?mmorou$ fjtpartment. Chicago Women's Foot. When George Ade went from the literary field of La Fayette, Ind., to tread the primrose path of dalliance with all sorts of things on the staif of the "Chicago Record," he met a native lady writer of that town of Pierian Springs and Olympian Heights. She wasn't as young as the used to be, but she was quite as pretty as she had ever been, and her devotion to Mr. Ade as present help in every time - -1 *-?- 1?? ??nnMoo nr.:o no t h At - OI UUUUie IICI uuuum "U" |~?? ic. He was a good thing at first, voluntarily. because he wanted to help struggling genius, but the lady was so persistent that she became a nuisance, J and Mr. Ade, in his efforts to break away, at times became actually rude. One day he went cheerily to his desk, for he had not seen her In a long, long time, and the hope that she had gone to a better world above made him resigned, If not really and truly happy. But it was not to be. He found her waiting for him. She greeted him effusively, and he didn't reciprocate, but he had to be polite, and ask her where she had been all this time. "Why, don't you know," she said, "I had a fever for three weeks, and It has taken me six weeks to get on my feet." "Six weeks?" exclaimed Mr. Ade In Surprise. "Yes, Indeed; six whole weeks." "Well," he responded, as if thoroughly convinced. "I . have always heard that Chicago women had large feet, but I didn't suppose they were quite so large as that."?The Reader. Aunt Martha's Mistake.?She was sixty-five years old. It was her first visit to New York, or to any other city, large or small, and for weeks after she got home she did little but talk about the wonders of the metropolis. Finally the nephew who had accompanied her on her trip said: "Well, * 4 11 ~ UIMOMJ WAIl AUni Manna, ui an me mi"6? jv saw In New York, what impressed you most?" "The lace-knitting machine," replied Aunt Martha promptly. The nephew was mystified. "The lace-knitting machine?" he said. "Why, where did you see that? I don't remember any knitting machine." Aunt Martha was surprised at that. "You don't?" she said. "Why, it was right there in the suburban station where we took the cars the day we came home." After persistent questioning he caught her meaning. "Good Lord!" he said. Then he laughed most disrespectfully. He knew he ought to be ashamed of himself for doing it, but he really couldn't help it, for what Aunt Martha had mistaken for a laceknitting machine was a telegraph instrument which kept up its steady clickety-click while the girl who sat beside it knit just as steadily on a pirtc Ui iQLC ? I1U3C lUilS CIIU oncj/l the ftoor and helped create Aunt Martha's delusion of sight and sound. Wanted a Pattern.?A ragged Irishman was charged in a London court a short time ago with tendering a counterfeit shilling in payment for a penny loaf. Though forlorn In aspect, he was not destitute of that shrewdness which is characteristic of his countrymen. He stated that he was sent for the loaf by a person at a public house close by, who gave him the coin to pay for it, and that on discovering it was not good he bought the coin for three half-pence. The magistrate?How came you to buy the shilling after you had discovered it was a bad one? The prisoner, with much apparent gravity, replied: "Sure, then, your honor, I bought it so that if I should happen to have a bad one offered to me I might know it by looking at the one I had with me!" There was a burst of laughter, and the follow was dismissed with a caution. When He Did Better.?A celebrated bishop once sat through a long and atrocious sermon on a hot summer morning. With an immovable countenance he listened to metaphors that were mixed, pathos that was bathos and humor that was sad. The preachPr was a vnnth lust nnf nf pnllppp?a very conceited youth. He bellowed through his sermon at the top of his lungs. His gestures were violent enough to break his arms. At every climax he fixed the bishop with his eye to see if a suitable Impression had been made. And at the end of the service this young snip swaggered up to the bishop and said: "I fancy I did rather well today, sir. Don't you think so?" "Yes," returned the bishop; "but you did better last year." "Last year!" said the young man. "Why, I didn't preach at all last year." "That's the reason," said the bishop, with a smile. Hero of New Orleans.?Henry Smith Pritchett, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thinks the word "science" Is much abused these days. He scoffs at Christian "science," the "science" of palmistry, the "science" of mind reading. and other fads of that sort. Everything mysterious or seemingly so, he says, is denominated "science," and to illustrate his point he is fond of telling this story: "In a certain Boston school one day recently I listened to a teacher ask a small boy. 'Who won the battle of New Orleans?' "'Why, Jim Corbett. of course,' was the ready answer. "The teacher, not placing Corbett's name, and thinking to set the boy right, questioned: 'How did that happen?' " 'Well, he won,' replied the boy, 'because he had more "science" than the other fellow.'" K7~ Knicker?Grumbler looks unhappy. Bocker?Yes; he says its cool to kick about the heat and too warm to kick about the cold Miscellaneous grading. FROM CONTEMPORARIES. Newt and Comment That It of More or Lett Local Interest. CHESTER. Lantern, July 23: A telephone message was received in town yesterday morning from Pinevllle, N. C., stating that Dr. B. E. Kell's condition is growing hopeless. He Is blind now, and at times is unconscious. It will be remembered that his left side was paralyzed several weeks ago Mr. S. T. Howie, brother of Mr. W. B. Howie of Chester, resigned his position as chief state constable in Charleston on the 17th instant. He has held this offfice for the past Ave years Miss Mary Crawford, who has been spending several days with her brother, Mr. E. A. Crawford, has returned to her home at McConnellsvIlle Mr. B. N. Moore of Yorkville, spent Wednesday In town with Mr. Paul McCorkle Mr. Archie Owens says he has the best cotton crop he has had for five years. The secret is that he planted a small crop and kept right up with It. Besides this he planned his work so that his plowing was interrupted by the rain to a-very small extent Chester ball players are in demand. Mr. W. K. Green wired for Mr. William Latimer to come to Greenwood Tuesday to play ball, where the teams of Honea Path and Greenwood were battling against each other. On Monday tne greenwood men were defeated, on Tuesday they were defeated again, but on Wednsday they succeeded In. winning the game by a score of 13 to 5. Mr. Latimer played short stop. He returned home on the $^rly Seaboard yesterday morning, having been awake the entire night Mr. J. Monroe Grant of Hal8ellville, having heard of an assertion that there are no horse apples now, and having gotten the impression that the Lantern said so, determined to prove the contrary by an argument stronger than words, and so brought us two dozen fine specimens to demonstrate their existence. Mr. Grant's orchard is just coming into bearing, and therefore he has a good fruit prospect in front of him. We did not say anything about there being no horseapples, but if this is the way people are going to refute such statements we shall be tempted to say that nobody has a bushel of such apples, that the cider apples have no Juice in them this season, that there are not two bushels of good sound peaches in the county, that nobody will make a watermelon weighing forty pounds this year, thnt ratplounes are a total failure and that there are not enough young crisp cucumbers to serve as a relish for one's breakfast Rock is already being hauled on the Columbia road, which Is soon to be macadamized. The chalngang was moved there this morning to prepare for the beginning of the work. A well will be sunk, and the road will be leveled in places. The macadamizing will be begun at the two mile post Instead of at the corporate limits, and when the reason is assigned, one can readily see the advantages of beginning there. The road will be macadamized a mile each way and there will be good hard roads over which to haul the rock from the crusher. LANCASTER. Ledger, Jtfly 25: Colonel Springs has applied to the town for a franchise to light the town by electricity. As soon as the necessary steps can be taken the matter of granting the franchise will be submitted to tne quaunea voters as is now required by law. We can safely predict there will- be practically no opposition to granting the franchise and that in the near future Lancaster will be abreast of other progressive town of the state in the matter of electric lights Mr. Henry C. Clyburn, a native of Lancaster county, who move^, with his family to Texas about seventeen years ago, is here on a visit to his relatives and many old friends. He is looking well, weighs 215 pounds, has no gray hairs, and looks almost as young as he did seventeen years ago. He has received many a hearty handshake from the companions of his boyhood and young manhood days. He reports crops good around his home, Flint. Tex., and says that his corn crop is the finest he has made since he has been in the "Lone Star State." He will spend about a month here and in the county and hopes to see all his old friends and ac qualntances before he returns Mr. Joseph Clark, an aged and well known citizen, died at his home at this place last Wednesday, July 22d, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Clark was a native of the county, having been born in the Pleasant Hill section in April, 1825, and has lived in the county all his life. He was admitted to the practice of law about 1870. He served as postmaster at this place for two terms. His widow and four children, viz.: Mr. W. G. Clark of this place, Mrs. S. C. Villeneuve of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Callie Green of Bishopvllle, and Mrs. J. W. Hamet of Kershaw, survive him. Mr. Clark was a man of strong intellect and of generous impulses. He was industrious and frugal and accumulated a nice property, which he disposed of by will to his wife and children. He was a member of the Methodist church and the funeral service was conducted from his residence by his pastor, Rev. W. H. Hodges, at 9 a. m., Thursday morning, after which the remains were interred in the town cemetery with Masonic honors. Mr. Clark was one of the oldest Masons in the state, having been msida n Maann in Anviiaf 1Q.47 nooflv fifty-six years ago. GASTON. Gastonia Gazette, July 24: Prof. Lowry Jenkins, principal of the Yorkville Graded schools, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city with his sister, Mrs. J. Y. Miller, on his return from Knoxville. Tenn., where he has been attending the summer school at the University of Tennessee. Accompanied by Mrs. Miller he left Monday for Yorkville, where he she will spend sometime with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jenkins The apple crop is better than usual this year. In the Cherryville section it is said to be abundant. A few days ago. Mr. J. R. Shannon and Mr. Will Bradley went into cahoot and took a day off to make cider over in Cherryville township. They came back home with about thirty gallons which they made that day at a cost of about $2.50 The King's Mountain presbytery will hold on to Rev. McG. Shields. At a largely attended meeting of the presbytery in Lincolnton Tuesday night, the body declined unanimously to accept his resignation of the Gastonia pastorate to accept the call from High Point. Mr. Page represented the protest of the Gastonia church against High Point's claims in a manner that has won for him great praise. Rev. T. C. Croker * JAAIama/I Kin noAnlft irom roiK uuuniy, ucvimcu ? , a unit against Mr. Shield's departure. After a lengthy and full consideration of the matter the action as indicated was taken by the presbytery. Gastonia had about a dozen representatives at the meeting. The affection exhibited by the entire presbytery for Mr. Shields, and that will brook no thought of his going elsewhere now, show the hold he has upon the hearts of his people and the value they set upon his usefulness to them. And the more other people know of him, the better they like him Mr. C. L. Williams, a former Gastonian, who has for the past four years been in Alaska and British Columbia, passed through on No. 36 Wednesday, enroute to his old home near Rock Hill, S. C At the home of the bride's father, Mr. Erastus Beatty, near Sandy Plains Baptist church, Miss Carrie Beatty and Rev. J. A. Hoyle were married Tuesday evening. Mr. Hoyle is pastor of the Second Baptist church of Gasttonla and of the Sandy Plains church. The bride and groom left Wednesday morning for their home at Maiden A Negro, Alfred Llneberger, agel seventeen years, was killed Wednesday morning at Mount Holly while trying to board a moving freight train. He grabbed a road on the side of a box car, but lost his foothold and fell under the trucks, his body being badly mangled. He died within two hours after the accident Mr. James A:dams, who lives one and a half miles from Bowling Green, had the misfortune to lose his barn and crib by fire Wednesday night. When discovered, about 11 o'clock, the entire roof was ablaze and prompt work was required to rescue the horses and other stock. Mr. Adams had stored his entire wheat crop, estimated at something over a hundred bushels, in the barn, and this, together with a quantity of feedstuff was lost. The crib, which was located near the barn, and which contained thirty or forty bushels of corn, was also burned. The farm machinery ntnreri at tha harn. was saved. The origin of the Are is unknown and no theory as to how it caught has been given. Mr. Adams carried insurance in the Farmers' Mutual Insurance company to the amount of $135. WASTE BASKET EXAMINERS. Two Women In the Treasury Department Who Look For Stray Bonds. "Official Examiner of the Waste Basket"?such is the title conferred on two women at the treasury. Nor is the title a vain one. The women are classed as "experts" and their duties are reckoned important. From 9 to 4 o'clock each day, except Sunday, they may be found in the basement of the big and dirty graybrown building wherein Uncle Sam's sinews of commerce and war, peace and prosperity are kept. Hour by hour they carefully go through the big piles of waste paper dumped out for their inspection from the capacious maws of the hundreds of baskets, which are supposed to catch the litter of officials and clerks from Secretary Shaw down. It is the word "suppos- | ed" that gives these experts employment. Too often a document or paper of value slips inadvertently into the baskets, and were It not for the watch- j ful eyes of these women would find its way Into the fiery furnace of destruction. People who have been wont to Joke about the ridiculous titles that certain government employees bear, and in a popular farce of a few years ago there was a character who styled himsei "the official cleaner of government cuspidors." But there are, in fact, two official examiners of waste baskets in the treasury department. The necessity of employees of this kind will be realized at once, when it is known that drafts, vouchers and bonds worth anywhere from a dollar up to $10,000, and even more, are handed about and sent from one room to another as though they were of no more value than so much cambric. Frequently the carelessness of a messenger permits one of these slips of paper, representing many hundreds and even thousands of dollars, to fall into a waste basket. A sudden gust of wind " - ylAdlf may carry a Dona irom a una o and toss it into the same receptacle, while a hurried official may tear in hai a draft for a large sum of money and throw the pieces into the basket. Until the adoption of the present system of examining the contents of these baskets at the end of each day all mishaps of this sort were past immediate correction. While they did not always result in the actual loss of the face value of each paper, they invariably caused a great deal of trouble and annoyance. Banks that ordered shipments of notes failed to get their money until weeks after the time it should have been delivered. Then, again, the disappearance of an important draft or voucher created more or less suspicion as to the honesty of employees and kept the treasurer in constant hot water. Now most of this trouble is avoided by the lynx-eyed examiners, who examine every article that goes into the baskets. There Is a well regulated system for handling this work. Every basket in the building is numbered, a tag telling in what room and to what clerk it belongs. Each employee has two such baskets, which are used on alternate days. One set is examined one day and the other set is looked over the following day. The baskets are brought into the examiner's room exactly as they are left by the clerks. The general orders throughout the department are that no scrap of paper -u-n 41 I-*'. - u.tfhAiit 9Iia.ll UC L111UW11 111 IU a UtW/VCl wu uvuv first being torn in halves. So the examiners are on the lookout for official looking documents, and especially papers that have not been torn. All papers of this description are laid aside after being labeled with the number of the basket from which they were taken. It frequently happens that much of the stuff picked out in this way is of no value, but not long ago one of the women engaged on this work found a $10,000 United States bond. It is the duty of the charwoman to give a casual glance through waste baskets before they are carried to the room of the examiners. A few weeks ago the chief clerk of the department threw into his basket a worthless circular which was folded in the shape of an official document. He failed to disfigure it, and the next morning he was somewhat surprised to find the paper on his desk again. He tossed it into the basket a second time, but the next morning it was on his desk as usual. A third time the process was repeated, and the chief clerk finally learned that the faithful charwoman was the person who persistently rescued the document that he was so anxious to get rid of.? Philadelphia Press. An Anlnjal Story For Little Folks The Foolish Hares Nobody had any Idea that the two bares would be bright scholars when they went to school, but it certainly was the opinion of every one who knew them that they would at least be able to keep up with their , class. One day during the geography hour the teacher showed the class a big globe representing the earth and told how it turned on its axis and how durine the day we are all on top of the globe, while at night we are nearly upside down. The little hares looked on and wondered, and when they got home they got to talking the whole thing over. "I'm much afraid that we will fall off tonight when the world gets upside down," said Jimmy Hare. "So am I," said Charlie Hare. "How are we going to prevent it?" asked Jimmy. "I don't know," answered Charlie. "I'll tell you what we'll do," said Jimmy. "What?" asked Charlie. "Teacher said if we stood on our feet we would be upside down. Let's stand on our heads." And so the foolish little fellows agreed to do so, and soon as it got dark "lbt'8 stand on oub heads." every hare stood on end. And there they stood until they got blue and red In the face and their eyes popped out and their tongues hung out. By and by Jimmy could not hold on any longer, and he just sighed a little sigh and tumbled over on his back. And then Charlie tumbled over on his back. They lay there a few moments, waiting to tumble, but somehow they stuck just us tight to old Mother Earth as they ever had. "Have you gone yet?" asked Jimmy without looking up. "No, not yet," answered Charlie. "Well, I don't believe we are going to fall," said Jimmy. " * dn T " onoworpil Char A11U UClUiVi UV &f HMWVf www ?lie. "I guess we misunderstood the ; teacher." "I guess we did," said Jimmy.?Chicago Tribune. . v Rat Story From Manila.?When the United States military transport Sherman arrived at Manila recently, she was, as is the case with most other ships that arrive from, or touch at Hong Kong on the way to Manila, detained for inspection to see if she had any rats on board. When the big transport dropped anchor in Manila bay. therefore, the official rat inspector went on board to see what was doing in the way of rodents. In fifteen minutes he hurriedly left the ship and, going ashore, reported that there was on board the Sherman, according to the patent rat enumerator in use at Manila, no fewer than 950,000 rats. The Sherman was immediately ordered to the quarantine station at Mariveles, as no ship on which the disease-carrying rodents are found Is al- ' I in,vo/i tr? Hnntr at Manila until thev are exterminated. Accordingly the Sherman steamed back to Mariveles. When she arrived there her hatches had been opened up and enough sulphur carried below to kill millions of rats. As soon as the anchor was dropped the sulphur fires were started in the hold, and in a few minutes the work of the fumes became apparent. Out of the hatches there poured such a stream of rats as was never before seen in the Orient. First by the hun dreds, and then by the thousands, they . appeared at the hatches, and then leaped into the water. Every one tried to : swim ashore, but the distance was far . too great for any rat to swim, and soon the great black line of paddling ro- ] dents began to thin out. Some of them reached a point about 300 yards ' off the ship, but none got any farther, ; After the fumes had been working for about an hour the rats stopped appear- ] ing. An inspection of the ship was made and not a rat discovered. The ] Sherman then re-entered Manila and discharged her cargo.?From the Ma- ] nila American. Irishman and the Mule.?General Phil Sheridan was at one time asked at what little incident did he laugh the most. "Well," he said, "I do not know, but I always laugh when I think of the Irishman and the army mule. I was riding down the line one day, when I saw an Irishman mounted on a mule which was kicking its legs rather freely. The mule finally got its hoof caught in the stirrup, when in the excitement, the Irishman remarked: 'Well, begorrah, if you're goin' to get on. I'll get off!'" $2.50 to Charleston. The Southern Railway has arranged to run a special excursion to Charleston on Wednesday, July 29, good to return Friday, July 31. Tickets to be good through to Isle of Palms. The round trip rates and schedule from the stations in this vicinity are as follows: Schedule. Rates. Lv. Blacksburg 6.00a.m. $3.00 * ? ? o9 nn j_,v. omyriia D.iva.m. Lv. Hickory Grove ....6.30a.m. 2.75 1 Lv. Sharon 6.43a.m. 2.75 Lv. Yorkviile 7.00a.m. 2.50 1 Lv. Tirzah 7.10a.m. 2.50 Lv. Rock Hill 7.35a.m. 2.50 1 Lv. Catawba Junction ..7.55a.m. 2.50 Arrive at Charleston at 5.00 p. m. rate, will be good on this special 1 rate, will be good only on this special train, leaving Blacksburg at 6.00 a. m., 1 on July 29th. Returning, tickets will be good on 1 any regular train leaving Charleston up to and including July 31st. 1 A. S. Clark, Agent at Yorkviile, S. C. 1 W. H. Tayloe, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 1 R. W. Hunt, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. QUARTERLY DISBURSEMENTS. The following claims have been paid during the quarter beginning April 1st, 1903, and ending June 30, 1903: No. Allowed. 66. April 4th, J. H. Campbell, Com. tax $ 5 00 67 J. A. C. Love, com. tax.... 8 00 68. Jas. Gaulden, sal. and lab., poor farm 24 62 69. Jas. Gaulden, for laborers, poor farm 11 25 70. Jas. L. Moss. Co. board equalization 8 30 71. J. F. Ashe, county board equalization 9 10 i2. Henry Massey, lumber and work on road 18 43 73. C. P. Blankenshlp, county board of equalization.... 6 20 74. I. B. Farris, county board equalization 3 10 75. W. T. McKnight, county board equalization 2 60 76. R. E. Montgomery, work, ? blacksmith, Ch. gang.... 12 60 77. A. J. Perry, building bridge 8 75 78. Jas. E. Jackson, blasting rock out of road 4 35 79. I. B. Faris, services as assessor 4 00 80. L. B. Brown, services as sessor 4 00 81 W. G. Turner, supplies, Ch. gang 17 20 82. J. R. Ashley, hauling rock on road 7 75 83 W. T. McKnight, services as assessor 6 00 84 R. E. Whltesldes, salary self and guards Ch. gang 93 50 85. J. P. Ramsey, salary Con. 8 65 86 R. L. A. Smith, salary magistrate 8 65 87. Jas. A. McMackln, salary as magistrate 25 00 88. A. J. Quinn, Sal. as Con.. 25 00 89. Jno. R. Logan, salary and dieting prisoners, etc 210 45 90. E. A. Crawford, salary 2 months, Co. Corns 25 00 91. L. W. Louthian, Sal. Cor. ' . nnrl wntrhmnn Ifi 98 92 Dr. T. M. Dulin, P. M., with dissection 10 00 93 J. A. Brandon, lumber for bridge 10 89 94 Jno. A. Ratterree, conveying lunatic to jail 3 00 95 W. D. Moore, services as assessor 6 00 96 R. M. Anderson, salary, self, $25; Con., $25 50 00 91 R. M. Lindsay, lumber for bridge 2 17 98 Duplicate, (cancelled). 99 C. P. Blankenshlp, services as assessor 10 00 100 W. B. Good, services as assessor 6 80 101 R. G. Garrison, services as as assessor and Co. Bd.... 9 30 102 J. Ed Leech, assessor and county board 9 80 103 M. S. Carroll, township assessor 6 00 104 Jno. L. Ralney, Co. Board Equalization 2 90 105 John M. Thomas8on, township assessor 6 00 106 R. R. MeCorkle, township assessor 6 O0 1 AT n C C (Aitfnokln o O _ 1 u i O. UUI UUII, lu? IiOlup CLOsessor 6 00 108 J. W. Jackson, township assessor 6 00 109 W. S. Lesslle, township and Co. Bd. Equalization 10 10 110 John L. Ralney, township board 6 00 111 Gordon Bros., supplies for chaingang 18 69 112 J. Frank Ashe, lumber for road 7 50 113 W. W. Boyce, Co. Board Equalization 3 50 114 N. A. Galloway, lumber for road 10 17 115 Roy Carroll, lumber for Co. Home 23 05 116 S. N. Johnson, salary self, $25; Con., $25 50 00 117 J. Q. Wray, supplies for chain gang -. 11 95 118 R. A. Wilson, rock for road (chimney) 7 00 119 C. P. Blankenship, lumber for road 5 15 120 J. M. Heath & Co., supplies for chain gang 178 94 121 Strauss-Smith Co., supplies Ch. Gang and P. H.. 38 30 122 C. P. Blankenship, lumber and work on road 12 60 123 J. M. Heath & Co., supplies county home and roads... 125 74 124 W. B. Williams, salary Co. Auditor, March 36 16 125 J. Han Beatty, attention 3 mos., to C. H. closet.... 3 25 126 G. W. Sherrer, beef for Ch. gang 6 20 1Z t .it. 1. DetiiiiKutiru, wuia un road 2 75 128 H. A. D. Neely, salary, Co. Treasurer, March 3C 11 129 J. Wylle Wells, work on bridge 5 00 130 Withers Adlckes Co., supplies Co. Home, roads.... 69 11 131 Walker, Evans & Cogswell., stationery 4 15 132 Thos. W. Boyd, salary, Co. supervisor, three months. 175 00 133 J. Wylle Wells, work on bridge 14 50 134 J. C. Comer, salary magistrate 75 00 135 Riddle & Carroll, supplies, chain gang 127 83 136 Jno. E. Carroll, salary, Co. Supt. Ed., stationery .... 66 23 137 T. C. Beckham, salary, magistrate 81 25 138 J. F. Wlngate, salary, Con. 81 25 139 Rock Hill Supply Co., supplies, roads 24 08 140 J. N. O'Farrel, conveying lunatic to asylum iu ? 141 Dr. W. W. Fennell, P. M. with dissection 10 00 142 J. M. McFadden, repairing chain gang machinery.... 21 85 L43 J. W. McElhaney, salary, self, $37.50; Con., $37.50.. 75 00 144 S. M. Carothers, supplies old soldier 21 00 145 R. D. Alexander, supplies for bridge 6 00 146 V. C. Comer, half salary, three- months as ferryman 14 35 147 Johnson Bros., supplies, pauper soldier 4 00 148 W. H. Windle, lumber for bridge 6 47 149 J. A. Barron, half salary, self and Con., 1st quar... 75 00 150 W. J. Kimbrell, lumber and building bridge 22 51 151 W. E. Spratt, building bridge 150 34 152 Neely Bros., supplies for roads 3 60 153 C. C. Hope, commutation road tax 2 00 154 W. T. Smith, commutation road tax 4 00 155 W. T. Spencer, commutation road tax 3 00 156 J. F. Shillinglaw, commu tation road tax 4 uu 157 D. J. Forbes, commutation road tax 2 00 .58 B. F. Merritt, commutation road tax 2 00 159 T. E. McMackin, commutation road tax 6 00 :60 Lee R. Williams, commutation road tax 46 00 Checks issued in May, 1903: .61 Jas. Gaulden, for labor hire poor farm 43 00 62 Jas. Gaulden, salary, supt., poor farm : 23 58 63 Jas. Gaulden, for labor on poor farm 27 75 64 Jno. Feemster, building abutments to bridge 22 50 65 R. E. Whitesides, salary, self and guards, Ch. gang 89 00 66 P. B. Good, hauling rock and repairing road, claimed $20, allowed 10 00 67 W. S. Plaxco, salary, self $20; Con., $20 40 00 68 E. N. Wilson, removing tree from bridge 1 50 69 R. E. Montgomery, work for chain gang outfit 9 00 70 Jno. R. Logan, salary and dieting account 196 50 71 W. O. Rawls, chain gang supplies 9 34 72 W. H. McCorkle, P. J. warrants for lunatics 36 40 173 J. B. Plaxco, lumber for bridge 11 48 174 E. A. Crawford, salary, i Commissioner, April 12 50 175 W. B. Stroup, supplies pauper soldier 9 00 176 A. L. Nunnery. Esq., salary, magistrate 20 00 177 Alonzo Rose, meals and and lodging for jurors.. 20 00 178 L. M. Davis, supplies, pauper soldier 9 00 179 R. L. Bryan Co., chain gang book 11 25 180 B. F. Caldwell, conveying prisoner 1 50 181 H. A. D. Neely, salary, Co. Treasurer, April 36 11 182 Sam Youngblood, lumber and bridge 3 85 183 J. J. Smith, supplies, paunor anlHIpr 42 KO 184 Jno. E. Carroll, salary, Co. Supt. Education, April... 58 33 1 185 J. T. Burrl8, township assessor 2 00 180 D. J. Kimbrell, township assessor 6 00 187 R. F. Grier, township assessor 6 00 188 B. F. Merritt, township assessor .6 00 189 A. A. Barron, township assessor 2 00 190 John R. Logan, expenses conveying prisoners 21 94 191 W. B. Williams, salary, $36; office exps., $2.55; balance salary, $2 40 71 192 H. A. D. Neely, juror and witness certificates 1197 75 193 R. G. Carroll, lumber Co. home and chain gang ... 8 02 194 M. W. Hafner, repairing abutments and lumber ... 17 10 196 W. H. Arlail, conveying lunatic 19 55 196 D. G. Stanton, for funeral expenses of Mrs. Mary Wilson, soldier's widow, pauper ...' 5 00 197 Louis Roth, dinner for Jury 3 50 198 Prof. J. W. Thomson, Co. board education 13 50 199 R. E. Conrad, salary, Con. 20 00 200 Z. T. Balles, lumber, roads. 7 62 201 J. G. McKeown, lumber for bridge 2 50 202 W. O. Rawls, supplies and work, Jail and court house 57 74 203 W. J. Poag, township as sessor 4 00 204 L. W. Louthian, salary cororner and watchman .... 18 66 205 L. A. Harris, conveying lunatic 11 30 206 Dr. T. N. Dulln, witness fee and expert testimony circuit court 6 60 207 York Cotton Mills, supplies pauper soldier 21 00 208 W. B. Dunlap, salary, Con. 20 00 209 N. A. Slmrll, supplies chain gang and work, poor farm 22 80 210 J. A. WUllford, lumber for roads 18 70 .211 Glenn & Allison, wagon, i etc.. for chain gang 47 75 212 B. J. Jordan, damages to buggy on road 15 00 213 R. H. Jennings, Insurance on jail 70 00 214 Jno. H. Steele, lumber for bridge 5 40 215 T. W. Boyd, conveying prisoner and stationery.. 11 40 216 R. E. Whltesldes, conveying prisoner 4 00 217 A. C. McKnight, witness fee - in court 1 25 The following ohecki were issued in June: . 218 W. R Oaulden. labor for poor farm 29 25 ;219 J. D. Gaulden, salary, Supt. poor farm 23 58 220 W. S. Wllkerson, services as Co. Com. in Jan. and Feb., and abutments to bridge 28 00 221 W. S. Hogue, lumber and repairs to bridge 14 60 ,222 R. E. Montgomery, work, county home and Ch. gang 22 75 223 R. D. Alexander, supplies for county home 21 30 .224 J. H. Bankhead, lumber and right of way 34 32 225 J. E. Turney, repairing bridge; claimed 36.90; allowed 3 97 '226 J. L. Aycock, hauling rock on road 15 00 227 J. J. Smith, supplies for pauper soldier 5 00 22S D. A. Matthews, supplies for pauper soldier 3 CO 229 J. F. Pursley, supplies pauper soldier 6 00 230 W. T. Long, work on bridge; hauling rock .... 12 12 231 W. T. Long and Perry Ferguson, lumber, bridge.... 69 55 232 R. B. Hartness, repairing hrldce: claimed 112.50: al lowed 11 00 233 W. W. Castles & Co., supplies pauper soldier 30 50 234 E. A. Crawford, salary as county commissioner 12 50 235 J. N. McDllI, funeral expenses of John Turner, poor house inmate 4 05 236 H. A. D. Neely, salary, Co. Treasurer, May 36 11 237 Rufus Green, supplies for Jno. Turner, above 6 00 238 W. J. Anderson, lumber for bridge 5 59 239 Geo. D. Barnard, stationery and printing 6 10 240 J. B. Bigger, lumber, bridge 114 11 241 Riddle & Carroll, supplies, * poor house 24 24 ?42 W. Adickes Co., supplies, poor house 18 62 243 Wm. Carothers, township assessor 2 00 244 W. B. Williams, Co. Auditor. salary for May 36 16 245 Jno. E. Carroll, salary, Co. Supt. Ed. for May 68 33 24C A. Friedheim & Bro., supplies, pauper 19 80 247 H. A. D. Neely, witness certificates 13 00 248 York Implement Co., supplies chain gang 36 55 249 J. M. Heath & Co., supplies chain gang and poor house 113 53 250 R. E. Whitesides, salary, self and guards Ch. gang. 92 00 251 Jno. R. Logan, salary and < dieting prisoners 129 70 252 J. O. Moore, lumber for ! bridge 7 85 253 Riddle & Carroll, supplies, ( chain gang 276 18 264 Strauss-Smith Co., supplies chain gang and poor house 129 65 255 J. N. McDIli, supplies, pauper 27 50 256 Rock Hill Hardware Co., supplies, chain gang 36 48 257 W. M. Kennedy, stationery county offices 18 55 258 Rock Hill Supply Co., sup: plies roads 10 10 259 T. E. McMackin, county board education 13 40 260 Walker. Evans & Cogswell Co., books, treasurer 10 00 261 J- T. Spencer, township assessor 4 00 262 W. M. Hafner, building bridge 22 32 263 Riddle & Carroll, supplies / roads 77 07 264 L. W. Louthlan, salary coroner and watchman... 18 72 265 R. T. Beamguard, building bridge 1 00 c 266 John J. Wallace, repairing t county .chairs ' 1 50 267 Dr. J. E. Massey, P. M., * with dissection iu uu 268 G. L. Suggs, work on \ bridge 28 85 269 V. C. Comer, half salary as public ferryman 13 50 270 H. A. D. Neely for State Treasurer Jennings, Insurance on jail and poor houses 40 30 THOS. W. BOYD, t County Supervisor. ^ EGGS?I HAVE THEM. p BLUE Andeluslans, Brown Leg- t horns, Black MInorcas, Barred Plymouth Rocks. Indian Games. War Horse Pit Games, Bronze Turkeys. They are all pure and I can give ab solutely satisfactory reference as to my reliability. Write J. W. BETTS, Less- , lie, S. C. Feb. 14 s.w.tf. J. M. HEATH A CO., General Merchandise. Headquarters For Hats. The considerably more than 1,000 Hats that we have been offering at reduced prices for the past month or two now nugiber less than 600 and the price is still lower in proportion than It has ever been. The fact is, we are selling the remnants at ALM08T ANY PRICE. We have-on hand quite an attractive line of 8ample Hate in Men's Furs. They are good and their original selling price averaged over $2.25. As a matter of fact there is not a Hat in the lot that is worth less than $2. We have made a clearing out prioe of $1 straight to the first comers. Hats that Are Hats. Everybody knows the famous JOHN ? Li a* Ti i. A M o. si c i own nn i it is no guuu as the best to be found in the world, in quality, style and finish. They are made in every block and the man who cannot And a Stetson Hat to suit his notions has but little idea of what he wants. We have taken the agency for the goods of the Stetson people in Yorkvllle and have put a small line in stock. We do not feel warranted in putting in a full line at this time, because if we did such a thing we would not have room for much else. But we have the Stetson catalogues, and we can show customers just what they want. Better than this, we ean furnish anything that Stetson makes, at the LOWEST PRICE8. f!lnthinop V*v? VUAUQ Away Down. Our entire stock of Clothing without reservation, is being offered away down for CA8H. Our line includes numerous bargains, and people who come to us with their money are likely to get their money's worth. Shoes. We are still offering rare bargains in Man's Oxfords, and prices on Ladies' and Missss' Shoes have been still fur ther reduced. Trunks and Valises. . . * We believe we have the best stuff in i Trunks and Valises that has been offered on this market. As a rule only cheap stuff has been brought here? something suggestive of the colored exhorter's camp-meeting outfit; but we an now fit out people who want to go o the mountains, the Isle of Palms or i o Europe. Take a look at our Trunks, falises or Bags. Embroideries. Something new, interesting and aristic, including the very latest paterns. They are Just In and but few leople have had an opportunity to see hem. I. M. HEATH 4 CO., r. L. Williams, Manager.