Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, July 29, 1903, Image 3

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SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. New Guns For the Troops. Columbia State, Tuesday: Information from .Washington was received at the adjutant general's office yesterday that 2,528 new magazine rifles, calibre .30, model 1898, with the new 1901 sight, with their complement of bayonets, scabbards, slings and cartnuge belts, along with 624 United States carbines of the same pattern, have been ordered shipped from the Augusta arsenal tn accordance with requisition made some time ago. This will give the South Carolina troops the very latest in arms, equipment, and the new guns with the paraphernalia going - with them will be proudly welcomed throughout the state. In order to avoid confusion the new pieces will not be sent but to' the various companies until after the several encampments are n ro re over. xne uiu 5 uuo ?. * v v? turned to the Augusta arsenal. Specific insti uctions from the wai* department are that all the old cartridges be in hand at the Augusta arsenal before the new ammunition is issued from there, so that the exchange may be made quantity for quantity. But Gen. Frost has asked for a different arrangement so as to avoid the dangerous condition of having the troops entirely without cartridges" to meet a possible emergency. AT THE CHtRCHBS. ' BAPTIST. REV. W. E. HURT, PA8TOR. Prayer meeting Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. J. L. STOKES, PA8TOR. There will be no prayer meeting this (Wednesday) evening. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. REV. j. C. JOHNES, RECTOR. No services this afternoon. PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. Q. NEVILLE, PASTOR. Prayer meeting this Wednesday afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. Meeting at Harmony.. The friends and members of Harmony church are requested to meet at the ckurch next' Saturday afternoon foT the purpose -of cleaning off the grounds. It t c*v ^penai ^uiu^a. Enon Church. The congregation of Enon church is requested to meet at Enon graveyard on Wednesday, August 5, at 8 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of clearing off the grounds. W. R. Bigger. Picnic at Piedmont Springs. There will be a basket plcptc at . Piedipont Springs on next. Saturday, August 1st. The public is invited to come and bring well filled baskets. July 29 w8 . 2t Gala Week at Anderson. On account of Gala Week at Anderson, August 4 to 7, the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets to An derson at the rate of one first-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Minimum rate 50 cents. Tick'ets to be on sale August 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, with final limit August 8th, 1903. For rates, schedules, etc., apply to local agent or to R. W. Hunt, Division Passengier Agent, Charleston, S. C. July'29'" '' Ws. 1 2t $he gorhtrille (fotton $Rarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Letts Bros. j Yqrkvilus, July 28, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 12} Strict Middling 12} Good Middling 12| Fully Good Middling 12} Latta Bros. WANTED?BEEF CATTLE. I WANT to Duy gooa, iai, dcxh-t CATTLE all the time, and will pay TWO AND A HALF CENTS a pound in CASH for good beeves. I will take all you bring at this price. I have good cold congealed aqua at 1 cent a pound. Can I sell you what you want? G. W. SHERRER. NOTICE. TO all whom it may concern: Please take notice that the undersigned will file their final return in the Probate Court for York county, S. C.. on SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1903, and will ask for their final discharge as executors of the win of Joseph S. McKenzle, dec'd. S. A. SIFFORD, .... GEO. W. S. HART, Executors. -Tiilv 29?SeDt. 2 w 6t SCHOOL SUPPLIES. AS the country schools are now beginning operations for the summer season, I wish to call to the attention of parents the fact that I have a full stock of SCHOOL SUPPLIES, including School Books, Tablets for pen or pencil, Composition Books, Crayons, Slates, Slate Pencils, Inks, Pens, Pencils, etc., and please remember also, that I will meet all legitimate competion in prices on any of these articles. CROCKERY, Etc. The next time your lady folks tell you that they need something in Tinware, Enameled ware or Crockery, do you remember that it is at my store that you will find the most complete assortments of these goods. And. also remember that you will get the lowest prices that can be had. W. M. KENNEDY. Agent. An Experience of Four Years. . It was in July, 1899, just four years ago, that I first accepted the agency of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J., and since that time I have been offered more liberal contracts with not less than SEVEN other old line companies, and each company claimed that while it was not in position to offer the insuring public a more liberal contract backed by a better or older record than the Mutual Benefit, it was to my personal Interest to work for the company that would pay the most liberal commission, as it is the Agent and not the company that sells the insurance. My unirorm repiy was mai wime i was satisfied that the agent did have something to do with selling the insurance I knew that the Mutual Benefit was the BEST company and sold the BEST contract, and if I acted honestly with my fellow citizens I would offer them only what I KNEW to be the BEST, and besides I had made a contract with the MUTUAL BENEFIT after nine years' previous experience in the life insurance business, which taught me that when it came to a "show down" the Mutual Benefit guaranteed its members more than any company doing business in the state. I am pre-? pared to prove every assertion made above, and ask the privilege of a trial. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed 8tables. ABOUT HAY. IN some way the word has gotten out that we do not want to buy Hay. We did not start the report or authorize anybody else to do so. while on the contrary we have told all who inquired of us that we would buy every pound of dry merchantable hay that was offered us. We have already purchased some but still want not less than 100,000 pounds and will pay the very top of the market in cash for it. If vou have any, Mr. Man, fetch it to us, and if you have none to sell and have a neighbor who has, be he white or black, yaller or red, tell him not to sell until he sees us. About Buggies. We have in stock Buggies of all styles and grades. We bought them to sell. You will consult your personal interest if you are in need of-a vehicle of anykind if you will see us before closing a trade. Our warranty goes with every Job and means that every job must come right square up to our representation. About Wagons. We have Wagons for sale. They are as good as any on this or any other market. Our prices are right and the terms will be made to suit every purchaser, not only of Wagons, but of anything else we have to sell. THE HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. J. C. Elliott, Manager. I MAKE IT NEW. The old house may look bad enough. A coat of good paint will give it so much newness you will be suprised. Won't cost' much -either. Use good paint?Lofigmaft & Martinez paint?the kind we sell?quality guaranteed. YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, REGISTERED PHARMACIST. Seasonable Reason,Our Stock Is Up 1 Variety and ] Bottom i STATIONERY. Cream Ruled extra good quality Note Paper In assorted colored embossed boxes, per box 5c French Velour Note Paper, with the long new style Envelopes to match, in embossed cover boxes, per box 5c "Mldvale" Oxford Note Paper, cream laid, ruled, new wallet shaped Envelopes to match, gold embossed box, per box 10c "Blue Ribbon" actavo Note Paper, ruled, medium weight of good quality cream wove stock, very attractive, per box only 10c Receipt Books, 2?x6j in slze,pasteboard cover, 48 sheets, for. 5c Pass Books?Pressboard cover, ruled for $ and cts, white paper, 18 leaves, 3|x6 in size, for 10c per dozen or ..1 cent each. Envelopes?xx5 and xxx5 quality, per pack, only 5c WAIST SETS. ?-~-i Waiat Sate.?austrian Pearl, pure white, highly polished, strong catch for pin, three to a set. Cannot be duplicated elsewhere at this price: 30 line for 20c per set: 36 line for 30c per set: 40 line for 35c per set. BUTTONS. Pure White American shell, fair quality 4 hole Pearl Buttons, 14 . 16, 18, 20 and 22 line, any of these sizes, per dozen 5c BED SPREADS. White Bed Spreads or Quilts, made from carefully selected Bleached stock, spun in very handsome raised Maraoiiies fpntpr and border patterns, hemmed ready for use, size 71x82J, for only 90c Bed Spreads, 80x90 inches in size.. $1 HOSIERY. Full seamless, weight about one and a half pounds to the dozen, assorted blue, brown and Spanish mixtures, double strengthened heel and toe, 84 needle, per pair only 5c Special Heavy weight fine gauge, high spliced heel and toe, dyed by the famous Vicuna Sanitary process, fast black, close fine rib top, per pair 10c Boys' heavy ribbed Hose, black Vicuna dyed cotton, 7J to 9js, per pair only 10c Best Ipswich Hose, lxl full seamless, extra heavy quality, fast black, 8i to 10s, per pair 10c DRESS SHIRTS. Good quality Percale Dress Shirts in fancy stripe and small figured designs, pearl buttons, gathered back with yoke, and double stitched curved arm holes, sizes from 14 to 17, for only 25c WTa nffor an nmiQiiatlv cnnH VillllP in Madras Shirts, 14 to 17 in size. Rich, neat, natty patterns, guaranteed Madras. staple colorings, in blue and white, oxblood and white, etc., all of the seams Hat felled, double stitched, curved armholes and shoulder yoke, an extra good value at the price 42c OVERALLS. Children's Brownie Overalls, made of blue denim of good quality, one front pocket, large bib, shoulder straps with buckle, sizes (5 to 12 years, for ....25c Boys' or Youths' Overalls and Jumpers, made of blue denim, stayed crotch, two front pockets, patent buttons and good liberal sizes, waist measure 25 to 30; inseain 18 to 28. The price 40c Men's blue denim Overalls with large bib and watch pocket, felled seams, two front and one rule pocket, patent buttons, stayed crotch, for only 50c The Strauss-S Ferninst the FOR SALE FINE JERSEY COW, with third calf. A good milker. Apply to H. H. BEARD. July 29 ws 2t JASPER LIGHT INFANTRY. General Order No. ? The quartermaster's report as to maintainance, etc., during the recent enYggEBSqk campment, will appear In the next issue of this paV per. By order of W. B. MOORE, Captain. TIRE SHRINKING. I AM especially well prepared to do the work and I am giving my personal attention to the shrinking and setting of tires on buggies and wagons. I solicit your work of this kind, ttuu can pruiuioc jvu pii/wi^k ?vi?, properly done at a fair price. Bring your vehicles to me for this kind of work. R. D. ALEXANDER. MOSS ROSE and MAGNOLIA HAMS Please particular people. We know this because our customers are using these Hams, and you know our customers are most particular. If you are particular our Hams will please you, too. SNOWDRIFT Lard Compound pleases the best cooks as a shortening. It pleases the appetite because it is wholesome and healthful. It pleases the pocketbook because it costs less and goes further than pure hog lard. We sell Snowdrift Compound Lard. RIDDLE & CARROLL. : Goodsable Prices. ;o the Limit in the Down to the in Prices. WRIST BAGS. Wrist Bags are as necessary to the equipment of a lady as any other am^I/\Ia bUa nn An WT a V* q tfq q n I ai nuir mac one vai i ico? ??w m*? v ?*?? extra choice line of these goods, and we Invite your inspection. See here: Bags 4x2j inches, genuine Morocco grain kid lined, welted seams, gilt tube frame and gilt chain attached, a very attractive bag, only 25c Another one?5jx3 inches in size, elegant quality seal grain, leather, welted seams, calf lined, scolloped bright nickel frame, chain attached, a leader at 25c Netsuke Wrist Bags?fashion's latest edict?made of black walrus grain leather, elegantly made and finished, size 6jx4 inches, colored moire lined, two ball gilt hump frame, long chain attached with gilt double filigree pendant?worn either as a wrist or chatelaine bag, each.. 75c A highly finished Netsuke Wrist Bag, , made of black walrus grain leather, gusseted bottom, stitched and creased edges, size 7Jx4J, has outside clnvo anrt hn nrl lrei*rhle>f nnnUpfs fan - cy shaped two ball nickel hump frame, chamois lined, long chain, with Netsuke medallion pendant. An elegant article only $1.00 UMBRELLAS. We always carry a large stock of Umbrellas and Parasols, and think we have some especially good values to offer you now. For instance: The Wonder?the cheapest Umbrella for men ever put on this market. They are seven ribbed, covered with fast black English gloria, enameled steel rods, genuine shepherd's crook Congo handles, sizes 26 and 28 inches, and the price is only 48c Here's another good one?extra large size, covered with the best black English gloria, 7 ribbed frame, steel rod, strong Congo handles, for.. 50c Here is a special lot of elaborately trimmed Congo handled umbrellas. Has the popular Prince of Wales crook shape handles, trimmed with large nose piece of German silver, and filigree work in new designs. The cover is heavy twilled Corola and fast black. Has strong steel rod and 7 ribs. Two sizes, 26 and 28 inches. A good one at the price 75c Another lot has combination oxidized silver and genuine buffalo horn handles of one piece on mounting of polished rosewood, with silver selvedge at bottom. Covered with Taffeta silk with strong woven tape edge, case to match. Has an extra strong steel rod and paragon frame. Sizes 26 and 28 inches, an extra value at the price $2.00 TOWELS. Here is an extra good value in Towels. Size' 18x36 of the popular honeycomb weave, woven from selected stock. Has striped border in red or blue, and fast selvedge, and long fringe, an extra value at the price 5c Here's another one?large brown Tow ci, mailt? ui ncicticu iiuncj'comb weave, long combed fringe, triple end border, fast selvedge at the sides and a big value at the price, which is only 10c Another one?High grade bleached crepe towel, soft finish, size 19x42, long fringe and selvedge sides, an elegant face towel, and a bargain at the price, which is only 121-2c Our line of Union Linen Loom Towels comes in an assortment of handsome damask centre patterns, with' wide red end borders, flowered in the latest designs, red striped side borders, giving the towel superior wearing qualities, sizes from 14x26 at 10c each to 21x47 inches for 25c MEN'S SHOES. Men's Satin Calf London Toe tip, Bals. Sizes 6 to 11, for only $1.00 mith Company, Village Clock. YORK COTTON IGRi Slaught Commencing IIII V 771 m m mm m j We will inaugurate We the different departi Stock of Ladies' 1 linery, Gent's Crockei For One Wei In Ladies's I Fancy Colored Lawns, 10 cent Fancy Colored Lawns, 12$ White Mercerized Silk, 30 cent Colored Mercerized Lawns, 2 Colored Mercerized Lawns White Duck, 10 cent value, at White Pinne. 162-1 cent v * 1 ' U ' White Lawns, 5 cent v Black Lawn, plain and lace strij Black Lawn, 15 cent value at Fancy Colored Dimities, in stri 5 cent value at Mercerized Chambrays, Plain ai 162-, Manchester Chambrays, solid c White Dotted Muslin, 10 cent \ Curtain Scrim, 1 Light Colored Silks, 50 cent v: Light Colored Silks, 55 cei Chiffon, 40 cent value Chiffon, 50 c All-Over Lace, 20 cent value at All-Over Lace, 30 cent vali All-Over Lace, 50 cen Appliques, 8 1-3 cent value at 01 Ail-Over Tucking, 40 GOOD VALUES IN A Veilings, 20 cent values at 15 c Mull for millinery, 25 cent vain Ladies' Sailor Hats, 25 cent val .. Ladies' Sailor H Ladies' Lace Striped Hose, 33c BARGAINS IN BOY Boys' Shirt Waists, 20 cent vali Boys'. Shirt Waists, 25 cenl Boy's Shirt Waists. 40 The above prices are f< TIVELY NO GOODS > AT THESE PRICES SALE. EVERY- CASH PURCHASE of $1.00, will entitle the pure - FIVE PER CENT ON CASI gopds in our entire stock, excei $5.00 CASH PURCHASE to $5.00 purchase to discount of n WATCH THIS SPACE I AND WE WILL MAKE 11 VISIT US. YORK COTTON j^oan and ^at'ings Sank, Yorlcvllle, H. C. ONE Secret of Success. One of the Secrets of Success is to have some money ahead with which to grasp your opportunity when it comes. Many successful men in the financial world laid the foundation of their success by small savings; they commenced in a small way. You may not succeed H.iUrtinir a large fortune by saving, but a fund which has been slowly accumulated may some "Rainy Day" prove quite a friend indeed. A Savings Account is an Efficient Antidote for Worry. Columns might by devoted to the discussion of the benefits of Savings Accounts, but the evidences of prosperity and contentment brought about by Systematic Savings is sufficient proof of its good results. We invite you to call and let us explain the "good points" of our System of Saving. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. S. M. McNEEL, President. Stationery. We know that you know that we have it, but we just want to remind you to remember that we always have a complete line of Stationery, including Box Papers, Envelopes, Pen and Ink Tablets, Pens, Inks, Pencils, School Cray- ? -1 nn.,tVi<ncr olqo that ons, ana annual w... is needed in the school room. And we want you to remember that in prices we are always as low as it is possible to be?quality considered, and you know there's is always a difference there. JAS. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. tv* Phone 36. WOFFORD COLLEGE, Spartanburg, S. C. Henry N. Snyder, Litt. D., M. A., Pres. Four full College courses. Favorable surroundings. Gymnasium. Athletic Grounds. Lecture Course. Library Facilities. Next session begins Sept. 23, 1903. For catalogue apply to J. A. GAMEWELL, Secretary. | WOFFORD COLLEGE I FITTING SCHOOL. Spartanburg, S. C. Elegant new building. Careful attention to individual student. Board and tuition for year $110. All Information given by A. M. DuPRE, Head Master. MILLS STORE. er Sale. v ninxinAV ^ 1T1V1 1 i 1 l 9 I rH, 1903 ;ekly Slaughter Sales in nents of our entire Dress Goods, MilFurnishings, ry, etc. ek We Offer )ress Goods: value at 8 cents, cent value at g cents, value at 25 cents. :o cent value at 15 cents. , lucent value at 10 cents. 8 cents a yard, alue, at 14 cents a yard, alue, at 4 cents a yard, ped, 10 cent value at 8 cents. 12^ cents. pes, dots and flowers, 4 cents, 7 at 6, 8 1-3 at 7 c?nts. nd Fancy Striped, 3 cent value at 14 cents a yard, olors, 10 cent value at 8 cents, ralue at 8 1-3 cents a yard. 0 cent value at 8 cents a yard, alue at 43 cents. ? at value at 47 cents, at 27 cents. i :nt values at 44 cents. : 15 cents a yard, le at 22 cents a yard, t value at 45 cents a yard, ily 6 cents a yard, cent value at only 30 cents. IILLINERY GOODS : ents. ' e at 15 cents a yard. \, ue at 20 cents. ats, 50 cent value at 40 cents, and 50c values at 27c and 40c. S' SHIRT WAISTS. ie at 15 cents. : value at 20 cents, cent value at 30 cents. or CASH only. POSIMILL BE CHARGED AND DURING THIS of above goods to the amount haser to a DISCOUNT OF\\ t PURCHASES of any other pt STAPLE GROCERIES; a 7 per cent, discount, and over d per cent. ALL CASH. CV/CDV C ATI IDHA V L< T L<I\ I k^ni vi\iy<n | . TO YOUR INTEREST TO . 1 MILLS STORE. | "BASKET PICNIC!" The Public Invited To call and see our new line of Lunch Baskets, Work Baskets, Satchel ? 4? 1 Basket?all sizes ana prices from 10 cents up. Also Fiber Lunch Boxes at 10 cents. LOOK FOR FLAG. FOUSHEE CASH STORE. (Dobson's Old Stand), Yorkvllle, S. C. Clothing At Big Discounts. Careful business men are very careful in the payment of bills to take advantage of the 2 and 3 per cent, discounts that are offered for cash payments of bills. This discount Is but a small thing of itself, but on hundreds .... * a? Qlttn or D11IS U amouiua iu quite a nu; Clothing buyers can get the advantage of much larger discounts by buying Clothing of us right now. We are determined to make room by getting rid of summer goods and are offering wonderful values in Clothing Just now. Our Clothing discounts represent, in many Instances, something like 25 per cent, and in many instances even more. If you would make money you should buy your clothing now as we are certainly making the prices to your advantage. J. Q. WRAY, The Leader. The PARKER "Lucky Curve" Pen When you write you. should use a Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pen? they are not only a convenience, but a necessity for the up-to-the-minute business man. They write and write right along and keep on writing. They are always ready to write. The use of a Parker Lucky Curve Pen will improve your handwriting, and make your work easier. Buy one today?all styles and sizes?$1.50 to $6 each. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. jj Summer C i! . jj. If you will have your d( j j Screens and thus keep the flies of insects away from the readii i! lots to the hot weather com fori !! Cover your floors with nic ? you at a low price and you w j J comfortable feeling of things, j; Another of our summer c i r> nA latify Potio n/-?rr>Ti cIioiIac auu ivug vanv |a/ivm ?jiiov?wi m make shade where and when i !! . One of our Go-Garts or. fii !! baby's comfort if you ride ''em !! course, comfortably low.. 1 | [ One of our Peerless Freez< ) [ a little flavoring extract, a few J | turning will make some delicioi 11 of will add no little to the sura i \ We have these and other i jj W. B. MOORE W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. Wonderful Sales. On account of the tardy spring season the Buggy trade has been late this season, but our sales so far this season have surpassed all previous records. We are using our best efforts to keep them on the increase. We have sold more than 50 Columbia Buggies - since January. 1st, to say nothing of the other makes. We have- a large supply of second-hand Buggies that we are offering at Bargains. Should you need one come aionce. At the prices they are offered they are going like hot cakes. Wagons, Wagons. This line Is complete! "We have Studebaker and several other makes. We have a ffne lot of Tennessee Horses, both saddlers and drivers. Our Guarantee. We pride ourselves on this feature of our business and always take pleasure in making it GOOD. GLENN & ALLISON* To the Farmers of York Connty: TTi HPiiiPiAi.T.v those who are con n. tern plating purchasing Harvesters,! Mowers and Rakes. I call to your attehtion that I am handling Waiter A. -Woods' machinery, which, is up-to-date in all improvements. I have a Mower on hand for inspection. It is a Steel Mower with roller and ball bearing. It is neat and nice. It is not only made for looks, but for long service, so bring your sledge hammer along and test the machine yourself, and as for the financial part, I can make it to your interest to buy a Woods' Mower, Harvester or Rake. A WORD OR TWO TO THE LADIE8. I have on hand another lot of the .well-known Standard Grand' Rotary Sewing Machines. Remember they are two machines fa one, which no other Machine company dare to claim. Our clainu It,is the lightest running ma- . , chine on the market. To test the ma!chine I am' willing to place one in your home on trial, and if if is not in every respect what we claim I will gladly remove the machine. Yours to serve, YORK IMPLEMENT CO. L. R. Williams, Proprietor. # Groceries? I . For the choicest and freshest edibles in cans, bottles and cartons at the lowest prices come to see us. C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. Professional partis. Thos. F. McDow. W. W. Lewis. McDOW & LEWIS, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, No. 4 Law Range, Yorkville, S. C. Prompt Attention to all business. Money loaned on approved security. July 25 sw tf A. Y. CART WRIGHT, SURGEON DENTIST, YORKVILLE, S. C. JKS^fc OFFICE HOURS: 9 . m. to i p. m.;a p.m.,t05p.ro Office In upstairs rooms of Cartwright Building, 9pposlte Telegraph and Express Offices. GEO. W. S. HART, ATTORNEY AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. a LAW RANGE. 'Phone Office No. 58. D. E. FINLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in WILSON BUILDING, opposite Court House. Telephone No. 136. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. Loans for the needy. 608 Students. 66 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Central Heating System. Fall term begins September 7, 1903. Address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. - Comfort | . > . n oors and windows fitted with <| i out in daylight, and all kinds j j lg table at night, you will add j j t that you're missing now. ; e Matting, such as we can sell ? > ill be pleased with the more !! . i omfort makers are those wide \ \ They are easy to put up and j j it is wanted. j [ flhv Parriaor#?c will aHH Intc tn < i' a heap. Our prices are, of ? O U :rs, a little milk, a little sugar, j \ ' eggs, a little ice and a little \ j us ice cream, the eating where- < > mer comfort of the inner man. j | summer comforts. o I & COMPANY. ji T. M. W HI BON ANT. T. H. LE8BLIE. HICKORY SUPPLY COMPANY HICKORY, 9. C. TRTTTVKS and Things. WE have received recently . a nice line of Trunks, and can fill your requirements In size' and quality, and at prices that are very low. See us for a Trunk when you are In need. A good Mattress on your bed. Instead of the feathers, will add a lot to your comfort these hot nights. - We have Mattresses ranging from. 11.75 to J6.50. Suppose you try one. A nice Safe will add considerably to the convenience of your kitchen. It Is not an expensive piece of furniture but adds.a lot to the completeness of a kitchen's furniture. See us for one. We are offeHng all of bur Low-Cut Shoes at your price. We want to-, close them quick, and you can get a good bargain in low cut Shoes. Straw Hkts are going at from 10 to 50 cents. Straws are more comfortable than felts for warm weather wear. HICKORY SUPPLY CO. G. H. O'LEARY. I The'Dexter'Mattress I 15.OO. . I The 'Rex' Mattress I I lo.oo. I I The 'Regal' Mattress I 7.5o. I Ask for Them. I Have other Mattresses?can suit anyone in prices. Our Furniture stock includes about everything in house furnishings'that is desirable and needful and our prices?the same to all?are as low, quality considered, as can be had of any other reliable dealer. n t* n'T r k ov vr? o? y uran ?>*? J. J. KELLER & CO., PITDEBTAimB*. OUR STOCK. y. ry? WE are carrying: a large and elaborate stock of UNDERTAKERS' GOODS. We give satisfactory attention to all calls and the prices wb charge are very close. Don't fall to see us when in need of anything in our line. Our place of business is near the Carolina and North-Western depot. j. J. KELLER & CO. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. WE are repairing, repainting, anJ overhauling Buggies, and we are doing this work at prices that . are right. You'll find us in the rear of Riddle & Carroll's. R. B. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. CLOTHES CLEANING. J WANT to clean, repair and press , all of your old suits. First class work guaranteed. Leave me your orders for First Class Tailor-Made Clothing. Made to measure Pants a speciala.. TTIIi. J Miin?A?^AAi4 pAWnnf Iy, r It O.I1U WUI IV 5uaiamccu. vvi?vi/?. prices and the very l&teefr awdF most popular styles. R. I*. BRANDON. H PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean** and beaotiflM the hair. Promote! a luxuriant growth. Never Tall* to Beatore Gray Hair to lta Youthful Color. Ibe ||orkviUe <6nquirrr. Published Wednesday and Saturday. PUBLI8HE1W t W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! Single copy for one year 9 2 00 One copy for two years 3 50 For Six months l uu For three months 50 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten. . ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at-One Dollar per square for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent Insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. * , Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by Monday at noon, when Intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Thursday at noon, when Intended for Saturday's Issue. %