. J., or that has a record that compares with it for care in the selection of risks or economy as to the expense of management, and therefore that can carry out its contracts at as low cost to the assured. Care and economy produce profits in life insurance, the same as in any other business. and in the Mutual Benefit absolutely every cent of the profits go to tne policy noiaers. mere are nu stockholders. It is said that wise men look before they leap, and that the other kind leap and then look. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. There's a Difference In Teas. Yes, there's a difference in teas. There's good tea, poor tea and indifferent tea. We have the good kind. Both Green and Black Tea?whichever you prefer. Price is right, too. 50 and 60 cents a pound. Some dealers charge more for Teas that are no better?others charge as much for teas that are not so good. Try ours and you will be pleased with what you get. C. P. LOWRANCE & CO., Grocers. Nunnally Even the name implies all that is best in candies. A trial box will convince the most skeptical of its superior quality. We receive it often enough to always have it fresh. A fresh shipment of Chocolates and Bon-Bons received last Friday. If you would have the BEST in confectionery, insist on having NUNN ALLY'S. We sell it. JAS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. Phone 36. The Comrades of Your Son at King's Mountain Military Academy, Yorkville, S. C., are such as you would have them be. The class of patronage is of the highest order. COL. W. G. STEPHENSON, Superintendent. An Early Beginning*. WE believe that there is going to b% a big business the coming fall. We believe it so thoroughly that we have bought the biggest stock of fall goods we have ever had?have pinned our faith to our judgment. We have already received so majiy ran goods that we are crowded and the half has not been received. We are not filling our shelves with shoddy goods either; but are laying In goods of the quality demanded by the best . trade?the people who know good t goods and will have nothing else. The qualities will be here and also the 1 varieties. Our stock has never been \ so large as It will be the coming season, and this insures variety. Our 2 prices will be just as low as can be * found elsewhere for the qualities. 1 Take these four features?Quality, -y Quantity, Variety and Correct Prices, and we will have "a winning hand. ( Watch our ads, please. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. Another Special. Here's another special? good Today, Tomorrow and Thursday?Two I05?piece sets Carlsbad Decorated ; Chinaware. Beautiful ware, c as dainty as a June bride : and as pretty?chinaware 1 fit to grace any table?a credit to any home. Regular price here $21?elsewhere it is higher?for this sale my price is $17, CASH. Only two s&s left and the buyer of either will *be lucky. You have three days to think about it then the offer is withdrawn. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. ' c Shoe 1 8 v .roiisn. s s Nicely polished shoes add much to one's personal appearance?just notice for yourself?you can easily see the difference?any one can. Do ] you keep your shoes polished? If not -I you should come to us for polish? 1 a few minutes will do the work and 1 your shoes will look much better and a your shoes will wear longer. " Our polish has Just the proper amount of 1 oil and blacking matter in it to In- J sure the preservation of the leather. We sell Perfection Glose, Whitte- more, Packards, etc.?all good. The price?10, 15, 20 and 25 cente a hot- , tie?see our south window for what you want. v . YORK DRUG STORE i J. B. BOWBN, PROP., j Phapmaeiil.l I J. M. Heath I General M< Between , .BARG For Wide Awal We are making these betv to our customers just to kee make profits, and while we work thoroughly?offering cannot touch. For instance I A Job Lot of J I This lot includes Shirts t cents, 75 cents and $i. A1 they go at HALF PRICE. i Big Values In Men We have 100 pairs Men's and shapes, in patent leat pair is honest value at origi your choice now for just a is a bargain at the price. I Special values are offered misses' Slippers and Sauda shapes in patent leather, vi< Today is a good day , uuu i wani iu carry cm uvcj Clothing. Cloth Our bargain offerings ? ! worth your attention. For Job lot of lightweight Pai Only a few more of those I Pants that have been selling We have a big job lot of values if you find your size. 50 Men's Black Worste going at $3.50 per Suit whi 50 Youth's Worsted Suit to $2.50 a Suit. Don't mis New Goods Ji ?a "n* T? \_cu iwau ivuuiap xmcui A' Carload "Heath's Best" Carload Fancy Family F Another Shipment of Fruit Jars We have a carload of be< going fast. | J. M. Heath J. L. Willian Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal. If you would have your cows ;o give large quantities of milk *ich in butter fat you should "eed them Cotton Seed Hulls tnd Meal. We have both of hese articles and will make /o\i the right prices on large >r small quantities. RIDDLE & CARROLL. ?oau and pavings ?ank, Yorlcvllle, H.C. )eposit Your Savings Where They Will Earn More. , By the use of our System of 8av- < ing you not only lay aside small amounts which you would probably otherwise spend needlessly? but what you accumulate Is constantly earning more. A Savings Account with us earns you 3 per , cent. The Interest Item, though in itself a good feature, is not the "drawing card" of our System; it's a habit of saving inculcated j by the use of our Home Savings Banks, and the saving of little amounts which you would not have ( at all if it were not for the "Little i Saver" in your home. Continue to Save Until it Becomes a rixea natm. We will start you to save on One dollar?then?"keeping everlastingly j it It, brings a good balance." We , \'ould like to talk to you about our , iystem. Favor us with a call. . W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. 1. M. McNEEL, President. WANTED?BEEF CA#LE. [WANT to buy. good, fat, BEEF CATTLE all the time, and will pay rWO AND A HALF CENTS a pound n CASH for good beeves. I will take ill you bring at this price. I have good cold congealed aqua at cent a pound. Can I sell you what ou want? G. W. SHERRER. ' CLOTHES CLEANING. [WANT to clean, repair and press all of your old suits. First class ~T .aotro mo vniir or VUi'K guaiaiiicnia ...v j ( lers for First Class Tallor-Made Clothng. Made to measure Pants a speclaly. Fit and work guaranteed. Correct >rices and the very latest and most )opular styles. R. L. BRANDON. k Company, ;rchandise. Season i AINS\ | ce Customers. veen-the-seasons' offerings ? ip up the interest?not to are at it we are doing the values that other stores | j J: i ! Vlen's Shirts. i i i hat are good values at 50 ; 1 sizes. While they last j tfuy today. i < i 's Low Cut Shoes. Low Cut Shoes, all sizes I her and vici kid. Every nal prices. You can have little money. Every pair ,ook TODAY! I this week in ladies' and j 1 ,1s. All sizes, styles and :i kid, etc. i i to buy a Straw Hat. We r. Prices are very LOW. ing. Clothing. ire in Clothing, and are instance : ats at ao cents a nair. : blue and black Worsted I so cheap. Pants that are exceptional . Better see them. :d Suits, worth $5. Now le they last. s- worth $4.50 a Suit, cut s this one. List Arrived. lour. Best on the market. Flour. Mighty good, lour. A good article. s and Jelly Tumblers Just In. 5t Shingles and they are I & Company, is, Manager. Paints and Oils at Low Prices. We are going out of the Paint and Oil business, and want to close out at once about 200 gallons of best Paints, about 1,000 pounds of best White lead, and Linseed, Machine, Cylinder and Harness Oils of guaranteed qualities. If you want any of these articles we can make it very much to your interest to see us before you buy. We will give you prices that you cannot duplicate elsewhere. See W. B. Moore In norsnn. Trunks of All Kinds. We have the largest line of Trunks In the city, ranging In price from a 60c Packer to a brass bound, wooden top, linen lined Trunk at $10. For a firstclass Trunk you should see our stock. Bargains? We have a bargain for some one In a two-bucket well fixture that we had to take on account. Will sell cheap. Ask to see it. We can also offer you a bargain In Show Cases, Oil Tanks and one No. 15 Hydraulic Ram. Sewing Machines We can sell you the high grade New Home Sewing Machine?none better, una Ullicr iua^a av a.njr pi icc juu nunt to pay. Organs. We continue to sell them and have some real bargains and will sell you on easy terms to suit the buyer. Clauss Shears, Scissors and Razors are unequaled and If you would have the best ask us for CLAUSS GOODS. A large line Just In. Have some fine goods that we will stand over?nice shapes and finished in any style you prefer. W. B. MOORE & CO. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. AS the country schools are now beginning operations for the summer season, I wish to call to the attention of parents the fact that I have a full stock of SCHOOL SUPPLIES, including School Books, Tablets for pen or pencil, Composition Books, Crayons, Slates, Slate Pencils, Inks, Pens, Pencils, etc., and please . remember also, that I will meet all legitimate competion in prices on any of these articles. CROCKERY, Etc. The next time your lady folks tell you that they need something in Tinware, Enameled ware or Crockery, do you remember that it is at my store that you will find the most complete assortments of these goods. And, also remember that you will get the lowest prices that carv be had. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. Wonderful Sales. On account of the tardy spring season the Buggy trade has been late this season, but our sales so far this season have surpassed all previous records. We are using our best efforts to keep them on the Increase. We have sold more than 50 Columbia Buggies since January 1st, to say nothing of the other makes. We have a large supply of second-hand Buggies that we are offering at Bargains. Should you need one come at once. At the prices they are offered they are going like hot cakes. Wagons, Wagons. This line Is complete. We have 8tudebaker and several other makes. We have a fine lot of Tennessee Horses, both saddlers and drivers. Our Guarantee. We pride ourselves on this feature of our business and always take pleasure In making it GOOD. GLENN & ALLISON. ro the Farmers of York Coonty: ESPECIALLY those who are contemplating purchasing Harvesters, Mowers and Rakes. I call to your attention that I am handling Walter A. Woods' machinery, which Is up-to-date in all Improvements. I have a Mower jn hand for Inspection. It Is a Steel Mower with roller and ball bearfng. It Is neat and nice. It Is not only made for looks, but for long service, so bring pour sledge hammer along and test the machine yourself, and as for the financial part, I can make It to your Interest to buy a Woods' Mower, Harvester 5r Rake. \ WORD OR TWO TO THE LADIES. T havp on hand another lot of the well-known Standard Grand Rotary Sewing Machines. Remember they are two machines in one, which no other Machine company dare to claim. Our claim: It is the lightest running machine on*the market. To test the machine I am willing to place one in pour home on trial, and if it is not in svery respect what we claim I will gtladly remove the machine. Yours to serve, YORK IMPLEMENT CO. L. R. Williams, Proprietor. r. M. WHISONANT. T. H. LE88LIE. HICKORY SUPPLY COMPANY HICKORY, S. C. TRUNKS and Things. Wiij nave received recently a mvc line of Trunks, and can fill your requirements In size and quality, and at prices that are very low. See us for a Trunk when ypu are in need. A good Mattress on your bed, instead of the feathers, will add a lot to your comfort these hot nights. We have Mattresses ranging from $1.75 to $6.50. Suppose you try one. A nice Safe will add considerably to the convenience of your kitchen. It is not an expensive piece of furniture but adds U lot to the completeness of a kitchen's furniture. See us for one. We are offering all of our Low Cut Shoes at your price. We want to close them quick, and you can get a good bargain in low cut Shoes. Straw Hats are going at from 10 to 50 cents. Straws are more comfortable than felts for warm weather wear. HICKORY SUPPLY CO. JA8PER LIGHT INFANTRY. General Order No. ? t Members of Co. "L" on WBCPy late encampment, will vBwBSs. have their khakhi uniYSCSSBeL forms washed, removing VJL?brass buttons before doV ing so, and folded away. No drills will be ordered until new guns. etc.. are received, notice of which will be given In this space. W. B. MOORE. Captain Commanding. Ain't It Awful? What's that ? Mother's running the machine. What does she do it for ? Making shirts for daddy. Can't sew for hetself. I wouldn't do it. Yes, you would if you were i.1 ni. j i_ t tri. moiner. one aworK nersen 10 death for daddy. Mother pulls the machine. Mules pull the mower. Old machine runs awful heavy. Mother gets very tired. Has tired ankles and headache. Machine makes lots of noise. Baby can't sleep?very cross. Baby frets?daddy leaves house. J Tkf.ll J 11 1 1 - -i iviuiucr uon i leave?sne stays, quiets baby, sews on. Whirr-rattle-rattle-rattle-whir ! F "Oh, my head." "What's that, mother ?" R "Oh?oh, nothing." Baby is ^ awake. * A "Yes, darn it!" under breath. h Daddy goes to town. Has string around finger. ^ Won't forget what he is going A for! ' What's tip cmina fnr ' .. b b To see us. What about ? F Sewing Machine. F What kind ? F HARLEM! Why Harlem 7 'Cause it's good as any $50 machine. Runs light. Makes no noise. Does eood work?lots of it. Full set latest attachments. Nicely finished oak case?nickel trimmings?drop-head. The price?$15 cash. Will sell on time?easy terms. Why is price so low?others so high ? Bought 100 to get the price. : r\. a. 3 "> A vjuaramceu r Iron-clad for twelve years. Machine is too cheap. Let the Harlem answer that. Talk is cheap. Yes ; but Harlems talk for themselves?talk hard. Think it over. Don't think too long. Mother is tired. 0 Getting older, too. Will break down some day. r Then what?haven't thought ? 1 No?well think today?think ^ hard?think right. a Think what $15 will do. Think how much mother's work can be lightened?that is worth : your thoughts ! 1 Think today ! Then see us. r You will feel better. IM, HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed Stables. About Buggies. We have in stock Buggies of all c stvles and grades. We bought them to sell. You will consult your personal Interest if you are in need of a vehicle of anykind if you will see us before closing a trade. Our warranty goes with every job and means that every 1 job must come right square up to our representation. d rl About Wagons. & We have Wagons for sale. They are as good as any on this or any other market. Our prices are right and the terms will be made to suit every pur- chaser, not only of Wagons, but of anything else we have to sell. ^ THE HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. . J. C. Elliott, Manager. n l?' This is a good month in which to ~ get in your fall supply of Stationery. < Let us fill your orders. P YORK COTTON Bargain Barg* R? u< Below we offer for next bargains to be found in < Please remember that we Crockery, Trunks, Clothi Shoes, etc.. etc., that We Below Gost; but owing to to go into further details. " the eating thereof," as the < the pudding and would lik riats. Hats. Hats. Men's and Boys'. taw Edge Black, $1.25 value?yours for 89 cents. Jpine, black, $1.50 value?your's for $1.20. lany varieties, $1.40 values?yours for $1.05. lany varieties, $1.75 values?yours for $1.30. lany varieties, $2.00 values?yours for $1.60. lany varieties, $2.50 values?yours for $1.80. lany varieties, $1.00 values?yours for 75 cents. lany varieties, $1.15 values?yours for 80 cents. Aany varieties, $1.20 values?yours for 85 cents. Aany varieties, 75 cents values?yours for 50 cents. lanu uirintiii* W rani ..-1. for 35 cents. I few light colored Hats, former price $1.00? must go at 60 cents. Straw Hats. tegular price anywhere, 75 cents?go* ing at 40 cents, tegular price anywhere, 50 cents?going at 30 cents, tegular price anywhere, 25 cents?going at 10 cents. As stated at the outset tl many bargains we are offe we advise that you pay us what we have. We can sa Listen to this LIBERAL A Ten Dollar purchase goods we have been adverti Sale, will entitle you to a count on any other good store, except Staple Groc withdrawn. YORK COTTON G. H. O'LEARY. I The 'Dexter' Mattress I I 15.00. I I The 'Rex' Mattress I I lo.oo. I ti <n i? me itegai maiircss I 7.5o. ' I I Ask for Them. I lave other Mattresses?can suit anyne In prlceb. )ur Furniture stock includes bout everything in house furlishings that is desirable and leedful and our prices?the -- 1 i ame to all?are as low, quany considered, as can be had of my other reliable dealer. G. H. O'LEARY. Professional Guards. "hos. F. McDow. W. W. Lewis. McDOW & LEWIS, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, No. 4 Law Range, Yorkvllle, S. C. 'rompt Attention to all business. Money loaned on approved security. July 25 sw tf HEO. W. S. HART. VTTORNEY AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. LAW RANGE. 'Phone Office No. 58. D. E. FINLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in WILSON BUILDING, opposite ourt House. Telephone No. 136. THF "WF FIX IT" SHOP. [TT E are repairing, repainting, anJ Vt overhauling Buggies, and we are oing this work at prices that are Ight. You'll find us in the rear of Riddle : Carroll's. Yours for business, R. E. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. WANTED HI7E want to hire at good wages, a f V first-class carriage painter. Will ave steady work for the right man. YORKVILLE BUGGY CO. August 12 w tf isf The Enquirer will do your Job rinting promptly at a fair price. MILLS STOBE. 5= lins ! irgains! week a few of the many ? ? / 1 3ur large stock ot goods, have large quantities of ng, Gents' Furnishings, are Closing Out At and lack of space we are unable The proof of the pudding is old saying goes. We have e for you to do the eating. Caps and Caps. 4 Dozen Caps, former prioe 50 eente? closing out at 30 cents. Boys' Fancy Caps, former prices 25 and 30 cents?your choice, i5 cents. A Few Rare Bargains i for the Ladies : We have only a limited quantity of these goods?FIR8T COME, FIR8T SERVED. These are great: Fancy and Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, only 8, 12 and 17c eaoh. Plain Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 7 and 12 cents each. * Mourning Handkerchiefs at 3 and 4 oents eaoh. A small number of Folding Fans?your choice while they last, 7 cents saoh. White Pique Belts, worth 25c going at 18 cents each. Black and White Folded Belts?bargains at 17 cents each. A few ladies' Stock Ties?fancy colors and polka dots 25c value?take them?18c each. We have a limited quantity of misses' and children's Leghorn Hats?25c, 30c, 35c, 50c and 60 cent values?going at 13c, 14c, 18c, 25s, 30c each. Black Crepe, 50c valued-going at 35o. iese are only a few of the I ring to our customers and a visit to see for yourself ve you money. rOFFGR: at one time, of any of the sing during our Slaughter Twenty Per Cent Diss in any quantity in our :eries. Former discounts MILLS STORE. 1 J. J. KELLER & CO., UNDERTAKER!. OUR STOCK. WE are carrying a large and elab orate stock of UNDERTAKERS' GOODS. We give satisfactory attention to all calls and the prices wte ch&rge are very close. Don't fall to see us when In need of anything In our line. Our place of business Is near the Car ouna ana norio-weBiern uepuu ' J. J. KELLER & 00. JERSEY CALVES FOR SALE. A LIMITED number of THOROUGHBRED JERSEY CALVES, both sexes, of the most fashionable breeding. These calves are all that could be desired in so far as their breeding and other qualifications are concerned. Address J. W. BETTS, Lesslie, S. C. TIRE SHRINKING. I AM especially well prepared to do the work and I am giving my per ' in iVin aKrlnHrff O nH SUIIttl aucilliuu to bliv out iimmiiq * ?? setting of tires on buggies and wagons. I solicit your work of this kind, and can promise you prompt work, properly done at a fair price. Bring . your vehicles to me for this kind of work. R. D. ALEXANDER. ilte ^(orkviUe (Inquirer. Published Wednesday and Saturday. PUBLIHHE118 t W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION? Single copy for one year $ 2 00 One copy for two years..... 3 50 For Six months 1 00 For three months 50 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twelve mo'nths will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the oflSce by Monday at noon, when intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Thursday at noon, when intended for Saturday's Issue.